Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Cadino and Rich Podcast.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
Be sure to catch us live every weekday from five
to seven Eastern to the four Pacific on Fox Sports Radio.
Find your local station for Covino on Rich at Foxsports
Radio dot com, or stream us live every day on
the iHeartRadio app like searching FSR.
Speaker 1 (00:19):
A ride Monday, let's go hot going on today?
Speaker 2 (00:24):
Man, inauguration, people off from Mark, off from school, and uh,
you're here, Covin on Rich, Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (00:34):
What'sap? I would say, I'm on the ones and Tues?
What's up? Buddy?
Speaker 2 (00:38):
Hey, O Spaghettio, Damny Jew super producing, and Covino trying
to figure out his microphone. Can we go back to
back like White Snake again? No, man, we're like White Snake.
We're like an eighties band. We use one mic back
to back. Yeah, breathe on each other a little.
Speaker 1 (00:54):
Bit to harmonize. You figure it out. I'm telling you do.
I need to come in. There's something on the console
so all the mics are messed up. Good job.
Speaker 2 (01:05):
All right, let's rock out live from the ti iraq
dot com studio.
Speaker 1 (01:09):
Here we are, Oh, we fixed it. You know what
it is? These guys on the weekend.
Speaker 2 (01:17):
They come here and they put their feet up and
knock drinks over everything and it short circuits the boards. No,
it is really is that no disrefect to the weekend shows.
They do a great job. But do you mean that's
how we got started here? No, I'm saying the mindset
of a lot of people that are part time, they
just don't treat it like their house.
Speaker 1 (01:33):
Now, you're absolutely right.
Speaker 2 (01:35):
You know you ever you ever see people of your
house say that respectfully?
Speaker 1 (01:40):
Look at this, I'm not even joking. Look at what
just happened. The microphone places fall apart.
Speaker 2 (01:46):
You know what, someone's got to put their foot Yeah, no, seriously, Yeah,
Rich's mike just fell off the stand. We're broadcasting live
from the ti raq dot com studio. Cavino and Rich
tiraq dot com. Get there an unmatched selection, fast re shipping,
free road hazard protection over ten thousand recommended installers ti
iraq dot comly tire buying should be and make sure
while Rich fixes his micro broken mine wasn't turning on
and Riches fell off broke. Make sure to check out
the Fox Sports Radio YouTube channel. Just search Fox Sports
Radio on YouTube and you'll see a whole bunch of
video highlights from our show, including our bonus show. Over
promised be sure to subscribe so you always have instant
access to our Fox Sports Radio videos on YouTube, and
in fact, Over promised our bonus show. We played a
game last week. It's called Name That Baby Star Stars
NFL Star before they were stars. Plus, we talked about
Bob Ucker football and more Over promised Fox Sports.
Speaker 1 (02:50):
Radio's YouTube page.
Speaker 2 (02:51):
Later today we give away prizes we get this week
going last one standing eight seven, seven ninety nine on Fox.
But we got to say, Happy Martin Luther King Day.
Hope you enjoyed your day off. Hope you had a
day off. Happy Inauguration Day. As Dave Chappelle said hosting
SNL this weekend, let's just hope for great things. Yeah, buddy,
why would you be rooting against the guy. This is
our country rooting for great things moving forward. That's all
you can do, right, So happy Inauguration Day. And I
hope you had Chiefs, Commandos, Eagles, Bills sort of weekend,
some great great football over the weekend. Some UFC three
eleven came original and we got to talk about it. Yeah, man,
I do want to compare. Like I said, how weekend
people treat studios, not just here. We've worked in radio
twenty years. You do what are you doing over there,
Bob Barker, you were at kay Rock. I have to
hold my hand, my micro and my hand that I
know the labor involved in this. Every radio station in
the history of radio or television, any broadcast facility, the
hard timers, they use the wall as a backboard for
their drink. So every radio studio in America has stains
on one wall in the studio. He's not lying, and
it could be the nicest studio. It's ruined within a
few months. And my other thought is, you know, when
you go to someone else's house, you try to be considered,
but you'll see someone drop a potato chip and they'll
kick it under the fridge instead of picking it up.
Speaker 1 (04:27):
That's how people that aren't here every day treat plays.
Speaker 2 (04:30):
It's a sign of one's character. If you drop a
nice cube bridge, do you kick it under the fridge
or do you pick it up. I try to pick
it up, and sometimes if it's slippery, then I'll kick well.
Like I said, it's a sign of one's character. I
always reach over and pick it up. Sometimes I'll throw
in a plant. Refresh that bad boy. I'll throw it
in my dog. He's a little ball.
Speaker 1 (04:48):
Throw it in a plant. I'll throw it.
Speaker 2 (04:49):
Into the sink. It shows the type of person you are.
If you kick it under the sink, it means you
don't care and you're self centered. You don't care about
anyone but yourself. Look at that, dB, what's going on, buddy.
Speaker 3 (04:59):
I'd take great offense to your weekend people part timing blanket,
considering that I was in that exact chair from five
to eight Eastern time yesterday, and so you generalizing us
weekend people as people who are just cavalier.
Speaker 2 (05:17):
Dan, you're here six days a week. I think you're
more full time than anyone in this building.
Speaker 1 (05:22):
It's that's how I look at it. I look at it.
I'm saying, Dan, when you were here and you've been
here for fifty year.
Speaker 3 (05:27):
Somebody did pour a drink on the console this past weekend.
Speaker 1 (05:30):
Wow. I would not name any names. I angered.
Speaker 2 (05:33):
Did they gnaw off this microphone? Enough complaining? We got
football talking about we got something else planning. Just explain
say it like it's it is. It's just how it
is that's all. And dB, good to see you man.
Good to see you Guysb's on your updates. We got
Danny g super produced and at eight seven seven ninety nine.
Speaker 1 (05:53):
Everything's good in this studio.
Speaker 2 (05:55):
Yeah, and we got Iowa Sam on the ones and Tuesday.
Speaker 4 (05:58):
It's definitely not one hundred degrees in this studio having
some issues with the cooling and heating and the building.
Speaker 2 (06:05):
Hey, if only one MIC's working, I don't mind going
back to back with Rich. Like I said, we're like
eighties rock stars. We'll rock that mic. We rock the
mic on the daily. Hope you brush your teeth today.
I did so. I try to do that every day. Yeah, yeah,
not just Martin Luther King go fulle. You brush your
teeth today, not just on inauguration days. Every day I
did that. So thank you guys for being here. I
hope you enjoyed the weekend. Now, before we get into
things that made you go hmm, all your observations from
the games this weekend, or maybe a movie you saw,
something you did, whatever made you say hmmm. I know, Rich,
you wanted to talk about Lamar Jackson being in a
group of people in a category that you just don't
want to find yourself in and in life and especially
in sports. You know me, I love to talk about
little windows. I'm going to talk about the little window
we all have for opportunity in life. But before we
get to that exact thought, I was happy to see
Lamar Jackson not want to point fingers at Mark Andrews.
Speaker 1 (07:05):
Take a listen to Lamar after the game.
Speaker 5 (07:07):
It's a team effort, you know. He'd been busting his
behind making plays. Happened out down nfield for us. Came
up short. And like I've been saying all season, every
time we had a situations like this, turnovers, player factor,
pennanties player factor today, well tonight to turnover had it,
you know, And that's why we lost the game, because
as you can see, moving the ball wonderfully is hold on.
I'm sorry for my language annoying to it.
Speaker 2 (07:33):
And you can't expect anything more from your leader than accountability.
And that's really how you have to view it. It
wasn't his fault. It's a lasting impression. He should have
caught it. Don't lay a finger on Andrew's butterfingers. He
had a bad fumble, but he wasn't the only guy
that fumble, and again, there's so many moments throughout the game,
it just doesn't come down to that.
Speaker 1 (07:59):
Turn's absolutely right.
Speaker 2 (08:01):
Turnovers not only your favorite Sunday morning little treat, but
the name of the game.
Speaker 1 (08:07):
I really think.
Speaker 2 (08:07):
Lamar Jackson nailed it right there. We all need to
view things from that perspective and keep that in mind
when watching these games. It's not his falls a team game,
but man, that was a big, big moment to not
catch the ball.
Speaker 4 (08:24):
If you go back and look at the replay of
the two point conversion drop, yeah, his bad footing had
a lot to do with mishandling that ball because of
the slick surface.
Speaker 2 (08:35):
Yeah, you saw something slip there. But a tough loss
and I think handled really well from Lamar Jackson in
that moment. You got to ask yourself, though, this is
where I want to go to those little windows in life,
in dating, at work, every aspect of your life, you
have windows of time to really get to the next
level or couplish your goal. I know guys like Gary Vayner,
Chuck on Instagram and no TikTok's back, they'll tell you
that you could start your own business and become an
entrepreneur at eighty if you want far and few between.
Does someone peak at eighty years old unless they're a
can't remember of the Sopranos, unless you're Polly Walnuts. And
your big gig came as an old goombag gangster at
sixty years old.
Speaker 1 (09:27):
He was a real gangster before the show, so I
think more research.
Speaker 2 (09:33):
He's not old by any means, by any means, but
he's turned twenty eight, six and one, fourteen and two,
eleven and five, ten and seven, thirteen and four, twelve
and five since he entered the league, three and five
in the playoffs, and winning season after winning season after
winning season. And you got to credit the Baltimore Ravens
for continuously putting a good product out there. But as
you love to tell me that the forty nine ers
window you know, may be closing, can't say the same
about everyone that after years of just falling short, like
eventually it's like yeah, time.
Speaker 1 (10:13):
Speaker 2 (10:13):
I don't see that as much with the Ravens because
they got Henry now and they have more weapons and
it seems like they got better this year. And I
don't see Lamar Jackson losing any steam. I think this
is a simple matter of turnovers losing the game, and
we saw a lot of that over the weekend. You
can't expect to beat these teams, these high caliber teams,
when you're having that many turnovers. But I mean, everybody
has an expiration date, Rich, I mean, you don't have
all the time in the world to make it happen.
I just don't think it's the case for them. I'm
just saying, if you're at a job and you get
passed over for that promotion one time, it's like, oh,
you know, maybe next time, you get passed over for
that promotion time after time after time, like you're Jason
Bateman and horrible bosses, like you know, you're you're about
to stand up, thinking like and the promotion goes to
Covino without knock Covino. Eventually you'll be like, you know,
maybe this maybe it's just never gonna happen, right, That's
what do you do in that case?
Speaker 1 (11:14):
You find another job. I'll be honest.
Speaker 2 (11:16):
A lot of women find themselves dating a guy who's
reluctant to pull the trigger and get married, and she's like, you, like.
Speaker 1 (11:21):
I think, is it ever gonna happen?
Speaker 2 (11:23):
You know, like you got to credit the defenders who
are taking boxing lessons. I don't know how they have
precision accuracy nowadays? Are they hitting the speed bag? What
are they doing for target practice? Because these defenders they're
not even going in for the tackle half the time.
Half the time they're not in position to make the tackle,
but they're able to hit a moving target. That's her
key jerky jukin back and forth to be able to
knock the ball out the way the defenders are. Honestly,
you also need to commend that. So we can say,
Mark Andrews, how did you drop it at the fifty
yard linel like that?
Speaker 1 (12:00):
Right again? His terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.
Speaker 2 (12:04):
Or you could say, man, these defenders are getting next
level with their with their target practice.
Speaker 1 (12:09):
We call that a TJ. Watt swat. Y know, it's
not easy to hit a moving target.
Speaker 2 (12:14):
But you know what, I'll give you an analogy Stars
Colin style. You know how in baseball, old fans, the
boomer fans are like, hey, we're gone to the days
of people bet in three hundred and we realize that
you'd rather a guy that bats two twenty, but if
he hits doubles and home runs. So if a guy
has a good right hook, that's what you're looking for nowadays.
But I'm saying because it's not even a watt Swana anymore,
it's a it's a left hook. What I'm saying is,
you know, old heads would say, no one wraps and
tackles anymore. And the way baseball players are being conditioned now, yo,
home run trajectory doubles extra base hits home runs. Forget
Batten three ten, It doesn't matter if he got three ten,
hit forty home runs. Secondaries and defenders are taught turnovers
more important. So when you say, how do these grown
as professional athletes not rap and tackle the way you
were taught maybe as a kid, it's.
Speaker 1 (13:13):
Because the game has changed.
Speaker 2 (13:14):
And Lamar point after the game too, when he was
taking the heat off of Andrews. He was saying, this
comes down to turnovers, and he is also to blame
when it came to that. He was sloppy the first
half and he was impeccable the second half, but.
Speaker 1 (13:32):
Just tough to watch. I feel bad for him.
Speaker 2 (13:33):
And to answer your question, Rich, when you're that good
and when you're I think he's gonna win another MVP.
I don't think they're out of it yet. How many
chances will the Ravens get have no idea? What Let's
feel like they have to work on holding the ball?
Thanks really yea giving three time? Likely MVP, right, and
he's only twenty eight, so there's a.
Speaker 1 (13:53):
Lot of time.
Speaker 2 (13:54):
I'm just saying, this team with Derrick Henry, Lamar Jackson
and Mark Andrews, you know the core of this team.
You know, to get back to this part of the
season is hard. To make the playoffs and get to
the second or third round, it's not easy.
Speaker 1 (14:11):
So you got to ask yourself. We talked about this before, Danny.
Speaker 2 (14:14):
Do you remember, like a year ago, we had a
conversation about who of these quarterbacks will win a Super Bowl?
Speaker 4 (14:20):
Yeah, and the list was long and then very short. Yeah,
not everybody win.
Speaker 1 (14:25):
Yeah, we listed them off.
Speaker 2 (14:26):
I remember doing this because I was trying to prove
a sarcastic point because we're like Joe Burrow, Oh, yeah,
I'm sure he'll win one. Josh Allen, Oh he'll definitely
win one. Lamar Jackson, Oh, he'll win one. Jalen hurts
Brock party, And we went down the list and I'm like, yo,
we just said about ten different guys are going to
win a Super Bowl in their career. Try two of
those guys, because you could name more great quarterbacks that
never won.
Speaker 1 (14:48):
And I'm not saying Mahomes is Michael Jordan.
Speaker 2 (14:52):
But we always talk about how Michael Jordan prevented a
hell of a lot of.
Speaker 1 (14:56):
NBA stars from winning in the ninet.
Speaker 2 (15:00):
Patrick Ewing still having nightmares about it, Karl Malone's cries
about it, John Stock. The way I saw it, though,
Rich was man the mutual respect between Lamar Jackson and
Josh Allen. Now they're gonna go They're gonna go down
in history as two guys that competed for it and
battled for it. And we see Josh Allen coming out
on top yesterday. You know, maybe he'll win it all,
maybe he stops Mahomes from being that guy to three pete.
But I saw that as We're gonna see more of
those battles in the future, and we might see and
I think we will see Lamar Jackson on the flip
side of that, maybe next year, maybe the year after,
but you're gonna see that for a few more years
to come. I don't think it's about windows with them. Yeah,
but it's not every time you go thirteen and four,
fourteen and three, twelve and five and your fan base
is like this is it.
Speaker 1 (15:53):
But when you got.
Speaker 2 (15:54):
Superstars like Lamar and Allen, you're gonna continue building around
those guys. Say those things about your forty nine ers.
I don't think brock Perdy's that same level of god.
I don't think so either, right, I mean he's not,
but there's stars on that team that are that level. True,
but they're aging and they're getting hurt, and they're not
born the same way they were born. I think the
Ravens have a little more time and like I said,
you'll see them back again next year, just like this,
and maybe Lamar Jackson wins it. Maybe they learned something
from that, maybe they counteract all these punches being thrown
at it. I'm not going to ball out, but maybe
Andrews has a little bit of redemption in him. But
you know, to win even one is difficult when you
think about you know, you think about guys that were
there often and again, if you want to make analogy
to another sport, do you remember when the Atlanta Braves
won their division? What felt like it felt like fifty
years in a row when they had glev and small traumatics,
and it felt like every year it was like lock
them in for ninety five to one hundred wins. Honestly,
it might as well have been twenty five years that
the Braves just dominated and they came away with one
World Series.
Speaker 1 (17:04):
Andrew Jones, I mean the.
Speaker 2 (17:08):
Crime dog get points to that, right, I mean, like,
that's so many great players, David Justice for a lot
of it. So I want what Rich is getting that
is every year you don't do it is just you're
the clock is ticking because you look at the NFL
and you say guys like Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees, guys
that were there year after year after year. Tom Brady's
an anomaly. Patrick Mahomes is an anomaly. These guys are
just it's silly. Lamar Jackson, for as great as he is,
is he going to be one of those guys that
doesn't win at all? That's really what you're getting at.
Until Peyton Manning one with the Broncos, which you could
argue the defense carried him all that greatness, and he
had one in Indianapolis.
Speaker 1 (17:48):
It's not easy.
Speaker 4 (17:50):
I tend to agree with you, Covino. The Ravens just
need to play a clean game. That's it in the
postseason because they're two. There are two most recent playoff
losses now a total of six turns overs. And you know,
Lamar to me is still the most exciting quarterback to watch.
I'm not a fan of the Ravens, but just to
watch Lamar play in that final drive very exciting, and
I want to see him make it to a Super Bowl.
Speaker 2 (18:14):
I agree the sta should have easily won that, but
look at von miller recovery. You know, there's so many
opportunities to Andrew the Andrews fumble, like there's too many
turnovers against the Bills.
Speaker 1 (18:25):
Dude, come on, co But look.
Speaker 2 (18:27):
From the time Lamar Jackson was twenty two in twenty
eighteen till now Dan Byer, the records are great. Fourteen
to two, eleven and five, they missed the you know
that one off year, then ten and seven, thirteen and four,
twelve and five.
Speaker 1 (18:37):
Like you got you gotta figure out how to get
the next step.
Speaker 3 (18:42):
Yes, and every opportunity is not the same. You're not
the same team every year. What about if they dodged
injuries which years past it had injuries on the offensive
line that would help them. This year, everything was in place.
That's kind of like how I feel like with the
Lions a little bit. But I know you're talking about
the Ravens. But you have to take advantage when it's
your year because there is no guarantee that everything is
going to go your way the next year.
Speaker 1 (19:07):
In fact, it's very likely that it won't. Healthy Henry, yes, absolutely,
that's true.
Speaker 2 (19:13):
The only time in my life I can remember, and
I'm sure there's another dB, but I remember when the
Royals fell short in the World Series and they went
back the next year and won it. So many times
when you fall short, the sentiment is we'll be back,
and it's like, the truth is, you're likely not going
to be back. Matt Ryan twenty eight to three thought
he was gonna win a Super Bowl. The Falcons fans.
The only I'm not disagreeing with you, I actually am
agreeing with you. The only factor here that separates all
your other examples though, is Lamar Jackson. He's so good
to count you can't really ever count him out. But magic,
as Dan Bayer said, because I mean, how do you
disserve with Dan Bayer? There's something magical or a health
place an issue. My two teams. This is very close
to me, so I'll speak on behalf of myself as
a fan. I know for a fact there's no way
the Mets could duplicate the magic from last year. They
didn't even win the World Series, but there's no way
they could duplicate that Lindor pet Alonzo crazy magic.
Speaker 1 (20:18):
And you can't do it without Pete Alonzo not gonna happen.
Speaker 2 (20:20):
And the forty nine ers, you guys all bust my
chops when I'm you know, how many times could the
Niners go deep in the playoffs and just not get
the job done before a year like this happens where
injuries come into play and they win six games. All right,
So we asked you Fox Sports Radio Nation before we
get into things that make you go hmmm, Lamar Jackson,
was this his window of opportunity because they had so
many things going right? This was their year, they had health,
this was their time. Or do you say what Josh
Allen said, This guy's arguably the most talented guy to
ever be on a football field. Once he figures out
how to keep it a clean game, yeah, they'll win
one eventually, you know who is close to million times
and only one one, Brett farf Like there's people that
had envy. I believe Brett Farv was also a three
time MVP around that time, and just it's sealing. The
deal is so tricky, and I wish Ravens fans luck
and Dan Byer. It was great to point out the
Lions too, because.
Speaker 1 (21:17):
What was the saddest loss that one? Or Lions far.
Speaker 2 (21:20):
Man and I felt great for Jaden Daniels, and you
felt great for Josh Allen. But man, what a what
a week ass weekend for Lions fans and Ravens fans
because that was a lot of people's pick for the
Super Bowl Lions and Ravens.
Speaker 1 (21:33):
Yeah, oh my, so bad.
Speaker 2 (21:34):
I I of course didn't rub it in on any
of the Ravens or Lions fans that I know, right,
because it was so tough, Like, oh man.
Speaker 1 (21:41):
I mean there's one here I'd like to.
Speaker 4 (21:46):
We've been joking on the air for like five weeks
now that it's going to turn out to be a
Chiefs Eagles super Bowl.
Speaker 1 (21:52):
Better believe it is. Better believe it.
Speaker 2 (21:54):
Three people, let's go, I will, let's go. Your thoughts man,
some great, great football. You're not on the show until tomorrow,
I know, but how exciting was it compared to last week?
Especially rich you talked about that on Patreon today. Compared
to last week's games, man, this week's games were next
level awesome.
Speaker 1 (22:10):
We hope you enjoy it.
Speaker 2 (22:11):
Up For a many you thought the Rams are gonna
win on a last minute drive, but you fell just short.
And you know McVeigh was you know, he coaches the
ass off. But you know, we'll take your feedback. We're
going to get into things that made you go. So
your observations from divisional weekend. We got a national championship tonight.
It's a lot of fun going on here at CNR
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That's expresspros dot Com. I see what you did here, Sam,
Little Blue Monday action.
Speaker 1 (23:38):
You know lines fans are, They're feeling pretty.
Speaker 2 (23:40):
Blue Sanday for the Lions fans, Ravens fans, A Honolulu
Blue Monday, A Hona Lulu Blue Monday. Sam on the
Ones and Twos, dannyg Super Producing, Dan Byern's got your
updates in a few minutes. Elijah's here, Spotty's here. What
a Party with Cadino and Rich on Fox Sports Radio
let's go.
Speaker 1 (24:02):
Speaker 2 (24:03):
We'll get to your phone calls in just a moment.
Eight seven seven ninety nine, m Fox. You could also
hit us up at Covino and Rich at Fox Sports
Radio getting ready for things that make you go hm.
But any final thoughts on Lamar Jackson winning one. I
think I think it's far from over from this, dude.
I think you're right because he's twenty eight. It's not
like he's thirty eight and we're like, man, is he
going to play another year solf? But again, is it
the story of Calverken junior? He won his rookie year
and thought I'll be back and you know, never got
there again. To win a championship in any sport is
terribly difficult. When Jimmy Butler made it to the finals
with Miami, and I know you're a big Jimmy Buckets fan,
you were pulling for him because I remember us saying, like, man,
the path that year was easy and they'll never win
one though. It it's just the reality of it. We
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You know, I'm Steve Cavino. That is rich. Now let's
take a phone call.
Speaker 1 (25:37):
Yeah, we're gonna go things a made you go?
Speaker 2 (25:39):
And let's get into things that made you go. Hmmm
this weekend. We do it every Monday.
Speaker 1 (25:47):
Things that make you go, things that make your goal.
Speaker 2 (25:52):
Any of your observations this football weekend or fight weekend
UFC three eleven, or maybe a watch something cool, anything
that made you scratch your nug And I mean that
could be dumb observations, like a dumb observation example most
of mine.
Speaker 1 (26:07):
No, but football in the snow? Why is it just
so much more fun? To watch because we played it
on video games. That's why it's just like like Jalen hurt.
Even when there was even though it.
Speaker 2 (26:16):
Was a little flurry or something, it's like, oh, that's
just visually fun to watch. And you know you questioned
a footing, but it didn't seem to bother Sae Kwon Barkley.
But before we go too far down, you know we
were talking about Lamar Jackson. I kept calling him jokingly,
Samuel Lamar Jackson, Samuel L.
Speaker 1 (26:37):
Speaker 2 (26:37):
I don't know if you saw this AI thing, but
they created like who would play these guys in movies
or who they resemble?
Speaker 1 (26:45):
Energy? Do they have?
Speaker 2 (26:47):
Yeah, I've seen them all. Yeah, where do you see
a young Samuel L. Jackson in a raven's uniform? He
might as well be Lamar Jackson in a movie or
something like that. Again, he's too old now, but you
could see he's the same sort of vibe, same sort
of look. But this AI thing has everybody seen this
at this point?
Speaker 3 (27:06):
Speaker 1 (27:06):
It went around.
Speaker 2 (27:07):
I can't tell you how many people sent this to me.
So when thirty five different people have sent it to me,
I imagine it got around to everybody. They have these
Ai generated you know who does this NFL superstar remind
you of? And a lot of them are pretty accurate.
You're like, well, yeah, that's pretty good.
Speaker 1 (27:23):
I like that.
Speaker 2 (27:24):
So it did make me say hmmm, because I never
thought of that before. Let's go to Terry in San Diego. Terry, Hey, Terry,
what was your observation from the weekend?
Speaker 1 (27:32):
My friend, I don't know.
Speaker 6 (27:34):
Why they put a rookie announcer on the Lions game
that Tom Brady and Kevin Burkhart they wouldn't shot up.
I had to turn the sound off. They literally were
having a contest of who could talk more.
Speaker 2 (27:46):
I love I love Kevin Burkhart as a broadcaster, and
I don't know why people think Tom Brady's so bad.
He's not the most polished he's But like, does it
really bother you that much?
Speaker 1 (27:56):
I've never watched the game. It does.
Speaker 2 (27:58):
The announce the only guy with you rich, but man,
it's split down the middle, it really is. But Danny,
do you ever watch a game where you're like, I
can't stand to me.
Speaker 1 (28:08):
Either, I don't. It doesn't bother me. No, not often.
Speaker 4 (28:11):
There is a time or two where they're talking too
much for me and I'm like, Okay, I get it,
like they'll repeat some thoughts over and over, but I
don't know that particular broadcast didn't bother.
Speaker 2 (28:23):
Well, here's the thing too, with Tom Brady, He's gonna
get better. We always talk about that, right, Yeah, we
talked about it on the show last week. He's incredible
with his work ethic. You know, he's driven to get
better and maybe even be the best. But when you
hire a guy like Tom Brady, he's a polarizing guy.
Speaker 1 (28:36):
Speaker 2 (28:37):
For as many people that like him, there are people
that dislike him no matter what. So you're watching him
with an already I hate this guy default setting in
your brain, so you're gonna hate him every time he
opens his mouth. That's the little caveat with a Tom
Brady in the booth sort of thing. You don't have
an opinion of him already, not everybody loves him. It's
very reflective of politics, right, because people are passionate about
hating a team the way they are passionate about hating politicians.
Speaker 1 (29:05):
Speaker 2 (29:05):
So let's say you're not a fan of President Trump,
even if he does something good, you're really not gonna
give him pready, And because Tom Brady probably beat all
your teams. You already hate the guy, so I do understand,
and I do want to say this though, as far
as Kevin Burkhart, our very first TV appearance as a
show was with Kevin Burkhart on US and why we
had made other like talking head appearances on TV, but
promoting our shows with Kevin Burkhart, and we worked with
him twenty thirteen twenty fourteen when he was a Mets
sideline guy. So to see his career flourished the way
it has has been cool to watch. But I will
say this from my own personal experience of just watching
how he operates, I'm not sure I met anyone who
had as much bde as that guy. His strut, the
way he carried himself was just so confident and so cool. Yeah,
and so likable. Move over, Nick Foles. Seriously, you know
he really was that guy. So I'm not really surprised,
and I think he's one of the great. So wherever
Tom Brady lacks and he will get better, I feel
like Kevin Burkhart's making up for it no matter what.
Speaker 1 (30:20):
That's just my opinion. Everybody's gonna have theirs, and it's
also Tom Brady.
Speaker 2 (30:25):
So while he isn't as polished, he's still given perspective
from a guy that's done more than anyone else in
the NFL. Why are we counting on him to be polished.
It's his first year and he's the analyst. Kevin Burkhardt's
is as polished as you could be. You're asking the
color commentator for too much. He's not supposed to be.
Kevin Burkhart, Kevin's got that on lockdown, no doubt.
Speaker 1 (30:49):
All Right, other observations. I thought.
Speaker 2 (30:51):
The interesting thought was all the teams this past weekend
that gained more yardage lost, which was just one of
those sentiments that how do you operate in the red zone?
How do you hold onto the ball and not turn
it over? How do you, you know, eat up the clock
and keep the ball away from the other teams. It
really is a matter of there was a point where
some of these games felt like, Wow, this team is
playing just as good as the other team, but the score.
Speaker 1 (31:21):
Is not showing that.
Speaker 2 (31:22):
Yeah, some really great competitive games, which is right, and
it wasn't reflective of that. The stat went that the
four teams that out gained the other team all lost.
Another takeaway I'll just say it out there to open
it up, because I'm sure someone's gonna mention it or
have more to elaborate on it. But the sentiment and
feeling and social media outcry of the chief still getting calls.
And you know, the bigger the stage gets, the more
obvious and more absurd it seems, because so many eyes
are on.
Speaker 1 (31:55):
Come on, are you serious? Have you seen the montages?
Speaker 2 (31:59):
It off getting hit, Lamar Jackson getting hit, Stafford, every
quarterback getting hit, and then they showed up smashed. Yeah,
he got popped porn and you see Mahomes two really
bad calls. They don't even hit him and they get
the call in fact that two defenders many.
Speaker 1 (32:19):
And then the push on the little tap on his
back on the side.
Speaker 2 (32:23):
Oh, and it's so so evident and noticeable again on
this big stage, it's like, of course, this is not
a good look. You know what, We're gonna take all
your feedback. Jimmy, Doug, we'll get to you next. And
everyone else on hold things that made you go, hmmm,
divisional weekend.
Speaker 1 (32:38):
But let's go to Dan Buyer for a ough day.
What's up, baby, guys?
Speaker 3 (32:41):
The big news other day is Ben Johnson will be
the new head coach of.
Speaker 1 (32:44):
The Chicago Bears. His multiple reports.
Speaker 3 (32:46):
Say he will leave the Lions after three seasons as
their offensive coordinator. In fact, the NFL Network says that
Johnson is expected to bring Dennis Allen, the former Saints
head coach. He would come over as the Bears defensive coordinator.
The Saints are looking to fill lee vacancy left by
Allen's dismissal. They're interviewing Mike McCarthy in person later this week. Well,
it shouldn't be also noted that Aaron Glenn, who interviewed
with the Jets, today, will have a second meeting with
the Saints. Glenn the Lions defensive coordinator. Colts have found
their defensive coordinator. It's lou Anarumo. He comes over from
the Cincinnati Bengals, where he was dismissed as their defensive
coordinator at the end of the season. CFP National Championship
Game tonight, all the marbles in college football are on
the line in Atlanta, Ohio State taking on Notre Dame.
Kickoff at seven thirty Eastern time on this Martin Luther
King Day. It's been a busy day of the NBA
including in Memphis with the Grizzlies rallied for a one
eight one oh six win against the Minnesota Timberwolves. Nicks
outscored the Hawks. That's now a final one nineteen to
one ten. Piston's won in Houston against the Rockets one
oh seven ninety six, while the Hornets were victorious against
the Mavericks one ten to one oh five. As we speak,
Cavaliers routing the Sun six forty nine to go. It's
one o eight seventy eight. Donovan it Choe's got thirty
three for Cleveland. Celtics up on the Warriors after the
first quarter twenty nine to eighteen. And finally, women's college
basketball in the Coreta Scott King Classic that you saw
in Fox number one, UCLA top Baylor today seventy two
fifty seven. Guys, back to you, no, thank.
Speaker 1 (34:14):
You, Dan Byer, next man.
Speaker 2 (34:16):
But by the way, what what's you're like feeling when
you see former coaches being hired as coordinators? Do you
look at that as like extra leadership? Because you know,
we said the other day, how many head coaches keep
getting head coaching opportunities when former head coaches just join
someone's staff. And I look at that like like Joey Flanco,
He's there, you know, to help out, oversee and step up.
Speaker 1 (34:37):
It also feels like extra leadership.
Speaker 2 (34:39):
Yeah, it's like having a great backup QB or something,
no doubt. Hey, before we get to the rest of
your phone calls and feedback, things that made you go
hmm this weekend, can I just give you one thing
to be me go?
Speaker 1 (34:51):
Speaker 2 (34:52):
It's Martin Luther King Day? He had a dream, make
yours come true. It's also an inauguration day. Did you
your novelty item you got at Spencer's Gifts back of
the day. I use it once a year. Rich his
Martin Lufa King. It's my loofer that I used once
a year. And it's a bad joke, tell no, but
it actually.
Speaker 1 (35:11):
Is a roof. It's an actual item.
Speaker 2 (35:12):
Yes, it's an actual item and the thing that made
me say hmm, how to do with the inauguration? It's
also inauguration Day. I mean, no disrespect, but what was
going on with Malania Trump's hamburglar outfit? What is that
spy versus spy? What is going on here? Yes, Dick
Tracy thing mad magazine? What's going on here? That hamburglar?
It was so much that she couldn't even know he
couldn't even lean in for a kiss because the hat
got like there's a time and place.
Speaker 3 (35:44):
I wondered if she was a smooth criminal, you know,
I wondered if any was okay or not?
Speaker 1 (35:50):
You know what that's so great? Dan?
Speaker 2 (35:52):
Was she like did she have a bunch of watches
underneath that jacket? What was going on with this?
Speaker 1 (35:56):
So anyway?
Speaker 2 (35:57):
That made me say, hmm, we're going to get to
the rest of your phone calls and feedback. We'll do
it next at eighty seven, seven ninety nine on five
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I should be who's that smooth criminal at the inauguration?
That's Melaania Trump? Who's selling watches? Honestly, I know we're
not Trump, right, that's obvious. I'm not the president of anything.
I'm the president of my own fan club. You have
your own phone, But can you imagine Can you imagine
going out remember somewhere important, and your wife or girlfriends
show up and they were in a Hamburgler outfit where
you be like, ah H, should I put on my
Ronald Donald shoes? I mean we're not into high fashion.
Maybe that's gave me a break. Like I said, there's
a time and place like Halloween.
Speaker 1 (37:39):
I don't know. And that's no hate.
Speaker 2 (37:42):
In fact, I congratulate our forty seventh president of the
United States. But that is one of the stories today.
Our outfit, Millennia Trump's outfit. Every time I every time
I leave the house, I always look at my wife
and be like.
Speaker 1 (37:53):
Is this so okay? Right?
Speaker 2 (37:54):
I always run it by someone, especially at Hamburger's.
Speaker 1 (37:58):
A bit of a bold choice. No one on her
team said.
Speaker 2 (38:04):
You know, well, they're probably gonna make lots of like
jokes and means about you.
Speaker 1 (38:08):
You probably should.
Speaker 2 (38:09):
You know how the world works, you know how look
TikTok's back, right, You know people are gonna make all
these jokes about it.
Speaker 1 (38:15):
They would not be a little bit. They would not
be looking at me. They would be looking at my husband.
So funny, that's funny. I like my hat, my hat.
Speaker 2 (38:25):
I have to go to the innocutation now. Now again,
she's a beautiful woman. Of course that's not the point,
but it did make me say.
Speaker 1 (38:33):
Hmm, well, I mean this day I'll defend Donald.
Speaker 2 (38:37):
Your wife or girlfriend says, how does this look Are
you ever gonna say not?
Speaker 1 (38:40):
Good? No, there is it is? I know it a
villain of a Pilgrim movie.
Speaker 4 (38:47):
It already looks like the villain from Raiders of It
already looks like an SNL skit right. Oh you know
that's gonna happens.
Speaker 2 (39:01):
I bet you though, if you look online and social media,
people are gonna start buying that hat. Yeah, absolutely, because
every time there's some items, don't are you running to
the storted by Hulk Hogan beer just because Donald said so?
Speaker 1 (39:13):
But I'll tell you what.
Speaker 2 (39:14):
I'll tell you what people say politic By the way, yeah,
who cares? That's an observation, dude. Look on your social
media feed. Half the people I love in my life
are like greatest day in the world. The other half
of the people in my life are like pray the America.
Like everyone makes crazy, everyone's crazy. As Kavino says, we're
Kavina a pizza party of two. I'm a taco party
of one. Record you don't want to go to my
pizza party now now? Even out of that, thanks, We're
gonna go to your feedback. The weekend of divisional playoffs
National Championship tonight your observation in the world of sports
and entertainment. I got two quick entertainment ones and we'll
get back to football. If you watch Silo on Apple
TV the finale and Kavino says, I'm not doing a
good job selling Silo. You gotta say Silo, broe, I'll
sell ready, ready, I'll tell you how to I'll show
you how to sell something. To really get my attention, dude.
Lots of great games over the weekend, right, take your pick,
lots of great games.
Speaker 1 (40:10):
No game was my favorite over the weekend.
Speaker 2 (40:12):
Gerald's Game, Bro. And I know what you're thinking, What's
Gerald's Game? Some movie I saw on Netflix that made
me say what? It didn't even make me say hmm,
it made me say what Gerald's game?
Speaker 1 (40:24):
Speaker 2 (40:25):
Tried Gerald's Game. You can teach everyone how to sell something, dude. Yeah,
that was my point. I watched some movie. It was
supposed to be like the Stephen King thriller that's on Netflix,
so I'm like, I'll check it out before I fall Asleep.
Came out in twenty seventeen, never heard about it.
Speaker 1 (40:38):
Put it on. I couldn't even make it through because
it was freaking me out. I'm serious. All right, that's
how you sell. I sold.
Speaker 4 (40:46):
I sold penguin like that for a month to you
guys watched peg Wood bro b peg Wood bro.
Speaker 1 (40:56):
Gerald's game.
Speaker 3 (40:56):
Speaker 2 (40:57):
If to appeal to a guedo a game to hold on?
You're watching the game tonight, Let me sell it to
a guido in Jersey. Yeah, your National Championship, Bro.
Speaker 1 (41:05):
Nah, only game. I care about Gerald's Game. I'm sorry.
Speaker 2 (41:09):
Another observation. I would have been one of those buffoons
that lost money over the weekend. You see the trump
mean crypto coin. Yeah, it was like a ka buck
or sell my friend. My friend hit me up when
it was like thirteen bucks and he's like, dude, I
just put a little money for the hell of it.
That thing went up to almost like fifty bucks, and
then by morning it was back to a dollar. So
there were people in the crypto world they were like, yeah,
let me let me buy this coin. Disaster pumping though,
pumping dumb for sure. All right, hey your thoughts. NFL
Divisional weekend will take all your feedback. Plus we're gonna
play last one standing, So if you want in on
that and get in early eight seven, seven, nine nine
m bucks, but more observations right here, next,