All Episodes

January 7, 2025 41 mins

C&R get in the ring with a fun topic about the debut of RAW on Netflix! Why was Hulk Hogan booed loudly? The guys come up with three possible reasons. Plus, a ton of callers from all over the country, weighing-in on other stars who "fell from grace!"

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Covino and Rich Podcast.
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Speaker 2 (00:19):

Speaker 1 (00:20):
Yeah, the show that's never seen each other's junk and
I want the Fox Sports Radio nation to know that
we plan on keeping that streak going by the new
year twenty twenty five. I'm Steve Covino, That is Rich Davis.
We got spotty Boy on the video spot at Covino
and Rich because we're the most inclusive, most interactive show
on radio. At Covino and Rich, we want to play
long at Fox Sports Radio. Danny g is super producing

Ya yike the smoothest, most buttery voice in all the
land eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox. Just to
call up and hear the voice in real life. Hey,
how's it going? Who's this? And the big sexy man himself,
Ryan's running the board today, Dan Byron, the update. The
whole crew is here. Yeah, a lot to get to,
but first and first, mostly we'd be rocking out. Let's go,

We'd be rocking out live from the tire rack dot
com studios. Lots of fun to get to today. We
got Showtime of Homes trivia again our way of saying
thanks and playing games, giving away prizes, our brokes. Showtime
of Homes stops by and does some multiple choice NFL trivia,
your chance to win a Swiggy. And by the way,
you could still win a Swiggy, which is our stainless

steel water bottle giveaway. Yeah, our coveted Swiggy that I
gave away for Christmas gifts to my mom and my uncle.
Joe Ever wrote a givio. We got a Swiggy. My
girlfriend's dad got one, and they were all wrapped like,
oh what is it looks like a water bottle. It is,
but you guys could get your hands on one by
simply follow, rating and reviewing our podcast. So just follow

our podcast, say something nice Apple podcasts, search Covino and
Rich and you qualify if dannyg emails you back. So
we got trivia, we got giveaway, we got beef. Where's
the beef? It's in the NBA, And we got to
talk Hulk Hogan. Oh dude, last night. I mean you
led with the Hulkster. I think you're just gonna lead

with Hey, did you watch Monday Night Raw last night?
Because they were I thought it was fantastic. I am
a casual wrestling fan, same grew up with it, but
much like baseball cards, much like Don manningly, much like
my starting lineups, much like Nintendo games. I sort of
evolved a little bit when I discovered women. You said,

hello poster from Spencer's Gifts, Goodbye Bo Jackson poster. There
you go. It was a certain time. So in other words,
I hold those memories fondly near and deer. I don't
deny that I loved wrestling and then I loved Nintendo.
I just wasn't one of those dudes that carry on

with the love of it. Right. It's interesting because you
and I, for as all the differences we have, we
have similarities, and one of those is we were both
guys into video games and wrestling and baseball cards especially right.
But as we got older, I had friends that in
college were still gaming all the time, and I'm like, yeah,
I just don't got time for that. Same I still

have friends that game and we used to game together
when we were kids, and they're like, you just don't
have gamers, DNA, dude, And I'm like, I guess not.
Perhaps either that or I discovered women. I don't know
what happened.

Speaker 3 (03:33):
And you have.

Speaker 1 (03:34):
Family members that like collect championship belts and stuff that
go to every summer Slam and Rumble and wrestle Mania.
My brother in law Dan collects wrestling figures and dolls
and belts and is obsessed with it. And I have
other friends still obsessed. That really turns your sister on
friends that are still dropping big legs on the weekend.

And I'm like, yo, dude, but that's okay. We're not
judging because again, like I said, we still those things.
Near and Deer were still baseball fans. I still could
appreciate some retro video games. I still have love and
interest even in new ones. You know, I happen to
be in four GTAs my stupid voice is in a
few Grand Theft autos, So I still have a love
for those things the same way I still appreciate wrestling,

even though I'm not into it the way we were
when we were kids. But I think yesterday, being that
it was the first time raw was on Netflix, a
five billion dollar deal. I was like, you know what,
I got to see what's doing. I think a lot
of people, the casual wrestling fan that sort of knows
what's going on, but they don't watch like they did
as a kid. Definitely at least turned it on for

a second last night. Y'all, big Ryan, you watch right?
Not only do I watch? When I was younger, I
actually used to do it. You were a wrestler, Yes,
I was like a WW wrestler, like a Kurt Angle wrestler,
professional wrestling. I wrestled here in La. I didn't know that. Yeah,
hold on, did you know this? You didn't know this?

I mean, Ryan, it's the Junkyard Doug. I was not
the chuck Yard Ryan. I mean I could see it.
You're You're a giant for people that don't know. I'll
tell you, Ryan six, let me guess I'm six four
six ' five. Dang, dude, six five two seventy five. Sure,
that's definite. Around there after the holidays, you're giving three

oh five. No he that Ryan, See Ryan, when there's
food in the kitchen, he he pops up Yo. If
you ate three O five, I wouldn't mean it in
like you're an overweight kind of guy. You're just a
big ass dude.

Speaker 3 (05:37):
For two weeks now, he's been eating salads for breakfast,
so he's he's like two eighty five.

Speaker 1 (05:42):
Hey, Ryan, who is your guy? Who is your dude?
That really got you into it though? When you were
a kid?

Speaker 4 (05:47):

Speaker 5 (05:47):
When I first started watching, obviously it was hawk hoking,
but like I kind of like matured, so to speak.
And my favorite guy of all time is Breadth the Hitman.
Heart love that dude.

Speaker 1 (05:56):
I loved all those dudes excellence of execution. Yes, I'm
not one of those hardcore representation matters guys, because I
just watched and liked it and enjoyed it. But I
did feel that it did matter in the WWF growing
up because I feel like everyone was represented, So anybody

that looked like me I sort of gravitated toward. And
even though I'm not what was Ricky the Dragon, what
was his ethnicity? I was when I first met Kevino,
I thought he was Ricky the Dragons, I still identified
with him. But I loved me some Tito Santana just
as as a result, because if you go back, take
it back on a Tuesday, they really leaned into the

stereotypes hardcore, It really did you think. I mean, it's
Nikolai Volkov. I mean, please, so iron cheek. I think
we were all wrestling fans as kids, right, So you
turn on Raw last night you just had a curiosity,
like five billion dollar a day with Netflix, and then
you know what, it got me thinking immediately the Christmas

Day games with the NFL, Monday Night Raw, the countdowns
on dudes, we are saying goodbye to television within within
the next whenever these contracts run out. If you think
there's gonna be networks that easily hold onto these NFL deals,
you're out of your mind. They might be on Peacock
instead of NBC, it might be on some other app
But streaming is clearly the future. I mean that's obvious.

But after watching Raw last night, you're everything that kept
you possibly having cable TV. I mean, biggest events last
year Tyson, Jake Paul, as much of a clown show
as it was, as much of a circus as it was,
it was a huge event. It was on Netflix. So

it's absolutely where we're headed. We're there already. It's just
a matter of how fast we wean out the other networks.
So the intro to Raw, if you watched, I thought
was fantastic. They did a montage that someone should win
a major award. They did a montage where it's like
Macho Man Bruno, San Martino, Roman Reins, Cody Rhodes, Uh

Andre the Giant, like you're get Ryan all excited. They
were bouncing from generation to generation heartbreak kid Diesel like
they were. Whoever did this montage like appeal to my emotions?
I was getting a little emotional. My wife's like, isn't
this beautiful? Like it is beautiful. It made you realize
how much time has passed since we were watching Maudi

Roddy Piper as little Schoolboys till now. In your defense, though,
any montage with the right music could get you emotional.
I've sat at weddings of people I didn't even care
about or really know, and I've watched her slides show.
With the right music, it could get you. You're crying,
but I don't know you. So I'm watching I'm watching
Raw last night like many people, and Triple H starts

the show. Then, of course Dwayne the Rock Johnson, who's
electrifying if just smell well the Rock is cooking. He
does this whole thing. It's amazing. I'm watching the Undertaker
comes out on a motorcycle. John Cena is there. It's
you know how many amazing characters there are that we

identify with some many of them died over the years. Right,
you see John Cena. You can't see me saying he's
you know, he's on the farewell tour of the crowds.
That was John Cena. The crowd is doing. I thought
it was Ernest P. Worrell on steroids. He does look
like Ernest hey Burne. John Cena. The crowd's going crazy.
Thank you, John dany g. You said you're you're. The

boys had it on the background at your house, so everyone,
I feel like, was somewhat watching a little bit, right.

Speaker 6 (09:35):

Speaker 3 (09:35):
It was funny because our twenty year old he told
his mommy, it's like, you see the grown men in
the crowd going crazy, screaming, And literally two minutes later
he was like.

Speaker 1 (09:45):
Mom, Mom, see him plunks, see him plunk.

Speaker 7 (09:48):
He likes.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
So he's doing the same exact thing. I mean, it's
it's theatrics, it's sports entertainment. It's as my mom would
always say as a kid, Ritchie, I know why people
love it. It's like a soap oar perferm. I'm like, that's exactly.
I mean, we knew that since the eighties, right, And
it was a special night because it was the debut
of Monday Night Raw on Netflix, so a big came out,

big deal, new era, new beginning, a new home, and
all that build up for the biggest observation that everyone made.
And the observation was simple. You saw the legends coming
out and you were waiting because you knew that he
was going to be there. Maybe about two hours into Raw,

the stadium, the arena into it. It's out here in
Los Angeles. The music hits whole Commania brother and the
crowd's booing boo have you Holgan Thunderlaps sucks, And it

was I mean, i'd say a little shock shocking. I mean,
it's Hull Cogan, the guy that built wrestling. Listen, there's
a section of people that never forgave the Hulkster for
some of the racial things he said in the past.
I think some people for as many people that haven't
forgiven as a lot of people that forgot. And there's

also the layer that this event is at the Intuit
dom in Los Angeles. Where have you seen Hulk Cogan
over the last year of year life? Trump Aman, your brother,
Donald Trump, Mega bro? What you gonna do Hogan is
a He ripped his shirt off of the RNC. I
was gonna say, pitching his new beer, which was the
lamest part of his promo. I'm here a real American beer. Brother.

Have you tried it? I have not. I think we
need to preface this conversation with everybody was reeled into
the WWE, for the most part courtesy of Hulk Hogan.
It wouldn't be what it is with Adam Ryan. You
said he was one of your favorite, Yeah, but now
he can go straight the hell? All right? All that,

but Rich, we also need to preface it that when
I think of Rich, I think of three people. Rich's
three heroes are Joe Montana, Alf and Hulk Holgan. That
that was my childhood. Yeah, So we also need to
make that clear. And that's why Rich was shocked. How
could his hero be booed in this way? Of course

we remember the racist things he said was that the reason?
So we have a theory. Rich has a theory. We
have a reason. I think it's a. It's a combination
of a few things, one being there's a lot of
people and Ryan, you were, you were, we were talking
about this off the here. Hogan was your guy, and

the minute he said some racial stuff, you was a
man of color, we were like, that's that guy, right,
I was out. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (12:52):
I mean he got me in the wrestling, he got
me hooked on as a kid, and you thank him
for that. I thank him for that. But as soon
as I saw the that video of him saying those words,
I'm like, dude, like, really, man, why would you say
something like that.

Speaker 1 (13:06):
Yeah, it's definitely gonna change the way you think about
the guy. You're like, wow, man, that sucks, and that's unfortunate,
because you don't want to feel that way, right, You
want to love the guy because you did for all
those years. So was that the reason? And then other people,
you know, were quick to point out, you know, they
trotted out Hulk Hogan in southern California two months after

an election where he's ripping his shirt off with Donald
Trump Trump. But man, your brother, you know, you're putting
one of Donald Trump's number one supporters in liberal southern California.
But then someone was quick to point out, you know
who else supports Donald Trump, Triple H, the Undertaker. They
did not get booed. So it makes you wonder, is

the perception of Hogan completely changed to the point where
I said to Kavino earlier, I said, and he should
have came out as Hollywood Hogan. The booz at least
would have matched. He's got to go back to the
U nWo days. At least the booze will make sense. Honestly,
he should invest in some just for men and dye
that beard black again, dark brown black and lean into that.

Speaker 7 (14:07):

Speaker 5 (14:08):
Back to Taker and Triple H. They were never caught
saying the N word. That's the that's the sticking point again.

Speaker 1 (14:13):
You're right, that is the So it's less politically charged
and probably more racially charged. People didn't forget, even though
I still believe so many people did forget. You know,
I think people remember the sex tape right like He's
went through a lot, but it still was shocking to see.
And that really was the headline on a big night

for the WWE. One of the bigger stories and takeaways
from the night is that are there no more Hulka maniacs?
There's there's a lack of Hulk of maniacs. There's there's
not as many as there used to be. And he
got booed at this big event. So it makes me
think he came out with Jimmy the Mouth of the
South Heart and I saw funny meme where was Hogan
and Jimmy Hart? And it's like, man, Jimmy, I guess

they didn't like you. Brother, Like, yeah, it's I'm sad
to be honest, but it's not you. Jimvy was the Hulkster.
What happened? Look, and we also have to be fair
rich and I have met him plenty of times and
he was always a great guest and always a great
guy on our show. But it seems like the public's
opinion has changed. And based on that, what's your theory?

Racially charged, politically charged? Mixture of both? You hate his beer?
You know, what's your reason? What do you think the
theory is? And are there other people that have fallen
from grace? Who comes to mind? Because he's in that well,
he'll never be in that oj category because oj' is
probably the king of this conversation. I mean, he didn't
murder anyone, but he did say some bad things. Saying

he's in the conversation based on last night of people
that have fallen from grace? Can he turn it around?
Can things change? Yeah? Possibly? Why not? Right? I don't
we love second chances? Maybe not? But are there other
people that come to mind when you think of They
were beloved, they were the face, they were rate at

what they did, and then I don't know, the public
turned their back on them for whatever reason. So who
do you want to add to the list eight seven, seven,
nine to nine on Fox? Who do you add to
the list we made so far? Of Hulk Cogan and
OJ Simpson, I'll add someone a little lighter, Ellen Degenerous
her story of being shunned because she was a lesbian.

Everyone felt for her story. She got back on TV.
Everyone loved Ellen. She's dancing and her daytime talk show
is bigger than anything. Then it comes out that she's
like terribly mean and hard to work for, allegedly, and
everyone hates Ellen. She does a stand up specialize her
farewell like sorry everyone Hates Me, which I thought was
pretty good. By the way, I saw meme just yesterday

saying that she looks like nos Fratu. She looks more
like nos Fwatu than the new No Sarantu so Ellen
oj Hulk Hogan. Who do you add to the list
of what happened? I got one, And it's a bit
polarizing because I feel like men could acknowledge that, yeah,

he screwed up, but women really hate and hold on
to their disdain of this guy for good reason. I'm
not defending him. I just feel like there's a double
standard here, Tiger Woods, because I feel like we there's
a part of guys that not understand what he did
but still root for I feel it was like one
too many no no, no, no, Yeah, but we moved past

it a little bit and we root for him. Don't
tell me we haven't rooted for him and appreciated the
moment he had with his son just recently during the
Hold and One. We rooted for his comeback. Right, you're
pulling for him a little bit, but the master's a
couple of years ago. Anytime you show any sign of like,
go get him, Tiger, some woman will give you, show
mean mug, you side eye, you give you a dirty
look because women have.

Speaker 3 (17:43):
Not forgotten Rich. I know you're not as bad at
him as the rest of the world. But Lance Armstrong.

Speaker 1 (17:50):
My theory is on the list. My theory on Lance
is that I get it. He's on this list one
hundred percent same as Tiger. But my take is, so listen,
someone told me if I watched the documentary on him,
I might feel differently. So keep in mind I haven't
watched much about him. But if he helped a ton
of people who had cancer, who cares to be cheated

in a stupid bike race? Did he? Though?

Speaker 3 (18:14):
Did he pay for the drugs because a lot of
the money went to awareness?

Speaker 1 (18:18):
I know, But my overall, my overall sentiment is like
when you talk about what's more important he was a fraud,
If he that upsets a lot of people. But if
he was a fraud that raised money for people with cancer,
isn't that still more important than a stupid bike race.

Speaker 5 (18:33):
I think people are ticked off because he sued people
too and tried to like ruin people's lives, So maybe.

Speaker 1 (18:37):
It's are so see, I don't know this part, and
he was adamant about, you know, not cheating, So I'll
give you one moment again. Are we hating on these people? No,
we're just we're compiling a list here and we're saying,
unfortunately for for things that they did, you know, there's
gotta be accountability there on their part too. Paul Colgan
is on this list short of murder. I'm a firm

believer in second chances, right unless you unless you kill someone.
I'm a big believer in you know, we're all human
make mistakes. I'll give you one that. I love this
comic and a lot of people are like, really, that guy,
he's creepy. I love the comedy of Louis c K.

I think Louis sticky. He's sticky, sticky on purpose. I
recently bought his comedy special for ten bucks. I watched it.

Speaker 8 (19:31):
I love.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
Really, you don't even donate to charities and you're buying
that guy's comedy special. Here's the sticky part about that story.
What if what he did was to someone you love
and care about, you'd feel a little different about that,
right of course. I mean, could he have done worse? Absolutely? Didn't.
He just pants and do things you shouldn't do. That's

the story. Yeah, I mean, to be fair, he did
ask for permission first, Yes, and if you you want
to be you know fair, his comedy he's great. I
think he's one of the funniest dude, and I can
separate and tell so you know you're never gonna listen
to uh Michael Jackson to R Kelly song again. Dude,
I'm able to separate the art from the guy. I

am right, but not everybody is. Not everybody should have Yeah,
I mean see, you know why I think I could
separate the Hulkster, meaning I look at Hulk Hogan and say,
I love Hulk Hogan, but Terry. Terry might not be
the best guy that I thought. He messed up. So
you know, if you look at it that way, what's up? dB.

Speaker 9 (20:32):
I also think just with the wrestling fans, and maybe
this is is a little bit off, but there is
the point of like, all right, we're doing this again,
like this is for the.

Speaker 1 (20:41):
Nineteen Hogan always comes out for the big events, and
I think it might be with the younger generation. Might
be like enough for aady with the whole guy.

Speaker 9 (20:50):
Yeah, yeah, come up with something new, like you can't.

Speaker 3 (20:53):
Well it is I dB, I felt that way when
I saw the crowd.

Speaker 1 (20:57):
You got that you were there with your teenage sons
and everything. They're probably like, come on, man, like the
rocks there, guy, like that's as far back as they want.
Surely their throwback is John Cena and the right the
Hulk Holgan to them is like who's Grandpa with the
flabby arms. That's a good point exactly because you know
him having this Republican stance. I don't think that's it nowadays.

Just guess what a lot of wrestling fans are. A
lot of wrestling fans are a Republican And fifty percent
of LA. It was in Los Angeles, you know, last
I checked, fifty percent of LA was voting Republican. Right,
So your thoughts on it? And who else are we
forgetting or adding to this unfortunate list? And I say
it respectfully and kindly because I do agree with you Rich.
You know, some names are worse than others, and I

do root for people to turn it around. But you know,
it's sad to see people loved and then sort of
hated in his way.

Speaker 9 (21:45):
Well, I do think that Tiger Woods has made a
comeback and people are rooting for him more. I can
see where you're coming from. Yeah, Phil Mickelson is one
who didn't realize he crossed the line in abandoning his
fans in comments that he made them then when he
jumped to live golf like the phil fanatics. Now he's
the store to be seen because he's not on the
PGA tour anymore. Even when he plays in majors, he's

not getting TV time when he does it, he's completely
gone off the map. Not being booed, but just not
nearly even close to being loved as he once.

Speaker 1 (22:15):
Was, no doubt, Hey, Michael Vick as well. You know what,
Michael Vick, there are some people great example of turning
it around, you know what. I feel like he's done
a lot of good since since the you know, terrible
things he did with dogs and everything. But there are
some people you could tell, and I hate the stereotype,
but I feel like a lot of times you could
tell a woman like, oh, Michael Vick, and she's like,
that's set up a bitch and the dogs. Yo, I
didn't you know if women hold on to it harder

for sure. All right, So you know what, we'll take
all your feedback. The phones are all hot. Let's go
eight seven, seven, nine nine on Fox. Allah the Hulkster
getting booed last night on Raw? Who do you think of?
And say, man, what happened? We'll take your feedback next
Cave Bean, no Wretch right here on Fox Sports Radio.
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Speaker 2 (23:55):
And I want to thank you guys for listening to
Cafino and rich So what's you going to do when
Covino Mania enrich Armania run wild on you brothers. Everybody
knows that you guys have been hulk of maniacs. So
after you train, say your prayers and eat your vitamins,
go ahead and get crazy and get naked.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
What what is that about? Man? What happened to Hulk Hogan?
I mean, it's not a bad plan. Let's get crazy
to get naked. In twenty twenty five, what happened to
Hulk Hogan? Ricky one of the production gurus here, Yeah,
just popped in the studio with a sweet new Dodger's
hat on and he goes, y'a, I'm watching the news

because of all the fires out here in LA and
he's like the bottom third it's scrolling, Hogan booed. It's
like a news alert on not just like your social media.
It was a big story that hul Cogan was booed
practically add of into it Dome in Los Angeles yesterday. Yeah,
the people spoke and we all heard it last night

on a big night. Who else are we adding to
this list? We'll explain right now. Covino and Rich are
broadcasting live from the ti iraq dot com studio ti
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should be and after the show, our podcast goes up.

So if you miss any of today's show, or last
week's shows, or when we filled in for the Herd
last week, all there, be sure to search our podcast
Search Covino and Rich CV. I know wherever you get
your podcasts, follow, rate and review, say something nice and
look for over promised our bonus pod. The numbers eight seven,
seven ninety nine on Fox if you want to call
and chime in, because you know, he's not the first

person that's fallen from grace, the first person that everybody
seemed to love and then saw to turn their back on.
It happens well, I mean it's a combination. I'm now
calling it. It's the uh, the triple Doozy. Why did
Hulkgan get booed last night? Obvious answer number one The
racial stuff, the N word. Ryan among many wrestling fans

agreed that that's the moment they're like, yeah, the f Hogan,
I'm done with him. Then there is the section of
people in southern California that don't care for President Trump.
And you saw Hogan ripping his shirt off Trump of Mania,
So that's that. And then Dan Byer run up a
great point. There's also a younger generation of wrestling fans
that are like enough, like we get it. Hogan made
wrestling in the eighties, I mean, bring out Roman Reign.

Although I agree, I think that's a great point. It's
a little rude, right, I mean, just a little rude.
Let the old guy have his moment. You know, I
sort of made it happen. Oh, he didn't make the
whole thing happen. I mean, without Hulk Hogan, it would
be no wrestling. But in fact, Hogan reminds you with
the same sort of sentiment all the time. Right. I
will say watching last night, Watching last night did make

me realize that no matter what generation we talk about
this with athletes, no matter what generation an athlete may
have played in, and they'd be a star. And you
could say the same about musicians like, I don't care
if they were in the you know, one hundred years ago,
fifty years ago, or now. When you got talent, you
got talent. Roman Rains, you know, I don't watch on
the regular. When he comes out down the aisle, he's, man, yeah,

these dots have a different level of swag and microphone skills.
And again, it's a different era and we're comparing it
to the old school antics of a Hull Colgan, I
get it. It's not the same telling you to train
and say your prayers to meet your vitamins. Meanwhile, you know,
Roman Rains is like a cool dude. So it was
the debut of WWE Monday Night Raw on Netflix. He

got booed. Who else have we added? We added oj again,
he's the king of people that have fallen from grace, right,
Allen Lance, Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Louis c k, the Halkster,
James Traco, James Franco. Rogan's like, yeah, you're not my
friends anymore, you said Michael Vick. And again we've also
proven and we root for people to turn things around. Right, No,

who's in the middle. So who's in the middle of
a comeback?

Speaker 6 (27:54):

Speaker 1 (27:54):
Because I guess the allegations were never proven. Kevin Spacey's
starting to get some I want to say love again.
But Kevin Spacey is I think not in the bed
graces of people. Well, I think as we step back,
we realized that there was a big cancel culture, right.
Some people got canceled for good reason. Some people it
was like, Eh, it's not that bad, so there's more

room to be forgiven. Let's go rapid fire loaded lines.
We love the feedback. Thank you. It's not only like
who are we adding to the list? Right, It's more like, well,
do you have a different thought or theory as to
why he was booed? Yeah, you're Hogan theory? And who
to add? We'll go to Steve. We'll start in Wisconsin.
What's up bro?

Speaker 7 (28:34):
Hey guys, thanks to taking my call, no problem. Enjoy
your show each day, big fan. I'd say Brett Farv
has with that, you know what.

Speaker 1 (28:47):
As a player, I remember being like man Brett Farve's
he's a hard nosed, great player, and then his behavior
around women, the Mississippi thing. Brett Farv turned from like
likable guy to a piece of trash facts. I would
say people's impression of him has definitely changed, absolutely, without question.

I think there's a lot of people that love to
forget too though. That's why I was surprised about the
Hulkster thing. My impression was a lot of people forget
that he said some terrible things. I didn't forget. Ryan
did not forget. But I think that Farv does fall
into that category where I don't know if it's the
NFL or the public sort of wants you to forget.

Even Mark Gastino hates him. Right, Let's go to Trevor
in Texas. What's up, Trevor Covin on Ritch.

Speaker 8 (29:34):
Hey, what's going on? Guys?

Speaker 2 (29:35):
Real quick?

Speaker 6 (29:36):
I got a name of a guy pitcher who never
is never going to recover because they rolling him back
and all the accusations were considered not guilty.

Speaker 8 (29:44):
Was Trevor Bauer. And he's killing it in Mexico.

Speaker 1 (29:47):
Yeah, man, I do wonder. You know, there's so much speculation,
but Trevor Bauer because he was an unlikable teammate. He
was unlikable to begin with, but right in the in
the in the court of law, he he has done
nothing wrong up until this point. But I think the
public sentiment, you would think a team would take a
chance on him, right, He's a tough guyd to deal

with clear Right, that's a good answer, though, kelvin Indianapolis.
What's up? Man? Calvin?

Speaker 6 (30:12):
Hey, thank you? Got a best radio show. If I
ever do a movie, I'm mean, I'm the bad guy's
gonna be the big big cabino.

Speaker 1 (30:19):
Thank you. I like it. What's up?

Speaker 6 (30:22):
That sounds intimidating, But anyway, I got three names I
want to mit to you real quick and then you
let me know being all are deserving to be on
that wist this uh herschel Walker, Daryl Strawberry, and Tanya Harding.

Speaker 1 (30:34):
Oh you know what, Tanya Harding is a good one.
I love Daryl Strawberry. Manst just did drugs. He was
just not a bad guy. He just you know, got
caught up and his past was a little taint that
he never amounted out to be what he could have been.
But he still had a good career. Herschel Walker, that's
more of a political thing.

Speaker 9 (30:49):
So that depends, right, Yeah, depends Yeah, I think that
it's yeah to that point as well.

Speaker 1 (30:55):
Who was the top of the top You said it
was O J. Yeah, And I don't think people are
gonna top o j Okay, Hogan and Ellen are like
second tier Hogan, Ellen and Luis C. Kerry. I think
I think Bill Cosby great answer. Damn Bayer, Damn Bayer.

Speaker 9 (31:12):
Yeah, it was one of those where I didn't know
if I was in or out and missed it and
didn't want to say it again.

Speaker 1 (31:18):
Maybe, but Damn Bayer, Damn are you say Cosby? I
got to give props to Ricky again. Second chat out
for editing guru, Ricky production guy. He said, Yo, you
gotta throw Kramer on that list Seinfeld. Everyone loved Kramer.
N word was his demise too, Yeah, it really was.
And it was just an ugly moment because he sort

of just lost his cool, you know, and he thought
it was gonna be funny in some weird way and
it wasn't.

Speaker 9 (31:45):
I think he did his press conference in this courtyard
out here. I think that's where, like I was told that,
where they where he addressed it. But I think it
may have been obviously not when he's where he said
it was in the comedy club, but where.

Speaker 1 (31:59):
They're hot yoga women walking by the cameras. It takes time.
It takes a lot of people were around. Yeah, exactly.
It takes I don't know, time and forgiveness and you
got to earn it too. You gotta do some things
to earn that forgiveness. So it was a shock to
see that Halkster is that guy now and he should

lean heel. Maybe there's room for Hollywood Hogan for real.
Tony in Virginia. One last call and then we'll take
the rest on the flip Tony, what's up man?

Speaker 4 (32:32):
Good day Fellas. Nobody's perception changed more than after the
ten seconds slap by Will Smith.

Speaker 1 (32:39):
Oh that's a good one, dude, Will Smith. I mean
you're talking about fresh Prince of bel Air Independence Day
who didn't love Will Smith and then the slap. You're like, yo, yeah,
you can remember, could be on this list or in
this conversation. You had to be really liked. There is
someone in this room that I was shocked how much
they turned on Will and that guy Steve. Not that

you were ever a big fan, but after that commutes
like f Will Smith, Yeah, oh big time. I'm still
not a fan. I'm not over that. Yeah, I'm forgiving
Will Smith for that. We'll take the rest of your feedback.
Next hot topic here on CNR. Let's go to Dan
Buyer for an update. dB up dB Antonio.

Speaker 9 (33:15):
Antonio peers out after one year with the Raiders four
and thirteen and is only only full time season on
the job. GM Tom tellasco stays with the Raiders. Now
six vacant sees four head coaching gigs in the National
Football League.

Speaker 1 (33:28):
Titans are keeping at coach.

Speaker 9 (33:30):
Brian Callahan, but GM Ran Carthon has out spent two
years on the job. Titans went just three and fourteen
this past year. They have the number one overall pick
in the draft coming up in April. Mike Rabel will
report on the interview with the Patriots Thursday. Rex Ryan
interviewed with the Jets today. Lion's getting David Montgomery back
for the playoff push. The running back is returning from
an MCL injury, and we'll play in the divisional round,

according to coach Dan Campbell, while corner Terry and Arnold
is considered day to day with a foot injury. Vikings
have the Rams on Monday in their wild card game
in La Daniel Jones will be the backup to Sam
Donold four Minnesota, as Jones was signed to the team's
active roster. No practice today for Ravens wide receiver z A. Flowers.
He's dealing with his own knee injury. Boys He State
running mack Ashton Genty is entering the twenty twenty five

NFL Draft. A report from ESPN says the Miami Heat
have received underwhelming offers for Jimmy Butler. The report says
the Suns were the only team right now willing to
give Butler what he wants. Butler also reportedly does not
want to go to the Memphis Grizzlies. That's according to
Chris Haynes, and Yahoo is saying that the Milwaukee Bucks
are another team that could be interested in Butler, but
Butler does not want to go to Milwaukee. Yukon's page

Beckers has a niche sprain that's actually good news, not
a significant injury, but is expected to miss at least.

Speaker 1 (34:41):
A week of action.

Speaker 9 (34:42):
She'll be re evaluated next week for the seventh ranked
women's team at Yukon.

Speaker 1 (34:46):
Guys, back to you, Gedie mackay.

Speaker 4 (34:50):
Out to.

Speaker 1 (34:52):
Never forgave will huh No, I don't think I will.
I mean but again, second chances we'll get the rest
of your phone calls next. We've got more Cavino and Rich.
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Welcome back to the CNR show CNR on FSR. Thank
you Ryan. This Alf you said earlier in the show,
My childhood was defined by Joe Montana hul Cogan, who

everyone hates. Do you hate Alf? Well, that's the thing
that's like finding out Alf is racist? Right, You're like, na,
don't root it for me? Man, I like Alf too.
Don't say that, but that's kind of what it is
because ohl Cogan was a hero to so many people.
And then you realize that's why it's sad to see
everybody bowing him right, because you're like, man, he meant

so much to so many and he was such a
huge part of something that so many people holding near
and dear, which is dear childhood and wrestling. And at
the same time you get a lie in the bed
you make But who are we adding to the list?
And what's your theory as to why I'm the Hulkster again?
We're Cavino and Rich live from the Tire Studio. Real

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Thanks again to Rapid Radios. Now back to the phones.

Before we do that, let me recap Hogan gets booed
on Raw. The conversation that follows, who else do you
think of? And say, man, what happened their fall from grace?
I think the league leaders obviously, OJ then Bill Cosby.
Cosbys you think about how much you love those pudding
pops too, and.

Speaker 3 (37:42):
You're like, man, yeah, Man, Kramer, Lance Armstrong needs to
be up at the top.

Speaker 1 (37:46):
Brett Favre, Tiger Woods, Louis C. K Ellen DeGeneres. There's
a lot. Let's start with Bobby in Michigan.

Speaker 7 (37:54):
What's up? Man?

Speaker 1 (37:54):
Do you have a theory on Hogan? And who do
you add to the Listman?

Speaker 8 (37:57):
Hey, man, I've got Hogan. Sure. I got one Hogan
shirt from nineteen eighty four and it's still on my shelf.
I've got a ton of them. You know how you
get the the tromos off of the website, So I've
got a lot of them. I've got tons of dow rags.
I used to I'm a teacher now. I was in
fifth grade in nineteen eighty five, Wrestlemingia one. I was

in fifth grade. It meant can you think think, yeah,
think of that then. So obviously I was, you know,
hooked until like you guys said, until I got interested
in other things, like in junior year, high school or something.
I was done, especially when they come out with doink
and all these things.

Speaker 1 (38:36):
The clowndink. A lot of people don't know this is
Rich's real dad, the clown Mark in a long line
of bozy people don't realize. But for my lideage, what's
up Mark? How are you? Buddy?

Speaker 4 (38:51):

Speaker 6 (38:51):
Why were you?

Speaker 1 (38:52):
That's up?

Speaker 6 (38:54):
The fall from Grace from Hulk Hogan to Rudy Giuliani,
America's mayor, bro the hair running down the side of
his face.

Speaker 1 (39:02):
That is such a fantastic answer. Really, I was. I
lived in New York City at the time, and you
don't have to live in New York to remember how
impactful he was to around nine to eleven, he was
America's mayor. At one point you were like Yo, he's
going to be a president. One day he was on SNL.
Everybody loved him. Everyone loved Giuliani. And I don't even
think it's politics as much as the guy lost his marbles,

because even Republicans people that support Giuliani back then are like,
what happened? You know who? I love? Though. I loved
when Chris Farley would play Rudy Giuliani's son. Remember when
Chris Farley good one Mark? But yeah, not a great answer, man,
It really is. Giuliani is such a great answer. Puerto
Rico or I'm sorry Puerto Rico. Uh, Andy, you're on?

Speaker 7 (39:49):

Speaker 6 (39:49):
I was going to say the Menandez brothers and as
far as whole Coloagan uh.

Speaker 7 (39:54):
People just tired of that.

Speaker 1 (39:57):
It could be as simple as that. But I think
there's a lot more to it. I think that's part
of it. Yes, it's the three layer combo. And is
this guy saying that the Menendez brothers got a bad
rap like people are oddly defending them. Now let's go
to David in Apple Valley. What's up man, Hey, Dave?

Speaker 6 (40:14):
Yeah, I had a comment about no comments on Hulk Hogan.
But remember Mel Gibson when he got drunk and made
death sick remarks.

Speaker 1 (40:23):
Yeah, Mel Gibson, you know his rant against his terrible
ex wife is legendary. Really, you know right now Wild
Wild Man again, who who has made some good films
since and Daddy's Home Too is one of our favorites.
He's making a comeback of sorts. So there is there

is a chance there are ways to be forgiven again
Josh and Ohio wrap it up, man.

Speaker 4 (40:48):
Hey, thanks for taking my call.

Speaker 2 (40:50):

Speaker 4 (40:50):
I've got a theory. I feel like Triple H might
have placed the fans in the crowd to boot Hogan,
to completely get rid of his legacy because at the
heart of the Attitude era, the Monday Night Wars, it
was d X against nWo.

Speaker 1 (41:06):
So why would maybe maybe Shenanigan's from the from the
man in charge Triple H. And you know what, when
you talk about second chances conspiracy, I said, wrap it up.
I have one more name, because it's a guy that
there's talk now of him getting another chance, and it's
your former coach, Danny G. Gruden's name is being thrown
around and he's really been killing it in my opinion
on Barstool with Portnoy doing his analogy.

Speaker 3 (41:28):
Slowly slid back in as a consultant for a couple
of nights.

Speaker 1 (41:31):
I think because a lot of black players and people
in the black community have vouched for him, maybe that
gives him a little bit more leverage. But Gruden, we'll
coach again in the NFL. I didn't think that would
be but I think it is gonna happen, all right.
More Covin and Rich NFL college football. So much to
get to right here on Fox Sports Radio. Hang tight,
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