All Episodes

November 29, 2024 46 mins

In the special Black Friday edition of The Best of Covino & Rich, Fox Sports Radio hosts Monse Bolaños 🎙️ and NFL All-Pro Kerry Rhodes 🏈 are taking over to bring you an action-packed sports talk show like no other!

In the best-of show, the duo dives into who they think will take home the Heisman Trophy 🏆 and break down all things college sports with Fox Sports Radio's very own Aaron Torres. 🎓 Next, Kerry Rhodes shares just how upset he'll be if the Yankees miss out on re-signing Juan Soto ⚾💔, and the two unpack the heartbreaking ending of the Raiders vs. Chiefs game for Raiders fans 😔.

Plus, stick around for the ultimate showdown in Who Knows Beyer Best 🤩, where Monse and Kerry go head-to-head to prove who knows Fox Sports Radio’s own Dan Beyer the best! 🏆 It’s a showdown you won’t want to miss! 🚨

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey, thanks for listening to the best of Cavino and
Rich podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Be sure to catch us live every day from five
to seven pm Eastern two to four Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (00:11):
Find your local station for Covino and Rich at Fox
Sports Radio dot com, or stream us live every day
on the iHeartRadio app I searching FSR. I feel like
I need to slowly intro us with this song playing
in the background right now, right, Yeah, let it ride,
I let it ride. That's right. Welcome to Fox Sports Radio,

everybody and a.

Speaker 4 (00:33):
Real soothing voice. Yeah, you gotta keep it cool.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
That's right.

Speaker 4 (00:36):
This is not the late night show, but we'll keep
it going.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
Yeah, you'll keep it going. You are listening to Cavino
and Rich, but we are not Covino and Rich. No
no no. I am Manci belongas alongside former All Pro
safety Carry Roads and we are coming to you live
from the Tireck dot com studios. Thank you for hanging
out with us on this Friday.

Speaker 5 (00:54):
And shortly after the show, our podcast will be going up.
If you miss any of today's.

Speaker 4 (00:57):
Show, be sure to check out the podcast.

Speaker 5 (01:00):
Search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get your podcast, and
be sure to also follow and rate and review the podcast.
Right again, just search Fox Sports Radio wherever you get
your podcast, and you'll see this show.

Speaker 4 (01:11):
Post it right after we get off the air.

Speaker 3 (01:13):
Yeah, and you can just follow also Carrie and I
and then you know, we'll post it to three different follows,
three different likes, three different rates. It is thank you. Yes,
we have our buddy. Add On Torre is ready to
talk a little college sports.

Speaker 4 (01:28):
Aaron Hi, Aaron Hi.

Speaker 3 (01:35):
Is Aaron? Happy Thanksgiving?

Speaker 2 (01:37):
Happy Thanksgiving? It's Black Friday. How are you guys?

Speaker 3 (01:40):
We are great? Are you shopping? Is your credit card
getting a lot of action right now?

Speaker 2 (01:45):
Yes, as a matter of fact, it is because I
literally came to the strip and my wife. My in
laws wanted to go to all the stores and my
wife went with them, and so it's equal getting swipes
from me maybe at a you know, bar or grill
after we get off the phone here and then you
know on supervised wife with the credit card is never

never a good thing. But you know what, it's Thanksgiving,
Happy holidays. I hope everybody had it. Did you guys
have a good Thanksgiving? I'm being so rude talking about myself.

Speaker 3 (02:16):
No, no, no, it's science We had a great Thanksgiving, happy
to be hanging out here. But let's talk a little
college sports. Aaron, Carrie and I. Earlier in the show,
we were talking about the Heisman race because today we
saw Shador Sanders put on a show, put on his
own show, Travis Hunter put on his own show, and

then Ashton Jensy was like, I'll do a show too.
How if you were voting, who would you be voting
for today?

Speaker 2 (02:44):
Well, I was gonna say, America doesn't seem to think
there's a race. Now, your Saturday co host Monty Steve Hartman, Oh, yes,
you know, he's single handedly waving the ashon gent flaklist.
And it's funny. Both games were obviously on at the
same time. We're out to breakfast. I was talking to
my stuf dad about this. I understand Genty is putting
up historic you know, stats and everything, but like I

would defer to your co host right now, Carrie and
like carry, I'll ask you this no in all seriousness.
So buddy of mine and I told Monty this last week,
but buddy of mine coaches on Colorado's staff. You may
know him. Damian Lewis's first round pick two thousand played
in the league forever, and I was talking to him
and he said, Aaron, do you understand how hard it
is to play one way at this level? And I

obviously don't, but he said, he said, Travis, just Travis.
You know, he'll go six, seven, eight plays, whatever it takes,
come off, squirre a water right back on the other
side of the field. And I was telling Monty and
Steve this the other day. Is like, the other variable
is he doesn't practice full time on one side of
the field either. So like, literally, there's probably nobody better

at Fox Sports Radio to explain just how insane what
Travis Hunter is doing. So Carrie Rhoades, let me ask you,
and Mat you can chime in too. I don't mean
to just make it a carry thing, but like, carry,
is this as crazy to you as it seemingly is
to literally everybody Else's Travis's ability to play both sides
at basically an all American level.

Speaker 5 (04:08):
Yeah, that was the caveat right, at an all American level, right,
because there's plenty of guys and I've stated this before,
there's plenty of guys that can play both ways, right,
And so I don't get caught up in that as much, right,
but planet at the level he's planned at with Also,
you know, early in the season he got nicked up
and hurt a little bit, which is part of that problem,
and I think that would be the part of the.

Speaker 4 (04:29):
Problem moving forward.

Speaker 5 (04:31):
But right now, in the present moment, yes, it's very
clear that he's one of the best players in the country.
I'm still not one hundred percent sure he is the
heisman one of those I mean, watching Ashton and then
watching you know should do as well.

Speaker 4 (04:46):
They're all kind of in that mix for being that.

Speaker 5 (04:49):
But I think the chatter around the level that he's
doing both of those things is it's probably the separator.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
Yeah, and I'll just say this really quick, suse. I
know there's lots to talk about, but I think that
to that is that Listen. I know ash Gent is
putting up historic stats, like I don't want to diminish
one guy to prop up the other, but I just don't,
you know, listen, if it was so easy to do
what Travis is doing, one we would have seen it before.
But two, how about this. All the other schools that

recruited Travis Hunter would like Kirby Smart was like, no,
you're a cornerback. I was like, no, you're a cornerback,
and Deon Sanders was like, no, I think it can
do both and it's on you to prove it to me.
So I just think, well, sometimes you know it. One,
it's the most outstanding player in the sport. I think
he's been the most outstanding. You know. Something I remember
talking to you about in the preseason, Carrie was like,

is all of this going to result in winning? Well,
it's resulted in winning nine wins, still have an outside
shot at the Big twelve Championship. So to me it
feels pseudo no brainers. And again I'm saying this to
somebody that like, I don't want to diminish what Ashton
gent or Cambell Ward or should or Sanders has done,
but to me it feels like he should be the guy.

Speaker 6 (05:57):
You know.

Speaker 5 (05:57):
The on top of all of that is I think
which really gets lost in the in the conversation about
what he's doing is physically, Like I said, physically, I
think a lot of people can do what he's doing.

Speaker 4 (06:10):
But the mental part of it.

Speaker 5 (06:11):
The guy's a smart kid too, So I think that
gets swept undtable because you've got to be able to
have the retention to play both and be you know,
having no not having mistakes out there and plan at
an all time level, which is good, no doubt.

Speaker 2 (06:24):
And again the ability to practice, the ability to prepare
and like you said, on short notice, go out there.
All that I agree with you o them.

Speaker 3 (06:32):
So Colorado being part of the Big twelve, Aaron, that
seems like a mess right now. Who's going to go
to the championship game?

Speaker 2 (06:42):
Well, we get to we get to wait till tomorrow
plays three more games because it's the only league where
both spots are up for grass and as I told
you last week, a calculator advocation and a rub scupe
to figure out, like who's actually going to come. My
understanding is if Arizo State and I State win, they're
in and then from there it feels like by you

would said, Colorado's gonna need a lot of help to
get there. But it is a wide open league. And
what's kind of one what's histing about it was the
teams that we thought were gonna be good in the preseason,
like Oklahoma State have not been. But two, this was
the league that everybody kind of had pegged in the
preseason as there really isn't that much separation between like

team one, team six, team one, team seven, team two teammate.
So it's kind of playing out the way a lot
of people expected. And I think it's made for a
really fun league of you know, fun competition. I know
that obviously, you know, like the Big Ten and the SEC,
probably the best of the best in that league are
better than you know, the best in the Big twelve.
But it's been a really fun league. And the one

thing I will say, you know, I know you were
kind of tenguing and cheek there, MONTI about who's actual
gonna play for the championship, Like, I don't, I don't
think we can just assume anything, you know what I mean.
You look at some of like the Big Ten, it's
like it's going to take a sort of a miracle
for uh Michigan to beat Ohio State tomorrow. It's gonna
take sort of a miracle for Washington beat Oregon, and
even then they'd be in the championship game. Like Iowa

State could legitimately lose to Kansas State, b Y, you
could legitimately lose tomorrow, Arizona State could legitimately lose tomorrow.
So that's what makes it interesting. It's been a fun
league all year. Obviously, at this point, three or four
teams have sort of separated themselves, but there's such little
separation that I don't think any result tomorrow would surprise me.

Speaker 5 (08:25):
Look, we could talk about college football all day. I
know you're the college connoisseur when it comes to our
our Fox family, but uh, I want to switch to
basketball a little bit here, and you know, it's it's
a heavy it's a it's a heavy talented year. I
think there's actually a lot of talented teams in college
basketball again, which is fun for people like myself, Monti

who likes to who likes to watch the basketball, right,
And so you got Duke, you got you kind of
got Arizona, you got Indiana, all with multiple losses already
early to start this season, right, and so obviously the
it's it seems a little wide open. Who's your favorite
right now in college and what's really turning your gears
over there?

Speaker 4 (09:05):
And when it comes to the collegiate.

Speaker 2 (09:06):
Game, well, it was turning my gears at around at
forty five am Eastern the other day was when my
Yukon Husky. I know, yeah, that was tough. I think
they have some issues that have to get figured out.
Listen Duke. I know everybody likes the Polka Duke, but
two losses where in the final minute they had a

chance to make a play and they didn't. I'm definitely
not worried about them. On a positive note, who's the
best team I've seen? It's actually Auburn, which sounds crazy,
but you know, they're one guys. They've really taken advantage
of that COVID waiver. I mean, I don't have the
staffs in front of me, but I think like twelve
of their thirteen best players, or twelve of their thirteen
scholarship players are fourth fifth, six year seniors. The kitsch

and I Broom, who won the Male Invitational tournament, is
kind of the new age. He went to Morehead State
for two years, transfers up to Alburn. It takes some
kind of a year to figure it out. Last year
he plays at an all SEC level, and then this year,
because of the COVID year, he gets the extra year
and he is playing like the best player in college basketball.
So Albert is actually the best team that I've seen
so far this season. I don't think Kansas is far behind.

I don't think Alabama's far behind. I honestly don't think
Duke's far behind.

Speaker 6 (10:18):

Speaker 2 (10:18):
I was at the Duke Kansas game a few days ago,
and like I said, they got off to a slow start,
but to me, that was more of a reflection they
had played Arizona on Friday night. Basically, Yeah, they had
been on the West coast for about six seven days
in a hotel room, and I think they were just
ready to get back east. So yeah, I would say
albert is the best. But you know, I know you
mentioned some of those teams that have already taken multiple losses.

I think the one by far with the least issues
is Duke. And then you know, I hate to say it,
but I think Arney Spaniards Arizona Wildcats are the one
that has by far the most issue and not just
because Arnie roots for him, because I think they're actually
in legitimately struggles.

Speaker 3 (10:54):
So, Aaron, as a Ukon fan, how do you feel
about dan in Hurley's antics?

Speaker 2 (11:02):
Oh, this is great. You know, first of all, know
what's really great about it is college basketball really struggles
to kind of get mainstream attention during the regular season.
I hate say it, but it's the truth. And that
obviously became a national talking point. And I think the
other thing that I don't think I fully realized was,
you know, what do the kids say? You know, they've

been waiting on our downfall, they've been with something like that. Yeah, exactly,
And so I was surprised at how many people were like, oh,
first of all, guys, let me say that. I heard
a lot of well, I would never want this guy coaching. Mind. Yeah, okay,
you're going to trade your scrum coach who went fourteen
and seventeen last year. But no, no, no, no, my coach

yells a little too much. So no, there's no way
you would ever want him when all he does is
get rings. So what I in all serious is what
I would say, and I truly mean this is and
we've all been around sports. Anybody listening has been around sports.
What what costs you a game? The other day? Dan
Hurley's temper is also what makes him great. He holds
everyone around him to the highest standard. I was back

in Connecticut about three four weeks ago. I sat in
on one of his practices and what kind of blew
me away was it? Wasn't just the players that were
on high alert. His own assistant coaches realized that it was,
you know, fourth quarter of the Super Bowl, and I
need to be on my p's and qs. So my
only thing is you know, I'll say this, like, do
I wish individually he had not gotten that technical that

costs you kind of game? Of course, But I don't
wish that he was different, because if he was different,
then he wouldn't be the man who he is. And
the man who he is is the guy that has
won the last two national championships, by the way, in
dominant fashion the last two years.

Speaker 3 (12:42):
Yeah. I brought this up because I saw that too,
a lot of discoursing negative things about a lot of discourse,
and I just was like, I don't get what the
big deal is. I mean, listen, I don't think you
can act like a tough guy when you're wearing a
little Hawaiian shirt that matches the rest of your coaching staff.
So that's the one.

Speaker 5 (12:59):
I was actually somoi invitation right right right.

Speaker 3 (13:03):
I I choke back to the local that I'm joking
they were all wearing the same shirt. I was like, okay,
but I did not get why people were so mad
I just cause I was like, I get it. You
want your coach to, you know, be a little bit
level headed. But it doesn't bother me. If you do
have a moment like that, Yeah.

Speaker 4 (13:21):
You can be a lot.

Speaker 5 (13:22):
You can be level headed when you're winning, because it
doesn't it doesn't rear its ugly head. But right now
they're in the process of a little losing straight a
little move.

Speaker 3 (13:30):
It did not bother me.

Speaker 2 (13:31):
Do I have time to expand on that. I don't
know how much time.

Speaker 3 (13:33):
Do we we have all the time? Whatever, what do
you want? Go ahead?

Speaker 2 (13:35):
Okay, no, no, what I would say. And again, you
guys have both been around a ton of sports, and
I again, I'll prefer to carry. But every you know,
every coach, every coach has to be genuine to himself.
And like as you guys were saying that, I was
thinking about like a guy in college basketball, like Jay Wright,
Like Jay Wright is mister by the way, Jay, right
behind the scenes, he'll give you an m effort to

you know, he's just in public, he's gonna wear the
suit and he's gonna be this, he's gonna be that.
But in the process he's being true to himself, and
I think Dan Hurley is being true to himself. He's
from Jersey City, He's the son of a probation officer.

Speaker 5 (14:09):
You know.

Speaker 2 (14:09):
Coach Hurley is obviously a Hall of Fame high school coach,
but he was a probation officer. I mean, it wasn't
an easy upbringing. You know. It's not all rainbows and
sunshine and deep breasts and let's talk about our feelings.
It's like, no, let's get to work and let's roll
up our sleeves and so and the other thing I
would say too. And I tweeted this out and people
got so mad about it. But being from Connecticut, you know,

northeast ship on your shoulder, you know, people make fun
of Connecticut. It's half way between Boston, it's half way
between New York. Joe Rogan called it, you know, a
highway to New York City. That's basically what he called
it a few months back. And it's like, people in Connecticut,
I'll just be honest. You know, we could be a
little bit angry, we could be a little bit surly,
but our coach reflects that. And that's what I was

thinking when you guys were saying that is one, you
have your coach, whoever it is, college, pro, football, hockey, whatever,
has to be genuine to himself. But I also just
think he fits the fan base and the state so perfectly.
And all I can tell you, and this this applies
for any coach at any level in any sport. His
fan base loves him, his fan base believes in them,

and what everybody else thinks really doesn't matter. You know,
as an example, Torres might not like JJ Reddick, I
might have got block, But if Lakers fans believe in
what he's doing, what does it matter what Torres thinks
or what a Clippers fan thinks, or what a Warriors
fan thinks. And I think that that's been a little
bit lost in the Dan Hurly discourse. Is his fans

love him, his fans believe in them, and ultimately that's
all that really matters, at least for now. Now again,
you have a couple losing seasons, you know, you cost
your team a couple of games, it's a different conversation.
But he is, of course right now coming off of
you know, back to back national championships.

Speaker 5 (15:45):
Well, I mean, obviously you just hit it on the
head with with that community, right that fan base. I mean,
they've had the ultimate.

Speaker 2 (15:52):
There you live in New York. Yes, we're not you know,
we're a little We're like, you know, hard on the outside,
a little fun. We're a little soft, little mark no,
once you get to the court. But you know, wet's
tough on the outside.

Speaker 5 (16:03):
Yeah, And they had the perfect example of that right
with the Gino oriema forever. Right, that's we definitely see
him letting the players have it if they're not you know,
following the game plan or doing what they should do
on the court. But let's I want to switch the conversation.
We just you just said something about Auburn being the
best team to you, and I want to I know,
it's a big Baramaa game, and I'm really impressed with
the schedule because I'm a Duke fan and so to

see Duke, you know, go out and play some teams
on the rod, go play Arizona in Arizona, which is
you never really get those games, and at this time
of the year, to see them go out and play
these type of games and high level games on early
on in the season, right, A lot of times I
think the discourse around that is you want to see
your team win, but they're also learning so much in
these battles, these early battles on the road, and so

to have this Duke Alburn game to follow up next week,
I think it's Tuesday, right, What do you think is
going to happen in that game?

Speaker 2 (16:53):
Yeah? You know, first of all, college basketball, to its credit,
does an incredible job of finding a way to make
these games. And you're exactly right by the way Yukon,
you know, no rest for the weary. They host Baylor,
I think Tuesday Wednesday this week as well. So everybody's
played everybody and it's great, and I do think it
certainly toughens you up for later on in the season.
You know, you go back to last year with Alabama,

they made a Final four, but they really struggled in
the out of conference and I remember Nate Oates talking
about it like throughout the tournament run. Is like all
those losses we took early helps us late. As far
as Alburn's Duke is concerned. You know, I'll be honest,
I would probably give a little bit of an early
advantage to Duke. I mean, you know, two losses where
they could have won either one against really good teams
and I think the thing that we learned time and

time again, and we certainly see it in football, it's
just so hard to win in true road environments. I mean,
you look at just football last week with Alabama again
smoked at Oklahoma, with Ole Miss losing it Florida, et cetera.
It's just so hard to win in those true road environments.
And so I think Duke a little bit of a
ship on their shoulder coming off with that loss against
Kansas the other day. I would probably think, I would

probably think that actually the edge would go to Duke,
even though I know I just said a minute ago
that touch.

Speaker 4 (18:01):
Of course. Of course, eron your bets people, I was
just about to say that you said. You said the
words in my mouth.

Speaker 2 (18:08):
Either way, I look genius. When next time I talk
to you guys, Oh you said Duke was gonna win.
Oh you said Auburn was the number one team in
the country. Look at you, Torres, you know everything we
de Odd did that.

Speaker 3 (18:17):
We agree with you. We think you know everything. That's
why we had you on the show when it comes
to college sports. Erin, thank you so much for joining us.
Happy Black Friday. Go buy your wife and your dog
some more treats.

Speaker 2 (18:28):
Thank you, different for each of them.

Speaker 4 (18:32):
It is very good. Yeah, treats everybody, all right, thank
you so much, sir.

Speaker 3 (18:37):
Thanks Aaron. All Right, now let's chick in with Martin
Weiss because this NFL score has me schwucked. What's going on?

Speaker 7 (18:45):
What's going on is Aidan O'Connell.

Speaker 8 (18:47):
O'Connell and like from two minutes left in the third
quarter to the start of the fourth quarter through two
touchdown passes, one the brock Bowers, the other the Trey
Tucker on a fifty eight yard bomb twelve forty in
the fourth quarter, seventeen sixteen, or the Raiders, the Raiders.
Let me look up like that, the Raiders winning this game.

Let you go. As Patrick Mahomes completes a second to
twenty pass to DeAndre Hopkins, is now third down as
Kansas City trying to take the lead back in this game.
At o'connelly has thirteen completion and so far, but the
Raiders have rushed for ninety five yards on the ground.
Mahomes is twenty three for forty two to eighty one
in an interception. She's had fifty four yards rushing thirty

six of those. Isaiah Pacheco, but his long as thirty four,
so it's not efficient so far. On the ground for
Kansas City, de Hop has four catches ninety yards along
at thirty four as well. In college football, Oklahoma State
beat I'm sorry, Colorado pounded Oklahoma State.

Speaker 7 (19:47):
Fifty two to nothing.

Speaker 8 (19:48):
Sir Jorce Anders had five touchdown passes, three of them
to Travis Hunter. Hunter the first player in the last
twenty five seasons of college football to have three touchdowns
from scrimmage in a game and an interception.

Speaker 7 (20:00):
He's also where was I had it? Right here? Hold on?

Speaker 8 (20:03):
Yeah, three career games for Travis Hunter with ten catches
in interception since nineteen ninety six, all other Football Bowl
Subdivision players have combined for one.

Speaker 7 (20:14):
He's got three.

Speaker 3 (20:15):
He Issman, I would want to know that one, Martin,
Can you find that out for him?

Speaker 4 (20:19):
I'll look for that's some point. It must not be
Kerry Rose.

Speaker 7 (20:22):
It does.

Speaker 4 (20:25):
Absolutely not.

Speaker 8 (20:25):
No, but you're in that list though, you know all
over the football players is ninety six.

Speaker 7 (20:31):
The Chicago Bears have fired head coach Mattibra. Flushy leaves
with a fourteen and thirty two record as head coach.
She's the first head coach, ever to be fired by
the Bears midseason.

Speaker 8 (20:41):
Offensive coordinator Thomas Brown will take over as the interim
head coach. Shane Steichen has ruled out Josh Downs and
Ashton Doolin for the Colts game against the Patriots. Jackwarts
head coach Doug Peterson says Trevor Lawrence will play Sunday
against the Houston Texans after missing nearly a month with
an ac joint injury in his shoulder and Dalton connect
to know what. I'm sorry, Mauch dalty Conk is not

playing Week thirteen against the forty nine ers. That's the
Buffalo Bills tight end.

Speaker 4 (21:07):
Lakers rookie doing well exactly.

Speaker 3 (21:10):
Thank you for that. You you missed breaking news. Actually
what Josh Allen and Hailey Steinfeld annouced their engagement. Oh
my goodness, I'm just tweet I don't know, but apparently
they posted it. He just there it is, but I
saw it before he tweeted it. They posted on social media.
Congratulations to Josh Allen and Hailey Steinfeld. Uh Carrie the

rich get richer, oh man, Yes, yes they do. And
we'll talk about that on the other side. Don't go anywhere.
This is Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 6 (21:40):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 3 (21:53):
Yeah, welcome to Fox Sports Radio. Everybody, you are listening
to Cavino and Rich, but the fellows are not here.
I am Monty Bolanos alongside former All Pro safety Carrie Roads.
Thank you for hanging out with us. If you've been
with us for the past three hours, thank you, Yes,
thank you. We appreciate it. We hope you've had fun.
We've had fun, But Carrie, I don't know how many

people are having fun when the rich get richer? And
what am I talking about? The Doyers, the La Dodgers.
You know, you and I had the plan to talk
about what the Dodgers have just done signing Blake Snell.
But now there's even more to it because apparently Tommy
Edmond has been extended by the Dodgers a five year,

seventy four million dollar deal with the club option in
twenty thirty. You, as a Yankees fan, how do you
feel about the rich getting richer?

Speaker 5 (22:45):
Well, I'll only be okay if we resign Sodo if
we lose Sodo, I am I'm gonna, I'm gonna. I'm
gonna type up a complaint to MLB, not even to
the Dodgers, to MLB.

Speaker 4 (22:59):
And so please start writing.

Speaker 5 (23:02):
Don't allow the Dodgers to get anybody else. This is
coming from a concerned fan. That's what I'm gonna do,
all right.

Speaker 3 (23:08):
So quick, Juan Soto if he wants there's rumors he
wants fifteen years, So you would give him the fifteen.

Speaker 4 (23:14):
I'll give him whatever you want, whatever he wants. Forty
years old, that's okay.

Speaker 9 (23:17):
He'd be forty years old.

Speaker 4 (23:19):
That swing will never go away.

Speaker 3 (23:21):
And in baseball, that's you know.

Speaker 2 (23:22):

Speaker 1 (23:23):
Also, everyone thinks he lies about his age. He might
be forty years that's right, That is right, that's right.

Speaker 3 (23:29):
That's that's a separate conversation. Right. I'm with you. I
would also give Juan Soto fifteen years if you wanted it.
We've seen it with other players that have still managed
to hit until literally the end of their career. Sure,
and so I and it's also it's wan Soto like
he's going to bring in money for you and bring
in attention that you want. Yes, there's but there's a
lot of hate right with the Dodgers, But I'm just

like you guys. Deferred money has been happening for years.
Like Ken Griffy Junior was the fourth highest paid player
for the Reds just two years ago. You know how
I've been no money.

Speaker 4 (24:00):
I know about the Bobby bon.

Speaker 3 (24:01):
Do that's another one, right? No, no, no, Ken Grivy
Junior hasn't played since two thousand and eight. Two years ago,
he was the fourth highest played, the highest ad player
on the red Deferred money. Obviously, the Dodgers are exploiting
this hole that baseball has allowed to a degree we've
never seen. But the deferred money has always been there.
And then, yes, you have your cheap owners. I mean
the Oakland A's twenty twenty four payroll was sixty two million,

Blake Snell's signing bonus fifty two million?

Speaker 4 (24:27):
Was it really only sixty two o? Wow?

Speaker 3 (24:29):
Like, but the cheap owners have always been there. Like
people want to get mad at the owners, and I
get that, but they've always been there. The reality is
this loophole that has been allowed and Baseball has never
stopped it. And now that the Dodgers have done this,
I mean, like do you stop this loophole because they've
already done the damage. The Dodgers are just doing whatever

they want until you stop them right as they should,
as as they should, no question. And I do get
the annoyance of it, of course. I mean you as
a Yankee fan dominated for decades, right, like it is
annoying when there is a team that dominates, like the
Kansas City Chiefs. But at the same time, it's like,
I guarantee you, if the Dodgers come in town, you're

gonna all those Dodger haters and be like, nah, I
guess I should go watch the Dodgers and watch all
these stars play.

Speaker 4 (25:14):
Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 5 (25:15):
And I'm I'm all four Like you said, then if
there's a way to do it where it falls in
between the rules.

Speaker 4 (25:22):
And then do it.

Speaker 5 (25:22):
But uh, just as and as a fan, as a
Dodger fan, I would be very excited about it. But
I'm a New York fan. We just lost you guys
in the World Series. I am salty.

Speaker 3 (25:32):
It should be because Game one and two was in
your fingertips that heard, and it's Game five and game
five but you know at that point, oh yeah, no,
game five, yes, exactly right, it's all coming back to me.
I was thinking of games one and two, but you're right.
Game five was rough, Garrett Cole, right, not running to
first base.

Speaker 4 (25:49):
Just pay it and just dropping a routine five ball.
It was just it was crazy.

Speaker 3 (25:54):
Garrett Cole pointing first space.

Speaker 4 (25:56):
You get the first base, that's your job.

Speaker 3 (25:59):
No, that that was That was rough. But yeah, the
Dodgers are getting richer as we speak. The Yankees. You're
holding on to hope that one. Soto may be there
until he's forty five.

Speaker 4 (26:09):
We don't know, fifty, he might be fifty, sixty, he.

Speaker 3 (26:12):
Might be sixty, we don't know. But I would also
sign Juan Soto. I totally get it. Don't go anywhere
because Carrie and I are still here for one more
hour as we cover for Caveno and Rich. So stay
right here. It's Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (26:27):
I love LA.

Speaker 6 (26:29):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 3 (26:41):
Yeah, welcome to Fox Sports Radio. You are tuning in
to Caveno and Rich, but the fellas are out. I'm here.
Monty Bolanos alongside former All Pro safety Carrie Rhads. And
if you've been tuning in for the entire three plus hours,
we appreciate it. If you were just tuning in on
the other side and I told you we were gonna
about second year quarterbacks, forget that, guys, because things happen

in sports and then you have to just go with it.
So the Raiders Chiefs, that game just ended in a disappointing, shocking, bad,
unfortunate way for the Las.

Speaker 5 (27:18):
Vegas series of unfortunate events, a series of unfortunate events
that just kept on giving.

Speaker 3 (27:26):
So we'll start with the first initial bad part for
the Raiders.

Speaker 5 (27:32):
Yeah, a fifty eight uard attempt to try to give
the Raiders the lead.

Speaker 4 (27:35):
The kick is a line drive kick. It is way
short by Daniel Carlson. He came in seventeen straight.

Speaker 7 (27:42):
He's missed three in this.

Speaker 4 (27:44):
Game, fifty five, fifty six, fifty eight.

Speaker 3 (27:48):
That was Raider Nation radio. As you can tell, a
missed field goal. They missed three field goals. The Raiders
were in this game the entire time, had multiple chances,
missed that one. But then things get worse. Carrie, Yes,
this has got.

Speaker 9 (28:06):
To be either on the sideline or quick troth.

Speaker 4 (28:08):
They snapped and O'Connor wasn't ready.

Speaker 2 (28:10):
The balls on the turf and the cheeks health.

Speaker 4 (28:13):
Of footballs are black down. Please be a false start.

Speaker 7 (28:17):
Otherwise this game is over.

Speaker 4 (28:19):
A legal shift on the offense.

Speaker 6 (28:24):

Speaker 9 (28:25):
It seems good recover the backwards pass and take over
the first step.

Speaker 4 (28:29):
It was not a false star, Yeah it was. Actually
it was a false start, was it?

Speaker 7 (28:38):

Speaker 3 (28:40):
I what happened, like we saw the snap even and
O'Connell was looking up at the sky. I hits him
in the chest and that's the game.

Speaker 4 (28:51):
You know what's crazy about that?

Speaker 5 (28:52):
He missed three kicks, right, but we're at the point
now where we expect kickers to make these really long
field goals and make him look team, which they have.
He missed a fifty five yarder, a fifty six yard
and a fifty eight yarder.

Speaker 3 (29:06):
Yeah, like the expectation.

Speaker 5 (29:08):
They aren't gimmey's. But I mean the Raiders they always
play Kansas City tough. And you know what was gonna
come down to something like this? And what did I
say before the game started? I said, the Chiefs are
three points better than everybody else. Everybody they win this
game by two points.

Speaker 3 (29:21):
The Raiders play tough against all tough teams. That's the
reality of it, Martin.

Speaker 8 (29:26):
Yeah, do you know that the Chiefs for the team
that used the third kicker this season, Andrews Carlson's been
the Raiders guy all year.

Speaker 4 (29:32):
That's right.

Speaker 3 (29:34):
I do agree. Now, I agree with Kerrie that like
these numbers, fifty eight fifty five yarders, like they're all
they think it's a gimme, and that is not a gimme.
And then we are putting it on this Daniel Carlson
when it's we're asking a lot of him. Now, Yes,
he has been their kicker for a while. Martin is right.
The Chiefs are on their third kicker this season, matthew Wright,

who at the end did hit a thirty two yard
field goal to put them up with ten minutes to
go in the game. So there was plenty of time
for the Raiders to do damage and they were going
downfield trying to get it done, and then somehow the
Chiefs win.

Speaker 5 (30:12):
It's you know, I told you I hate it. I
hate the Chiefs win by two three points every game.
That's like the ultimates, like more than a gut punch
it's like a it's like a puncture to the stomach.
Like it's like it's painful, it's slow. It hurts, you know,
it bleeds out a little bit and you can patch
it up and then you can kind of go on
to the next play and try to move on, and

it just kind of seeps through the bandage. Okay, I'm
going a little graphic, but I'm trying to tell you
it really hurts. It hurts, and it's a slow hurt too.

Speaker 3 (30:41):
And listen, I get it, you guys. Hating the chiefs
is easy. I get it. No, I understand, like if
dynasties you hate them and you love them, and especially
in the NFL, because we just got out of a dynasty. Yes,
so you were literally in another dynasty, which is kind
of annoying. But as I told you during the break,
blame the teams that can't seem to execute against the chiefs.

In the end, I agree, like everybody's like, oh, the
chiefs are aren't that good, And I get that as well,
because they haven't looked as good as they have in
the past. Yeah, but they find a way to win.
And I'm telling you, I swear I feel like the
chiefs purposely just do what they need to do, like
they don't want to show all their cards. I agree,
they know everybody is trying to beat them, so I
feel like, even though they're not blowing teams out, it's

almost like their own strategy. We're just gonna do what
we need to do. Are we down by three, great,
let's go just at least get a field goal. They're doing.
There's no way they're not doing this on purpose of
keeping everything just barely above water.

Speaker 4 (31:40):
I don't know if it's purpose. They're not that good.

Speaker 5 (31:43):
I don't think anybody's that good, so like we're gonna,
we're not gonna, we're gonna throw some black cards at here.
But I do agree with what you're saying. They are
definitely holding back some of their their explosive players and
stuff like that, for sure. But again, I mean trying
to pigyback off that long field goal thing, the fifty
five at the sixth with the eight.

Speaker 4 (32:01):
He has to make them though that's his job. I mean,
it's his job.

Speaker 5 (32:04):
But I'm saying, like, just the people are expecting that
these are easy kicks.

Speaker 4 (32:09):
They're not.

Speaker 3 (32:09):
They're not, and you're and if you think about it.
You make one of those, you win.

Speaker 4 (32:12):
One and you missed three. Three.

Speaker 9 (32:15):
He had one job, he had one.

Speaker 3 (32:17):
Job from our Raider fan here. Uh, he's very upset.

Speaker 4 (32:22):
He's upset.

Speaker 3 (32:22):
He's upset Ryan, our technical producer, who has been great,
but he's mad right now. Do you need a drink
a cocktail?

Speaker 4 (32:30):
Oh, don't worry. That'll be taken care of after my shift.
Don't worry.

Speaker 3 (32:34):
That's probably how a lot of Raiders fans feel throughout
the season because like, the Raiders play tough against tough
teams yep, every single time. Like give it up to
them for that. You know, you know they're not going
to just take the beating and walk away. They're gonna
they're gonna fight to the end and it just doesn't
always come out in their favor. But we see them
beat teams like Baltimore and the Chiefs last year during

Christmas Christmas Eve one of those games. And here they
had it. They had the opportunity to give the Chiefs
their second loss of the season.

Speaker 5 (33:02):
And they could have backed this. What this win could
have done for them more than anything, is given them
the opportunity to keep going with the Muppet thing that
they had with with Patrick Mahomes. You know they they
talked about that earlier. They definitely threw some shade out
there and they could have backed it up today, but.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
We could have brought it out. Fell a little short, Yeah,
I felt a little short. Listen. I don't want to
just talk. We did have positive talk about the Raiders
earlier when we were talking about Max Crosby. I feel
like we should also give a little bit of love
to Brock Bowers.

Speaker 4 (33:31):
Brock is a beast.

Speaker 3 (33:32):
Barrock is a beast. Did you know he was going
to be this beast? You felt it?

Speaker 4 (33:37):

Speaker 3 (33:38):
The way the immediate, immediate impact.

Speaker 4 (33:40):
Immediate impact, immediate, it didn't matter where you went.

Speaker 5 (33:42):
I mean, I thought he was top five talent coming
into this draft, and so you know, you see some
teams like the Jets. We talked, we weren't going to
talk about the Jets, but they had that fourth pick
and I could have seen them taken him there.

Speaker 4 (33:53):
Like that's how good I thought he was.

Speaker 3 (33:55):
I didn't know he would be this good. But I
will tell you what's funny is we have a guillotine league.
I know you don't do fantasy, we have a Guillantine
league here and I was not very familiar with like
the app and whatnot, and I hated it. It was
different than last year. And I put like, you know,
players in a queue, right, and I put rock Powers
in my queue and I wasn't paying attention and it

automatically drafted him like third or fourth round, and I
was like, no, this is supposed to be later. This
stupid app just took it. Why And I was so
mad about it. Let me tell you, I'm not mad
at ten catches, one hundred and forty yards and a
touch and a tuddy Rock Powers. If I win the

Gullantine League, it's because of you. I'm not kidding. Because
it was a bad early pick.

Speaker 5 (34:44):
I thought, yeah, no, no, no, it was Fai right
on money.

Speaker 3 (34:49):
Probably the best, no not, probably the best tight end
of the season so far in the NFL.

Speaker 4 (34:53):
That's wise. I don't. I wouldn't know. I don't don't.

Speaker 3 (34:57):
Travis Kelce has been.

Speaker 4 (34:58):
Mid who I'm trying to think it was probably Dalton Kincaid,
mid Mark and jew S thought it slow.

Speaker 3 (35:04):
Started slow, but still has maybe one or two games.
Lions Titan at Sam Laporta last year was super great.
He's fine. He had two touchdowns yesterday, but he wasn't.
He hasn't been doing that all season. Literally, Brock Bauers
has been the Raiders consistent guy, game after game. And
it's unfortunate that the Raiders record is to and ten

because they do have certain pieces on their roster that
you know, you're you're like, this is what I want,
this is the type of player I want. And aid
and O'Connell twenty three of thirty five, three hundred and
forty yards and.

Speaker 4 (35:35):
Two touchdown against the Chiefs defense.

Speaker 3 (35:37):
Against the Chiefs defense, that's pretty good. Yeah, I let
me say we did see him get sacked, which you
called remember that we were watching the game, and carries
like he's about to get sacked, and literally he manifested it.
Got sacked three sacks. I thought it was gonna be
at Patrick Mahomes sacked five times?

Speaker 4 (35:52):
Oh really?

Speaker 7 (35:53):

Speaker 3 (35:53):

Speaker 4 (35:54):
How many did Max get in that game?

Speaker 2 (35:56):
Shait doing?

Speaker 3 (35:57):
How many sacks Max Crosby got in this game against Patrick.

Speaker 4 (35:59):
Mahon two seconds?

Speaker 3 (36:01):
Two seconds? Thank you? Sorry putting them on.

Speaker 4 (36:03):
I know he had a half sack earlier. Did he
get another one later?

Speaker 9 (36:07):
So he got a full sack?

Speaker 6 (36:09):

Speaker 9 (36:09):
All sack there?

Speaker 3 (36:10):
All right?

Speaker 1 (36:11):
All right, Wow, four QB hits pressures Yep, for sure,
hits four total tackles.

Speaker 3 (36:16):
Ye, well, way to go, Max Crosby. Again, we've been
here a while, but you know, if you haven't listened
to the show.

Speaker 5 (36:22):
Yeah, this hour on Covino and Rich is brought to
you by DraftKings the NBA Cup It's back. You can
win big at Draft Kings Sports Book, an official sports
betting partner of the NBA, and you can boost your
winnings on tonight's games with Draft Kings NBA Cup double
up promotion.

Speaker 3 (36:37):
That's right, that is right. And now let's chick in
with Morton to tell us what's going on.

Speaker 8 (36:45):
A disaster, disaster, disaster for Vegas. As I mean, they
had so many opportunities to win this game, namely three
of them that were missed field goals, one block, but
not even getting a field goal attempt to in the game.

Speaker 4 (37:01):
Yeah, I mean, let's just say it.

Speaker 7 (37:04):
It's Ibra Flucian.

Speaker 3 (37:05):
I was gonna say, well, it's worse what the Bears did,
or what.

Speaker 4 (37:09):
What the Bears did?

Speaker 3 (37:10):
Oh what?

Speaker 4 (37:11):
Definitely I was gonna let you guys out of the floor.

Speaker 8 (37:13):
But I was like, definitely, So when last snap of
the game, Aidan O'Connell was not ready for it, ends
up hitting him in the chest. Nick Bolton recovers the
fumble and that'll do it. Kansas City nineteen Raiders seventeen
in a game in which they missed three field goals

and did not attempt the game winning potential field goal.
Aidan O'Connell had three hundred and forty yards through the
air twenty three.

Speaker 7 (37:42):
Or thirty five for two touchdowns. Raiders rushed.

Speaker 8 (37:45):
Raiders out rushed the Chiefs one hundred and sixteen yards
to sixty three whoa Isaiah Pacheco was the leading rusher
for Kansas City with forty four yards.

Speaker 7 (37:54):
He had thirty four on one carry.

Speaker 8 (37:56):
Patrick Mahomes barely gone over for three hundred yards pass.
He only won Tounchdown was sacked five times in this game.

Speaker 7 (38:03):
And Vegas goes home losers. Vegas goes home losers.

Speaker 3 (38:06):
That's what you want to hear it in Vegas.

Speaker 5 (38:08):
No I was about to say anybody going home losing
at Vegas.

Speaker 8 (38:11):
Is yeah, most people leave Vegas losers going home to
Vegas and being losers. That's that's a tough speaking of losers.
That's for off Matt Ebraflus fired by the Chicago Bears.
He lives with a fourteen to thirty two record as
the head coach. Offensive coording of Thomas Brown will take
over as the interim head coach. And other NFL news,
Shane Steiken ruled out Josh Downs and Ashton Dooland for

Sunday's game against the Patriots. Jaguars head coach Doug Peterson
says Trevor Lawrence will play Sunday against the Houston Texans.
He was almost a month with the ac joint injury
in his shoulder, and Bill's Titan Dalton Kincaid will not
play Week thirteen against the forty nine ers. In college
football results, Colorado beat Oklahoma State fifty two to nothing.
Door Sanders had five touchdown passes, three of them were

the Travis Hunter. That makes Travis Hunter the first player
in twenty five years of college football to have three
touchdowns from image as well as an interception. Deon Sanders
said today in his postgame interview that Travis has locked
up the Heisman and shown Shador has shown why he
should be sitting next.

Speaker 3 (39:10):
To him, So I don't disagree.

Speaker 7 (39:13):
Yeah, I think he'll be there Ashton jating might.

Speaker 8 (39:16):
He had two hundred twenty six yards rushing on thirty
seven carries and a touchdown as Boise State beat Oregon
State thirty four to eighteen, and in the Egg Bowl
all miss and Mississippi State, the Rebels with a twenty
to fourteen lead over the Bulldogs eleven fifty left in
the game.

Speaker 7 (39:31):
Bonci and carry back to you guys.

Speaker 3 (39:33):
Thanks Martin, appreciate all your work today. Love having you around.

Speaker 4 (39:38):

Speaker 3 (39:38):
Bad for Vegas just in general.

Speaker 4 (39:42):
Vegas is we talked about it. I talked about Pierce earlier.

Speaker 5 (39:45):
Right, you'll have those guys motivated to play, yeah, which
they do.

Speaker 3 (39:49):
Just can't get over to Hop real quick before we
move on to the next fun segment as we're gonna
end the show, How did you feel? I don't know
if you saw I'm blanking on the Patriots. Gerradmeo a
couple of days ago had had comments after a game
and he was just like, I can't do anything once
they go out there Hawaii Lions.

Speaker 4 (40:08):
Yeah, I saw that.

Speaker 3 (40:09):
Did those comments bother you or do you like? Are
you like? Yeah, like once they're out there, they're out there.

Speaker 4 (40:14):
No, I understand what he's saying what he's saying. Yeah,
you don't say that though.

Speaker 3 (40:17):
You don't say that, you don't say it out loud.

Speaker 5 (40:19):
No, because yes, between the between the lines, they got
to go make the plays. But there are positions as
a coach, as an assistant coach, defensive coordinator, that you're
putting him in the best position to be successful. So
if he if he said that comment would comments with
some nuance, it would be a different conversation.

Speaker 4 (40:35):
But the way he.

Speaker 3 (40:36):
Said it, the way he said it kind of deflecting blame. Yes,
it wasn't. Yes, I kind of agree with you because
it's like I get what you're saying. Yes, and he's
right to an extent, but it was like, I don't
I don't think it it landed the way he thought.
I don't think.

Speaker 5 (40:50):

Speaker 3 (40:51):
You are listening to Cavino and Rich on Fox Sports Radio.
We are coming to you live from the tyreq dot
com studios. I am Monci Bolanyas alongside former All Pro
safety and we have as a new segment happening right now.
Let's let's get it going. Are we ready? Why not?

Speaker 4 (41:08):
He's his co host. We can win you a game.

Speaker 6 (41:10):
He's his co host sometimes and they all work together
on Sundays.

Speaker 4 (41:19):
But the real question is.

Speaker 6 (41:21):
Who knows fire best.

Speaker 7 (41:23):
Let's find out.

Speaker 4 (41:25):
I think Man is gonna win, but I had confidence
going in.

Speaker 3 (41:28):
I really don't. I don't know the questions brehandle this?
They so is this like we're just guessing our show?

Speaker 4 (41:36):
So multiple choice.

Speaker 1 (41:37):
There are going to be three different categories, fun and random, sports,
and then food and drink. I'm gonna start with sports
just because this is a sports show. Sure, but yeah,
it's multiple choice. You tell me what. And basically, Mancy
and Carrie just say Monci and Kerry as your buzzer. Okay,
kind of the same thing as a trivia game.

Speaker 9 (41:54):
But it's about Dan Bier.

Speaker 4 (41:55):
Oh Man, here we go nervous and I.

Speaker 1 (41:57):
Don't know if you guys, if you got Dan Byer
is a good friend of all of ours. He's also
a host and an update anchor at Fox Sports Radio.
You can hear him on Doug Gottlieb and you can
hear him Mancavino and Rich. He's not here today because
he's getting much deserved time off.

Speaker 3 (42:10):
But trust me, he's bummed that he's not here.

Speaker 1 (42:13):
I'll be sending him the audio. So but let's get
right into it. So who is his favorite athlete? Jim Jackson,
Joannice and to Coombo or Steve Largent.

Speaker 3 (42:25):
Monty Jim Jackson.

Speaker 4 (42:27):
Nope, oh you got it. She is correct.

Speaker 9 (42:31):
It is Jim Jackson.

Speaker 4 (42:33):
I definitely was thinking large because Seattle.

Speaker 9 (42:35):
So it's not honest.

Speaker 1 (42:38):
It's not It couldn't be honest. So if forced, would
he rather wear a Wolverines jersey or a Rams jersey?

Speaker 4 (42:47):
Definitely a Rams jersey.

Speaker 9 (42:48):
And it's not even close.

Speaker 3 (42:54):
Sounds good.

Speaker 1 (42:55):
Which historical sporting event was the most devastating slash traumatizing
to him? There's one right answer in two wrong answers.
In this one. Super Bowl forty nine, Pats defeated the
Seahawks twenty eight twenty four nineteen ninety two Southeast Regional
Final NCAA Tournament. Ohio State lost in overtime to the
Fab five Michigan or Super Bowl forty the Steelers defeated

the Seahawks twenty one to ten.

Speaker 4 (43:20):
Carrie Kerry, Yeah, I'll go the first one. I can't
remember then, Okay.

Speaker 3 (43:27):
Manti Nazi, I'm gonna go with Ohio State yep.

Speaker 1 (43:31):
Yeah, in overtime to the Fab five, Big time heartbreak.

Speaker 3 (43:36):
The only reason I picked I think it's fandom for
Ohio State. Is it tiny bit bigger a great right
than the Seahawks. That's the only reason why.

Speaker 1 (43:44):
Yeah, okay, so this one's a little bit more about him,
but it's sports. Would Dan rather win the MVP of
a team or be part of a team championship?

Speaker 4 (43:53):
Carry Carrie? Knowing Dan is the MVP?

Speaker 9 (43:58):
Yeah, he's right, a little selfish of him, but it
is right.

Speaker 3 (44:02):
I was going to guess the other one on that one.
I was gonna guess such champions because.

Speaker 5 (44:06):
I'm tell you why, because I know, like he's got
like an affection for like accumulating things.

Speaker 4 (44:12):
He likes to bring the hill that's the mini hill Man.

Speaker 3 (44:13):
You're right.

Speaker 5 (44:14):
He brings his little participation in trophy that he had
in high school, I mean was it grade school?

Speaker 4 (44:19):
So he likes those.

Speaker 3 (44:21):
But he's such a team player, you know what I mean.
So that's why I thought, that's why I was going
to leave the other way. How funny?

Speaker 1 (44:27):
All right, guys, We're gonna go on to food or
drink or fun and random which one of you guys.

Speaker 3 (44:31):
Rather do food drinkcause I'm hungry?

Speaker 9 (44:33):
Food or drink.

Speaker 1 (44:34):
What is his Starbucks order? And remember this is multiple choice?
Venty black iced tea, Venti cold brew, or a Grande
white chocolate mocha.

Speaker 4 (44:44):
Carrie the white mocha chocolate.

Speaker 7 (44:47):

Speaker 9 (44:50):
I really thought I must even get this one too.

Speaker 3 (44:54):
I really thought it was I thought it was green Tea,
and you didn't even have that on your list, So
that's why I had no ant, sir.

Speaker 1 (45:01):
What is his this isn't multiple choice, okay, because you
guys should be able to get this one.

Speaker 3 (45:05):

Speaker 9 (45:05):
What is his favorite fast food place?

Speaker 3 (45:07):
Monty Manzi, pop Eyes?

Speaker 4 (45:10):
Close, Carri Clary, do you have you say you don't
have choice? Okay?

Speaker 9 (45:14):

Speaker 4 (45:14):
Though it's close to I'm helping out close. You give
me a hit on that. It's not KFC?

Speaker 5 (45:22):
Is it?

Speaker 9 (45:23):
No Manzi?

Speaker 1 (45:24):
Less chats, It's close to Chicken, not koc or not Popeyes.

Speaker 3 (45:30):
It's not chick fil it is.

Speaker 9 (45:33):
Since nineteen ninety eight, Dan has love Chick fil A
and will stand by Chick fil A until he dies.
I agree with Dane, now me too, that Chick fil
A sauce is something else?

Speaker 7 (45:42):
All right?

Speaker 9 (45:42):
Three and three you guys are yeah, you are.

Speaker 7 (45:45):

Speaker 3 (45:46):
I feel like we should maybe last one here.

Speaker 9 (45:48):
We're going to do a fun and random one here,
you guys ready and.

Speaker 4 (45:52):
Hold on, let me stand up.

Speaker 9 (45:55):
I'll give you guys a time.

Speaker 3 (45:57):
I'm nervous.

Speaker 1 (45:58):
Are you ready? You guys ready, let's do it. What
would be his karaoke song? Oh my Heart Will go
On by Celine dionp by Naughty by Nature or Operator
by Jim Krois, all right, carry.

Speaker 4 (46:13):
Up by Naughty by Nature.

Speaker 3 (46:16):
Mancy Operator.

Speaker 4 (46:22):
I was like, it's not my heart will go on
for soon?

Speaker 3 (46:24):
But how great would it have been if that was
the answer and we both ended in a tie?

Speaker 5 (46:29):
That's let's say it was that, so we can end
up in the tie because I feel I'm gonna play
Operate please.

Speaker 3 (46:35):
Oh that was pretty good.

Speaker 4 (46:37):
That was fun.

Speaker 3 (46:38):
That was fun, and you know, we have actually more
questions in case we ever sit here again. Yes, we
can do a s we will sit here again. We'll
do a second round. Don't go anywhere, though. We got
a little bit more to go here at Fox Sports Radio,
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