Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to the best of the Ben Mahler
Show podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
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Speaker 2 (00:24):
This is the best of the Ben Mahler Show on
Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 1 (00:33):
Case of bed poetry on display. Well, come in not
beginning of another week of the Ben Mahler Show. We
are in the air everywhere. Like teammates. We will not
drop the ball though, as we dive in to the
world of words, words, a coast, a coast, moter and
beyond on the mass and uncommonly powerful microphones of FSR
emmundating live from the Gala, the gab Gala. It's open
all night as we are broadcasting live from the ti
Raq dot Com studio tyract dot Com. We'll do it live,
We'll help you get there and unmatt selection, fast free shipping,
free road hazard protection and over ten thousand recommended in staws.
I know the Bourbon Badger, A fan of that Tirac
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Speaker 3 (01:35):
Speaker 1 (01:35):
So our lead this hour is from you know what.
The championship games are now set in the NFL's kind
of a big deal in our world, slightly slightly a
big deal. And our lead is from the most hyped
game of the divisional round of the playoffs. I will
tell you we're supposed to have another octagon an hour two.
I'm hearing rumors that one of the guys gonna flake,
and if that happens, that person's dead to me. But
we'll find out. That'll be an hour or two. There's
rumors in the hallways here that one of the combatants
is gonna flight. But our lead this hour is from Buffalo.
Here we go, Buffalo. There was snow, although there was
more snow in the Eagles game than there was in
the Bills game. But the vision A round of the playoffs,
Lamar Jackson trying to kill some demons. Playoff, Lamar trying
to end all that, at least for the week. Raven's
traveling three hundred and sixty two miles as the crow
flies or in this case, the Blackbird, the poet the
Raven into western New York for a date to wrangle
with Josh Allen and the Bills. The winner gets a
trip to Cansau City to eat great barbecue, amazing chicken
fingers over there at the Landing and Liberty and of
course the Ben Mathers chicken fingers and just have a
great time. So if you didn't watch the game, why
the hell not? What else were you doing? I don't
want to know. Maybe you missed it. So Josh Allen
did not have a gotty stat line. He wasn't gotty,
but he did have two rushing touchdowns and the Buffalo
defense forcing not one, not two, but three turnovers and
a little bit of a drop ski there at the end.
More on that in a minute. For the Baltimore football team,
the Bills advanced to the AFC Championship Game, a heart
pounding twenty seven to twenty five victory over the beleaguered
Baltimore football team in the Divisional round on a cold
Sunday night, the Bill's hung on as a wide open,
wide open Mark Andrews, he had it right there, two
point conversion, two point conversion passed from Lamar Jackson, ball
bounced off his chest, right off his chest, with a
minute thirty three left. Now the raven fan will say, Hey,
that's the end of the deal right there. That is it.
That is we fed up right there, and that's all
the Bills fan will said. Well, even if he had
gotten that, the Bills had a minute thirty three, all
they needed was a field goal to go down and
win that game. Now, Jackson had connected moments earlier on
a pass played to Isaiah, likely a sliding pass play
a twenty four yard touchdown. There the Ravens had the
chance to win the game. They had to tie the
game and then eventually win the game. We have to
tie before you can win. And well we know what happened.
So the Bills advanced to the AFC Championship Game, where
next Sunday against the number one Sea and City, the
two time defending champion Chiefs. More on their game later
as we work our way through the overnight. Buffalo snapping
a three year run, a three year run of being
eliminated in the divisional round of the plaus Now it
is a familiar matchup. We have seen this many times.
Buffalo has been eliminated by Kansas City in three of
the past four postseasons. Three of the past four postseasons.
So let us discuss the question, does tight end Mark
Andrews of the Baltimore football team deserve all the heat
that he is getting for this performance against Buffalo? So
I've got Southwest Airlines, Vanity Mirror, and Santa Claus and
we'll combine all of these things together and we are
going to make TikTok, which no longer exists for now. Haha,
no more TikTok. All right, So a to answer the question,
does Baltimore's Mark Andrews deserve the heat that he is
getting for this performance against the Bills. Yes, I am
nodding my head. This is kind of obvious. Like this
is not Pop Warner, this is not high school. This
is big time professional football. It is a make or
miss situation. You either make the play or you missed
the play. And he missed it in splendid fashion with
the ras mataz of a stumblebum. Is how this went
down for Mark Andrews. In fact, before Sunday. Now, the
Raves died in Mark Andrews before Sunday, all right. He
had not dropped a pass since Week eight. What a time?
What a time to drop a pass? Now, this performance
is like a nice tattoo. Okay, it's like a tax
it's with you for life. Okay. At age twenty nine,
Mark Andrews, you got a few more years left in
the NFL, and maybe you can get a different tattoo,
and tattoo over that tattoo was something more attractive, but
that is how he is branded at this point. He
had two drop passes in the divisional round here, including
the two point conversion, and also a backbreaking fumble for
Mark Andrews at the Buffalo forty six yard line. He
fumbled the ball that led to the Bills getting a
field goal attempt that nels required the Ravens to go
down and get the two point conversion. You see how
this is all connected. Mark Andrews, who has been the
safety blanket for Lamar Jackson for many, many years. And
you look at this and Andrews on this one. It
was at Southwest Airlines. He's like a coal pilot at
Southwest Airlines. He had one of those one to get
away situations going on. He really wanted to get away.
But seriously, you talk about coming up small on the
big stage with everyone watching, right, everyone's paying attention, and
wh Yeah, not not good. Here's the head coach of
the Baltimore football team, John Harbaugh, explaining that his tight end, well,
of course, he's not gonna say his tight end sucked.
He's gonna have to spin it. Let's see what he's
it with. Let's take it.
Speaker 4 (08:01):
There's nobody that has more heart and cares more and
fights more than Mark. Because we wouldn't be here without
Martin Andrews. You know, that's what you say to him,
So you know, it's like anything else. I mean, destiny
is a decision that you make. It's a decision is
how you handle what comes in your life. Now, Mark
will handle it fantastic like he always does, because he's
because he's a high character person. He's a tough person
and he's a good person. So proud of him's a second,
proud of all the guys.
Speaker 1 (08:23):
You would actually be playing in the AFC Championship game
without Lamar Jackson. You are where you are because of
Lamar Jackson. That's correct, that doing wrong? Yes, high character guy.
Now I don't pay close attention to every single Raving game,
but does it not seem like Lar like Lamar Jackson
has played poorly in many of these playoff games. And
Mark Andrews has also not played well in a lot
of these playoff games. Those two things are like parallel
to each other in these playoff situations. Now will Lamar Jackson,
on the other hand, here will Lamar Jackson with this lass?
Will he get a pass? A playoff pass because he
outperform Josh Allen statistically speaking, we know you nerds out there,
We know the nerds get all roused. They get the
chubby for the stats. So will this give Lamar Jackson
a pass because he had a dominant stat line And
the answer to that is thumbs down on that. No,
No stats are for losers, losers. You repeat it, losers.
There you go. It was a three dog knight for
the Ravens. A three dog knight for the Ravens. Here miscues,
penalties and mental errors. Now they didn't have a ton
of penalties, but they certainly counted five penalties, gave up
two first downs to Buffalo in this game. Buffalo scored
ten points off the miscues. Baltimore turned the ball over
not once, not twice, three times. That led to ten points.
You can do the malord math on that how it
turned out. And Lamar Jackson continues to be starcrossed. And
the theory on this is back on Draft night when
he was coming out of Louisville and entering the NFL.
There was a big party and somewhere in the party,
Lamar accidentally took one of those vanity mirrors and broke it.
He broke the vanity mirror, and that gave him seven
years of bad luck. But it only affects the playoffs
because in the regular season there is really no bad
luck for Lamar Jackson. It's just playoff Lamar. That's where
the glitch happens. Seven years bad luck, and oh, by
the way, this would be his seventh year in the NFL.
Now the concern is he actually broke two vanity mirrors
at that party. Therefore he's got fourteen seasons of bad luck,
which means seven more to go. Good luck on that. Now,
last word, let's go to the Buffalo side of things.
Here we go Buffalo Bill's Mafia. They're all excited. We
go into Kansas City to lose again to the Chiefs.
Here is Josh Allen. We have some audi here. Listen
to Josh Allen. There was a theme both on the
field and then after in the media interview room. Listen
to Josh Allen and his commentary about where the Bills
are at this point. Take a listen. Let's go to
the audio.
Speaker 3 (11:21):
I bought a lot of pride in that locker room.
I said it in my post game. You know, we
don't listen to the outside noise, but everyone was saying this
and that about us and didn't have enough talent, weren't
good enough to be in these positions, and our guys
just continue to work hard, and we're internally driven. We
love each other and I think you saw how much
we played for each other there.
Speaker 1 (11:40):
Okay, so we'll keep it simple. It's sports talk radio.
It's late at night, so we're not gonna make this
too hard. We're not gonna bend your brain. Here the
question what stands out about Josh Allen? You just heard
the sound about what stands out about Josh Allen's comments
about the Bills naysayers, So it's rather obvious. It's standing
out like a sore, throbbing thumb when you hear Josh
Allen here. For a guy who doesn't listen, he's got
really good hearing, really really good hearing Josh Allen. Alan
is like Santa Claus, he's omni president. We don't pay
attention to the critics, but we know here and see everything.
Just like Santa Claus, they know every bad thing said
about them. And this is a reminder of a long
standing position. I had an epiphany several years back, and
I've shared it with you as a friend of mine
that listened to this show on a regular basis. It
is confirmation and what is it? Confirmation? Ut, I'll explain
to you that the critic, it's not the man in
the arena that matters. It's the critic that matters. They
like to talk about the man in the arena, and
that's what matters. No, no, no, the critic, the person
up top looking down and pointing and saying ah, that's
the person that matters. These athletes are mentally weak. They
need like yours truly to criticize them. Otherwise I don't
think any of these a holes would show up. How
pathetic does Josh Allen sound? Seriously? Seriously? Well, we know
we don't hear the critics, but I know every single thing,
every single thing they said about me. What a loser,
what a just admit it. You listen to sports radio,
you read the internet. You are obsessed with what people
are saying about you. That's the reality of the situation,
and it's across the board, across every professional athletes. We
don't pay attention to what's out. Yes, you do, all
of you do right And this is the latest example.
Play that again. Play Josh out. Listen to Josh out.
Listen to this.
Speaker 3 (13:47):
I bought a lot of pride in that locker room.
I said it in my post game. You know, we
don't listen to outside noise. But everyone was saying this
and that about us, and or didn't have enough talent,
weren't good enough to be in these psians and our
guys just continue to work hard and we're internally driven.
We love each other and I think you saw how
much we played for each other there.
Speaker 1 (14:06):
Yeah, we all listen to the outside noise, but I
hear everything. I hear every bleatemit thing it's said. Just
shut off your notification. They can't do it. They cannot
do it. These guys are you know what's what Josh
allens Maki's worried about. What the narrative is. They're all
wired the same way. They're all wired the same way.
Every one of them my entire life. Every team that
wins a championship, nobody thought we can do it. It's
gonna be great when Kansas City wins the Super Bowl
in New Orleans next month and they get up on
the day as well. People didn't believe in us. They
didn't think we could win three in a row. You know,
exci to me be the same thing. Everyone's wired the
same way. Block out the noise, all this stuff. You
black got the noise, they wouldn't be able to play.
Shut off the notifications. They got no help, No hope,
no hope, no hope.
Speaker 2 (14:56):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meller
Show weekdays two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio.
Speaker 1 (15:05):
App Stuck in the Snow, Welcome in the beginning of
another hour of the Benmalor Show. We are in the
air everywhere, benfellows, as we are providing you a universe
of stories. To wait right here, coast to coast, border
the border and be on on the mast and supremely
powerful microphones of fsr mmnading live from Loui the wee
hours of the morning. We're broadcasting live from the tyrag
Dot com Studios. Tyract dot com will help you get
there and on match selection, fast reshipping, free road hazard protection,
and over ten thousand recommended installers. I know that Johnny
Slick likes that number. Ten thousand. Tirac dot com the
way tire buying show me, So we play it hits
as we navigate our way through the NFL playoff weekend
reminder coming up later this hour. It is scheduled the
verbal Octagon two point zero. There's a college football national
championship game that will be played later on Monday night,
and Notre Dame versus Ohio State. The octagon is going
to take place in about twenty five thirty minutes from now.
Give her take. We'll take some calls before then we'll
see if not we will declare, will declare the winner.
We'll see if that happens or not. But Buck Nutts
representing Ohio State, born bred and all that in Columbus
versus a man who's a proud Golden domer, Alameda Lou.
I'm sure Alameda Lou will not flake on us at all.
But we begin this hour from Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, a
snow packed afternoon. Well it didn't start this way, but
it ended up that way in the divisional round where
Matthew Stafford in the ali i Ams traveling circus heading
to the Delaware Valley to wrestle with Jalen Hurts and
the eight gl Ales. The winner against the host host
the NFC Championship game because the Detroit Lions choked against
the Washington football team, so the Commanders will be the
road team and they would take on the winner of
this Philadelphia LA team. I assume you know who won
by now, but maybe not. Maybe he didn't watch the game.
As Sequon Barkley pouring salt on the wound of the
New York Giants in an Eagle uniform, he dashed through
the snow the winter wonder Land. He had massive run
seventy eight yard touchdown for Philadelphia, sixty two yard touchdown
for the Eagles. He finished with two hundred and five
yards rushing. Jalen Hurts had forty four yards on a
one carry for a touchdown. That's pretty much all he did.
The Eagles held on by the skin of their chiney chinchin,
held on by the skin on their chinny chinchin, and
they get past the Rams twenty eight to twenty two
to reach the NFC Championship Game for the second time
in three years. But the better story is in the
losing locker room, and so that is where we will focus.
Let us discuss question where did things go wrong for
Sean mcvay's Rams. They won the statue but lost the game.
Where did things go wrong for Sean mcvay's Rams. So
I've got drive through utensils and Hulk a maniac, and
we will combine all of these things together and we
will provide a investigation. A Mather Show investigation is what
we're going to do. So Nber, Yes, this is not
open heart surgery. We're just talking about sports. We're just
talking about a random football playoff game. The Rams sucked
at a time you cannot suck. That would be the
start of the fourth quarter, but really only for a
few minutes at the start of the fourth quarter. But
that was enough to sink their battleship. That's the problem.
They matched the Eagles blow for blow. In fact, they
won the statuet, but it was eleven seconds in that
was the point of demarcation for the Rams. Eleven seconds
in to the fourth quarter, the Rams were trailing by
one point. It's a sixteen to fifteen game, the Rams
trailing by one point. Sean McVay decided to leave the stadium.
He went out. He went through the drive through at Windy's.
He ended up ordering not one, but two Frosty's and
Frosty the snow Man now Kyrin Williams a golden domer.
He went to Notre Dame. He played in cold weather.
You wouldn't know it because the Ram running back. Yeah,
he turned the ball over right around midfield. The ball
was returned to the Ram ten yard line. Rams up
by one, cough up the football and that ultimately led
to a field goal by the So now you're down
by four. That was Frosty the Snowman number one, Frosty
the Snowman number two. LA's very next drive, Matthew Stafford
coughed up a for a ball and fumba that was
also in Ram territory the thirty eight yard line, handing
the ball, setting up the Eagles offense, giving the Eagles
a short field that they couldn't get a touchdown because
they're not really not that good. But the Eagles got
a field goal twenty two to fifteen. That was Frosty
the Snowman number two, and so in the span of
a couple of minutes, the Rams went from potentially driving
down the field to have a field goal attempt to
take the lead, be up by two, or a touchdown
to go up by a bunch, and it didn't happen.
Those two fumbles by Tyrone Williams and Matthew Stafford ultimately
provided the difference in the game. Good afternoon, good evening,
and good night. But a team from the West Coast,
supposedly soft team against a big, tough Burley Philadelphia Eagle team.
If I'm a Philadelphia Eagle fan, I'm not feeling very
good because that game was a lot closer than it
needed to be. Now, page two. Following the loss, all right,
following the loss, Matthew Stafford was quizzed about his future.
I think we have some audio on that. Let's go
to the audio tape. Here's Matthew Stafford asked about what's
going to happen going forward. Take a list. I'm so
proud to be associated with this group, and.
Speaker 3 (21:29):
You know, as far as my future goes, I mean,
it's thirty minutes after the last game, so I'll take
some time to think about it, but I feel like
I was playing some pretty goodball. You got football left
in you?
Speaker 1 (21:40):
Sure it feels like it. You might want to see
a doctor and have that taken out anyway, So Stafford saying, hey,
take some time to think about it. That was the
money quote about his future, leaving the open end to
that question. No, I don't know. The plot thickens, So
where answer people here? What are the odds? Matthew Stafford
returns to the Rams in twenty twenty five's regular season.
What are the odds? Matthew Stafford returns to the Rams again,
his commentary, you just heard it there takes some time
to think about it, as what he said. So I'm
gonna set the malor odds at minus one point fifty
on Stafford returning to the La Rams. That implies a
sixty percent chance, but also a forty percent chance he
does not come back to the Rams. And here's why.
A couple of years ago, the Rams came this close
you can't see my fingers, but this close to getting
rid of Matthew Stafford. They were ready to move on.
They thought he was too damaged and they were looking
to unload Stafford. It didn't work out at that point.
And so the Rams right now and Stafford yet again
are staring at utensils. They are at a fork in
the road, a fork in the road. Stafford played the
twenty twenty four regular season and now obviously the postseason,
essentially one year contract. Now he got paid very well
the riches of Solomon or in this case the riches
of Stan Kroncky, the owner, forty million dollars essentially for
one year. The contract allows the Rams and Stafford to reassess,
to reassess after the season. The season is now over
and a wa la, here we are back at the
fork in the road, the crossroads. Stafford has been a
year to year or year to year really for a
couple of season. Now the Rams they have no safety net,
which I'm fine with. It'll be kind of fun to
see what they do if Stafford does leave. All of
their eggs have been in the Stafford basket. They had
Jimmy Garoppolo, who's pretty washed up as the backup, and
so they'll have to turn over some rocks and fus
around to try to find a quarterback if Stafford retires
or if he goes to some other team. But the
smart money says he goes back one year year to
year situation, it's sixty forty. As they said, Now the positives,
the weigh the positives and the negatives and all that
the positives are. He's comfortable with McVeigh Mcvayh's comfortable with him.
The Rams are set up to be a good team
year in and year out because they draft, They've drafted well,
they have the money to spend, they sign free agents
and whatnot. Rams have a stud wide receiver, Pulgadakua. Their
other stud wide receiver, Cooper Cup, appears to be washed
up all of a sudden, but they have all their
playmakers the negatives. Matthew Stafford is about to turn thirty seven,
has a history. His medical chart is reminiscent of Kawhi
Leonard or Anthony Davis from the NBA. Gets hurt quite
a bit. He's battered, beaten, bruised, all of that. And
so if Stafford is gone, the Rams will have to
go down to the flea market. And you look at
the quarterbacks that are going to change teams or could
change teams this offseason. There are some real turds. Sam Darnold,
Derek Carr, Aaron Rogers, Kirk Cousins is out there, Russell Wilson,
just Fields need I go on though, that's the quarterback
shuffle this offseason. That's the quarterback shuffle. So Stafford conceivably
if he wanted to, seems to like La and the
vibe in LA and his wife's annoying, does that stupid podcast?
But they could run off to Pittsburgh or somewhere like that,
Stafford and play for the Steelers and give it a
go there with Mike Tomlin. That's unlikely to happen. Now.
Final point, So prior to the Ram Eagle game. Prior
to the game, the Ram rookie stud pass rusher, you're
defensive Rookie of the Year more likely than not. In
the NFL, Jared Verse said, quote, I hate Eagles fans.
He said, they're so annoying. He pointed out, I hate
Eagle fans is what he said. When I see that
green and white, I hate it. Verse said, I actually
get upset, He stated, like, I actually genuinely get hot.
It's like hot flashes, like you said, going through menopause
or something. Wow. All right, So this was of course
played up in the media as a big event. It
was played up as a big deal and all that stuff.
So some connecting the dots say, well, the Eagles won
that game because Jared Vers said this about Eagle fans. Question,
did rams rookie Jared Verse trashing the Philadelphia Eagle fan
base did that help push Philly into the winners circle?
All right? So how about Yeah, Kyrin Williams and Matthew Safford,
both of them fumbled because of that quote. Unless they didn't.
You'd have to be a country bumpkin to think that
is the case. Now. I know there's a lot of
country bumpkins out there, but come on, I did get
a kick out of Verse going hulk of maniac. I
saw this clip prior to the game, playing mind games
as he took a lap Jared Verse, the rookie, around
the link before the game. He was egging on the
Eagle fan He was egging them on, putting his hand
around his ear like Kalkamine haul Cogan there the king
of him and encouraging the booze, soaking it all up
there playing the villain role, playing the villain role, enhancing
the fan experience, and Verse backed it up. He played well.
He had four tackles, three tackles for loss, a couple
of sacks, a couple of quarterback hits, so he lived
up to the billion. The Rams defense had a couple
of meltdowns and that combined with the fumbles, did him in.
But you know, going in next year, Rams will probably
win the NFC West again. The Niners are gonna give
that stiff brock Purty a lot of money. Seattle's got
no quarterback with Gino Smith, Arizona's trotting out Alligator Arms Murray.
So Rams I don't even care if Stafford leaves. They're
still gonna win the NFC West. Sean McVay is the
top coach in that division by a country mile. The
Rams have pukin Nakula. They've got a bubbling up defense here.
So things are fine in Ramland and it's pot luck
here in the playoffs. It's hit and miss in the postseason.
But you're gonna you know, going in, you're gonna have
a better coach than everyone else in the NFL as
Sean mcvae is the top coach in the NFC, So
you know that going in. You know, assuming they sign
a free agent or two and they draft a couple
of guys that are halfway decent, the ramse will continue
to climb up the ladder. I know you're annoyed by that,
but that's the reality for Philadelphia. On the other hand,
I wouldn't be feeling too good if I'm a Philadelphia
Eagle fan, I would not. Jalen Hurts when he's healthy
isn't all that good. And he's not healthy. So if
Washington they don't have a great defense. But if they
can just box everything up right, force Jalen Hurst to
make a bunch of plays, good luck, good luck on that.
We'll see how that goes. You imagine Washington makes the
Super Bowl Man.
Speaker 2 (28:40):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Meller
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific.
Speaker 1 (28:45):
Verbal boxing on the radio. No hold Bard, vocal cord
Brew ha ha caller versus collar fist the cuffs. Let's
get this audio pugilism underway right now, the tale of
the tape. They're making their way into the ring right now.
Haley from the Great State of Ohio, a man who
stepped up to the challenge from the shadow of Ohio
State's campus in the belly of the Beast in Columbus,
a guy who was buck Eye born, buck Eye bred,
and when he dies, he'll be buck Eye Dad buck Nuts,
the great buck Nuts in the Ring. Buck Nuts. Are
you ready, buck Nuts? I'm ready. The man's overright. Not
a lot of emotion. That's fine. Now making their way
into the ring. A man from northern California who requested
this time slot. He said, I'm ready to go. I
got a new hour two Sunday in the Monday. I'll
be there raising a good Catholic family. He attended Catholic
school as a child, so you know he's a man
of his word. He worships Touchdown Jesus. His favorite hat
is a golden dome. He wears it all the time.
And when he's not handing out scotch, whiskey and bourbon
at the Kingfish in the Bay, he's hanging out with Leprechas.
Put your hands together for alabed alone. All right. Uh,
let's see here at Alameda, louh oh, no, you try.
Let me try this again. Hold on a second. I
know this and he's a good Catholic guy. He's not
going to flake on me. Hmm. It's very odd that
he would not be there it seems maybe he's rolling
back now. I don't understand. I mean, I just did
the introduction here. Certainly he requested this time slot. We
normally do the octagons an hour one, he said, I
would like to be an hour two. I can make
it an hour two. Whenever you need me, I'll be there.
Those were his words. Uh cool, What is going on
here with alam to Lou? Is he flaking? Honest? Is
this a no show for Alame to Lou? Well?
Speaker 5 (31:16):
He did message me much earlier in the day, around
five pm. He said, my work schedule might make tonight
a little more complicated than previously thought. Yeah, I will
try to keep you updated.
Speaker 1 (31:30):
Hmm. Interesting.
Speaker 5 (31:32):
Well, uh, it was it the Kingfish Pub and Cafe
in Oakland?
Speaker 1 (31:36):
Is that where you believe that's where he works.
Speaker 5 (31:38):
I know it's in Oakland, so it says it's closed,
So I don't understand why it would.
Speaker 1 (31:42):
Yeah, they closed it all like midnight. They close at midnight.
I don't know. As far as I know, that's where
he works, and.
Speaker 5 (31:49):
So why would work. I mean, if if they closed,
like well, you can't take a break from closing up
the bar.
Speaker 1 (31:54):
You would think you'd be able. No, customers in there anymore. Well,
by the powers invested in me from the management here
at Fox Sports Radio. I now declare one more chance.
Let's see if he picks up the phone here, one
more chance. My fingers crossed. Come on, you think this
might be him calling in here? Let's see here, we're
waiting for Alameda Lou from the Bay. Let's see if
he gets online. If not, we're going to declare the
win for the buck guys, all right, I think Alameda
Lou is online? Is that right? All right? Hello? Uh?
Are you there, Alameda Lou? Yeah?
Speaker 6 (32:29):
Here, this is Alameda Loo from San Francisco. I can't
stand in this guy, Big Lou man. This guy stole
my girl back in the day, and he's a fighting
Irish fan.
Speaker 1 (32:38):
Yeah. I can't stay all right, all right, Hold on
his sake, Hold on his sake, all right? So the
way this works, everyone stay calm here. Boy sounds a
little different to me, Alameddlu, I don't know why. All right,
allergy has been allergies. It's gotta be allergies. So this
is a three round battle of an income poops, as
we like to say. Round one will be twenty seconds.
Each will have two twenty seconds of the opening salvo.
Round two will be thirty seconds each to respond and
rebut the opening round, and then round three it'll be
bloody knuckles yapping as both Buck Nuts and Alameda Lou
will be in the octagon at the same time for
thirty seconds of witty banter. We flipped the penny and
determined that Alameda Lou is going to go first and again.
The issue here is who's gonna win the National Championship game.
Notre Dame and they take on the buck guys of
Ohio State and representing the fighting, the Iris has ring
that bell here in round one. Alameda Lou, you're in
the ring.
Speaker 6 (33:40):
Go yeah, I'm a good graphic boy. I love the
fighting Irish. This redneck, this redneck from Ohio Columbus is
the biggest white trash pots ever. Would you drive to Ohio?
You go Wyle, Wyo, Wio? Why am I still in Ohio? Wait?
You hear this guy? Boys, he sounds like a dumpster.
The Iowas Buckeyes are a garbageine. They filed players. At
least we have real standards that notre game. You have
to get at least to twelve hundred on your stats
to get in there. And Blind's got cousin plays for
Notre Dame two and he's the one of the best
members of the show of all time. Ohio stated, all.
Speaker 1 (34:13):
Right, all right now, interesting seem like a bit more
than twenty seconds, but who knows it was taking nutes?
My bad. All right, let's go down, buck Nuts, buck
nuts will put you on here. You have thirty seconds
to respond. It's round one. You listen to our live
coverage of the verbal octagon. The opening salvo that was
Alame to Lou, I think, and here is buck Nuts.
Go ahead, buck Nuts, you're on the air.
Speaker 5 (34:38):
Go out of middle Lou.
Speaker 1 (34:40):
He's a California dream and Marcus Freeman's dreaming.
Speaker 6 (34:44):
Those that Notre Dame team.
Speaker 2 (34:47):
They got a defense, but it's just about to get
busted through by the drive.
Speaker 1 (34:52):
Dabble them down the line, Ohio state, buck guys out
of me, to Lou, got something coming, got something coming.
Speaker 6 (34:58):
It's a can of whoop.
Speaker 1 (35:00):
Yeah, well, okay, all right again a little long on
the clock, lorrenge I thought I gave him extra because
I gave you know, quicker, less is more, Less is more?
Speaker 5 (35:12):
Speaker 1 (35:12):
Round one? In round one in we now had to
round two, so each person will have thirty seconds. Loren
thirty seconds to re span, and let's go back to
alumed lou And representing Notre Dame Alam to Lou go Octagon.
Speaker 6 (35:29):
Hey, what's up you punk? You sound like you've been
smoking that buck Eye? Dude, you sound really high. You
sound like you're on beck. You sound like you live
in a trailer park. You ain't nothing compared to these
fighting Irish fans. We're big, upstanding Catholic, we're rich, were
the high members of society. You're trash, dude. You can't
even get it. Gee, gee, that's why you're rooting for
the Ohio state buck Eyes. Nobody that ever goes to
a house to ever graduate. Dude, you're a clown. Let's
hear you stutter again. You read Nick from the South.
Go pedal your truck.
Speaker 1 (35:58):
All right, I left the little time on the clock.
But that's fine, very personal attack there by Alameda. Lit. Boy,
that's not better. Go to go to church there and
beg for forgetting us. All right. Uh, let's go back
to buck Nuts. We'll put thirty seconds of the clock.
Is round two of the verbal octagon buck Nuts here
against Alameda Lou, and here is a buck Nuts. You're
on the air. Buck Let's go.
Speaker 6 (36:22):
All them Catain students drink at church.
Speaker 1 (36:24):
I thought that was against the rules.
Speaker 2 (36:27):
They're gonna.
Speaker 6 (36:30):
They're gonna be drunk and crying when the buck dives
hammer them.
Speaker 1 (36:36):
Pretty personal.
Speaker 6 (36:38):
I'm not a red nick, I'm a hill billy.
Speaker 1 (36:43):
Get it right, all right, Still time on the club.
Both the parties did not use the full alloted time. Okay,
so now we get to the final round of the
verbal octagon, final round of the verbal octagon, and we'll
put them. Boy, this is going to be.
Speaker 5 (37:04):
I mean, is it already a t K?
Speaker 1 (37:06):
I mean, this is a little tough here. I feel
like this is is very lopsided. But we'll put the
we'll put with them on the air at the same time.
And I have a feeling this is going to go
how you might imagine it's going to go. So we'll
put them on. This is the final round, Buddy knuckles
yapping both these gentlemen, buck Nuts and in air quotes.
Alameda Lou will be in the oct same time forty
five seconds and we might have to cut this off early,
but here we go. We'll put that Alami to lou
and uh bus.
Speaker 6 (37:34):
Everybody knows. Everybody knows person going what happens, bring up
the Columbus, Ohio. Then they bring up to Washington Heights.
Everybody knows. You're going to be at P Diddy's party
after the Ohio state game. You'll win drug for him.
That's all anybody's from Ohio stated. We don't do that.
Speaker 2 (37:54):
We don't do that.
Speaker 6 (37:55):
Have no education. Columbus is a dump. It's a drug
capital of the world. You're a hillbilly redlegg onrom Ohio.
Go dude, dude, don't say nothing about it's the best
city in the world. Dude, injury my qua dude.
Speaker 1 (38:15):
Kid's my alright, alright, that's it, that's it. Yeah, uh
buck La is actually on fire, not San Francisco. Okay,
just to set the record straight on that. Okay, Wow,
what a octagon.
Speaker 2 (38:32):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search fs R
to listen live.
Speaker 1 (38:46):
Hey you sports figure guy or girl. Here were you
talking to So here's some instant advice. Hold that thut.
No one's paid attention to me for ten whole seconds
and if you don't like it, I will keep it simple.
Who needs our advice on screen rate? That would be
Jared Goff, who puked all over himself for the Lions
and their loss as the number one seat in the NFC.
They lose to the team from Washington. How about Lamar Jackson?
He had good stats, but the turnovers killed the Ravens.
Who advice to Jared Golf and Lamar Jackson. You're live
on the air when you hear my voice, Hello, advice
to Lamar and Jared Golf. Hello. Line one, you're on
the airline one, Go.
Speaker 6 (39:24):
I get a chili cheese murder. Two.
Speaker 1 (39:27):
Double yeah, okay, we'll get right on that, sir. Please
go to our website. Line two, you're on the airline two.
Speaker 4 (39:33):
Go there's a red moon rising on They.
Speaker 1 (39:40):
All right, thank you for that. Line three, you're on
the airline three. Go.
Speaker 6 (39:43):
If they can't play professional football, they neither joined the
bad News bear.
Speaker 1 (39:47):
It's a great idea. Line four, you're on the airline four, go,
good morning time.
Speaker 2 (39:52):
Heah, look at it.
Speaker 6 (39:52):
They realized Cameron Diaz looked like a fish.
Speaker 1 (39:58):
That's funny, it's Rick and Maryland. Five you're on the
airline five.
Speaker 5 (40:01):
Speaker 6 (40:02):
Don't make the same mistake Fox Sports Radio did sixteen
years ago.
Speaker 2 (40:05):
Speaker 1 (40:05):
Oh don't remind me. Oh my god, I forgot. This
is the anniversary me getting whacked by the company. I hope.
I'm all right. You gonna have my job at the
end of the day. Line line number six, you're on
the airline six.
Speaker 6 (40:15):
Hello, he put didn't know crows can't fly in the snow.
Speaker 1 (40:20):
All right, there's a neither can Russell Wilson. By the way,
a line uh hello. Line one, you're on the airline one.
Speaker 2 (40:25):
Go, I need an ambulance.
Speaker 1 (40:27):
Yeah, all right, we'll get one right out to you.
Line too, you're on the air Go boom foh loom
fock alright, line the four go, Line four. They need
to get tu block on the offensive line Yeah, two
black one more coberry, I pick it five. Line one,
Line one, you're the last call. It's an advice line
for La marn Golf. Line one. Line one, you showed up.
You should have picked line six, but line six is
just hung up. Also, oh my god, he's an advice line. Unreal.