All Episodes

June 7, 2024 • 38 mins

Ben Maller talks about Jalen Hurts saying that 95% of the Eagles offense is new, Lamar Jackson comparing Nick Wright to a monkey with a massive nose, Coop's Scoop on Entertainment, Sports Jeopardy, and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello and welcome. It's our dber far and oh it
hurts so good.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Jalen Hurts. Jalen Hurts says, ninety five percent of the
Eagles offense is brand spankin new they put it in
this offseason. Are you surprised by this? Is this newsworthy? Also,
where are you at on Lamar Jackson who compared Fox
Sports commentator Nick Wright to a monkey with a massive

nose because Nick Wright had the hutzba to not rank
Lamar Jackson as a top five quarterback. And what are
your thoughts on NFL players being told not to wear
green in Brazil? It's actually happening, even though the Eagles
and Packers are going to play in Brazil. We'll get
to all that and more right now, have a great weekend.

Remember the fifth hour podcast available for you today tomorrow Sunday.
All new podcasts all weekend long on that And here
we go, hour number four. It hurts, It hurts so good,
unless it doesn't. Well come in the beginning of another.

Speaker 1 (01:09):
Hour of the Ben Malor Show. We are in the
air ywhere that's right.

Speaker 2 (01:19):
We are hanging out here Polka pals having an unforgettable
night and now morning coast to coast, border, the border
and beyond on the mast and show stoppingly powerful microphones
of fsre ammating live from the piano, the dueling piano

audio bar as we are broadcasting live for the tire
rak dot com studios.

Speaker 1 (01:46):
Tyrac dot com will help you get there.

Speaker 2 (01:48):
In unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road hazard protection
and over ten thousand recommended in stars. Almost as many
as our friend Spaccoli got donuts when he came to
the studio, and then I met him at the mallor
meet and greet we did in South Carolina a couple
weeks back. Tire rack dot com The Way Tire Buying

Show be headline from the NFL. We'll get back to
the finals later. Not much of a talker. The Celtics
came out like Gangbusters. The team from Texas was curb
stopped in the first quarter and yah, it was pretty
much it. The Mavericks got within eight, okay, and then

the Celtics went on an eleven nothing run and so
they won the game.

Speaker 1 (02:34):
They just had to play keep away.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
They played keep away for the rest of the game,
and so Boston now three wins away from the title
and We've been overwhelmed with Mavrec fans over the last
week or so, and I don't think we took a
call from a single Maverick fan.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
Maybe maybe one, maybe one all night but early this
hour is from the NFL.

Speaker 2 (02:56):
Why I am contractually obligated to provide content at least
once a night. So things bubbling up in Philadelphia. The
winds of change are howling in the city of brother
of Love. No, if you did not hear, and maybe not,
maybe you're not paying attention because you're like, I don't

care about football. I don't have to worry about football
until September when the season begins.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
All right, so listen.

Speaker 2 (03:21):
Jalen Hurts has told the Fourth Estate in the Delaware
Valley that the Eagles have changed ninety five percent of
their playbook this offseason. Now, Philly was in the Super
Bowl and actually had the lead midway through the game
against Kansas City in the Valley of the Sun two

years ago. They made the playoffs this season, only to
lose in the first playoff game they appeared. But they
made it, and now they're changing almost everything on the menu, all.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
Of it except five percent.

Speaker 2 (04:02):
Now, Hurts put a positive spin on the situation as
you would expect a player who's making that kind of
money to do, saying the process has been fun to
learn the new playbook, So let us discuss. That's what
I want to talk with you about. I'm curious about
this one. So Jalen Hurt says, ninety five percent of
the Eagles offense is brand spankin.

Speaker 1 (04:23):
New Are you surprised by this? Are you surprised by this?

Speaker 2 (04:28):
So I've got John Travolta nerve damage and snooze, alarm
and tongues will be wagging when we combine all these
things together. That's what we're gonna do right now. So
to lead off here, I am shaking my head. No,
I'm shaking my head. No, No, what did you think

What's going to happen in Philadelphia?

Speaker 1 (04:52):
Let's look at the scenario here. Okay, let's look at
the scenario.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
The trapdoor opened up and the entire Eagle roster dropped
into a pit.

Speaker 1 (05:03):
Of hungry crocodiles. Okay, not hungry hippos, hungry crocodiles. And
they had the taste of blead.

Speaker 2 (05:13):
And the Eagles sucked at a time you cannot suck,
kind of like the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Finals game.

Speaker 1 (05:20):
They sucked at a time you cannot suck. This is a.

Speaker 2 (05:23):
John Travolta classic, the movie Grease or Go the Squeaky
Wheel Cats the Grease. The Eagles offense was inefficient. They
were ineffective. They underachieved, and the Eagles blew out their
offensive coordinator and they brought.

Speaker 1 (05:39):
In Kellen Moore. Hello, Kellen Moore, you play to win
the game.

Speaker 3 (05:45):

Speaker 2 (05:45):
At one point Kellen Moore was boy wonder you remember that.
I remember that with the Dallas Cowboys and that cowboy
marketing machine where they were pumping him up.

Speaker 1 (05:54):
This guy's a mensa. My god, he's not a meat had.
This guy's at jayus kell More with the Cowboys. Then
he went to the Chargers.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
He had a falling out, went to the Chargers, and
that thing went upside down. He lasted one year, and
now he's in Philadelphia and he was hired to reinvent
the Eagle offense, to reimagine what they can be. We
assume the five percent that they kept was the tushy pushy, right,

the tush push and they got rid of everything else.
If I was being hired in Philadelphia, that's what I
would do.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
It's like, all right, we're going to keep.

Speaker 2 (06:30):
The brotherly shove, tush, push all that, but everything else.

Speaker 1 (06:35):
Gone, and who knows if that's even gonna work.

Speaker 3 (06:37):

Speaker 2 (06:37):
He was a fool proof play But the guy that
was responsible for it in the middle of the Eagles
offensive line is now a podcaster because you know he's
on TV. Also because his brother's hanging out with a
famous rockstar. I don't want to upset the Swifties, so
I won't say her name. But really, when you when
you think about it, you pond why do you even
ponder this story? When I ponder the story about the

Eagles change their playbook, this is a referendum on Jalen Hurts.
It is an indictment of Jalen Hurts. Why is it
an indictment of Jalen Hurts. I'll tell you the Eagles
are making this move to try to salvage their investment.

Speaker 4 (07:13):

Speaker 1 (07:13):
I don't want to go full Jerome.

Speaker 2 (07:15):
And Charleston and all that, because this guy's been calling
up the last couple of weeks. That guy, Jalen Hurts
is Tim Tebow. He's not that bad. He's not great, though,
and certainly he hasn't performed like a guy who's one
hundred and seventy nine million dollar quarterback, which is what
he got paid and guaranteed money on hundred and seventy nine.

Speaker 1 (07:32):
Million so far.

Speaker 2 (07:34):
It's an example of a guy who got paid and
the team got played. Jalen Hurts for reference, just to
illustrate my point, Jalen Hurts was statistically worse than Gino
Smith last season from Seattle, and only slightly better than

Joe Flacco who was driving his lawnmower and he got
a call from the Browns, Hey, how would you like
to play quarterback in Cleveland?

Speaker 1 (08:03):
And Gino Smith you know he's a stiff.

Speaker 2 (08:06):
Jalen Hurts was was worse than Gino Smith and only
slightly better than Joe Flack.

Speaker 1 (08:13):
All right. Furthermore, we now pivot to Boltt Moore.

Speaker 2 (08:16):
We go where the seafood is fresh and the football
team not so much in the playoffs. That is where
that is where you will find Lamar Jackson, who made
headlines on the social networks by comparing Fox Sports.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
Gas bag Nick Right Nick Right to a.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
Monkey with a massive nose for not ranking him as
a top five quarterback on some fugazy list.

Speaker 1 (08:44):
Nick Wright is.

Speaker 2 (08:45):
The see I don't do this here, I don't. Nick
Wright loves list and people react to list. People go crazy.
Lamark Jackson got upset over a list. So the question here,
where are you at on this right? We asked the
question where you add on Lamar Jackson's reaction to not
being ranked as a top five quarterback. Clearly he thinks

this is hillatious and this is the worst of the worst.
On the surface, you would say, well, this is just
playful fun. It's just playful fun. It's Lamar was goofing around.
He was in the matrix. That's what you do in
the matrix. When in social media you act like our
friends in Australia at bloody rue, you just become a

bloody rue.

Speaker 1 (09:29):
But upon further review, we went under the hood. Upon
further review, nerve damage. As the great Sigmund.

Speaker 2 (09:38):
Freud suggested before I was around, there is a grain
of truth in every joke. So nick Wright touched a nerve.
This is a major feather in the cap for nick Wright.
That his dopey list his I think he spends all
of his time coming up with this, His dopey list
triggered a multi time MVP quarterback, right, And it's actually

not that outragency would touch a nerve because the reason
it would touch a nerve is because he was accurate.
I didn't see it because I don't really watch Nick show,
But from what I was told, he didn't put Lamar
Jackson on there because of Lamar's performance in the playoffs. Well, okay,
what happens to the player. Lamar gets cooked in the postseason.
He's very easy to defend in big games. He doesn't

play well in big games. He does during the regular season,
but in the playoffs not so much.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
So there's really no lives detected, all.

Speaker 2 (10:34):
Right, last thing, we have a follow up follow up
Headline Park Avenue, NFL headquarters. That is where the news
has made its way out of that building and bounced
around NFL locker rooms. Green Bay Packer running back Josh Jacobs,
a former Raider. Josh Jacobs, confirmed that the NFL has

told the players that they are not allowed to wear
green to their Week one game against the Philadelphia Eagles
in San Paulo, Brazil. Now, why is that? If you
miss this, we talked about it in a previous episode
of the show. There is a rivalry between a couple
of soccer teams as we call it here in America.

In other countries they call it footy or footboard or
foot bowl, but we called soccer. So there's a rivalry
and it got so bad like people were beat up.

Speaker 1 (11:28):
I think some people died.

Speaker 2 (11:30):
And so the stadium that the NFL has repurposed for
their product, which is normally a soccer stadium, they have
outlawed anyone from wearing the color green because that is
the color of the other team that the people have
a beef with, a beef with and get they get triggered.

Speaker 1 (11:49):
They get triggered when they see the color green. So
it's been outlawed.

Speaker 2 (11:52):
It's for boten, can't have it because of soccer hoodlums
from rival teams.

Speaker 1 (11:57):
So what are your.

Speaker 2 (11:57):
Thoughts on NFL players being told they can't.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
Wear green in Brazil?

Speaker 2 (12:03):
In Brazil for the Eagle Packer game to kick off
Week one, I think.

Speaker 1 (12:07):
That game is on Friday. I believe I think it's
on Friday. So my reaction is, who goofed? I've got
to know.

Speaker 2 (12:13):
I want to know names the NFL a multi billion
dollar cog in the industrial complex of sports, big sporting
who goofed the NFL clearly hit the snooze button. And
I love this story so much that with the Interweb
and all of the technology that we have, there's still

a bunch of a bunch of dumbasses at the NFL, right,
a bunch of donkeys over there. So you're telling me
that you picked a venue in Brazil where it is
easily available on the Internet to look up the rules
of engagement for that stadium, a place that has an

issue with the color green. You had a ninety percent
chance of getting this right, and you got it one
hundred percent wrong.

Speaker 1 (13:05):
Do you realize if you look.

Speaker 2 (13:07):
Around the NFL, ninety point six percent of NFL teams
do not have green as a primary color.

Speaker 1 (13:15):
Ninety point six percent.

Speaker 2 (13:16):
Yet the NFL hierarchy decided these mensas at the NFL,
let's pick two of the three teams in the entire
sport where they have green primary jerseys, and we'll play there.

Speaker 1 (13:33):
Why not?

Speaker 5 (13:34):

Speaker 1 (13:34):
Why not? Now?

Speaker 2 (13:39):
Clearly the NFL was not thinking, they were thinking about
all the other green they were going to get from
the people of Brazil to play this game in that country.
So how does this work for the fans, And how
does it work for the helmets because you think about
the Eagles, right, they've got green help none of the

packers have mostly yellow helmets, but they've got a lot
of green on there as well. So are they not
allowed to wear their helmets? Are they gonna wear leather
helmets instead? Are they gonna go back to that? And
what about I assume thousands of people from America or
ex pats that live in Brazil who are fans of
the team. But let's say you've got people traveling from

I don't know, Appleton, Wisconsin or somewhere in the Delaware
Valley or somewhere along those side, and they want to
visit Brazil. They want to get in touch with the
local culture and all that, and they want to wear
their team gear. You can't wear your team gear. It's
almost like the NFL didn't do any due diligence.

Speaker 1 (14:41):
And I love it. I love it. I love it,
I love it. I love it.

Speaker 2 (14:44):
Are they gonna have them wear special Brazilian uniforms where
they were blue instead of their green? I wouldn't put
it past the NFL. It is the Ben Mallard Show.
If you'd like to be part of this you can
join us. Speakeasy rules are in effect. We're also available
on x at Ben Malle, that is at Ben Mahler.
If you would like to be part of said program,

you can join all of the fun.

Speaker 1 (15:09):
And we might even read your comments on the air.

Speaker 2 (15:13):
We have the Koop Scoop on Entertainment. The Coop Scoop
on Entertainment. Also interesting update on the show. Heyo tany
gambling story the day after the day after. What is
that all about? We'll get to it and we will
do it next.

Speaker 4 (15:29):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Maler
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 6 (15:39):
Hey Gang, listen Jay Glazer, host of Unbreakable, a mental
wealth podcast, and every week we will have on leader
from sports entertainment like Sean McVay, Lindsey Vaughn, Michael Phelt,
David Spade, Gotiemmi, and also those who can help us.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
In between the ears, anyone from a therapist to someone
like Ed Milett or John Gordon.

Speaker 6 (16:00):
We've all been through some sort of adversity to get
to the top.

Speaker 1 (16:03):
We've all used different tools.

Speaker 6 (16:05):
Listen to Unbreakable with Jay Glazer and Mental Wealth podcast
on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get podcasts.

Speaker 7 (16:15):
This is the greatest show on overnight audio Earth. That's
even better when you join our curious world. We would
be appreciative, Davy. You can co mingle with fellow Mala
Militia members on Facebook or Instagram or both. It's just
a few clicks away. Go to Facebook dot com slash
Ben Malor Show and on Instagram. It's at Ben Malor
on Fox and How Live from the tyrack dot com
Fox Sports Radio Studios.

Speaker 8 (16:36):
It's Ben Mallor.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
Rolling on and we've got game number two of the
Finals coming up on Sunday night. Are the players going
to complain about the grueling schedule having multiple days off
in between NBA Finals games.

Speaker 1 (16:52):
We'll take a look at that coming up in a mall.
Let's go to the phones.

Speaker 2 (16:54):
We'll say hello to Angry Bill, who's in the Sunshine State?
Angry Bill, Oh, gentlemen, then you guys got to do
a little more.

Speaker 9 (17:06):
Detective work in La tonight. Last night, even you could
have bought in Shoney O'tani's interpreter delivering uber Yes.

Speaker 1 (17:17):
That is that is that is correct?

Speaker 2 (17:19):
Show hail Tani the guy that was his right hand
man in the gambling, and according to the police, Altani
knew nothing about it while the guy was pilfering seventeen
million dollars of Otani's money.

Speaker 9 (17:36):
And Ben, thanks for to good information.

Speaker 1 (17:39):
All right, my question?

Speaker 2 (17:41):
All right?

Speaker 4 (17:41):
Thank you?

Speaker 1 (17:41):
Angry your doddy off?

Speaker 3 (17:43):

Speaker 1 (17:43):
You get him off here. Let's go to Jerome and Charleston.

Speaker 3 (17:45):
Hello, Jerome, welcome, Hey, hey Ben, you know what the
Mavericks played? Like those basketball shoes? Kyrie uvering wares and
there right says you know what, Kyrie, this is a
good look for you. Why don't you wear HEA's in
the playoffs? Don't something you put on your little five
year old girl? Okay, golt and players, alloway, you have.

Speaker 1 (18:10):
An issue with Kyrie Irving's footwear? Are you? Are you
a model? Are you like an expert on clothing? What
is it?

Speaker 3 (18:18):
Look? I'm not an expert on clothing because hey man,
I bought the cheapest clothes I can buy. All right,
but there ain't nowhere in the hell draw me wrong?
Wear no sussy balls shoes, basketball shoes passing around like
taker bell on near So you you.

Speaker 2 (18:35):
Think that is there a direct correlation between Kyrie Irving
who sucked. I know many pundits were very upset. He
was the iceman. He was ice cold for the team
from Dallas there and I loved every second of it.
And you the footwear is responsible for that's well.

Speaker 3 (18:54):
No, no, but I just noticed that. But I'm ridging.
Ain't the way in the wall I'm wearing that?

Speaker 2 (18:59):
Look like, by the way, now, Jerome before you, Jerome Hall,
I may say, by the way, but didn't you say
that the Mavericks there, they were were going to get
screwed over by the officials. Did you think they got
screwed over by the officials? Because I didn't think they
got screwed over by the officials.

Speaker 3 (19:14):
They screwed each other over because they looked like crap.
If they won the game in this series, you know what,
if they won the game in this series, there needs
to be an FBI investigation. They're investigating some problems SUPERD
documents got down there Florida. By the way, I worked
with classified documents for eight years in the military, so

I know how to store stuff like that.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
Look, yeah, yeah, isn't everything in government classified?

Speaker 1 (19:41):
I mean this is classic. This is classic.

Speaker 2 (19:44):
Yeah, there's the amount of classified documents is insane.

Speaker 1 (19:47):
It's it's ridiculous.

Speaker 3 (19:48):
And yes, what if they won a game? There needs
to be an FBI investigation of the NBA.

Speaker 2 (19:55):
Okay, you're old, Jerome, you're over Jerome, you're over Yeah, listen, wrong,
the Celtics should win.

Speaker 1 (20:01):
They had the Mavericks didn't play well. They had a
bad game. Fine, I get.

Speaker 3 (20:04):
That, by the way, against them, against the Mavericks. By
the way, Bet McAfee, no talents, bum put your FPN.
He makes sevent team million a year. Make a year, man,
it's in that.

Speaker 1 (20:23):
It's in that ballpark, you know, depending on how big
of depending how I mean, it's got to be a
big ballpark.

Speaker 2 (20:30):
It's gotta be a it's got to be a big ballpark.

Speaker 1 (20:35):
Right, thank you.

Speaker 2 (20:39):
He's so upset with McAfee and he calls me to
complain about him. I mean, he's like, okay, and he
goes from zero to eighty five miles an hour, just
like that. Let's say hello to Oh, we've got legends
legends on the show.

Speaker 1 (20:56):
Let's say hello to Marcel in Brooklyn.

Speaker 2 (20:59):
Hello, Rsel, Happy Friday, Ben and the guys how was
newby night? Oh yeah, yeah, the other night it was great.
I was all choked up there was. It was wonderful. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (21:11):
Oh well, get back to the legends. Hoh way, shall
we let me.

Speaker 2 (21:16):
Let me let me measure this thoughiness Jerome brought up
all of a sudden, he doesn't think that the Mavericks
are going to win a game because they played poorly
in Game one, and I picked the Celtics to win.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
But the line is out for the game on Sunday,
It's been out for a few hours, and.

Speaker 2 (21:33):
The Boston Celtics opened up a seven and a half
point favorite in Game two Sunday night at the Garden
there over Dallas. It is already down to seven that even, Yes,
that is because of the wise guys, the professionals, the.

Speaker 1 (21:54):
There's a bit of it is now.

Speaker 2 (21:55):
You remember the other day, everyone in their their mother
was betting on the man Evericks in Game one and
that didn't work out so well. The public is now
betting more on the Celtics. That's the the gambler's fallacy.
Do you know what the gamblers fallacy is, Marcel.

Speaker 5 (22:12):
The gambler's policy. That's the problem. That is the problem.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
No fallacy, the gambler's fallacy.

Speaker 5 (22:19):
Oh, the gamblers policy.

Speaker 1 (22:21):
Huh yeah, what do you think that is?

Speaker 5 (22:24):
That is a crime, a true, true crime for the
gambler's fallacy.

Speaker 1 (22:29):
Okay, all right.

Speaker 2 (22:30):
It's either that or someone who thinks just because they
watched the team win, they're never going to lose again
and they bet all the money on that team.

Speaker 5 (22:38):
There, sir.

Speaker 8 (22:39):
No, yeah, okay, No, gambling is wrong, isn't it.

Speaker 5 (22:43):
Marcel, Eddie, gambling is definitely illegal.

Speaker 2 (22:49):
Yeah, okay, all right, Marcel, can you hold on a second.

Speaker 1 (22:52):
Marcel. Let's get over to Eddie right now.

Speaker 2 (22:54):
And Marcel, you you want those WNBA scores? Yes, Marcia's
shaking his head, Yes, Marcell, let's get over there.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
Liberty fan, giant fan, Eddie.

Speaker 2 (23:04):
I remember before Eddie was woke years ago and now
he's sold. You remember that too Big Broadcasting Eddie Garcia
just a shill for the company.

Speaker 1 (23:12):
Yeah, why does the company care?

Speaker 9 (23:13):

Speaker 1 (23:14):
Did you ask that question? You said?

Speaker 3 (23:15):

Speaker 1 (23:15):
Here? We don't we're not in business with the w
n B A. I don't understand. I don't call me.
I mean, I don't get it. I don't I really
don't understand.

Speaker 8 (23:23):
I didn't really want to talk about it.

Speaker 4 (23:25):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Ben Mellor
Show weekdays at two am Eastern eleven pm Pacific.

Speaker 7 (23:30):
Congrats to our guy, Chris Plague, he's getting another ring.
The voice of Oklahoma Softball as the Sooners beat the
Longhorns for their fourth straight national championship in the old
soft dynasty.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
It's the greatest dynasty of.

Speaker 7 (23:45):
You'd have to say, so, do you think he gets
a ring for all those boomers?

Speaker 1 (23:50):
Yes, it's a plastic ring, but he gets a ring.

Speaker 8 (23:51):

Speaker 7 (23:52):
Well, the plumb guy, Frank Pollack, he got rings when
he was with the Lakers working on the radio.

Speaker 1 (23:56):
Right Pollock one of the great engineers and radio history.

Speaker 8 (23:59):
And he probably has to pay for him though. Right,
you can get a ring, but you got to pay
for it.

Speaker 1 (24:03):
But depends how cheap the franchise is.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
And sometimes they'll they'll do a solid for people, but
a lot of the times if they got a cheap
penny pitching owner, they will say, screw you, I am
not getting I'm not buying you a ring.

Speaker 8 (24:16):
Well, I have to ask Plank next time he fills
in for you, if you got a fourth ring.

Speaker 1 (24:21):
Okay, Well you wanted me to fill in tomorrow?

Speaker 8 (24:23):
You can you know tomorrow tomorrow? I think he is available? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (24:27):
Is he available to? Okay? Very good.

Speaker 2 (24:29):
It is the Ben Mallor Show. This portion made possible
by Thrower but Racing. They have a new independent regulator
HAISA that is implementing comprehensive reforms and the sport is
combining hands on care with cutting edge technology to help
keep his athlete safe. To learn more of visit Safety
Runs First dot com That Safety Runs First dot Com. Marcel,
real quick, are you there, Marcel?

Speaker 1 (24:50):
Did you hang up? Marcel?

Speaker 9 (24:51):

Speaker 1 (24:51):
I gotta do the Marcel, I gotta do the fun
fact is that? Okay Marcel?

Speaker 5 (24:54):
Yeah, let's do it.

Speaker 1 (24:57):
All right, here's the fun fact of the hour.

Speaker 2 (25:00):
Remember a couple of years ago, Kyrie Irving disrespected Lucky
the Leprechaun, the iconic Celtic.

Speaker 8 (25:06):
Logosh, yeah it was.

Speaker 1 (25:10):
It was really shocking. He stepped on Lucky the Leprechaun.

Speaker 2 (25:14):
Is it true, Eddy that Kyrie Irving has played eleven
games against the Celtics since stepping on Lucky the Leprechaun
and lost all eleven.

Speaker 1 (25:23):
Of them, all eleven.

Speaker 2 (25:26):
Yes, he's all at eleven stepping on Lucky the Lepard.

Speaker 1 (25:33):
The cow one was fun? Marcel? Did you not like
the cow one?

Speaker 2 (25:37):

Speaker 5 (25:38):
Not true?

Speaker 2 (25:41):
All right, Marcell, someone wants to say a lord to
you real quick, and then I've got to get the coop.

Speaker 1 (25:44):
Is that okay?

Speaker 5 (25:45):

Speaker 2 (25:46):
Let's go all right, let's go to let's go to
the mystery line, wild card line?

Speaker 9 (25:49):
Are you there?

Speaker 1 (25:50):
Wildcard line?

Speaker 4 (25:51):

Speaker 2 (25:51):
Wildcard line by Hello?

Speaker 1 (25:58):
Oh no, oh wait a.

Speaker 5 (26:01):
Minute, that's not wild card Blair.

Speaker 3 (26:08):
I'm getting ready for your special Olympics in.

Speaker 4 (26:13):
How lucky you are.

Speaker 8 (26:15):

Speaker 1 (26:16):
Marcel? Why don't you go into the special Olympics Marcel?

Speaker 5 (26:19):
Because I'm going to defeat Blair?

Speaker 3 (26:21):
And that is why you Okay, who you're gonna suck?

Speaker 10 (26:29):

Speaker 1 (26:30):
Who would win a race between Marcel and Blair?

Speaker 3 (26:33):
I don't know I'd win, I'd smoke?

Speaker 1 (26:35):
That Is that true? Is that true? Marcel? Would you?
Would you lose? Marcel to full?

Speaker 5 (26:40):
Fold it down? Blair? Are you crossing on radio? Is
that true?

Speaker 3 (26:46):
Yeah? So what are you gonna do about it?

Speaker 5 (26:48):
Blair? Shut up? Or Ben or Lorena gonna explow you?

Speaker 1 (26:54):
Loraina? Can you take care of this? Lorena?

Speaker 7 (26:57):

Speaker 5 (26:58):
No, don't do it. Don't do it, don't do it
right now?

Speaker 1 (27:05):
What I thought?

Speaker 3 (27:06):
He said?

Speaker 1 (27:06):
Something else?

Speaker 5 (27:09):
Man, don't it's not funny.

Speaker 1 (27:12):
No, I feel I feel terrible laughing. It's a very
serious topic. When are the Special Olympics?

Speaker 3 (27:18):
Shut up? Ben? Shut up?

Speaker 10 (27:20):

Speaker 5 (27:20):
What did I do?

Speaker 1 (27:22):
What the hell did I do?

Speaker 3 (27:22):

Speaker 1 (27:23):

Speaker 5 (27:25):
You're right, jackass?

Speaker 3 (27:27):
What did you do wrong?

Speaker 5 (27:31):
You do wrong?

Speaker 1 (27:33):
Oh my god?

Speaker 3 (27:34):
Come on, Ben? What did you do wrong?

Speaker 5 (27:37):
Come on?

Speaker 1 (27:38):
What's wrong? What's wrong with what's wrong with your Mavericks player?
What's wrong with your Dallas Mavericks?

Speaker 10 (27:43):
You loser?

Speaker 3 (27:45):

Speaker 5 (27:45):
Oh oh, I'm sorry.

Speaker 3 (27:47):
I picked the wrong team again. I know I did.

Speaker 9 (27:53):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 8 (27:54):
What do you have?

Speaker 1 (27:55):
Marcell? What do you have to say? Marshall?

Speaker 2 (27:56):
Please quickly, you do yourself a favor.

Speaker 5 (27:58):
Shut up where you right now?

Speaker 1 (28:02):
You please explode?

Speaker 5 (28:07):
All right?

Speaker 1 (28:10):
Thank you? We are all dumber for this. I appreciate
both of you. I love you both.

Speaker 2 (28:13):
I must move on, though, because it's time now for
the coop scoop on entertainment. All right for Holly, well,
all right for Holly Wall get you ready for the weekend?
No pro bouncy ball till Sunday and here on Friday.
No Stanley Cup final that begins on Saturday. My Admonton
oilers in a hoist the Stanley Cup. But let's get
over to the Kooper loop right now.

Speaker 10 (28:33):
All right, Ben, we have a couple couple new movies
worth mentioning coming out in theaters this weekend. The first
one is Bad Boys, Ride or Die?

Speaker 1 (28:44):
Bad Boys, What They're Gonna do?

Speaker 10 (28:48):
That's right, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence are back. I
think is this the fourth iteration of the Bad Boys series?

Speaker 8 (28:57):
At least?

Speaker 10 (28:58):
Yeah? I know, I saw the first and then I
kind of oh, yes, it is the fourth installment of
the of the film series.

Speaker 8 (29:05):
I get so many unanswered questions.

Speaker 10 (29:10):
Now, I wasn't gonna go see this.

Speaker 1 (29:13):
Oh by he's gonna say but but And that's when
anytime you say.

Speaker 8 (29:19):
The word what change your mind.

Speaker 10 (29:21):
Well. I was looking when I you know, when I
was prepping for Coop Scoop and Entertainment. I was looking
at the reviews for this and the critics are kind
of kind of ho hum on it. They give it
like a sixty six percent, but the audience score is
at ninety eight percent. What now, I know.

Speaker 1 (29:41):
More people that reviewed it. I don't know.

Speaker 10 (29:45):
I read some of the reviews and the early you know,
the early reaction is is pretty good. So I don't know,
I might have to check it out if there's nothing
else going on in the weekend. Uh, but other than
Bad Boys Ride or Yeah, we also have a new
M Night Shyamalan movie.

Speaker 1 (30:05):
What is this about?

Speaker 10 (30:06):
This one is called The Watchers and it follows a
twenty eight year old artist who gets stranded in an
expansive untouched forests in Western Ireland and then she unknowingly
becomes trapped alongside three strangers that are watched and stalked
by mysterious creatures in the night. Oh it starts Dakota Fanning.

Oh okay, and uh, you know what now that I'm
now that I'm reading a little bit more about this.

Speaker 3 (30:34):
It is M.

Speaker 10 (30:35):
Night Shyamalan produced, but it is directed by his wife,
I believe.

Speaker 9 (30:40):

Speaker 3 (30:40):

Speaker 10 (30:41):
The reviews on this are not good, not good at all,
twenty two percent from the critic.

Speaker 7 (30:47):
They keep giving him money to make movies. I mean,
he can obviously hit a home run with number one,
but I have you.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
Know this city, When you get a name in Hollywood,
you're pretty well.

Speaker 8 (30:54):
But he's made a lot of pretty bad movies.

Speaker 10 (30:56):
He hit like he hit like three home runs, that's
all you got to do at the beginning of his career,
and then since then it's kind of been okay, kind
of been strikeouts.

Speaker 1 (31:07):
Coop can't knock him because he wants him to make
Liar Liar too. He's waiting for that.

Speaker 10 (31:11):
Oh yeah, the Big the Horror, the Horror Movie edition
of of.

Speaker 1 (31:16):
That would be an interesting twist on who whatever it
takes to have the movie made.

Speaker 10 (31:20):
That's true, that's true, that's true. But no, I mean
the the sixth Sense, the Village and signs Yes, signs.

Speaker 1 (31:29):

Speaker 8 (31:30):
That was Unbreakable.

Speaker 10 (31:31):
Oh yeah, I'm Breakable is good too.

Speaker 8 (31:32):
I like that one pretty good.

Speaker 5 (31:33):

Speaker 10 (31:33):
Yeah, you're right. So he's got he's got a good handful.
But anyway, moving on to television, A couple of things
that I want to point out. The first one, if
I could, uh, you know, gather my my stuff here
because I'm I don't.

Speaker 8 (31:47):
I don't.

Speaker 1 (31:47):
I did not take your stuff, Coop, I don't have
your stuff.

Speaker 10 (31:51):
The Rain, the first one, premieeres today on HBO at
eleven pm. Is also available to stream on Mac and
it's called fansmus now. It is a quirky comedy series.
It's It's interesting. It sets place in a takes place
in an alternate version of New York City, and it

stars a stars a character who is allergic to the
color yellow and navigates a series of dream like vignettes
filled with offbeat characters. And it's also has guest stars
like Steve Buscemi and a Stone, Paul Dano, and Moore.
And this one's getting good reviews from the critics so far.

And we're gonna go over to a new Netflix comedy.

Speaker 1 (32:39):
It is a movie.

Speaker 10 (32:40):
It is called hit Man and was very well received
at the Event Film Festival and Netflix paid twenty million
dollars to score the rights to the film. It stars
Glenn Powell, who's kind of the it guy in Hollywood
right now, and he works with the police posing as
an assassin to catch people ordering hits, only to find
him a falling for a woman ensnared in his trap.

That one's got good reviews as well. That is called Hitman.
It is on Netflix. And last, but not least, on
Wednesday is a new series on Apple TV Plus called
Presumed Innocent, and it is from David E. Kelly of
Boston Legal.

Speaker 8 (33:19):
And this is the remake of the Harrison Ford movie Yes.

Speaker 10 (33:22):
Yes, the nineteen ninety feature film. It is produced by
JJ Abrams and it stars Jake Gillenhall as Chicago prosecutor
Rusty Savage who's charged with the murder of one of
his colleagues. Bill Camp and Peter Sarsgard also star. And
that is on Apple TV Plus Wednesday, June twelfth.

Speaker 1 (33:41):
All right, very good, thank you for that. And that
is the Coop Scoop?

Speaker 3 (33:45):
Yes? Is it?

Speaker 10 (33:46):
Yep? That is it?

Speaker 1 (33:47):
All right there?

Speaker 2 (33:48):
It is the Coop Scoop on Entertainment, We thank you.
I need contestants. We're gonna play Sports Jeopardy. If you'd
like to play, call right now eight seven, seven ninety
nine on Fox Sports Jeopardy, Isn't It?

Speaker 4 (33:58):
Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in
the nation. Catch all of our shows at Foxsports Radio
dot com and within the iHeartRadio app search FSR to
listen live.

Speaker 7 (34:10):
The Ben Mallor shows archived in the audio vaul for
posterity say giving those work in the dreaded dayshi of
the chance to consume the audio, but they follow us.
Both the Ben Malor Show and Fifth Hour with Ben Maller.
Podcasts are always free, been filled with fun for every man,
woman and child. And I'll live from the tyrack dot Com.
Fox Sports Radio Studios. It's Ben Mahler.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
It's America's most popular game show. Get out here, Sports Jeopardy.

Speaker 10 (34:34):
You know what a nicotive defense is?

Speaker 1 (34:35):
How about penetration? Do you know how to get good penetration?
This is Fox Sports Radio and now here's your host.

Speaker 5 (34:42):
To radio ho who loved you?

Speaker 3 (34:44):
Ben Maller?

Speaker 1 (34:45):
Well, thank you very much.

Speaker 2 (34:46):
Ben Max a former caller who's been brought back from
caller purgatory by being part of the old imaging that
we're using against Sports Jeopardy.

Speaker 1 (34:54):
This welcome in our contestants. We've got Matt in Maine. Hello,
I'm Matt. Welcome, good morning. How are you welcome to
the show. Good to have you. You're you're up early?
What are you up to this morning?

Speaker 3 (35:10):
I am off it's off of work and I'm home.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
Oh nice?

Speaker 2 (35:14):
All right, I'm almost off work too. All right, and
you're gonna go against Steve in Oregon. Hello, Steve, Hello, Hello, Hello,
all right, welcome Steve.

Speaker 1 (35:25):
Sounds like you're driving. Is that accurate?

Speaker 9 (35:29):
New security at night at a golf course over here.
So yeah, I'm driving around all.

Speaker 1 (35:33):
Right, Okay, very good. Well let's play the games, gentlemen.
We have draft day. That is category number one and
name change. Which one do you want? Matt? Quickly? All right?

Speaker 2 (35:45):
These athletes were all on a team when they changed
their name, the franchise name, and your name is your buzzy, gentlemen,
for two hundred dollars and you can play along at home.

Speaker 3 (35:55):
Here we go.

Speaker 1 (35:55):
This quarterback is one half of the only co NFL NVP.

Speaker 2 (36:00):
He started as the leader of the Oilers, but not
Matt that is correct, made the Super Bowl as the
Titans quarterback. There'll be some fanfare or something like that,
but there's not four hundred dollars named mister Basketball of
Michigan in nineteen ninety one. This former Rookie of the
Year is best known as a Sacramento King, but he

also spent time on the.

Speaker 1 (36:27):
Matt Chris Webbert that is correct, Matt.

Speaker 2 (36:30):
You're two and oh yes, two for two so far.
He also played for the Bullets when they became the Wizards.
Six hundred dollars name change the category. This guard became
famous after he led Yukon to a national championship. He
played for the old Charlotte Bobcats until they became the Hornets.

Speaker 1 (36:49):
A little harder here. Great college player, not a great
NBA player. Matt meccha Oka four, No, he did the
Mecha four. Did play for the bomb Kis. But that's
that's not who we're looking for. Steve. You're there, Steve, Yeah,
how's the how's the show? How's the show sound? Is
it good?

Speaker 5 (37:11):

Speaker 3 (37:11):

Speaker 1 (37:11):

Speaker 9 (37:12):

Speaker 1 (37:12):
Thank you? I know it's Kemba Walker.

Speaker 2 (37:14):
Kemba Walker's who were looking for eight hundred dollars name
change the category, often drawing comparisons to side show Bob.
This identical twin never had the success of his brother Brook,
but still I believe.

Speaker 1 (37:28):
He's in the NBA.

Speaker 10 (37:33):
What Matt mattins?

Speaker 5 (37:35):

Speaker 1 (37:35):
I thought?

Speaker 2 (37:36):
Okay, Matt, Yes, go ahead, Matt, that's correct. Put j
out by you, all right, very nice. Robin Lopez, is
he the one that likes the mascots?

Speaker 1 (37:46):
Or is it Brooke one of the two love the mascots?
One thousand dollars?

Speaker 2 (37:51):
Here we go, last one in the category. Last question
of the game. You might want to answer this, Steve.
I'm just saying this. This four time All Star was
once considered a five tool player back when he was
with the Tampa Bay baseball team, but after signing one
hundred and forty seven million dollars deal with.

Speaker 1 (38:08):
The Red Sox, his career nosedived.

Speaker 3 (38:12):
Matt, Matt, Carl Crawford.

Speaker 1 (38:15):
Wow, look at that.

Speaker 2 (38:16):
Well, you have geographical advantage there, Matt, you dominated the game,
and a good job by you. Carl Crawford was with
the Devil Rays when they became the Rays, and Matt,
you win. Congres, You went a golden ticket, and if
you want come back next week, I'll put you on hold.

Speaker 1 (38:31):
Coop get his number. We'll have him back next week.
Good job by him,
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Ben Maller

Ben Maller

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