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October 4, 2024 40 mins

In Hour 3 of the Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon, Falcons receiver Ray-Ray McCloud joins immediately following Atlanta's overtime thriller over the Buccaneers! Later, Jason and Mike have a discussion on what it would have taken for the late, great Pete Rose to have been reinstated in the MLB Hall of Fame.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
This you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Greetings, Welcome in side hour three. I don't know that
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com is the way tire buying should be. Well. We
had an incredible ending. We just talked about the last
half hour, the Falcons winning in over time over the Bucks,
Kirk Cousins of forty five yard touchdown pass and ot
Hodge runs away from everyone in the last forty yards
by himself five hundred and nine and four touchdowns for Kirk.

It was a great night for Baker Mayfield. He threw
for three touchdowns, but they never saw the ball in overtime,
and the Falcons win it thirty six thirty. Now, let
me just say this, because we will get We'll get
to them. Believe me, we'll get to the Mets in
a minute. Is that seeing this and seeing how overtime

and how the rules are starting to we're starting to
get used to the newer rules in overtime in the NFL.
And every time I see a team score a touchdown
on the first drive, I say to myself, you know,
I don't know that this is right. You know, I
don't know that it's right that each team should be

guaranteed to get the ball, because you're talking about a
coin flip in overtime to give a team the ball
and the other team is not guaranteed to get the
ball back, right, Like, it's one thing you flip the
coin beginning of the game, and well, okay, you defer.
You either get the ball to start the first half,
you get the ball to start second half. Right, it's
a coin foot there's no real advantage other than you
pick when you're gonna get the ball. Right, But the

other team is gonna get it. It's not that it's
not like that way in in in the NFL. It's
you're you're asking a team, say, hey, we're gonna introduce
this element of gambling in the coin flip. And they've
never really gotten overtime right, because first it was okay,
you can kick a field goal and win. Then it
wasn't right because when the big NFC championship game between

the Saints and the and the Vikings, when Brett Farf
never got the ball, we got to change it. So
each team gets the ball. But now, no, no, we're
not gonna change it. Sweet team gets the ball. It's
if you get a field goal, the other team gets
the ball. And still we're at a point where, okay,
here's overtime and if a team scores a touchdown, you
don't get another chance. And I disagree with that, and
I know that we don't get to that, and I

know we don't get to that. We'll get that coming
up in a couple of minutes. But I think that
they can do overtime where it's just let's just give
each team the ball, right, that's how we do it.
But joining us now on the hot line from what
I can only say is a raucous Atlanta Falcons locker
room Ray Ray McLeod six receptions, sixty six yards, part
of the big night for Kirk Cousins. Congratulations on the win, man,

how's it feel? Hello?

Speaker 3 (03:23):
Hey, hey, right, Ryck?

Speaker 1 (03:24):
Can you hear us? How you doing? Are you coming
down from that win yet? Are you still going crazy? There?
I sorry? All right? Hey? Tell me what's going through
your mind? The final player regulation. You're trying to get
down there to spike the football. I know you were
in the middle of everything trying to get lined up.
What happens in that situation? Oh, make a.

Speaker 4 (03:48):
Play, man, That's all the whole job. I wanted to
make a play and know whether it's me or my
teammates just blog a fam I know whoever touch the
ball was gonna make a play, and you know, and
trusting each other. And then I know Kirk, the poise
you have, he was gonna lead the offense down when
we need to be it and we just got to finish.

Speaker 1 (04:08):

Speaker 5 (04:08):
The report coming out that Zach Robinson changed the play
call to go to the middle of the field as well, uh,
thinking that Kirk would get up there.

Speaker 1 (04:15):
To spike.

Speaker 5 (04:15):
It really trusted his legs to get him up to
the line of scrimmage.

Speaker 4 (04:19):
Yeah. Uh, and that's we better that all the time
and the last we know, these type of games don't
end like that, you know, especially being staying the vision game.
You're gonna you know, it's gonna be a crunch time game. Uh,
let it know over time and then h letting Red
do a thing in a game like that.

Speaker 5 (04:36):
Oh welcof Hey is.

Speaker 1 (04:39):
Is Hodge the fastest guy in the team, because I
can't believe how we ran away from everybody lat's playing overtime?

Speaker 4 (04:45):
It was insane and we can argue that how he
was moving.

Speaker 5 (04:51):
How much as you guys get ready to leave the field,
how much do you stand and watch the crowd? I
mean the sway surfing and everything that we're doing. That's
pretty crazy. Atmosphere there, Yeah, and atmosphere was crazy, man,
one of the best I've been around, from just the
whole game, halftime, just being bringing.

Speaker 4 (05:08):
Our energy up, you know. And uh, it's big to
have a fan base like that.

Speaker 1 (05:13):
Are you guys ever gonna have like a boring game
where you win like twenty four to seven? Like every
game comes down to the end and overtime the final play.
Like you guys are riding the roller coaster this year.

Speaker 4 (05:23):
Yeah, you know, it's as far as the NFL. Man,
they played ball on the side. I think our first
of games and stuff. All the great teams I did.
I mean to be honest, every NFL team is any
any any give a Sunday could beat you. Going to
play excute and uh bugs did that thing. You know,
we came out on top. You know, but you gotta
see them again, see them again and uh excute even better.

Speaker 5 (05:44):
Yeah, just another couple of weeks, you guys will see
them again. But massive offensive numbers. What's it like to
be part of this high flaying offense week week as
the game plan gets installed, you know, licking your chops
for your opportunities.

Speaker 4 (05:57):
Well, it's a blessing man, just having Kirk Kevin has
that being being competing with uh Red Mooney Drake, Uh
see Chris Chris Blair, Blair Chase just every day, Uh
getting better at practicing, done, being hungry, competing, making each
other better. Uh, it's been great, man with the old lines,
just watching them the dogs in the front, the running

backs win the ball. It's just it's fun, man. Everything's
just been clicking. It's just about not killing ourselves on
the first downs, and I feel like sometimes we were
shoot ourselves in the foot when we get some get
some movements and momentum, and we just gotta cut those
two things that I think, and execute on third down,
which we I think we did pretty well. I can't

look at the stats and stuff for that, but I
think we won the game. So either way that or
that we want the game and we do. But yeah,
do you want.

Speaker 3 (06:47):
Me to look I got Yeah.

Speaker 1 (06:50):
You got six out of four. We'll give you stats
if you don't tell me any three.

Speaker 5 (06:53):
From fourth down though, right, So just six catches for
sixty six yards and incredible win.

Speaker 1 (07:02):
Falcons win at thirty six thirty over the Bucks in overtime.
Ray Ray mclod, thanks a bunch of stopping by, best luck,
rets of the way. We'll talk to you down the road,
all right, Ray Ray McLoud.

Speaker 5 (07:13):
He want stats, man, he I mean they were six
and fourteen third down efficiency, but two of three on
fourth down, and when it mattered, they made the play.

Speaker 3 (07:20):
To help send things to overtime.

Speaker 5 (07:23):
And like you said with Hodge Man, Turbo Jets because
he turned it on and was gone.

Speaker 1 (07:28):
Is he the fed? We can argue that, is he
the We can argue that if you want to argue
that we could.

Speaker 3 (07:33):
All right, we got to line up a race.

Speaker 5 (07:35):
Here you go, Captain Kirk could fire off the starting Pistol's.

Speaker 1 (07:39):
Good stuff there from Ray Ray mcleode. Look he catches sing.
Everybody caught pass it. Everybody got fed, is there? But look,
but you know back the point we had before, we
you know, we we got we got Ray McCloud and
thanks to him for stopping by. Is that? You know,
watching this, there's certain things it just feels like when
something is being done right and when something's being done wrong.
And it kind of felt wrong, it kind of wrong

that each team is not guaranteed the football and the
old you know, in overtime, and the old adage and
the old argument was always well the other team that
you could score on defense. You can score defensively, You
can do that like that. It's like, okay, how often
does a team don't don't tell me that, man? How
often does a team score on deefen? How often do
you get a fumble return for a touchdown or a
pick six? It doesn't happen that often. Yes, stopping the

other team, I get it, right, you stop in the
other team and getting the ball, that's a thing. But
there you can't tell me that the team that has
the ball has a huge advantage to win a game.
It's like in Major League base when you see that,
but tendon's a chance to win the game, you win
the toss in overtime, you're up to like seventy five percent, right, Like,
So having the ball is a huge advantage. So you
can't tell me, oh, you could stop that, you could

score on defense. That doesn't happen that often, right, You
get you get maybe a couple of those plays every
week in the NFL. So I think when it comes
to overtime eventually they're gonna probably get there to this
because it's the fairest thing, especially coming off a game
like tonight where both offenses were rolling right like you know,
Tampa Bay. You know, they a huge night. You know,
running the football, they ran for one hundred and sixty yards,
they threw fo one hundred and seventy yards. You know,

I see a game like tonight and I go it
can't the NFL just say listen, We're gonna make it fair.
Everybody gets the ball once in overtime, right, everybody gets
the ball once. It's how it goes, and and and
whatever happens. We play the game that way, but each
team will get the ball once in overtime, just to
make it fairest because it's it's still it's still not
fair this way the way they do it. And I
feel like the NFL is just kind of pieced meal

it out going all right, we're gonna just do overtime,
but first score wins. Okay, the field goal is not fair.
Oh now it's gonna be. But if it's a touchdown,
it's fair. But then in the playoffs it's different and
each team gets the ball. It's like, just have uniform
rules in overtime. Yeah, team gets the ball once.

Speaker 5 (09:41):
I mean the argument and this is where we always
get into those difficult arguments when when we come to
the NFL and the words quote player safety unquote are
strung together because that's been part of the argument of
why you do it this way. Right, you score the touchdown,
it's over, there's no more series. You don't run out
the clock. Because the other thing is i'd just say
you play some you know, decided amount of time and

however it ends, it ends.

Speaker 3 (10:06):
But you know, maybe I'm a sadist.

Speaker 5 (10:09):
People would tell me that if if I wanted to
just say, all right, we're playing a full ten minutes regardless.
But yeah, I see your point. You know, the defense,
you know, has to make a play. And I tried
to find the stats, it was not easily accessible. So
that's something we'll get our crack staff working on in
terms of, you know, if you get the ball first,

what's the the end game and the percentage of times
h that you actually win the game, not only overall,
but off that first possession.

Speaker 3 (10:39):
But yeah, it does feel like on a night like.

Speaker 5 (10:41):
Tonight where the offenses are flowing as they did, that
we got a bit cheated.

Speaker 3 (10:45):
No, I get that. I mean it's we should have
asked y Ray while we had them online. Hey do
you think they should have gotten the ball?

Speaker 1 (10:53):

Speaker 3 (10:53):
I love overtime. Yeah, I'm going away. I was gonna
ask them, can I have your helmet? Those hell? Which cool?

Speaker 1 (11:01):
Yeah? No, it's too bad. I mean I could tell
he had trouble hearing us, so we couldn't go as long.

Speaker 5 (11:05):
Yeah, you know, there were a couple couple of times
where it seemed to get lost a little bit, but no,
good energy, good and good. I mean we've had great
success with guys this year.

Speaker 1 (11:12):
It's been great. Yeah. But look, I mean that it's
a night, you know, it's a night for offense, and
you see, Yes, it doesn't seem fair. But I would
say this even if it was a game that ended,
you know, twenty to twenty to fourteen, you know, if
that was the case, because it's still it's just a
huge advantage for winning the coin flip, right. I still
don't think that people understand you know, football and the

NFL understands, Oh, okay, this is this is how we're
gonna decide it. No, that's a big deal to give
one team the football and the other team is not
guaranteed to get it. It's you know, I I shrugged
my shoulders and go okay. Whenever the NFL does rule changes,
they always do the same thing. They always say, well,
if we're gonna change this rule, we're not just gonna
change it. We're gonna kind of dip our toe in

the water of it and see if they see what
the temperatures like. The temperature is Okay, then I'll put
my and the temperature's still a little better, I'll go
way up to my knees, like like when you watch
your mom go swimming in the public pool, and like
she's just standing there with the other moms, like just
up to their knees, talking like why don't you guys swim? No,
we're just standing in the shallow and talking probably about us.

Speaker 6 (12:13):

Speaker 1 (12:14):
But if it's too cold, oh, I'm getting out of
the water. Like that's how the NFL has done this,
Like look at what they've done with the kickoff. The
lad Okay, we're gonna have the kickoff. We're gonna do this.
You're gonna kick off here. Now, you're gonna kick off
from here. Now we're gonna have people line up. And
it looks like the XFL, like the NFL is you know,
they still haven't found a way, like we can't make
a real strong change, and so the kickoff kind of
is what it is. And I feel like over time

in the same way, well, it kind of it is
what it is. Is it fair? No, it's not fair,
but it's what we have right now. But games like
tonight where you know it's spending and this is This
is where this might push for change more than anything,
because if it was a twenty to fourteen game, well, okay,
neither team's offense has played well. This team drove down
the field when they couldn't really do it all night. Hey,

they deserve to win. But a game like tonight where
the offense is going up and down the field the scoring, Yeah,
this is one that pushes for that change because a
it doesn't feel right that Mayfield and the Bucks didn't
get the football.

Speaker 2 (13:07):

Speaker 3 (13:07):
I got a up in front of me.

Speaker 5 (13:09):
It's paper and honors thesis by a guy named Will Thurlow.

Speaker 3 (13:13):
Now this is dated.

Speaker 5 (13:14):
It goes back to December of twenty twenty one, but hey,
for giggles and because you know we're nerds, it's an
honors thesis at Ball State University.

Speaker 3 (13:24):
It's thirty two pages of math. But the summary is that.

Speaker 5 (13:28):
There were one hundred and fifty eight overtimes assessed sixty
one percent the coin flip winner won the game. Now,
I'd have to find the data points for the last
couple of years to extrapolate from there, Jason, but one
hundred and fifty eight was a pretty good sample size,
certainly off the jump and it's ball state, so we
get shot up ball state in mathematics in football, finding

their intersection there, I'll have to go through because at
least as I sit here and try to read it quickly,
I mean, it's fuzzy math. There's a lot of equations
in here. I'll have to dust off my calculus brain
another time.

Speaker 3 (14:03):
But yeah, no, I hear your point.

Speaker 5 (14:06):
And certainly in the Tampa guys are going forget about
the overtime rules.

Speaker 3 (14:10):
Where's my blankety blanket call on the face mask that
was obvious? Has the nose on your face?

Speaker 1 (14:17):
How about that? Sure?

Speaker 3 (14:19):
Fix that first? NFL char listen.

Speaker 1 (14:22):
I'm sorry, I thought I was being brought in talking
about NFL overtime rules. No, Mike Harbon has decided to
hijack the conversation talk about a face mask call that
he's really upset about. And why Bejon Robinson doesn't get
the football. He's gonna ask about those things first, and
then we'll get to the overtime rules. Oh okay, oh.

Speaker 3 (14:39):
Great, right, Beijon is just oh, he's just a guy
right now. But and Captain Kirk is king.

Speaker 5 (14:47):
Spread it out, and I mean they were running up
five wide most of the night. Hell, they were lining
up five wide when Drake London was in the tent.
He eventually came back and ran amuck once again. He
was shaking up down towards the end of the game.
So we will keep an eye on that as we
get into the extended period after this Week five opener.
But man, what a night of sports. Our colleague, Doug

Gottlieb goes over on Twitter. He goes, Dude, if this
didn't do it for you, then maybe sports is in
your thing.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
Maybe I'm just gonna go to the movies instead. That's
what I'm gonna do. Exit out out a fresca, exit
swollen down. The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon live
from the TIREC dot Com Studios. Coming up next the
drama and what we saw tonight in Major League Baseball
and what it had to do with Pete Rose. Wait
what Yeah, a little bit of a different topic coming

up next when it comes to what we saw to
night between the Mets and the Brewers. That's next right here,
Jason and Mike, this is Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (15:44):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (15:56):
Losing in the ninth and ng by two runs to
the Brewers. It didn't look real good. But then Lindor
walked and then Nimmo got ahead. We had runners at
the corners. Then Alonso came up and he had a
three and one count and then he hid it into

the seats. Hey, Philadelphia, don't don't you want us?

Speaker 3 (16:24):
You don't want to play us?

Speaker 1 (16:26):
Coming off this week we had don't you don't want
to play us?

Speaker 2 (16:31):
You've done better, Jason.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
You don't want the Met smoke. You want no smoke
from the Mets. Come on, man, I just recapped the
ninth inning. I freestyle and recap the ninth inning.

Speaker 5 (16:42):
Come on, man, you know it felt like one of
those songs that kept going from the seventies.

Speaker 3 (16:52):
Ain't just going? It's like nine minutes long?

Speaker 1 (16:54):
What are we going and going and going and going?
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon, Live from the
tairaq dot Com Studios. Now, before we get into look
because sometimes tonight's like tonight, sports are about emotion, right,
and the Mets win over the Brewers. We'll get to
Pete Alonso because I got tears in my eyes this

entire night talking talking to you and talking about sports tonight.
One thing really hit home to me and it had
to do with the loss of Pete Rose this week
and when Pete Rose died and we talked about it
and we said, you know, he had the really bad
controversy that came about a few years ago after he

had kind of rehabilitated his public image with the gambling.
He was on Fox, him and a Rod Frank Thomas
on the show and it was an incredible show. And
then the story resurfaces that when he was thirty four
years old he had a relationship with a sixteen year
old girl, a someone who was around sixteen back in
the seventies and early eighties. And when that resurfaced, that

was kind of it for Pete. That was, okay, know what,
we can't wait, Sorry, Pete, we can't. We can't do this, man,
we just can't do this. And we said about this
on Monday that you know, if it was just about
the gambling for Pete Rose, it was just about the gambling,
he would be back in Major League Baseball by now.
And because I don't care what Hey what what uh?

Fee Vincent and Barte Jamadi and Bud Ceiling. It was
a different world when Pete got suspended, and now gambling
is much more accepted in the world of sports, and
even to the point where when you watch the Mets
game tonight against the Brewers, how many times did ESPN
and the play by play guys in bogchianbe talk about, Hey,
here are the odds. Here's the in game odds for

the game. Right now the Mets are even money and
the Brewers are minus one thirty like Major League okay,
major League Baseball is clearly okay with gambling now. Right
now you can you can argue which league is the
most okay with gambling, and maybe Baseball is the one
that's still a little bit the kind of wring their hands.

Speaker 5 (18:57):
But they also embraced it the advertising standpoint a lot sooner,
just like they did all the digital stuff and streaming
audio and all of that. They were at the forefront
of that as slow as they are in so many
other things. But we've talked about it a lot, Jason,
how you and I for the last decade talking to
each other here and sitting in the studio, how often
have we joked about the casino ads before the onslaught

of legal legalized gambling. Right, Hey, go out to the
casinos and you know whenever a Yankee batter was up,
But that's been there for that.

Speaker 1 (19:28):
Hey, it's it's broadcast partners are talking about it. They're
telling you where to go to gamble. I mean, it's
it's it's.

Speaker 3 (19:35):
A est for crying out loud.

Speaker 1 (19:37):
It's it's a different world. And what would have happened,
because I'll tell you what would have happened, And it's
not just suddenly where okay, we would have flipped a switch.
But once major League Baseball, once sports, it's starting to
be getting okay with gambling, to the point where they're
almost partners with the league now, there would have been
a push to reinstate Pete Rose into major League Baseball.
There wouldn't have pushed to say, you know what, we
don't put them in the Hall of fame, but let's

reen state him. He has served this band for almost
forty years. Let's reinstate him again. This is if it's
just about gambling. When the personal stuff came up, that
was it. But it's just about gambling. There would have
been a very public Hey, reinstate him. If there are
been a lot of voices from former Hall of famers,
and he would all say the same thing. Look at
where the sport is now. Look at how you are

next to gambling. You run gambling ads during the game,
and I say it during a playoff game like you
watch it. They go, man, this plug just they just
keep giving you the different odds of the game, right
they talk about in game. There's a reason why ESPN
puts up, hey, percentage chance the team has to win
the game right now, seventy two percent versus twenty eight percent,
sixty nine percent versus thirty one percent. There's a reason why.

So there would have been a big push and what
would have happened is he would have been reinstated. It
would have been too much pressure on Rob Manford, who
has had as a horrible reputation or as being commissioner,
to reinstate him. He could have done it coming in Look,
Sea League was a guy part of the old school,
you know, coming from Vincent and Jamadi. All right, I
get it. But once Rob Manford took over, okay, hey

we do we are partners with with with gambling. To
an extent. Now we can reinstate him, and then he
would have been eligible for a Hall of Fame vote,
and by this time everybody would have said, Pete's done
his time. All all the voters would have said the
same thing, because you're not gonna be as as fiery
about it forty years later, right, I mean the fact

that Pete rose and not being in the Hall of
Fame as a story for the better part of thirty
five years almost is really insane. But there wouldn't have
been enough voters go no, we still can't put him in.
Look at all. Well, you see guys getting busted for
gambling all the time now in sports. What are they getting.
They're getting a year and then they're back in the game, right,
and they're making really stupid mistakes too, just like Bete did, Like, oh,

just don't gamble from the facility. I'm placing this bet
from the facility. What did we tell you? Just don't
be in the facility. Oh so, do you mean they
could trace my cell phone? They can see where he
places that bet from. Yes, Oh, I guess I shouldn't
have done that.

Speaker 3 (21:57):
To the parking lot. Yeah, literally right there, there's a flag.

Speaker 5 (22:02):
No it's not to show you that there's an under
underground electrical gable there. No, it's to tell you that's
the that's the end of our property line.

Speaker 3 (22:11):
So you could go bet right there.

Speaker 1 (22:12):
This is where you can gamble. Uh. It's like it's
like in Phoenix, where there's that part where I told
you could you could scalp tickets legally. Yeah, if you
walk across the street from this, I mean I could
walk here. That's the police officer. Hey, can I scolp it? Yeah,
just walk cross streeting scalp tickets legally, Like you're not
gonna arrest me, no, trust me, It's fine. Uh. There
wouldn't have been that that overall. No, No, I'm gonna

be a big bashing of the game and keep Pete
out of the Hall of Fame. There would have been
enough support for him. There would have been enough new
voters now who didn't come up around the time when
Pete Rose was playing, and it was yeah, I get
what Pete did was bad, but they're gonna look at
Pete through the lens of what's happening now and it's okay, Well,
we see what happens when guys get bad boy. Wow,
he got banned forever he got he got he got

a lifetime ban, and this was and this was that. No,
I think Pete can go on the Hall of Fame.
So all these who've been covering the sport since you know,
the mid two thousands, you know, or in the early
two thousands, they went through the Mitchell Report, they went
through all of this, Oh gambling, Well, okay, we still
don't like steroids, so we still want to put those
guys in the Hall of Fame. But gambling, yeah, I
don't see why because baseball seems okay with it. So

if it was just the gambling, I think Pete would
have been in the Hall of Fame by now. He
would have had that run at Fox. It started about
eight or nine years ago, and when he was in
his hey hey look Pete's been accepted. He's back on TV.
He's on a great show. The show was so much
fun to watch. It was so much fun to watch.
I even watched that clip this week of him and
a Rod when the cameras were off talking about hitting

and how they talked about the splitter and a Rod
talking about how it changed the game, and it was just,
oh my god, it could watch this forever, So there
would have been enough of a push to think there
wasn't There would been enough pressure to say, hey, what
are we really doing here? What are we really doing?
And for Pete Rose to get back in, it would
have been a reinstatement into the game, and it would
have been him getting voted into the Hall of Fame.

May have taken him a couple of times, like they
would have put him back on the ballot. He would
have done something special obviously to put him back on
the ballot, and it might have taken him a couple
of times because I'm sure some of the voters would say, well,
where are the votes going to go in the first year,
and maybe the first year he would have fell a
little short, but they he would have had enough support
where hey, the second year, the third year, he would
have wound up getting in. Right, Because you're gonna see

that eventually for all the steroid guys. Eventually there's gonna
people are gonna say, you know what, Veterans Committee, this
guy was so great, he was such a great player,
we're gonna put him in the Hall of Fame. Right, Eventually,
you're going to see that. But that's still only something
that's fifteen years removed from now. Right, the Mitchell Report
stuff was still mid two thousands. That's still too close
memory wise. Pete Rose is back in the late eighties,
early nineties. Man, it's a long hass time ago for

people to hold that grudge. So, yeah, if it was
just the gambling, he'd be in the Hall of Fame.

Speaker 5 (24:45):
Yeah, I just remember the Mitchell Report really didn't count
for some guys either.

Speaker 3 (24:49):
Well that was only that you know that one time.

Speaker 5 (24:51):
I mean, come on, yeah, it didn't happen in anybody
else's career.

Speaker 3 (24:56):
They got caught. I mean, they showed up in the report.

Speaker 1 (24:59):
That was it.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
That was the last time they juiced.

Speaker 5 (25:01):
Sure, I know they weren't building a better mouse trap
the entire time, the scientists weren't. With so much money
at play, they just stopped even today, right right, Yeah,
but yeah, we move on from that back into just
the Pete Rose side of it. When you talk about
gambling and where we're at today, right, you still have
either a year suspension or lifetime band right if you're

betting on something that is you're part of. And that's
the thing I've always wondered with Pete did we always
did we get all the details? Is there other stuff
that just never surfaced related to the the investigations on
his gambling player manager always you know.

Speaker 1 (25:43):
What, honestly, I always wonder because we talk about discovery, right,
that's that's the big thing.

Speaker 3 (25:48):
We've talked about it a lot. Yeah, you try to
avoid it as best you can.

Speaker 1 (25:51):
And because that's really what was the big thing when
it came to the Colin Kaepernick NFL situation, because Kaepernick
was suing the NFL to get in because he says
he was black. He said, I'm going all the way.
I'm going all the way for this. There's not there's
no money involved. I'm going all the way. What happened
he settled, And it was like, wait, dude, but I
thought you were going all the way. You were suing,
and you settled. Obviously he didn't have the case. But

why would the NFL settle for way less money than
anybody thought it was? It was always gonna be sixty
seventy million. It turned out to be somewhere. We heard
around like ten million dollars. The NFL. Who knows what
comes up in discovery? Right in the NFL says, we
we don't care about that. It's like the whole thing
with the Washington Commanders emails. Yeah, look at we we're
gonna shut this down because we had the Gruden thing
come up. We don't know what else is gonna come up,
and it we do not want this. Then that's so.

I wonder if that's a thing with Pete, because really
Pete was the only one, like, nobody else is up, like.

Speaker 5 (26:41):
And even Pete himself. Was that all that was going on?
Or was that the easily most easily digested. Hey, we agree,
you take the lifetime ban. That's the end of it.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
Yeah. Yeah, I mean, and I don't know if Pete
thought that I'll take this lifetime ban, but eventually I'll
get in immediately, yeah, I mean, but I'll get in somehow.
And next commissioner, what I know, I got to do
my time now. And maybe they told him, and I
don't know. I'm just kind of spitballing here. I wonder
if he was, you know, if he was, hey, lifetime ban.

But we'll we'll reassess it about ten years, you know, Well,
we'll take a look at about ten years and see
if you can get back in. I mean, I don't know,
but I can't believe lifetime was just it was that much. Okay,
that's it. There's absolutely no chance, right because you don't
know how the future is gonna go. And I get that.
You know. Look when you think about guys like Sea
League and Jamadi and Fa Vince and the Old Guard
and the protectors of Major League Baseball, you understand there

was a they had a certain way of thinking. So
I think Pete knew I need to bide my time.
But I think to the end Pete was like, I
can't believe it's this long. Like I can't believe it's
this long, and even he said like not too long ago.
I'll get in, but it'll be after I die, and
I'll get in. I'll get in after I die, and
I'm not gonna be around for it because then people
will soften. But I'm not gonna get any I'm not
gonna get anything out of this. I'm serving this band

for this long and that's what I'll get in is
when I die. And I really want, now, what's going
to happen or if Pete Rose's lifetime ban is going
to continue even after this happened.

Speaker 5 (28:06):
Yeah, I think the thing to take away from Rose
as well, coming out of this is from the man, right,
Pete Rose kind of a bit broken about it, right,
we saw those clips. He saw the one circulating again
with Rovel when he asked him about the I'm sorry,
I'd bet on baseball inscriptions like you can tell like

that just kills him to sign that and having made,
you know, those decisions, mistakes, the price he had to pay,
but not being able to go in and teach kids
how to hit officially with the team, and being around
and having to ask permission to go to the ballpark,
being summoned to the park when it was convenient because
they wanted to commemorate him.

Speaker 3 (28:46):
I he sell some tickets.

Speaker 5 (28:47):
Hey, it's the big red machine. I know we're not
very good this year, but there's Pete Rose. You know
that kind of because they had plenty of those days. Right,
here's a commemorative Pete Rose.

Speaker 3 (28:58):

Speaker 5 (29:00):
Otherwise, he was persona non groud except when it was
time to sell some stuff. But for him, I think,
tell me, you couldn't have had a generation or two
of hitters that would have benefited from all of this.
That's why you know we had the Amanski videos. We
always made fun of the Fred McGriff hat Peter Rose
could have sold videos. Man, Yeah, hero's hitting, and then

I'll tell you some stories, some salt yeh stories while
I'm mad.

Speaker 3 (29:24):
Let's go.

Speaker 1 (29:25):
Let me tell you why I got a strip fosse
I decided I'm running that guy said.

Speaker 5 (29:29):
There's ping pong balls with like a thousand major leaguers
names in there, and it spits him out like we're
at the lottery.

Speaker 3 (29:37):
All right, tell me a story.

Speaker 5 (29:38):
Actually, that's a pretty good idea patent pending, patent pending.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
Exit, how about a Fresca exit? Swollen do on the
Jason Spitzer with Mike Carman live from the Tirack dot
Com studios. We got more coming up in ninety seconds.
But first, how about what's trending from Special Delivery Steve
to Seger who has just bought the Alonso home run ball. Wow,
five hundred thousand dollars off of eBay, Steve O. Thanks.

Speaker 6 (30:00):
How about it that the team that wins game one
in this wild card format you mentioned this early in
the show is twelve and oh, by the way, in
the series in three years now that the Mets pulled
off this dramatic comeback. Earlier we heard the Mets call
of the ninth inning home run. How about on the
other side, because born and raised in Milwaukee is Bob Buker,

who turns ninety one in January. The call in Milwaukee,
protecting a ninth inning lead.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
Get in the air run, deep warning run.

Speaker 6 (30:35):
And then a lot of silence, except of course for
the Mets chick that's.

Speaker 3 (30:41):
The boy.

Speaker 6 (30:43):
Four runs in the top of the ninth Pete Alonzo
a three run homer that you just heard. That was
the key four to the final eliminating the Brewers. Francisco
Lindora had two hits and a walk, the loss to
closer Devin Williams, who hadn't blown a save in six weeks,
save to David Peterson, a starter, and in this one,
the closer for the Mets got credit for the win.

He pitched in the seventh and eighth inning. So the
Mets were playing their fifth game in four days, this
deciding game of the best of three Wildcard, first time
in Major League history that a team was not just
playing five times in a four day span, but it
included three playoff games in that this week. Here they
faced a deficit in the ninth inning and yet clinch

a postseason spot that way this week and face a
deficit in the ninth inning tonight and win a playoff
series that way. That had never happened in Major League history.
To win both via that way ninth inning or later,
just stunning how it came out. So people, we can
update the stat when there's a winner take all postseason game,

how does the home team do under five hundred?

Speaker 1 (31:50):
Thank you?

Speaker 6 (31:51):
Teams playing in their home ballparks are now sixty two
and sixty six all time in winner take all postseason games,
and the Phillies will have home field advantage startying this
Saturday against the Mats with Game one of the division
series on Fox TV four pm Eastern Time. The top
seeded Dodgers open a division series on Saturday night on

FS one against San Diego. After, like the Phillies, the
Dodgers had a first round by The Dodgers did announce
their Game one starter in LA will be picture Yoshinobu Yamamoto,
with LA native Jack Flaherty going in Game two on Sunday.
The two Al Division series each start on Saturday as well,
Detroit at Cleveland, Kansas City at the New York Yankees

Cleveland's manager had stepped down a year ago, Terry Francona. Tonight,
multiple reports have him being hired as the Cincinnati Reds
new manager. Caitlin Clark is the WNBA rookie of the Year,
and what a finish in Atlanta to the NFL game tonight,
Falcons over Tampa Bay in overtime thirty six thirty. Falcons
tied it on a fifty two yard field goal on

the final play of regulation and won it on a
forty five yard TD pass, a catch and run by
Daryl Hodge Kirk Cousins five hundred nine yards passing four touchdowns,
one interception, The Chiefs place wide receiver Rashid Rice on
injury reserve.

Speaker 1 (33:10):
Back to you, Thank you, Steve Though The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon live from the ti IRAQ dot
com studios coming up next, The electricity of the night continues.
We have a couple of stories that are gonna have
they be able to power the entire country. The Mets
winning in the ninth inning against the Brewers. The Falcons
winning on a walk off touchdown in overtime. Keep it

right here for more reaction on these two incredible games.
That's next right here, Jason and Mike. Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (33:39):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific Fox.

Speaker 1 (33:47):
Sports Radio, The Jason Smith Show with My best friend
Mike Harmon, The Upset Specials Tomorrow night. That's Friday. Oh okay,
The Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon Live from the
ti rack dot Com studios.

Speaker 2 (33:58):

Speaker 1 (33:58):
By the way, thirteen and two on Upset Specials this year,
I am. I got former athletes d m ing me,
who do you like tonight? Come on, Swear to God,
I'm not lying to you, not lying to who do
you like tonight? I'm like, dude, you know I'm not profeted.
Maybe I should turn professional. I'm like, okay, okay, this
is kind of who I like. Okay, I'll tell you.

Speaker 5 (34:19):
We got a lot of guys I have, you know,
be gamblers that have their own segments.

Speaker 1 (34:24):
Who do you who? I'm like, Well, I picked the
games I want to pick. I picked the games that
that that stand out to me that I know. I
can't just pick every game, but okay.

Speaker 3 (34:32):
I do.

Speaker 5 (34:33):
I both documented But yeah, we'll actually have a real
professional handicapper and Todd Ferhman joining us next hour.

Speaker 1 (34:41):
Yeah, boy, I tell you the odds for the Mets
to win the World Series the roof. Look, I still
it is ten to ten, and I'm I can't I
have a voice. No, I can't believe I have a
voice because I never saw Alonzo's home run land live
because because as soon as he swung and he screamed,

I screamed, I yelled, he did it. Let's blanket go
as loud as I could because I knew it, because
I knew it was gone right. He always that's the
best thing. Obviously. He always watched the reaction from the player,
you know, when he gets it and if you know
if it's a home run or not. Sometimes I'm not
sure it's high, you know. Bryce Harper used to do
the oh I'm breaking my bat, dude, you hit it

into the fifteenth throw? Why why did you throw your bat?
Dowt you really got a hold it. I knew it,
and I screamed so loud, and I was insane for
five minutes. And I didn't pick it up until he
was like rounding third base because I just yell, I
like blacked out for like a couple of seconds, because
I knew it as soon as he yelled. And the
other thing is this, You're gonna think I was lying,

but I but I put it on Twitter earlier going
to the ninth inning, I said, I am oddly calm
coming into this inning. I am oddly calm. Normally you think, well,
oh I'm on edge. I'm this no, mainly because hey,
as a Mets fan, I always expect the worst outcome
to be the most likely, because that's the way. So
what's the worst outcome that's the most likely thing that's
gonna happen. But I liked, I said, you know what,

this is different. We got the top of the order.
It's Lindor Fiento's Nemo Alonzo. It could be Alonzo's last
that bad as a Met And I don't care that
he's five for his last five hundred or whatever the
hell he was. I I want him up. Let's get
him up with it as the tying run and let's
see what happens. And I knew Lindor was the key.
And of course look what he does. Of course works

a walk and gets on base, and you know, he
gets down to first base, and what made me feel good.
Was was he gets down to first base, and you know,
he takes off his stuff, gets ready to go, and
he puts on his mit you know, for slide and
everything else, and he and he goes out and he
kind of laughs with the first basement and kind of
they share kind of a laugh together when Lindor is like, yeah, yeah,
and you know, Milwaukee's laughing is like, dude, yeah, you

got on. But but we're winning by two runs here.
You haven't done anything on offense all night. And here's
Lindor laughing, going, yeah, we're playing baseball. We're good. You know,
we're playing baseball. I'm on first base. We got a
chance here in the ninth inning, and and and that
I then I knew, I said, they really are in
the right spot mentally for this.

Speaker 5 (37:08):
Where was the dugout interview before Alonzo's home run?

Speaker 1 (37:12):
Though, come on, home run.

Speaker 3 (37:14):
We should have been talking to somebody.

Speaker 1 (37:16):
Hey, guys, do you got anything to say going to
ninth thinning down by two runs? Anybody, anybody canna do it?
I'll stop throwing stuff at me, guys, but he stop
hitting me with anything. And so I knew, I said,
the Mets look like they are ready to handle this
situation and what happens in the playoffs? Did you get
to the ninth inning and big games? Looking Williams have
been a really good closer, right, really good all year.
Gave up one home run, but you could tell he

was nervous because he goes full boat on Francisco Lindor
and walks him right. The last thing you want to
do is walk the guy. I know, yeah, I know
he's you know, I know he's having a season unlike
anyone he's had. But you got to make him earn
his way on and you weren't close like that fastball was,
you know, tailed out of this, like you're not going
to get into Chase. He knows he's got to get
He's too good a player, Like I knew at that point,

all the Mets got something here. I was just hoping
Viento's wasn't going to hit into a double play because
I knew he had nothing. He had absolutely he had
absolutely nothing happening tonight. He had bad swings. The strikes
were low on him. It was a low strike zone
all night. But when you're six three, six ' four,
it's gonna be a lot lower on you, But I'm like, okay,
just dontate a double play, and let let's go Neimo
and Alonzo to end the season. Let's see what happens.

And Nemo rips the base hit. And as soon as
Alonzo got to three and one, his body language changed.
He had had a horrible body language all game. He
dropped a pop up that could have ended the inning
the inning before in foul territory. Luckily Diez got the
strikeout to get him out of the inning. So I
knew he was not in a great place mentally coming in.
He again five for his last fifty whatever it is,

and but when that count got to three in one,
I saw him kind of hop in the box a
little bit, and I'm like, he knows he's getting something
good because Williams has to come into the strike zone.
He can't throw something off the plate and load the
bases with one out, can't do it. So he knows,
and he gave that little bit of that little bit
of hop and I said, I'm feeling good about this,
and then he cranked it and I screamed. I think
that's probably why I screamed, because I knew something good

was gonna happen. I knew he's feeling it. I'm feeling it.
The Brewers are nervous. Williams is nervous. He's behind the
count and everybody this inning, I mean except for Viento's.
He was chasing everything. He's behind the count and everybody.
I was feeling really good, even though at that point
it was Brewers percentage just to wear ninety eight percent.
That's two percent. Well that changed pretty fast. Yeah, a
couple of things.

Speaker 5 (39:23):
First off, you owe your dog Benny an extra snack
because you know the reactions of loud sports fan might
be at or more intrusive to.

Speaker 3 (39:34):
Their health and well being than fireworks. Uh that's my
own study.

Speaker 1 (39:38):
I would say, okay, except he owes me from last
night when I got up with him three times because
he went down to a snack cabinet and I'm like, dude,
it's forty he's got his own snack cabinet. Well, he
knows where the snacks are. He knows where they are, right,
so he knows. He'll go and stand like, dude, I
know you're up in the middle of the night for
a snack. I'm not giving it a fee. We're going
back to bed. Come on, come back, I pick him up,
bring it back to bed. Do you got me up?
Twice he wanted to go down to a snack cabinet

and he's there and then he paused at it, like hey,
open it, open it, give me something. So he owes
me from last night so he can take my one
scream from earlier tonight.

Speaker 5 (40:07):
All right, So he got that. The other being a
little bit. People were upset in this series. A lot
of hugging, a lot of hey, nice hit kind of
thing going on. It's like, where's the competitive fire? Like yes,
because that's determining the outcome. And Williams in September I
had what six for six save opportunities, a zero era

eighteen strikeouts against three walks.

Speaker 3 (40:30):
But he got got Oh, he got.

Speaker 1 (40:32):
Got unreal night in sports, the Nets win a game
that I can't believe. I got two games like this
at you. I'm not going to get a game like
this for like another fifteen mon night.

Speaker 3 (40:41):
He got Captain Kirk, he got a triumvirate.

Speaker 1 (40:44):
Speaking of Captain Kirk, hot takes for both quarterbacks from tonight.
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