All Episodes

September 7, 2024 41 mins

Jason and Mike tell you why it’s completely inexcusable to have a field in such poor condition for an NFL game. Are the New York Football Giants already tanking the season? Plus, more of our world famous Upset Specials!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
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Speaker 2 (00:23):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
Greetings, Welcome inside final hour tonight the Manny Das Show
with my best friend Mike Harmon. You go to Hell.
I'm really positive.

Speaker 3 (00:38):
I'm trying to go into the weekend with high spirits
after some knuckleheaded disc wait calling and ineffectivens defensive lapses.
I'm doing my best not to do us some variation
of some other guy that got over who I'm not
quite sure how, but yeah, very difficult end. But you

had the over in that Northwestern duke game. You finally
got paid in overtime. We're live the tirag dot com studios.
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buying should be. Yes, Duke and Northwestern mercifully coming to

an end. Yeah, oh boy boy, the offense really picked
up in ot though.

Speaker 1 (01:25):
Let me tall. Yeah yeah did hey they did. I mean,
I don't know what you were doing running that quarterback
option play on third and one, but whatever, I mean,
after you.

Speaker 3 (01:33):
Just about launched my uh you know the size of
coffee mugs I work with.

Speaker 1 (01:38):
After it, I drink a lot. Yeah, it almost went
through my TV after Porter is just running over Duke
third and one, give him the football. You're in two
down territory. What the hell are you doing? What was that?
But hey, fourth down pass goes incomplete and the Duke
Blue Devils go to two and oh a smart football game,
two smart football teams. But Duke beats Northwestern.

Speaker 3 (02:00):
Yeah, that third down call really kind of takes away
from any of the smart football things you're trying to
push out there, and that narrative that you're selling Duke
six straight wins over Northwestern as well.

Speaker 1 (02:14):
Yeah, probably in College Bowl too. I bet Duke is
beating Northwestern.

Speaker 3 (02:17):
All these things could be I'll have to go and
skip the tail of the tape, But for this one,
I'm just baffled that third down play might be one
of the dumber things we've seen it.

Speaker 1 (02:27):
Yeah, oh no, that was an awful plight I did.

Speaker 3 (02:29):
That was an absolutely Over the last two nights, buddy,
we've seen a couple of really crazy things, yeah, in
the NFL games. So yeah, for this the top, it
means it's extra special.

Speaker 1 (02:39):
Now, speaking of the NFL, two big things to get
into now, breaking down what we saw tonight between the
Packers and the Eagles. The Eagles win it thirty four
to twenty nine. Next to last play or third to
last play of the game, Jordan Love on a field
that is not NFL caliber. We've watched play You're slip

and slide the entire game. Jordan Love twist goes down
with an ankle injury. We don't know how bad it is,
probably won't know until they get them back to the
United States from Brazil and check them out and see
how things are. That could seriously put a dent in
the season for the Packers. But on a bad field,
one of the star quarterbacks of the NFL gets hurt

and the Eagles escape with a victory. Now, two big things,
one for Jordan Love and then one for the Eagles,
right now, Jordan Love. First, now, this is this is
a really bad headline for the NFL. Man. I mean
it's a really bad headline because, you know, I go
back to almost famous right the scene where Russell and

and and and Jeff BB they're arguing about the band
and the T shirt gets comes out, and it's a
T shirt that's got Russell and focus and everybody else
is out of focus. Right, everybody else is out of focus.
There's like, really, you know, because Russell's the star guitar player,
everybody else's focus. And they start arguing back and forth
about things, and Russell says to Jeff Billy Crudep says, no,

you actually love this T shirt because it allows you
to say all the things you want to say, right,
all the all the all the complaints you have about me,
all the bad things about me that really might not
be true, that maybe you're exaggerated. This T shirt allows
you to say everything you want to say. And this
field and this injury to Jordan Love allows everybody to

say what they want to say about the NFL and
player safety, about what a what a crap job they
do trying to keep the player safe. They don't really care.
It's all about the money you're cashing whatever checks you
are to have the game in Brazil. Oh, by the way,
it starts out, Hey, we're going to Brazil. Oh, you
may be in danger. I know, we're going to play
a football game, but you can't leave the hotel. So

stay there because it's really dangerous. Wait, why are we
going down here because we're getting a lot of money. Okay,
don't bring your families, by the way, because yeah, it's
really dangerous down there. Oh okay, so stay in the
hotel and then go play the game. And oh, by
the way, we're going to play the game on a
field that's not really safe for you because it's a
soccer field, and soccer fields are done differently than NFL fields,
so you're gonna see yourself slipping and falling the entire

time you're out there. But don't worry. We're getting a
really big check to play this game. We're growing the game,
and I'll be sitting in my really warm or air
conditioned suite enjoying the game. You'll see me laughing a
bunch of times because I'm the commissioner and everything is great.
This allows everybody to say that about the NFL. It's
money that they want and they don't care about player safety.

And here's Jordan Love getting hurt in a situation where
they didn't need to get hurt. And not only that,
the NFL didn't even do what they needed to do
to make sure the field was ready to play on,
that it was safe for them to play on. And
they slipped from beginning of the game to the end
of the game. First play of the game, they were slipping.
Final play of the game, they were slipping. Milik Willis
who comes out to throw a hell Mary, he slips
a little bit, doesn't even get his pass off. Like

that's the optic that the NFL, really it does not want.
But it's absolutely apropos and I can't say anything bad
about it. I can't say anything against it, because, yeah,
this is what's out there. This field is terrible. Fields
in the NFL generally are bad and aren't kept up
to the maintenance level they need to be at. Just
see everybody who plays at MetLife and walks away going,
what the hell was that? And I'm just I'm just

glare we're getting out of here without any injuries. And
sometimes people do get injured and they all complain about it.
Jason Lock and Forrest told us many times on the show,
players complaining the coaches complain, that's the worst field in
the NFL. Why don't we do things about it? But
this stuff, this player's safety. Yeah. I can't say anything
to the other side of it other than yeah, here's
the NFL. They catch a big check, they make a
lot of money, but it doesn't matter. Players play in

a field it's not safe. A franchise quarterback gets hurt,
who knows how long he's out for. Maybe it's a
high ankle sprains. We have to wait to find out.
Makes no difference because hey, we're growing the game. The
NFL has no leg to stand on, and nor can
they look back at any opposition to that take and say,
but wait a minute, wait a minute, no, no, this is

wanting money, putting the players at risk, not really caring
about player safety.

Speaker 3 (07:05):
I think this is where it really gets into the
difficult questions and conversations that we have every time the
NFL's CBA comes up, and hard line stances and what
players are going to dig in and fight for versus
the genuflection at the almighty NFL and acquiescing for an

extra vacation day, or to put it in Simpson's terms.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
An extra cup of tartar sauce. Right.

Speaker 3 (07:35):
I mean, it's that kind of thing that we get
to here and not to be glib about, you know.
And I hope love is okay. I'm seeing it's all
online doctor, speculation. None of it's good at this point,
but that's all it is speculation until we get something
substantive from the squad either tomorrow or or return to

the States, as you mentioned. But a lot of it
comes back to the the negotiations of how many games
can they force before you're able to throw the flag
and say hey, no more, right? Or is this part
of you know, just say hey, they're in charge. You
have to go along with it because they get half
of the money, so that means they've got to have

some say into how much the expansion and aggressiveness of
the international dates is. Again, you're part of the machine,
but you get half the cash, so you've got some say,
some sway in this. So I'd like to hear the
Union finally come out with something more than they normally do, right,

Because we know the different levels and strata of the
players from the top end guys, the sixty million dollars
a year players at the quarterback position, the thirty five
million dollars wide receivers and edge rushers and whatever else,
all the way down to you know, eighty percent of
the NFL rosters that are barely making league minimum and

are churned through like so much chatnel. Like, at some
point there's got to be some unification of those folks
to look out for their current and future selves as
opposed to normally what they do in kicking the can
down the line. Otherwise we get more games played on
surfaces like this, putting your players at risk.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
And you want to know something just outside of this
for a second, because this is just what's insane, is
that everybody wants to know how Jordan Love is. Right
at this point now, obviously things are difficult because you're
talking about it's late on a Friday night, the game
is in Brazil. What kind of information are we going
to get? You want to try to look on social
media and see, hey, what does some Packers insiders have

to say? What's going on? What's this all you're getting?
Like you if you look, if you put Jordan Love
in to a search on Twitter. The first one, two, three, four,
four matches right now, and then there's a few more
down through It are all doctors here in the United
States that are trying to trying to analyze what the

injury is what they saw on TV. Right, this is
something that we've seen the last few years. So I'm
not saying that this is something new. We've seen this,
you know, doctor David Choue, Right, yeah, doctor Chow, former
Chargers physician, does that. Hey, this is what I see
on TV. Right, It's like, what does this look? Because
people want to know, right without having to wait a
couple of days, and people know this is nothing official,
but you know, we see that, But why are these

the first matches? This is because Brazil has banned Twitter,
and anybody who is covering the game in Brazil have
been trying to get their stuff out by sending information
to family members or people that they trust who are
now putting this stuff out on social media. So like,

you know, an Eagles insider could be sending tweets to
his wife who is like, Hey, it's Dolores. You know,
I'm Jeff's wife. I know I got a Twitter out.
Brand new Twitter is banned. So he's sending me messages
and I'm putting out what's going on on Twitter? Like,
how do you know what I'm gonna I gotta follow
somebody's wife or husband or son or daughter.

Speaker 3 (11:11):
We're gonna be on my account, right, Can you log
in on my account and post the following?

Speaker 1 (11:18):
It's it's it's crazy. This is the hey for all
the problems we have in the United States, we think
about just think about stuff like this. Oh Twitter is banned?
Wait what you mean? Band like you get no Twitter
is banned like some countries. You go and you go,
wait a minute, that's what Okay? All right, Wow, I
didn't think about that. So just they can't get information out.
And this is where our everybody is gonna try to

go to go on social media and try to post something,
but you can't. Trying to find information is impossible. All right?
Where do we go with our stuff? We put it
on Twitter? Who's gonna know the people at the game
who can't get on Twitter? People at the game because
you can't get Twitter Brazil. Do you think I'm lying
like it's an onion story? No, you canut. There is
no Twitter in Brazil. If I knew who the Eagles

insiders were, and I knew their husbands or wives. I'd
follow them on Twitter. I'd follow Mary one, two, three,
four five, You know I would. I would follow Alexander Fly,
Eagles Fly. I mean I would follow one of those. Okay,
I'll get in for it. I gotta think it's right.
But then again, do you really know if it's right. Hey,
I'm oh, by the way, I am so and So's husband.

This is what she told me. Jordan Love is out
for the year, something like that. And then, because you know,
there's some people on Twitter who were smart, who were going, oh,
there's no Twitter in Brazil, so people are gonna send
their tweets to their family members. We're gonna tweet them out.
If I am personate a family member, I can cause
all kinds of havoc. And it's easy because you don't

have to look for a check mark or anything. I
could just say, Hey, trust me, I am, I am
Howie's wife, and I'm gonna tell you everything going on
in this game where you know I am I am,
I am, I'm a Packers insider, I'm a cheez I'm
with cheesehead. Whatever, I'll tell you what's going on, big
fight on the team plane, Josh Jacobs fought Matt Lafleur
because he only had nine carries in the game. Like,

you could say all kinds of crazy stuff and you can.
I might believe it, I might not. Like That's what.
That's why we can't get info on Jordan Love. We
can't trust what's coming out of there. I mean, this
is where we're at. It is twenty twenty four, and
this is something coming out of a football game.

Speaker 3 (13:19):
You are borderline going down the is this a Magic
Johnson tweet territory and describing what's coming out from social
media accounts related to the Packers.

Speaker 1 (13:31):
And the Eagles. Yeah, it's been a weird couple of days.

Speaker 3 (13:34):
You've seen all those reports, and certainly the players did
their interviews, and one after another it was, Yeah, you
probably shouldn't have gone quite.

Speaker 1 (13:41):
So hard in your interview. Oh, I can't wait to
go to Brazil.

Speaker 3 (13:44):
It's gonna be fantastic and everything else. So yeah, curious
about the follow up. All good thoughts to Jordan Love,
because otherwise you may be looking at another Brent Huntley situation.
Just remember remember that that's what necessitated the drafting of
Love several years back.

Speaker 1 (14:03):
Look it up, people, I'll tell you look just really
quick on Jordan Love. He walked off the field very strongly.
He was helped off the He was helped off the
field when he got hurt, and it was very gingerly
you would tell it was something with his left leg,
his ankle, his knee. But then when he walked off

the field after the game was over to the locker room, yes,
he's helped by Josh Jacobs in a team trainer, but
he looked to be walking powerfully. So I want to
say that's good news. But we've seen people walk like
this and find out they have a torn ACM or
a torn MCL and it's half the season, whatever it is.
So we're not gonna know for at least a couple
of days to deal with Jordan Love. But you know,
just judging by what I saw, at least that was

good news to see him walking. He wasn't really examined
by team doctors, so I think that was good as well.
I mean again, I don't know unless they say, oh man,
you're screwed. Yeah, we'll get you, we'll get you inside
look at it. They didn't look at him on the sideline.
He walked off a little bit more powerfully, so hopefully
he is okay. It's just now we can't even get
We don't even know where you can get information on this.

Speaker 3 (15:06):
That's how well the wait and see in the middle
of all your college football pre games, you know, and
Tom Brady showing up on big noon kickoff, we'll get
some information.

Speaker 1 (15:18):
Exit out about af Fresca exit swollen don The Jason
Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon to get
optic for the NFL. Greedy NFL don't care about player
safety and you can't argue with that right now. Exit
out about a Fresca exit swollen Dome The Jason Smith
Show with my best friend Mike Carmon. Coming up next,
we break down the biggest star of the night from

the Eagles Packers game. Plus give you some upset special
picks for Week one of the NFL. Keep it here,
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Speaker 2 (16:40):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (16:51):
He's Mike Carmen, I'm Dan Bayern.

Speaker 4 (16:52):
We have a fantasy football podcast called I Want Your Flex.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
That's right, Dan.

Speaker 3 (16:57):
Every week we're going to scour the waiver wire to
find the pickups to turbo boost your fantasy lineup six starts,
Fantasy football players rankings to get you ready to dominate
the competition.

Speaker 4 (17:08):
Listen to I Want Your Flex with Mike Carmon and
meet Dan Beyer on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts and
wherever you Bet your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (17:16):
Fox Sports Radio. The Jason Smith Show with my best
friend Mike Harmon live from the tire rack dot Com Studios.
Give you some upset special picks for this week in
the NFL. In a couple of minutes, but we talked
about Jordan Love the injury situation with him. Let's take
a look at the Eagles for a couple of minutes,

because boy was this some kind of debut for Saquon Barkley.
First game with the Eagles. Barkley one hundred and nine
yards rushing in two touchdowns, including a big thirty four
yard run in the fourth quarter. Also caught a couple
of passes for twenty three yards and a touchdown. Uh,
some kind of debut for a guy. The Giants were

ready to see goodbye to mainly because hey, look he's
gonna cost a lot of money. Okay, And then you
saw Micah Parsons tweet out tonight that what you want?
An investigation for the Giants have investigated and investigating for
the Giants, letting Saquon Barkley go.

Speaker 3 (18:14):
Yes, because the Giants are in codes with the Eagles
against the Cowboys.

Speaker 1 (18:20):
That's what it's all about there, Yes, yes, yes, Well
it's okay because the Cowboys, the Cowboys play the Eagles twice.
They don't play the Giants. Oh no, wait wait, oh wait,
wait wait wait oh wait they do? Oh wait wait
you know so they do, so they do. Look, let
me explain something here, like this is a It was
a good start for Saquon Barker, right, just just like
the Eagles, it was a good start for them. Does

this mean suddenly Saquon Barkley is great and he's gonna
be phenomenal again? He had a really good year last year.
Did have an unbelievable year last year, but he had
a really good year last year. He was the entire
offense because Tommy Cutlets was playing quarterback for a long time.
But at twenty seven years old, a guy that has
a big injur history. The Giants moved on from Barkley.

Does it make sense Barkley with someone they drafted second overall?
He's a pretty good running back. It makes sense when
you understand that the Giants are tanking. Suddenly, when you
get that the Giants are tanking, everything they've done, including
letting Barkley go to the Eagles, make sense, right, because
everything in the off season was the Giants need a quarterback.

They look like they're in love with JJ McCarthy. They're
gonna go get him. They gotta bring Saquon Barkley back.
He was healthy thirteen hundred yards season. Instead, No, don't
bring Barkley back, don't draft a quarterback. And here they are,
Why are they doing this? If the Giants have a
bad year this year, which is likely, then it's a
new GM Shane is out, it's a new head coach,

Brian Dables out, and it's a new quarterback. Right, all
those things are happening. The Giants aren't going to go
for it in the off season. Bring in a guy
like JJ McCarthy if they know, be parting ways with
our head coach the end of the year. Right, It's
when you think about it. From that perspective, you get, Oh,
this is why the Giants are doing what they're doing.

They don't want their new head coach GM to come
in saying, okay, we've given you our franchise quarterback, good
luck making it work. What if the new quarterback, the
new head coach's system doesn't dovetail with what JJ McCarthy does. Well, right,
They want to pick their own guy, head coach, Gordon,
general manager. They want to pick their own guys because
they know I'm gonna continue to have success here or
get fired. However good my quarterback is. So yeah, that

makes sense Why they backed off JJ McCarthy. Why they
let Saquon Barkley go. We're gonna pay Saquon Barkley to
keep Why we do that when if we stick this year,
we're gonna want to move on from him. We don't
know if he's gonna be healthy, don't know how good
he's gonna be. It's gonna be twenty eight years old.
Let's let him go. All the stuff on hard knocks,
you could see how much, Oh, we love Saquon, and
so the ownership wanted to keep them. I don't want

to see Barkley and other Jersey I don't want to
see it. Well, you know what, you could have kept him.
It was up to you. You could have cut a
check for him and kept him.

Speaker 3 (20:59):
If you really wanted to all of that all that,
you could have cut a check and kept him.

Speaker 1 (21:04):
Right, you could have done it. It's not like running
backs are asking for something crazy. He's not Dak Prescott
holding you hastage for sixty million dollars a year. If
you really wanted Saquon Barkley, you could have kept him.
But the Giants know, if we're starting over after this year,
it's going to be anew everything, and we want a
fresh start. If we win, then great Shane stays, Dabel stays,

Daniel Jones stays, because it means he's pretty good and
we're adding to what we have. Look, we had we
had one bad year sandwich between two really good years
and Dables our guy, and we believe in Daniel Jones,
were already paying Daniel Jones anyway, so it's really an
easy decision for the Giants. Look, let's sit well, we're
all in on this year without saying it like the
Jerry Jones all in way where we're just gonna stick
with what we have. We're not going to really pay

anybody else, and if we're good after this year, we'll
add and if not, we're starting over again. So once
you get that that's what they're doing, then you see excel.
That's why they let Saquon Barkley go, That's why they
didn't go out and sign anybody crazy. That's why they
are where they are. They're letting Daniel Jones continue to
play well. They didn't move up for JJ McCarthy go
get him because they know it's somebody else will be
coaching them after this year. So if they stink it's

a new GM, it's a new head coach, it's Carson Beck,
it's Shadur Sanders, it's Travis Hunter, it's whatever you think
it's gonna be. We're starting over again. So knowing that,
that's why Saquon Barkley is an Eagle and the Eagles
right now more than happy to have him because he
kind of if what he does is right now while
he's healthy, he kind of settles the position. Whereas for

the last few years it's been well, the Eagles have
a lot at running back, but every time you thought
DeAndre Swift was gonna be good. Nana. Here comes Kenneth
Gainwell and Boston Scott is playing a game and it's
we we just you know what, we need to get
off the carousel at running back. And if we bring
in Saquon Barkley and he stays healthy, it's a gamble
because he does get injured. But the guy's health the
last few years has been okay ish. So yeah, if

we bring in one guy, we solve the running back room.
It's a gamble for them, but it's a risk they're
happy for right now. But make no mistake, the Giants
are tanking looking towards next year. They were not going
to bring him back, and the Eagles were lucky were
able to swoop him up where they are right now.

Speaker 3 (23:08):
Calculated gambles, right, you already paid your quarterback running back.
Eventually he's hitting a wall. The question is when is
that right? And you've seen him injured a couple of times,
what is that his best? I mean, look at last year,
what was it? Fifteen to sixteen hundred total yards, double
digit touchdowns, and he's going to catch sixty five to
seventy balls out of the backfield, because that's what he
did his first two years in the league. That's great,

but are you going to pay him a monster guaranteed
rate out of the jump?

Speaker 1 (23:35):

Speaker 3 (23:36):
Is signing bonus and everything else to try to see
if you can avert danger. No, I mean, what was
the first thing written about Derrick Henry after yesterday's game? Right, So,
so you want to go down that road. No, so
you draft Neighbors. Daniel Jones was a guy you like
two years ago, thinking it would be better in the

year two of Dables' offense that you'd get some of
the gaudy stats that would get people that you know
equates stats to your worth as if each touchdowns worth
three million dollars or some crap. Uh, then it would
make people happy. Instead, they struggled early and then he
got hurt and unfortunately it was a neck injury and
s up, there's no getting back on the field. So

it was an incomplete for last year. So if it
clicks this year and Neighbors everything that they expect him
to be Robinson the other guys in their re CV corps.

Speaker 1 (24:28):
Yeah, you might surprise a few folks.

Speaker 3 (24:30):
You're not gonna be great, but you might be at
a point where all right, Now we go draft another
wide receiver on offenses, rolling and as you say, everybody
sticks around for another year.

Speaker 1 (24:39):

Speaker 3 (24:39):
But if it goes terribly wrong, yeah, you gut it.
You gut it down to the studs and you start
over again.

Speaker 1 (24:45):
Yeah, just like just like I can say, if the
Giants say no, no, we're not taking I would say
I'd go the old Bill Maher line. I don't know
it for a fact, I just know that it's true,
right like that. I don't know, but I know the
Giant that they're completely tanking. And right now the signing
Barkley looks good overall for him. Let's wait a little bit.
Let's let let's see, you know, new team, new year,

new everything great. Let's see what his yards per carry
average is? Is it up over from near four and
a half when he's in his heyday? Is it down
near three and a half when he does has a
bad year. He's been up and down. But his good
start for Barkley, and so far it's good for the Eagles,
right I'm saying, But the Giant completely you know why
the Giants gave him up, and it's not even close.
We got some big upset special picks coming your way

in about ninety seconds, but first special delivery. Steve Desager
has all the details on the biggest craziest sporting event
of the night, The Mets extra inning went over the
Reds and the Marciento's walked off to you run homer.

Speaker 5 (25:41):
Actually a little crazier in Oakland, and for them, they
had a large crowd tonight, fourteen thousand plus people.

Speaker 1 (25:48):
What they give away, how they're gonna say fourteen hundred.
They had a large fourteen hundred people at this game.

Speaker 5 (25:53):
That's the late game that had just ended thirteen innings,
a seven to six over Detroit. Each team scored a
run in the tenth, each scored two in the eleventh,
each scored a run in the twelfth. Detroit left bases
loaded top of the thirteenth, and then the A's won
it in the bottom of the thirteenth. There was the
Mets victory on a tenth inning homer six ' four

over Cincinnati. Eight straight wins for the Mets. The Mets
are still tied with the Braves for the final NL
wildcard spot. Atlanta and pitcher Max Freed beat Toronto three
to one. Cleveland was a three to one winner at
the Dodgers. The Guardians are first in the AL Central,
now five games over the Twins, still four and a
half up on the Royals. Kansas City at home beat
Minnesota five to nothing. The Dodgers first place in the

NL West, but now just four games over the Padres.
San Diego defeated San Francisco five to one. Manny Machada
with two home runs by the way. A home run
for Shoheo Tani at La tonight is forty fifth of
the year, his one hundredth RBI. But more injury news today,
Dodger pitcher Gavin Stone went on the injured lists shoulder
inflammation the problem. He's the Dodgers' eighth starting Pitchure currently

on the IL about three weeks left in the regular season,
and during the game tonight, outfielder ta Oscar Hernandez was
hit by a pitch on the foot. Left the game.
They call it a bruise, but he'll likely go on
the IL. Houston and Seattle each one and that Houston
win eight nothing over Arizona your Don Alvarez with two
three run homers. Houston's the first place team in the ALS,

still four and a half games up on Seattle and
wins for Baltimore and the Yankees. The O is still
a half game up on the Yanks for first in
the Al East. Washington and Pittsburgh reigned out. They'll play
a doubleheader tomorrow. The NFL played in Brazil Tonight. Philadelphia
beat Green Bay thirty four to twenty nine, Saquon Barkley
with three total touchdowns one hundred nine yards rushing. Green

Bay's coach, when asked about his quarterbacks injury, Tonight said,
I don't know. Jordan Love in the final seconds was
almost being sacked as he got rid of the ball.
Defensive tackle Jalen Carter had firm hold of the quarterback's
left leg and then in the tackle caused Love's ankle
to go at an awkward angle, and Love's knee, hit
from the side with the leg planted, seemed to go sideways. Briefly,

the game was stopped for the injury. Loved was helped
off the field. It's an apparent knee or ankle injury
and at the moment did not look good. Love two
touchdown passes one interception in the loss. The Packers were
stopped on a two point try in the first half
and missed a forty three yard field goal attempt in
the second half, lost by five. Steelers quarterback Russell Wilson

is questionable for Sunday with calf tightness. Bengals wide receiver
Jamar Chase says he's a game time decision Sunday if
he wants a new contract. Bengals wide receiver t Higgins
is doubtful with a hamstring injury. Forty nine Ers running
back Christian McCaffrey was limited in practice again with a
calf injury. The Dolphins gave defensive back Jalen Ramsey a
three year extension worth about seventy two million dollars. He's

questionable for Sunday with a hamstring injury. By the way,
last night's season opener Baltimore at Kansas City average nearly
twenty nine million TV viewers, five percent from last year.
In the Kansas City market, it got an eighty share.
In other words, the estimate is that eighty percent of
the TVs that were on were watching the Chiefs in that.

Speaker 1 (29:11):
Market, not the Royals. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (29:13):
As good as the Royal season has been, it was
a Chiefs night. College football Duke in double overtime went
at Northwestern twenty six, twenty Northwestern missed a twenty nine
yard field goal attempt early third quarter short field goal
for Duke at the end of regulation to tie it
and eventually win BYU eighteen to fifteen winners at SMU,
each team committed three turnovers and it was Indiana seventy

seven to three over Western Illinois. Indiana had no punts
over seven hundred yards, Western Illinois with nine punts and
only eight first downs and nine penalties. A reminder Saturday
on Fox TV number three Texas at number ten rank
Michigan noon Eastern Time, and the US Open Men's Semi
had two Americans in it tonight in five sets, Taylor

Fritz over Francis Tiafo.

Speaker 1 (30:00):
Back to you. You know everybody wants to complain Indiana,
Tom Crean can coach man. Well, that's a big win
for Indiana tonight, Tom Crean, thank you, Steve. I appreciated
my friend. Good Week Jason The Jason Smith Show with
Mike Carmon live from the tyrack dot com studio. Score

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That's code JSS for DraftKings JSS on Draft Kings. And
speaking of DraftKings, how about Mike and I give you
a couple of parlays right now that we like for
this week. I'll go first two NFL games on Sunday,

two upset specials. I like number one the Tom Brady
game since you know he's gonna be calling it. Give
me the Cowboys and three over the Browns. For the Cowboys,
we're gonna know all about them right away. Are they
all in on this season? Are they mentally shot because
Jerry Jones been playing games in the media, not paying guys,

not bringing players in. But I have a feeling you're
gonna get the best version of the Cowboys early in
this year. And Dak is mad Ceedee Lamb was mad.
Now he's not. Jerry Jones is mad. You're gonna see
the best Cowboys. They're gonna be focused, they're gonna be pissed,
and they're gonna start out big against the Browns. Deshaun
Watson dealing with a very tragic personal issue this week,

losing his father. Browns have questions he hasn't played a
lot of football as well for the vast majority of
the last few years. I see the Cowboys coming in
and absolutely putting a beating on the Browns. Doesn't mean
the Browns are gonna have a bad seasons. A talented team,
but the Cowboys are gonna have the upper hand here.
I like them getting three. I don't need the points,

but I'll take them. The other game. I like give
me the Rams getting four over the Lions. The Rams
defense is gonna surprise you. I know there's a lot
of moves in the offseason. There's no more Aaron Donald.
But Sean McVay has always made the right move. So
when you make the right move one hundred and fifty
seven times in a row, I'm gonna think the defensive

changes that you made are going to be good, and
they're gonna work. And that's the only real thing that
you have to think about with this team is, hey,
the defensive tweaks. Are they going to be good enough?
Because offensively they're loaded. They're absolutely one of the youngest
teams in the league. Matthew Stafford has a lot left
in the tank. Defensively, they will have enough. And this
is not gonna be because the Lions are suddenly gonna

to come to the bright lights of contention. Everybody's expecting
stuff from us. This will be a high scoring game.
But give me the Rams, give me Stafford to get
the last points, and give me a defensive stand by
the Rams to win the game. And suddenly everyone's gonna
be on my band wagons, saying, boy, the Rams are
a super Bowl team. I'm not gonna need the points,
but I'll take them. So Dallas and three over Cleveland,

the Rams and four over the Lions. That's my parley.
My guard would be done.

Speaker 3 (33:19):
All right, double up, I'm gonna go a little deeper.
It's a team that I think gets a doub but
they are not gonna cover the number. I'm gonna take
the Bears to win the game. But Tennessee plus three
and a half. Yes, Will Levis and company. We know
all the stats about number one picks. Nobody's won outright
since David Carr going all the way back to two
thousand and two. They're not gonna win a lot in

New Orleans. But we'll get to them as the season
goes on. But I think Tennessee's got enough reconstructed squad.
They've got some injuries that they've got to overcome. DeAndre
Hopkins is not gonna go. But for the Bears in
the secondary, still trying to get the timing right, Jalen
Johnson the leader, but perhaps some big plays to be

had from Levison Company and the retooled run game for Tennessee.
So give me them plus three and a half in
this one, and then I love the score fest the
forty eight. I'm tempted to just say, hey, give me
the over forty eight. But Arizona and Buffalo Buffalo given
six and a half. I like the Cardinals with Kyler Murray,
James Connor and the assorted band of Merriman, including that

Marvin Harrison junior guy.

Speaker 1 (34:25):
I hear he's pretty good Smith.

Speaker 3 (34:27):
So he comes out against a Buffalo defensive secondary that's
lost a lot this offseason. Look I like Buffalo for
the season. They're gonna win a lot of games. They're
gonna win that division as well. Sorry Jets, but this
one give me plus six and a half. Give me
the Cardinals to make this one close.

Speaker 1 (34:46):
So there's our parlays for the week again. Code JSS
for new customers to get all kinds of great stuff
two hundred and fifty bucks and bonus bets when you
bet just five bucks and a month of NFL Plus
Premium on us only the DraftKings. The crown is yours again.
Code JSS for new customers get two hundred and fifty
dollars in bonus bets when you bet just five bucks

and a month of NFL Plus Premium on us only
at DraftKings again Code JSS. Coming up next, Speaking of picks,
I'm gonna have to make sure my wife is not listening, because, boy,
the biggest A game of the day tomorrow. I see
one team with the big blowout wins and it's not
where my wife went to college. Uh oh, that's next,

Jason and Mike Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (35:34):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio.

Speaker 1 (35:44):
App Fox Sports Radio, The Jason Smith Show with my
best friend Mike Harmon Livethetyreck dot Com Studios Faces passing
them home bown, And we are now just a less
than eleven hours away from the big nude kickoff on Fox,

Biggest game of the day. Well, obviously Colorado Nebraska is
going to get a lot of eyeballs. But and I
really hope my wife is not listening. Oh my goodness,
this is scary. So a few minutes ago, I said, Hey,
coming up next, we're going to pick the game of
the day tomorrow in college football. And I hope my

wife's not listening because I'm not picking where she went
to school. I think they're in trouble. I open the
door to go out to get a drink and my
daughter is standing there and z always got her hands
on her hips, going, I'm telling mommy everything, wow.

Speaker 3 (36:45):
Yeah, but because now that's substance, it right, It's one
thing when she's five. Yeah, I'm telling mommy, it's like
all right. It takes an ice cream cone to bribe
her and get her a distractor there's a movie that
you've been holding off watching, some animated nonsense that you hate.
So you've been saying it's bad, not not because it's

you know, got objectionable content, but because you don't want
to sit through it. Now you you offer up that
movie and it's good. But now that she's older, no,
you can't get away that easy. Yeah, Pryce, a poker
went up, Man, Mommy everything now.

Speaker 1 (37:20):
But it's not like I haven't been sort of I've
been kind of like greasing it up a bit over
the last few days, like, hey, just to get you
used to the idea that something bad is gonna happen
on Saturday to yours, just to let just to let
you get used to the idea. Look, Texas and Michigan,

the defending champions of last year. Texas coming into the
Big House, and I'll tell you, man, I have a
bad feeling about Michigan. Tomorrow. I see Texas just stomping
on Michigan. It's not that Michigan is a bad team.
Michigan's defense is pretty good, is it what it was
last year?

Speaker 3 (38:00):

Speaker 1 (38:00):
Do they have problems on the offensive line? Yeah, And
you have Davis Warren as your quarterback who was a
phenomenal story. Guy, was a great recruit a few years ago,
came back from cancer, walk on, seize the starting job.
He is an incredible story. At the same time for Michigan,
for the quarterback, I feel like, where's your next guy

that was taking over for JJ McCarthy, Like this shouldn't
be like a gap year of well, here's a guy
who was a great story or it's either him or
Orgy who is a kind of a gadget quarterback. It's like,
I know that maybe JJ McCarthy kind of fooled you
a little bit by going pro a year early, But
your guy, where's your five star guy that's here right now?

Like where is that? Like I look at this Michigan
team and I unfortunately see a Michigan team like I
saw for the ten or twelve years before twenty twenty one,
where they had a lot of talent, but boy, quarterback
was a position they couldn't figure out, and they weren't
dynamic enough. They couldn't score enough. They struggled to score
good defense, but it wasn't quite good enough, and it

was a three or four a loss year team for them.
And I kind of see that as. That's the year
for Michigan this year, and this is the wrong team
to be coming into the Big House. Man. Texas is loaded.
They have national championship aspirations getting back there this year. Quinn,
youwers again, we'll probably see arch Manning throw a touchdown
in the Big House. We're gonna say, oh my goodness,
because the game's gonna be out of hand in the

fourth quarter. I'm gonna go, I gotta say, I gotta
say this. Just can't listen Texas. Oh boy, okay Texas,
Uh okay, Michigan will have the same number of points
as I'll just say it, Texas thirty eight, Michigan nine.

I'm going thirty eight Michigan. Yeah, I got Michigan for tomorrow.
See whose number was that? Was that kid McNamara's number,
thirty eight nine? Yeah? No, I was trying to think, Okay,
who's nine that I could say, But I'm like, you know,
I'm just gonna say it. She's gonna ask me anyway.
She asked me anyway. So what did you pick for
the game? Didn't pick the game? Boy, you see what happened.
Look at this? Look at this? Oh my god, look
what in the world. Could that be look behind you quickly. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (40:11):
Something that shouldn't be understated though, is how much the
swirling stuff around them When we saw Connor Stallions is
gonna be a head coach? Uh yeah, with you know
someone the guy had a minor stroke. Good thoughts to
that coach for recovery. But all the stuff swirling around
the program, how much you know, in recruiting and trying
to ready up for the next round of stuff, did

that have an effect right as to you know, anybody
you might have been seeking in the portal and and
trying to make sure that the cupboard was full for
your new head coach as Jim Harbaugh leaves for the pros. So, uh,
that's swirling. But the other the other game is Nebraska Colorado.

Speaker 1 (40:50):
Let's call it what it is.

Speaker 3 (40:51):
A lot a lot of lots swirling around this one.
Nebraska six and a half point favorite. I've got friends
that went there and normally, you know, it's the Big
ten battle and we we fight. Well, Northwestern already lost,
so now I'm salty. But Nebraska's by was by upset,
you know, playoff team, and they're gonna have a rough November.

Speaker 1 (41:10):
But I think they get after Shador Sanders.

Speaker 3 (41:12):
He gets some nice stats, stat lines, whatever, But Nebraska
rolls and Rayola is the victor.

Speaker 1 (41:20):
Yeah, I'll buy the return of Nebraska storyline. I'll buy that.
I'll buy the Hey, this Nebraska trying to got a
sports stonehenge. Hey, you want to show you we're still
good at football like we were twenty five years ago. No,
I'm with you on Nebraska.

Speaker 3 (41:32):
On there, the potential is there, defense flying around and
a good young quarterback.

Speaker 1 (41:37):
They get after it and if it comes to it,
I gotta tell Pam that you picked Texas thirty eight nine. Okay,
I'll come wear that throwing under the bus for that.
Bernie Frado is next, Fox Metsio
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