Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Odd Couple podcasts. Be sure
to check us out live every weekday from four to
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Speaker 2 (00:21):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 3 (00:31):
That's right, Come on in enter.
Speaker 4 (00:34):
You now have full access to this fine radio program
for the next three hours two not three.
Speaker 3 (00:43):
Thank you, that's right, not five.
Speaker 4 (00:45):
No matter how you listen in, whether it's Fox Sports Radio,
the Foxsports Radio dot Com, the iHeartRadio app, or Serious
XM Channel eighty three. Wow, say my name Rob Parker,
say his name kelvin Washington, and we are indeed the
Odd Couple broadcasting live from the tire rach dot Com studio.
Speaker 3 (01:10):
Live it you, I can't write it, and we're doing live.
I love that longer version.
Speaker 4 (01:16):
Tire rack dot Com will help you get there, an
unmatched selection, fast free shipping, free road as a protection,
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Speaker 2 (01:36):
The Odd Couple was filmed in front of a live audience.
Speaker 3 (01:39):
Sweetie beating.
Speaker 4 (01:42):
Anywhere, but there, Alex, Please, we're gonna give it.
Speaker 3 (01:47):
How long gotout it? How long we're gonna do this?
Just maybe the rest of his day, you know, just
one more day, you know, we gotta we gotta.
Speaker 1 (01:53):
Deal with all your Hey, give me the one episode
from Odd Couple nineteen seventy seven.
Speaker 3 (01:59):
Just give you a light.
Speaker 4 (02:00):
I'm just trying to help you, all right, continuing, No
younger or not that we got going. That's hey, give me,
That's all I'm trying to do, you know what I mean?
Speaker 1 (02:09):
Live get you a little shunning Paul, and you're like, Rob, No,
I'm all right with it. All They like it, the
ones you like, they like it. You have you shaking
your little hips with him.
Speaker 3 (02:19):
All right, let's welcome in. My partner. He is Calvin Washington.
That's right.
Speaker 1 (02:26):
Feeling good, brother on a fucking flash back Friday.
Speaker 3 (02:30):
Yourself all good, ready to roll?
Speaker 1 (02:33):
You look real, professor, professor ish that class, no class.
Speaker 4 (02:37):
Today, But I just you know, every day you don't
want to wear sweats every day and be that guy.
You know, people get comfortable with it, and I just
think it's you don't have to get up on yeah yeah,
I mean once in a while out on a collar
shirt and be a professional, that's all, you know, unlike
Jimmy Butler. All right, coming up on the program, Yes,
we have a lot to do. Chacho City in our
number one, we'll be down with the King, Sean King,
the former NFL quarterback.
Speaker 3 (03:05):
That's right.
Speaker 4 (03:06):
I have Fox Sports Radio NFL analysts. We'll do that.
Lamar Mitchell's coming up, bet MGM, director of Trading. I
think I'm wighing to lead now and I think NFL
pigskin pickoff will do that as well.
Speaker 3 (03:23):
So so much to do, so little time.
Speaker 4 (03:26):
Let's welcome in the odd couple crew could We wouldn't
be able to do this fine radio program without him.
Rob g is our producer as always, Alex is our engineer.
Steve de Sager is at the anchor desk. He'll keep
us updated throughout the program. And our social media.
Speaker 3 (03:45):
Guru is Elijah Ever heard of one of the best
in the business? All right?
Speaker 1 (03:49):
I just want to know what would it take for
m have heard of him? That's what I want to know. Alex,
When will you have heard of Elijah. No, never mind,
I tried, I'm try.
Speaker 4 (03:59):
All right, It's all good, and I did say where. Yeah,
so let's go here. Obviously it's a Championship of Sunday
coming up. Yeah, NFC, AFC, the big games, and we'll
have our matchup for the super Bowl and then we'll
have a week off and then we'll be there. We'll
be at the super Bowl all week radio row. Looking
forward to that. That'll be great, but looking forward to
it we are for me. Let's talk about the Chiefs
obviously defending champs two times, trying to be three in
a row, become the first team to ever do it.
You know, we talk about dynasties. To me, you either
have to win three in a row or three out
of four. That's a dynasty to me. Anything other than
that just a really good team. I know, people tried
to make the Spurs they won five championships in twenty years,
never won back to back. The San Francisco Giants won
three in five years, they never won back to back.
Speaker 3 (04:57):
In fact, every year they won.
Speaker 4 (04:58):
The World Series, they and make the playoffs the next year.
Speaker 3 (05:01):
How's that a dynasty? So to me? You know, like
like even though they won three.
Speaker 4 (05:06):
I think it was in three or five years or
six years, but they never won back to back. So
to me, that's when you're a dynasty is when you
win three in a row, three out of four. When
the Cowboys wanted you know, I thought, okay, that's a dynasty,
no doubt about it.
Speaker 3 (05:19):
And the Patriots four Yeah, I just say Patriot has
done it.
Speaker 1 (05:23):
I think it's And also longevity, right, so if you
if you've not not longevity for me, because you got
a longevity for me?
Speaker 3 (05:31):
Yeah, not me? To five and teen years is not
a dynasty? Whatnast's crazy?
Speaker 1 (05:36):
To me?
Speaker 3 (05:36):
That means you won one every three years, that's for
fifteen years. It's crazy, rob, No, But it's not a dynasty.
Speaker 4 (05:42):
A dynasty is when your family, Yeah, like you have
the family take over the empire.
Speaker 3 (05:50):
That's a reign, fifteen year reign. No, but not in sports.
Not in sports, because if you don't win two in
a row, what dynasty are you?
Speaker 4 (05:59):
Or if you don't you want a championship, you lose
to you know what I'm saying, and then you're not there.
But let's talk about the Chiefs because that's the whole
point of this whole conversation, and for me, this playoff
series of this NFL playoffs this year comes down to
ABC for me, anybody but Chiefs. That's where I'm at,
and I know that I'm not the only one. ABC
is what I want. I want ABC for this weekend.
I would love for the Buffalo Bills to beat, finally
beat this fraudulent dynasty that we're calling calling the Chiefs because.
Speaker 5 (06:38):
My goodness, gracious, I've never seen a team that should
be revered and people like going, oh my god, I
can't believe what I'm watching.
Speaker 4 (06:50):
Instead, it's like, oh, somehow they won again. I don't
know how they won.
Speaker 3 (06:56):
They won again. Somehow.
Speaker 4 (06:57):
You have a quarterback who the last two years, Rob
g correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe Patrick Mahomes has
one All Pro vote in the last two years when
he's won. Maybe he's had one vote this year he
had a team that was fifteen and two and had none, Like, like,
what are the odds of that? I'm just asking you, Kelvin,
the odds?
Speaker 3 (07:18):
No, you say it? If you're that great, like a team.
Speaker 1 (07:21):
Usually they reward you just be like almost out of
just I have to do.
Speaker 3 (07:25):
Yeah, you're the leader.
Speaker 4 (07:27):
You're leading the team, all right, it's just I agree
with that, and I think it's weird. And then the
other part that has come along is now fans, not
just the teams that fans that are playing the Chiefs,
but people who are just football fans watching, going look
at this call. I mean, we had Troy Aikman not
not an hour later or thirty minutes later he goes, oh,
you know, when I think about it, maybe that wasn't
the right. This is like live action where he's disgusted
at the call. So I think that there's a lot
of things rolling there, and I just think I'm tired
of the Chiefs.
Speaker 3 (08:05):
I'd rather see somebody else. This is not.
Speaker 4 (08:09):
Something that I want to see. I do not want
to see them win three in a row. I don't
want them to etch their name in NFL lore because
the last two years. Last year, they weren't the best
team all year until guests win the day they won
the Super Bowl where people had to give it to them.
They weren't the best team this year despite their record,
and they won't be the best team until they win
the super Bowl, and then people will have to give
it to them. This is not the team that I
want to have this be the first team to win.
Speaker 3 (08:41):
Three in a row.
Speaker 1 (08:42):
Okay, multiple points one, I actually believe it or not.
Can understand why you would say that, right, people are
tired of them. They've won a bunch. You feel like
they've been winning a bunch of games by the hair,
you know, the chinny chin chin.
Speaker 3 (08:55):
I understand that.
Speaker 1 (08:56):
But my one question, first question would be, I don't
know if there's a team that Parker would want to
see win three anyway, because if this was so and
so they won two out of three e or we're
trying to win three in a.
Speaker 3 (09:06):
Row, now, you wouldn't want to see them either.
Speaker 1 (09:08):
So I don't know if there is a single team
on God's Green Earth that Rob Parker will want to see.
Speaker 4 (09:14):
I continue the last dynastic go ahead, I'll let you
go go ahead.
Speaker 3 (09:18):
Speaker 1 (09:19):
So I don't think you and and maybe you're not
even alone. Maybe people just don't want to see that.
Here's the thing, though, the Chiefs at a certain point,
if I kept having number one hits, wouldn't you just
call me a superstar? If Michael Jackson just had hit
after hit and performance that performance, he is what he is.
Speaker 3 (09:38):
He's a superstar.
Speaker 1 (09:39):
And I think you are ignoring the Chiefs where you're
calling them fraudulent. They literally have won robin every multitude away.
They have won being down ten in every game on
a playoff run, including the super Bowl. They won that way.
They have been up on people. They've won that way.
They used to score major points thirty forty a game.
It was insane. We loved it. Pat Mahomes throwing five
thousand yards.
Speaker 3 (10:00):
They won that way.
Speaker 1 (10:02):
Patrick Mahomes throwing at his lowest rate, lowest numbers ever.
They win that way. They've gone from an offensive team
to a very very good defensive team. So to me,
I can't call that a fraud. You just make it hits.
You're just Michael Jackson, You're just Whitney Houston, You're just Madonna,
You're just Elton John. At a certain point, I can't
call you that as if you're a one hit wonder,
or if you're a decent studio artist, you are a superstar.
If you continue to make these, you're a blockbuster manior
Tom Cruise. If everything you does is doing one hundred million,
And that's where they are right now. They continue to
win multitude of ways, and at a certain point, it
can't be luck. Rob. If I keep doing it and
you don't, it ain't luck. If I keep finding a
way to win, it ain't luck. And yes, things bounce
your weight. That's a part of football, that's a part
of sports. We all know that. But my point is
you can't have the sustain success for this long and
act like it's just fraudulent, or it's just luck, or
it's just.
Speaker 3 (11:00):
They've done it too much. They've done it too well.
Speaker 1 (11:02):
They've done it the multitude of ways, and at some
point I think we almost have to, you know, appreciate
what they've done.
Speaker 3 (11:07):
Speaker 1 (11:08):
They weren't my first choice, obviously, the Lions. Second would
have been Lamar. I would have loved for Lamar to
have gotten one. But now I'm at a you know,
now it's this team's left. I'm not mad if they
go ahead and do what hasn't been done, because they've
earned that right.
Speaker 3 (11:24):
Speaker 4 (11:25):
Going into the Super Bowl last year, I remember Sports
Illustrated came out with a list of the top twenty
five quarterback moments in the Super Bowl.
Speaker 3 (11:37):
How many do you think that twenty four? How many
think Patrick Mahomes had twenty four out of twenty five take.
Speaker 4 (11:43):
A guess, give me a real number, maybe one, how
about zero?
Speaker 3 (11:49):
Going that's not crazy, that's just.
Speaker 4 (11:51):
Unbeknown It is crazy to me that at no point
during all this winning, like seriously, like you go to
countdown twenty five moments at that point he had won
two super Bowls right right, and then he won last year.
That was that came out right before last year super Bowl.
So it's just interesting to me. No, no, no, no, no,
that's a very interesting, Like you have to come up
with twenty five other plays that's crazy from a quarterback
and not one to Patrick Mahomes at that point.
Speaker 3 (12:20):
And that's what I'm trying to say about this team.
Speaker 4 (12:22):
Like it's it's not phil at the last two years
have been more like dog food than file a.
Speaker 1 (12:29):
That's that's this spot all the way. Gotta give me
something to rob. You gotta give me something, man. You
gotta give me some crab legs. You gotta give me
some lamb chops.
Speaker 3 (12:39):
No you can't.
Speaker 1 (12:40):
I'm not gonna have you walking around here talking about
dog food when you at least gotta give me some
nice lamb chops marinated in the wine with the parsley
and the garlic.
Speaker 3 (12:48):
Come on. I'm not doing that with you, Rob Parker.
Speaker 4 (12:50):
How about filt instead of fil at Bologna or filay.
Speaker 3 (12:53):
It has been Bologney to me the last two years. Okay,
it is.
Speaker 1 (12:58):
But they looked very very good last super Bowl and
that whole playoff, that whole that whole playoff run good year.
Speaker 4 (13:04):
They were not I'm talking about as if they weren't
the best team until they won the super Bowl.
Speaker 1 (13:09):
But isn't that But you can't didn't say that. Okay,
watch this. The Lions were this, that and the other.
You said it doesn't matter unless they win the super Bowl.
Speaker 3 (13:16):
Right now, I'm not. I'm not comparing though the Lions.
Speaker 1 (13:18):
What I'm saying right, But what I'm saying is they
were fifteen to two and you're like, oh, it ain't
don matter toll they win something.
Speaker 3 (13:23):
Well, the Chiefs do that. We can have good record,
great records because they had Ultimately we.
Speaker 4 (13:27):
Wanted one playing better where they where they were eye
popping the best team in the league.
Speaker 1 (13:33):
That's not the team we're watching it the Patriots. The
Patriots not the same team. The Patriots had seasons where
they were the best team. They had the middle ague team.
Speaker 4 (13:40):
No, the Patriots had a top five defense every year.
They did what they were supposed to when they shut
down the greatest show on turf, the Saint Louis Rams,
that's what That's who the Patriots were. And that's when
Patrick at Homes showed up.
Speaker 3 (13:57):
I said this year, that's not what they I'm saying
the last two.
Speaker 1 (14:00):
But the Patriots been with Loney, the Patriots were defense
at a minitary then the last half it was Tom
Brady going crazy for a few years. So it happens
when you have a long sustained run Tim Duncan and
the Spurs or defense winning by eighty two to eighty eight,
and then they turn it out ball moving, three point
shooting team. So long sustained success means you have to
change your bit.
Speaker 3 (14:23):
You know what you do a little bit, all right?
Speaker 4 (14:25):
Eight seven seven ninety nine on Fox eight seven seven,
nine nine six sixty three sixty nine.
Speaker 3 (14:30):
Real simple?
Speaker 4 (14:32):
Do you want to see the Kansas City Chiefs repeat
this season?
Speaker 3 (14:36):
Or are you with me?
Speaker 4 (14:37):
And it's ABC anybody but Chiefs.
Speaker 3 (14:41):
We'll have that conversation next with you.
Speaker 4 (14:43):
It is the odd Couple on a Funky Flashback Friday,
Rob Parker Kelvin Washington right here on Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 3 (14:50):
Stick and stay for more mediocrity by Kermit the frogs
of the US.
Speaker 6 (14:56):
Don't dood Alex, don't do the Fox Sports Radio has
the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all
of our shows at Foxsports Radio dot com and within
the iHeartRadio app search FSR to listen live. Big Game
coveringe just presented by Old Tesla Oh Prevolast. This is
football's biggest moment under the lights, on the screen, where
we come together to celebrate the best of the best.
Speaker 2 (15:23):
This is more than a game.
Speaker 3 (15:24):
Be there smelling like cool water, rolling in your Cadillac
on this here fright with the couple Ron Parker and
Covin was Washington.
Speaker 1 (15:33):
It is yach couple. Thanks for listening to your boys.
Fox Sports Radio coming to you live from the tire
rack dot com. Studios Rapid Radios are the walkie talkies
for the playoffs. They are instant push to talk off
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Speaker 3 (15:50):
You should too.
Speaker 1 (15:51):
All you gotta do is go to rapid Radios dot
com now for up to sixty percent off and and
is always a good thing. You're gonna get free shipping,
ain't Matt at that? Rob and I are talking about
the Chiefs. Is it over for them? Are you tired
of this run? Do you want to see if they
can put them off the three peat? Rob says no,
I say why not? Eight seven seven ninety? I was
not saying, don't give.
Speaker 3 (16:12):
You a number out? Okay, because that's what you almost did.
Uh eight seventh? I know I did, didn't?
Speaker 2 (16:17):
You're right now?
Speaker 3 (16:17):
Eight seven seven? Is it?
Speaker 1 (16:21):
Speaker 7 (16:22):
You like me?
Speaker 3 (16:23):
Anybody but Chiefs?
Speaker 4 (16:25):
David Montana, you're on the odd couple of Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 3 (16:28):
What's up? Dave's up?
Speaker 1 (16:29):
Speaker 7 (16:30):
Speaker 3 (16:30):
Not much?
Speaker 8 (16:30):
Speaker 7 (16:31):
How you doing good?
Speaker 3 (16:32):
Don't call me Dave?
Speaker 7 (16:33):
I Uh, I wouldn't.
Speaker 8 (16:35):
Say anybody but the Chiefs. I don't want them to
win for say, I'm not really a hater in my mind,
but I've gotten kind of tired of them with the
Travis Kelsey, Taylor Swift. Okay, that's what did it in
for me. They keep winning, and I feel like you
got to respect that. You don't lock your way to
what two losses on the season?
Speaker 3 (16:55):
You know, thank you?
Speaker 4 (16:56):
That's you do because you watch the games. Didn you
didn't you watch the Raiders? Did you watch the Missfield goals?
I mean, you gotta admit there are some Yes, there's
still with some lucky game.
Speaker 3 (17:06):
Okay, I'll give you one or two. So then they're
thirteen and four.
Speaker 8 (17:10):
Yeah, there's some luck in there, but they keep winning somehow,
Like I don't know that fifteen wins come from luck,
you know what I mean?
Speaker 4 (17:18):
I know.
Speaker 7 (17:18):
I just want to.
Speaker 8 (17:19):
See Washington win.
Speaker 9 (17:20):
That's my team.
Speaker 8 (17:22):
I would love to see the Redskins get the win.
It's been way too long as a fast.
Speaker 3 (17:26):
All right, Dave, I appreciate you. Thank you, Yeah, thank you.
I appreciate it, no doubt. Go to appreciate it.
Speaker 4 (17:32):
Let's go to uh Andrew in Bakersfield, California. You're in
the eye couple of Fox Sports Radio. What's up, Andrew?
Speaker 3 (17:38):
What's up? Andrew?
Speaker 7 (17:39):
What's up?
Speaker 3 (17:40):
Speaker 2 (17:40):
I'm definitely ABC.
Speaker 3 (17:42):
Anybody but the Chiefs.
Speaker 8 (17:44):
I'd rather watch b Arthur suck a hard boiled eggs.
Speaker 3 (17:48):
Oh okay, I hear you, man. Anybody, but thank you, Andrew.
I'm with you all the way. Thanks, all right, we'll
go get the hardboyed eggs.
Speaker 4 (17:56):
Ro Randy and New Orleans. You're in the eye couple
Fox Sports Radio.
Speaker 3 (18:00):
What's up.
Speaker 7 (18:02):
How y'all doing to day?
Speaker 3 (18:03):
Gentlemen, good man, thank you?
Speaker 7 (18:06):
Yeah for me, it's anybody but the Chiefs.
Speaker 1 (18:08):
You know.
Speaker 7 (18:08):
It's interesting. Uncle Rob said that the list came out
and Mahomes had zero big moments in the Super Bowl.
He didn't make the list. I gotta disagree with you,
Uncle Rob. They got one play that should have been
on the list.
Speaker 3 (18:20):
Which one?
Speaker 7 (18:21):
Right? Then? It was against the Eagles. It was a
big third down in the fourth quarter with about a
minute and.
Speaker 4 (18:27):
Some change Super Bowl against the Eagles, right, But I'm
saying that came out before to me.
Speaker 7 (18:35):
Listen to me, and the Chiefs got a freebe passed
interficial and they ran the clock out and they won
the Super Bowl. Now, to me, that speaks more about
who the Chiefs have been over the last two years.
A little extra from the referees goes a long way.
Speaker 4 (18:53):
I hear You're not the only one, Randy. A lot
of people don't like Thanks for the call. Appreciate your
called by the officials, and the Chiefs are involved. Ken
in California, You're on the odd couple of Fox Sports Radio, Hey, Robert.
Speaker 7 (19:08):
Calvin, how are you, Joe?
Speaker 10 (19:11):
I don't get this up with man out of Blue.
When you guys are gonna get this in your head? Calvin,
that man, Dad Robin is trrying the show. How we
got ABC? I'm all in anybody but the Chiefs. Oh
my god, this guy is tearing the show all week. Brother,
And like he said all the time about the Patriots. Man, hey,
it was a controversial call. The duck rule, the slow
plumb let me kick a field, go the roping, the
parson or whatever. That's the chief, that's the now Chiefs.
And I can't stand him.
Speaker 4 (19:46):
ABC, you go, Rob all right, Ken appreciate, Let's squeeze.
And Drew from New Jersey. You're on the odd couple
of Fox Sports Radio. What's up, Drew?
Speaker 9 (19:56):
Hey, I would like to see Josh Allen take him out. Chief. However,
I definitely can see them winning. Unfortunately, I just think
that they are winners. And I think that if Mahomes
gets this one, he's it's just literally him and Brady.
Speaker 4 (20:14):
It's not stop with the Joe. Stop disrespecting Joe Montana. Seriously,
stop stop disrespecting Joe Mantella. It doesn't matter Joe Montana four. No,
he's never lost the Super Bowl.
Speaker 3 (20:26):
No, he's not.
Speaker 4 (20:31):
Four to o eleven touchdowns, no pigs, three m vps
uh twice with uh uh, Jerry Rice, twice without Jerry Rice,
and two of the Super Bowls he didn't need a
field goal.
Speaker 1 (20:44):
And when he needed a touchdown, and absolutely right there
if you want to say Joe, but acting like Pat Mahomes.
Speaker 3 (20:52):
He's behind him, He's still behind him. He lost, he
lost the Super Bowl. Losses don't mean anything like his thing.
You never lost. It's going to be because it won.
Speaker 1 (21:04):
Because Tom Brady lost a lost a handful of two
and he's better than he.
Speaker 3 (21:08):
Has the better career than that.
Speaker 1 (21:10):
But that's so what I'm saying is if Patrick Mahomes
ends up being five and.
Speaker 4 (21:14):
Two, he's not five and two now, and I'm talking
about right now, you will.
Speaker 3 (21:17):
Have done something that Brady.
Speaker 4 (21:19):
Nor doesn't elevate him over Brady because he.
Speaker 3 (21:22):
Won three in a row. He literally won thing no
one else has done. Okay, so that that means he's
over Brady.
Speaker 1 (21:28):
Saying if the caller thought that he is, that you
acting like that's asinine.
Speaker 3 (21:32):
He's not even ahead of Joe Montana. If he won
three in a.
Speaker 1 (21:35):
Row and somebody wants to put him ahead of Montana,
that's perfectly fine.
Speaker 3 (21:38):
They don't have to, but if they did, that's.
Speaker 1 (21:40):
Perfectly fine in your opinion. Not yes, and that's my point.
In your opinion, yes, and I disagree with it. That's
all I'm saying. That's fair, But I'm just saying he
will have done something that's crazy.
Speaker 3 (21:54):
He lost the Super Bowl? Did you watch it when
they played Tampa? Okay? Was he to the current? Okay,
your goat? He's literally yes, he is the oat. All right.
Speaker 1 (22:06):
We got more conversational quarterbacks Jade and Daniels, and I
have a feeling I know what another adjective Rob's gonna
use about him as well.
Speaker 3 (22:13):
It is time now for What's Trending with Steve de Seger.
Speaker 2 (22:16):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Odd Couple
with Chris Brussard and Rob Parker weekdays at seven pm Eastern,
four pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 3 (22:27):
The tyrreck dot Com Studios.
Speaker 1 (22:29):
Robert Kelvin hanging out with you on a Funky flash
Back Friday. We are the Eye Couple, and we got
a whole bunch of football to talk about. Excited about
this weekend as we figure out who will be in
the Super Bowl in New Orleans and we will be
there super Bowl week giving you all the interviews, all
the insights should be fun as heck, a young quarterback
who is vying for that position, who's hoping to be
there is Jade and Daniels of the Commanders, who has
just been absolutely spectacular throughout this season, especially considering he's
a rookie, and what he's been doing in this playoff run,
it's been amazing. You saw obviously what he did with
the Lions, and then we watch and see what he
We wait and see what he's gonna do against these Eagles.
But when you start to look at some of the
the numbers, I mean, you're talking about a kid throwing
over seventy percent. Rob he hasn't turned the ball over.
I mean, he's doing things you do not expect from
a rookie in primetime, big time playoff performances. He's got
his team, they're fourth including the playoffs in offense right now,
points per game. I mean, he just looks he's You
talk to all the execs, they have all these folks
who never rattled. I mean, he goes out there and
looks as if he's in his six seven eighth year. Dude,
you're a rookie. You're supposed to be scary. He'supposed to
be nervous, supposed to be shook, and he is playing well.
So the conversation becomes how good can he be this
postseason run? Can he be able to win a title
as a rookie? And Eagles are gonna be a formidable foe,
But I don't think they're gonna If they were to
lose the Commanders, I don't think it'll be because of him.
It might just be the Eagles were a better team.
But he seems to not be someone who's rattled. You
can't rattle them. He continues to find a way to
move the ball and effort, and you saw what he
did against the Eagles as well, score thirty something points again,
throw a bunch of yards touchdowns. I'm impressed with this kid,
and it's gonna be a great matchup to see if
he can handle this playoff Eagles defense, who has been
spectacular holding teams to sixteen points.
Speaker 4 (24:26):
Yeah, I mean the jayde and Daniels talk most of
it he deserves.
Speaker 3 (24:29):
I think we live in.
Speaker 4 (24:31):
A society now where everything is the greatest that we saw.
Speaker 3 (24:37):
Anything we see today is the greatest team that ever happened.
Speaker 4 (24:40):
And I think that's what the point Steve was making
is that there are a lot of people who have excelled.
Speaker 3 (24:45):
He's not the first rookie ever to get to a
championship game.
Speaker 4 (24:49):
Like people make it like that, like, oh my, I
can't like four other guys, Rob Gmi correct. I think
he's the fifth rookie to get to a to a
championship game. It's not like it's never happened.
Speaker 3 (25:02):
Last year. CJ. Stroud might go.
Speaker 4 (25:04):
Back and play the you want to go back and
play the video and the sound of everybody saying, what
he's the greatest quarterback. Oh my god, a rookie quarterback.
Look at what he's done. It was so impressive. People
picked him to win the super Bowl this year like
that is how crazy we get. And that's not a
knock on Jane and Daniels. Here's the other thing. He's
had a lot of luck as well.
Speaker 3 (25:25):
This year.
Speaker 4 (25:26):
Five games ended on the final play, which could have
gone anyway, and nobody wins. Uh, you know, things even
out eventually, and and that's and that that's to say
that he didn't make a play.
Speaker 3 (25:37):
Somebody could have dropped the ball.
Speaker 4 (25:39):
We saw Mark Andrews right, uh drop a ball that
that should have been called things like that happened. Uh
the dB who was that for the Bears? Who wasn't
paid attention? You know, like like like you don't win
that game and maybe one or other two one or
other game, you're not in the same situation.
Speaker 3 (25:59):
Also, we saw it.
Speaker 4 (26:00):
The only turnover in the game was Baker Mayfield's fumble,
you know, which set up the winning score for Washington.
So things have happened. When he played against the Lions,
you know, they got a lot of turnovers, five turnovers,
and he cashed them in. I don't know if do
I believe that they run away with that game, if
if it wasn't for you know, Jared Golf four turnovers,
you know, I don't know where that game The odds
makers had them nine and a half point favorites for
a reason. But when you win, people just erase everything
that they've seen, and only because it's only about winning,
and I get winning covers up everything. It's like makeup,
you know, no matter what, you could play poorllot a
bad shot.
Speaker 3 (26:48):
You've seen it, shots that Steph has taken. Oh that's
a bad shot, beast shot. Don't take it.
Speaker 1 (26:53):
Speaker 3 (26:53):
You're the best, you know because it went in.
Speaker 4 (26:56):
And if there were other guys who were doing what
Steph Curry was doing early in his career and they
missed those shots, coaches would have gone crazy. So my
point is he's played really well. I think we get
too caught up in a moment, and I think that
this will be interesting to see how this plays out,
because if they don't win, you know, the conversation will
be while he's the kids his first year, what you
expect like that now, I mean.
Speaker 1 (27:22):
He's playing with house, he's playing with house money in
that regard. But if you look at credit to him,
what he's done in two games right now in the postseason,
he's to throw again basically seventy percent passing almost you know,
almost six hundred yards and two games, four touchdowns, zero interceptions.
He's only been sacked once in two games. That's incredible
as a rookie. Then you also look he's rushing to
eighty seven yards in two games, So I mean it's
been spectacular to see what he's been able to do.
And I also credit something to this, he's twenty four
years old. There is something to a lot of these quarterbacks.
You look at Jaden Daniels, you look at Bo Nicks,
you look at Mike Pinnix. Some of these guys now
they're coming in older, they're playing four, five, sometimes six years,
they're getting forty plus starts, and they've been able to
really hone in on their craft, hold in.
Speaker 3 (28:12):
On their skills.
Speaker 1 (28:13):
And I think that's why we're starting to see quarterbacks
that come in Drake May where you're like, oh, he
actually can play, Jane Daniels, Oh, CJ. Strout, Oh dang,
Michael Pennix looks like he's gonna be something, and bow Knicks.
Because guys are getting an abnormal amount of starts. Usually
you go to college, you know, you sit your first year, sit,
maybe your second year.
Speaker 3 (28:31):
Okay, now I'm up here we go, baby, I'm up.
It's my turn. Man.
Speaker 1 (28:34):
These guys are getting and with the transferporter Okay, I'll
go there and i'll start. I'll go there and I'll start.
And then you find in guys that are getting these
opportunities and playing big time football for a long time,
and we're starting to see guys come in young and
they're not great. They still got to refine and hold
their skill and their craft, but they're coming in much
more season than you would have expected.
Speaker 3 (28:54):
And I think he is He and CJ.
Speaker 1 (28:56):
Stroud being shining examples of that over the last couple
of seasons where you're like, man, these dudes.
Speaker 3 (29:00):
Are coming in.
Speaker 1 (29:01):
They're not perfect, but having those starts, getting that COVID
year back where they were able to get an extra year.
And obviously Jay and Daniel has been doing the whole
virtual reality thing, which he swears by, and I can't
knock him forward.
Speaker 3 (29:13):
It seems to be working.
Speaker 1 (29:14):
But I do think that contributes to why we've seen
some rookies still make rookie mistakes at times, but look
poised and look ready for this league faster than expected.
They're getting a crazy amount of big time start to
big time universities.
Speaker 2 (29:31):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Odd Couple
with Chris Brussard and Rob Parker weekdays at seven pm
Eastern four pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the
iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 1 (29:42):
It is The Odd Couple, Rod Parker Kevin Washington on
the Funking flash Back Friday. Hopefully you're enjoying yourself getting
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from tyraq dot com studios. Ti rack dot com is
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Speaker 3 (30:05):
It is time now for Shekel City.
Speaker 2 (30:10):
Two. Shekel City the whole base for Rob Parkers Daley
Dicks against the scra.
Speaker 4 (30:22):
Shekel City last night two and one, twenty seven, twenty
four is the total on the year.
Speaker 3 (30:29):
And here we go tonight. Cleveland Cavaliers minus ten and
a half.
Speaker 4 (30:33):
They were in Philadelphia taking on the seventy six is
And of course all of these were posted on social
media earlier in the day, so that's what you need
to look for them so that you could try to maybe,
you know, take a look, see what I'm doing. Memphis
minus ten and a half. They're hosting the Pelicans. That's
a strange team, the Pelicans. Yes, you never know who's lying,
you don't know and is it Yeah, it's a messed up.
Speaker 3 (31:00):
Then what is it five six years ago. This was
supposed to be the best.
Speaker 4 (31:03):
And now John's not playing that the thing tonight, So
it's weird. And Memphis somehow plays well even when John
doesn't play.
Speaker 3 (31:10):
It's a strange mix.
Speaker 1 (31:11):
They did that that first year. Yeah, last year he
was injured, but the first year and he was always
ways right.
Speaker 3 (31:16):
They were balling. It was almost like, uh, do y'all
need him? Exactly?
Speaker 1 (31:20):
They had won like thirty three out of like forty
two games or something without him.
Speaker 3 (31:25):
It was it was crazy, It was. It was amazing,
to be honest.
Speaker 4 (31:28):
And the last game, uh, the Charlotte Hornets minus five
and a half taking on the Portland Trail Blazers. So
Charlotte Hornets minus five and a half, Memphis Grizzlies minus
ten and a half, and the Cleveland Cavaliers minus ten
and a half.
Speaker 3 (31:44):
And remember Kelvin one thing, Yes, sir, I'm not telling
you who to bet on. I'm telling you who I
bet on. All right, there you have it.
Speaker 1 (31:51):
Sheckel city rob trying to make a run for it,
get back to five hundred. News came out today about
Philadelphia quarterback Jalen Hurts, and they were saying of course
ahead of the NFC Championship game coming up this weekend,
that he's off the injury report, but he is going
to be wearing a knee brace for that leg that
got twisted up, which looked bad.
Speaker 3 (32:15):
Dude, Honestly, it looked worse.
Speaker 1 (32:17):
I thought it was the way he got twisted, you know,
it was underneath him, his leg and then they were
pulling his body back like I thought that was gonna
be one of those ones. So thankfully for him and
the Eagles, he didn't miss any time because of the injury. Again,
he spotted wearing the knee brace, but they said he's
good to go for the game and that they took
him officially off of the injury port. So great news
there for the Eagles as they look to get back
to the super Bowl for the second time.
Speaker 4 (32:42):
It hurts his career, yeah, I mean, they just got
to keep going. Obviously, they've been able to do enough.
He's been banged up, and they just keep winning. I
still believe in their six point favorites at home. That's
for a reason, and I still believe that they'll win.
I really do I think they'll cover.
Speaker 3 (33:02):
I mean, listen, do you think they're the favorites for sure.
Speaker 4 (33:04):
No, no, even with you know, not having a fully
healthy quarterback. If he was fully healthy, I don't know,
spread might be eight and a half or nine kind
of probably.
Speaker 3 (33:14):
Because he doesn't drop back and pass a lot.
Speaker 1 (33:16):
I don't think we would go up to maybe another
half a point, maybe one full and just because it's
not like he's dropping back thirty times and that knee
would be messed up. You know, he's handing off, he's
doing some RPOs and making a nice five six yard
run when he needs to, So I don't anticipate this
overly slowing him up obviously, just be a nagging thing
that listen. As we know in all sports, when you
get this deep in the playoff run, whatever the sport,
you name it, everybody's banged up. Some they might not
be on the report, but this guy got to ankle,
this guy gotta need this guy should have been jacked
up for six weeks. You just try to manage your
way through this and get this season, you know, get
this game over and hopefully in their case, get to
a super Bowl. But but yeah, so assuming that they're
being legit and he you know, he's off the list,
and he'll be fine. Obviously they asked him to you know,
do you to payt wearing the brace for the game.
Speaker 3 (34:01):
He said, I believe so. So it's just gonna be
something he's.
Speaker 1 (34:04):
Probably gonna do with even probably my guests through a
SUP through the Super Bowl if they were to win.
Speaker 3 (34:10):
But yeah, I expect to listen. He has.
Speaker 1 (34:14):
Had a career in going even back to college that
he's always right there, you know what I mean. At
Alabama he was doing his thing. Then they had to
bring in to it, but he was right there. Then
he goes to Oklahoma and balls out and gets them where,
gets him to where he was and to where the
spot he was drafted kind of looked like, all right,
he's gonna have to wait around Boom he ends up
getting in and so he's he's gotten himself to a
great place. Considering some years back in college we were
thinking all after two it took over, you know, we
might have seen the best of Jailing Hurts. So I
will eternally give him credit for continuing improve continuing, you know,
to to be better, because again he could have just
been Remember that guy with the dreads that was the
starter at Alabama until TWOA came along and took his
spot in a big game.
Speaker 3 (34:55):
Uh, that could have been him.
Speaker 1 (34:57):
But he's found a way to go to a super Bow,
a ball out in that super Bowl and now get
himself a chance to do it. I don't know what's
going wrong with the passing game, and that it's it's
digressed again.
Speaker 4 (35:08):
I think that was the that that that was really it,
because that's I mean, that's a fair point.
Speaker 3 (35:17):
It very well could because it really wasn't.
Speaker 4 (35:19):
That was that was the reason they made it switch,
you know what I mean, Like he wasn't all that
as a passer, and then all of a sudden, that
one year out of nowhere, he turned into uh superhuman.
Speaker 3 (35:30):
It was kind of.
Speaker 4 (35:31):
Weird, and then it's kind of reverted back. I don't
know what happened. He lost his offensive coordinate after that year.
Speaker 3 (35:38):
And that's the part too.
Speaker 1 (35:39):
That's where the issue he is, uh Sirianni because he's like, yo,
I understand, we run the ball here, we got defense,
but no, let me get busy. Let me why do
we have Devontae Smith a berner? Why do we have
a J Brown? A big play person? We got tight ends?
Why do we have all this and we're not utilizing
and that's you know, we heard they had issues on
how their offense was ran. But then all of a sudden,
you're gonna get Saquan and that's gonna obviously change things
a bit when you get such a dynamic back like that.
So we'll see how it all ends up playing out
for them this this weekend. But to its credit though,
like I said, he could have easily just been you know,
he goes to Oklahoma, plays very well, gets himself in
the league, and at this point shoot might mess around
and make it.
Speaker 3 (36:16):
To a second super Bowl you never know, and have
a chance to win one.
Speaker 1 (36:18):
That is an incredible story for him, all things consider,
So we'll see what ends up happening. But again reports
are he's gonna wear a knee brace probably this Sunday
verse the Commanders, all right, somebody's back in the NFL
head coaching, and he's old Woollie workout.
Speaker 3 (36:37):
We'll tell you. Rob Kelvin odd couple, Fox Sports Radio