Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Poopy Pants, Phillips, Raimi's Return, Guns, DCU, CGI, Rugrats, The Nanny,
Did he have dres Here? A new shared universe? And
do you even want an Obi Want? Season two?
Speaker 2 (00:17):
There's dub welcome into shime Time because Goo, for whatever reason,
chose to go to Disney World during a hurricane. How sorry,
Shime is here and we hope that Goo doesn't get
stuck in Florida, but he actually might. That's a realistic
thing that's coming down the line. Uh, speaking of a
hurricane of shit storm. This weekend at the box office,
shime Time, Dookerfolia do bombs but obviously still comes away
at number one. It makes forty million opening weekend shime,
which is less than Morbius made domestically. That is stunning,
absolutely probably less entertaining because its very true. U It's
at thirty three and thirty one percent on roddy Te's
And now all this, like all these press releases are
coming out from Phillips and from Joaquin Phoenix talking about
the movie almost feels like they're trying to justify X,
Y and Z. There's it's damage control, essentially, because this
movie had a two hundred million dollar budget, and I
think it's going to struggle to make that back. It's
probably gonna lose money considering the advertising budget as well.
A couple of notes here from their press tour. The
original ending for the first movie, Rapport Lee was going
to be Joaquin Phoenix's Joker carving his face in front
of his supporters into a Heath Ledger like joker face,
but apparently Christopher Nolan nicks that idea because he was
still involved with WB Then I don't know why, Like,
leave the heath Ledger joker alone, do your own thing.
I don't know why you'd try to copy that.
Speaker 1 (01:52):
Yeah, this is a great job by Nolan, Like it
was the one Joker that had ever like purposely carved
his face. You don't need to replicate that. Ever. Again,
this isn't the heath Ledger Joker. It's completely different. It's
actually completely useless. Like it's just I don't know why
you would even want to do that, and the whole
mystery too, Like behind Ledgers Jokers, you didn't know how
it ended up that way. You don't need to see
someone physically carving it like that sort of takes away
from mystique as well, Like if you wanted to do
something like that. You could have gone like straight up
like Raffiki and just grab like red paint and like
smeared it across your face and like boom, there's this
giant smile. But instead, like, why are you trying to copy? Something?
Like come up with your own idea, be creative.
Speaker 2 (02:33):
Yeah, And speaking of ideas, the idea for this movie
reportedly came from a dream that Joaquin Phoenix had, and
I think that makes sense because the movie's pretty nonsensical.
And I don't I don't know if he went to
Phillips before they struck a deal for a Joker Too,
or if you know it was greenlit and he was like, hey,
I have an idea. I don't know, but I don't
know if you've seen the movie, probably not, because noble.
Speaker 1 (02:58):
I actually I actually have a specific stance on this.
I am. I have firmly protested against the Joker and
Joker folio do, even though I love Lady Gaga like
I still to this day will turn on the Stars
Born soundtrack every once in a while because God gos amazing,
but I refuse to watch this movie. I refuse to
watch Joker one because like, this is not the Joker.
The Joker is supposed to be Chaos incarnate and just
the perfect foil to Batman. So if there's no Batman,
there's no Joker. It doesn't make any sense to me.
Speaker 2 (03:29):
Yeah, I'll tell you the conclusion of this movie too,
like really, Hammer's home that this isn't the Joker, and
it almost. It just makes you more upset with where
they are teasing where they might go. Obviously, I think
this Joker know versus dead, but the whole thing completely.
Speaker 1 (03:42):
I gotta say, I listened to you and Goo's pod
on it. I was very proud of Goo for really
hammering it with his hot dog score. It meant a
lot to me.
Speaker 2 (03:50):
Yeah, I was sometimes, you know, because he's obviously a
huge Batman and Joker, so I was worried he was
gonna justify things they did, like some of the Internet is.
But no, he hated it and he liked it less
than me, so that's good. Coming in at number two
was The Wild Robot, making eighteen million in its second
week and weekend and surpassing one hundred million worldwide. I
think I'm going to go see that this week. It
has like ninety eight ninety eight on Roddy Tea's everyone's
loving this movie.
Speaker 1 (04:17):
Yeah, so my guy fits He told me he absolutely
loved it. I think he went and saw it with
his kids or something, because it's like also a book,
and he went and saw it and he said it
was tremendous. So I will probably wait for it to
hit digital, but once it does, I will check it
out on it.
Speaker 2 (04:29):
It's good to hear, good to hear. Finishing in third
is Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice with ten million, surpassing four hundred million worldwide,
and for some reason, it's also hitting digital today. It's out,
it's rentable if you if you missed it in the theaters,
you can you can catch it at home in four.
Speaker 1 (04:43):
Three Halloween boost. They want for the digital views, which
I probably check it out again. Like I went and
saw it. I enjoyed it, like it's just it's a movie.
That is what it is. I guess, just fun and enjoyable.
Speaker 2 (04:53):
I'm in very enjoyable. And fourth which Transformers one with
five million and it's about to hit one hundred million
world wide. I'm probably waiting to home streaming for this one.
It's just not enough there to grab me. But also
it's doing well with its reviews. Another one of note
here Megalopolis, and its second week falls to tenth with
one million, and it's up to eight million overall on
one hundred and twenty million dollar budget.
Speaker 1 (05:19):
Yikes. Yeah, like this for a movie that's so star studied,
you would expect it to have been, I don't know,
semi good.
Speaker 2 (05:27):
Yeah, it seems like for a movie that's twenty years
in the making and the director is what eighty five
years old, it seems like this maybe should be his
last Surah.
Speaker 1 (05:35):
Probably news dump.
Speaker 2 (05:38):
Sam Raimi is back rumored or maybe back rumored to
be directing Doctor Strange three, And I gotta say, I
know Sam Raimi is beloved. There's a lot of our
listeners that are Ramie fans. I think he did such
a poor job with Doctor Strange too, that this shouldn't
even be in consideration. So this as me a little
worried for what Marvel is doing, Figy is doing in
their decision making.
Speaker 1 (06:03):
Yeah. I mean I've been kind of very much, very
tepid on Marvel overall over the last few years. Now
it feels like and Multiverse of Madness stunk like it
wasn't that good and Ramie has Ramy just he lost
his fastball right like he was great. He was one
of those pictures probably in the steroid era. He came in,
he was hot, he was killing it, and then you know,
since then, he's fallen off a little bit. It this
is what it is. He's like Aaron Rodgers, might not
be quite as good as he wants to us.
Speaker 2 (06:31):
Yeah, and it's one of those things where I feel like,
now that it's multiversal, you have to really nail these
crossover movies like this one might be. And I don't
think Ramy's capable of doing it. And we saw and
I think maybe he was set up for failure with
the movie being called multi versus Madness and we really
only saw two universes. I just I don't think he's good.
He's capable of making it work, so hopefully that's not
the case. News Dube Frank Grillo enters James Gunn's DCU.
Gun confirms that he's going to appear as Rick Flagg
Senior in the upcoming Superman movie, and he's also going
to be taking part in peace Maker season two. So
I like Frank Grillo. I think that's pretty good casting.
I guess maybe that'll be some flashback stuff. I don't know.
So the whole Peacemaker Season one being in both universes
is pretty confusing because Rick Flagg exists in the Peacemaker
Season one universe, but going forward, I don't think he does.
Joel Kineman's Rick Flagg, So the timing of this is
a little confusing. But I'm in on Frank Grillo.
Speaker 1 (07:40):
Yeah. I love Frankrilo. He played he was Crossbones in
the Marvel universe. Correct. Yeah, I'm a big Grillah guy.
I think he's good. He's kind of type cast at
this point, but I'm into it. I'm down for him
to be part of the part of the universe. And
it makes me wonder if Peacemaker Season two is going
to be pretty vital to or connect to a lot
of things, especially Superman in particular.
Speaker 2 (08:00):
Right, it's gonna gonna be. That's it's interesting to note
that he he said he'll be a primary character in both. So,
uh news dump new Rugrats movie is on the horizon
just announced, and this is pretty interesting. It's gonna be
a mix of live action and CGI, so all the
adult characters actual actors, the babies, the children, are going
to be cgi'ed and I don't know. I don't know.
Speaker 1 (08:24):
Is it gonna be like a Sonic movie where like
everything's live action except for like Sonic tails and knuckles.
Speaker 2 (08:29):
Yeah, I think so. Hopefully the CGI is better than that,
you know, hopefully they look human. But this is gonna
be weird. I'm kind of into.
Speaker 1 (08:37):
It though, Like I mean, it may just be the
nostalgia talking because I loved the Rugrats, but I would
give it a shot. I would give it a chance.
Speaker 2 (08:45):
Yeah, it's very bizarre. I wonder, like, I don't know,
like h for me, obviously, you can't have babies acting
and you're not gonna be able to cast you know,
little people in the roles. But yeah, and almost makes
me think, like why would you even go live action
for it? Doesn't it's very confusing.
Speaker 1 (09:04):
You just make another animated movie or something. Maybe I'll
take the animation. It's not that hard.
Speaker 2 (09:08):
My brain is breaking thinking about it. So that's I
think that's two years away. News dub studios out of
touch shime. Apparently all the major studios are assembling super
fan focus groups to assess various materials for a franchise
project to avoid social media backlash, what are we doing?
And they were quoted as saying, or someone was quoted
as saying, they will just tell us if you don't.
If you do that, fans are going to retaliate. It's
in if it's early enough and the movie isn't finished hit,
we can make those kinds of changes.
Speaker 1 (09:43):
I get it, Like the age of social media makes
things difficult, But at the same time, you can't just
like cowtow to public opinion and a small focused group
of super fans are not going to speak for the
majority a lot of the time either. Like that's the thing,
like if you had you know, when it came out
to Snyder cut right, if you had grabbed a small
focus group of the original Justice League fans, They're like, yeah,
give me the slider cut. But half of us didn't
need it.
Speaker 2 (10:07):
We don't need it.
Speaker 1 (10:08):
And so it's like, I don't know, man, I just
make your movies and make them good. That's all I
care about.
Speaker 2 (10:13):
I'm just stunned that, like these studios are so out
of touch that they're on the verge of doing this,
Like I don't know how you don't have people in
certain positions that can tell you this or key you off,
or maybe they do and the one voice isn't good
enough and so they need a hundred. I don't.
Speaker 1 (10:33):
I constantly am asking people if companies have focus groups,
because it feels like they don't. Like when you look
at like when a team comes out with a new
logo or a new jersey design, never feels like they
went through a focus group. But like now, all of
a sudden, you want a super fan focus group, Give
me a focus group, because you need multiple opinions. You
don't need the opinions of one small sect of people.
Speaker 2 (10:54):
Totally agree.
Speaker 1 (10:56):
I think it defeats the purpose of a focus group
correct to assemble justs you want all of the opinions,
the whole gauntlet of opinions to really mold what you
should be doing and the sweet spot.
Speaker 2 (11:06):
Yeah, exactly. I It's just it's it's amazing to me
that these like for example, Joker. First of all, they
never screen tested Joker, which was a mistake. But you're
pouring two hundred million dollars into that, plus marketing and advertising,
and you don't have a group of people or a
couple people assigned to monitor like what what the feedback
might be. It's just I don't know. It seems like
a massive over insanity news dumb The Nanny. The nanny
name fran Fran Dresser. I haven't seen her in anything
since maybe The Nanny. So this was more for GOO
because this is uh are you a part of uh?
What's what's the uh? The SAG? Are you a SAG member?
Speaker 1 (11:43):
No? I am not. That's not cool.
Speaker 2 (11:46):
Some stations required. I don't know. It's a whole it's
a whole thing. Gou a SAG member. The president of
SAG is fran Drescher. She's making a return in Jess
Josh Saftie's table tennis movie titled Marty Supreme, which is funny.
But also she's gonna be playing Timothy Shalomey's mother in
the movie. So that is that's a real movie that's
coming down the WAE.
Speaker 1 (12:08):
Yeah, I mean I would say overall safty does a
relatively decent job, right, Like maybe.
Speaker 2 (12:14):
I table tennis movie. I almost feel like it's so
ridiculous that I have to be in.
Speaker 1 (12:20):
Wait because what was the there was the old was
it Great Balls of Fire? Was that the old movie?
Speaker 2 (12:25):
Speaker 1 (12:26):
So like if we're if we're going like like kind
of spoofy table tennis movie I'm in.
Speaker 2 (12:31):
That could work. That could certainly work. News dub d
d L Drizzy one of my least favorite actors. By
the way, Goo would not have gotten that headline, So
I'm glad you did.
Speaker 1 (12:43):
I got you.
Speaker 2 (12:43):
Daniel da Lewis, who likes to act in movies no
one wants to watch, is officially ending his retirement from
acting after seven years.
Speaker 1 (12:51):
That's a lot of environment.
Speaker 2 (12:53):
Yeah, he will be returning for his son's directorial debut
called Animal. Anemone anemone like an opposite of a sea,
an enemy like and that's a hard word to say.
And okay, so anemone is a plant, oh h, a
genus of flowering plant in the buttercup family. Okay, And
reportedly DDL co wrote this movie. And the film is
going to explore intricate relationships between fathers, sons, and brothers.
So strikes me as another movie that Daniel day Lewis
is starring in that I will not see one hundred percent.
Speaker 1 (13:30):
He'll probably win an Oscar for it, and that's good
for him, Happy for him.
Speaker 2 (13:34):
Yeah. Credit credit to d d L News Dump. Here's
maybe the best news of the week. I'm super excited
for this. We love a shared universe an Abbot Elementary
and it's always sunny in Philadelphia. Crossover is officially in
the works now. I'm like three seasons behind on Sunny.
They're in like season eighteen or whatever. Yeah. I just
started watching Abbot Elementary a few months ago. It's pretty good,
pretty enjoyable good.
Speaker 1 (13:59):
I like it. My girlfriend likes it a lot more
than I do, but I enjoy it. And to this
to me screens similar to what they did with New
Girl and Brooklyn ninety nine, where it's like a two
episode crossover event. I loved it. I thought it was great.
So I'm always into a good crossover.
Speaker 2 (14:14):
And because Abbot Elementary has such a different crowd, I'm
really interested how the Sunny humor plays up to that
Abbot ELM.
Speaker 1 (14:21):
I need to see Danny DeVito in the school, is.
Speaker 2 (14:24):
What I mean, working as like a janitor.
Speaker 1 (14:27):
I just just reprises Beetlejuice, Beatle Juice roll.
Speaker 2 (14:30):
Yeah, yeah, exactly. So that's that's gonna be fun to
look forward to. News dum Vought Rising updates The Boys
spinoff is. I think it's coming out next year. I'm
not really sure. I haven't been monitoring this too much,
but I have Cash, who played Stormfront in season two,
says the scripts she's read for this prequel, Vought Rising,
are insanely good and the origins of Soldier Boy and
Stormfront are gonna be played out in this show, and
it's going to follow a murder mystery set in the
nineteen fifties.
Speaker 1 (15:00):
Yes, so, I gotta tell you I have I am
one of the few people out here that have missed
out on The Boys. When it first came out and
I first tried to get into it, I couldn't do it.
But now having seen what it's grown into, I also
love Jensen Ackles, so I need to. This is one
of my kind of to do lists here as the
year goes on, is to really kind of dive into
The Boys and really kind of get into this.
Speaker 2 (15:23):
Yeah. So, Jenson Echoles is in season three. They kind
of season four just took place. They're basically bringing him
back for season five. Not to spoil anything, but he's
going to play a major role in the conclusion of
that series, and obviously this will be the prequel featuring him.
I gotta say he was unbelievable in season three he's
so good. I think he is highly underrated as an actor.
I wish he it's just because he was on Supernatural
for like twenty five years. Yeah, but I'm glad to
see him branching out.
Speaker 1 (15:51):
Speaker 2 (15:51):
Were you a Supernatural fan? A huge Supernatural? I am
a diehard Supernatural fan. So the creator of that show
is the er tramp Keeter as well? Yeah? Yeah, yeah,
all right, so you probably will like the boys, won't
you want? You settle into it? Yes? News dumb, all right,
this is the most confusing news of the week for me.
You and McGregor reveals they are currently exploring ideas for
Obi Wan Kenobis season two. I thought the whole point
of season one and the whole you know idea of
the show was to let McGregor have a few more,
you know, a little bit more run as obi Wan
and to fill in a little bit of the gap
before the first movie, which is what that did. You
got a couple of good Darth Vader scenes on the show,
I thought the whole the on the on the whole,
I thought the show kind of sucked outside of the
Darth Vader scenes. Yeah, little Lea was not good. I
just don't know, because they've sort of cornered themselves. There's
like no room to play with for an obi Wan story,
at least for you and McGregor age obi Wan. So
I don't really know where they could possibly go with this.
Speaker 1 (16:53):
Yeah, I gotta be honest, I've gotten some Star Wars fatigue.
I don't think they need this. I don't think I
want to see all. I want to see his lightsabers.
If you could promise me lightsaber fights, I'm in. Otherwise
I'm a hard pass.
Speaker 2 (17:07):
Yes, So he McGregor went on to talk about how
he wants to wear his Clone Wars armor and have
more flashbacks with Hayden Christensen as Anakin, and so I
think that's kind of cool, but like, how do you
turn that into a show like just built on Clone
Wars flashbacks. I'd rather just go back and watch the
Clone Wars again.
Speaker 1 (17:26):
Like, if you want to give me more fights between
him and him in Vader, go be my guest outside
of that, Like.
Speaker 2 (17:32):
Just just leave it alone, leave it alone. Yeah, this
is they And also coming off of what didn't play
that well? What was the name of the Star Wars
show that just happened that I liked that? No one
else liked the Acolyte Acolyte, so I enjoyed it. Most
people didn't. I don't know why you would like think
about going down this path, considering the fans are almost
revolting at this point, sort of to what you're saying.
Speaker 1 (17:56):
Give new stories, like there's a lot of character, Like
the Star Wars universe is so big that like you
can just give other stories. Like you there's so many
different uh like uh Sith characters that you could go to.
There's so many different Jedi characters you could use. You
don't need to just continue to revolve around the story
of Obi Wan and the the Skywalkers, and.
Speaker 2 (18:17):
Yeah, we keep playing in the same thirty year window.
Speaker 1 (18:20):
Yeah, like branch the f out. It's not that hard.
Like they gave there's a there's tons of source material, use.
Speaker 2 (18:26):
It, please do, please go. And that's part of the
reason why I liked the act, like because it was
new characters and there was nothing. I had no expectations
going in. And yes, it did falter to a point,
but maybe maybe that's why they are like, all right,
maybe we gotta go back to well we no best.
Speaker 1 (18:40):
Stop stop you you're beating a dead horse.
Speaker 2 (18:44):
Stop it News Dump Penguino Minuto the Penguin. Episode three
was on HBO this past Sunday night. Have you been
watching this show, Seane?
Speaker 1 (18:55):
So I haven't. My plan for this is I'm a
I live in an age now where I can't watch
week to week episodes love that need to binge it all.
So I'm waiting until the season is complete and then
I one hundred percent plan on binging it. Already convinced
my girlfriend to watch it with me since you watched
The Batman, so we will be watching this. But this
is a binge for me at the end.
Speaker 2 (19:14):
So basically, the first two episodes were a lot of
like set up for what's coming in the pipeline, and
this third episode they really laid the groundwork for what
I think I'm hoping. So Oz is like right hand man.
I think there's gonna be some trouble between the two. Yeah,
So I'm liking the acting is great. Christine Miliattis or
Kristin Miliotti has been unbelievable. So I'm looking forward to
to figuring out how this finishes. And I know they
said Batman's not gonna appear, but I'm hoping we get
a little more some other characters. Maybe that'll that'll pop up,
News Dupe, the Witching Hour, Agatha all Along, or whatever
the fuck this show is called. Episode four is this
past week, and I gotta say the first three episodes
I really enjoyed. It's it's been a little bizarre. Fourth
episode was terrible. Was not good?
Speaker 1 (20:05):
That's not great.
Speaker 2 (20:06):
No, I think we got I think this is eight episodes,
so we got four left. I think it's I don't know,
I don't even know, but Marvel shows have been doing
this consistently, start out strong and then the middle is terrible,
and then they try to redeem it by the end.
Speaker 1 (20:21):
Wanda Vision is the perfect example of.
Speaker 2 (20:23):
That, exactly exactly. So this has been, you know, kind
of hokey fun to a certain point. But I think
we're all starting to wonder, right where what are we
actually going to do with this? Where are we going?
There's been some Wanda teases and some other connections, but
I gotta say episode four is pretty fucking terrible. News
dump all right, Seime, thank you for filling in this week.
I have no idea what I'm going to do at
the end of the week. Who's probably still going to
be stranded in Florida. You got anything in your pipeline
anything you want to tease?
Speaker 1 (20:52):
Uh, no, nothing. I am on the radio seven days
a week nowadays. So if if you're a man, yeah,
you know, if you're driving around in your car on
Saturday afternoons, probably turn on E. I'll be on at
some point Sunday mornings ten to one w E I
pre game show. Outside of that man just grinding away
doing the old thing. You know.
Speaker 2 (21:11):
Love that.
Speaker 1 (21:12):
And if you if you decide you wanted to do
a Pokemon episode of anything later in the week, you
let me know.
Speaker 2 (21:16):
You know what I've been really falling into and my
my whole fyp on TikTok is people ripping old Pokemon packs.
Have you seen the guy? Should I open it?
Speaker 1 (21:25):
Or should should love that?
Speaker 2 (21:27):
Love that guy? He's like, of course I'm gonna open it.
I honestly, I don't know. I know you're a big
Pokemon fan. Do you collect any of the cards or
anything like?
Speaker 1 (21:37):
So? I have some. I actually literally just bought some
the other day. I don't know where I put them. Oh,
they're literally right here. So see, I literally just bought it.
Every once in a while, I'll just buy some packs
and rip them because that's I just I love the cards,
I love the games. I also have a giant snorl
Axe pillow stuffed animal here. I got a couple other
Pokemon ones as well here.
Speaker 2 (22:00):
So I a bit of an addictive personality over here.
So say, I'm so close to buying packs, and I
know them minute I buy two packs, I'm gonna have
to buy one hundred, I know.
Speaker 1 (22:11):
So behind the cropping him up is all of the
One of the versions of packs that they sell are
called Elite Trainer boxes, and so you get like nine
packs in a box, plus like promo cards, and there's
probably eleven boxes back there that are propping stellas up
that I've boughten over over the years. I'll just go
through spurts where I'm like, I need to just go
buy packs. Yeah, yeah, and then luckily it'll fade away,
and but.
Speaker 2 (22:34):
Yeah, yeah, I got it. I'm still chasing the high.
I think it was ninety eight or ninety nine. My
uncle bought me four packs and in my first two
holographics were Charizard and Chancy. I had I don't know
if it was a first edition charge aard. Yeah, but
one of my first two hollows where charge aard. So
I've been chasing that high now for twenty five years.
Speaker 1 (22:54):
Yeah, that's awesome, I got. I'm such a Pokemon dorc
It's ridiculous, but I don't.
Speaker 2 (22:59):
I embraced the Yeah, I gotta go to Target today too.
Now I feel like I'm definitely gonna buy one of
those tans.
Speaker 1 (23:05):
So do yourself a favor. Just grab like the single
pack five bucks, rip it, get the adrenaline rush, and
be like, all right, I can at least I've helped
myself over for now for a couple of weeks.
Speaker 2 (23:17):
I also was a magic the Gathering guy back in
the day too.
Speaker 1 (23:20):
Oh okay, I was more of a Yuki Oh guy,
big Yukio fan.
Speaker 2 (23:24):
Yeah, it's time to duel, all right, Sean, thanks for
filling in. Well, we'll keep you guys updated on the Internet.
Goose survives the Hurricane's dope