All Episodes

November 19, 2024 33 mins
We discuss the hottest topics from the week!

Red One Wins Box Office
Conan to Host Oscars
Bruce Finds it Hard to be Batman
Scarecrow Easter in in 'The Penguin'
R Rated DC Movies?
Fantastic 4 Synopsis
Star Wars OFF the Schedule
Tom Hardy's 'Havoc' Details
'Dogma 2' in the Works?
‘Friday Night Lights’ Reboot
First Episode of ‘Dune: Prophecy’
Wednesday Goes Gaga

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Tyson or a wolf pick of the pod, paint the town,
Red Conan finds a friend. Gotham's return Policy Yo more
like Raim's Run Am I Right? Fantastic four First synopsis,
It's Crime Time, Lost in the Stars, Tommy Havoc, Jrhanson, World,

Doggie Poo, Wednesday Goes Gaga, clear Eyes, Full Heart, Can't Lose,
and much more. But before we get to that news dump, Mack,
you see this, you hear about this? What is this
blueski that everyone's talking about?

Speaker 2 (00:43):
No idea choosing to ignore it. This is like now
the third iteration of a website slash social media thing
that is like Twitter that people are touting as the
next Twitter. Not gonna happen. Twitter's always gonna be Twitter.
Twitter's always gonna be Twitter, so much to the point
that we don't even call it acts still Twitter.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
Yeah, we jumped on threats almost immediately. We did a
couple posts. There, got a certain amount of people and
posting to both Twitter and to that. It was just
it was too much.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
No one uses threads, as no one uses blue ski,
everyone is still going to use Twitter. I don't care.
I don't care what your thoughts on Elon Musker is
or are or will be. Twitter's gonna remain forever, whether
Elon Musco owns it or not.

Speaker 1 (01:25):
But I will say this that if everyone else does
jump ship, and we know that people are over there,
and that's what we're gonna do, we'll follow. We're sheep.

Speaker 2 (01:33):
Nope, I won't. You won't.

Speaker 1 (01:35):
Nope, You're gonna Titanic this. You're gonna go down with
the ship. You're gonna be the cellist.

Speaker 2 (01:39):
I'll start posting my thoughts on on Instagram as Instagram stories.

Speaker 1 (01:43):
You're gonna start a live journal. I mean my brother
and sister both had live journals. Oh boy, but makes
sense for my brother. You've met him.

Speaker 2 (01:54):
Yeah, yeah, true news.

Speaker 1 (01:55):
Dep Mac. Let me ask you this. Do you believe
all up?

Speaker 2 (02:00):

Speaker 1 (02:00):
What is this? Do you think that you could fight?

Speaker 2 (02:03):
This is a question for me to you. Uh so, obviously,
I'm world famous for being able to kill a wolf.

Speaker 1 (02:11):
Oh then I beat up a wolf. We never said kill.

Speaker 2 (02:14):
No, it's a fight to the death. And more importantly,
we just watched someone who we sort of missed out on.
We're just a bit too young to remember Mike Tyson
in his prime, and we got to watch this old
corpse of Tyson. Really just go out and try to fight.
And I used to be afraid of Mike Tyson. I'm

not afraid of Mike Tyson anymore. Goo. So my question
is to you, would you rather fight Tyson or a wolf?

Speaker 1 (02:40):
And I have already famously said that I'd lose to
the wolf. This is a tough one. I'd lose to both.
Who am I?

Speaker 2 (02:49):
I think Tyson has a better chance to beat me
than a fucking wolf.

Speaker 1 (02:51):
Well, who wins in a fight? Tyson or a wolf?
Tyson for sure, A lone wolf versus Tyson. Tyson's got
a killer mentality.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
Tyson would bite him, bite the the wolf directly in
the neck.

Speaker 1 (03:01):
News Death mac r Ip Bruce Degan. He was the
illustrator of the Magic school Bus books. He passed away
at the age of seventy nine. Can you give me
your mount rushmore of Magic school Bus stories?

Speaker 2 (03:18):
I don't remember many of them, to be honest with you.
The one that's sticking out now that you just said
that was the one where the nerd kid turns orange
from something he ate up, and they go into his
body and figure out that that's somewhat possible that's still
one I really remember.

Speaker 1 (03:33):
Yeah, I love that one. I love when they go
back in time to see dinosaurs, the solar system. That
one always sticks up in my mind. And maybe the
one that I think about the most is when they
turn into bees and they join a beehive.

Speaker 2 (03:46):
I uh, I think I got a misfrizzle thing these days.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
I think everyone does, right.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
But it's my It was never really my speed. Now
I'm very into well, you love Redheads only recently, only recently.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
You love the you know when they're a little out there.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
A decade ago. Yeah, I like the blue hair types,
that's for sure. A decade ago is not in, not
really into Redhead's frizzle types. But I am certainly into
them now.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
News that was good, Magic school Bus talk mac over.
At the box office this past weekend, Red one came
in at number one, thirty five million domestic eighty four
worldwide so far. The only issue with that the budget
was two hundred and fifty million dollars, and they had

been advertising out the ass on this. I wouldn't be
surprised if the advertising budget was a billion dollars.

Speaker 2 (04:40):
Uh man, what a split on Roddy Tea's too Goo
thirty three percent critics, ninety percent from the audience. So
this seems like a classic turn your mind off, try
to enjoy this holiday ish movie. I feel like if
you're a fan of the Rock, you're probably gonna like
this movie. I used to be a fan of the Rock.
I just want the Rock to play something other than

the Rock, and he's failed to do that to this point.
So I don't think I'm gonna like this. But this
movie looks better than it has any business being.

Speaker 1 (05:09):
Thirty three percent on Roddy T's from the critics. It's
gonna get squashed at the box office the next couple
of weekends between Glicked, Watiator and Moana, So what what's
it gonna do? How is this possibly gonna dig itself
out of this now?

Speaker 2 (05:26):
And that's why they I think I had to release
it now, get it in there and get it's a
couple hundred million to maybe try to break even because
it's a pretty pretty loaded state that slate the rest
of the year. So I never heard of this movie
up until like a month ago, so I don't know
where it came from, but clearly someone at some point
was like, we're in this for a lot of money,
we might as well throw more in to see if

we can make some.

Speaker 1 (05:48):
It should have done at least one week earlier to
give it like a two week pillow between the other movies,
and that agree. It would have also came out two
weeks after Venom, so it really wouldn't have been fighting
up against that. But the Rock he went and he
spoke with I don't know, but he said that when
he saw Oppenheimer, you know, the Academy Award winning Oppenheimer,

the one that set the record for Academy Awards, he
saw it in Imax and he chose to sit in
the same seat that Christopher Nolan uses when he screens
his own films.

Speaker 2 (06:22):
Now, I've seen that a couple places goo. Is there
any clarification on what seat that is specifically?

Speaker 1 (06:28):
Well, I'm thinking Big Bang theory. Sheldon has a very
specific seat that he sits in the movie.

Speaker 2 (06:33):
I get that, but has does anyone know which seat
that is? For Nolan?

Speaker 1 (06:36):
It's the one that has the perfect hearing and air
conditioning blowing on Sheldon.

Speaker 2 (06:41):
I like being upper middle, not back, not middle middle,
upper middle.

Speaker 1 (06:44):
Oh, I like extreme back, like all the way up
against the back.

Speaker 2 (06:48):
Too far back from me.

Speaker 1 (06:49):
So the Rock said, I was thinking, holy shit, red
one on this screen, with this technology, it's gonna be
game over.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
The rocket a Jersey accent when he had the epiphany
and then he.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
Was he was, you know, he was the penguin. Venam
came in second at seven point four million. It is
at four hundred and thirty six million through four weeks.
Best Christmas Pageant dropped fifty percent to five point four
and Heretic dropped another fifty percent to five point two.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
I will probably see Heretic before the year is over.

Speaker 1 (07:29):
It looks intriguing, but all of these movies will be squashed.
Over the weekend. We have ourselves a Barbenheimer of a weekend.
This one seems a little more manufactured. But we're gonna
get these every single year. Now, we're gonna get two
of these every year. This weekend is Wicked and Gladiator.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
We have The.

Speaker 1 (07:49):
Wicked, which is a musical movie that goes on forever.
I have already seen it. I love Witches. It's the best.
And we have Gladiator, which has the same scores as
the first Gladiator.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
Yeah, neither of us have seen Gladiator. You'll be seeing
it sooner than I I. Unfortunately, the screenings for these
two movies are pretty inconvenient for me, so I'm gonna
have to pay hard earned American dollars on these Goo.
They're also gonna be releasing sing along screenings for Wicked
nationwide on Christmas, so there's that if you if you

end up liking the movie a lot, you can go
back and do the same thing you did the first time.

Speaker 1 (08:27):
I can't tell you one song from the movie.

Speaker 2 (08:31):
No scores released yet for wickeds. We don't know how
the audience and the critics are going to feel about it.
Like Goo said, the Gladiator two is getting similar scores
the first sounds like we're probably gonna do Gladiator first
and then we'll get to Wicked. That'll be next week.
I am cautiously optimistic about both of these movies. I
like musicals. I enjoy them. But when I saw the

two hundred and seventy minute runtime or whatever one hundred
and seventy minute whatever preposterous thing is, it's like almost
three hours.

Speaker 1 (09:01):
And it's only part one.

Speaker 2 (09:02):
I mean, how longs how long is the stage play?
Probably three hours.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
I heard someone talking in front of me and they
said that it's actually shorter than just one of these parts.

Speaker 2 (09:10):
That's what I figured. So how did they end up
making two parts? We're probably gonna get close to six
hours of Wicked, which is mind blowing.

Speaker 1 (09:18):
Also, I will say this as a tease for next
Goose Day. I have no idea if Wicked is good
or not. Okay, as someone that uh uh, the only
musical that is for me is Grease too. Yeah, I
don't know what makes a musical good. Apparently.

Speaker 2 (09:34):
I fought the good fight online at the beginning of
this year for the film atturation for the Mean Girls musical,
which was very split. It did all right. It was
very split for the discourse online though, because some people
were mad it wasn't a direct adaptation of the stage play.
And if that's what you want, might I recommend the

stage play if you're looking for a movie like That's
They're two different. So I would also say to anyone
going into Wicked, the movie based on the stage play,
to not expect it to be the stage play, especially
considering if the stage play is shorter than the first movie.
I don't think this is gonna be quite like the
stage play.

Speaker 1 (10:14):
I mean, all the other critics walking out.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
They're like, I love this movie, so no real standout tune.

Speaker 1 (10:19):
For you, though popular. I'm gonna help you be Popuhouler
that song. Yeah, that's the only song I know from
the whole entire movie.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
You know, well, I don't like and I like musicals,
Christ Show. I hate Kristin Shaenoway.

Speaker 1 (10:35):
I oh my god, and she pops up in this movie.
Obviously she would, She's famous for that. But Hollywood made
a real push to make her a movie star. They
were trying and the late odds like they put her
in Matthew Broadways Holiday Classic, Deck the Halls.

Speaker 2 (10:51):
They are trying to get her on a Broadway onto
the big screen. It just didn't work.

Speaker 1 (10:56):
I'll accept a Dina Menzel.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
Because she is like Adina Monzel.

Speaker 1 (11:00):
She's done on cut gems. She is the voice of Elsa,
which that is the voice of my household right now.
Kristin Shenow with no thank you though, yeah news dimp.
We have our first Oscars host in years. Correct, they
didn't have one the last couple of years.

Speaker 2 (11:17):
I'm not really sure. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (11:19):
I'm not either, but either way, it is Conan O'Brien,
the podcaster.

Speaker 2 (11:25):
Did you get rich famous from that tweet.

Speaker 1 (11:27):
I got rich and famous. I spent all of that
money on dumplings.

Speaker 2 (11:33):
Conan's a good, safe conservative pick. He'll make a couple
off the beaten path jokes, but he'll stick to the
script for the most part.

Speaker 1 (11:40):
Also, he's not gonna do anything political. It's just gonna
do weird. He's just gonna be himself. Like I'm not
sure if it was from Golden Globes, Oscars or Emmy's
where he did this bit where unless you call the
certain amount of times, Bob Newhart would die. He's gonna
do stuff like that.

Speaker 2 (11:59):
Yes, yeah, I know.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
One of my favorite bits from his old Late Night
show is that he would just always bring out a
vagoda ninety five year old abe vagoda.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
Kude, we bring it up every chance we can. I
think the greatest night like Late night clip of all
time is norm On Conan with what's her face for
the the.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
From Two and a half Men?

Speaker 2 (12:25):
Yes, no, she's not from Two and a half Men.

Speaker 1 (12:27):
She eventually in Two and a half Men.

Speaker 2 (12:29):
Oh she was, And you're right, but she was in
another sitcom, Melrose Place, and this she wasn't even not
after that and Chlus Melrose wasn't really a sitcom?

Speaker 1 (12:36):
Oh was she in? According to Jim, Yes, I did
way more popular shows that might have been more up
Max Alley, no.

Speaker 2 (12:46):
Wife from according to Jim, starring Jim Belushi. Uh, she
was starring in a movie with Carrot Top and Norman
McDonald taking that all in and Conan reacting to everything
Norman is doing. It's so good, so good.

Speaker 1 (13:00):
I mean that, and the Walker Texas Ranger lever where
he would pull it in just a random Chuck Norris
clip would play. Yeah, the one with Haley Joel Osmon,
of course is the best one. But I'm looking forward
to Conan at the Oscars because he's only doing this
podcast right now.

Speaker 2 (13:18):
Yes, kind of lived. He had the uh he had
the Netflix thing for for a little bit, and then
the HBO Max Oh was it Hbo? Okay?

Speaker 1 (13:24):
And I'm sure they'll do a second season of that.

Speaker 2 (13:26):
But that was a while ago. Now what are they
waiting for?

Speaker 1 (13:29):
I don't know?

Speaker 2 (13:29):
And there was only four episodes.

Speaker 1 (13:31):
He also ended Hot Ones. I can't even watch hot
Ones anymore.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
Hot hot Ones is sort of course for me.

Speaker 1 (13:39):
It really has and I'm I'm buying in man.

Speaker 2 (13:41):
It was great for a few years.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
They've watered down those wings. They've watered down the wings
too many people news dump All right, did Batman does
the Batman Robert Pattinson's Batman? Does he have buyers remorse?
Via Digital Spy, Matt Reeves said that Bruce Wayne will

be finding out it is very hard to be the
Batman in the Batman two, after what happens at the
end of The Batman One, feeling that he is semi
responsible for the Riddler. The reason why I think he
picks the mantle back up is he said, Fuck, I
just spent all of this money on this stuff, and
I only did it for a year. I have to

keep doing it.

Speaker 2 (14:25):
Got to figure out how to make money off this.
Simply too good. This is an interesting comment from Reeves
because like, this is the inherent thing with Batman. I
don't think this needs to be spoken right, It's obviously
very hard to be Batman, obviously, especially in a more
realistic world in universe like Reeves is building. And like,

obviously the other thing with him is that a lot
it's cyclical. A lot of the villains only exist because Batman.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
I am.

Speaker 2 (14:53):
Yeah, So, like, why are we saying this out loud,
what's the point? Well?

Speaker 1 (14:57):
And then of course in The Batman, the Riddler was
notes to Batman's was like, Oh, he's playing a game
with me, and I feel like he's doing this right now.
Because of some of the pushback on The Penguin of
where is the Batman?

Speaker 2 (15:09):
What's he trying to? Tells?

Speaker 1 (15:09):
Batman's crying in in Wayne manner, But also that wasn't
our issue with it. We don't care if the Batman's
in it. We just wanted people to acknowledge that Batman exists.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
The existence.

Speaker 1 (15:21):
That's all it was.

Speaker 2 (15:22):
That's it.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
That was it. One line would have done.

Speaker 2 (15:25):
It's all we did.

Speaker 1 (15:26):
Speaking of the Batman or the Penguin, news dump from
a redditor that goes by the name of Boobin Komskoy.

Speaker 2 (15:36):
Maybe bb bach Choi is what it looks like.

Speaker 1 (15:40):
Baby Backchoi with his little revioli hands. They found an
episode four of The Penguin that in doctor Julian Rush's
office off in the background you could see the scarecrow
syringe glove and the tethered mask of the scarecrow.

Speaker 2 (15:59):
I don't know what these things possibly could be. I
guess if his office is in Arkham. He doesn't run
the risk of the general public seeing these things.

Speaker 1 (16:07):
M hm.

Speaker 2 (16:08):
However, it would be pretty fucking stupid for someone trying
to conceal their identity to have the thing that people
would know them by just out playing in view.

Speaker 1 (16:18):
Yeah, I think he's holding them for a friend.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
Oh you know what, you know what developing take. I'm
stumbling upon it as as these gears are turning up here.
He is not yet the Scarecrow, right, so when he
becomes the Scarecrow, he's gonna use these things he already
has as part of his get up where he we'll
figure out where he gets them from.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
I guess hell, I say I'm sticking with He's the
Mad Hatter.

Speaker 2 (16:41):
I think it makes more sense, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (16:43):
Because I think they could also play with the name
of the Mad Hatter, not have it be the actual
Mad Hatter character, and people aren't gonna bad an eye.
I think if you mess around with Jonathan Crane, people
might be like, wait, what do you think.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
Bad guys can change gimmicks too?

Speaker 1 (16:57):
Right midway through? Oh yeah, yeah, could He'd be like.

Speaker 2 (16:59):
You know what, I don't want to be scared cronymore.
I'm gonna start this new thing over here. This is
Matt Hatter.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
It's a big hat. It's funny.

Speaker 2 (17:08):
It's not my name.

Speaker 1 (17:09):
My name is, it's Matt Hatter. Now it's an oversized hat.
There's depe go.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
I'm so happy we're back with our world renowned topic here.
Who is that what I'm looking for? That's not the
word segment? There we go of famous person says this week.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
You know we should call it, let's call it, Simon says,
and then say this week, Simon is this person?

Speaker 2 (17:38):
Yeah, this week Simon is James Gunn this week and
gun says Goo, James Gunn turning into a pirate. James
Gunn confirmed multiple R rated projects are being developed at
DC Studios. Whatever rating is worthy of the story, that's
what we're going to do. This is very encouraging number one.

Number two. I I hope we don't go too far
with it, though. You know, as much as we've loved
the R rated stuff so far, part of the reason
why it's worked is because the movie really forces the
issue to become the R rated movie. So I almost
feel like if you go into the project knowing one

thousand percent it's gonna be R rated, they might do
stuff that they wouldn't do, and it maybe it makes
it a little lesser of a movie. So I'm just saying,
be a little cautious with it. That's all.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
Tell the story, submit it to the board. Whatever they
give it, they give it.

Speaker 2 (18:33):
Here you go, there you go.

Speaker 1 (18:34):

Speaker 2 (18:34):
Yes, gun says Lanterns will release around the same time
as Supergirl in June twenty twenty six. That's a long
time away.

Speaker 1 (18:43):
We might not be alive.

Speaker 2 (18:45):
Great point. Great point that of course is starring Kyle
Chandler and Aaron Pierre, is Hal Jordan, John Stewart. Good it,
Gunn says, all of Peacemaker one is cannon to the DCU,
except the Justice League appearance. Well, that's the whole reason
why we bring it into question, you know, because you
guys went out of your way to do that, and

then now you're just removing that post credit mid credit.

Speaker 1 (19:12):

Speaker 2 (19:12):
He said that the season two of Peacemaker is going
to deal with that and address that situation. That is
coming out August twenty twenty five.

Speaker 1 (19:21):
I liked Peacemaker or season one more than you.

Speaker 2 (19:23):
I thought it was good. But so this, I guess
is a good conversation to have because we just we
just reviewed the Penguin last week. The Penguin was better,
Oh easily. Peacemaker Season one, I would say, would be
like if you're talking about the Marvel shows we've seen,
you know, it's not the top tie, it's the middle
of the pack, and I it might be middle of
the pack. Yeah, it was. It was decent.

Speaker 1 (19:44):
It was good based off what we got in like
the overall feel of the show. I'd compare it more
to like the Boys, and it's nowhere close to that.

Speaker 2 (19:53):
No, right, yeah, it's it's it's more in that vein
and it's not nearly as good. So that's not to
say can't get demonstrably better. And now Gun has way
more control and way more weapons in the arsenal. The
season one was was good.

Speaker 1 (20:08):
Yeah, that's what it is that all Gun said.

Speaker 2 (20:10):
That's it. That concludes Gun says news Dump.

Speaker 1 (20:17):
Official. Fantastic four first step synopsises are in. It's just
one synopsis is a snopsy.

Speaker 2 (20:24):
I think multiple synopsises would be SYNOPSI.

Speaker 1 (20:28):
This is onepsis because it's the first movie. If it
was the second movie, then we can talk about two SYNOPSI.
You come now, you get it set against the vibrant
backdrop of a nineteen sixties inspired retro futuristic world. Too
many words right there, too descriptive yep, The Fantastic Four
introduces the first family of Marvel. The big thing here

is that the heroes will be going up against defending
Earth from the ravenous space god called Galactis and his
enigmatic Enigmatic. There we go, Harold Silver Surfer.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
It's a really long synopsis, that's for fucking short. We
do get some tidbits in here, and might I recommend,
as I always do, the New rock Stars YouTube channel,
who had a breakdown in First of all, they had
a beach word D twenty three Brazil had a new
trailer or teaser that had a couple more clips in
it than we've seen yet. I think that Eric Voss

at New rock Stars is really really stumbling upon what
this movie is going to be about. I don't want
to butcher what he thinks is going to happen in
this movie, but go go take a look at that
if you want to have a decent idea what they
might be doing here, and if it goes that route,
I'm gonna be pretty pleased, that's for sure.

Speaker 1 (21:44):
I'm mar of a Ryan airy Guy. But also the
next time that we have a synopsis leak from a movie,
we should do a breakdown where we just define every word.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
But live, so it's uugh looking it up and explaining
it to each.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
Other against as opposed to be with news. Damp Star
Wars is off of the twenty twenty six schedule, moved
from December of twenty twenty six to maybe the year
after that, and in its place will be Ice Age six,

the movie that Mac is staying alive to see.

Speaker 2 (22:22):
I didn't know there was five Ice Ages. That's news
to me. I knew there was at least two. I
might I might have known a third four and five?
Where did four and five come? Where did? Where have
they lived?

Speaker 1 (22:31):
Quickly name a handful of voice actors for Ice AGEMM
Dennis Leary he's one of them.

Speaker 2 (22:39):
Yep, yep, that's one. He's the Sabertooth Tiger.

Speaker 1 (22:42):

Speaker 2 (22:44):
That might be all I got.

Speaker 1 (22:46):
I can tell you. Ray Romano, yah, yes, yeah, John Leguizamo, Yeah,
there you go. Yeah, I got two. You only got one,
you stink hett three. It might just be those three
guys doing all the voices for all I know cool.

Speaker 2 (23:02):
The other Star Wars news is that Ray is set
to play a role in several Star Wars movies that
are being developed, but it's unclear which one will come first.
So that makes me think they're just gonna drop her
in here and there like a character, the ever powerful
being she is, but there will not be a Ray

centric movie, right, That's sort of what it sounds like.

Speaker 1 (23:24):
Oh no, somehow Ray has returned.

Speaker 2 (23:29):
In coming from the back lots or the Lucas Ranch,
whatever the fuck it's called up there, Skywalker Ranch. A
source familiar with Star Wars and the movie and television
development process is saying that Star Wars is a nostalgia
based enterprise and they are running out of ways to
create nostalgia. He's not. Then, That's my whole point, and

my whole point with the show which name I can't
even remember, that came out this year that I enjoyed
a lot of people. They fucking finally did something new
and everyone went, we're the characters we know in Love
will O Day. We've already done thirty seven properties. We've
done thirty seven properties with those characters. We got something new,
and you guys hated it. You're all moron.

Speaker 1 (24:14):
They gave me Yoda. I like Yoda, the two characters
that they gave me from the prequels, I loved. All
the other characters sucked. We love the prequels now, so
no we don't. Yeah, but I saw that link late. No,
it wasn't link later. What's a what's the director's name?
What's his name?

Speaker 2 (24:32):
George Lucas?

Speaker 1 (24:33):
No, the guy from X Men that is now doing
Star Wars Ginberg. Ah, yes, he said that Ray is
the key to all of this.

Speaker 2 (24:40):
Well, I mean, if you are gonna carry on anything
from that last trilogy, clearly, she's probably like the most
powerful being.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
The most powerful being. The most interesting being was Finn.

Speaker 2 (24:51):
Yeah, but that went away very quickly. They already butchered that.
You're gonna go back into a Finn story now.

Speaker 1 (24:55):
Yeah, sorry about those last two movies. Let's now do
Finn again.

Speaker 2 (24:58):
Finn. Finn should have taken over that trilogy the way
that Kristin Miliatti did in The Penguin. I like, it
was so clear that he was the most complicated and
you know, interesting character that they gave us in that
first movie, and then they just pippoot him. It was demp.

Speaker 1 (25:18):
Tom Hardy had some information some new details on his
upcoming Netflix movie called Havoc. It's not a guy who
puts on too much stuff, though a little disappointed by that.
It is fast paced, action packed. It is a thriller
where he plays a cop. It is directed by Gareth Evans.

He's from the Raid and we deliver the action fronts.
That is the primary focus. But with Tom what we
get is intensely muscular central performance and really well developed characters.
There's a lot going on under the hood of this one.

Speaker 2 (25:57):
Who the fuck said that? Gareth Edward Evans?

Speaker 1 (26:00):
I thought it was Tom Hardy at first, but why
would he refer to himself as Tom.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
In such a source. Maybe I said this, that's from Goot.
I all got one thing here. Havoc is a fun word.
Cyclops's brother. Havoc is a way cooler fucking superhero anti
anti dude. Ira doesn't work.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
He's a mutant.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
What are you doing?

Speaker 1 (26:24):
He's not an anti hero.

Speaker 2 (26:27):
Havoc is wasn't good.

Speaker 1 (26:28):
I thought he was fine in the iteration we saw him.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
Did he kind of end up being a little bad? No?

Speaker 1 (26:33):
I thought he just got destroyed when the ex mansion
blew up.

Speaker 2 (26:36):
Yeah, he might be right. Havoc just just screams anti hero.

Speaker 1 (26:40):
Let us know if Havoc is a bad guy.

Speaker 2 (26:42):
Yeah, I don't know, but either way, Havoc greater than
Scott Summers.

Speaker 1 (26:46):
I agree.

Speaker 2 (26:47):
That's all I got.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
Yeah. Also, this is a Netflix movie, so it's probably
gonna stink.

Speaker 2 (26:51):
Yeah, well, Tom Hardy.

Speaker 1 (26:55):
Got here. First look at Scarlett Johansson and her new
Rascic World role. This is via Empire. She's walking in
a big old field with large vegetables, it seems, and
she's carrying a gun.

Speaker 2 (27:10):
Speaking of franchises that she maybe get off the release schedule,
this is uh, this is one of them. Here. I
couldn't be less inspired by a Jurassic World movie and
Scardo's in it. I don't I don't know. I can't
do it, isn't it?

Speaker 1 (27:23):
Glenn Powell as well, who knows? Either way. You're giving
us hopefully new dinosaurs. Let's get away from the old ones.
Let's not build like the the spliced up dinosaurs where
you have the tree frog and the t rex and
the raptor. There's enough spooky dinosaurs as this. I think
you can work with the spooky, real dinosaurs.

Speaker 2 (27:42):
They're basically like turning Jurassic World stuff into Pokemon. You know,
I like Pokemon, but I don't know how many how
many evolved dinosaurs we get here? How many how many
cross breeds can we get before? Like, all right, maybe
we should just kill all the dinosaurs so we stop
running into these issues.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
News Up. Kevin Smith took to X after I think
the Hollywood reporter took what he said out of context,
saying that a Dogma two was in the works and
Ben Affleck and Matt Damon were attached. He did clarify
that by saying that he has started to write a
sequel in his head. That was this past Thursday. So

a Dogma sequel script is eventually happening, But that doesn't
mean a movie is gonna get made necessarily. And while
I plan to include Bartleby and Loki, I have not
spoken to Ben or Matt about it yet.

Speaker 2 (28:35):
I have no thoughts or comments on this particular subject.

Speaker 1 (28:39):
Did you like the First Dogma?

Speaker 2 (28:40):
I think the First Dogma is a movie not enough
people talk about.

Speaker 1 (28:43):
I don't think it's available digital anywhere. Actually, Oh you
need the hard copy?

Speaker 2 (28:48):
Wow? How about that?

Speaker 1 (28:50):
Do I have one? I sure do it's in my attic.
Do you want to watch it? The issue, of course,
is that you can't get George Carlin back. Well you could,
I wouldn't do it. And then also Alan Rickman.

Speaker 2 (29:02):
Yeah, that's two major ones right there.

Speaker 1 (29:04):
Yeah, but you can get Selma hayek O good, well
not really? Why not? Does she die at the end
of the movie.

Speaker 2 (29:14):
I was just thinking about somewhat Blair. Not the same people,
not the same person at all.

Speaker 1 (29:20):
Now here's dope. You see this, Mack, you hear about this.
Lady Gaga is joining the cast of Wednesday for season two.
If this show goes down the tubes, if this loses
a bunch of popularity, if it becomes ridiculed by the critics,
will we start to think that Gaga is a franchise killer.

Speaker 2 (29:45):
Well, first of all, I don't think the first season
of Wednesday is anything to write home about. The people
that I that I have seen praise it are not
people that I would take their opinion on.

Speaker 1 (29:57):

Speaker 2 (29:57):
Sounds like Wednesday would like okay right now, like you know,
it's it exists and people didn't hate it. Jenna Ortego
obviously great, awesome. Gaga's addition, Sure, why not. I don't
know who she's playing. I also don't know like so
obviously Wednesday Adams is how old is she in this series?

Speaker 1 (30:19):
I think she's in high school in the first season.

Speaker 2 (30:21):
So like the Adams Challey is part of the series.

Speaker 1 (30:24):
Oh yeah, Luis Guzman plays her dad. Okay, all right,
which is very accurate to the comic strip.

Speaker 2 (30:30):
Did the comics become comics after the original show?

Speaker 1 (30:33):
You're asking too many questions this stalker?

Speaker 2 (30:35):
All right.

Speaker 1 (30:36):
Also, I did see a lot of the stuff with
Fred Armison, his uncle Fester. He's quite good.

Speaker 2 (30:41):
So why haven't you watched Wednesday.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
It's one of those shows where here we go, it's
a my wife show, all right, and she's gonna binge
and watch it consistently. I'm not gonna sit there and
binge Wednesday. I will pop in and out what I
see on screen. I'll either like it or not. I'm
not gonna keep on watching.

Speaker 2 (31:00):
Probably particularly three hours to watch the whole season. It's
a lot, man, I'm not asking you to do it.
I'm not gonna do it.

Speaker 1 (31:07):
All I'm saying is that Gaga's gonna kill this show.

Speaker 2 (31:10):
I don't like your attitude with Caaga.

Speaker 1 (31:11):
And that's why I'm saying is I knew that you
wouldn't like that, But think of what she's done so far,
and outside of A Star is Born, it's been a
franchise killer. Although let's think about this. I haven't seen
a sequel to A Star is Born, so I guess
that one's dead too. Here's death. You're excited about this?
Mac a Friday Night Lights reboot?

Speaker 2 (31:32):
Yeah, there is a Friday Nights Friday Night Lights reboot
in the works. The series is gonna be set in
the same universe as the original, but with new characters,
which is essentially what they did during that show. Anyways,
Obviously the last two seasons he kicks over across town,
so this idea of Friday Night Lights can always work.

It's a sexy team drama. It just hits a certain,
you know thing for everyone, So I'm I'm looking forward
to this.

Speaker 1 (32:01):
There's Depp. And finally, the first episode of Dune Prophecy
is available. Did you see it?

Speaker 2 (32:08):
I watched it goo and it doesn't feel like Doune
to me at all, and I was curious if that
was a common you know feeling coming off of this premiere.
And again, a lot of these shows unfairly get reviewed
online after like two or four episodes, So it's currently
rocking of seventy two percent from critics and sixty eight

percent on Roddy Tea's which is very middling, especially for Doune.
I don't know shit about Done Lore, though I've never
read any of the books, and so I did stumble
upon this. Obviously, The Twitter account discussing film is pretty popular.
Their reviewer goo and I thought this was a good summation,
says Dune Prophecy does a great job of breathing much
needed life into Brian Herbert's novel, but fans expecting it

to be of the same quality as Denis Illinois's Dune
will be very disappointed. Oh okay, and that's sort of
I guess. While I'm not very disappointed, I'm just like, eh,
this is fine, But it sounds like it's a source
material issue, right Like if it's if it made the
book look better, then I guess that's all you can
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