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It's Nightside with Dan Ray. I'mdeell you Easy Boston Radio. All right,
we'll go to the phones. Theonly line open right now with six
one, seven, nine thirty.My name is Dan Ray. This is
Nightside. There was a big courtverdict, critical criminal court verdict that came
down in New York City today.If you missed it, I suspect very
few of you did. Donald Trumpwas convicted on thirty four counts in New
York Supreme Court. Eleven counts relatedto invoices from his attorney Michael Cohen,
eleven counts related to checks written byDonald Trump or using his funds to reimburse
Michael Cohen in twelve counts related toLedger entries accounting records made for the reimbursement
in mister Trump's book. So itsounds like thirty four counts. It really
was really one, really one countBut that's okay, thirty four counts.
Now. I'm giving people a lotof latitude tonight and to say what they
want to say. I would.I'm hoping in this final hour we can
focus and hear from people who whoeither have been influenced by this case,
this prosecution, this verdict. Eitheryou were with Donald Trump and now you've
decided to abandon his cause. Orpeople who were with Donald Trump or weren't
with Donald Trump and now are moreempathetic, more supportive of Donald Trump.
We've heard from both, but I'dlike to hear from a greater percentage.
I know how most of you think, and if your thoughts have only been
reinforced, that's fine. You're morethan welcome. But I'm going to just
try to limit these speeches, eitherpro or con, and I really want
to focus on how this verdict,this thirty four count verdict verdict will impact
your feelings towards the presidential a life. I think all of you get in
my drift. We're going to goto Ramone in Gardner, Massachusetts. Ramone,
Welcome to Nightside. How are youhey? Now? By yourself,
I'm doing great. I'm doing great. Yeah. Yeah, the lines are
hot. I thought I've been tryingto get in for days. You know.
Fine, Well, I'm sorry,I'm sorry about that, but I
gotta I like it when there's alot of people. My view of a
talk show is it's not necessarily thehost who does the talking. It's the
listeners and the callers who get todo the talking. So you're on,
my friend, you go right ahead? Oh yes, yes, I mean
guiltiest charge. I I think Ithink this is going to go down in
history, you know, in allthe colleges campus uh and and that political
scene, the political classes of whatnot to do, you know, when
you're running for office. I thinkthis would have had been just solved if
he would have own it from thegig go and just say, hey,
okay, we had our field whatever. I mean, we all know about
made Limbo road hanging out the WhiteHouse way back in the day, you
know, and none of this wouldhave happened if it would have said,
yeah, I had an affair,so what and keep from going like he's
still gonna run for president. Heprobably is gonna win. I mean,
you you can eat Donald Trump toget caught with that, with his hand
in the cookie jar in today's anewspaper with today's date on it, and
he supported he still would not believeit was him. They will come up
with some story that I it wasn'thim, that is rigged that you know,
the usual story. But so letme ask you this, Let me
ask you this, Ramon, didyou vote for Donald Trump? Either in
sixteen or twenty. I did not, okay, because that's okay, Well
you don't have to have justified that. That's that's Let me ask you.
Did you vote for him Clinton andor Joe Biden? Joe Biden? What
about Hillary? Uh? Yes?I did? Uh that that that thing
was he tried to submit, youknow, pushy into people into voted for
him. I mean, you knowwhen he came out with that speech about
all this being all this Mexican beingrapist and all this put in fear into
people. I think he didn't.He didn't have to say that. He
could have well have won back then. But that was my turn off right
there. Okay, so let meask you this, Ramon, Ramon,
let me ask you this your firsttime calling, right, I don't think
you ever spoken to you before?You have? Okay, well then welcome
back, welcome back. So haveyou ever voted for a Republican for president?
No? I would have votiful DonaldTrump. I would have votiful Donald
Trump back way back then. Butyou didn't. But you didn't. So
not my fri. Is this right? This is my question? Is this
so you're gonna vote for Joe Biden? That is correct. Okay, give
me a grade. How good ajob has Joe Biden done in your opinion
as president? How are you doing? In other words, how's how are
things going for Ramon and Garden?Pretty good? Uh? Yeah, I
mean I am. I am working. I'm staying. Uh I mean,
I'm hustling, but I am working. I think the economy is great.
I mean a lot of people don'tseem to. Unemployment is down. I
mean, but how's the inflation workingfor? How how's your grocery store bill
going? It is, It's uphigh, just like everybody else's. But
that wasn't gonna be no different.That wasn't gonna be no different if Donald
Trump was there. I mean,you got all these people. They go
out and party and spend millions ofdollars and they come back, you know,
they lose millions of dollars, andthey come back and bring two cents
on the on the stuff that they'reselling like they have always done. You
people, So you're so Ramone,you're a happy camper. Basically, it
sounds to me like you're you're prettyhappy with the world as it's going.
No, but I'm saying, ifyou want it, if you want it.
You just have to go get it. No, no, I get
that. Look, everybody's gotta gottawork. I mean I work, your
work. That's fine. Yeah.But my question to you, Ramone,
what I'm trying to get at isyou're a Democrat. You were never going
to vote for Donald Trump anyway?Right, Yes, I was, because
why why whoa whoa whoa whoa?What? You were going to vote for
Trump in this election? No?No, no, no, I said,
back back in twenty sixteen. Oh, back in twenty sixteen, but
when he talked about the illegal immigrantsthat was a turnoff. Yeh whoa?
And then everything that has strengthspired.Yeah. Right, So therefore, name
me a Republican. You could youcould support for for president? You could
support for president I I I wouldhave just voted for the for for wherever.
Well would have had the best planout there? Well it was you
know, they always keep going withall this sentinel, all of this they
empty, and all this mental hospitalthey meant are empty, and all this
year old Well let me ask younow, I'm just trying to get it.
I'm trying to go head yes,yes, please, there's about seventy
to seventy five thousand Americans, mostlykids, people in their twenties, who
die of fentanyl every year in thiscountry. Hopefully there's no one in your
family or your circle of friends whohave lost a young person to fentanyl.
We lose more people to fentanyl inthis country every year than we lost during
the ten years of the Vietnam War. We lost fifty eight thousand young Americans
in Vietnam and the country was inturmoil back then. We lose seventy to
seventy five thousand inventanyl. I thinkfentanyl is a huge problem because we have
open borders. Am I right orwrong on that in your opinion? No,
you're right about the people dying aboutfentana, But where's it coming in
from? It's these people got theygot millions of dollars of resources. So
for for somebody to think that thiscartels are using these people that are walking
through the boorders, that is thatis that is that is not correct.
The house the house of are wemanufacturing fentanyl here? No, it's it's
coming. But they they got theirown way of bringing this stuff in.
How did they bring it? Howdid they bring it in? Ramon,
the highly sophisticated, Well, well, we never heard about us. Was
the JP Morgan uh boat that gotcaught with tons of coke and fentanyl.
Okay, fair enough, so it'sit's they're not it's not coming across the
border. JP Morgan's bringing fentanyl in. I did not realize that. I
stand. Well, hold on,I'm not saying that now. This was
the story that was was way backthen. They got tons of resources to
bring this stuff in there. Theyare just gonna give it to these people.
These are people that are you know, running away from Okay, well,
I feel better tonight knowing that thatthe people who are coming across the
border illegally are not bringing fentanyl intothe country. Let me ask you this
real quickly. There's been about notthere are some, there are, I'm
not but not a whole lot.I get it, not a whole lot.
So now we got about thirty thousandyoung military age Chinese males coming in
from China. What do you thinkthey're coming in here for to You got
any ideas on that one? Orthey just happened to get out of China
and took a flight to Mexico Cityand rolled up to the border. Any
any concerns about that or no no, of course there is concertedin about that.
I I and I understand. Isee. I see your point of
view as well. Everybody's trying todo that. But they didn't. They
didn't. Biden didn't. They didn't. They have didn't they have a legislation
to try to control the border.By Donald Trump, uh put his foot
down and made everybody because he livesat a chaos. They could have passed
the bill. Would If that billhad passed, it would have solved everything.
There's no doubt. I think yougot to send, if necessary,
the military down to the border tosecure the border. That's what I think
you gotta do. Ramone. Yougot to say, hey, you want
to come in this country. Youcame in the right way. Ramone,
right, Yes, yes, Idid, yes, right, and my
grandparents came in the right way,and people need to give in the right
way. Ramone. I've gone eightminutes with you, buddy. I enjoyed
the conversation. I hope I appreciateit. I really appreciate it. Then
you're welcome. I'm offit of yourshow. You This is how I stated,
updated and felt how people felt whenthey call your show. Because before
Donald Trump, people didn't say thethings that they are saying. Now.
Now they really call your show andtell you how they feel. Oh,
people have always called my show andtold me how they feel different, I
think most Yeah, trust me,haveless. I've done this show for seventeen
years, and one of the thingsI try to do, Ramone, is
all points of view are welcome.Yeah, and I invite you to call
more off. Yes, got arun, Thank you, good, thank
you, Ramon Ramone. I don'tmean to cut you off. And we've
gone nine minutes and fifteen seconds.You are the longest caller of the night.
So I hope you'll just be kindand say good night, and I'll
say good night to you. Okay, good night, good night. I
have a great night. We're comingback on that side. Now, back
to Dan Ray live from the WindowWorld night Side Studios on WBZ News Radio.
All right, let's get back tothe calls. Who are going to
go next to Karen and Lemonster.Karen, we were in Gardner now we're
in Lemonster. Go ahead, Karen. Yes, I'm going to say.
Joe called men tonight about the verdict. I said, well, they want
they're not going to run it tillmaybe next week or something. But I
was shocked when they said that theyfound him guilty. I was hoping for
a hung jewelry or something. Yeah. I couldn't see anything that he'd done
that wrong, like the thing aboutthe hush money trial and all that happened
before he became president. From whatI understand. That's correct. Well,
well, I'm happy, And Isaid, let me just correct you.
The the tryst or the affair happenedin two thousand and six with Stormy,
yes, way before it came president. But that was just why try him
on that? I mean, thepayoffs took place in twenty seventeen. Oh,
okay, you're right, you're right. I guess you know that happened.
And Cohen, I guess he.I heard he committed perjury and stuff.
And I said, this trial,what is Donald Trump really guilty is?
But if some errors, you know, financial errors and things. And
I said shortly, they're not goingto find him guilty. And I was
shocked when I found out that theydid. I said, what's going on
with this country? And I wondered, if you know, if we'd have
him as an next president in November, you know, well he could he
will be able to run in November. Uh, he doesn't. He can
run as a as a felon Anduh does does that change your your your?
Well, the one thing that happenedto me, there's one other candidate
I've been thinking about, and JohnF. Kennedy Junior seems to have a
lot of good idea. It's actuallyI was on TV Robert F. Kennedy
Jr. I'm in Robert IF KennyJr. That's what I mean. So
so you might switch from being aTrump volder to a Robert F. Kennedy
voter. That's the possibility that it'snot a great possibility, but you know
it is there. Would you votefor that? Really? No? No,
He's done such a devastating job inthe economy. We enlimit to many
of us. I know a strugglingwith going to you know that the price
of the groceres I know somebody withand even on myself, I get EBT
cards and instead of getting thirty orforty dollars, many people across the country
just get twenty three dollars. Nowwow, interesting. Interesting. So that's
you know, the economy I thinkis going to influence the election anyways,
And I think Biden's health is alsogoing to influence the election. I don't
think if you got elected, Idon't think he'd be able to make it
through the next term. Yeah,well, that's a consideration that everybody needs
to, you know, at leastconsider think about. That's for sure.
Karen is always great to hear yourvoice, and you're in your point of
view, Always welcome to call myjah. Yeah, more than likely out
vote for Trump. But John F. Kennedy Junior is in my mind as
well. All right, you meanBob Robert F. Kennedy Junior. John
John F. Kennedy Junr. Diedin that horrible plane crash. Oh yes,
I know, I know. Yeah, Okay, thanks Kerrey, appreciate
you call. We'll talk. Thankyou very much, and you have a
good night you too, Thank you. Six one, seven, two,
five, four to ten thirty.I got a couple of lines open there.
Feel free to join the conversation.All points of view welcome here.
I'm particularly looking for people who havebeen influenced by the verdict today. Some
of you may be influenced now tomove away from Trump. Some of you
may be influenced now to move morestrongly in his favor. I don't know.
I know that probably pollsters are outtonight talking to people, and we'll
see those polls two or three daysfrom now, but this is kind of
just an informal poll. If you'dlike to join the conversation, you have
our phone numbers six one, seven, two, five, four, ten
thirty. That's one line that isavailable. Matter of fact, it's the
only lines available. Six one,seven thirty. Down. Now we'll get
you in. Here's Wayne and Brockdon. Hey, Wayne, welcome back.
How are you? Hey? Dan? Uh? You know when I heard
just now on the news break prisontime? Are you kidding me? I
don't think so, although, tobe really honest with you, this judge,
I guess potentially could I know?I mean, here's the guy that,
in his seventies decided to give upa billion dollar lifestyle. I always
use this argument with liberals online.Again in full disclosure of being pretty far
right myself, but though Trump isalways doing this for himself and America's rich
friends, Richard, really google howmuch money Trump lost during his presidents I
also said pregnancy presidency and just whathe gave up not for himself, I
mean for America. And he's gonethrough arguably the most attacked public figure,
if not politician and the country's history. I mean, they just haven't stopped,
you know, threatening to impeach himbefore it was even an inaugurate come
on, and now he wants todo it again, and then I hear
prison time for this, in myopinion, a true patriot. And like
he said, he's not doing thisfor him or all of this court is
because of us, because if theycan do this to a president, and
you look at all the things thatyou know, like Biden just being acquitted
for the documents and all that,and it's just and well he was he
wasn't. I mean, Biden wasn'tacquitted. Charges weren't weren't broad right,
right, right, right right.But I can tell by some of your
past callers, and sadly most Imean, the people that are going to
work to put food on the table, they've got a couple of minutes to
listen to the news. They're notas well as informed as you and I
are. Maybe a lot of otherlisteners are. They hear Trump bad,
Trump bad, Trump bad, threatsof democracy, jail time, jail time,
and that's what's going to you know, solidify their opinion versus anyone that's
following this to see how ridiculous itis. Real quick two points Number one,
Tomorrow my ten foot flag on mytwenty five foot flag pole goes to
half masts. I see this beingregardless of what the REGs are. That's
how I feel. And the anyDemocrat that's serving in Washington, DC right
now, and especially all of oursin this state, if they just sat
by they watched this. It's allabout party. It's not about country democracy.
See principal, They're all complicit andthis tall the country going right down
the toilet because no one stood upand said, you know what, this
is wrong, this is wrong.It's this is just dan It's just so
wrong. I mean, I thinkwhat first, this was considered to be
the weakest case by all observers,and the fact that this was able to
be brought, I think it wasa mistake to bring. And I think
it was a tortured case. AndI think that it's going to be flipped
on appeal. But the Democrats havewon the day. You got to give
Alvin Bragg and his team credit.They carried the day they convinced twelve New
Yorkers in the jury that Donald Trumpconducted felon. He's a conducted felon.
Yeah, so that's you know,but again, I think we've opened We've
let a genie out of the bottle, and I'm afraid, I'm really afraid
what the implication, the long termimplications are for the country. So we'll
say, I mean, I thinkthat that much more serious case is the
Maralogal case. And I think amore serious case, less serious but a
more serious case is the the Januarysixth case in Washington, d C.
I mean, we'll see. Hey, it's great for talk radio, though,
isn't it. Well, you knowthat's it's good in the sense that
it gives people an opportunity to kindof say what they want to say.
I just want people to focus onwhat the questions are my questions and hear
what others say. Take like acouple of your past callers. While on
hold, I'm just hearing opinions ofpeople from the heart, not reading a
script or a meme or something onthe internet, to just hear you know,
how passionate people are and there,you know, we are what we
eat, and their opinions are basedon what they're what they're you know,
being fed by the news. Butanyway, yeah, no, I I
just told them that there would bepeople who would call tonight and say to
me, hey, look, Iagree with the verdict. I never like
Donald Trump or I agree with theverdict. I was kind of on the
fence, and now I'm definitely goingto vote for Joe Biden. Or conversely,
people who like yourself might say,look, I disagree strongly with the
verdict. And it sounds to melike Wayne from Brockton is now going to
make a point to go vote inNovember. No matter what I think you
would, you would crawl across glassto go vote in November. And I
think a lot of people have expressedthat tonight without using that metaphor. So
Dan and twelve seconds. So usI was a troop bugler, uh fifty
three years ago when boy scouts,and I still have that bugle, and
every morning I'm gonna be out thereblowing taps at that flag flying at half
masted, and they're gonna hen mefrom the mountaintops. Okay, great,
Wayne, as always your voice.All right, thanks, you got touch,
have a good one. All right, we have a thirty minutes left.
I got a newscast coming up.And we also have a CBS special
report. We invite you to joinus. Uh six point seven, I
ain't three thirty. The only linesthat are open here comes the CBS Special
Report. Will be back wet afterthe news with more of Nightside. You're
on night Side with Dan Ray.I'm telling you Boston's news radio. We're
gonna pick the pace up a littlebit. Let me go to Ralph and
Newton. Ralph, you were nexton Nightside. Thanks for calling in,
Ralph, Dan doing good, sir. You get off that speakerphone. Now,
come on, I want to hearyou. Okay, where I'm at
now I even know how to doit. Yeah, well please, I
want to lose you, but I'mhere and I don't know how to get
off with if I pressing buttons,but just hear me a favorite hold on.
Rob will tell you how to doit. I want to be able
to hear you. Okay, Robtold you to stay off that speakerphone.
Let me go next to Jeff andBrock. To Jeff, you're next on
Nightsider. Run ahead. I'm doinggreat, Jeff. Welcome. So Donald
Trump personally, I think he's aperfoon, right, I mean that man,
says, I mean, he's abaffoon. We all know he lied.
I don't agree that he was broughtup in these stupid shogs that said
he is guilty. He did hedid all that stuff right now. You
know it might maybe right and maybewrong, and maybe have a political agenda,
but the fact is demand broke thelaw and he should be treated like
any other person that broke the law, whether or not they should have went
asked for him. I mean,look, when Biden gave up his documents,
right, it's it's a fact thathe was holding back, you know,
documents, trying not to give themback. So I mean he went
above and beyond just a president takingsome documents. I believe they all do
it. But the amount that hetook him and when he got caught,
you know, he makes me feellike he thinks I'm stupid, like the
American people is stupid. Like thethings that he says, the thing that
he does, it's like he's anidiot. I don't know how he got
elected president. I don't know howhe will get elected again. I didn't
think a fellow could run the president. But I don't think it's going to
change anybody's minds. Okay, soso you're you're saying that when the polls
are done, uh, in thenext couple of days, they're going to
look the same as they did aweek ago. Yeah. I don't think.
I don't think the fact that hewas convicted is going to change anybody's
mind. If you support Donald Trump, then you think that he shouldn't you
know, you think it was allfallacy, he shouldn't have been brought up
a charge and blah blah blah.I don't think anybody's on the on the
fence like, well, he gotconvicted, so now I'm not going to
love warm. Yeah. I've heardfew people I've heard. I've only had
a couple of people tonight who suggestedthat things had changed as a result of
uh, you know, their theirdecisions, the decision, the verdict that
came out today. But we'll see. I mean, the posters are out
tonight. I mean, he's goingto be the Republican nominee. He's going
to be running against uh Joe Biden. There's no question about that. Well,
I think I don't believe in theelectoral call. This person that said,
I mean, it's a two partysystem that's not a democracy. So
who are you gonna vote for?Are you gonna have stains from voting?
Are you gonna get some Ralph Natatype you know, Green Party? I
don't know. Oh, you couldvote for Robert F. Kennedy Junior.
There's a lot of people who aregonna vote. He's he's got some numbers.
He's got some poll numbers. Youcan laugh at it, but you
know, start a third party whatever. Jeff, always gonna hear your voice.
Thank you for calling. Appreciate it. Everything at the third party elected
president. Uh, not in recentrecent time, certainly not since some well
not since George Washington. Oh,good luck, Kennedy, Thank you,
Jan have a great night, havea great one, Jeff, thank you
very much. Ralph. We lostRalph there? What was the deal with
Ralph? Robert he couldn't he couldn'tget off Ralph try to call in again,
and just don't do it on theon the speakerphone. Let's let's keep
We got people dropping in, droppingoff and is in DrAk it and you're
next night side. Welcome, Hi, Dan, Thanks for giving me this
opportunity to get my opinion. Iwas never going to vote sort of Trump
from the beginning early on. Whatturned me off was his comments about all
the soldiers, why do they givetheir lives or did they get out of
it? Yep? Well what theygave their lives for was for him today.
Well for the weeks he's had atrial of his parents. And the
thing is, if the verdict hadgone another way, you'd think that they
were the greatest thing in the world. You'd say, oh, well,
you know, we knew all alongthat we were innocent. It depends on
winning or not winning. And thenI don't like the way he treated I
can't change my mind on some ofthese ideas of his the fact that he
was making fun of McCain on foryou know, for staying behind with his
with the sailors until when he wasin Vietnam. So so today's decision only
reinforces in your mind that you neveryou would never vote for him. Well,
it was just I can't get awayfrom the things that he said.
And then about about how about women? He puts women down as if you
know, and that's not the wayto go anymore. People are trying to
get more more. Is there anythinglet me ask you this question this way,
Is there anything about Donald Trump?That you see as a positive and
because it doesn't sound to me likethere's any aspect of him that you would
look at and say, well hewas okay with that or whatever. No,
you know what people talk about thewell we talk about the sentinel.
It's not all poor Ramon didn't havea chance. He had a chance to
talk, but he just wasn't whathe meant was. It's also coming in
by plain, by by boat.The coast guide is stopping. Uh,
you know, shipments all the time, and I know that you know some
of some of Let me let meask you this, okay if I can,
since you brought up fentol. Okay, our our borders, is our
southern border in your opinion open oris it open or closed? What is
what your opinion? Well, thereare so many there are so many uh
you know, immigrants coming in tryingto comment they're coming in that they can't
keep up with it. There hasto be more. How many more border
gods are going to be put howmany more wide barbed wide sensors? How
many more? You know, well, you put up whatever you need.
But again my question is pretty simpleand border in your opinion is it open
or closed? Let me ask abetter question. Here's a better question.
Should the United States of America havea border? Of course? Oh okay,
so we mean we should and discouragepeople from coming in other than going
coming in the right way. Soyou're with that, right. Have you
seen some of those families that areyou know, they're losing their lives,
they're doing anything they can to getaway from dictators, have to get away
from how they were living, howdangerous it was. Yeah. So therefore,
so therefore, just so I understandyou, don't you you actually kind
of like the idea of the openborder because that allows people to get in
who are getting away from dictators.No, No, by open border,
I don't mean nobody's there. Youknow, at the border, they can
just come in. They're trying totrying to control of the twin to that
so many in a day. Butwhen they when the country is these con
immigrants are leaving from when when theirown you know, their own government doesn't
want them anymore and they can't staythere because it's getting to be very you
know, dangerous. Another thing aboutthe borders, and you know what I'm
trying to say is, here's thequestion for you. Okay, there's a
lot of countries around the world thatare horrific countries. I mean, we
have some like Cuba and Haiti andall these horrible countries. Never mind mentioned
Iran or whatever like that. Shouldthe United States ever be able to say
you could only come in through aproper channel or is there's so many people
in your mind that have to gethere that we need to we really need
need to just let anybody in whowants to commit. Well, there's searching
for a bitter life. Is anappault that thousands of them are leaving,
leaving the countries that it is verydangerous. They want to save a new
like they want to come come toAmerica. Oh, there's about forty thousand
young Chinese men who have come acrossthe border wearing suits, with rolling suitcases,
without without women and kids. Thatdoesn't bother me, Does it bother
you? It does? Have theyactually come into the United States or have
they been through San Diego? Yep, through through San Diego. There's a
there was a sixty minutes piece.I'm not worried about Chinese males coming in
from communist China at all. Ithink they're probably coming here because they heard
we got good restaurants. Oh,don't say that's a bad thing to say.
Oh, I do think so.I think that they they probably have
come here. They've come here becausethey want to watch Red Sox game.
So whatever, let them all in, Let them all in getting No,
you're getting really not really silly,That is silly. And how about did
Trump put the children babies away fromtheir parents? Yeah, he gripped the
babies away from their parents. Heput them in cages. He put them
in cages because the pictures they showedus were pictures of babies in cages which
were taken while Obama was president.But that's okay, people, you know,
if they want to think that,you know, again, Ian,
no problem. Look, I appreciateyou call, call anytime I wish,
trying to figure if you believed inborders, and no problem. We all
have a you're going to ask yourcalls about is there anything else that Trump
has done? Are there any otherof his ideas that would be you know,
well, what was inflation when whenTrump left office in January of twenty
twenty one. Do you recall,Well, you know, inflation is up
and down. It could be,it could be Okay, it was one
point four percent the day that Trumpleft office. It's now it's been nine
percent for about a year and it'sstopped down about five percent. So that's
no problem. And I got torun. I appreciate your call. Please
call more often. We can havea better conversation. Thank you much.
Yeah, but you know you don'tlisten to people. You're trying to just
push your agenda. And like Ramone, Ramon couldn't even get a word in
edgewise. I know he has adifficulty of language, but at nine minutes
the second most time, you youyou don't want to answer my questions,
no matter what question I ask you. It's frustrating, but that's okay,
answered every question ask me. Wetalked about I told you why I'm not
anymore for I'm not i'mless for Trumpthan ever before. And I told you
why from the very beginning I wasn'tgonna vote for him. I don't know.
Okay, gotta go again. I'mgonna I'm gonna break call again.
We'll have another conversation. Thank youvery much. We'll be right back.
We'll get everybody, and I nowback to Dan ray Mine from the Window
World Nice Side Studios on w bZ the news radio. We got Ralph
and Newton back. Ralph, welcomeback. How are you okay? Thank
you very much and I owe youa thank you. And you know why,
my opinion is reinforced today by theverdict. And I actually think I
am a Joe Biden voter because there'sjust I'm stuck. I think Joe Biden
is a guy that could have beenfrom South Boston or Chelsea where I grew
up. He'd be one of theguys. We'd be having a beer with
him. And I just don't he'sjust a regular good guy, I think
now though, I think he's he'she's you know, let's just say that
he's a little absent behind that losta little off the fastball. We can
make a sports metafol lost a littleafter he's not getting it up there at
ninety seven and ninety eight anymore.No, no, no, no,
no. He is not only offthe fastball. He'd be off with a
slow ball. But you know,just my opinion, if you think of
everything that goes on in Donald Trump'sworld, I mean, there's always chaos
around him. And I'm not sureabout the verdict today. If if it
really matters. I think. Ithink this country is you know, as
we know, is very split.And I think though that the it's very
close to what I read. Therewas a poll done this week that shows
that the independents are about fifty tofifty. But what I think will happen
is, if you're an independent votertoday, it means that you're a you
know, you're not a real Democrat, you're not a very Republican, and
you're on the fence. And Ithink those people will come off the fence
because as we know, there's asmall there's a large percentage of there's a
larger percentage of good people in thiscountry, and those people, now,
I think will determine that Trump isa felon. I want you to call
me back. We're going to dealwith Pole's early next week, and if
you're right in the money, Iwant you to call I want you to
call me back either way. Okay, Ralph, I got four other calls.
We want to get everybody out there, Please go ahead. I just
want to make those few points.Thank you much. All right, we're
going to get Scott and Boston.Scott, you got to be quick for
me, man. We're tight ontimes, Scott again, I'll be real
quick, greatol tonight. Thank youfor having me on with Trump. I'm
described to see that if he wasinnocent, you would have been found innocent.
Because guilty, he's found guilty.It's good to see our judicial system
so stands for something. I thinkit will get overturned because you only see
this Supreme Court. And that's anothersubject for another day. But one thing
I don't like about Trump, besidesthe time I think he's numbering in the
Vega Stones, is that the taxfait he gave to his buddies, you
know, the rich is one percentageneeded and he really heard our country doing
that. And the second thing isthe fact that when we had a speaking
about the border, a good proposal, Republican and Democrats sat down and finally
got an answer to the border,and Trump came, oh no, no,
no, I need to use thattomorrow and we can't and had him
not let him get through right thenI said, hopping, anyone vote for
this man, And that's all Ihad to say. All right, thanks
Scott, you said it well ina minute. Thank you have a great
night. Let me go next.Jim in New Hampshire. Jim you got
to be quick for me. We'regetting really tight here in time. Go
ahead, Jim. Well, likeI says, I listened to his speech
after the thing, and it's thefirst time I actually heard him speak nicely.
So I'm off the line. I'mgoing to vote for Trump, which
I was going to Wainny Ways interesting, Okay, it's the better of the
two choices, like when he wentagainst Hillary. What's the better of the
two choices. And unfortunately I feelhe is. Well. I want again,
I want you to continue to callthe show. As a matter of
fact, I think tomorrow and Iwe're going to do our final May Kennedy
Biden Trump. Uh, and we'llin the eleven o'clock in the twentyth hour
of the morrow night. Okay,so everybody can call back during that hour
if they want. We'll try totake a quick poll on that tomorrow night.
Fair enough, all right, fairenough, and thank you. I
got my T shirt. I'm yoursuper Bowl winner. Absolutely, I'm glad
for that. I hope you wereit proudly, Jim, thanks for calling
in. H Well, all right, have a good day. Good you
too, have a good one.Let's go to Tom and Dorchester. Tom
you gotta be quick for me.I got a couple behind you. Go
ahead, Tom, I'll try tobe quick, Dany I. I can't
believe some of these clothes. JoeBiden is obviously, no doubt about it.
He's a trader, he is ayou know, Tom, I just
think I just think you go offon me, and you know, I
yeah, that that's really hard.I mean, I just well, let
me explain why, Danny, explainwhy? Yeah, go ahead. He
took millions of dollars from China toundo all the sanctions top head on China.
We can instead have been proven,Tom, Tom, Tom, there's
allegations, but those allegations have neverbeen proven. All right, another one,
Dan, Dan, He's let unrettedmillions, millions of people unvetted into
this tucky and you know that,you know there's gonna be a lot of
trouble even the well, you're you'reon more solid ground there. When you
tell me that that he has runan administration with open borders, I'm with
you on that, but I justI don't think that makes him a traitor.
I think that his view of thatis different than maybe yours. Oh
damn, Dan, all these enemiesMester thirteen is in here, probably thousands
of them. Uh, he's destroyingthis country. Yeah, I don't know
that you convince people. But that'sokay. Again, next time you call,
if you call earlier, I'll giveyou more time and we'll have a
longer conversation. But oh, thanksDan, thank you much. Call,
Thank you very much. Peg isin Aviril. Peg. You're gonna wrap
the hour for me, go rightahead the end. Honestly, I was
stunned about the verdict that he wasfound guilty on thirty We talked the other
night. Thirty two thirty four counts, yeah, thirty every he hit one
thousand and thirty four out of thirtyfour. Honestly, I think that we
just stepped backwards and as Americans,and I think it's such a sham,
not because it's Donald Trump, becauseof what has been done to this man.
You know, I don't think he'sgreat or anything else. Let me
be perfectly honest about that. Hedid a lot of good as president.
I do think he did, butthe fact is is that so many people
don't like them, and they ranthem through the mud. You know,
I just I think it's awful,all right, Peggy at the final word
tonight. Thank you as always,I appreciate your time and thank you much,
and I appreciate you Lawyer doing thisshow. Thanks Peg. I have
a good night. All right.So a lot of different viewpoints tonight,
which is what Night Side's all about. We'll do it again tomorrow night.
I'm not exactly sure in what formor fashion, but we will keep at
it every night between now and certainlyNovember fifth. It's going to be an
interesting race. I will end asalways, all dogs, all cats,
all pets do go to heaven.That's my pal Charlie ray Is, who
passed fourteen years ago in February.That's where all your pets are who passed.
They loved you and you love them. I do believe you'll see them
again. Thank you Roth, thankyou Marita, thank all the callers and
all the listeners. Have a greatFriday. I'll be on Facebook in about
a minute and I'll see you guystomorrow night at eight o five. Thanks everybody.