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November 14, 2019 15 mins

We found out the 2nd worst driver on the show. Plus , we put a list together for Danielle of stuff she missed.

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Four. What would you talk about on your on your
podcast Firm Presents show Wherever you are right now, I
want you to pretend there's an imaginary steer steering wheel
in front of you and hold onto it as if
you're driving nine and two nine and one two and

no hands. Because I like to be dangerous, I just
have like write it about five o'clock, between five and four.
That's my one hand, that's right old the steering whel
I do nine o'clock with my my left hand elbow
on the armrest, and my hand goes up and reaches
the crossbar. That's it. Yeah, I do about when I'm

driving because I learned how to drive on a stick,
so I really only ever drove with one hand. So
it's at about nine o'clock and then the other one
sitting on the console. Yeah most of the time. Yeah,
that's for the radio. I started around two and then long.
The longer the drive, it slopes down, so you drive
right hand. Let me modify my answer. So when I'm
in bed weather or if you know, for whatever reason,
that's the tenant too. I have both hands on the

steering wheel, but it could be hurricaning out and I
still only have one two fingers at best, I will say, though,
and when I'm relaxed and I'm on the highway, it's
left hand on the arm rest and right hand with
the wrist over twelve o'clock like that. I don't care that.
Then how do you change the radio station? And how
do you like to play with the Oh this is awesome. No,

you drive left handed by Paul. Okay. So we drove
up to the funeral the other day, scary and eye
car pulled and it was a slight drizzle, maybe a
missed maybe he was tenant tooing, but squeezing the steering
wheel where his hand imprints were permanently into the rubber
or leather steer wheel whatever. His elbows never bent. It
was like he was in It was like he was
in an indiecar. Have you ever driven on the Ticonic?

I did myself and I had one hand on the wheel.
Choo lane windy parkway for cars, and it's windy and
twist so you don't have power steering. You need both
full strength arms to turn the wheel. It's very They're
narrow lanes, there's only two of them, and cars are
going really fast on that damn thing. Am I the
only person where If I'm in a car as a
passenger and I see the driver with two hands on
the wheel, I assume they don't know how to drive it.

That's what I did. That's why I assumed he can't
control his new car. It's a relatively new car. He's
right and not doesn't have the Lectus, doesn't have the
same feel as the BMW. Okay, it's a different ride.
But drop by the way, my one expensive car is
not the same ride as the other expensive car. It's
a to prove that it's a new car. Made me

feel less safe? Why everything I said to Oh, what
does that do? What is that knob for? He was
I don't know. He didn't know how to pull up
the radio he had, he had the ways on the
navigation He pulled up his app on the navigation screen.
Because I wonder who sings this song? We should just
sam it? Is it? Want? You just hit the radio button?
I don't know what that is? How to get back
to the video? Really, I mean, you fair your commutes

about four minutes, but the radio button. He works in radio.
You gotta know where it was. There's a lot going on.
I appreciate it. You give me a ride the other day, scary,
thank you, Gondhi. Whilst we were in the car, though,
on multiple occasions, he was like sorry, sorry, and being
a douce. That was a douce move. And he crosses
over like four lanes of traffic and two wheels it
onto an exit. I'm like, damn it, scary. So I

appreciate that you were holding on to the ten and
the two. You needed both hands he got. He got
the brights a few times because we were in the
left lane and this one guy in an out suv
gave him the brights. He's like, oh, fun, this guy.
I'm not streating up, I'm not pulling over him. Fun
this guy somewhere he was in my way. The ultimate
asshole move was Greg t. We were riding up together.

He was on the phone with us, and he was
near us. He was kind of like behind us, right.
He was scary. He was you got a cop on
your ass, you got a cop on your rest. I'm like,
oh my god. And then scary scary says I see him.
Crap move over and it was a great team behind
me and he pulled ahead of me. Goes, sucker, do
you kind of respect that move. But here's the thing.

If you're gonna be a douche when you drive, you
have to be a douche. Right. Scary is a douche
to this guy in the autie. Right. Finally, after like
five or ten minutes, decides he's gonna let him go by.
So as the guy goes by, I give him a
dirty look. Don't do that. Don't no, no, you'll make
a mad don't him. It's my car we're driving. I
don't even throw fucking rocks at my hood because you

know I have a pail full of rocks when I
when I start a fight with another driver, my move
is to to be the last move before I get
off right. So yeah, I make the move of shooting
the finger knowing I'm getting off right there because there's
no way of him getting coming back unless he reversed
on on a major highlight. Probady does that in traffic.

So you see the person seven times? Okay. So so
the guy comes up like later on on the same road.
I see him coming up on the right my side
of the car. I go, scary, that assholes coming up
on the right time. Don't look at him, don't don't
don't look it up, don't embarrass me, don't you give
me crazy? So I turned my head. He doesn't see
my face. What are you doing? What are you doing?
Glock and heuing, we're not in Florida. It's okay. He was.

He was like a sixth year old, gray haired white
guy and he's like, the guy give me crazy. Should
have slammed on the brakes. I would. I think we
figured out the second wordst driver on the show. And
it's scary because Danielle is not here, so by default
go to the second words. You want to tell them
how you have a nav system, but you yell at

the nav and don't believe it. The navigation. Yeah, he's like,
he does the same thing. The uber drivers doesn't humans.
It's telling me. It's telling me to get off here.
I'm gonna get off. It's just to get off, Yeah,
get off. I can't they can't read it. When you're
navigating west Chester Rhads, it turns you around in ten
different directions because there's like fifty ways to get to
the same place, and my my ways was going crazy.

It was like go here, no, go here, Oh we
see if your time, go here, And I'm like it.
This is the physical possibility. Why does he want me
to go? We missed three exits. Listen, you were nice
enough to drive. I appreciate it. You got me there
in one piece when we came home. Cool. That's fine.
Whatever you want to do to verse my life is fine. Okay,
she said you risked her life. He did. No. I'm

just saying I always laugh at this when like someone
does something nice for somebody else. So you were nice.
You drove a bunch of people to Daniell's dad's funeral,
and you drove a bunch of people home. And instead
of us just being like, hey, thanks, that was great,
we're all like fuck you. When you're driving in each
direction two days and you did you wouldn't accept gas.
On tomorrow's podcast, we'll talk about all the good things

he does when he drives. That'll be entertaining speaking of
all the good things that have happened. I know Gandhi
wanted to do something else on the podcast today. Yeah,
I need your help with something, all of you. So
I'm trying to come up with a list of all
of the hilarious things that Danielle missed when she was out,
so that she has like things to laugh at when
she comes back he's driving, Scarry's driving. Definitely one of them. Um,

scary is actually on this list that I already have
a few times. But I wanted to know from you
guys within the last week or so, what the funniest
things to you were, Like things it doesn't even have
to be on the air, stuff like off the air,
stuff that made you laugh at. Daniel needs to know
when you go through the list you have and then
we can add on. Yes, so a lot of it,
well some of it is from our podcast yesterday. So
we have person X jerking off into coat sleeves. I

thought she'd really like that. Uh somebody, we didn't even
talk about this on the air, but somebody in our
little area found out that their boyfriend had a threesome.
Lost it. Yeah, and it's like, I feel like, forever
change the relationship. I feel that Daniel needs to know that.
On that note, yes, we'll call in person. Why her right?

Why should she be upset over finding that out? I
mean I think that it was one of those things
where she's like, how could I not know this? Number one?
And then number two? She has an aggressive curiosity. She
can't just ask a question. She has to like pepper
you with questions immediately all the things that were into
her head just come right out of her mouth, So
it was like he wasn't answering them the way she wanted.

I think it also makes you look at that person
differently if you've known them for a while, and they've
known each other for a while, So I think it's
weird that it's finally coming out now. She ever asks,
don't yeah, you say the past is the past. You're
very good about that. I'm very But if you found
out Robin was in a circle jerk, you'd be fine
with it. In the middle of the circle or right

in the middle, or she did like she did like
three guys is her business. I think I believe you, Gart.
I've never seen him hold of a grudge of something
from the past. What if it was a threesome with
Nate and Garrett? I mean this very little, okay, most days,

very little. So there is something we found the line.
We found the line. But we all know that girl
who had to change high school to something crazy happened
at the party. But what if that was Robin? What
if it was what if Robin says to you have
a dinner one night. She anniversary, You're gonna get like
ten years, She's gonna scar. I have to say, I'm
going a lot in my life. I'm not into BUCCACKI
anymore used to it. Who's your favorite? Who's your favorite?

Who's your favorite? Uh? Male singer? I mean well currently,
I mean I love that sheering these days hers Hers, Yeah,
I don't know what if she did the Beast like
all three of them. She likes Britney spears. The weekend, Okay,
the week I don't know. Yeah, fat Joe. Let's say

she's spent a weekend with fat problem with Maybe that's
a bad day. Guys, what happened to the Daniell? Okay? Okay, Well,
Robin's very lucky, You're very forgiving. But I just want
to know about this person? Why? Because I know who

the person is that we're talking about, and she I
don't understand why she has an issue with it. I
think she'll get over it. It was just like a
temporary you thought you knew someone and no, I guess
I didn't know this person. So that will make Danielle
laugh and laugh and laugh. I think it will make
her laugh a little bit. Also, she'll ask a bunch
of questions. Um, I'm not sure if she's seen all

the cake fart videos that we all enjoyed to. That's disgusting.
I do not condone the cake farts. So me Froggy
and Gandhi and Elvis were walking into the elevator on Tuesday,
we're leaving, so Froggy screams out, Hey, Elvis, did you
see the cake fart video? And the elevator doors open?

Two guys in suits just standing there going by the way,
those are the exact guys that pay for cake from
That's why to put herself through college? VI Yes, oh yeah,
and it's in the past, God, but still on the internet.
Would you eat the cakes? I love Robin, so let's

eat the cake all right. Back to yesterday's podcast, Scotti
be jerking off on a shag carpet of a coworker
and that what he jerked off too was motorcycle chicks
with dicks. Yeah, I think, yeah, Scary's uh whole. Now
I'm open for business conversation. That's hilarious. She'll love that.
Oh for business? Shall we talk about what we're talking about?

Open for business took the two day hiatus from a
posting sales things in clients. I mean, I was. We
were all together, we were at the Danielle's dad's wake,
we were at the funeral, we were all you know.
It was just a weird time, and I was respect
it was I was feeling some sort of way. But
then yesterday came along and we were back to work,
and I'm like, all right, Scary Jones for business. And

then he acted like he was opening his shop, opening
the front door, rolled down and turning the neon sign on.
Opening by the way, at one point during the week,
he leans over and says, what's the right filter for away?
Because puppy too much like he addressed himself in third person,
asking Scary Tones open for business. Business. Look at my Instagram.

The only thing that I posted in those forty hours
were four of us toasting with coffee cups in a boomer.
He's not a business man, he's a business man. These
last three things all have to do with you, So
Scary Jones open for business, because that's hilarious and she'll
laugh at that. The other one was how you were
talking about how funerals are a great place to pick

up chick. We did this on the air, I know,
but Daniel might not have heard it, so I'm just
trying to make sure she's up to I think that's
a good one. And we had that big conversation and
it was basically not just picking up women, when't pick
up men. Women picking up women, men picking up men.
You just got to be equal, you know, equal opportunity
for all. But your your your guard is down, You're vulnerable,
you're volatile. Anything could happen. It's like a stock. And

then the last thing that I have is I'm not
sure that all of you know about this. But Scary
pulled me to the side the other day to ask
me a question about Indian people in their anatomy because
he heard that Indian people have bad livers and we
can't digest alcohol the way other races can. When we
go places, because of our bad livers, we cause a
lot of trouble and when there are a lot of Indians,

there's extra security. You validated this by saying that Indians
are known for having smaller livers. No, I said, pancreas,
said where you have a propensity for diabetes because our pancreas.
And then he said, but I heard about the livers. Though.
This is what I heard. This could be wrong, Okay,
but I heard from party promoters and club owners and
bar guys. I said whenever there was a party with

with a big Indian population, with a lot of Indian
people there, they would hire extra bouncers because there was
a propensity for more fist fights. Because they said, again,
this is not me talking, I'm not giving a fact.
I'm saying this is what I've been told in the industry.
You had heard. What I had heard was they hired
more bouncers because, um, apparently when the liquor hits in

an Indian population, uh, in a big party like that,
they the guys especially have a tendency to fist fight,
and they say it gets nasty and extra ugly, so
they have to call in more security and hire more bouncers.
I don't know if this is true, but they don't
selling bombay gin. I'm not stating fact. I'm telling you

that quest. I'm telling you what club owners and bar
people have told me about why they have extra security
at those events. Okay, real quickly, everybody close your eyes.
Think of the last fight you saw, was it Indian people?
Minute more niggshell

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