Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Brooklyn Boys Podcast Slice Reactions.
Speaker 2 (00:14):
This podcast all depends on you, baby three.
Speaker 3 (00:29):
And it's Brooklyn Boys Slice time for our episode three twelve.
Speaker 1 (00:35):
I like three twelve. It's been a couple of minutes.
You know, well, you had about your first vacation in weeks.
I know you know. It's crazy. It's crazy. I don't
know how you do it.
Speaker 3 (00:46):
I don't know how you have enough strength to get
to the next vacation.
Speaker 4 (00:49):
Ah, it's wild. It's wild, I tell you. Yeah, I'm
back from Florida. We'll talk about that on the Big show,
Our big show, the real podcast.
Speaker 1 (01:01):
This is just the companion podcast.
Speaker 3 (01:03):
This is a companion. It's not not real. It's well,
it's the companion to the main main. It's the it's
the podcast where you about the podcast, the podcast about
the podcast.
Speaker 1 (01:12):
It's like Talking Dead was a show about the walking dead. Yeah,
and what is it? This was talking Brooklyn Boys. Really
what it is? We're talking Brooklyn Boys with brody and
scary talking book.
Speaker 3 (01:25):
Oh okay, I see how that works. Well, anyway, you
you write your own song and sing it. Okay that
I just may I just may Jacky like like Lion's Maine.
It just may so.
Speaker 4 (01:40):
So, yeah, if you if you've left to feedback, we
appreciate you. Thank you so much, thanks for participating. This
is your show, talk back, the slices show. This is
not ours, all right, So I'm happy. I'm happy that
that you're listening and you're responding to things, some of
the idiotic things that we say in this world.
Speaker 3 (01:59):
Hey, should we come up with a Slice Time shirt
like I left to talk back on Slice Time or
something like that. We couldn't have a Slice Time shirt.
It might not sell, but it'll sell to the people
who leave all the talkbacks.
Speaker 1 (02:11):
Wow, talk about a niche audience.
Speaker 3 (02:13):
Yeah, but what about what about people who call let's say,
if you do let's say different voices, should you have
to buy multiple shirts, one for each?
Speaker 1 (02:21):
Yeah? I think so if that's.
Speaker 3 (02:23):
If somebody that existed, somebody who called with different By
the way, we have not speaking of unrelated or completely unrelated.
Speaker 1 (02:30):
We have not heard from.
Speaker 3 (02:32):
Chad from Omaha in a while, or or that or
that guy from San Diego or the trucker.
Speaker 1 (02:38):
Hopefully some of those guys will call in all of them.
Speaker 4 (02:40):
Maybe you'll forgive Brody for you know, pissing you off,
and you'll you'll leave a talk.
Speaker 1 (02:44):
I didn't piss them off. I love them. The other
one who says any new people calling?
Speaker 3 (02:49):
Three eleven, episode three eleven. This one here is from
Let's See What They Got.
Speaker 5 (02:55):
A B boy specific when.
Speaker 6 (03:00):
Coming about crazy lady buying quarters on Amazon, I.
Speaker 5 (03:04):
Think it's pretty fucking true.
Speaker 6 (03:06):
That's the same lady who doesn't know how to write
a check, She doesn't know how to send mail, she
doesn't know how to return package because she doesn't.
Speaker 5 (03:16):
She had her whole fucking life bought on Amazon. So yeah,
I do believe it. I do believe it.
Speaker 3 (03:23):
It's true talking about the girl who tried to buy
quarters quarters.
Speaker 1 (03:28):
For her laundry machines. So she went on Amazon, right.
Speaker 3 (03:31):
And she bought them at a cheap price. But little
did you know, they were just sleeves that hold quarters.
There were quarter sleeves, right rolls, quarter rolls. It's crazy crazy.
How you think you're gonna pay less for money doesn't
make sense?
Speaker 6 (03:49):
Yeah, all right, Hey, the boys make from Pacific Northwest.
Speaker 5 (03:55):
I really hope you can.
Speaker 6 (03:56):
Hear this audio coming about Sabrina Carpenter David Brody.
Speaker 5 (04:01):
Please don't call SI being a carpenter. She's a good
kid exactly twenty five.
Speaker 6 (04:07):
Yep, she's hot, she's beautiful, she's talented. Uh and you know,
want to scare Jones's friends by bee, you know she
gridly have a desire to date her. Hold on part.
Speaker 1 (04:21):
Hold on for part two, heyby.
Speaker 5 (04:26):
Boys, Bring the Carpenter part two. So yeah, she's not
a please, it's just.
Speaker 6 (04:30):
It just sounds weird. You're like dating usel Daved Brody.
Don't call some Bring the Carpenter a good kid. Yeah,
she's a grown adult woman.
Speaker 5 (04:39):
She is twenty five yep. Gosh.
Speaker 6 (04:41):
Oh and also, uh, you cannot put her in the
same bracket with Taylor Swift.
Speaker 5 (04:46):
That you can't.
Speaker 6 (04:47):
Nah, she's not there yet and maybe she will never be,
but that's okay.
Speaker 5 (04:51):
She's still awesome, well.
Speaker 3 (04:53):
On her way, she's on the trajectory. And by the way,
Brody still calls Taylor Swift a kid, all right, yeah
he'll thirty. No, I do not, but listen, listen. We
know Sabrina Coppinger since she was like seventeen, right, and
I have not seen her in two years. And also
I have a daughter who's twenty four, so you know, like, ah,
he's a good kid. I don't mean like she's a kid, like, ah,
she's a good kid. I mean it like she's a
young woman. I'm gonna phrase, I'll say, fine, she's a
She's a good young woman who's very talented and has
found a way to turn the cutesy characters she used
to play into a sex pot exactly.
Speaker 1 (05:30):
And I have working for her, and I have no
problem with it. I'm here for that she is.
Speaker 3 (05:34):
She is not on her way to being Taylor Swift.
She's on her way to being a very big pop star.
Speaker 7 (05:38):
God bless her.
Speaker 6 (05:39):
Hey bee boys, I really hope you can hear this
audio from Pacific.
Speaker 8 (05:44):
You're turning into m fren this fucking pickleball Tracy.
Speaker 9 (05:49):
I fucking hate that lady, a fucking hate She's out
there aled to people, cammy people, this fucking game.
Speaker 5 (06:00):
She has nothing else to do in praise entire line. Correct,
David Brody put that bitch and line.
Speaker 1 (06:07):
Oh my good, yes, thank you. All these sent at
two thirty in the morning. By the way, well his
time Pacific Northwest. It's eleven. Okay, that makes sense, but
still it's late.
Speaker 10 (06:19):
He low skater Jones. This is your neighborhood. Ups driver Unfortunately,
your brand new iPhone sixteen is now in Romania, but
I can assume you you will get another new iPhone
sixteen from Texas.
Speaker 3 (06:42):
By the way, I just got the notification. That's very funny,
but I my iPhone after two attempts, you know, third
times a charm. I just got a notification. It is
ready to be picked up in my lobby. That is,
as soon as we shut the mics, I'm going downstairs
to pick up my fucking iPhone.
Speaker 1 (07:02):
This been, this has been.
Speaker 4 (07:03):
This journey started on September sixteenth.
Speaker 1 (07:05):
It's now October twenty second.
Speaker 3 (07:08):
Okay, I'm gonna play the role of the door person
who works in your building.
Speaker 1 (07:11):
Come up and ask me for the box.
Speaker 3 (07:14):
Hey, I noticed I got I know, I've got a
notification that I got a package. Yeah, well you must
have been really excited about it. I have says here
you picked it up this morning.
Speaker 1 (07:23):
No, I'll callt tram On friend. Is the first time
I'm coming to see you. Where's my package?
Speaker 9 (07:27):
Speaker 4 (07:28):
Picked up at ten oh five am. All right, I'd
like to see my signature. And you're supposed to take
a picture of the person. You know, you have photographic evidence.
Let's let's see that.
Speaker 1 (07:39):
Let's go back to the videotape. Let's see who it
was that picked it up. David Brodie.
Speaker 3 (07:43):
Yeah, and by the way, can't they use video from
like the last time you picked up a package?
Speaker 4 (07:48):
Now they want proof that you're picking it up in
the moment, so they have a screenshot of you with
your item and walking away with it, so you can't
tell them that they stole it.
Speaker 11 (07:57):
Oh yeah, hey, for good lace, this is Melissa calling
from New Jersey. That's where I live now. But I'm
from Long Island, Staten Island, so to say where I'm
from kind of gives me a bit of an existential crisis.
Speaker 1 (08:07):
So where do you think?
Speaker 11 (08:08):
I sound like I'm from? Kind of like all over
the place, I think. But anyway, my dumbest moment besides this,
I guess, is I thought nor walls were mythical creatures,
and then my husband was watching a nature show and
I saw that they're real and not the unicorns of
the sea. Anyway, thanks, bye, it's.
Speaker 1 (08:24):
Pretty high brow.
Speaker 12 (08:26):
Speaker 3 (08:26):
We asked people to call in and talk about when
they had that that quarter moment or the time they
had embraced a brain fart.
Speaker 1 (08:34):
Yeah, where the they I would I would say that
that's acceptable. I mean, that's that's okay.
Speaker 3 (08:42):
What she went on, I don't think that's it doesn't right.
It's not up there with the quarter girl, right. I
think we're looking for those tall girl, but she's the
girl with the quarters, not a quarter girl.
Speaker 1 (08:55):
What did she think was a what a nar wall?
A nar wall? I think you a free pass on
that one. I think you're okay, all right? Scary to
know what in our wall is either that's why he's
giving you and neither did most of the people listening
to this podcast. That's fine. I'm just saying why Scary's
giving you the free pass? Because Scary didn't know. He's
got that look on his face.
Speaker 7 (09:12):
What's all broken? Boys?
Speaker 13 (09:13):
This is Fern down in Atlanta.
Speaker 7 (09:15):
This is a shout out to Brody.
Speaker 14 (09:17):
Had a renewal notice come in for my satellite radio company.
It's going to be like three hundred and fifty seven dollars.
Had my wife call him tell him that if she
couldn't get it reduced, her husband was going to make
her shut it off. They dropped it down to one
hundred and thirty two dollars for the entire year. So
take Brodie's advice plics and save yourself a dollar or two.
Speaker 1 (09:38):
But Brodie, you'll think Tom Brody deserved more than that
you could have got. Yeah, you can.
Speaker 3 (09:42):
You can get the whole year for like sixty five seventy.
But it props to you and the wife. I love
how the wife got involved, blamed you. Please well, I
was going to cut off my series, exam. Please lower
the price.
Speaker 6 (09:53):
He's terrible.
Speaker 1 (09:54):
You don't get no problem like write, write a screenplay,
do a skit. Who cares?
Speaker 3 (09:59):
At the end of the day, get what you can,
get what you're very good.
Speaker 1 (10:03):
There you go.
Speaker 15 (10:03):
Reggie here, this is a message for Zanni from ct O. Sonny.
You said such nice things about MJ from NJ, about
how she is so angelic. Where is my compliment? Do
you have nothing nice to say about me?
Speaker 1 (10:25):
Speaker 15 (10:26):
Reggie here, just wanted to clarify so no one gets murdered.
Speaker 5 (10:31):
Speaker 15 (10:31):
Reggie from Richmond Black Reggie. His wife was also there
while we shared the tennis. Don't worry, it was mostly
her and I.
Speaker 16 (10:39):
He was a little bit.
Speaker 3 (10:39):
Him okay, and fishing for compliments. Okay, Reggie, very nice,
Reggie clear in the air. She's not Black Reggie.
Speaker 1 (10:46):
She's just hey, guys, I.
Speaker 17 (10:47):
Don't know if you're going to get this.
Speaker 12 (10:49):
It's MJ from NJ.
Speaker 18 (10:50):
Speaker 17 (10:51):
I had to go to wedding Long Island, so I
didn't get a chance to like really listen to you guys,
But hey, thanks for bringing that crazy audio. It was
kind of embarrassing because of my language. You're my accent
from Brooklyn. But thanks and thanks Slices for commenting. I'm
glad I made people laugh because, like I said, the
Big show is very scary when you're wrong because you
don't know it's there. I don't know that was embarrassing
with oh my gosh go part two. Yeah, I don't
know what was I saying. Anyway, Thanks everybody for commenting
on my craziness there with that situation that happened to
me last year. All right, and I think they you
should do the B Y.
Speaker 12 (11:31):
O B for Brody. Brody.
Speaker 17 (11:33):
You you know you shouldn't have to pay for liquor
that you're not drinking, So I definitely agree with you
and scary. I hope you eventually get the phone they
stole it. Well with me again, thank you for your
concern that I didn't leave a talk back. I do
miss the trucker guy, Juan Valdez.
Speaker 12 (11:51):
They cracked me up.
Speaker 17 (11:53):
And Donnie, thank you for reminding Nay to bring that
piece of audio that made people laugh. I'm really happy
that they did that. And I'll hope you get your
phone back. You should get some kind of reimbursement, some
kind of extra dessert or something or inconvenience, and you
with a new bougie phone. All right, I take that
back again. It's not a bluegie phone. It's just an
upgraded phone sixteen. But I hope you know, you get
some kind of you know, something for your troubles. And yeah,
if they stole, if they suck your ps, I like them.
But now if they're hearing what happened.
Speaker 1 (12:32):
I don't know.
Speaker 5 (12:34):
Speaker 17 (12:35):
And you still should go to dinner with scarying his friends,
you know, just pay for your stuffy.
Speaker 4 (12:43):
It's not gonna work like that if you come out
to dinner with me, my friends, my friends.
Speaker 3 (12:47):
And by the way, I got I got licker screwed.
I got liquor screwed. On Monday, I'll talk about the
Brooklyn boys, gotcha. I didn't realize I was getting liquor screwed.
I got licker screwed, and people, I'll tell you how
I how I unscrewed myself, Okay, and people telling me
that I should have taken you to my steak dinner
that I had last night.
Speaker 1 (13:04):
Yeah, or Florida want to know?
Speaker 19 (13:06):
All right, let's go Brooklyn boys always Burdiane, Scary, Jesse
em Virginia. Here in the case of the parents that
bailed on the dinner with Scary and Robin, that doesn't
always happen. But I'm going to agree with Scary here.
You have every right to be upset. The kid was
old enough he did not need his parents to come
home for the sniffles. It's not like the kid had
a broken arm. He didn't need to go to the hospital.
Those grandparents should have handled that situation.
Speaker 1 (13:30):
Speaker 19 (13:30):
The parents, or at least the wife just wanted to
bail and.
Speaker 1 (13:34):
It wasn't fair. Yeah, she was on it.
Speaker 19 (13:36):
By the way, I also think the husband should have
had the balls to stand up to his wife and say,
if you feel that you need to be home with the.
Speaker 13 (13:44):
Kid, you go home.
Speaker 19 (13:45):
I'm going to hang out with my friends who I
never get to see, especially since they made the track
to come out here to see us, whatever the distance was, because.
Speaker 13 (13:57):
That's only fair.
Speaker 19 (13:58):
Right really, and that's really that's just what should have happened.
Speaker 4 (14:03):
He's a bit of a simp anyway, so uh he'll
just yes, dear, yes, dear, yes, dear. I mean there's
there's yeah, there's no such thing as a give and
take or in that relationship.
Speaker 1 (14:15):
It's just he gives, gives, gives. Grandparents failed.
Speaker 20 (14:22):
Jamie Brody, you were talking about how Facebook AI.
Speaker 12 (14:26):
Flagged you over bullshit.
Speaker 20 (14:28):
Well I got banned from Facebook for a day. I
was in a group talking about how much I disliked
this one guy. Well, Facebook AI flagged it as bullying.
Speaker 12 (14:37):
And banned me.
Speaker 20 (14:38):
What Facebook AI didn't realize is that the person I
was talking about isn't real.
Speaker 12 (14:43):
They're from a TV show.
Speaker 20 (14:44):
So I got banned for disliking a fictional character.
Speaker 1 (14:49):
That's terrible.
Speaker 4 (14:51):
You're gonna see a lot more of that. There's going
to be a major screw up coming soon you. It
hasn't been hasn't happened yet, but there's got to be
something coming soon.
Speaker 1 (14:59):
We're where a I just really fox up.
Speaker 3 (15:03):
By the way, I also have an update on my
Facebook AI blocking a slice saw something that was proof
of what I had said on the podcast, So I'll
update you again more things for the podcast.
Speaker 12 (15:14):
Hey the Clem Boys Jamie from Queen's Again.
Speaker 20 (15:16):
That whole thing with Scary's friends leaving dinner to go
home and tend to their kid who couldn't sleep.
Speaker 12 (15:22):
I blame that on the grandparents.
Speaker 1 (15:25):
Yeah, either the grandparents.
Speaker 12 (15:26):
Didn't know how to deal with it, or the grandparents
didn't want to and were like, oh, yeah.
Speaker 20 (15:31):
Just call your mom, Let your mom deal with it,
so I don't have to deal with trying to get
a kid to sleep who doesn't want to.
Speaker 12 (15:39):
And that totally wouldn't have happened with me.
Speaker 20 (15:42):
My grandmother was an old school Eastern European Jew, and
I remember once I got super sick at camp.
Speaker 12 (15:50):
Well, I'm throwing up in everything. When I was about twelve.
Speaker 20 (15:54):
My dad couldn't get home from work. It would have
taken too long because the camp was in Long Island
and he worked in Manhattan.
Speaker 12 (16:00):
And my grandmother left her Canasta game to go kick
me up, bring me to her house, and spend the
whole day entertaining her friends and taking care of me
at the same time.
Speaker 3 (16:12):
Okay, Canastasa definitely one of the two old Jewish Lady games.
Speaker 1 (16:17):
The other one is which is not just for Jewish people,
but it's a big thing.
Speaker 21 (16:22):
Speaker 15 (16:23):
Skyler from New Jersey, Scary You giving out all the
spellings of all the Mandela effects. Sounds like it's stressing
out Brody, and that is stressing out me. I am
stressing out listening to Brodie's stressing out. You got it,
Reggie here, scary. We need Brody to be the confident
calming force on the podcast. Please stop asking him about
the names?
Speaker 3 (16:53):
Okay, what names was this? What remind this was the
Mandela effect? I was I was trying to give you
some trivia. Oh, like quiz you on fruit loops the
spelling of fruit loops because people remember it as f
r U I T, but it's.
Speaker 1 (17:05):
Fruit fro o o T. Right.
Speaker 4 (17:10):
That's the Mandela effect where you remember it's something one way,
but it's really.
Speaker 3 (17:13):
The cornucopia on the fruit of the loom. Right, there
is no cornucopia, that's correct.
Speaker 13 (17:20):
Speaker 8 (17:20):
I hope audio is decent on this talk back episode
three twelve.
Speaker 13 (17:24):
This is from Pacific Northwest. The couple who had to
leave early.
Speaker 17 (17:29):
Speaker 13 (17:29):
Sometimes it's true, sometimes it's not.
Speaker 8 (17:32):
When my kid was very little, we use this as
an excuse to get out of the dinner we didn't enjoy,
or we just didn't feel the vibe, or we didn't
want it to go to the next party or the
bar after the restaurant or whatever.
Speaker 13 (17:45):
Hold off part two.
Speaker 1 (17:47):
Oh there's a part two coming.
Speaker 13 (17:51):
Speaker 8 (17:52):
Now I do have to say, holy shit, exactly how
soft did we did we got?
Speaker 5 (17:58):
Speaker 13 (17:58):
Like really, the kid called on the cell phone.
Speaker 8 (18:02):
First of all, shot the fucking WiFi at the house.
Speaker 13 (18:06):
Ain't no one calling.
Speaker 8 (18:08):
The parents are out, Mommy and daddy having mommy and
daddy time.
Speaker 13 (18:12):
Grandparents can watch the damn kids.
Speaker 8 (18:14):
If nobody is bleeding or losing an eye, they're gonna
be just fine.
Speaker 13 (18:19):
So this is what I would do.
Speaker 5 (18:21):
This is what I would actually do.
Speaker 8 (18:23):
I do understand that, Okay, Scary invited and then it's
Scary's friend, so he.
Speaker 13 (18:28):
So the guy is a husband? Would I would be
diplomatic as fuck.
Speaker 8 (18:32):
I would say, listen, we didn't see you guys, and
god knows how long, and now your grandparents is in.
Speaker 5 (18:37):
Town, and YadA YadA, how about.
Speaker 8 (18:40):
One of us stays with us so we can at
least hang out and catch up. And I'm sure one
of them would say that, you know, like, come on.
Speaker 1 (18:47):
Great idea, man didn't go down that way.
Speaker 8 (18:50):
And not to throw shade towards Daniel Minero, but she
has like a giant Italian family. I'm sure who was
helping her with her kids when her kids were little
and now they both in college.
Speaker 13 (19:04):
And they're grown or whatever. But yeah, ships stuff sometimes
for those parents and.
Speaker 5 (19:10):
They should have appreciated better.
Speaker 6 (19:12):
And tell those grandparents listen, don't fucking call me unless
it's emergency.
Speaker 13 (19:16):
Don't look for me. That's it.
Speaker 1 (19:18):
Tell us how you really feel.
Speaker 13 (19:21):
This is Nick from Pacific Northwest, and I support Scary Jones.
Fuck soft parenting. I have a child in elementary school,
and if I'm out, I'm out.
Speaker 8 (19:32):
And she knows that, and my wife knows that, and
my daughter knows that.
Speaker 13 (19:36):
If we're out, we're out.
Speaker 8 (19:38):
We ain't coming back in one hour, We're not coming
back in two hours.
Speaker 13 (19:41):
We're out. We're doing parent stuff. I support Scary Jones.
Speaker 1 (19:46):
That very few words, but many talkbacks. Yeah, and I
like the way. Now where's he from? He says, Pacific Northwest.
Speaker 3 (19:56):
That's usually Oregon or Washington, I feel like if he's
from Washington, he would say like he was from Washington.
Speaker 1 (20:03):
I feel he's from Oregon. I think he's a shame
of being from Morgan.
Speaker 4 (20:05):
Yeah, all right, well but no, honestly, thank you, thank
you for Oh maybe he's from Vancouver.
Speaker 1 (20:13):
Singing not saying where he's what country's from doesn't sound.
Speaker 3 (20:17):
Can can you get us in Canada? I don't know
if I don't know if you can, I don't think
you can. I have the iHeart app works in Canada. Okay, dude,
we're number thirty four in Gambia.
Speaker 1 (20:28):
I just got the results back. Yeah, we're crushing it,
crushing it in Gambia.
Speaker 15 (20:33):
Just wondering. You can't sell medical equipment on Facebook marketplace,
but can you give it away? Are you allowed to
like just offer it for free? Because what if you
put like zero in the dollar for the Barbie's wheelchair
or whatever it is? And sorry, American American girld, I'm sorry, sorry,
I don't know why I found this so funny, So
put zero and then in the comments section like the
description rather, can you write like the see of what
it would be?
Speaker 6 (21:08):
Speaker 3 (21:08):
You, No, you can't even be listed for free because
otherwise you do like, oh, here's a free wheelchair and
five dollars piece of paper.
Speaker 1 (21:16):
Right, you can't do that. You can't. So what I'll again,
I'll update you on the Brooklyn Boys.
Speaker 3 (21:22):
But I called eBay and they told me how to
explain it and how to post it, and I did,
and then Slices called me out on it because they
saw it and saw what I had to do to
list it. So I will I will discuss that on
the Big in the Big podcast. But there is there's
there's a wheelchair update.
Speaker 1 (21:36):
Can't wait for the wheelchair update. It's the Boys podcast.
Did you say you give us a wheelchair update on
the brook.
Speaker 3 (21:47):
I love that you're the guy who pushes this commercial
button and you told the joke you hit the punchline
and then you you didn't realize that you also had
to push the button for the commercial.
Speaker 1 (21:55):
It was like three seconds of dead air.
Speaker 4 (21:57):
Well that that's the uh the computer being slow. I
was quick on the trigger there.
Speaker 3 (22:01):
Maybe she got a better system there. Yeah, well you
have four million to know.
Speaker 4 (22:05):
I'm running seven applications right now. I think my computer
is tired.
Speaker 3 (22:09):
Well, turn off the Jewel game and the candy Crush
games and the game where you have to decide if
you want to shoot the people or.
Speaker 1 (22:17):
The guns that's in everything.
Speaker 3 (22:20):
Yeah, all right, continue how you're going on. But again,
I think Pacific Northwest is a cop out. I think
it's like saying, oh, I'm from the northern Midwest, from
the Great Lakes region.
Speaker 1 (22:32):
I'd like to know what state you're from.
Speaker 3 (22:33):
All right, peace Pacific for David Brody, will you mmh.
Speaker 5 (22:40):
Hey, good evening, guys.
Speaker 22 (22:42):
I'm listening to you guys about ten thirty at night
on Monday night, and it's any from.
Speaker 1 (22:46):
Brooklyn, Brooklyn. Of course.
Speaker 22 (22:47):
I just found a really funny Brody and coincidental that
you're talking about losing weight and hitting the plateau and
I'm sitting at a white Castle drive through. I know
it's not really coincidental, but it was just funny to me.
Speaker 14 (23:04):
Have a good night.
Speaker 1 (23:05):
It's funny. It is coincidental. It's not ironic.
Speaker 3 (23:08):
You are correct, it's coincidence that you were sitting in
a white Castle parking lot.
Speaker 22 (23:13):
Hey, guys, Vinny from Brooklyn again, and I know you're
right about the Luke I Am your father thing, but
I think it was a Jim Carrey movie that the
reason why everybody thinks it was Luke I am your father,
because he's doing it into a big fan. I want
to say it was dumb and dumber, but I'm not
one hundred percent positive on that, but uh, it was
that and with the fan with the Luke kayam your
father though, but it might have been an earlier like
eighties and nineties comedian that did that.
Speaker 1 (23:38):
Anyhow, all right, thank you. And yes, a lot of people,
you know coh Will questioned me. They're like, are you
sure of it? That's scary.
Speaker 4 (23:47):
I'm like, uh, yeah, go watch the movie. He never
says it, but yeah, but maybe maybe Jim Carrey started
that problem.
Speaker 3 (23:54):
Yes, the thing is you can't search for it because
if you search for it, and says you are searching
for a misquote right from Empire strikes back. What he
actually said was, you know, search your soul, look inside yourself.
Speaker 1 (24:06):
You know that to be true. Right before that, he says, no,
I am your.
Speaker 18 (24:12):
Father, Brody, Scary, scary Brody, this is Alex Place from Philly.
I for once agree with Scary.
Speaker 1 (24:20):
I would have never went home if I was out
and my kids.
Speaker 7 (24:25):
Were with the grandparents.
Speaker 13 (24:26):
What the heck is wrong?
Speaker 20 (24:27):
With the grandparents that they let the kid call one
hundred times, but out handling that right, right, that's what
babysitters are for, places for life out.
Speaker 1 (24:36):
She's right, I'm directing all my anger toward the grandparents. Now,
terrible grant.
Speaker 3 (24:40):
Well again, unless unless the wife was in on the
scamboni to get out of dinner going out to the
bar with you guys.
Speaker 1 (24:46):
Once again, she was yawning, so maybe she was tired.
Maybe that was you.
Speaker 23 (24:53):
D you here farting in front of your partner.
Speaker 1 (24:57):
Yeah, I fucking do it, h uh.
Speaker 23 (25:00):
I mean we lived together, we've were married over five
years now, two kids, my kid do it. Not that
they do it because of us, but it's like, yeah,
I mean I'll do it in front of like my
other family members.
Speaker 1 (25:14):
But I'm like, you're in laws from.
Speaker 5 (25:16):
With my wife like all day.
Speaker 13 (25:18):
I can't just keep walking away for any of the.
Speaker 3 (25:20):
Part Okay, has a healthy relationship. I'll just reiterate. I
had asked, Scary if you farted during sex, and you
said no, I try and I try to hold it
all in.
Speaker 1 (25:32):
But then again, yard, have you have a yawn during sex? No,
that would be bad. Yeah, I did that.
Speaker 13 (25:39):
A broken boys, it's thrown down in Atlanta.
Speaker 1 (25:41):
You're back.
Speaker 14 (25:41):
Got a Mandela effect for you? Is it scary or
is it scary?
Speaker 10 (25:46):
Speaker 3 (25:49):
Not a Mandela effect and it's scared s k e
e r y skier.
Speaker 1 (25:55):
Well he's some people might think it was scary. That's
of mispronunciation more than a I.
Speaker 23 (26:02):
Mean, you know, hey, Brooklyn boys, it's me Vicky from Cleveland,
originally from New Jersey, and all I can say.
Speaker 13 (26:08):
Is, let's go. Mets right the most fun.
Speaker 12 (26:11):
I think I've ever had watched on them, even though.
Speaker 15 (26:13):
They give me a heart attack nearly every game. But
please feel free to delete this by the time I
say this, But if they do make it to the
World Series, I want more content from you too.
Speaker 13 (26:23):
Let's go.
Speaker 18 (26:24):
Let's enjoy the ride.
Speaker 15 (26:25):
Love these guys, love you guys.
Speaker 4 (26:27):
Let's enjoyed the ride lasted. Here we are on October
twenty second and the Mets are out of it.
Speaker 3 (26:32):
I hope you enjoyed my Mets song that I wrote
and posted with Lucas Prada that was.
Speaker 4 (26:37):
Also a flash in the pan. Just happened, he played
it came, it went so sa.
Speaker 3 (26:43):
Well that's because we could. We didn't get it done sooner.
We should have gotten done sooner, but we didn't. We
got it done in time for the end of the
Phillies series beginning of the Dodger series. By the way,
I was on Facebook in some group I don't know
what Cooper was whatever, and this guy saw that my
logo at the time on faceboo book was a Mets logo. Right,
My my avatar was a Mets logo. So he didn't
like my comment about pizza or something. So he puts
up a picture of Otani on the Dodgers, laughing like, ha,
your team lost to the Dodgers. So I looked at
his profile.
Speaker 1 (27:13):
He's a Phillies fan. Yeah, I wrote back.
Speaker 3 (27:16):
I said, listen, the Mets exceeded expectations. They weren't supposed
to make the playoffs. They beat the Braves, they beat
the Brewers, they beat the Phillies, and they haled.
Speaker 1 (27:26):
They held their own for six games with the Dodgers.
Speaker 16 (27:29):
The Phillies choked and lost to the Mets. They were expected,
they were expected to be there, favored to go to
the n CL this nc U, n.
Speaker 3 (27:39):
C LS, yepl and play the Dodgers and and probably
beat them.
Speaker 1 (27:48):
So don't talk ship to me. Your team choked.
Speaker 22 (27:53):
And I was listening to the part about Sky going
out with his friends and then you know, cutting out
earlier because of the kids. I got four kids on
my own between eight and fifteen. And uh, when me
and my wife playing a night out with friends, it's
a night out with friends. All yeah, I'm seriously wrong.
Like you said, like they got to go to the hospital.
Well one of them winds up like a stomach bug
or some shit like that.
Speaker 1 (28:16):
That's right. Other than that, fulcom I finished it. Hold
on is the next call from Vinnie? Go otherwise have
a comment, guys.
Speaker 22 (28:24):
One last one for this episode me from Brooklyn again.
Bobby Conavala is absolutely in a man. He's sad Man's
ex wife's husband Paxton.
Speaker 1 (28:34):
Bill Paxon shocked that you didn't know that.
Speaker 22 (28:36):
I know you're a huge EMCU fan.
Speaker 1 (28:38):
I am. I don't remember them.
Speaker 24 (28:39):
I remember Ella have a good one.
Speaker 1 (28:41):
Oh, I didn't know that.
Speaker 3 (28:43):
So Vinnie was kind enough to call and say that
he would not go home if the kids were had
a old tummy ache. I didn't need Vinnie to call
me and tell me that, right, Like, if you like
listening to Vinnie, I can't imagine any going You know, honey,
the kids probably needed like a snuggle or something.
Speaker 1 (28:58):
I'm gonna go them and snuggle.
Speaker 3 (28:59):
They sound like they could do was like some reinforcement
and some encouragement in life and.
Speaker 1 (29:02):
Let them know that they're a valuable personally.
Speaker 3 (29:04):
Like I know, Vinny's gonna go fucked that I'm out
my wife, Like you know, Vinny's from the hood, from
our hood. I knew already he wasn't going home and
he's one hundred percent right.
Speaker 25 (29:13):
Hey, Brooklyn Boys Trevor from Austin, Texas, scary.
Speaker 1 (29:16):
You're right.
Speaker 25 (29:17):
Your friends that bailed out, you bailed out on you
during your dinner, were totally in the wrong. I don't
I don't think that their child was dying or anything.
It sounded like the grandparents probably should have stepped in
and done a better job at calming them down and
getting them to bed. Also, I don't know about you know,
your friend's wife and how she is. My friend's wife
does this all the time where she uses the kids
as an out so she doesn't have an all right anyway,
you're right, man.
Speaker 1 (29:41):
More common than we know. Yeah, by the way, she
could have been up to no good.
Speaker 3 (29:46):
The phone quality in the from the two people I
call us from Texas is always superior.
Speaker 1 (29:51):
It's great, it's beautiful. Well, not us. He's using an
iPad or something. Maybe he's got a microphone.
Speaker 13 (29:58):
Or a canal so flowed you mm hmm.
Speaker 23 (30:01):
On the topic of scaring on to dinner with friends
and his friends think snowflakes.
Speaker 1 (30:04):
And leaving because our kids can't sleeve.
Speaker 13 (30:06):
Fuck that man.
Speaker 23 (30:07):
When I have two kids under two, when I go
out to dinner with friends and I'm paying a babysitter,
I'll answer the phone, but I tell her, I just
tell her what to do. I'm out with friends, I'm
paying her money.
Speaker 24 (30:16):
I'm trying to enjoy myself.
Speaker 1 (30:19):
You know, you don't get out much when you have kids.
Speaker 13 (30:21):
So when I'm out, I'm out.
Speaker 1 (30:24):
He says. I totally love.
Speaker 23 (30:27):
That, since that strategy when my kids get older, totally
using it.
Speaker 13 (30:31):
Just a lie to them when I'm out.
Speaker 18 (30:33):
Thank you for the tip.
Speaker 1 (30:35):
What was the tip?
Speaker 3 (30:37):
The tip we're coming home, that we're on the way
home and then we don't go home. Oh oh, we say,
you know what, We'll wake you up when we get home. Yeah, yeah,
that's always a good one. Oh no, we'll wake you
up in the mogogle give you a big hug when
we get home. Yeah, don't remember the morning. By the way,
I love orn Canal, soflow Jew. He gives his first name,
his last name, the area he lives, and his religion
to all, that's a lot of information.
Speaker 26 (31:02):
Hey, Brony is scary first of all to South Florida,
Jewe Brody, Shady, Drew Mobster and anyone else that I
left out. I know, I'm quite I'm a little behind
on the come of episode scary. You're right by checking
the numbers. I'm a little behind. But a lot of holidays,
especially this year where half of the holidays come out
on Thursday Friday and then Shabas. So it's Thursday, Friday
and Shabas. That's a lot of fun and a lot
of meals and a lot of food and a lot
of family time, which sometimes a good thing. Too much,
too much of a good thing isn't the best. So yeah,
happy holidays and tomorrow's sukers, So happy circus Brody, thank
you say so whatever you pronounce it. I and yeah,
Cooper is actually pretty good buffering between so much food,
which is actually a good thing that they fasting between
all of those meals.
Speaker 1 (32:10):
Enjoy, right did you fast on? Did I fast?
Speaker 7 (32:17):
Speaker 1 (32:17):
No, I might have eaten fast, but I might have
gone fast to the restaurant. Yeah yeah.
Speaker 24 (32:22):
Po Jude H. On the topic of scary taking pictures
of celebrities, I think it's totally fine depending on the setting.
Like they're out in about of shopping this and that,
and now like they're they're trying to have a relaxing
day whatever, don't bother them. But it's like a setting
like this, like a party or something like why not.
Speaker 5 (32:41):
I also like I met Robert Craft.
Speaker 24 (32:42):
He came to my synagogue and it was during the week,
and he had no problem taking pictures with everybody that
asked him, of course, So yeah, Robert cups a cool guy.
Speaker 7 (32:50):
Actually perfect.
Speaker 1 (32:53):
Speaker 4 (32:53):
I actually so that in person, it was like you
can just tell, you can just tell he was okay with
being approached.
Speaker 3 (32:59):
He's a billionaire. He's like, he's cheer He's like, I'm rich.
He's only famous because he owns the team.
Speaker 27 (33:06):
So hey, guys, this is Jenny from Ohio just calling
in because I have a five year old and a
seven year old and if you let your kid be there,
reason that you leave and go home once, they're just
going to keep doing it so they now know what
they can get away with. Either that or the parents
were really just looking for an excuse and didn't want
to be around you.
Speaker 7 (33:30):
Speaker 1 (33:31):
Sorry, Okay, she's right on both counts. She really is.
Speaker 13 (33:37):
Hey b boys.
Speaker 28 (33:37):
Christy from Saddlebrook, scary. You are so not selfish. I
am with you one hundred percent on this. The parents
should have said, listen, son will be home soon. Grandma
and Grandpa are there for you.
Speaker 18 (33:50):
Go sit with them, watch some TV.
Speaker 28 (33:53):
And then she could have called her mother and said, mom,
make sure he doesn't have a high fever, give him
a thank Joseph's ask for or something.
Speaker 18 (33:58):
I mean, the kid's not.
Speaker 28 (33:59):
A baby to eight or nine.
Speaker 5 (34:01):
Not cool.
Speaker 19 (34:02):
What they did.
Speaker 1 (34:04):
Not cool at all. Thank you. I appreciate all the support.
We get a lot of love this week. A lot
of love for.
Speaker 13 (34:09):
Scary baby boys.
Speaker 18 (34:10):
Christie from Saddlebrook.
Speaker 28 (34:11):
Again, on the other topic, my husband and I just
let them rip. And we have no kids.
Speaker 18 (34:19):
We have two cats and they let.
Speaker 5 (34:20):
It rip as well.
Speaker 28 (34:23):
But if there's somebody in the house we have company over,
of course I'm going in the bathroom or going outside
on the deck like spert.
Speaker 18 (34:31):
We're very polite that way.
Speaker 1 (34:34):
Okay, do you lift loved it? Do you think they
left their legs?
Speaker 15 (34:39):
Speaker 1 (34:39):
And they're like, hey, check this one out. They faulted, Terrence,
Terrence faulted?
Speaker 3 (34:48):
Was it?
Speaker 1 (34:49):
What was it from? Uh? That's from South Park?
Speaker 13 (34:51):
Speaker 1 (34:51):
Terrans and Philip Philip The Terrans and Phillip show.
Speaker 4 (34:53):
All they do is they farted in each other all day.
Speaker 1 (34:56):
It sounds like that this couple fault Boys podcast.
Speaker 13 (35:01):
Wait will be right.
Speaker 4 (35:02):
Back, all right, Wow, we got a lot of these.
We gotta we gotta keep going here. We're gonna roll
through it.
Speaker 18 (35:10):
Roll Tide episode three twelve.
Speaker 13 (35:12):
Speaker 5 (35:13):
Yeah, don't be calling this shit generational.
Speaker 18 (35:15):
With the parents, going back to the kids, I have
two kids. My fucking kids can't sleep when somebody's watching them.
Speaker 13 (35:23):
Hey, figure shit out, hang out, stay awake for all
I care.
Speaker 5 (35:27):
I'm gonna go and have a good time. Has nothing
to do with that, has to do with those parents.
Speaker 13 (35:31):
Stop doing the generalization. Captain General.
Speaker 18 (35:36):
By the way, this is Paul from Jersey.
Speaker 3 (35:38):
All right, general eyes reporting in general, it's general eyes,
generalize reporting for that's a Dave Brody original Kelly.
Speaker 21 (35:46):
From Missouri, and I was calling on episode three twelve
about the what you can and cannot put on Facebook.
I bought amiliarized wheelchair from Facebook and tried to sell
it on Facebook. They flagged me. I couldn't put it
on there, but I ended up putting it on my
husband's and it went through no problem.
Speaker 1 (36:09):
Mm hmm, that's weird.
Speaker 4 (36:11):
Yeah, all right, well she got one past the goalie.
Sometimes that halfs all right?
Speaker 29 (36:19):
Scary and Brody Brody and Scary never well.
Speaker 13 (36:23):
I say it that way.
Speaker 29 (36:25):
Steve from the Bronx was in episode three hundred and nine.
There's now all three zero nine, and I'm so sick
of you with the jingles, Brody, Oh boy, so sick
of the jingles.
Speaker 1 (36:37):
What jingles?
Speaker 29 (36:38):
I'm sick of it, fucking sick of it about while,
especially when you're talking about you brought up doctor fad
Loss or whatever the fuck.
Speaker 5 (36:46):
His name is.
Speaker 1 (36:51):
Rocket Steve big fan of David Brody, fan, a big
fan of the sponsors.
Speaker 30 (36:57):
Scary Brody, never Brody Skeary. Why Brody, you get shit?
He did it on his own. You get nothing at all.
Gotts and gool is what you get.
Speaker 29 (37:13):
Well, I can say Brody is forget about it. You
get nothing, scary. Good job on your end, But Brody
gets to gods and ghoul shots.
Speaker 5 (37:22):
Now Rock and Steve whatver their.
Speaker 3 (37:24):
For those who don't know what Cock and Steve is
talking about. Uh, scary got a money back from the
airline thanks to my encouragement, and I jokingly said he
should get me part of it, and uh schlock and
Steve says that I shouldn't get anything, right, would that
be accurate?
Speaker 17 (37:41):
Speaker 1 (37:42):
I would? Okay, you win, all.
Speaker 7 (37:44):
Right, boys.
Speaker 31 (37:45):
This is Peter from the three oh five just listening
to episode three twelve and this breathless pizza debacle.
Speaker 7 (37:52):
Brody, I think you should film a rebuttal.
Speaker 31 (37:55):
Video where you have a piece of chicken parm and
say here, look a piece of chicken parm. Then take
it and cut into triangles and say and look it
is now a piece of chicken parm cut into triangles.
Speaker 13 (38:05):
It is not a breadless pizza, you fucking sheep.
Speaker 32 (38:09):
As a rebubbler to the guy who posted the breadless pizza.
Speaker 1 (38:13):
I love that.
Speaker 3 (38:14):
Yeah, that's basically what he did. He took a piece
of veal, cut it into triangles.
Speaker 1 (38:18):
Fucking idiot. Look breadless pizza guys.
Speaker 11 (38:21):
More, Hey, guys, going anonymous because of content. I can't
believe I'm about to admit this, but regarding fart spaces,
I was at a friend's house, a teenager new friend.
Want to make a good impression. She had to go
to the bathroom. I had farts.
Speaker 1 (38:32):
So I'm like, what am I going to do?
Speaker 11 (38:34):
So I opened her closet door, David, I had to
do close the door. She comes back and she's like,
I want to show you something and she goes to
own her closet door and I'm like, please, no, you
can't go in there. Had to admit what I did.
We had a laugh. Thankfully she didn't judge me, and
we're still friends twenty year later. Twenty years later, So
there you go.
Speaker 1 (38:48):
That's hysterical.
Speaker 3 (38:50):
If you were you're the only person in the house,
you had to admit it. Let let us singer, closet smells.
I would never admit that.
Speaker 4 (38:56):
Yeah, yeah, I think you could have gotten away with it.
Speaker 13 (39:00):
Yeah, good looking boys.
Speaker 31 (39:04):
This is Peter from the three ZHO five still listening
to episode three twelve. Just wanted to point out that
Bobby Kannavally was in ant Man.
Speaker 5 (39:12):
Yeah, he played Cassie's stepfather.
Speaker 7 (39:15):
Uh he was an ant Man one, and I.
Speaker 5 (39:17):
Believe he wasn't two as well. But yes, Bobby Kanabally
was in ant Man.
Speaker 1 (39:22):
Well that makes that picture I took worth even more money.
There you go. By the way, there's no such movies
as ant Man one. I'm just busting. It's just that man,
just that man.
Speaker 3 (39:29):
But anyway, I I vaguely remember now, but listen this
twenty four twenty five Marvel movies.
Speaker 1 (39:37):
Uh, Cassie's stepfather. I did not remember that. You know
how many Marvel movies? Of those I saw zero? Correct loser,
he only scary, So.
Speaker 17 (39:49):
I don't remember what one.
Speaker 1 (39:51):
I of course you don't, we love you anyway.
Speaker 17 (39:53):
I'm a little behind behind speaking that you got to
call and ask, Well, you don't on vacation scared? So
I just wondered how that turned out.
Speaker 15 (40:03):
Speaker 17 (40:03):
You're married to the toilet, like I don't know about
like eight hours not a good thing. But it's better
to be checked. You want to, you know, make sure
everything is good down.
Speaker 13 (40:15):
Uh there it's me again.
Speaker 17 (40:17):
I'm jcob NJ. Hopefully the colon as to be turned
out okay, but I still don't know if he went already.
And also the Verizon thing with ups, maybe they have
the address somehow different. It's your address, but the E
nine one won. Like with the post office, it's a
long story about how addresses don't match up like GPS
to the actual physical address. That could have happened or
they stole it.
Speaker 10 (40:49):
Speaker 17 (40:49):
Again, what's happened with the jury duty? Did you probably
it's in the next episode. Again, you were on vacation.
Speaker 18 (40:57):
I'm excused all.
Speaker 17 (41:01):
That you are the jury judy. I'm making myself crack up.
Speaker 1 (41:09):
All right, guys, there's a joke.
Speaker 13 (41:11):
Joking it up and.
Speaker 17 (41:13):
Have a very good week.
Speaker 1 (41:15):
Joke patre prepping for your colonoscopy.
Speaker 3 (41:17):
Can you imagine going on from NJ trying to say
goodbye leaving a party early? No, I think that she's
the last one there. I think that they all say goodbye.
Speaker 1 (41:27):
I've got to leave. I have to go. I have
a thing in the morning. I gotta go three hours later.
Speaker 3 (41:34):
Did you notice I was here? Did you see the
food that I brought? Did anyone touch the food.
Speaker 1 (41:37):
That I brought? Anyway? Oh, there's Mike. Mike. Let me
tell you.
Speaker 3 (41:40):
I need to tell everybody individually, and.
Speaker 18 (41:46):
Luke from being sure you're listening, I'll see Luke screaming.
Speaker 1 (41:50):
I want more, Luke, I am your father.
Speaker 18 (41:54):
Episode recapping your dinner. We want to know what you
do that put your career jeopardize your career, not jeopardrize,
but you know what I mean to warrant the free Yeah.
So it's been a while, So this is twenty eighteen.
I think this was from two thousand and six.
Speaker 7 (42:13):
You so that happened.
Speaker 18 (42:14):
So it's time to spill the beans. It's long enough,
you're no longer.
Speaker 5 (42:19):
There, and the.
Speaker 18 (42:20):
Places want to know what we deserve to do well
on the First Sea. So pleased.
Speaker 4 (42:28):
So she was referring to an episode we did in
twenty eighteen about a story from twenty twelve.
Speaker 1 (42:34):
Twelve, Right, so, Bertie, you ready to spill those beans.
I've had this. I've already talked about this on the radio.
Speaker 3 (42:40):
In fact, my last day, Elvis made me recan't recount
that story when I came back from my final show.
Speaker 1 (42:47):
Here's the short end of it.
Speaker 3 (42:49):
The company owed a bunch of people in the morning
show money. Nobody wanted to address it because I'm the
one who noticed it and everyone else A couple of
days later noticed it and they were like, hey, did
you notice this. I'm like, yeah, I noticed it. Like, well,
you're the executive producer. You got to go and talk
to management about and show them that the math is
wrong and they owe us money.
Speaker 1 (43:08):
So Brody went to management. Management got very mad at me.
It was very heated.
Speaker 3 (43:15):
Eventually they they understood my point and saw the math
and it cost them like fifty grand and then everyone
was very happy they got their money and skearying and
greg T said, if you get this money for us,
we will take you to the finest four stars steak
dinner ar treat. And it never happened, and subsequently I
made a lot of enemies with management. Didn't affect my career.
But and Great Great Tea never gave you a steak
dinner either.
Speaker 1 (43:41):
No, by the way, it.
Speaker 3 (43:42):
Always gets lost in the you said either, you just
admitted you didn't give a steak dinner. I slices, he
said either, he said, Greg T didn't give you a
slice of steak dinner either.
Speaker 14 (43:53):
Speaker 4 (43:53):
If this is the first time you're hearing this story,
done you've heard Nope, Nope, I've tried.
Speaker 1 (43:58):
I've tried. I've tried several times.
Speaker 25 (44:00):
Admitted it.
Speaker 1 (44:00):
He admitted it. Thank you, Thank you admitting you last
the election. Thank you.
Speaker 33 (44:07):
No done done, Scary and Brodie, Bernie and Scary Scarodi,
and I'm need from CT apologies to Scary for my
disparenting remarks in the last Slice time. It was meant
to be tongue in cheek and I thought you, non
snowflake could take it. I'm sure the slices and Brody
have called you worse anyway, Scary, I've given you a
golden shower worth of compliments before, and I always referred
to the show as Scary and Brodie. Since your tenure
proceeds the obception of the BBP, I love you no
matter what you Benevolent Burley, Brooklyn Boy, Bougie Bastard.
Speaker 1 (44:38):
All right, thank you.
Speaker 4 (44:40):
Golden shower really a positive thing unless it depends on
who y'are.
Speaker 34 (44:45):
Yeah, exactly, preferencing episode three twelve. I want to say, Scared,
not all parents out of their kids' wins. I believe
kids truly unlocks the highest one, happiness and maturity. And
I believe that because until you love somebody more than
your all, you can't you can't experience that, And Brody,
you know just as well as I do that one
instance isn't going to make it so your.
Speaker 7 (45:06):
Kids don't get mad at you. You'll just find another
reason to be mad at you later on.
Speaker 1 (45:10):
For something you stay.
Speaker 7 (45:12):
Tuned for Part two. Part two.
Speaker 34 (45:15):
As far as the dinner situation, I completely agree that
it was up to the husband to put his foot down.
Speaker 7 (45:19):
Be the man and say, look, honey, no we're not
going to be going right now.
Speaker 34 (45:22):
We are going to enjoy our dinner and we're going
to enjoy the drink that we're going to have afterwards,
in which case then we can go home. But I
believe that it was completely disrespectful to them, to you guys,
because you guys planned the night out. It was something
that wasn't just spur the moment, So they should have
at least considered your feelings in that and stayed for
the rest of the night.
Speaker 7 (45:41):
Completely on your size here.
Speaker 1 (45:43):
Thank you.
Speaker 34 (45:44):
By the way, I don't know, I don't wanted to
let Brody know about some free dessert that I have
to see. From subru twenty twenty, subrew Legacy in the
Seat is peeling apart after only four years of owning it, so.
Speaker 7 (45:55):
I had called subrew.
Speaker 34 (45:56):
They said that I was going to have to pay
two hundred and fifty dollars to replace the seat.
Speaker 7 (46:00):
That was still unacceptable.
Speaker 34 (46:01):
I want something because I had also been working for
three weeks on this single phone call which they had
finally returned, and they had offered an additional two hundred
and fifty dollars for a future service.
Speaker 7 (46:11):
So made out on that one.
Speaker 1 (46:13):
Nice by the way, Scary.
Speaker 3 (46:15):
At the beginning of this episode, you said, this is
Slice time for episode three eleven twelve.
Speaker 1 (46:19):
I said three twelve. You said eleven.
Speaker 4 (46:21):
Nope, check the video team, I said, I said three
eleven because I thought, I thought again of the song.
Nope eleven. I said three twelve.
Speaker 1 (46:30):
You said three eleven.
Speaker 4 (46:31):
Wow, slices. Is he not making an idiot of himself
right now?
Speaker 1 (46:36):
Three eleven?
Speaker 4 (46:37):
I said, three twelve. You did right back to the beginning.
I did, all right, but I did you.
Speaker 35 (46:40):
Heyron, is scary?
Speaker 1 (46:45):
Why is scary?
Speaker 36 (46:46):
John's is telling us to stay away from mushrooms because
they lead to cognitive decline, as he's star showing us
with his lines made count that are making him actually
forget everything all the time. So brooken boys, stay away
from mushrooms.
Speaker 35 (47:07):
This has been a Scary Johns message from Scary Johnson.
Speaker 1 (47:09):
Thank you so much. One Valdez, burning and scary.
Speaker 2 (47:16):
At the time end of this recording, I have not
sent mister Brody the picture from Scary Johnson's instagram. This
bougie bastard order an empanada, maybe an order of empanadas,
which they gave him three empanadas, but in the following
talk back, I'm going to talk about them after I
send the picture to mister Brody.
Speaker 35 (47:41):
And just for the record, an empanada it's a Hispanic dish.
It's a pastry filled with mead, chicken, cheese or other stuff.
But it's just one ingredient, sometimes a couple of ingredients,
but it's just a pay street and an ingredient instead
of it, which is either fried or baked depending.
Speaker 37 (48:08):
On this and panetta. There's a garlic aoli, there's pickled onions,
there's baby or arugula, there's partially there's some mullshit.
Speaker 13 (48:21):
I cannot distinguish from the picture. I'm sorry.
Speaker 1 (48:26):
If you're ampanada, the.
Speaker 13 (48:28):
Seven are the ingredients on top of it. You don't
fucked up. You don't know what you're making. I'm sorry.
Speaker 35 (48:37):
So at this point in time, I will ask to
ask mister Brody.
Speaker 37 (48:40):
Hey Brody, what dish would you like? Garlic aoli, some
more partially, some pickled onions, some baby or arugula, maybe.
Speaker 13 (48:54):
Add some extra partially.
Speaker 37 (48:56):
No, no fuckingsnis, there's many down especially Ananada.
Speaker 1 (49:03):
You have this grace.
Speaker 4 (49:05):
I was at a restaurant called meat Market on Palm
Beach in Florida, and all I could tell you is
that by garnishing it with all the above, they just
got to charge double for it, because if they just
put two pieces of fucking crusty empanada on a plate,
it wouldn't look appealing and people wouldn't play pay for it.
That's probably a little secret that they have to get
suckers like me to buydas in a fucking steakhouse.
Speaker 3 (49:32):
It's like it's like a big Mac likes ten ingredients
on it, but for them are ship By the way,
I love that empanada ends in nada, nada as in
nothing but looking up the definition of an empanada, to
Wan Valdez's point, a baked or fried pastry stuffed with
any of a variety of fillings such as meat, cheese, vegetables, fruits,
which which, by the way, all that was there other
ingredients right? Oh, other, Well, it doesn't say one ingredient,
but it also doesn't you can't you can't say.
Speaker 4 (50:02):
It also doesn't say that you can't put pickled onions
in and garlic, coolia or decorated with a sauce.
Speaker 1 (50:11):
Speaker 3 (50:12):
No, it's basically the impanada is the shell and what's
in it is irrelevant.
Speaker 1 (50:16):
It doesn't change the fact that it's an He's talking.
Speaker 4 (50:19):
About what's on top of it because when it was
served in, when it was present presented on the plate,
the ship.
Speaker 1 (50:25):
Was I couldn't tell what the picture was.
Speaker 3 (50:26):
No, it was theseadas were laying flat on the plate
and the stuff he was describing was on top of
the ship garnet book flat. That's presentations the last one. Oh,
I better be good. I don't know who do we
think it's from? Before we play it, I'm gonna go
christ that you guess Christy?
Speaker 1 (50:48):
Yeah, Christy from New Jersey? How do you know that?
What's that noise? And what was you? Yeah? That was me?
All right? Who is it? Who is it? Brody? Uh,
I'm gonna. I'm i'm I think it's the trucker. I
don't know. We haven't heard from him. Bobby, he usually
he was like six six in a row. You have one,
all right? Here it is, we've heard from everybody else.
Speaker 32 (51:13):
I think boys is te why some of the Mendela
effects are bullshit. I don't know what they're trying to
pull and make us think that, you know, they didn't
actually happen. But Shazam definitely was a thing. I saw
it as a kid. I've seen a TikTok where the
dude opens up his fucking VHS and throws on the
Shazam movie.
Speaker 7 (51:32):
I just got to find that TikTok and send.
Speaker 1 (51:34):
It to you.
Speaker 3 (51:34):
Yeah, you watched a movie about a guy putting in
a tape because the movie is not real.
Speaker 1 (51:39):
That was the joke. I'm bad was never Shazam. I've
never played a genie.
Speaker 3 (51:45):
Years later, Shaquille O'Neil did, but that's way after this
thing became a thing.
Speaker 1 (51:49):
So it is a Mendela effect, and he's falling for us.
He's falling for.
Speaker 3 (51:53):
He felt for the Mendel effect that was joked on
in the movies, like I saw a movie where the
kid put in a videotape you got played T White.
Speaker 1 (51:59):
You'd wait too on for that. All right, we'll see
you soon. On the Brooklyn Boys getting reactions. This podcast
all depends on you, baby Free