Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Welcome to Radio Hodarkeys Off the Record podcast with Greg Preble.
Speaker 2 (00:08):
Let's have a chat with Ocean Beach, Cyoder, Gary Kyoda, Cyda.
Whereabouts in the country year this evening. I'm in Grayland, Grayland,
Auckland and your band Ocean Beach.
Speaker 3 (00:19):
I should probably say Ocean Beach is named after defunct
freezing works and a cargo which is where my tongue
and uncles used to come and do season work back
in the seventies.
Speaker 2 (00:30):
It's not named after Ocean Beach.
Speaker 3 (00:31):
In Hawk's Bay, there's actually an Ocean Beach and pretty
much every little nook and cranny of the.
Speaker 2 (00:37):
World could make it a little bit hard for people
to find you sometimes when they're googling Ocean Beach.
Speaker 3 (00:42):
It does. It does. I didn't think about that when
I picked this name. You know, I like Ocean Beach
for a number of reasons. One because it's the Fenowa
from where we come from, so you know, we're all Southerners.
It's got that tie and that memory or Meya's the
son of an immigrant, and so the songs that I
write kind of tend to be about the Fenowel from
where I come from. So we've got song names called
Pound Range and Pig Group and things like that. You know,
they're kind of atmospheric cruises. Yeah, there's lots of lots
of reasons why Ocean Beach is a good name for
our band. We were a three piece bassed drums and guitar.
Now we've got a keyboardist and that's where Chross Jones
comes on. He's a lead guitarist. He is a neighbor
of Troy's, our drummers, so for years he had been
sitting there in his house listening to us practice every Saturday.
He knocked on Troy's door one day and said, hey, man, like,
do you want to have a jam? I'd really love
to play with the drummer. So we get into the
container and we can all barely fitness twenty foot container.
It was great because Chris knew all the songs and
he had already worked out and I said what he
was going to play in them? And from that first practice, yeah,
we just had it off. In the meantime, a dear
old friend had moved to Walkland, who's a recording and
of some note he used to work with Hgu. I
always thought he was the fourth member of that band.
He really knows his stuff. He's you know, some pretty
legendary recordings and that brings us to where we are.
We've just released the fifth single. Yeah, we're pretty excited
about where we're at. We are absolutely so proud of
these recordings, so we're in a pretty good place at
the moment.
Speaker 2 (02:22):
I like the way you've incorporated places and themes and
things that you're from into your song titles. For instance,
this new one Tower of Babel.
Speaker 3 (02:30):
It's a song that is dedicated to a favorite old
pub in Jonedan. It's owned and run by Jones Chin
of the fabulous Chin Brothers in Dunedin. Sammy his brother
used to own Sammy's, which was one of the great
New Zealand live venues of all time. We used to
go there and hang out when I was at university
back in the nineties. It was just a fabulous second lounge,
potentially first lounge, but it had all sorts of people
would go there, you know, like Grouccy, Old Otago, Rugby
support Is. It was filled with freaks like us, you know,
people with mohawks and musicians and people from all walks
of life would go there and intermingle like you know,
nothing mattered, and we all in some weird way respected
each other's space, and every so often you'd have a
conversation with one of these bright Shield Otaga Raby Sporters
or among the World vender and then go back to
the pool table because it was your shot, because you
were playing doubles of your mates and you know, the
three d's was blaring on the on the jukebox is
one of the cores STU boxes either. So yeah, it's
it's kind of a tribute to a favorite part of Administernce.
But it's also about celebrating the lost in a city venue,
which which is happening to the Crown at this point.
You know there are in a city residences that are
being built and places like the Crown are under pressure.
Just stay in existent and it's important to support the
local arts. So Jones gets to mention in the lyrics
because he is such a legend. Those boys are such
legendary promoters of this thing. We love this thing called
live music, and we need people like them.
Speaker 2 (04:08):
Yeah, absolutely, well it sounds up. We better check this
tribute out.
Speaker 3 (04:12):
Hello, I'm Gary Delousie from Ocean Beach. The tracks called
Tower of Babel and you're radio hold up, we will.
Speaker 1 (04:22):
Love the crowd hop down way the pool on the.
Speaker 3 (04:26):
Table where don't people down? It was dressing gown clearly
laden and labels.
Speaker 2 (04:36):
I can like a clown as a giant brown mona
M sab. It's already a heard arch. Let's brand new
from Ocean Beach. It's called Tower of Babel. And we're
lucky enough to have Gary from the band on a
zoom with us now from Graylan in Auckland. Gary, thanks
for bringing us that tune.
Speaker 3 (05:12):
Oh my pleasure.
Speaker 2 (05:14):
You wrote that song about a place called the Crown
Hotel in Dunedin. You grew up in South and Otago.
How long have you been in Auckland for.
Speaker 3 (05:23):
I moved up here in the year two thousand, quarter
of a centurial list.
Speaker 2 (05:27):
And you go back very often.
Speaker 3 (05:28):
I've got a sister up here and a sister in
Dunedan so and my son is that over Targo this year,
So yeah, I do go down when I can, probably
once or twice a year.
Speaker 2 (05:40):
And as for the band, are there any plans to
play that or any of your other songs that you've
released this year live, either in Auckland or Danina or
anywhere else around the country.
Speaker 3 (05:52):
Yeah, we've got a few gigs lined up. We just
played a fabulous show at the Greyland RSC actually a
month ago and it was so great to see that
place rocking. There's a little upstairs venue which we call
the Ballroom. There's another great band in Auckland called Silk Cut,
who have asked us if we want to play with
them in March at Whennie. We've got a couple of
music in the Parts Kids coming up in January and
in March.
Speaker 2 (06:18):
That gig with Silk Cut would probably tie in quite
nicely with around about the time you're thinking of releasing
the album.
Speaker 3 (06:24):
Yeah. Yeah. The album is essentially an opera of my life,
oh Greg. So it's about the actualization of a middle
aged man and his epiffany on finding love and how
to live. So you know, the songs take you through
bucket bombs and on the rams at the pub. It's
basically a journey of me discovering meditation and then you know,
walking into this world that's just really beautiful and filled
with love and I'm able to look at things a
completely different way now. So that the album is going
to be called The Long Road Home, which is essentially
my road to you know, the place that I'm at now,
which is home, which I found within myself pretty exciting
because I've got, you know, multiple media, you know, I've
got Dale on the sound, I've got the d w
C doing the visuals, and I've got the band you know,
doing the audio. And it's a real, really cool collaboration.
Speaker 2 (07:22):
Yeah, it sounds like you've got some great friends around.
Speaker 3 (07:24):
You, that's for sure, and probably deep. Some people are
really good at writing about mundane things and making really
amazing songs out of them. I can only write about
something that's meaningful.
Speaker 2 (07:36):
To me, and you are meaningful to you.
Speaker 3 (07:39):
Yeah, exactly. And the experiences that have lend me here,
you know. I mean, I've had some awful times, but
I wouldn't trade it for anything because they were all
part of the journey to a cool place.
Speaker 2 (07:51):
Well, I'm glad you got there. Well, I can't wait
to hear the rest of the album when it comes
out next year. In the meantime, if we want to
check out that track or any future gigs as they
come up all over the country, by the sounds of things,
we're the best place to find information on you guys.
Speaker 3 (08:07):
Just go to Facebook and type and Ocean Beach the band.
Speaker 2 (08:11):
Gary from Ocean Beach. Thanks your Tom and Hidaki.
Speaker 3 (08:14):
Oh you're very welcome. Greg. It's been an absolute pleasure
to talk to you.
Speaker 1 (08:20):
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