Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:09):
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Rerap I.
Speaker 2 (00:25):
Go there, and welcome to the Rewrap for Monday, All
the best bets from the Mic Costing Breakfast on News
Talks EDB starring Hitherdoople see Allen.
Speaker 3 (00:34):
And Acilia package. We got to the end of it.
That was a very long sentence.
Speaker 2 (00:39):
Yeah, so today the Green Patty's got some answers to
solve all the problems of the world.
Speaker 3 (00:47):
So that'll be good.
Speaker 2 (00:48):
William Lawson's had a few problems, but it might not
stop him getting the big seat in the big Time.
It's going to be a week of announcements this week,
so that's exciting. And so Taylor Swift is finally coming
to an end of the never ending tour. But before
any of that, boot camps seems like they work for
some but not for others.
Speaker 3 (01:11):
Is that what we're taking out of this?
Speaker 4 (01:12):
I do not buy this argument, which seems to have
taken hold kind of widely, that the boot Camp trial
has to be shut down immediately because two kids escaped
and got arrested after allegedly stealing the carnf you haven't
caught up on this. Over the weekend, the couple of
kids who ran away after the tongue he last week
got rounded up. They were arrested, They allegedly hooked up
with each other, found another couple of mates, went out
and licked a car, then ran from the cops in
that car. When the cops finally busted them, one of
them legged it with a machete allegedly and then tried
to carjack another vehicle, and the cops found on them
or in their vehicle wherever they were found a bunch
of knives and balaklavs, not to mention the machete as well. Now,
as a result of this, the Green Party and the
Labour Party, both of whom hate the boot camps, are
losing their minds over this and calling on the government
to end the boot camp trial immediately. But the thing is,
I cannot understand why why do we need to end
the boot camp trial because of what's just happened. I mean,
if anything, this tells me how badly we actually need
the boot camps to continue, because these are obviously very
bad kids. You don't put a balaclava in your car
unless you've got some pretty sinister and dark plans, do you,
And this after you've already committed two crimes, not one,
but two crimes that carry a maximum sentence of ten
years each, which is why you're in the boot camp
in the first place. And the boot camps haven't turned
these kids into criminals. These kids will already criminals, which
is why they're in the boot camps. So ask yourself this, Okay,
if we shut down the boot camps, we've already got
ten criminals. If we shut down the boot camps, what's
going to happen to these kids? If they're going to
go to jail? Would we prefer that or do we
want them to just roam around in the community for
you know, just roam around free, in which case you
just carry on committing these kinds of crimes, the kinds
of crimes we just saw them do allegedly over the weekend.
I don't see these two going on the run as
a failure of the boot camp trial. I see it
as a reason to keep odd doing the boot camp trial,
because clearly, how much do these kids need intervention If
they're prepared to allegedly run around in a stolen car
with Balaclava's knives and a machine.
Speaker 2 (03:08):
I feel like there's some soft, sort of slow back
pedaling on this from advocates of boot camps. A lot
of people consider that. I mean, I'm not disagreeing with
what Heather's saying there. I think she makes some valid points.
But suddenly a lot of people are saying, ah, you know,
we never said it was gonna, you know, be the
right for everybody. I feel like there's a general vibe,
particularly from I don't know the NEWSTALKSZB audience anyway, that
if we could just see in every kid tip a
boot camp, we'd never have another Ram Raye.
Speaker 3 (03:38):
Ever, again, turns out not all kids are the same.
Who knew it a rewrap? Right?
Speaker 2 (03:44):
Not all political parties are the same. And then there's
the Green Party, which is really really not the same.
Speaker 4 (03:49):
Now, look, I'm gonna just say sorry right up front,
because sometimes I actually don't know why I bother talking
about the latest thing that the Greens have announced read
the climate, because it is often so deeply in lala
land that you need a map to find it out,
and it actually is insulting to even pretend that it's
got any credibility. But here we go because I think
that there's some value possibly possible trying to justify it
in reminding ourselves what kind of wacky stuff a labor
government would have to include if it actually was able
to form after the next selection. So this is it.
Yesterday the Greens release their emissions reductions plan. Now this
is basically a plan for how to reduce the carbon
emissions from New Zealand and by how much and over
what period of time. Two headlines in this that caught
my attention. The first one is that the Greens obviously
want to ban coal. Now you do not need me
to tell you what would mean. What would happen if
we banned coal. It will literally lead to like literally
no dispute, leads to blackouts in winter because burning coal
at Huntly this past winter was the only thing at
times it was keeping our lights on. And Genesis is
already stockpiling coal right now for next winter for exactly
the same reason to keep the lights on. So we
can't ban coal unless we want to go full Third
world in this country. But the second headline is my favorite,
which is increase the carbon that we're cutting by twenty
thirty by five times, so in the next six years
whatever were already planned. Cut, we need to cris sep
are five times. Now. That's the kind of bumper sticker
that the kids at the Climate Strikes for School are
going to love and they say, well, yeah, that's a
really great idea. I love what that means, but I
don't know what it means. It's not doable, like as
all not possible. I know it's not doable because even
the existing plan is already not doable. And we know
it's not doable because we're facing a bill of twenty
four billion dollars in about five years time to get
some other country somewhere else to plant trees for us
because we can't meet our own plan. So you take
that twenty four billion dollars of a plan we already
cannot meet, and then we try and cut five times
as much to see how much that bill is going
to be. Do you want to pay even more than
twenty four billion dollars to some other random country when
we're already skinned. No, The answer is no, no from you,
No from me, no from probably every other voter out
there who doesn't vote green. So good luck to the
Greens being taken seriously by people who actually understand what's
going on with the climate here. And also, incidentally, good
luck to Chris Hipkins because I'm not really sure if
you're aware of this, but at the Labor Party conference
last weekend, Plkins essentially ruled out working with Winston Peters again.
He said it was a great thing that he did
when he ruled out working with Winston Peters this time around,
which basically leaves him two parties that he can coalesce
with at the next election. That would be the Maori
Party and we see how they behave or the Greens
with these kinds of wacky ideas. Two great options. So
good luck to Labor, good luck to the Greens because
with friends like these.
Speaker 2 (06:29):
I still think that's got a fair chance of becoming
New Zealand's opposition party if David Seymour just keeps seeing Mouring,
don't you think can you be in opposition to somebody
who you kind of agree with most of the things?
That probably not right. So the last race of the
season this morning was of the last one, I think
it was the last one, and the f one. Liam
Lawson didn't quite finish it.
Speaker 3 (07:00):
Speaker 4 (07:00):
Hey, you've probably caught up on this by now because
it's just happened in the last few hours. But the
last race of the season of the F one hasn't
gone well for Liam Lawson at all. He did not finish. Now,
what happened, I mean, it's debatable. We've had this discussion today.
It's debatable as to whether this is this is a
limb problem or a team problem. But what happened as
he went into the pits and they didn't put his
front left wheel on properly, which you know that you
had one job just put the wheel on, do you
know what I mean? And then they didn't do that.
Speaker 3 (07:27):
I think he's a bit of time pressure.
Speaker 4 (07:28):
Yeah, well do we have that excuse? I mean, if
we just stopped doing our jobs properly, we're allowed to
be all the time pressure.
Speaker 2 (07:36):
I can't honestly say that the wheels haven't fallen off
the show from time to time.
Speaker 4 (07:41):
Yeap, Well, this is a fair point, actually, you and glasshouses,
et cetera, et cetera. However, I'm not racing for my
next job, do you know what I mean? So, or
maybe i am. God only knows what's going on anyway,
So they didn't put the front left wheel on properly.
So what happened, of course, is he had to do
a second successive stop and so as a result he
got slapped with a ten point a ten second time penalty.
At this point, he's not doing too badly. He's eighth,
but after that he can't get up the grid and
so then he's given he's given the thing hell for
leather and as a result of the engine there putts
out and in the last lap can't can't do it,
doesn't finish. Now I can't imagine this is going to
help his chances very much in competing for that seat
next year.
Speaker 2 (08:16):
It seems like it's a reliability issue with this car
of his. This is something that concerns me at the
moment because I'm trying to buy a new car and
I'm against all my better judgment, I'm actually considering a Ford,
and I've only ever known I've known a few Ford
owners in my time, and they've always complained that their
cars fall into bits the petrol tank weeks and you know,
ongoing maintenance issues. But then you see all those ranges everywhere,
and surely those trades wouldn't be driving those ranges around
if they were. My point is I'm not quite sure
what exactly kind of Carlie and laws and drives. Is
it a Ford or a Toyota or neither. I know
it's not a Mercedes, That's all I know.
Speaker 3 (08:58):
Or is it I don't know, it's a rewrap.
Speaker 2 (09:01):
All right, hang on to your hats. If you thought
the year was done and dusted, dog, No, there's some
big stuff happening this week.
Speaker 3 (09:06):
And here is hither with the previews.
Speaker 4 (09:08):
So this is we're in the wine down to Christmas, right,
So this is a big, big old week for big announcements,
surprisingly big given that we're in the wine down to Christmas.
We have this week got the Marti Party Hucker crew
who are going to find out where what their collective
fate is going to be. That's going to happen tomorrow.
Speaker 3 (09:24):
Now, that's not if it's no presence, Is that it possibility? No?
Speaker 4 (09:29):
I think I think they are firmly on Santa's naughty list.
I would say, actually, so that's tomorrow's mark that and
your diaries will find out two o'clock. Then on Wednesday,
we've got the decision on the fairies, as in, what
are we going to do now with the fairies?
Speaker 1 (09:41):
Speaker 4 (09:41):
That Nicholas obviously canceled the three billion dollar fairy project,
and then on Thursday we've got the outcome of the
investigation into why the public servants thought that it was
a good idea. Do you remember this to put that
polling booth in the marai in Manyerewa when the marai
in manyere was being run by a woman who was
a candidate running in that election. She was running the
marai while also running for the Marti party. You can
see how complicated this is. And maybe I don't know,
if you had any kind of political antennae, you'd be like,
don't put that polling booth there where she's controlling the show. Maybe,
so the investigation into that is coming out on Thursday. Now,
I'm not accusing anyone of trying to bury a bunch
of bad news in you know, the couple of weeks
before Christmas, when we're all getting distracted with the kids
doing the exams and coming out of school, and we're
trying to get the shopping done. Some of us already
like half out the door for holidays or completely in
the case of my crossing. I'm not accusing anyone of
trying to bury bad news this week. I'm just saying,
beg old week for big announcements, isn't it.
Speaker 2 (10:40):
And then imagine if film Friday, Christopher Laxon announces that
he's finally found out what's going on with the CRL link,
which you didn't know anything about last week. And you're
so mean to Christopher Laxon. I know, but he should
be able to take it. He's in charge of the
whole country. The re rat of course, the woman who's
in charge of the entire world as Tea Swizz, she's
been going around and around it and now she's come
to the end of it.
Speaker 4 (11:09):
This is a big day for the Tata fans just
want to mention this. We are about roundabout I reckon,
twelve hours away from the very last Taylor Swift concert
in the Era's Tour. The Eras Tour is obviously the
big one like it actually bears mentioning because this tour
has broken so many records. It's had one hundred and
forty nine shows, fifty three different cities, more than ten
million fans have attended. They raked in about two billion
dollars in USD right, two billion, that's three and a
half hours, two billion in USD and ticket sales alone.
When they broke a billion, they were the first tour
to break a billion, and then they doubled it as well.
That's how successful this thing has been going. Started in
March last year, will end in about twelve hours time
in Vancouver, Canada, So our tonight, our time. The question,
of course, is what does she do next? I mean,
this is if you this is obviously a career high
point for her because it's basically a bloom and musical
high point the entire world. So how on is is
she going to go and top this? Everybody waits to see.
So anyway, there we go, be the end of an era.
Enjoyed that too? A little pun?
Speaker 2 (12:18):
Then? Yes, And you know you've heard me say that before.
Jokes are always funny when you have to explain them,
and also when you're about the fifty million person in the.
Speaker 3 (12:27):
World to make the joke.
Speaker 2 (12:28):
Come on, I I angle, rocky, start rocky. Start to
the week with Heather. I'm sure she'll come up with
better punts, or I will, one of us will. As
the week goes on, we'll see what we can do.
We'll find out tomorrow.
Speaker 3 (12:48):
See then
Speaker 1 (12:56):
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