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December 5, 2024 • 11 mins

THE BEST BITS IN A SILLIER PACKAGE (from Friday's Mike Hosking Breakfast) Let's Never Speak of it Again/Mark the Week/Nice, Christmassy Outlook/Council Comedy/AI Update

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Speaker 1 (00:09):
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Speaker 2 (00:25):

Speaker 3 (00:25):
Oh, goody there, and welcome to the Rewrap for Friday.
All the best bits from the Mike Housting breakfast on
News Talks.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
He'd be in a Sillia package.

Speaker 3 (00:32):
I am Glen Hart and today we will mark the
week for the last time this year, because not only
is it Friday.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
But Mike has gone on holiday.

Speaker 3 (00:42):
We will have some depressing news from the OECD, then
we'll have some funny news from the councils around the country,
and then we'll give you a little preview of what
to expect from Mike over the holidays. But before any
of that, Yeah, speaking of holidays, school's out, baby.

Speaker 4 (00:58):
Tell you what we did in the last week or so.
We paid our last school for youse ever ever, get
this term out of the way, and the high school
years at our house are over one of the great
insights we've been lucky enough to have over the years.
As having five kids, you see a lot of school
and you see a lot of schools. We pretty much
touched every part of the New Zealand education system. We've
been to private school, public school, integrated school, single sex,

co ed. We've been to primary, intermediate, and high school.
We've been to good schools, ordinary schools, exceptional schools. The
overarching view is severalfold. One principles make or break a place.
We have seen a school whose reputation had been good
suffered badly when the principal left and the replacement wasn't
seen as particularly good, only to see it markedly improve
when a new one came along with a fresh focus

and affirmed determination. Two. Private schools buys you options and
things like extra help and facilities. Money buys choice and expertise.
Three teachers very dramatically. In all schools, we've seen a
selection of everything from lazy to brilliant, from effective to hopeless.

Speaker 2 (01:58):

Speaker 4 (01:59):
All kids are different, Possibly the most enlightening thing of all.
A school isn't a one stop shop. We had kids
at a school you might have thought would do it all.
For one child it was, it was brilliant. For another,
it was a mistake. Five. A lot of it's down
to the child. I'm convinced a child who is determined
will succeed in any school. A brilliant kid who can't

be bothered, won't Six parents have to be engaged. School
has become a whipping boy a social welfare department. They're
expected to take on any kid with any problem from
any home and fix them. That attitude is criminal, and
too often it's led by shocking parenting. Seven. There is
too much wasted. Take this stuff out of the day
that isn't needed. You'd be at school, I reckon about

two hours a day. We can do way better. Eight.
I'm not sure it's all that different than twenty twenty
four from when I was there in eighty one. Good
teachers are rare, Most schools are fine. Most kids would
rather play sport. Essentially, like life, you get out of
it what you put into it. The only major difference
is you pay a shed load more now than you
used to.

Speaker 2 (03:00):
I mean, that's true for everything else, isn't it Like?

Speaker 3 (03:02):
I don't think there's much cheaper than who was in
nineteen eighty one or whenever it was might claim to
have been at school.

Speaker 2 (03:07):
We all know was much earlier than that.

Speaker 3 (03:09):
The rewrap, All right, let's mark the week now, make
the most of it.

Speaker 2 (03:14):
You won't get another one for a few weeks.

Speaker 4 (03:16):
Time out to make the weekly little piece of news
and current affairs. It's more popular than Sam and Brown
of an eighty Christmas party. Yunsuukchure too. What the hell
was that about? Michael Barney of four? At least he
was appointed and was following instructions. Joe Biden zero, oh
Man women credit by go you know that you know
the thing a liar and inexcusable with any amount of damage,

not just to his reputation of course, but the party,
for lord knows how long Black Friday eight. I mean
in places like American Australia spending like literally they never
have New Zealand not so much to Parpase seven see
seven hund and fifty thousand dollars in two months on
sales of tickets, proving revenue generation does not put people
off if it's a decent product labor and orchist four.

I mean having run with it in government, nothing changes
in between. Now suddenly it's off. With no real explanation
as to why a dame eight five years and look
at it. That is a restoration Ireland. Seven. Why a
pro business government got re elected a hope of a
hipado in the economy got a growing economy One of

the highest per capita incomes in the entire world. Small
island nation with five million people might be worth looking
at Zelenski six, first sign of concession. This thing will
be negotiated away by this time next year, Siriapov. If
a shard goes, I'd probably market higher. But then what's
next to I mean, is it any better? Really? At seven?
I mean, that's what you get when your ear is

ten and Arrogance's next level Eden Park nine? More events
they announced? Gosh, who would have thought that was a
good idea? More events? Monowanui won? Does it get any
more comedic? Are the Supreme Court seven putting an activist
appeal court in its place? From tier nine bucks? And

I'm not sure there isn't even more where that came from?
Are the type zero zero eight? Doesn't actually sound like that?

Speaker 3 (05:12):

Speaker 2 (05:12):
Well, do we know what it sounds like?

Speaker 4 (05:14):
It's an ev quite possibly a stroke of genius, cool
looking set of wheels. I tell you that Scrutiny Week
six a shavera all aside. Given she lost the plot,
it once again produced at least a couple of illuminating facts,
not least of which was tax treatment for charities, tax
treatment on charity six good because there are charities and
then there are charities, and that is the week copies

on the website, and when you print this off on
the website, it will come out twice and that'll see
you through the holiday season.

Speaker 3 (05:40):
I think you might be surprised to learn that you
might need more than two copies to see you through
until Mike gets back.

Speaker 2 (05:49):
But hang in there. It'll be worth the way A rewrap.

Speaker 3 (05:53):
Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's it's not all good news
when Mike's hosting the show.

Speaker 4 (05:58):
Take this, but for example, this OECD report on New Zealand,
it is it is dire what it says about us.
Now often you know, you don't have to take it.
It's an international organization looks at us and maybe they
know what's going on, maybe the day. But the points
that make about productivity and the points they make about
the high futures and electricity will exacerbate productivity problems. We
should re examine separating the generation and retail operations of

large electricity companies. School education reforms should continue. So they're
seemingly suggesting that we might be on the right track,
slowly but surely, But there's some stuff yet to do,
and that gentailor retailer thing in the power industry. The
banking industry is an ongoing issue. They specifically cite high
bank margins, capital costs. There's a lot to worry about

in this country as we go to the summer break,
and a lot to be done.

Speaker 3 (06:47):
Every Christmas everyone, well, why did you put that up
on your last day?

Speaker 2 (06:54):
Honestly, it's the rewrap, all right.

Speaker 3 (06:56):
I think it's time for a laugh now, And there
could be surely nothing funnier than the way councils have
been behaving this year.

Speaker 4 (07:04):
Right, councils quickly Queenstown Lake's district council. Actually, no, that's
my favorite, so I leave that till last. Nelson. They're
going to boycott companies who trade with illegal Israeli settlements. Fantastic.
Good on you, Nelson. I'm glad there's nothing else for
you to do that's more important. And worry about the
Middle East. And I'm sure the Middle East is deeply
worried about what you think. Second council horror, Fanua. Should

local councils be submitting on the Treaty Principles bill? Do
elected members have a mandate and sufficient understanding of community
views on the topic. Good question. District council chief executive
asked councilors that the number of councilors emailed saying yes,
others said no. Majority responded to the email said no, no,
we don't know enough. We're not into it. It's not
our domain. Let's leave it alone. Having got that result,

that's called democracy. Somebody, an elected member no names, has
now made a notice of motion for the eleventh of
December meeting so to have so. Having said democratically, no,
we shouldn't, they then said no, let's have a discussion
about it December eleven, obviously going to provide a platform
for them to call everybody a racists at that meet

you so more good, useful time of the council. My
favorite Queenstown Lake's District. They've been ordered to pay over
forty four thousand dollars. Who to Peter Teal. Who's Peter Teal?
He's a billionaire. Wanted to build a lodge. A lot
of people didn't like it. They went to the Environment Court.
The Environment Court as ping the council appealed the decision.
This is Teal's company appealed the decision. Appeal was declined,

largely due to the visibility of the proposed lodge. Judge
also scolded the council for failing to defend its earlier
decision to decline the resource consent. So they go and
decline it. Teal appeals, the council come to the court
and going, ah, I don't really know.

Speaker 2 (08:48):
It's a vibe.

Speaker 4 (08:49):
Yeah, it's a vibe. It's marbo. And the judge goes,
A council is not immune to a costs award if
it has failed to perform its duties properly or has
acted unreasonably. So the council because councils. A council's going,
may you can't do that, Peter, and he appeals and
then they go to the court and the court goes,
why have you rejected that? And they go don't know,

And so they've now forked out. Congratulations forty four thousand
dollars you didn't have for wasting everybody's time.

Speaker 3 (09:15):
Who knew that one of the most successful businessmen in
the world would have more of a clue about this
sort of stuff than a bunch of people who want
to be on a council.

Speaker 4 (09:22):
Hard to fare them, isn't it?

Speaker 2 (09:23):
But don't get me wrong. I think he's a weirdo.

Speaker 3 (09:26):
So you know, you've probably got equal measure just weirdo
on both sides of the equation. I just think he's
probably done a lot more court cases about a lot
more things than that council.

Speaker 2 (09:37):
Has the rerap.

Speaker 3 (09:39):
Okay, yes, So, as I've mentioned several times about the podcast,
this has been Mike's last day on air for twenty
twenty four, but it won't be the last you hear
of him.

Speaker 4 (09:47):
My son was super disappointed. He's in the top one
perceived of Travior Scott fans. No message Okay, sister got
one from Taylor, so no message from Travior Scott. Beastie
Boys was my number one My question why anyway? No
message and nothing from Zach Bryant, which is interesting because
Zach Bryant's one of the hot names of the year,
think skies and all that. That's my song of summer?

Was that my song of summer? I believe it was
my song of summer. Listen out over Summer for pre
recorded messages from me about my song of summer. It's fantastic.
You won't want to miss that.

Speaker 2 (10:18):
Like an AI generated miss very.

Speaker 4 (10:20):
Very similar to AI. Could be AI Glynn actually could
be the introduction of the AI. Mike Hosking boss has
been working on that for the last two years. He's
desperate to get me out of here. It's so close,
and as soon as he gets the technology to AI
me the hell out of this place, I'm gone. So
we'll see where that's gone.

Speaker 3 (10:37):
I've tried doing me and it just melts down every
time it doesn't work. Yeah, it turns out to do
a really good impression of some people.

Speaker 2 (10:45):
It's not actually an artificial intelligence that you need.

Speaker 3 (10:48):
It's something called artificial stupidity, which is a very new technology,
and they're only just getting the hang of it.

Speaker 2 (10:57):
For some reason. It took a lot longer. I am
the real Glenn Heart replaceable.

Speaker 3 (11:04):
So I'll be back again on Monday, as opposed to Yeah,
the host I had on this week.

Speaker 2 (11:10):
We'll have somebody else for you next week to see
a rap.

Speaker 1 (11:20):
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