Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:09):
You're listening to a podcast from News Talk ZEDB. Follow
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Speaker 2 (00:25):
Okoy there and welcome to the Rewrap for Friday. All
the best but from the Mic Hosking Breakfast on News
toork edby in Asilia package. It's Heether for the last
time for quite some time, because yet she's going off
to have baby number two and in a.
Speaker 3 (00:42):
Few weeks time.
Speaker 2 (00:43):
So but we will see her back here eventually in
the meantime, and you know, probably there'll be somebody else
doing the breakfast show.
Speaker 3 (00:51):
Who can we get to do the mic hosting Grietfast
next year? I'll come up with something.
Speaker 2 (00:56):
Anyway, Liam Lawson has finally got the job that we
thought he was going to get.
Speaker 3 (01:01):
Speaker 2 (01:04):
We're going to get into the root sandal market shortly.
We've got a Tale of three Michaels maybe even more
to tell you about, and then a drone update or
a drone date if you're like before any of that.
Christopher Luxon not doing White Tangy next year, why would you?
Speaker 4 (01:22):
I think on the White Hungy Day thing, I think
Chris Luckson's made the right call not going to White
Toungy next year. I mean, I think he's going to
copy it from the press gallery for being a woss.
But the rest of us have probably been around long
enough to see the logic in this one. We know
by now White Tonguy is volatile and unpredictable at the
best of times. I mean, you can copp Adildo in
the face for doing absolutely nothing. So imagine how intense
it's going to be next year with the Treaty principals
build debate and full swing in the Select Committee process
underway already and everything going on already. Willie Jackson's warned
the Prime Minister about his safety if he goes up there.
Will He said, apparently Mary are angry and you just
never know. Now, it's hardly quite apart from what Willy
said here, it's hardly as if Chris Luckson is being
made to feel like he is welcome to attend. He's
a pair currently being told he's not allowed. He is
allowed to come on the sixth, which is why Tungy Dad,
but then he's not allowed to come on the fourth
because he's not welcome at the big meeting that the
National EWE Chairs Forum hosts every year where everybody else
is going to be. He's had a letter from the
Hecoy organizers telling him he's not welcome at White Tonguey
at all. He loses nothing by giving this eventimis next year.
I doubt very much he's going to win votes if
he ends up going. He could actually instead lose votes
by going and standing there like a pinata, taking a
verbal bashing over a bill that's actually not his Politically,
he's smart to put some space between himself and that bill.
He is better off leaving the defending of that bill
to the guy who's actually responsible for it, who's David Seymour,
who says he is actually going up so lux and
I think can actually say he's done enough. He's been
there two years in a role already. He's shown respect,
he's defended his corner. He's not being made to feel welcome.
He is being threatened by Willie Jackson. Right minded people
I think absolutely will understand why he may not want
to go, and frankly why he shouldn't have to go.
Speaker 2 (03:05):
It's a bit of a shame the dildo thing never
really caught off on. I listened to a podcast called
The doll up. It's quite a good podcast. Podcasts and
primarily an American history podcast.
Speaker 3 (03:20):
Sounds boring, It.
Speaker 2 (03:21):
Isn't, but they call their fans the doll heads and
what they started doing that and then when they did
their live shows, people would just throw doll heads.
Speaker 3 (03:32):
At them when they took to the stage.
Speaker 2 (03:36):
So yeah, it would just be so cool if whoever
the leader of the National Party is at the time,
just everywhere they go, they're just just a huge shower
of dildos just happens every single time, and we're so great.
Wrap Yeah, okay, it might be. Maybe it's going to
be a bit of a silly podcast today. What can
I say the last one. I can do what I want.
It's my podcast, it's our podcast.
Speaker 3 (03:58):
I mean it's yours and mine. But yeah, you haven't
seen what you wanted in it, So this is what
I'm doing.
Speaker 2 (04:04):
We're going to to talk about Liam Lawson though, because
he's finally got that number two seat behind for staffn.
Speaker 4 (04:09):
News out overnight that Liam Dawson's Lawson's being confirmed as
a driver for red Bull for twenty twenty five. I mean,
I know it's kind of being I suppose one of
the worst kept secrets in F one of late, so
it kind of feels a little today like a Fader company,
but actually it isn't at all. And this is an
amazing success story for a kid from New Zealand. I mean,
you think about it, Liam Lawson's just taken one of
only twenty spots available in F one next year. That
is an incredible feat for someone from a small country
of only five million people, competing against the best drivers
in the entire world. It just goes to show how
incredibly talented a driver he is and what a reward
as well, right for all of the sacrifice that he
and his family has made to get him to this position.
He left school at sixteen headed off overseas to try
his hand at being a driver. His parents especially had
to give up so much for this to happen. That
to relocate from Hawks Bay to book a Kobe, to
get him to the best place in the country to
develop his skills. They even sold their house to be
able to keep funding his racing. I mean, that is
a massive thing for parents to do when you think
about it, to upend their lives and give up their
security to give a child the best shot at what
a lot of people would have said to them, would
be a crazy dream for a kid in a country
that's only got five million people, And actually this is
the first time that it's really starting to pay off.
I mean, you might assume that because Liam Lawson's been
right up there in the top tier of races in
the world, that he was already raking it in, But
actually he's been racing on a salary of about one
hundred thousand dollars a year, which is fine, but I
mean for somebody with a celebrity he's got, with the
skill he's got, with the sacrifice he and his parents
have had to mate to get there, that's actually a
surprisingly small salary, don't you think Now in a year
where we have had no end of amazing sports success
stories from Lulusun to Hamishkur to the black Caps beating
India in India for the first time ever, you would
have to say that this story, Liam Lawson's story has
got to be right up there.
Speaker 2 (06:01):
Yeah, it's quite a lot of if one chat throughout
the show off the back of that, and yet there
are still rumors and speculation about who's driving for who,
and what happened and why things are going where and
which manufacturers are and I hate it, I said to
either at one stage, Yeah, I really got into f
one for about five minutes when you know, this whole
Lawson thing looked like it was going to be a thing,
And then my Google feed just started filling up with
literally there'd be one story saying, Oh, it's definitely going
to be Liam Lawson, and the next story was saying, oh,
Perierz is definitely staying. And at that point, I'm going
I've had enough of this wrap. All right, So what
have you got on your feet this summer? I'm betting
a large number of you have got these Birkenstocks now.
Speaker 4 (06:50):
Birkenstock has just finished its first full year as a
public company and it is going absolutely gangbusters at the moment.
It's beat market expectations in the fourth quarter with the sales.
The shares are up seven percent as a result, it's
managed what's amazing about it has given the state of everything.
It's managed to do this without doing the pre Christmas discounting.
You're actually paying more right now for the products than
you were maybe I don't know, a year ago or something,
because the average selling prices this year are up eight percent.
And the thing that is causing the Birkenstock to do
really well at the moment is the clog. Apparently the
clog is now making up about a third of its business.
And if I can recommend anything to you, right, it's
not the right season for the clog right now, but
you're going to wear your clog next winter. So if
you're thinking, oh, what can I get the woman in
my life who I love deeply and I don't know
what to get her a pair of Birkenstocks clogs, you
can change her life. She will be cool. You're welcome.
Speaker 2 (07:43):
Is there an ever his new clothes thing going on
with Birkenstocks. I have on, you know, more than one occasion,
tried on Birkenstocks because I've wanted to, you know, walk
across hot sand or paths with shorts on, stop thinking
about my legs and concentrate.
Speaker 3 (08:06):
On on the point of this particular tape.
Speaker 2 (08:08):
And every time they have just been the most uncomfortable
things I've ever put anywhere in my feet. And people
say things, you will once you wear them in, But
I got myself some hashpuppy slides. It's comfortable straight away
and have been comfortable ever since we ney of the
my old Nike slides feel better than the Burkinson.
Speaker 3 (08:34):
It's just hypeer, isn't it. I don't get it.
Speaker 2 (08:36):
It's a rewrap now, a.
Speaker 3 (08:39):
Bit of behind the scenes.
Speaker 2 (08:41):
I'm always impressed when we get more than one person
with the same name on the show, and very occasionally
we get three, and for some reason, I love that
when that happens.
Speaker 4 (08:53):
I don't know if you noticed this, but we've just
had three blokes on the program, Michael, Michael and Michael.
So we had Michael Gordon talking about GDP, we had
Michael Riddell talking about the ocr I and Michael Johnston
talking about free space each Now, do you know what
we've missed? An opportunity because if we would have jackpotted,
if we had Michael Hoskins sitting here, and we could
have had four Michaels all in a row having chats
to it, isn't that weird?
Speaker 2 (09:18):
Not to mention the fact that the next person we're
talking to isn't called Michael either.
Speaker 3 (09:22):
That's annoying.
Speaker 4 (09:23):
Madgie is close enough, though, we can make her an
honorary Michael.
Speaker 3 (09:26):
It's a little bit like, you know, when you I
would have accepted a Mikayla.
Speaker 4 (09:29):
Yeah, next thing. Yeah, it's a bit like you know
when you go to Mexico and everybody's called Jose, or
if you go to a Middle Eastern country, everybody's called Mohammad.
You come to New Zealand everybody's called Michael. So I
don't know if you're having a baby next year or
in the remaining days of this year and you're short
on names. I mean, I think we've sorted it out
for you. In fact I'm having a baby. In fact,
I'm having a baby and I should call her Michael,
and that wouldn't be weird. I've heard of people calling
Davey girls Michael before.
Speaker 2 (09:56):
Yes, disappointed that we didn't go for the all Michael
show all the time.
Speaker 3 (10:01):
For everything. There wouldn't be that hard to do with
a guy.
Speaker 2 (10:05):
There's quite a common saying here at News till Z'd
be that you can live they have too many Michaels.
My boss is called Michael, the news head of news.
What is he the super duper editor. I don't know
exactly what his roll is, but his name is Michael.
Heaps of Michaels. You never have too many Michaels. We
could have just interviewed them instead of the other people
we did.
Speaker 3 (10:30):
It have been great.
Speaker 2 (10:31):
Three rap right, We're going to finish up here stoking
the staking the fires of conspiracy because.
Speaker 3 (10:38):
It's just so fun to pake these people.
Speaker 4 (10:40):
Hey on the drones. By the way, here's a quick
update for you. The FAA, which they are the guys
in the States to control the skies. Basically, the FAA
has banned any drones from flying over parts of certain
areas of New Jersey for a full month. They say
there will be some exceptions. Obviously they will hand them
out for special security reasons and stuff like that. But
if they see drones up there, they are reserving the
right to use deadly force against them if they consider
that they oppose an imminent security threat. Now what this
means is if Biden at l are all right, there's
just there are some legit drones up there, and everybody
else is just copycatting and making the situation worse. It
should clear it up with the band.
Speaker 3 (11:18):
How do you use deadly force against something that's not alive.
Speaker 4 (11:21):
I don't know. It's a really good question. What it
means is that thing is coming down. They're going to
actually shoot it down. That's the best that you could
possibly assume from that. Anyway, We'll see if it clears
it up or not.
Speaker 2 (11:30):
I guess you just go deadly force no matter what
they Yeah in America. But yeah, amazing how just us
talking about that then prompted people to text and saying,
is that seriously the extent of your news coverage today?
Speaker 3 (11:43):
On the drones?
Speaker 2 (11:49):
There seems to be I think by now there seems
to be some connection between drones, the vaccine bill gates,
the IMF, the cabal.
Speaker 3 (12:06):
Child trafficking part of it. Mate. I'll leave you with
that happy conspiracy.
Speaker 2 (12:12):
Oh sorry, I mean Merry Christmas, and we shall see
you back here.
Speaker 3 (12:16):
In a month's time. Have a great time whatever you're doing.
See you then.
Speaker 1 (12:28):
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