Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Welcome to Before Breakfast, a production of iHeartRadio. Good Morning.
This is Laura. Welcome to the Before Breakfast podcast. Today's
tip is to plan a Monday adventure. Start the work
week off with something to look forward to. This will
help you beat the Sunday scaries and set yourself up
for a productive week. So I recently ran an evening
Hour's challenge where I helped hundreds of participants make the
most of what I like to call the golden hours,
that is the time between the end of the workday
and bedtime. I love teaching participants my strategies for making
evenings meaningful. I also love learning from the participants about
what they do and what makes their evenings great. One
participant mentioned that she always plans something to look forward
to on Monday evening. I love that idea. Plenty of
people find Mondays stressful and exhausting. Maybe you don't sleep
enough on Sunday night, and then you have to shift
gears into work and activities. There might not be a
lot to look forward to. But if you plan an
adventure for Monday night, the day feels less like a slog. Now.
I know that might not sound immediately promising, but When
I say adventure, I mean something you are genuinely looking
forward to. Maybe that's meeting up with a friend for
a drink, or going to a yoga class with your
favorite teacher, or taking your kids out for a treat
after school. Even if work is intense on Monday, you
have something refreshing to look forward to. Your life isn't
all meetings and email. There is fun and variety too.
In addition, because you want to make sure you have
time for the special experience Monday evening, you may also
work more efficiently during the day so that you can
leave work at the time you planned. Even Sunday nights
may be better when there is a Monday adventure on
the horizon. You won't tell yourself a story that life
is all work in exhaustion until the next weekend, when
you know that in less than twenty four hours you
are going to be doing something fun. Now you may
be wondering if this can work practically, but if you're
trying to do something social, I think the logistics of
Mondays might actually be easier than other days. Most people
tend not to schedule as much for Mondays and Tuesdays
as later in the week, which means that if you
want to get together with someone, there is a good
chance that they are free. So why not try planning
a Monday adventure as you do your weekly planning this week,
try creating space for something a little different Monday night.
If you plan something and decide afterwards that it is
just not for you, that is fine. But my guess
is that when you are enjoying yourself in the middle
of the Monday adventure, you will realize that Mondays aren't
all that bad and that is a great way to
start the week. In the meantime, this is Laura. Thanks
for listening, and here's to making the most of our time.
Thanks for listening to Before Breakfast. If you've got questions, ideas,
or feedback, you can reach me at Laura at Laura
vandercam dot com. Before Breakfast is a production of iHeartMedia.
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