Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:05):
Hey, this is Annie and Samantha and welcome to Stuff
I Never told you production of iHeartRadio. And welcome to
another edition of Happy Hour. As always the Thieves. If
you choose to drink whatever you choose to do, please
do so responsibly. What are you sipping on, Samantha?
Speaker 2 (00:33):
I am drinking water and coffee, keeping it real real, Yeah,
what about you?
Speaker 1 (00:40):
I have red wine, which is appropriate because today is
our annual Life Day Happy Hour celebration. Yes, I think
we've done one for the past three years. But yes,
the traditional color of Life Day is red, so red
wine is appropriate. I did look up my previous Life
Day outline, which must have been I think I did
a more like Women of Life Day last year, but
the previous year was Life Day, and I wrote in
there and the outline where it was like, oh, I'm
gonna make this disco luke outfit. I made that outfit
and now you can buy that shirt on tea public
and good friend of the show Marissa has one and
wore it last time I saw her. Love it because
she's amazing. I love it.
Speaker 3 (01:32):
Speaker 1 (01:32):
So Life Day is November seventeenth, which is this Friday.
As we're recording this I'm very excited. I'm gonna talk
about this a bit more at the end, But it's
funny to me that I love how commercials now, even
commercials which started way too damn early by the way,
are like the holidays are so stressful and we're all
acknowledging it, yes, and then friends Giving kind of became stressful,
and now for me, life day is like my why stressful?
Though it's stressful because what normally happens is and this
is a me thing and out of them thing. It
happens the saddurday after Thanksgiving, and normally I'm Intalanaga that
day and I'm helping my mom do all of the
right the decorating and stuff, and it's just like getting
there because it's usually not in Atlanta, which is fine,
but like it's like I'm in Dealanaga and it's not
in Atlanta, and I'm with my mom all day and
I'm doing this stuff. So it's sort of a I
always want to go and I almost never make it,
and I feel really guilty about it, which I am
good to talk about it at the end. I am trying
this year. I'm trying really hard. I'm even trying to
like float the idea with my mom. We need to
do all the stuff on Friday, Okay, but then I
feel bad, even though again that's a me thing and
not a her thing. I just can't be everywhere at once,
and I want to be sometimes that. I do love
life day. I love celebrating it with my friends. It's
a really low key thing, and I have I Originally
I had a whole separate outline for this Samantha that
was much more intense, and then I was like, I
need some happiness in my life and I need some
joy and I'm not going to do this right now.
Oh lord, I'm curious, but don't want to know. I
am going to talk about it later. It's it's nothing.
It's like silly Star Wars drama. It is not like
anything major, okay. But originally I was going to talk
about that, and I was like, I really want this
to be a fun time this year, and I don't
need it. I just don't need it right now. And
to that end, a lot of people have been sending
me a bunch of fun Star Wars videos of people
finding joy in Star Wars, and I've loved it. And
I got one today from my great friend Katie, who
will be celebrating Life Day with video of a very
young girl making a lightsaber and she was so happy
and I was like, yes, this is the thing. I
did it too, and I'm an adult and it was
so fun.
Speaker 2 (04:13):
And then you bought a real one or actually, yeah,
that was a real one, yes, quote unquote real one,
a Disney one.
Speaker 1 (04:22):
Yeah, it's been very clear. Yes, yes, if only, I'm sorry.
I do think about every year, because admittedly I'm probably
the only one who will watch the holiday special which
Life Day is based upon, every year, so every year
we kind of try to come up with a new
thing to do. I really wanted when I was a kid,
I had this board game that had a VHS that
you played along with it, you know, and we had
so much fun and I always won because I was
the oldest, and if you were the oldest, you didn't
get the dark side points as long as everyone was
doing the same thing, and none of us wanted to
be in the dark side, so I always wanted. That's
so I had a blast. But I don't. I don't
have a VCR anymore, but I bet I could find
a YouTube like a video of it on YouTube. Because
I still have the game. I still have the board
and all the pieces and stuff. But okay, this is
just gonna be kind of a brief celebration again looking
for joy this year. So I don't actually know if
I've ever because I was looking back over my old outlines.
I don't think I've ever described the plot. I've described
what life that is. I've described there is a plot, sure, Somantha,
there is a plot. Okay, so the plot very very
basically is it? Well, okay, small, it's a variety show.
Let me say that it's a seventies, late seventies variety show.
Speaker 2 (06:06):
It's meant for you if you have been high on
something like that level.
Speaker 1 (06:11):
Yes, well it feels like a fever dream, but yes
it is. There is a plot. It is based around
Schewbacca's family, Mala, his wife, Itchi, his dad, Lumpy, his
son waiting on Chewbacca.
Speaker 2 (06:27):
Yes, every time, they just did not like him.
Speaker 1 (06:32):
Lumpy was not having a good day. Okay, Lumpy had
to watch an insurance video.
Speaker 3 (06:37):
It was porn with his grandpa.
Speaker 1 (06:41):
Lumpy did not witness the porn, only Itchy and probably
Art Cartney's character who I can never remember his name,
but yes, there is porn in this briefly well actually
it feels like a lifetime But anyway, they're waiting for
a Han and she to get home for Life Day,
which is a Wookie holiday celebrating life that involves wearing
red robes and making ornaments. There's a tree of Life
making food. It's essentially Star Wars Christmas Thanksgiving maybe combined.
They were truly trying to capitalize on that, and it's
interspersed with just very strange performance pieces as a variety
with b Arthur. That's how that's the main introduction to
Boba Fette, even though he actually was introduced a little earlier,
but that's where most people were introduced to him. Be
a car team and uh yeah, that's it. You have
Luke trying to get there and he's got this makeup
thing going on, and everyone speculates just because of the
car crash and he was on pain medication. But the
timing doesn't work out. And by the way, the legend
of that car crash infamous. We don't know. You have
Carrie Fisher, who was clearly high singing, singing in it.
It is notoriously very bad. There are many many podcasts
on this very network, you can listen to about it.
On other networks you can listen to about it. There's
a documentary I'm going to talk about about it. But yes,
they finally come together at the end and celebrate Life
Day in space like in the gap, like literally in space,
like there's in stars somehow. But anyway, they have a
good they have a good old time.
Speaker 3 (08:33):
Speaker 1 (08:44):
I was looking this up and this is going to
become relevant later because I was just curious and I
found this quote from Wikipedia, and the question was do
the Sith, which is like Darth Vader and the Emperor,
celebrate Life Day. Here's the quote. The old Sith Empire,
for instance, considered Life Day to be a disgraceful menace
of a holiday, which encouraged activities unbecoming of an imperial citizen,
such as dancing and inclement weather, singing on patriotic carols,
and engaging in non violent physical contact with wookies. Because yes,
the Empire sucks. I don't know why I have to
convince people of that sometimes, but it does. And they
were terrible to hookies. But okay, so it was sort
of like real bad and it confused a lot of people.
Although I did read to quotes from people at the time,
including the creators, but also some people who watched it
and like, yeah, that's just that's what variety shows were
like at this time. And then people found it later
in the eighties when that faded away and did not
know what was going on, and then it just got
worse and worse. I don't know, but in our modern times,
Life Day is experiencing like Arise. There is a cookbook
which I own, a Life Day cookbook. You can buy
items Life Day items, and I'm not talking like fan
made items. I'm talking like at Disney Items. They have
a whole page. They have a whole celebration in Disney
World for Life Day. Probably Disneyland too, but I know
Disney World for a fact. Last year, Disney Plus released
a Life Day Low five playlist you could just listen
to on Life Day, which I did listen to, of
course you did. They have the lego version which came
out a few years ago, which is very funny to
me because currently they only have two segments from the
holiday special on Disney Plus. They do not have the
whole thing, which yes you cannot still you still can't
get that anywhere.
Speaker 2 (10:52):
Not for Annie, and you forced people to work.
Speaker 1 (10:55):
Yes, it's only me, the peddler of the holiday.
Speaker 3 (11:00):
It's uch.
Speaker 1 (11:03):
And then there is a documentary, Yes, it is called
Disturbance in the Forest. I haven't seen it yet. I'm
desperate to see it, which is about how this got made,
but also all of the wild stuff that was happening
in Star Wars at this time, because this is not
the only thing, and it's by far the most like, notorious, legendary,
infamous thing, but this is not at all the only thing.
I do sometimes feel bad that I find such joy
out of something that clearly a lot of people wish
everyone would forget.
Speaker 2 (11:38):
Did the author ever talk about it.
Speaker 1 (11:40):
I don't know. I've never looked it up. No, she
probably did. Like I said, the creators of it were
kind of like, hey, it wasn't that bad, and actually,
you guys should watch it again and we'll talk about it.
So if I had been in it, like I can understand. Yeah,
I totally understand, but I feel like a certain point
I would lean in, but I would dread every life day.
I'd be like, oh, our hair comes, oh comes. But
you know, even even with all of that, it is
still pretty niche, like, I don't think if I just
say happy Life Day to even a casual Star Wars fan,
they will know what I'm talking about. Maybe I'm wrong, actually,
but I feel like it's still not super well known
because like the Lego special, people I'm sure watched it,
but if you didn't know where it was coming from,
I don't know that you would be like, oh, Life Day,
here's what it is. And I was thinking about this
for a couple of reasons. I mean one, I really
really really love you know, I love like I love
the super niche, nerdy shit. That's like one of my
favorite things about Dragon Con is like Nerds building off
Nerds building off, Like you find a costume that is
like three degrees away from the original nerd that made
that original costume. Like I love that. That's why I
love going as Zisco Luke because I found it and
I was like, oh my god, this is stunning and
amazing and I have to go and when someone recognizes it, yes,
So the Holiday Special, I think, you know, for a
certain sect of fans, it is iconic, it is legendary.
I think people have heard of it. They might know
nothing about it of them as bad but they've heard
of it. But I would also say we've all kind
of largely agreed that it didn't it's not canon, right,
or it is canon but only parts of it, which
leads me to canon Star Wars canon right now versus
fannin and head canon. Oh lord, Okay, so I looked
this up. Is the Holiday Special canon? So as of
twenty seventeen, a life day is canon? It was actually
made canon in the video game and then like an
entry in Star Wars dot Com. I think the Holiday Special,
though only pieces of it are canon only pieces.
Speaker 2 (14:19):
But does they put on.
Speaker 1 (14:21):
I think that yes, But also I know be Arthur's
character is canon, but I don't know. I'm sure it's
not in the say I think she is a bartender,
but it's like that piece of the Holiday Special isn't canon,
but the character is canon. If that makes sense. Okay,
But I mean that does bring me to my next question,
which I was pondering late last night when I was
trying to sleep. Is canon even a thing anymore? Because
at this point there is so so so much And
I actually remember I think it several years ago I
lamented to you there's going to be a day like
I'm not going to be able to keep up with everything,
and I've arrived at that day. I think I was
already at that day. I just didn't realize I was
already at that day because there's so much just so
many books, there's so many comics, there's so many games,
and canon is not consistent anymore. Even though they have
a person who is in charge of making sure canon
is consistent, it is not. There are many things that
don't agree in canon. And I've also been thinking about
this because okay, there's been a I'm sure you've heard
about this, and we're actually going to come back. I'm
planning on I haven't told you this month, but I'm
planning on coming back about and talking about all this
handwrigging that is going on about fatigue, like Marvel fatigue
and Star Wars fatigue, and all the pressure on like
women as they're more women led and more diverse, because
of course that took longer. Now is when that fatigue
is in, which is for various reasons. I'm sure the
fatigue is real, I believe, but also other things, and
as a fan of Star Wars, I feel like an
interesting thing is happening because one of the reasons Star
Wars specifically is like maybe the fatigue is no one
gets like everything is too dependent on everything else now,
which is true for Marvel as well. But it's interesting
to me because I have read all of the books
that came out in the nineties. I've read all those comics,
and what's confusing me is that they're bringing things from
that into the new canon. But I can't tell what
all pieces they're bringing. I just know if they're bringing things,
so I get confused, and so it feels like, and
I know I did a whole piece on this, but
actually more and more people are saying this. I feel like,
I'm like, it's a fan fiction of a fan fiction
right now. I'm like, because the nineties things was a
fan fiction, and now they're writing fan fiction about that,
Which is not to say it's worse at all, because
I've read plenty of good fan fiction and fan fiction.
But it's just funny to me that I don't feel
like I'm actually in a I'm kind of curious as
someone who hasn't read that stuff is doing better than me,
Like maybe they aren't as confused because they don't know
all this other stuff. Maybe I'm just curious. I'm just curious,
and I think there was a lot of I've seen
a lot of people complain about head cannon and Fannin,
and so head cannon is just it's basically like what
you are, like, this is what I'm going to decide
is canon and not. The key about it is you
don't push it on anyone else. You don't get mad,
or you can get mad, but keep it to yourself
or your friends. Right, But you realize that, like, yes,
there is such a bigger thing happening and you're not
You can't control it. But it does feel kind of
galling when I'm like, but their canon doesn't even match,
So why can I not just back and shoes? And
I recognize and you know, your head canon can change,
your head canon can expand and change as things go on.
Fannin is like things fans believe to be true popularly
even though they've never been like explicitly said or true.
And so I feel like this is the problem I'm
running into because I have a very healthy, happy head canon.
I think I don't like you darting away to laugh
at me.
Speaker 2 (18:54):
I have.
Speaker 1 (18:54):
It's a nice place, but you know, the issue is
canon and impacts the fan creation of like fan fiction
or fan ar' and all that stuff. And so even
if I'm like, I don't want that, it is still
impacting what people write, what people create. And Fannin, on
the other hand, impacts interpretation of media. So you've heard
me talk about this before. I get really frustrated. It's
kind of the same story, but with like the Mandalorian,
Din and grogu are Joel and Ellie in the Last
of Us, where everyone, as the audience is like, oh,
we love them, right, but everyone else pretty much literally
everyone else in that cast of characters has no idea
who this like bounty hunter character is. So why are
we expecting them to be like, oh cool, yeah, he's
his dad now Fannin, That's what Fannin does. These are
just some thoughts of mine. This I'm telling you, this
is me plowing it down because I arigually had a
much more intense out.
Speaker 2 (20:09):
Line kind of turning red in this conversation, like that's
the level of passion that's happening. That that's just like
I have nods for you, thank you for your nots.
Speaker 1 (20:35):
I do wonder sometimes because I've one of the reasons.
I was like, I really want this one to be
a joyful one and not going to my issues about
like mandalorians or whatever. Is because I have been getting
drawn up in these things and I don't think there's
anything necessarily wrong with that. But sometimes I'll read somebody's
comments and I can tell and I do the same thing.
But it's like the cannon isn't consistent. So when you're
making that argument, you're ignoring this piece of the cannon.
But I also ignore pieces of the cannon. But we
can't all we don't know all this stuff because it's
way too much to know. But it means that it's
impacting me because you haven't read that thing, but it's
also impacting you because I haven't done. And so I
was also wondering if it's easier for people for people
who are like, oh, I only just like this, Like
I only like this show, I do only like these movies.
I only like this, And it's not that they hate
other things, but they're like, I only like this, So
it doesn't I don't know bother them. They're just like, okay, sure,
or if it like I don't know, it gets easier
for some people to be like, oh, I'm really into
it now, and then later you're like okay, okay, okay,
which I said before. I think, and I even read
an article that I was like, oh okay that the
sequel trilogy is going to have a renaissance. I think
it will, but right now still hurts. But that brings
me to my final point, which is all this whole
episode is kind of about. I also, and I know
it doesn't sound like it if you've listened to the show.
I do get embarrassed that I talk so much about
nerdy stuff. I do try to hold back. I think
this is for a couple of reasons, but one of
the big ones I think of is my brothers made
fun of me for liking Star Wars so much when
I was young. I got teased for it at school.
I wouldn't say it was like bullying, but I definitely
got teased for it. And so I just sort of like, Okay,
you shouldn't out loud, you shouldn't say the stuff that
should be just a you thing. And I am passionate.
I am very very passionate, and I do love talking
about it. But because of this, because I get I
want people to love or at least like the things
I like, and I worry that by talking about it
too much, I become annoying and they won't like it,
like they'll associate it with like a I don't know,
then I'll deal with her. So I don't always invite
people to mi nerdy things that I do because I
know that they are not into it, and it has
gotten me in trouble before because people are like, why
didn't you invite me? And I'm like, well, I don't
think you like it, like you could have invited me,
and I would still like to hang out with you,
and I think like I would still hold back. I
would hold back because I'd be like, God, they really
don't care about this. And again that is on me,
that it's not on them, But I do worry about
that sometimes because right now, like I Life Day, I'm
just like, hey, it's life Day. And I have like
two people that are like, okay, hang out, which is great,
which is fine, but it's just I have run into
trouble around this before. And life Day is such a
niche thing, like it's so specific and you know, the
holiday like Thanksgivings the next week, I'm really stressed. You're
really stressed because we're trying to get ahead enough to
go take your vacation. So I just don't really invite
people to it. But then, ah, how many people want
to hear me talk about strandcast. Who's to say like that?
Speaker 2 (24:33):
You answered yourself just clarification. I'm not one of those
who gets offended about not being invited it. Maybe you're
specifically talking about me, and I was like, no, no,
I'm really excited that you are going to have the
time of your life with that.
Speaker 1 (24:53):
Yes, we yeah, we've had. We've done some Life Day stuff,
plenty of Star Wars stuff, done a lot of those stuff. Now,
I don't think Life Day has ever come up, but
some Star Wars stuff has come up before, like Star
Wars Day and it's it's nothing, mate. I'm just.
Speaker 2 (25:10):
Hashing it out on Yeah.
Speaker 1 (25:12):
I'm trying to figure out the line between like should
I just invite people even though I know they'll say no.
Should I invite them? And they'll say yes? But then
I'll be like I can't talk about this stupid thing.
Speaker 2 (25:26):
Yeah, And I feel like the rule should be you
invite who you want as long as you're comfortable, Like
if you're going to enjoy that day with that person,
then great. If not, then no, that's not on you.
Speaker 3 (25:39):
Speaker 1 (25:39):
I guess it feels kind of silly because it is
really silly. Life day is really really silly. But I
do love it, uh, and I love that it's silly.
So it's like, I kind of don't want to invite
people who it's just going to become a hang, right,
I want it to be like a life day. Hang,
it's still a hang but it's a life day.
Speaker 2 (25:57):
I Chandler's uh TV watching where he gets really upset
shows that's you and so you enjoy with people who
are like minded?
Speaker 1 (26:09):
Yeah, yeah, which we Yeah, we still we hang, we joke,
we talk. I only say that because Chandler does not
like any of that love.
Speaker 2 (26:18):
I had one person who would not say, but like
every now and they do a passi aggressive. I mean,
if I'd known you guys are just gonna talk about this,
I would have watched this by myself repeatedly and twenty
and we were all like, bro, you're at the wrong house.
You should have known better.
Speaker 1 (26:37):
Yeah, that's kind of the thing.
Speaker 2 (26:39):
And I thought that he was ever invited back, although
they cared to be right.
Speaker 1 (26:43):
Yeah, yeah, he might have been like nothing, yeah, coming Well,
these are just so of my thoughts. I'm sure I'll
return because I also had my other Luke Skywalker outline
I never did for my birthday. I can't remember why
I did something else. But there's more to have to
talk about.
Speaker 2 (27:01):
That will always be stuff.
Speaker 1 (27:03):
But in the meantime, Oh, I am gonna I'm trying
to watch Ausaka this weekend. We'll see how it goes. Okay,
I'm trying to catch up on my all my stuff.
I have it on my calendar. In the meantime, Happy
life Day, Happy Life Day. Yes, well, listeners, if you
do anything for life, say oh, if you do any
foods or drinks, I'm still hashing out them menu. Please
let us know. You can email us at Stephania mom
Stuff at iHeartMedia dot com. You can find us on
Twitter at mom Stuff podcast, or on Instagram and TikTok
at stephan Never told you. We do have a tea
public store with that disco Ani shirt. Yes, and we
have a book where I talk about some of this stuff.
I think I talk about life day. Of course I do,
which you can get wherever you get your books. Thanks
as always to our super producer Casina, our executive producer Maya,
and our contributor Joey.
Speaker 2 (27:58):
Thank you and.
Speaker 1 (27:59):
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