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October 8, 2015 • 47 mins

The Philadelphia Experiment is a bad movie from the 1980s, and also the conspiracy theory that refuses to die, despite virtually zero evidence of its occurrence. Learn all about this strange non-event in today's show.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome to Stuff You Should Know, friend House, Stuff Works
dot Com. Hey, and welcome to the podcast. I'm Josh Clark.
There's Charles W. Chuck Bryant, and this is a special
edition of Stuff you Should Know because Jerry is transmortified
into guest producer Noel, which is requires quite a bit

of alchemy, it does, you know, And a little bit
of alcohol. Yeah, and some uh and like a magnificent
brown bearded that at that nice there's a woodchuck waving
from that, looking good, Noel. Yeah, Jerry's gone on a
top secret mission. You can't talk about it. That's what

makes a top secret. You're talking about it right now.
But she's coming back at some point. Don't worry. She's
not left this forever. No. This is a stint by
guest producer Noel. We'll have to make a sweet out
of it. Yeah. Uh, Noel produced shows you should know,
Summer of am Death, Sweet Nol stint. That sounds grass.

How you doing, man, I'm great. I'm so used to
reading ads these days that like I just panicked, like
I lost my place, and then I was like, oh, yeah,
it's the actual podcast. I was ramble install as wrong
as I need to you remember this from your being
a kid. Was this in your wheelhouse to feel the
movie was watched the last night? Sure? Did you realize? Yes?

It is basically I mean, the plot makes sense, but
it's like a fifteen minute plot. Yeah. They manage a
lot of chasing in. Yeah. They really really draw it out.
They really gussie. Yeah, they drew it out. But the
idea behind it, especially when let's see, I was eight
and I was this is about the time where I'm like,

I'm going to Duke University study parapsychology when I get older.
When you're eight, Yeah, I didn't know what college was
when I was eight. Definitely that was in my wheelhouse. Yeah. Um,
so this was like right up my alley. Now that
I watched it as a child, I'm like, man, I
was an idiot when I was eight. But it was
pretty cool that the special effects are like eighties riffic.

Oh yes they do not hold up. No, But I
mean if you're a fan of Tron video Drone, yeah,
you're gonna love this movie. Uh. Starring the great Michael Perey, yes,
and um robot CoP's partner, Yeah, Nancy Allen, which she
who what else was she in famously, she was in

a bunch of eighties movies. What was her big one? Though?
It was she always like co starring the female lead.
I think, yeah, I don't think she was ever like
the lead in a movie. They didn't make movies with
female leads in the eighties. I can't remember in this context,
are we allowed to say female or should it be
the girl lead? They didn't. They didn't make leads with

women as the lead in the eighties. They're all just
there to prop up the dudes. Just working girl. That
was in the eighties. Good point nine to five, three ladies?
All right, to take it back, Okay, few and far between.
What I'm I'm trying to lobby for gender equality in Hollywood,

and well you should and you're like, no, look at
nine to five. I'm just saying it's I mean, there
were some yeah, yeah, yeah, I agree with you. I
don't mean to argue. You're right, it's a few. There
were a few and far between. That's what you call
a trap. What about Barbararella? Yeah that was seventies or
was it sixties? I think the sixties. Yeah, yeah. Jane
fund Well, just like the makers of the Philadelphia Experiment

you and I know how to draw out a fifteen
minute plot. Hey. Also, I wanted to point out Michael
Parrey disappeared in Eddie and the Cruisers. Oh was it
was he in that? He was Eddie? Was the Was
that based on Bruce Springsteen or something like that? Was
it based on any real life band? I mean it
echoed he was he was Springsteen s But it wasn't like,

you know, I think they were just I think the
right was like, who do I like? Yeah? I like Springsteen,
So let's get John Caffrey to to sing like Springsteen
and put Michael Parrey to lip sync. Wow, that's a
that's that's eighties rific too. And I saw John Cafferty
and concerts in the eighties. That's how what else is

he in? Now? He was the band? He was the
real band, John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band. They
sang those songs for real. And I saw them a
concert at six Flags. How about that? And they've now
become the Zach Brown band. That's right, right? Who looks
like Noel? Full circle? Full circle? We just did it?
Can we be done? Now? So? The Philadelphia experiment, I

guess was right up. Michael Perey's um Ali because echoed
real life too in a way. In a way, sure,
the makers went back and read a couple of books
that purported to be nonfiction accounts of this incredible experiment
carried out by the Navy. So incredible, and we should

probably let's let's describe the experiment to begin with right experiments,
we should say, yeah, that's true. This article gets it wrong, yeah,
on how stuff works. Yeah, there were two separate things,
both involving the destroyership called the USS Eldridge recently commissioned. Uh.
Summer of nineteen forty three is when it began July,

I think, And what supposedly happened was that there was
um this ship and there was a big secret Navy
experiment that who's what's aim was to make the ship disappear. Yeah,
not just to like radar something like that, but if
there was a guy with the periscope, he would look
right past the ship because it had been made invisible,

essentially invisible. And then the story goes that that was successful.
It was a successful experiment that was carried out. Yet
it disappeared in full view and broad daylight. Uh. And
from the was it the Philadelphia shipyard and then reappeared.
There's a big glow, and then it reappeared and all
the sailors aboard. We're in bad shape. So did that

take place in July or was that's a place in July? Okay, well, okay,
Then it happened again in October. Then the second experience.
Then they re tried the experiments. Supposedly the ship disappeared
and popped up in Virginia, Norfolk, Virginia, and then then
reappeared ten minutes prior so at time, traveled back ten
minutes in to Philadelphia again right, which again the sailors

were in bad shape even by teleportation standards. That's impossible,
you know what I mean. Yeah, And supposedly these uh
the shipmen were um uh semen were Some were caught
like in the middle of the ship, like crazed and crazy.
So basically the implication is is that they had been

some sort of in some fashion mal pecularly disintegrated along
with the ship, and then when it was brought back together,
the coordinates were maybe off slightly, maybe the ship and
the people were where they were ten minutes earlier, and
things just went a little haywire, Like my upper halves
on the Leado deck, and my lower halfs on the

UH or the other decks on the Love the Man.
That's the only deck I know, the party Deck, the
Tango Depth, the Tango Debt, Yeah, uh, and the them
And I'm still alive. And I've also gone mad because
my brain didn't configure back correctly either. Yes, and this
was all possible thanks to um Albert Einstein working with

the Navy and teaching them all his little tricks on
how you can make ships disappear in time travel. Specifically,
the theory is that UM or the rumor, the conjecture,
the conspiracy. Theory is that um Albert Einstein figured out
the unified field theory, which basically the theory of everything. No,

it frustrated him for his whole life. UM, there's this
idea in physics that there's possibly one explanation for the
behavior of everything in the universe. Right now, we've got
a pretty good theory. I think the theory of special
relativity ties in three of the fundamental forces in the universe.

But gravity is this outlier that can't be tied in
through physics formulas. And they think that there's some way
of understanding things to where everything ties together. And as
I think Michio Kaku famously put it um he said
that what they're searching for with a unified field theory
is with a formula and inch long, you'll be able

to read God's mind. So the idea is that that
Einstein came up with this unified the field theory, again
not true, and that it was used to understand how
to teleport things. So they use this understanding to carry
out an experiment with a bunch of navy seamen on
a destroyer in broad daylight, because you can you can

imagine the advantage to be able to make your ship invisible.
And not only that, if you could figure out how
to teleport it, Like you're You're done, dude, no more war,
because you would win them all and the rest of
the world would just cower at your invisible feet. Yeah,
you just suddenly pop up behind your enemy, put him
in a full nelson and be like you give, you give.
You'd be like and that's it. You just let him

go and be like this right, and you tell port
out of there. You see how easily that could happen.
Nazi unified field theory. Alright, So the Philadelphia experiment never
happened like that at least what we'll go ahead and
not give any credence to the conspiracy theorists out there,
although we'll probably get a couple of people that emailed in,

Oh man, this is this is like a nucleus of
conspiracy theory. It ties in UFO, ties in theoretical physics,
the US government of course yep, ginormous cover up um.
It ties in all these different things. And it's really
really interesting if you go read this stuff, it's it's
it's to me, it's more interesting than just just UFO

conspiracy theory. You're just government cover up conspiracy theory. It's
like a clearinghouse of conspiracy theories all tied up into
one package. On the secret experiment that, if you listen
to the Navy's official line, never took place. There never
was a Philadelphia experiment. There never was. It was also
known as Project Rainbow. There was never a Project Rainbow. Um,

it just didn't happen. The whole thing was made up
out of whole cloth, apparently by a guy named Carlos
m Allende. Yeah, and there were there was a couple
of hinky details. Will go over why this thing has
survived a little bit later. But there are a few
hinky details not to make it believable, but that just

have fueled the fire over the years. And let's let's
take a break right here, Chuck is I'm getting a
little over excited. Okay, just put this under your tongue.
You'll be fun. Okay, all right, wake up, buddy, what

we're back? How much time has passed in your mind?
Millions of years? So it's only been about three hours.
Do you feel rested? I do feel very refreshed. Good, Well,
we can continue. So you tease the man name, well,
he had some different names, Carl m Allen or under

his pseudonym Carlos Miguel. Yeah, he's like it. Let me
throw a D E on the end. I'll sound mysterious. Yeah,
and O s in the D. So uh in nineteen
fifty six, I was gonna get in the way back machine.
But I don't think we should even bother for this. No,

this actually proves there is no way back machine. That's right.
So in real time, uh Allende sent Um a letter,
and he would go on to send about fifty more
letters to an author named Morris Jessup, who wrote a
book a year earlier called The Case for the UFO Yes,
which you can find on the podcast page for this episode. Yeah,

and he's a he was an author. He's like a
legit dude that wrote a bunch of books. I mean, well,
I mean, I don't mean legit is in like he
proved any science behind UFOs, but he was. He authored
books for real. He wasn't printing, man, he wasn't just
publishing manifestos online. And he was a conspiratorially minded investigator. Yeah.

But if you read like his writing, it was just
nothing but conjecture. Sure nothing, There was nothing in it
but conjecture, present it as fact. And he even says
like these are uh there are three basic proven facts
about this, and then here's some more facts and it's like,
you know these are facts at all, but it's really
fascinating stuff. Maybe he doesn't know what facts are maybe

so uh so he got these letters and um in
these letters. Uh. At first there were some attacks on
him and from from Alan saying you don't know what
you're talking about, man, You're getting this unified field theory
all wrong. And I know because Einstein spent several weeks
with me teaching in this stuff himself. Yeah. And not
only that. So it's like cuckoo pot writes crackpot, right.

And he was saying, like, I can prove that that
unified field theory has been mastered by describing this experiment
that took place in Philadelphia in nineteen forty three concerning
one US destroyer called the USS Eldridge. Yes, and he said,
I know this because I was there, buddy. I was

on a ship in that harbor, and there were other
ships in the harbor. That seems to be the only
part that's true. Yeah, I mean this is a place
where ships are being outfitted, like throughout the summer and fall. Yeah.
It was the war, that's right. So he claimed that
he was on one of these ships. He said, I
witnessed this, uh in person. I saw this green glow.

I saw this thing disappear. Not only that he could
come back, he could see the field that was created
by this this um experiment. Yeah, and he stuck his
arm into it. He was that close stuff of movies, right,
stuff of movies. Yeah. So he sends these letters, and

he sends fifty of them. Yeah, and Jessup said, uh,
you know what, let me investigate this a little bit,
because I'm a crack butt too. I get where you're
coming from. So let me just check into this. This
is right on my yeah, thank you for these. Uh,
let me look into this a little bit. And he
basically gave up because the dude could produce. He asked

him for some evidence or names anything, He had nothing,
He didn't. He just said, here's the story and it's fact,
and he goes, Um, Carlos Allende, who by then I
think had dropped the pseudonym right to carl Allen, who knows.
He might have called himself big Bird at that point.
So he was and he was a very disturbed man. Yeah,
I'm joking, but yeah, he had mental problem. He did. Um.

But if you if you research him, and you research
even skeptics of the Philadelphia experiment, like the stuff he
was coming up with was really interesting stuff. Yeah. He
was good, a good writer, but he was a huge
confabulator as well. Sure. So, um, he's saying all this
is is fact and he uh, he's saying, I don't
know what the dates were, I don't know the people's

names or anything like that. But perhaps if I were
put under Narco hypnosis, I would remember all this stuff,
so you got any drugs? And about this time Jessup
said I'm done with this, right he had, Actually he
moved on because apparently the government had directly addressed UFO
rumors and now Jessep didn't do that. I'm sorry. Another

guy did, um who was interested in researching um all end.
But I'm sure Jessep was like, I gotta get back
to my serious work. He did. But then something truly
bizarre happened. And this did happen. He got a knock
on his door and two researchers from the Office of
Naval Research who would have been carrying out experiments like this. Hey,

have you ever heard of a guy named Carlos Allende?
And you probably could have picked uh mk Jessip off
the floor, I would imagine so, because I mean, yeah,
he was like, it's all true exactly, and he said,
come in, come in, please have some tea, have some opiates.
It was at this point and they said, you know what,

we got a package a year ago, um, and it
had a copy of your book, my friend on the UFOs,
and it was um, yeah. It was annotated very heavily
by three people, well by by three sets of ink
and three types of handwriting, which were all clearly from

Carl Allen. Well they were to MK Jessop, who corresponded
with Carl Allen for well over fifty letters. Right, yeah,
he said, I'm not fooled this guy, Jimmy, j E,
M I who may have been an alien. It's it's
Carl Allen and Mr A and Mr B or both
Carl Allen. They're they're all Carl Allen. But regardless of
whether they were all one, dude, the annotations had fascinated

these two navy researchers enough that they supposedly, as far
as the Office of Naval Research officially says, they took
it upon themselves and paid out of their own pockets.
And I guess took vacation time to go find uh
mk Jesso, Yeah, I haven't found. I saw a bunch
of conflicting reports on that, whether or not, And this
is what can spiracy. Theoristal point too that either it

was official business or they did it on their own.
Either way they say that that means something, and I've
heard it explained away is it was just something on
their list that they eventually had to get to. That
seems like a terrible explanation. I think this adds like
a real wrinkle of the story, whether purposefully or it's
just something that can't be very easily explained away. Maybe

it is. It was just these guys were really interested
in this. Maybe they were into UFO stuff or whatever.
It doesn't matter, the fact that those two guys showed
up gives this thing legs for miles, you know, And
it's just awesome that that happened, because that has kept
this thing alive in part. Yeah, and the box came
to them mark Happy Easter, which alway sounds kind of funny.

And uh it had weird punctuation and capitalizations, all the
marks of a madman, right, Um. But again, like the
stuff he was saying was it was it was curiosity
arousing in these guys. And they actually took um and
again supposedly paid for our their own pocket, the annotated
version of the case for UFOs and published it with

the annotations. Uh. They had a contractor, a military contractor
called Vero Technology, I think, and um had them published it,
which is weird, especially if they were doing it on
their own pocket. But only a hundred and twenty seven
copies imagine it didn't cost that much. I saw even
and they were like spiral bound. It wasn't fancy. I

read a lot of this and it's, um, it's you know,
it's like it's really out there, you know. But I
imagine if you're UFO enthusiasts it might interest you. I mean,
if you read Um, Morris justup stuff, it's out there too. Well,
imagine meeting that with the annotation from the other dude. Yeah,

I was gonna say, get the impression that it was
Carlos and stuff is even more out there. You can
get online, it's on there's PDFs of it if you
want to of the varo. Well yeah, but supposedly there's
a lot of forged copies as well in circulation. Yeah, yeah,
I don't know. To seem real, Um, why would someone
take the time to forge a copy of the Crackpot Manifesto?

That's the course we should all be asking myself. So, um,
Jessup's story uh ends just a couple of years later.
He was down on his luck and he got injured
really badly in a car accident, had a bad breakup
with his wife, and he killed himself. He put a
hose from his car exhausted into his window. And this

is one of the other reasons that conspiracy theory. Anytime
there's a suicide and there's the government involved, it's pretty
easy to say he didn't kill himself, the government killed him. Right.
It's made all the more suspicious though, because Um supposedly
he that was the day that he was to meet
a friend who he had said he had told I've

made a breakthrough in Philadelphia experiment case. And then all
of a sudden he turns up dead of a suicide.
So well, I mean that, and the O n R
guys showing up at his door definitely has kept this
thing alive. It has uh Um supposedly his friends came
out and said, now he was deeply depressed, and he
had talked to suicide in the months before he committed suicide.

But then I'm sure conspiracy theorists say they paid them off. Man, Yeah,
because people said, you can let my family go down,
maybe said, and the Eldridge had a pretty uh well,
it didn't go on to like great things. It was
sold to Grease or transfer. Degrease, renamed the HS leon

Um used in exercises and then sold for scrap metal
in the ninety. So no big deal with the boat, right,
no big So we'll take another little break here and
we'll come back and we'll talk about what really happened
in the Philadelphia shipyard that day? All right, what really happened, Josh, Nothing,

that's supposedly what really happened apparently on that day in
the Naval shipyard. I guess either July or October. But July,
I think is the one that people typically if they
just think it was a one day thing rather than
two separate experiments, it's usually July that they point to,
which they did in this article too, on that particular day. Um,
the USS Eldridge wasn't even in Philadelphia. Yeah, this is

the part I don't understand. It was in Yeah. So
here's the thing. This is that that revelation came out.
We'll get to that in a minute. Prior to this,
there is a researcher, he's an astrophysicist ston you followed this,
named Jacques Jacques f Valet, and he was actually the
inspiration for the uphologist Frenchman character in Close Encounters of

the Third Kind. And he was also like a venture capitalist,
is a pretty sharp dude. He just had some unusual interests, right,
But one of the things that he dedicated himself too
was disproving the Philadelphia Experiment, proving that it was a hoax.
He was a skeptic, right, in some manner. He was
a skeptic. So he wrote a paper and UM in

the paper he invited people to UH to reach out
to him if they had further information about the Philadelphia Experiment,
and as a result, allegedly he was contacted in by
a guy named Edward Dujon or Dudgeon. Let's say Dudgeon.
It's a little a little more pleasant than Dujon. I

bet his friend called him the Dungeon. Yeah, I'll bet
you know, Yeah, that's what I would have called him.
So yeah, he responded. The paper was called Anatomy of
a Hoax on the Philadelphia Experiment fifty years later in
the Journal of Scientific Exploration, and Uh Dudgeon got in
touch and said, you know what, I was in the
Navy from forty five. I was on that boat, and uh,

I can explain what happened, which is pretty exciting. Well,
he was. He was on the Angstrom, which was there
at the same time. I thought he was on the
actual boat. Now he was an electrician on the Angstrom,
but he said he was fully aware of all of
the electrical components on the Angstrom and on the Eldridge
because they all party together. Sure exactly that was that
actually comes he comes up later. Um, so he he

was saying. He he basically had a pat and completely
sensible and reasonable answer for every single part of the
Philadelphia experiment. For example, part of the Philadelphia experiment legend
is that a brawl broke out in a bar following
the experiment, and two of the sailors on board the
Eldridge suddenly disappeared. They vanished. Yes, well, um dudgeon. Dudgeon says,

I was one of those guys. I actually faked my
age on my ILLICITENTA paper, so I was under age
and shouldn't have been in the bar. And the bar
the bartender um took pity on me and another underage
dude and shoot us out the back door and then
pretended that she'd never seen us. So they disappeared. They
disappeared exactly out the back door. Another one, he says, Um, well,

he explains the whole thing basically right. He says, there
was no experiment like that, but they were doing something
that might have seemed freaky to the uninitiated, and that
was degussing the ships. Yeah the time. Germany and I
guess everyone else really in the navy, in the navy's
around the world. Uh, they had magnetic uh mind sea
mines which would uh find your boat and you know, go,

who that's metal, let me go stick on that thing
and blow up. Yeah, and torpedoes that were magnetic seeking
to Yeah. And they thought, you know what, let's come
up with a way to make our ship poles and
our metal parts um non magnetic to these to these obstacles, right,
which is an established UM project I guess, or an

established what's the word I'm looking for process? So it
was close with projects. It was the real thing. Yeah.
It's called de goossing, uh. And it basically either changes
or gets rid of the magnetism of something that was
formerly magnetic, like a ship's hull. It does not make
it invisible the radar or otherwise, but it probably looks

pretty weird, right. So they wrapped the ships in hundreds
and hundreds of meters of cable um and then ran
a really high voltage electrical charge through it, and supposedly
this would demagnetize the ships, which really came in handy
because at the time, um just outside of um America's

coastal waters was called the Graveyard of the Atlantic because
German U boats were running the show out there at
this time. And as we learned in our did Nazis
invade Florida, they sometimes were parked right off the coach exactly,
so they were taken out our destroyers and our cruisers
and our battleships. So this was a this is a
big deal to be able to do that kind of thing,

although and it was classified stuff. It wasn't experimentation in
anything that hadn't been proven before. It was like, man,
we're just de magnetizing our battleships. Yeah, they could have
had a big sign up, said the gossing at work.
Stand back. Yeah, it wasn't no big super secret thing.
But if you're a Nazi, don't read this sign right. Um.

The other thing that Dudgeon addressed was the concept that
the Eldridge disappeared from the Philadelphia shipyard, reappeared in Norfolk,
and then reappeared back in Philadelphia. Well, that happened, but
it just went there and then came back, right, But
it didn't happen in like five minutes or ten minutes

or thirty seconds. But again he points out like if
you weren't really if you were just casually paying attention,
you might have seen the Eldredge in Philadelphia that night
and then noticed it was missing late at night, and
then noticed it was back in the morning, which would
seem impossible because that was supposedly a two day trip. Yeah,

two days including there and back. Round trip was two
days up the up the coast. But apparently the Navy
had a canal that they used, Um, I think the
Delaware Chesspeake canal that only the military could use, and
they could make that round trip in six hours. So
in other words, it's easily explainable that it just simply Uh,

I keep want to say sailed, but it's not sailing.
I think they still call it that. Did they set sail? Yeah,
let the ship out. Yeah, it shipped out and took off,
shipped back in the regular amount of time, and it
just became part of the lore. Yeah. And I mean
you can even tech on a few hours there. Apparently
Norfolk was when they where they outfitted it with with
their explode us and Apparently they could load a battleship

in four hours, So even taking that into account, it's
still ten hours if it shipped out at eleven pm,
which is what uh Dujon says, right, what woul dudgeon, Yeah,
um he uh he says that shipped out at eleven
it'd still be back by nine am. So again, if
you're just casually paying attention, what seems pretty mysterious really

took on legs over time. It's basically like a game
of telephone. Like any conspiracy theory, maybe there's a kernel
of truth that got exaggerated by some drunken sailors and
then bam, it gets shrunk down to ten seconds through
a teleportation experiment. Well, and these sailors, the drunken sailors
supposedly could have been overheard saying things like, you know,
they're gonna make a ship disappear, they're gonna make its invisible,

when in fact, what they were saying is they're going
to make it more or less invisible. To these minds
got all twisted around. It wasn't literally invisible. Yeah, and
so there were apparently tons of merchant semen around the
area as well, So again this would have been classified stuff.

If there have been loose lips which sinks ships. Um,
and somebody had said like we're gonna make it invisible,
like you said, they would have picked up on that.
Maybe they were the ones who were, um just casually
paying attention to the to the eldridge here there, and
it just seemed to disappear and reappear. Um. And there's

this guy named Robert Gorman and he Um in a
nineteen eighty Faet magazine article wrote about tracking down Carlos Allende.
He was from the same hometown as him, and turned
out that he already knew the guy's father. He just
didn't realize that he was Carlos Allende's father or carl
Allen's father, your old man Allen's son, Yeah, pretty much, um.

And he managed to interview the family and get a
pretty good picture of the guy. Um. But one of
the things that he found was Carl Allen's merchant Seamen papers.
So it's entirely possible he was there around the time,
or if he wasn't there at the time, UM, he
may have been. He may have known somebody who was
there at the time. I could totally see him have

been there and that's probably how he got the idea
to cook it up right, Okay, I believe all that.
Yeah and again, all of this laying squarely on the
desk of Carl Allen because no one, no one talked
about the Philadelphia Experiment. It was never those words were
never put together until he his first letter to Morris

jessup right, So it appears to have been totally fabricated
by him. Yeah and Um. After the movie came out,
people started coming out of the woodwork, including a dude
named Alfred Biolec. Have you been to his website? Oh? Yeah,
he's he's something else. He made a video uh called
uh the Philadelphia Experiment Part one Crossroads of History, and

he claims that he was a physicist on board the Eldridge. Uh.
And he was a part of the team. And not
only that, he says he time traveled in nineteen forty
three all the way to nineteen eighty three during the
experiment to tell his story. That sounds extremely close to
the plot of the Philadelphia Experiment movie. Yeah, and the

and except there was a little different. In the movie.
He travels from Um, we shouldn't mock this game. It's
a fascinating website, but he puts himself squarely at the
um the center of the Philadelphia experiment. And he also
says that he was part of the Montauk Project. Yeah,

which they're sort of tied together somehow. Yeah, Well, should
do one on that at some point, somehow. Debunking things.
This guy, this guy wrote a book where he just
basically made this stuff up out of whole cloth. Yeah.
He says that the book, whether you take it as
science fact or science fiction, you're in for a really
great story. Worry um, even though it's it's basically loaded
with soft facts. This this is the author and the preface, right,

But basically it's this extension that, like the Philadelphia Experiment,
was wildly successful, and from that we learned all sorts
of things like getting in touch with extraterrestrials, being able
to teleport everywhere, um, just doing all sorts of really
interesting things. Basically anything you can possibly think of that
a conspiracy theorists would enjoy. It's crammed into this book,

and it's it's given um a bit of gravitas by
associating it with the Philadelphia Experiment. You know, in some quarters, man,
some quarters that that definitely gives some gravitas. Uh. This
green glow has been explained away by most people as
maybe an electrical storm or st Elmo's fire. Um, and

it was just you know, maybe just another part of
this story that people took and ran with it, or
maybe it was nothing at all. Yes, Um, it also
could have been. The Office of Naval Research put out
a fact sheet on what they understand about the Philadelphia
experiment and they said, um, it's possible. Another origin or
the origin of that specifically was experiments with the U. S. S.

Timmerman later on after the war in the fifties where
they tried to use a small generator that was higher
power than the generator that was currently on board and
it actually caused coronal discharge with a glow. Um. And
they said that no one was injured, no one was
meshed into the ship. It was just a glow was created,

which is what you'd expect from a very strong electrical field. Right.
So they think possibly that combined with um the degaussing
stuff they were doing during World War two, came together
um and helped this legend take off. But what they
say also though, and what was supported by this reunion
of USS Eldridge Sailors. Is that even the guy who

debunked and discredit did everything that Carlos Allende said, Um dudgeon.
He was full of it too, apparently because the US
S Eldridge wasn't in Philadelphia then it was in Brooklyn. Yeah,
they got together in Atlantic City, and I read an
article on this meeting, and they had a good laugh
and said that one of him even has something about

it on his license plate just so people like ask
him about it. And a few of them said they
would pull people's legs and say like, oh, no, I
disappeared and my hand was caught in the ship, and
then they would say, no, none of that happened. But
they said that that was in Brooklyn, and the ship's
log confirms that. So um, apparently it wasn't even in
that shipyard that day at all. Right, So that's that's

the only part where I'm like, oh, wait a minute,
how could they completely invent that it was even in
the shipyard. Why wouldn't they just use a ship that
was there, because it would give it a little more
credence if there was at least a ship there. But
that's what I'm saying like, um, Carl and he made
he said all this, he was the one who just

came up with it from the beginning. Yeah, but I
don't know. It just seems a little weird that he
he didn't care at all about making it believable by
picking a boat that was actually there. Well, that's what
I'm saying. He may have been there at the time.
He may have known that the Eldridge was there and
just fudge the date because he couldn't remember because this
is like twelve years later, over thirteen years after the fact,

you know what I mean, bad memory, right, So maybe
he just got the date wrong and the thing really
did happen, and then the O. N R Would be like,
oh that experience, Yeah, oh yeah, we teleported a battleship.
You just got the date wrong. So we've mentioned quite
a few things here that why this thing has lived
on through the years. Um there uh that Jacques Valets

theorizes that you know, anytime you have like a movie
made about it or any kind of imagery, whether it's
a photo of the Locknett Monster to the photo of
the Montauk Monster, people are gonna have something physical to
point to and say, look, they made this move movie
and that's when people started coming out of the woodwork
was after the movie, so you oh yeah, I was there.

I remember that now. Michael Parade just reminded me of
this thing that happened. He also had My favorite thing
on his website is that, um he met the person
that he later realized was the actor Mark Hamill in
Hawaii in six but Mark Hamill would have been five
at the time. Well did he say he was a little,
nice little kid. I don't think he was a kid.

He said, he's a full grown adult. Interesting. Uh. What else?
The fact that it's the federal government. Of course, in
the in the military, you know, people are gonna run
with that stuff, which I mean, that's the military's fault.
I remember. Oh yeah. Sure they did secret experiments, still do,
tons of them. Back in some stuff that got declassified,

and it really opened people's eyes to the fact that
the government in the military experimented on un uninformed and
unwitting subjects, not just in in its ranks, but also
in the general public. So yeah, it's totally the idea
that the military would do this, um with its own

people on board. Yeah, probably the most believable part of
the whole thing, agreed. Uh and also just um throw
Albert Einstein in their throw in a secret scientific theories
that haven't been proven, and it's just ripe for the
picking when it comes to conspiracies and the suicide. Of course,

like we mentioned earlier, that definitely doesn't help. It did
not help the case any But um, this is one
that I at a hard time finding people that still
believe this. Uh yeah, I think a lot of people
like it aren't aware of it, even except for the movie.
You know what else helped it get legs. There's a
book in nineteen seventy nine and it was called the

Philadelphia Experiment Colon Project Invisibility, and it was reprinted in
in excerpt and papers around the country as as fact
or nonfiction in nine nine does not help. It doesn't
help things. You know, I personally with all conspiracy theories,

I just I enjoy reading this stuff. I think it's
fun and funny and interesting. I don't there aren't any
that I really believe in, but um, I do think
it's funny when people get all upon their hackles and
right in that you know that's been making fun of
the stuff, and it's you know, you don't know, it
could be real. Well that's the other thing, man, I'm
glad you brought this up, because they're like the just

being like, no, this is not possible, like stupid, stop
thinking stuff like that. It's like, no, this is at
the very least people using their imaginations and uh, exercising
it in ways that I don't typically do. And so
it is nice to come kind of visit it and
check it out and read it. You know. Yeah, although
I claim to have seen a ghost, so what do
I know exactly? Although I have to say, probably the

best ac use against this, there are two things that
just say, just on its face, this isn't right. One,
this happened seventy years ago, and if the military successfully
transported a battleship, we would know about teleportation by by now. Yeah,
they'd be doing it all over the place exactly. The
second thing was a quote from Robert Gorman, the guy
who tracked down Carl Allen in that magazine article. He wrote,

if we were to believe Carl Allen, our naval hierarchy
abandoned sanity and historical president by conducting an experiment of
enormous importance and broad daylight using a badly needed destroyer
escort vessel. Yeah. I think that kind of sums it
up nicely. Agreed, But go forth and read about the
Philadelphia Experiment because it is interesting stuff. Watch the movie.

Why not? No, it's on YouTube. You watch the YouTube.
I can't believe you made it through it. I did.
I'm telling you like I mean, I was working too.
I had to like windows open, but it was fine. Yeah,
it was fine. It's as believable as Tron. That's Josh's review.

Let's see. If you want to know more about the
Philadelphia Experiment, you don't have anything else, right, you can
type those words in the search bar. How stuff works.
And since Chuck said Tron, it's time for listener mail.
I'm gonna call this uh email from an up and
coming podcaster in Georgia Bulldog Nice. Hey, guys, my name

is Bailey. I'm a junior mass media, arts and theater
student at good Old u g A Go Dogs Wolf
Wolf uh. My professional identity aside, I'm also a longtime
listener and lover of you, guys. I listened to my
first episode on the bus home from seventh grade. That Wow.
I'm pretty sure it was episode on brainwashing. So she's

in college now. I mainly listen to y'all as I'm
working on my on campus job bus driving. Did you
ever take the buses in Athens? The student bus? I
was so crippled with social anxiety that if I couldn't
find a parking space, I would just skip class because
I didn't want to get on the bus. You had
social anxiety really like I didn't want to get to

know anyone or you just I just couldn't bear being
around peers at that age. Really interesting. Uh. The buses
were always a little scary because it was like, here's
a forty ft long bus full of students and it's
driven by year old student. Yeah. Well it's scary for
me for different reasons, but I can imagine it's scary

for that reason too. Yeah, it took him a few times.
I mainly walked. Um, okay, where was that bus driving?
So my passengers have the honor of listening to you
as well? Oh, I guess she plays it out loud.
That's nice. That is nice. That's the party bus right there,
I guess. So the other day I was driving, I
realized it's my destiny to produce and host a podcast
on campus. We don't really have anything like that, so

I'm excited about it. My idea is to have me
and another host be constants on the show and every
week bring in a different u G. A professor or
Athens professional or general awesome person to talk about the
one thing in their field that fascinates them the most
for about thirty minutes. It would include informal conversation between
the three of us about a topic highly inspired by

Yall's witty banter. Anyway, because you guys are my muses,
I would want to, uh wanted to ask you any
advice for a baby bulldog podcaster. As an m M
A major, I feel like I have the basic knowledge
and resources for the technical side, but as far as
what makes a good episode, I'm feeling pretty shaky. What
is your environment, like? How much do you prepare for

the actual script? Do you have a specific formula for
every episode? I'm fascinated and that is Bailey Johnson, Uh,
you've got any advice? I will give you the same
advice I would give anybody starting out in podcasting. Bailey,
get good, Mike, it's worth the expenditure. Make it sound good,

and they probably have them on campus, some imagining. Yeah,
I mean yeah, if you can finagle your into a
studio with good mikes, ye, do it. Oh yeah, do
whatever you need to do to get that done. Uh,
and then release on a reliable schedule. That are those
are the two keys to begin with. I mean, like,
as long as you're releasing on a reliable schedule, people

will come to appreciate what you're doing. Yeah. And my
advice as far as scripting goes is, you know, We've
said this a billion times on different interviews, but we
don't script stuff out, and we don't go over stuff
with each other. We just do our own research and
try and have as natural a conversation as possible, which
I think has helped our show out. That's not to
say that you need to do that, but I think

being relatable and um, conversational helps rather than feeling like
you're being read a script. I don't know a lot
of people that would be as into that, So my
advice would be trying to make a conversational um, you know,
maybe go over it with whoever your co host is
some at first, she's a theater major, right, Yeah, you

should be pretty good at this stuff already, So Yeah,
I'm sure it's good at ed living. She's probably finds
comfort in the idea of a script. I don't think
there's anything wrong with starting out trying that. But if
it doesn't feel right or you're not getting good feedback
about it, and try try something else. Yeah, my my,
I guess I would say maybe try like instead of
a script, try like an outline, um that you share

with each other, the poor man's script. Yeah, so you've
got a little roadmap ahead of you, and uh, we
kind of just we've been doing this for so long.
We don't need that. We don't need it go only,
but we have our own roadmap that we share via
our brain waves. Yes, mapped to the White House. It's
not written down few thousands, sixteen. So those are our

points of advice. Um. We don't have a specific formula.
We just try to talk about things that we find interesting.
That's I think that's a key to man. Yeah, be
into what your own topic is, because that'll show for sure. Yeah.
Although we've also found that like just about everything is
interesting if you dig hard enough, everything has a story. Yeah,
So if something's like really boring, you maybe abandon it.

But you can also try digging harder. Agreed, So good luck, Bailey.
Send us a link when that's up and we'll plug
it for you and um. And since you're doing an
interview show, your goal should be with each interview to
make that person cry. You know what, Bailey, I'll I'll
even be on your show if you want. Whoa nice Yeah,

I'll do that. If you get it up and running
and you need somebody, I'd be happy to sit in.
That is so nice? Why not well too if you want.
I don't know if fault for athletes. Uh yeah, not
that I don't like to, but I might just be
easier to do it on the phone. Okay, we'll see Bailey.
He's laid it out there for you again. In touch,
all right, Bailey? Good luck class of seventeen. That's crazy. Yeah,

who started listening in seventh grade? Goodness. If you want
to get in touch with the chucker I chucker me, Yeah,
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