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January 31, 2024 • 15 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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To the program, if we may, mister Steve Laffy. Steve Laffy is
of course. Oh, by theway, his website is Steve Laffy dot
com Steve Laffy dot com. Alwaysgood to hear from him every week at
this time. He's an author,written a book about his run for the
US Senate back in the day.You'll also find that he's a filmmaker and

he traveled the globe or traveled thecountry just a couple of years ago,
trying to wait people up and findout what the what the people are thinking
and the needs they face in orit's probably very similar to the needs they
face now. We got to havea government that's more respondent. Sorry,
I'm stalling here because I just hitthe wrong button on a computer. I
have to wait for that screen togo away, ladies and gentlemen, Mister

Steve, hang on, I'm justwaiting. It's my fault. I hit
the wrong button on something and it'srefreshing but up. But it's gonna happen
here in just a moment. SteveLaffy's waiting. Oh okay, Steve Laffy,
Mark Margot, you turned on.That's my fault. Well, there
my computer refreshment. Steve Roffy,Good morning, Jemmy, it's not great

to be with you. Yes,my failures, to quote Jackson Brown,
my failures are large. Is noneed to remind me. I'm trying to
wake the American people up of thecompending disaster. From running for office,
speeches around the country Texas tea Party, Conservative Party of New York, running
for president, a book, amovie, and we're about to hit the

wall. But anyway, Steve Waffey, I'm here and we can do a
lot to help this country. EvenBiden would just wake up, but he
won't, I guess. But thisis just the country is really in bad
shape. Let me ask you beforeI'm going to get to this immigration thing
and the fact that you know,just comparing contrast what Obama said, I'm
not kidding, we get this isthe law, and then Biden says,

we got to have Congress Act.There's no law. Well, I'm sorry,
there still is. But before Ijust see the news that the FED,
the chairman of the Fed's going tospeak today. You follow this much
more intently than I do. Ishe going to raise lower? What are
we doing here? What's this isthere? Any thing that we should be
paying intention to do is a shammerof the Fed. Step to the microphone
today, Yeah, the Federal Imean I tuck this many times. My

guess is that they will do nothing. The market would leave them to start
lowering interest rates so they could justfeed off the fact that they'd be quantitative
easing again. So people know thatright now the said Reserve which increased its
balance sheet from two thousand and sevenfrom four hundred billion to eight trillion and
kept interest rates at zero, thereforedeforming the entire economy. The press treats

these people like they are king Poubaswhen they had been wrong just about at
every turn in the economy. Remembertransitory inflation when I said it wasn't on
the show. When the Powell saidhe was going to run inflation at maybe
to three and a half percent byDecember twenty twenty one, it was eight
point nine. So these people,so I don't know what they're gonna do

today, but the market expects themto cut interest rates like eight times,
even though inflation started to tick upagain as we had into stagflation. It
looks like because a lot of thesecourts now put into union contracts. A
lot of things happening in this countryare there to stay for a while,
and yet no one seems to careabout the middle class. If you make
one hundred grand and twenty twenty andyou manage to still make one hundred grand

today, just to pick the number, you're down fifteen thousand dollars in real
income because of the FED Reserve,which we'll talk today. Everybody will hand
on every word rather than having AI, I guess replace the FED because if
any computer system had seen what washappening, they would have raised interest rates
quicker and faster if it was installedin twenty twenty, twenty twenty one.

But here we are Jimmy waiting,waiting, and everybody waiting, and then
CNBC will be Wow, what agreat job he did. When these people
should all basically resign, as I'vesaid many times. Yeah, the voice
of Steve Laffie Laffey Steve Laffie dotcom. Steve. I want to dive
into the plan for the border andwhy it is that the plan for the

border we don't seem to have.We don't seem to have a plan yet
on how we're going to respond inJordan for the attacks on our US military.
We're waiting. He says we've decided. We haven't. I mean,
there's just so many things that we'rejust waiting on. We're waiting, waiting
on the Feds. It's almost likethe Pope you have to wait outside the
Vatican to see if the white colorsmoke is coming out of the chimney there.

We're waiting on a decision on theborder because they says he can't do
anything else. We're waiting on theChairman of the Fed to speak. We're
waiting on the plan in Jordan.Just a country just kind of held hostage
by these politicians in this administration.Yeah, it's a fectless run country,
effectless leaders. You know as wellhave rock Bottom do it or somebody from

a cartoon. Because for the borderfor a couple of seconds, I mean,
we actually have laws on the booksthat you can't come here legally.
What are the talking about? Imean, what are they all talking about?
Now? The setup? We'll tryto impeach the guy in charge of
homeland security. It is true.I've never seen a guy this bad on
TV. It's almost unwatchable to watchthat guy whose name I can't pronounce,

and it'd be better if you resigned. But see Biden put in Now,
Trump did not hire people. Iget it. Biden put in the worst
possible people in every single position thatcould happen. He has an admiral named
Kirby who keeps saying that they respondincredibly to the who thies. I mean,
it's unbelievable. But if he wantedto just move to the Middle East,

just for a second, think aboutit. President Biden has said he
knows the response he's going to takeagainst Iran. Did Truman Tellence this stuff?
Did Eisenhower say I'm about to goinvade on this beach? What are
people talking about? Why would someonesay the southfect as it is? So
go back to Biden's foreign policy.Just in the Middle East. He wants

to give billions of dollars to Iran. They use the money to support the
whuthis Hesbah they've been doing since nineteeneighty something after the you know, Israel
had to go into Lebanon, right, so be all these groups and now
we have three native Georgians killed becauseof the feckless administration that we have.

And the only real answer, ifyou want to get to it about foreign
policy, I would all works togetherwould be to take out Kark Island and
make sure a million barrels a daynever leave Iran, take out their ships
hit some of their leaders do itall at once, forget about the houthis
figure. These people all stop thenext day once the shock and oi hits,
and it can be done to thetomorrow. But the reason it plays

into American foreign policy to do that, which they never will do when Trump
won't do it either, I imagine, is that that oil goes to China.
It doesn't go to America. Right, folks, who doesn't go to
America. We have our own oil. We're exporting LNG at ten percent of
our LNG exports, which are growingleap and bombs. I wrote some of

this down. It's it's like eightysix million tons last year of LNG,
which is ten percent of our naturalgas. So Mexico, Canada, and
the United States together we don't needanybody else. So if we were to
do something like that, who wouldit hurt? China? Now go to
China for a second. They havemassive bankruptcies happening in their real estate.
Remember people in China, even thoughyou read twenty years ago, how great

a country it was from all thepress, including the Wall Street Journal,
and how it would be become ademocracy, and I said it wouldn't back
in O six and I said onthe show for ten straight years. So
think about what's really happened. Wecould now really hurt China if you combine
that with import tariffs, not ateverybody, but on China, including Apple

computer stuff coming to this country,and stop raising it a percent every day
every month until China, you know, buckles, we can have a real
foreign policy because it would hurt Russia, it would hurt China. It would
stop Iran. They would they mightwhen they don't have any money. It's
the secular version of their country wouldprobably rise up, especially we took out

some of their Iatola people. Thisis a foreign policy, a strong foreign
policy, which says nobody messes withthe American soldiers. By the way,
folks, these American soldiers killed,they were in Jordan, a sovereign country.
They were in Jordan. So allthis has to happen, and yet

none of it will happen, right, And that's the country we live in,
the country that has Nikki Hailey runagainst Donald Trump in a primary and
Joe Biden as the other candidate,and none of this is going to happen.
I imagine that he says he knowswhat he's going to do. He's
going to lack a mole strategy andit will get worse because that's how wars
expand. They expand because of lackof leadership from the world superpower, which

we still are. We talked abouttalking about this on the show all week
with the various military experts, andyou've got the kind of do nothing.
We've been attacked by one hundred andfifty times by the drones and these huties
since October. We haven't really donemuch. We bombed an aspirin factory or
something like that. Now you've gotthree American troops dead, and the President

was out campaigning yesterday, which againyou might want to handle the response of
don't mess with America first before youhit the campaign trail my personal opinion.
But then you got on the Republicanside, you've got people like Lindsay Graham
kind of barking out orders like it'safter nine to eleven, like we're going
to do some long term strategy inAfghanistan. It seems as if the policies
that you're talking about, and thatI'm for. We don't need to be

long term involved into these regions.We just need to let them know don't
mess with us ever again in thismanner, and we may have to remind
him on occasion. But you gotLindsey Graham, even Nikki Hayley seeming proposing
some kind of a more long termstrategy there. And I don't think this
is needed, and I don't thinkthere's an appetite for that in America.
There is not an appetite, butthere is an appetite in Biden would actually

become somewhat popular by taking some ofthese strategy that I've said, where you
really just do what we can doto really hurt Iran so they have no
money. Remember all this is aboutmoney, Like the FED operates to keep
really rich people rich with their money. And that's why the foreign policy is
not against China like I suggest,because really rich corporations like Apple, Blackrock,

et cetera, et cetera want money. And the reason that Iran can
can subvert all the things that evenTrump tried to do or before that since
nineteen seventy nine is because we allowthem to have money. What's still operating.
Is if Iran and Iraq and SaudiArabia have the oil, America North

America including Mexico have the oil,and therefore we have the money and the
strength China does not. Let's hurtthem all at once and call them what
they are, the axis of evil. And then let's grab the three hundred
billion dollars that we can get outof where Russia has its money, which
we've frozen, Let's take it.And then if we want to help Ukraine,

take that money and help Ukraine.Meanwhile, get NATO countries to get
this spending up to five percent beforeTrump becomes present. If you know this,
folks, but they think Trump couldbecome president. So NATO countries are
like, we got to do something. And that's the one good thing about
Trump. He did threaten and Ithink they think he might be serious to
make sure that NATO countries start spendingat a percentage basis at least what we're

spending, but far more I would. They're in a war, they need
to spend five to ten percent ofthe GDP on national events, and therefore
we can actually win this stuff andbe a free democracy. The voice of
is Steve Laffey. You know,you and I talk every week. You've
done this for many years, andit's just it doesn't seem to you know,

so these politicians it's so convoluted,I mean, the duds and metiots,
so convoluted, and yet you andI it's like, yeah, it's
kind of simple. Here's what wehave to do a real quick you sit
in a new story. The media, rather than focusing gone practical solutions,
they're worried about whether there's underwater curtainsare slowing ice sheet melting, as if
that's the top story out there.I mean, we're giving practical solutions to

avoid WW three, and the mediais not really helping out here. No,
no, And I just said,so people know the left really focus
is a new idea, and it'sgetting some traction. That you could put
curtains, nice polar places that wouldgo down, that would keep the warm
water from coming in billions, andit's never happening. This is what they

write about in Nature magazine, ratherthan okay, we stop I ran from
producing and exporting oil. We notonly heard it rain and stop them.
Finally we are at China, weare at Russia. We take and then
let's move on. And then whenyou're done with Cark Island, I would
symbolically get a B fifty two upthere and drop salt down the island like

the Romans used to do, andsay does everybody get it? And then
you'd have peace, at least fora while. Yeah, Steve Laffi your
website, Steve Laffey dot com,l A F F E Y, Steve
Laffy dot com, Steve real quick, we got a sixty seconds read to
respond. As you hear me interviewRachel Gable earlier in some of these agricultural
issues in the state of Colorado.You have a small farm right there in

Fort Collins, and can you imaginewhat our brothers and sisters out and these
bigger farms are going through with someof these decisions made by our governor.
We want small farms, we wantlarge farms. And yes, the governor
polis he seems to be focusing onlyon bringing wolvesbacks to attack cattle, and
so all of the stuff is completenonsense. You'll see, hopefully there's enough

power within these rural areas to stopthe complete nonsense by the people in Denver.
As I've said many times on yourshow, if you want, for
example, wolves in Denver, releasethem in Denver, not to hurt the
cattle business in Colorado. Release themin Denver. See how that goes.

Yeah, if you go back andlisten to the interview with Rachel Gables,
Steve laughing, God, blessing,my friend. Thanks for hopping on.
If you with Rachel Gable, asyou're talking about, they're putting a ballot
initiative on to make sure that youcan't hunt mountain lions. You can't shoot
the mountain lions. So you hurtingyour cattles, hurting your cattle, hurting
your livestock kind of don't worry about. I mean, it might make the
mountain lion very upset. So it'scrazy, some radical agricultural stuff happening in

this state. And that's what Isaid yesterday in the show. One of
the most crazy areas of progressivism that'shappened in this state, I believe,
has been through these bureaucracies, ColoradoParks and wildlife, the wolves, the
mountain lions. It's some crazy stuff. And that's why I highlight Rachel Gable's
work. Listen to her interview.I know your city slicker like me,

and you do good to you,ain't harvested any Hey, you do good
to get your lawnmode and somebody elsedoes it for you, Right, I
get it, But you gotta makesure your voice is heard on these agricultural
issues afects all of us in ColoradoLeake
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