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July 8, 2024 • 16 mins
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Episode Transcript

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Hour of the program. Nice tohave you here on the show. Jimmy
is my name. We've got MeghanBarth coming up later on. We've got
Laura Carno coming up next. It'sa big time radio show. Smart ladies.
The next hour of the show.All right, good to have you
here on the radio program. TheJoe Biden letter is making circulation around.

Evidently the MSNBC phone in was random, but they put him on the air.
He basically gave the talking points fromwhat the letter is. There's no
other public events for Joe Biden today, and we'll see, we'll see what
happens. To keep a sharp eyeon Washington is all. It's all a
flutter. It's all a flitter andall the flutter, and some of the

news media putting out these stories likeaxios about the note cards he has to
have and the pictures they have toput in his notes. So it's it's
fascinating time, indeed it is.But Joe Biden puts out a two page
letter. He makes some points.Hey, guys, if you wanted to
take me down, you had aprimary cary. Why did you do it?
Then? Well, because they protectedhim and maybe they regret doing that
now. But they did what theydid, and it is what it is.

At this point, we'll see,we'll see if the pressure gets to
him, though so far it ain'tdo it. It's not getting to him
at all. All right, goodto have you here. I want to
walk them into the program. IsLaura Carno. She has a great organization
called Faster Colorado. They work onkeeping schools safe and your students safe in
the school by making sure well lotof Laura explain what Faster does here in
just a moment. But oh,I got I hit the wrong button.

I'm not used to that button.Laura Carno, Good morning to you.
How are you? Good morning,I'm good. How are you doing.
I'm doing very very well. Firstof all, I know you will hit
this in the front end the back. Faster is a great organization that you
work with, Faster Colorado dot org. I'll let you tell everybody if they
don't know what Faster does. Andalso I know you have a meat and
heat sweepstakes going on. Yeah,we do, and folks can go to

Faster Colorado dot org and click onthat blue sweep steaks button. Yeah,
And what Faster does is there area lot lots of school districts in Colorado
that have armed school security teams andthey need to get required training every year,
which you know, we understand that, and we wanted to make sure
they had access to the best possibletraining. So we assembled, you know,

we're in our eighth year now,so eight years ago we assembled a
group of instructors who are all activeduty law enforcement instructors and other first responders,
and we've assembled, you know,just a great high caliber no pun
intended there, high caliber instruction teamso that these folks can take care of
their annual training requirements. And someof the schools, especially the little bitty

schools out east, are tight onbudget, so we use things like this
sweep steaks to raise money to helpthem to get through. And the sweep
stakes you mentioned it was meat andheat. There's a shadow system's pistol and
a side of beef. So ifyou don't like beef, you can give
it away. If you don't likeguns, you can give it away.

But there's something for everybody there,all right, So let's dive into the
Oh, by the way faster Coloradodot Org will revisit that by the end
of the interview, as well,Faster Colorado dot org enter the sweepstakes.
All right. There's several bills thatgot through the legislature, and one of
the really kind of directly affecting whatFaster does, and that is that basically

the Democrats and police said, hey, we're going to make sure that sensitive
spaces you cannot be armed in selfdefense and you can't have guns there.
The Sensitive Space Bill. I'll letyou talk about the bill and the version
I guess it got out of thelegislature signed said okay, you can't have
that right to self defend in certainplaces, but some places government build they
can opt out. I'll let youkind of talk about the opt out and

how that's going. Talking about thisSensitive Space Bill. Yeah, so sensitive
spaces that initially was about twenty twodifferent places where they said you wouldn't be
able to carry a firearm legally,even if you had a lawful can so
carry permit. They skinned that downto just a hand full of so called
sensitive spaces and it was able toget passed. It initially had K twelve

campuses in it, and it stillhas a version of twelve of K twelve
campuses in it. But it kindof the way it talks about K twelve
campuses is similar to current law orprevious law where if you're authorized, unlike
those who go through faster are authorized. So that one didn't affect K twelve
campuses, but it does affect highered campuses and you know some some different

places where you know, those ofus who carried concealed would just normally go
to. But what was interesting,what you're bringing up today, is that
municipalities were able to opt out ofit. So in my county, in
Elbert County, our county commissioners,like many around the state, opted out
of sensitive spaces in the county.So what that means is if you're an

ordinary conceal carry holder and you goto a county commissioner's meeting, you you
would be able to have your yourcancil carry with you instead of that being
one of the sensitive spaces because governmentbuildings is one of the sensitive spaces that
made it through. So but yeah, it was very interesting in the in
the legislation is that they allowed foran opt out, which is very different

than what we've seen under Jared Polisand the Democrats at the state legislature.
Is they have only typically liked localcontrol when it made it better for the
Democrats and not for the Republicans.So this was very interesting to see that.
But you know, that's a goodway for you know, I think

we'll see more and more rural counties. There's a good handful already that have
opted out. I think we'll seemore and more rural counties doing that because
you know, contil carry is away of life in a lot of these
rural counties where you're always armed toprotect your livestock and that sort of thing,
and people just have them with themall the time. So I know

that it sounds like Well County welldCounty Commissioner Kevin Ross stated in a quote
from a Sherry Pife's article at CompleteColorado, well County is looking to opt
out there in the process, Iguess Douglas County has already opted out.
So there's some pretty big counties hereand right here in the listening area that
have said screw this, mister Poulis, we don't like your bill. Yeah.

Yeah, And I'm really happy thatthere was that option because, like
I said, usually local control onespecially on gun bills, is only to
make it more restrictive. So ifthere was a gun bill that passed and
Boulder County, let's say, wantedto make it more restrictive, they could.
But if you know Douglas or Weldor Elbert County wanted to make it
less restrictive, they couldn't. Soit was good that there was this opt

out, you know, in areally bad legislative session. That was one
of the tiny little glimmers of lightthat gave rural counties a little bit of
extra control real quick. There weresome other bills that focused on guns in
the Second Amendment in the state legislature, and you know, the legislature ended
a couple of months ago, butI always think it's good to go back

and highlight and remind people the damagethat was done. So what were some
of the other bills that ended upwith a pol of signature because sometimes they
get passed and then it's a monthbefore he actually signs them. Yeah,
he signed eight of these bills intolaw that tighten the Colorado gun statutes.
And there's a good article of folkswant to see all the details from about

a month ago in the Colorado Sun. And most of these go into effect
went into effect on July first,so one was the Colorado Bureau of Investigation
now can investigate gun crimes in Colorado, which all of this the county shrift
stood up and said, we don'tneed this, We investigate our own crimes.
But that passed to CBI now hasa gun enforcement arm. There's new

requirements to get your consult carry permit. So you know, I always think
more training is better, but wenever or had that in the consilt carry
statute, and I was fine withthat because most people get extra training beyond
just getting their consile carry permits,so that was increased. There's merchant category
code, so if you go toa gun store to buy a gun or
ammo or whatever, it would requirevisa MasterCard, et cetera to have a

special merchant code so that you couldsomehow be tracked on on what you're buying
it at gun stores. There arenew taxes on firearms, gun parts,
and ammunition, and new permits forgun sellers, which, by the way,
this is a federal license they haveto get already, but now they

have to pay the state an extrafour hundred dollars and be subject to random
inspections under this bill that passed.Safe storage in vehicles, which this is
such a long story, Jimmy,but if you are going to store your
firearm in your car, it hasto meet certain qualifications, you know,
which Again, responsible gun owners,if they have to store it in their

car, typically are going to doit safely, but with the sensitive spaces.
If you go to you know,a county commission meeting in a county
that doesn't allow you to have yourconsole carrying, and you decide to store
it in your car, now youhave to jump through hoops on fire to
store it quote unquote properly in yourcar. So there's so those are those

are some of the some of thebig ones. And then there was a
bunch that didn't pass, which wasgood because it could have been much worse.
Sadly, the voice of Laura Carno. We brought her out of a
radio retirement to talk into some ofthese gun pills in Colorado and the opt
out story. Sherry Pipe had thatopt out piece last week on Complete Colorado.
I'll post that up as well.Let's switch gears here. Since I

have the opportunity to pick your head, and you're a political mind yourself,
give me your thoughts all this.Joe Biden. He's fighting back this morning,
wrote a letter that says, Iain't going anywhere. Do you think
Joe Biden makes it to the conventionand he's on the ballot in November,
or do you think some people likeAdam Frish in Colorado and other people that

they get their ways and they removethem from the battle and put somebody else
on there. Yeah. So,so the letter, when we say that
Joe Biden wrote wrote a letter,I don't think there's anybody in the listening
audience that believes Joe Biden wrote thatletter. Certainly, he's got a staff
that has a better command of theEnglish language these days than than Joe Biden.
But you know, look, wewe saw the the debate, we

saw the more carefully scripted uh eventsthat he's had since then, teleprompter and
you know, cut and pasted fromGeorge Stephanopolis and all that stuff. You
know, I think everybody has seenwhat what we have seen in the last
number of years, that that hedoesn't have the command of the office and

shouldn't be in office. Uh.You know, I don't know if it's
Joe Biden or Barack Obama or whois actually running the country. But but
certainly it's not Joe Biden. Ithink we all can agree he won't make
it to the end of his nextterm. If he were to win,
the question is can he make itto the election? Can he make it
to the convention. It's interesting withthis letter coming out, I mean,

they are doubling down on that he'sgoing to be the nominee, which is
very interesting because he had you know, some folks come to have a huddle
after the debate and say, Okay, what's going to be the future.
There was a doctor specializing in Parkinson'sthat visited the White House the other day.

So there are signs on both sides. And for anybody who has had
dementia or Alzheimer's in their family andseen the progression as we have had in
our family, it can go quickly, you know, as the decline happens,
it can go quickly. So ifI was a betting person, I'd
say fifty to fifty chance he makesit to the convention. And if he

makes it to the convention, Idon't think he wins. I think there
are enough Americans that enough American votershave had experience with Alzheimer's and dementia,
their families to say, this isnot somebody who should have a job,
any job, much less the presidentof the United States. And you mentioned
Adam Frish in the third Congressional district. He is in a Republican district running

as a Democrat. He has tosay what he said, that Joe Biden
should step down because that's what hisvoters are going to expect. And he's
trying to win in a very Republicandistrict, very convenient Adam Freschcott, and
he's not even a congressman. He'sjust running into the third Congressional district.
And he got some national television overthe weekend for being out there, which

I just found rather peculiar. Thatsome of the guys are rumored to have
said Lloyd Dog got on Knows Donetelevision. Supposedly Jerry Nadler, who usually
will talk to the camera, supposedlyhe has said that Joe Biden should step
down. But none of them goon the camera. So they go up
to the Aspen area and they findAdam Frish with in the camera say hey,
well you talk about this because alot of his who could be his

future colleagues, are not willing togo in the rect but he was right.
Yeah, and I saw I'm notsure what all stations he was on.
I saw him on Fox News Channeland I thought, okay, well
that's interesting. He's trying to getRepublican votes in the third congressional district to
vote for this, you know,pretty liberal asspen Democrat. So we'll see
how that plays out for him.But yeah, he kind of had to

do that, and as you said, very convenient, Very convenient, and
probably maybe at least some people paidattention to him, which we weren't paying
attention. He would never be talkedabout on the program today if it weren't
for that, So I guess,I guess mission accomplished by his PR people.
Laura Carno, it is always apleasure to have you here on the
show one more time talking about theMeat and Heat sweepstakes. It's all supporting

Faster Colorado, Faster Colorado dot Org. Yeah. Absolutely, it's a half
of half a steer so side ofbeef, opportunity to go through a faster
class with these awesome teachers and staffers, a thousand rounds of practice AMMO nine
practice AMMO, and a shadow systemsee our nine twenty elite. It's a
concealed carry pistol chambered to nine millimeter. We're working on a video demonstrating it

so folks can see it. It'skind of a block type platform. But
yeah, go over to Faster Coloradodot org. Click on that blue button.
It'll take you right to our sweepSteaks page with all the rules and
all that stuff, and you know, by an entry or ten or one
hundred and help out, help outfaster. It's just like that happen one
sweep Steak said, if they winthat, Laura Cardo shows up and knocks

on the door with a giant checkor a side of beef in your hand,
or probably not. I will ifthey're in Colorado, I will show
up with that cow. Yeah,show for the cow. Whytch, you
walk the cow maybe pre processing.Hey, here's here's here's the cow right
here. Just walk right up tothe front door and Ed McMahon, we'll
channel him to come back with youand okay, we'll do we'll do that.

Yeah. And the brancher named theSteer named him sweep Steaks, so
he has a name. There wego this the Steers name's we'll bring little
sweep steaks over. Laura Carna willbe there with Ed McMahon. Laura Carno
always a pleasure. Go get inthe sweepstakes faster Colorado dot org. Faster
Colorado dot org and you can signup for that sweepstakes and a chance to

win some meat and some heat.That's a clever little branding tool, isn't
it. Meat and Heat faster atColorado dot Org. Hey, everybody,
Jimmy is my name. Glad tohave you here on the radio show Pleasure,
Pleased and Thrill to help you feelthe exact same way. I really
really if you don't feel that way, you should feel that way. You
should feel very happy to be here. How did you sleep last night?

You sleep great? Over the weekend, I sleep fantastic. I've got a
great bed that came from the SleepStore Of for Collins. I didn't realize
how bad my old bed wasn't untilI got a new one. And they've
got fifty or so displays on theshowroom floor the Sleep Store of for Collins,
And you're going to find something that'sgood for you because one side sleep
doesn't fit all the brand of MattresHigh Sleep on It's called posh and lavish,
and boy is it pash and lavish. Now you may go try it

on the showroom floor with all thedisplays they have, and not like it.
That's one size, sleep does notfit all. They've got all sorts
of the big brands out there asbrands you haven't heard of, boutique brands,
something virtually for every budget. Andright now the Sleep Store for Collins,
they have their Summer Oasis event goingon. They want to help you
turn your bedroom into an oasis ofrest and relaxation. It's the Summer Oasis

event. It's going on to theSleep Store up for Collins. Go see
them thirty five hundred South College Avenue, east of the Trader Joe's in the
Square shopping center. And when youget there, make sure you tell them
the Jimmy Lakey since you right atthe corner of Horse Tooth in College.
But you'll see him right by theTrader Joe's. The Sleep Store for Collins.
It's an amazing showroom. Go seethem. Get a better night's sleep

the Sleep Store up for Collins.Tell them Jimmy Lakey, since you all
right, I gotta take this break. We'll come back Megan Barth, Reaganbabe
dot com, thedevadiglobe dot com,everybody stand by final half hour, coming
up six hundred KCl,
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