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July 10, 2024 10 mins
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Scorcher. By the weekend, you'regonna want a couple of Penia coladas to
and Joe hopefully got a pool tosit by. Maybe that'd be very very
nice. It's also National Kitten Day. I did this a story earlier and
I'm still baffled by. I gota couple of emails on it that according
to the American Humane Society, theyare about twelve million more cat owners than
there are dog owners. And Iguess maybe that's just Colorado. I'm guessing

that number is not so skewed.I don't know, but number surprised.
Twelve million more cat owners and dogowners in America. But happy National Kitten
Day. If you're a kitten person. They use it as a way to
give awareness to head out to yourHumane Society local shelter and look at one
of those kittens that have been abandoned, and as Bob Barker said, have
your pets bade and neutered. Thatway you don't have so many of those

animals that get abandoned in the shelter. But yeah, Happy National Kitten Day,
Happy National Penia Colada Day. Andyou choose which one you want to
celebrate. You can celebrate both goget yourself a new kitten and didn't drink
a Pinia Colada while they scratch upyour furniture and scratch around in that little
box you have to sit out forhim, all right. Good to have
you here on the radio show.I say this often and I mean it.

I really hope you don't ever haveto call Dan Capless calls radio show.
If your friends call him, butdon't on a professional level, I
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fee basis. Good people from allwalks of life have access to legal representation,
usually reserve for the rich and thefamous. And I want you to
get in touch with Dan Capless ifyou ever need him. He has said
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a super lawyer. Dan Caplas ca p l I S Dan Caplesslaw dot

com, Dan Caplislaw dot com,Dan caplas c a p l i S
office in Denver office in northern Coloradoas well, dankapless Law dot com tell
him that Jimmy like he's talking abouthim on the radio, let me bring
into the program for a few momentshere in a little conversation with her friend
Dick Russell. He's been on withus before. Dick Russell has written a
book called The Real RFK Junior Trialsof a Truth Warrior. Dick, welcome

back to the program. Thanks somuch, Jimmy. Good to be with
you today. I find it quitefascinating that for Robert F. Kennedy Junior,
must be getting under somebody's skin outthere with his candidacy, because all
of a sudden, the dirt bombsstart flying at him. There was a
picture that dropped over the weekend ofhim supposedly eating a dog carcass, and

then the Vanity Fair runs a storyabout some possible sexual misconduct earlier in his
life. What are you hearing here? All of a sudden these stories start
to drop. A not coincidence thatthey start to drop, kind of all
at the same time, Oh yeah, you know, the establishment. So

to speaker, they're terrified of himbecause he's going to bring about real change
if he could become president. Andall of a sudden, after the debate
between Biden and Trump, Kennedy ispolling. His polling numbers went up four
percentage points to nineteen percent, andthey're still rising. Another poll showed that
more than fifty percent of Americans wantan independent candidate because they don't really want

to go for either of the twothat are facing us with the two party
system. So you know, Imean, they're they're really scared of him.
And then so they're creating absurd storieslike this old dog thing, which
you know is laughable and and I'mafraid it's just going to go on.
But you know, if he canget into the next debate, which we

can talk about that if you want. I think he's got to. Still
he's got a shot. Let's talkabout that. The next debate supposedly is
in September. Some people wondered.Joe Biden immediately said, I'm going to
be back into September and I'll bebetter than ever. So assuming that he's
the candidate up on the stage,that's going to go on. Is Robert
F. Kennedy going to make it? Have they set the guideline so hard

that an independent can't make it onthe stage. Well they did this time.
You know, he'd filed signatures inenough states with three hundred and ten
electoral votes, which is more thanyou need to get elected. But they
still marginalized him and pushed him tothe side. And I think there was
a deal made. In fact,I heard that one of the there was

an official I think with the Trumpcampaign who promised the CNN producer you know
that there we don't want Kennedy onthat debate stage, and we're going to
keep him off. So you know, there's still going to be efforts to
do that. But he is makinga lot of progress in getting on the
ballot in all fifty states and gettingpetition signatures, and I think that they're
going to have a hard time denyinghim the right to participate next time.

Now he's running as a true independent. He's not jumping on to a certain
party's ticket in any He's not running. There was rumor out there he's going
to join with Libertarians or something.He's running his a true independent. That's
right. Yeah. I mean hehe left the Democratic Party because they had
shunted him, you know, asideto the side, and he couldn't even

get into the primaries against Biden,and so he decided he had to go
independent. And I remember the dayhe told me. I was in at
his house. We were talking andhe said, you know, I just
don't feel like I've got any choicebut to run because this country is so
divided. I know how to workwith people of all kinds, which he
does, blue collar folks, fishermen, farmers, as well as you know,

the staunch Republicans. He's worked withpeople over the years. His policies
are just all about, you know, what can we do to make this
a better country? And so yeah, he's you know, I think he's
he's hanging in there and has stillhas a chance. It's the voice of
Dick Russell's writting a book called TheReal RFK Junior Trials of a Truth Were

You About Way? Add to personalrecommendation, if you don't follow Robert F.
Kennedy Junior on Instagram, it's actuallyquite a fanantastic campaign side if you
will. He has some real videos. He was snake wrangling recently which gave
me the he b GM's watching it, but evidently he ain't afraid of nothing.
This that's what it is. Butthat watch up on Instagram. Robert

F. Kennedy Junior. I foundonce interesting story about Robert F. Kennedy
Junior. He's a you know,major name as a father and his uncle
both were assassinated. And he's beenrequesting Secret Service protection, which is usually
afforded to presidential candidates, and theyhaven't given it to him. Then they
said, well, one hundred andtwenty days out from the election. I
saw he tweeted the other day hesaid, listen, we're one hundred and

twenty days out and Joe Biden stillwon't sign off on Secret Service protection.
Yeah, I mean, which isalso crazy considering the fact that he's certainly
qualified in the poll numbers to receivethat. There's been two attempts on his
life. Actually that happened, youknow, since he entered the campaign,
and thankfully, you know, hissecurity was his own security was tough enough

to notice these and stop that fromhappening. But but you know, with
the family history and everything that,you know, it's criminal that Biden has
not given him a secret Service protection. Now, there's a piece that is
out there in our final a coupleof moments together with Dick Russell. There's
a piece from Vanity Fair that wereferred to. But it also kind of
reiterates the fact that his family,desperately, they said, didn't want him

to run. We're Democrats, wesupport Joe Biden. What's the family situation,
like, are they they are theygoing to have Thanksgiving dinner together this
year? Is it broken apart orhow much has this split the family?
No, I don't think it's it'sirreparable. I mean he's talked about it,
excuse me publicly that you know,they're different opinions in every family.

They grew up around the dinner tablewhen he was a kid, you know,
debating issues of his son. Connorwent off and you know, fought
in the Ukraine War without telling itand then came back and you know,
they're still getting a log. SoI think it's it's definitely true that a
number of them have issues with himand haven't wanted him to talk about the
assassination of their father. I mean, he has ten siblings, so a

number that some of them are inthe public health field, and they feel
like he shouldn't be challenging anything that'sgoing on with Anthony Fauci, and so
you know, it's just one ofthose things. But he says he's not
going to stop talking about what hefeels is true just because of a family
split. Dick Russell, I appreciateyour time, and I would tell anybody
out there, you know, Ihave some differing of opinions on politically than

Robert F. Kennedy Junior. Butyou listen to the media, they pain
him to be really crazy. Hehas actually well thought out positions. You
can disagree with his positions, buthe can actually get past the emotion and
say, no, here's what Ireally believe, Here's why I believe it,
and then you go, okay,we can agree to disagree or I'll
consider your point. That's unusual intoday's world of politics that usually it's a

talking point and it's emotion. AndI was told to think this because the
network that I watched tell me tothink about it. But if you follow
Robert F. Kennedy Junior, heis He's well thought out on any position
he have. Whether I disagree ordisagree with him, I totally agree with
you and I'm glad to hear yousay that, because you know his positions

on everything from from the border immigration. You know, he wants to shut
put up a wall, seal certainparts of the southern border because it's being
run by the Mexican drug cartels.At the same time, he would expand
you know, legal immigration what hecalls it, high walls, wide gates.
So you know, there's that,there's the fact that he would he

would cut the military budget in half. He would put that money into things
like a recovery program for young adultsthat are suffering from fentanyl, the fentanyl
crisis. And he's been there himself, and not with fentanyl, but in
the past. You know, heknows he's been to the bottom. I
mean, he's he's a guy withmoral courage, and he's there for the
people, and I think I think, you know, uh, support him

as something a lot more people shouldat least take a look at. Well.
Again, I I don't agree witheverything he thinks, but hell,
I don't agree with myself half thetime, so I guess there's no touse
about that. I encourage everybody tojust give it a look, give the
book a listen, or listen ora look the Real RFK jor Trials of
a Truth Warrior written by Dick Russell, and follow the RFK campaign. You'll

learn a lot, even if you'renot going to vote for him. You'll
learn a lot about well thought oppositionsin the world where we have a lot
of people just spouting talking points.Hey, Dick, I appreciate your time.
Have you back on I'm sure DickRussell. The Real RFK Junior is
the name of the book Trials ofa Truth Warrior, available anywhere fine books
are sold. They should be.I'll be back News Talk six hundred k col
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