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June 15, 2024 16 mins

George Noory and author Maryanna Korwitts explore her research into the influence of your name and how it impacts your life and personality, the power of a name to succeed or fail in business and politics, and what is the best way to name a baby.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast AM on
iHeartRadio and.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Welcome back to George and R You along with Maryanna
Krowitz Marianna. Can your name determine your financial career success?

Speaker 3 (00:13):
Often it does, and because some names are really keyed
into that organizational mindset and really looking at things from
a very practical standpoint and also encouraging entrepreneurial spirit. When
you put all of those things together, it can create
an energy around you that leads you to that financial success.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
What is important the first name, the last name, or
both of them combined.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
Well, the first name affects our personality the most, so
how our personality plays out when we're interacting with others,
whether we're going to be outgoing or maybe shy. The
full name will affect our job, career and finances. Anywhere
where we use that name or place that name on
credit cards, driver's license contracts, that's where that name is

going to play out. So the best thing is to
have all of those pieces working together so you're really
happy and fulfilled in your interactions with others and also
in your career and your finance and jobs.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
If you didn't know him, I'll throw on a name
Elon Musk, what would you say about him?

Speaker 3 (01:17):
Well, if I'm looking at the first name, this is
a name that is very people oriented but also very independent.
So this is someone who wants to do things that
are going to help other people to a large degree,
but he's going to do it his way, so he's
not going to be keyed into or let into a
direction where other people are influencing him. And so with

the full name with Elon Musk, you're going to have
a very freedom loving and step outside the box nature,
so doesn't want to stay within tradition, wants to change
the world and make things happen so that we can
have better lives.

Speaker 2 (01:54):
Jeff Bezos.

Speaker 3 (01:57):
With Jeff, we have a name that is very dynamic
and high energy. So a lot of names do keep
us more into a practical, conventional means, but the name
Jeff is anything but. So that's going to have somebody
stepping outside the box, wanting to try things that are
new and doing one hundred different things at once and
being able to handle it. With the full name, there's

going to be that addition of some practicality and an
ability to look at the technical side of life and
some intuitive sense as well, So that way you don't
show your hand, but you know what you're doing to
really advance and be successful.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
Marianna, what about people who don't like their names and
they change them. I'm thinking of the old singer who
died at the young age at thirty seven, Bobby Darren.
His real name was Walden Robert Cassatto.

Speaker 3 (02:49):
Well, sometimes names can be difficult if there's a spelling
is long, or sometimes people just don't like their names.
And I do have a lot of people coming to
me and saying that they do want to make a
name change, and how would they go about us. It's
not something to do on a whim, because if we're
just looking to escape our life circumstances, you're not going

to escape who you are. You want to make sure
that you're doing that name with some purpose and understanding
of where it's going to take you. So sometimes a
name change can work if you really want to shift
things in a positive way. Sometimes, though, if you're just
trying to run away from things, it's not going to
take you to where you want to be.

Speaker 2 (03:28):
What about the female in a marriage who sometimes keeps
her last name or otherwise takes his last name.

Speaker 3 (03:36):
It's really something to take a look at when a
woman does marry. We traditionally most women do take their
husband's name when they do get married, but since that
full name affects job, career and finances, she can find
that sometimes that shift in the full name can create
a better situation or a worse situation. So not something

to just jump into. Take a look at what's going
to be the best option. And now many women are
holding on to their maiden name or putting their maiden
name into that middle position, so becoming the middle name.

Speaker 2 (04:12):
We talked a little bit earlier about middle initials and
middle names. You know, mine is an R for Ralph.
Got to hate that, but very rarely do I use
George R Nori now, But a lot of people use
their middle initials. What's the difference.

Speaker 3 (04:33):
Each time that you change a letter in your signature
in your name, even if you're changing a letter in
a first name and spelling it differently, it's going to
shift the vibration. So if you're using the middle initial,
it's going to be one energy. If you're using the

full middle name, it's going to be a different energy.
And sometimes for some people, you who can shift back
and forth. So, for instance, a person who is a writer,
they might want a name who really helps them with
that writing ability and to go within themselves. Then they
want to be a people person when they're interacting with others,

So it might be that the middle initial helps with
one aspect or the middle name helps with another. Lots
of tools in the toolbox when it comes to names.
When you know what you're doing, can.

Speaker 2 (05:23):
You predict compatibility through names to people?

Speaker 3 (05:28):
Very much? So yes, really is? Oh yes absolutely?

Speaker 2 (05:32):
How do you do that?

Speaker 3 (05:34):
Well, we can take a look at the influence of
the name and what it's meant to do. So let's
say that you have a person who is very freedom loving,
and this is someone who enjoys having a lot of
experiences in life and may not be the type of
person who wants to settle down at that time that
they're meeting someone or ever. So if that's someone who

feels that way and you have someone who is wanting
that compatibility to create a family and settle down and
have that security, it's not going to work. So you
can tell those kinds of things in advance, and a
lot of other things as well, so you know exactly
what you're getting in that personality meld.

Speaker 2 (06:14):
What about the name of a business.

Speaker 3 (06:18):
Business names are very important. There is the outward sign
of the name, or the outward aspect of the name,
and of course this is with people names as well.
The sound and the site and the spelling, all of
those things are important. So with business names, there's often
a descriptor quality to the name that really says a
little bit about what the business has to do or

what its purpose is. But again there is that frequency
or vibration or energy that is attached to the business
name and really will help with whatever is happening or hinder.
So if a name is meant to duplicate and to
create a manufacturing success, that name can work really well
in that context. But if you have an artistic or

a restaurant, an artistic business or a restaurant type of business,
that might not be the best choice. So a good
thing to take a look at with business names as well.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
And what's very important these days is a website name
a good one that is.

Speaker 3 (07:16):
Very true, yes, because people find out the information about
a business going to that website and seeing what's there
and finding it easily and being able to spell it
easily is a huge plus.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
And whether it's a number or spelling, you have to
be able to decide what it is that's exactly right.

Speaker 3 (07:35):
Yes, very important as a descriptor aspect.

Speaker 2 (07:39):
So back to the baby naming a baby, what's the
best way to do that.

Speaker 3 (07:45):
There are a variety of things to look at when
you're looking at a baby name. First of all, the
spelling of the name. We are in a time in
history now where a lot of times we meet people
for the first time without meeting in person, and so
spelling a name, knowing how that name goes together and
how it sounds, is really important. Association is important as well.

There are certain names that have poor associations, if just
with historical aspects, some within a sometimes within a family
there may be someone who didn't do too well in
the family situation, and so you don't want to choose
a name like that. But I also really like to
go back to that subliminal quality as well. So what

are the different aspects of personality that are going to
be encouraged. How easy will it be to work with
that energy for a child, and then put that together
with a last name in the middle name. So lots
to consider the association, the spelling, the look of the name,
and also what it's doing in the background.

Speaker 2 (08:48):
Well, my parents came up with something novel. My mother's
still alive. She's ninety five. Dad died when he was
eighty eight, but her name is Georgette. His name was Gabriel,
and they decided to name all their kids, three of
us a name with a G. So I was George,
my sister was Gail, and my other sister was Glinda.

What does that mean? The five g's they.

Speaker 3 (09:14):
Used to know, Well, that certainly creates some meaning within
the family and the letter itself. So looking at the
letter G or whatever letter you're looking at, will have
a particular quality in itself, and that will join all
of the siblings in a way that you probably are
not that aware of. But that energy of the G

is there behind personalities of all of you.

Speaker 2 (09:38):
That's intriguing. Do some people change their names legally?

Speaker 3 (09:43):
People? Yes, many people do, And if there is a
name change someone is considering, you're going to get the
fullest result if you do it legally, because you're actually
committing to the name. So there's lots of reasons why
people change their names. If they feel that it's going
to be better for their professional life, or sometimes it's

just a factor with two difficult spelling. Sometimes people go
from one culture to the other and they want the
name to work better in the new culture. What's the
different reasons?

Speaker 2 (10:13):
What's the definition of a nickname?

Speaker 3 (10:16):
A nickname is a shortened form of name, and sometimes
people will choose nicknames that are very different from the
name that they are using. And sometimes we have pet
names like sweetheart or honey that people use, and all
of those have influences as well. But if we're going
to take a look at a name where there are

different aspects to the name, Michael, for instance, can always
be Mike or mikey, which is the best one for
that individual. So Michael, for instance, is very leadership oriented
and great with studies and really strong financially. Mike is
much more people oriented and works well with interacting with others.

So you can choose whichever one you want to use
or go back and forth depending on the situation where
you are using the name.

Speaker 2 (11:06):
It's a science, isn't.

Speaker 3 (11:07):
It It very much is. Yes, it's a language in
and of itself, and so when we know what the
influence of a name is we'll understand ourselves better, and
we'll also be able to understand other people pretty much
instantly if we know how these names work.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
What's the greatest name you've ever heard?

Speaker 3 (11:27):
Oh, boy, that would be tough. There are so many names.
I don't think I can even answer that question. It's
just there's so so many.

Speaker 2 (11:37):
What's the worst name you've ever heard?

Speaker 3 (11:40):
That's a tough one too. I think I look at
names for what they're doing with a personality, and one
name that is becoming more popular now is the name River.
And so when I think of that, it is all
about action, motion, adrenaline. And so when people have a
name like that, they actually want to perform or act

in life, pretty much like the natural rivers on the
face of the earth, always moving, always active, and that
can just wear someone out to a prowsel.

Speaker 2 (12:10):
Now, it turned out to be a pretty good president,
but he had the strangest name, Barack Obama. Did you
ever think we'd have a president by the name of
Barack Obama?

Speaker 3 (12:21):
I did not. And it's a really unusual name for sure,
but it certainly works for him.

Speaker 2 (12:26):
And it also came out at the time when there
was the search for Osama Bin lauded.

Speaker 3 (12:31):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (12:32):
Yes, the people would get that confused.

Speaker 3 (12:36):
They would. That's that association factor. If you have things
that are associated with different political figures or different people,
that association will come up and be known.

Speaker 2 (12:47):
Do politicians ever go through people like you, Marianna with
their names.

Speaker 3 (12:53):
I haven't had any politicians come to me. I've certainly
had people that are business people come to me. But
it's a good thing to think about if you're going
to be involved in politics, because the name that you
are using is really going to send out that vibration
or frequency to the people that are voting for you,

and it's a reaction that people have that they don't
really know. They're not focusing on what it is, but
it's going to affect how they feel about the individual.

Speaker 2 (13:25):
I know a person who's running for Congress in Missouri.
His name is Ray and I think he uses Ray primarily,
but should he use Raymond.

Speaker 3 (13:38):
With the name Ray, you're going to get a good
amount of leadership ability, huge amounts of leadership ability. And
when using Ray, there's net or Raymond Sorry, there's not
as much of that. So Ray is a really strong
choice because you're going to be a great leader, someone

who steps out very pioneering and have that quality of
being able to lead people.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
So sometimes when you accent the name like John Johnny,
it makes a difference, doesn't it.

Speaker 3 (14:11):
It really does, yes, So anytime you change the name.
When I was teaching, I always told my students, don't
allow other people to call you whatever they want, because
it is going to shift what happens in the interaction,
even though you don't realize it.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
Strong names, weak names. What determines the weak name?

Speaker 3 (14:33):
I think the contrast that's built into a name can
make the name more difficult to deal with. The Social
Security Department comes out every year with the list of
most popular names, and there are quite a few names
on the girls list for twenty twenty three that are
difficult to deal with. So a name like Olivia, which

is number one on that list, encourages a girl and
then in her future woman, to be very introverted sometimes
and very extroverted. So with those things happening all at
once and creating a lot of adrenaline, energy, and restlessness,
it can be difficult to settle down. You have to

really learn how to keep that adrenaline at bay. So
those are the kinds of names that could be difficult.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
Most popular boy name in the United States Liam.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
Liam is again at the top, well not at the top,
not again at the top of the list, but usually
in the top ten. And Liam is a great choice
for a boy. It is a lot of strength, creates
a very strong physical aspect. Would encourage someone to be
very honest and straightforward and candid and at the same

time being able to step out and take a leadership
role wherever he might be.

Speaker 1 (15:53):
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