Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast
with iHeartRadio.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
What's up friends?
Speaker 3 (00:06):
Well, today we have a very special episode of the
Almost Famous podcast. We're gonna be breaking down episode three
of gen season. Obviously, as we mentioned last week, Ashley
is not with us because well she's becoming a mom
of two, and so we have a very special guest host,
Rachel will be joining us. But before we bring Rachel in,
I just wanted to take a second, you know, almost
famous to almost famous, to talk about this wild thing
that the Bachelor did. Prepping for tonight's episode. They posted
this on the Bachelorette Abc Instagram. Now it's just a
black screen with these words on it, and I'll read
them to.
Speaker 2 (00:47):
You, says.
Speaker 3 (00:48):
Tonight's episode of The Bachelorette contains images of a graphic nature,
including scantily clad men thrusting and gy rating. If you
have a weak heart or raging libido, viewer discretion is advised. Now,
I sometimes a'm all. Oftentimes I'm very confused that what
the show is doing and why they're doing what they're doing.
This is one of those moments for me. I'm reading
the comments below this Instagram post, and one of the
comments says, this is gross. It's not cool when you
objectify the women, but it's also not cool to do
it to the men. Maybe the talent show can be
like cooking or fixing a toilet or finding things at
the grocery store. Somebody else says, I'm choosing to believe
this was posted solely for Yoseph if you remember the
Josef reference, because he said he wouldn't do some things
because his daughter's watching. And finally, another comment says, sorry,
but nothing about these.
Speaker 2 (01:49):
Men is steamy.
Speaker 3 (01:50):
I wish they had picked better options for Jen. Well,
no matter who they picked for Jen, ABC is telling
us that tonight's episode is going to be a little weird,
a little awkward. Post makes it more awkward. They could
have just said viewer discretion advised. I think that was
actually very fair. This is this, this whole date feels
like it should have a viewer discretion advisory to it.
But the way they did it on their Instagram and
saying if you, you know, have a raging libido or
you have a weak heart, come on, that just just
makes things weird. Well, hey, anyways, let's jump into the
episode breakdown. We'll talk more about this day. Trust me,
there's really no viewer discretion advisory on this podcast because
it's just our voices, no pictures included. So Rachel, as promised,
is joining us the Bachelor out of all Bachelor, It's Rachel,
Welcome to the Almost Famous podcast.
Speaker 4 (02:41):
Thank you for having me.
Speaker 5 (02:42):
Ben so excited to be here and so excited for Ashley.
I cannot wait for Dawson to get a little brother.
Speaker 2 (02:50):
It's gonna be It's like a big deal.
Speaker 3 (02:52):
I just texted her and said, I'm thinking about you
today and I have been because here's what's crazy to me,
and I'll i'll say it to her face when she's back,
and I meant to say it to her last week
when she you know, the first time she was pregnant,
she was stressed out. There's a lot of anxiety. She's
feeling terrible. She's really nervous. I'm telling you, like, for
this second pregnancy, you would never have known she was
pregnant unless you were around her. She was so chill,
so like felt pretty good. Kind of just rolled into
today like yeah, I'm gonna have a baby today. We're
gonna figure out.
Speaker 2 (03:26):
It makes it.
Speaker 4 (03:26):
I love it.
Speaker 3 (03:27):
It gives me some confidence for my future hopefully when
kids come into play that you know, the first is
like the craziest thing ever.
Speaker 2 (03:34):
In the second you're like, I can do this. This
is easy, not mean.
Speaker 4 (03:37):
Now I forgot that.
Speaker 5 (03:38):
She was like do all of a sudden, they were like, Rachel,
can you feel And I'm like, oh my gosh, she's
having a baby.
Speaker 2 (03:44):
Speaker 5 (03:44):
It feels like it just happened crazy. It's so exciting.
Speaker 3 (03:49):
Well, I'm really pumped that you're here with us. It
is a gift to always talk to you, to catch
up with you. For anybody listening wondering what has been
going on in your world. Any updates that you would
want to share with our listening audience.
Speaker 5 (04:04):
Not too many updates, but I have had a lot
of time to catch up on reality TV. I've been
sick for the past two months. We're recovering, so hopefully
getting over that soon. But super super excited to get
into this. I took some notes. I'm actually really excited
for us to talk about this together. Yeah, we've both
been on both sides, so I'm excited to see This
season has been really interesting to me. I really like
jenn as a lead, but the guys have.
Speaker 6 (04:33):
Been really interesting as well, So I'm excited to see
your take.
Speaker 3 (04:36):
Let's dive in, but let's start here then. I'm hoping
you're with us for a few episodes. I mean, Ashley,
I always love having her here, but there's a few
episodes that I just am really excited to have you
with the almost famous good almost good advice is what
we call it. That would be a segment I'd be
really excited to hear your advice on obviously breaking down
the Bachelorette, some the headlines that are going to be
coming out here in the next week. So you will
be with us for as long as Ashley is out,
and we just don't know how long that's gonna be yet.
But to get us started with it comes to this
week's episode. Leading up to this is episode three. What
has been your overall opinions so far, So let's start
with Jin. What are your opinions on Jin as the
bachelorette up to this point.
Speaker 5 (05:25):
I was really really excited when she got announced.
Speaker 6 (05:29):
I was there. I think she is.
Speaker 4 (05:30):
Such a fun lead.
Speaker 5 (05:33):
I think she doesn't take things too seriously, but you
could tell she's really there and really wanting to make
a connection. But watching her, It's just been really really interesting.
I feel like she's different than a lot of leads
we've had.
Speaker 6 (05:46):
Recently, and what way, I don't know.
Speaker 5 (05:48):
She just feels like she brings this like youthfulness, this
like fun. It's like when you're watching her, it's not
like taken super super seriously, but in a good way.
Speaker 6 (06:00):
Do you feel the same.
Speaker 2 (06:01):
I do.
Speaker 3 (06:01):
She's like a mix between Jojo, who also tried to
have as much fun with it as possible.
Speaker 2 (06:07):
I remember an interview.
Speaker 3 (06:08):
Where she said this was so much fun, and I
was like, you're crazy. This was never fun to me,
and she's like it was fun. You just got to
allowed to be fun.
Speaker 4 (06:15):
I can't really.
Speaker 2 (06:16):
Yeah, I was like, I did not enjoy this.
Speaker 3 (06:18):
She's a mix between Jojo, I think, and a little
bit of like a Caitlin, where I think actually she
has a little bit more of like a.
Speaker 2 (06:29):
A wild side than what maybe we're able to see.
Speaker 3 (06:32):
Like she create is down for adventure, she's down to
make these guys maybe a little uncomfortable, which Caitlyn was
always down for, yeah, push.
Speaker 2 (06:39):
The limits a little bit. And so I do think
she's a mix of those two in my at least
from my perspective.
Speaker 5 (06:46):
I do see Caitlyn now that you said that, and
then tonight like she was really spicy tonight, Like I
guess this is the first episode I watched her like
have that switch, like flip and she freaks out and
just a little bit like she should. But I was like,
I didn't know she had that side of hers. So
I was like, I liked it when I saw it
tonight she kind of put them in their place.
Speaker 6 (07:07):
We'll get into that.
Speaker 3 (07:08):
She definitely Okay, now we'll turn to this point the season.
Your thoughts on the guys so.
Speaker 6 (07:14):
Being so, I'm gonna be honest, you should be.
Speaker 5 (07:17):
The first two episodes, I was like, I don't have
a single guy here that I like. I was like
on the fence a little bit with a couple, but
I was like, these guys are so lackluster to me.
Third episode, I'm seeing it a little more and I like,
I'm on board now and I see some guys that
I really really like now and then still some guys
that I hate but not I hate, dislike.
Speaker 2 (07:43):
Wouldn't be into.
Speaker 3 (07:44):
Okay, So if you were the Bachelor at this point,
if you're a gin, are you saying you like them?
In terms of, hey, they're better than the rest or
if I was the Bachelor, this would these would be
guys I would actually be into, like interested in.
Speaker 5 (07:57):
I think by episode three there are guys that I'm
seeing that I really liked the qualities and I could
definitely see myself dating, Whereas like two episodes ago, I
was like, where did they find these guys? Like this
is like going so bad, this is like who's she
going to pick? But we're getting to know them a
little more. I'm getting a little more comfortable.
Speaker 3 (08:21):
I still would not claim that this cast of guys
blows my mind. I think Jin has been fantastic. I
think she is great. I think a lot of these
guys to me, are a little hard to watch at times.
I think, little cringe, a little cringe. They're kind of
just like a little awkward, which can be, you know,
endearing at some level, but at the same time, it
can also be kind of a turn off. And and
so we'll have to see how that kind of plays
out and if these guys ever get comfortable in their
own skin. But there are a few that I still
don't know enough about. I'm thinking Jonathan, I'm thinking Marcus,
I think it's Dylan is his name?
Speaker 6 (09:06):
Those are my favorite so far.
Speaker 3 (09:08):
Yeah, I think those three still have potential to be like, Okay,
you got your three out of the thirty and that's
about what happens every season, and that's all you needed.
It just happened to be that the other supporting cast
was so off that these three never really shine because
they all kind of get mixed together. So those three
are standing out to me right now.
Speaker 6 (09:29):
I think Grant could be up there too.
Speaker 2 (09:32):
Speaker 3 (09:32):
He I'm having a hard time with Grant because he
and sam M were so similar on Night one, with
like the words they were saying and the way they
were talking to her and kind of her connection to
them that I think I'm still kind of grouping them
together as like the same, you know, type of personality.
I want to see Grant like take his guard down
a little bit and just like be an actual human
and like not try to say the right lines at
the right time and the right way, and then I
think he could jump there. He hasn't anything wrong yet.
I just haven't seen him actually like converse more than
I haven't seen Samm converse. He just says all these
like really like sexual things and she's into it right now,
I don't think.
Speaker 6 (10:14):
Yeah, he's I don't know how to feel, Okay.
Speaker 2 (10:19):
Sam and Sam m is the first impression Rose.
Speaker 5 (10:23):
Yes, he reminds me so much of Johnny from our season,
the way he acts and the way he talks. I
literally told Johnny and like, he's your evil twins. So
every time I see him on screen, I just can't
think about anything else.
Speaker 3 (10:37):
Yeah, he's a good mix. Astley calls him sham Booth
look alike.
Speaker 6 (10:40):
He looks like Sean too.
Speaker 2 (10:43):
He might look like everybody.
Speaker 5 (10:44):
He's like in the AI generated one Bachelor contestant.
Speaker 3 (10:48):
Well, yeah, the men are in Melbourne with Jim Ben Melton.
How are they say in it Melbyn Melboyn? Is that
the proper to say? Is that why this has been
such an emphasis.
Speaker 6 (11:02):
I think that's how the Australians with the accent.
Speaker 3 (11:05):
Yeah, Melbourne, Melboyn, Milbourne. They're in Melbourne, Australia. Here in
Indiana and Denver we call it Melbourne. Also, the group
is going to be here for a little bit longer
than expected. They're going to be there for a few weeks.
They're excited about this. I mean, they're not in a mansion.
They're in a brand new place, a brand new country,
doing incredible things. We kick this episode off kind of
reliving the drama that existed lap last episode. We're kind
of now moving it into this episode as well. Rachel,
take it away from here. I want to hear your thoughts.
You do have your notes, and your opinions are going
to be so warranted and listened to by me, because
I know you have strong opinions on this.
Speaker 5 (11:50):
I do so my first little note I just wrote,
Thomas and Devon are giving me the ck hmmm. I
last episode was not a fan of either of them,
but I think there's something about Devon that really throws
up red flag to me because he reminds me a
lot of Tino and this like winner mindset and this
that's my wife, Like this is week two you're telling
other guys like it just is giving the same sort
of vibe for me. So I think that's where I
was coming from, And just this sense of confidence that
he's throwing around. I feel like that's what's really getting
under the guy's skin. But I think at this point
I'm over both Thomas and Devin a little bit.
Speaker 4 (12:37):
Well, how are you feeling.
Speaker 2 (12:39):
The Devin thing's interesting.
Speaker 3 (12:40):
I am actually I think Devin took a step forward
for me this week more than last week. I don't
think he's the right one for Jin. I also don't
think he is the easiest dude to get along with
because of how vocal he is, because of how much
confidence he kind of wants to portray and kind of communicate.
But last week he was more annoying to me, Like
there was moments where I was like devn back down,
like what are you doing? This is crazy, Like you're
going way too hard, way too fast.
Speaker 2 (13:17):
Speaker 3 (13:18):
Thomas last week kind of stepped in out of nowhere
into the controversy. He stepped into the drama and it
kind of came out of nowhere really at the end.
If you remember when Jen is kind of at the
cocktail party and all of a sudden, Thomas comes up
and starts talking to Devin, and then all of a sudden,
we see Thomas as this character who is going to
confront But it wasn't like a confrontation that was necessary
or I felt like appropriate at that time. Here's why
I think things are getting crazy from me. Usually on
The Bachelor and Bachelorette, when there's controversy like this, I
don't want to look at the one off scenario because
we don't always see what's going on behind the scenes.
I want to look at the entirety of the storyline.
And so right now, I will say, if I had
to pick a side, I'm on Devin's side, because Thomas
continues to be this character to other people as well,
Like he's not just doing this with Devon, as you
see in the preview for the rest next couple episodes,
as you kind of see through a little bit of this,
he is continuing to get himself into the drama, and
so I have to think that maybe Devin isn't the
one at fault here, or he isn't the problem.
Speaker 4 (14:25):
I completely agree.
Speaker 6 (14:27):
I think Thomas is a bit of a bully.
Speaker 5 (14:30):
I think the way he was treating Sam this episode,
I really, like you said, Devin did actually step up
a little bit this episode when he was standing up
for Sam.
Speaker 6 (14:40):
Was it Sam?
Speaker 2 (14:41):
Speaker 6 (14:42):
And Sam ed yeah, and I was like, he really
stood up for him, and he was like, You're allowed
to have those feelings.
Speaker 4 (14:49):
So that was really nice for me.
Speaker 5 (14:52):
But I also just feel like with Devin, I guess
going in from last row ceremony. You can kind of
tell the other guys don't really like him. So that's
where it gives me pause. Whereas, Yeah, I feel like
Thomas is definitely the issue, and he was the issue
in that argument. I look around to the guys and
why do they all kind of not like Devin? That
says something to me. I want the guy I end
up with to like get along with people.
Speaker 2 (15:17):
Yeah, but that feels like something that would be important.
Speaker 3 (15:23):
I wonder, Rachel, if Devin and Thomas are both gonna
be those characters that play such a huge storyline these
first like five weeks, and then we just forget about them,
Like we never hear from him again, we never think
about him. They don't play any part of the story
long term, and they're here right now because one Thomas.
Speaker 2 (15:45):
Is just seems like easily irritated.
Speaker 3 (15:48):
And Devin is so confident that he's rubbing everybody the
wrong way.
Speaker 2 (15:52):
It's going to fire up the group.
Speaker 3 (15:54):
And then they're both gonna be gone probably the same week,
and it's kind of like we moved on never thinking
about it.
Speaker 6 (15:59):
That's true.
Speaker 5 (16:00):
I could see them both kind of leaving mid season. Yeah,
I don't solid before hometowns.
Speaker 3 (16:07):
Yeah, like they're gone and they make some uproar at
the tell All Live show and we.
Speaker 4 (16:13):
Talked about their place on the beach.
Speaker 2 (16:15):
That's right, because it's coming.
Speaker 4 (16:17):
Yeah, I can't wait.
Speaker 3 (16:29):
So then we get into one on one Gin and Spencer, Spencer, Spencer,
Spencer's Spencer's a tough one. I think Spencer is a
super nice guy too.
Speaker 5 (16:41):
I wrote down Clark Kent. He's just so sweet. He
has the little glasses. I think Jen Cupp referring to
him like golden Retriever energy.
Speaker 2 (16:51):
Is that what you want in a husband? Though?
Speaker 3 (16:53):
Does Golden retrie If if you're a girl explaining a
guy as a Golden Retriever, are you like actually into him?
Are you just saying he's a fine?
Speaker 6 (16:59):
Speaker 5 (17:00):
This is where I had some thought because then everyone
in this season they keep bringing up ferocious love.
Speaker 4 (17:07):
I want ferocious love.
Speaker 5 (17:09):
But when she's describing Spencer, it's giving safety.
Speaker 4 (17:14):
It's giving like safe choice.
Speaker 5 (17:18):
Even though he's great and it seems like they're having
a great time, I don't see that same spark that
I do when she's talking to let's say, like Sam
m or Devin, where you can like see it.
Speaker 3 (17:33):
What did you think, well, I think Spencer is probably
that golden retriever. I'm guessing he is a very nice guy.
He seems like a very nice guy. He was so
excited to go on this day, so excited. It was
very very cute just how excited he got. I do
feel like he is is more nerdy than probably we
even see right now, Like he has some of those
like reaction actions to his excitement, and even when they're
in like the the helicopter, it doesn't necessarily exude to
me like sexiness.
Speaker 4 (18:12):
But he's cute.
Speaker 2 (18:13):
But he's cute.
Speaker 3 (18:14):
So here's my point. I'm not saying any of that
saying it's a bad thing. I'm saying some people are
really into that, Like I love you know, they love
the nerd, They love the nice guy, the guy that
they know is always just going to be so excited
when your husband and wife and the and the wife
comes home and says I want to go on a
date with you to night, and he.
Speaker 2 (18:31):
Goes, yay, Yes, that's awesome. Like some people like that.
Speaker 3 (18:35):
Now, some people very much not attracted to it, or
they don't get attracted to it until later on in
life when they realize those are the guys that you
want to marry, and so I don't know about him yet.
With her, I didn't. I didn't leave this date feeling
like the two of them or like an automatic lock long.
Speaker 2 (18:54):
Term, but I don't.
Speaker 3 (18:57):
I didn't also leave the date being like that guy
has so like so many problems, like he is not
going to be here very long, Like I could see
him being here for a while, I just don't think
he's the one.
Speaker 5 (19:06):
I think she kind of just sees him as like
the safe bet, like, oh, he could be, you know,
someone I bring home to meet my parents if I
don't really have a connection with anyone else. It kind
of feels like she'll keep him around until she starts
developing stronger connections, like if he didn't get a rose
on this one. And I honestly wouldn't have been that shocked,
because I mean I didn't see her connecting with him.
I know he told the story about his ex fiance
and the cheating, so obviously it wouldn't have been the
right time probably for her to be like, oh, and
by the way, I don't see anything with us, Like
you said, I didn't really see it.
Speaker 4 (19:43):
Yeah, he's nice, though.
Speaker 2 (19:44):
He's a nice guy. I'm with you.
Speaker 3 (19:47):
I think that might be the best way to summarize
this one on one is I don't see it yet.
Speaker 2 (19:50):
It didn't convince me of anything. It kind of honestly
reminded me.
Speaker 3 (19:57):
Of a Zach date was it with you that season
when you guys he kind of has the same energy,
same kind of vibe.
Speaker 2 (20:06):
I remember what the.
Speaker 3 (20:07):
Two of you went and watched, like at a movie theater,
You're the story playback of life, and it was very cute,
it was very nice. It was like, this is a
good moment, But it wasn't the moment that solidified in
my mind that yes, this is going to be the
guy with her at the end.
Speaker 5 (20:25):
And I feel like jenn is just going to be
looking for someone that like matches that level that she's on. Yeah,
and I don't think it's going to be Spencer, No.
I think she's going to pick someone exciting and like
the ferocious love or she keeps talking about that and
the Golden Retriever energy.
Speaker 6 (20:44):
I don't know if that is good.
Speaker 2 (20:48):
Like you said, well, I'm going to compare it in
a bit.
Speaker 3 (20:51):
We're going to come back to this conversation then, because
what I want to do now with what you just
said is I want to compare the Golden Retriever energy
to her scene with sam m on a couch where
he she says, you even asked me to be your
girlfriend yet, and I want to hear We're not going
to talk about it yet, but I want to hear
what you think of that moment and what was actually
going on there.
Speaker 2 (21:10):
I need a girl's perspective. This would be a moment
where I.
Speaker 3 (21:13):
Ask my wife or I ask one of my girlfriends, like,
what exactly was happening there, because in my mind I'm
kind of grossed out and I'm like, I don't know
why this is happening. I want to hear from a
girl's perspective what you think was happening. But before we
do that, we do have a flashback back to the
house at this moment where we still have Thomas and
we still have samm and we still have them upset.
They don't like Devin. That's now very clear to all
of us. They don't like each other, yet they cannot
settle this. Like they're very honest with each other. I
got to give them all that they're telling each other,
I don't like you, and as this person goes back
says I don't like you, and they say, great, We're
not gonna be friends right there. You think it would
end there, like as most groups of men function. If
I was in a room where two dudes are like,
I don't like you, and the other guy goes, I
don't like you either, and I don't want to really
fight you, because that doesn't really do us any good.
Speaker 2 (22:00):
Speaker 3 (22:00):
I just want you to know I don't like you.
I would be sitting on that and being Okay, well
this is good enough and it's over. Actually, this is
a big step. They seem to can't get it. They
cannot get over it. They continue to want to go
back to the fact that they don't like each other.
And I don't understand why.
Speaker 5 (22:16):
I feel like Devin just has this like he has
to have the last word and he has.
Speaker 4 (22:22):
To like get under their skin.
Speaker 5 (22:24):
And it just feels like Thomas and sam em just
have like a short views and it's like every little
thing that he says is like setting them off. But yeah,
like you said, I mean, I don't know because on
our season, mean, Gabby, the guys did not fight one time.
You could not force these guys to have any sort
of disagreement, and it's like on this season it's constant,
and when is.
Speaker 4 (22:48):
That like bomb going to explode?
Speaker 5 (22:51):
It feels like it already did last episode, but like
you said, it just continues and it's still going.
Speaker 3 (22:56):
It's constant, but yet it's still with a very small
select group of people every time, and it seems to
be happening when the whole group is in the room.
As a contestant on the show, at one point in
your life, what do you think it's like or do
you remember a scenario where it was like this where
there's something like an argument is going on, something super
awkward taking place right in front of you, and you're
a bystander, like you're just standing there watching this whole
thing go down. Over time, it's I'm assuming it's got
to get exhausting.
Speaker 5 (23:28):
Yeah, I mean on our season head Cheney, Yeah, and
that was and that would just happen in front of
the group, and I remember I would just sit there
and I would literally just go like this, and I
would just try to fold.
Speaker 6 (23:40):
So far away to not get involved.
Speaker 5 (23:42):
But I knew in my mind, like having seen the show,
I'm like, Okay, well she's going home soon. Yeah, and
this is just happening for like the TV, right, Like,
she can't really be like that.
Speaker 4 (23:53):
And I remember just thinking that in my mind.
Speaker 5 (23:55):
But it seems like these guys genuinely have an issue
with each other, and it's not like they're doing it
just to do it for TV.
Speaker 2 (24:02):
No, I don't think they're doing it.
Speaker 3 (24:03):
I think they think they're in the right here, or
they've somehow have been convinced that this is a pedestal
they need they need to stand on. I remember during
the time when Caitlyn was the Bachelor. I've said this
on the podcast before, but there was a moment where
with Caitlin's season, because I think she liked to push
everybody so much and because she had a little wild
streak to her, there was a lot of drama happening.
A lot of the drama wasn't even ever shown, or
wasn't shown to the extent that it was actually happening.
It was something was happening every day, and Jared and
I were sitting on the couch one evening.
Speaker 2 (24:36):
I remember I was had.
Speaker 3 (24:37):
A cocktail and he had a cocktail, and for whatever reason,
we're like in our relaxing clothes kind of just chilling
talking to each other about sports, and all of a sudden,
like a fight breaks out right in front of us
in the main living room of the mansion. And I
remember Jared and I looked at you her like, isn't
this the craziest thing? Like nobody is going to believe
that this is real, really happening, Like they gonna they're
all gonna think it's scripted when they watch us. We
get a front row seat at this madness, and so
we started to like watch it as entertainment. It started
to become almost enjoyable to.
Speaker 2 (25:09):
Us to be like, who's gonna yell at each other tonight?
Why are they going to be upset?
Speaker 3 (25:15):
But I'm thinking a lot of these guys are kind
of taking that perspective. It's just like standing back being like,
this is so stupid. I can't wait to you know,
these dufass leave. Yeah, the problem is I don't think
some of them will be leaving for a while.
Speaker 5 (25:29):
Oh, absolutely not. And thank God for us so we
can continue to watch it.
Speaker 2 (25:33):
That's right. Well, speaking of wanting to continue to watch the.
Speaker 3 (25:38):
Group date, the first group date of this episode is well,
it's still in Australia and it's being held and led
by some male professional strippers. The whole date is kind
of talking about this career and then teaching some of
these guys their moves, and then the guys guys are
then told that they are going to perform in front
of a live audience including the bachelorettes from Australia and
their bachelorette gin. These guys are going to perform, and
the date kicks off, and that's really I mean, this
is a big group date, a lot of guys there,
and there's a lot of let's call it art to
be performed. I'll start here and say this. During when
I was the Bachelor, we were in Vegas and there
was a date that was planned where the women were
going to do something similar like this was like a
very similar setup, and I said no, like I won't
I won't go.
Speaker 2 (26:37):
They can go and do it and have fun.
Speaker 3 (26:39):
With it and have a I will not be doing this,
like I will not be sitting there and one asking
them to do this. Also, I won't be I don't
want to be a part of that publicly. I don't
want everybody in the world to watch that. So your
opinion on this date, now, you can disagree with me,
that's great. I would love for it. I just know
I couldn't do it, Like for me, it didn't feel
right for me.
Speaker 5 (27:02):
I mean, as like a woman, I probably wouldn't have
done it wouldn't have been comfortable. But on my season,
we actually had something exactly the same. Basically, we had
like a talent show on a rainy day at the
mansion and they all like were wearing speedos so and
then they had to do a talent in their speedo
so basically the same thing.
Speaker 4 (27:27):
I like the day. I thought a lot of them
got into it.
Speaker 5 (27:30):
You could tell they were really uncomfortable, but some of
them just like really stood out and they really tried
their best. Like I loved Jonathan's he had like Jen's
name on his like, but I thought it was cute.
Speaker 4 (27:43):
And there was Australian Rachel and Gabby there.
Speaker 7 (27:46):
Yeah you're right, Yes, I loved it, and I loved
the part I wrote down well.
Speaker 5 (27:56):
I wrote Gabby because I called the girl Gabby with
the brown hair. She was given Jen advice about sam
m which I thought was interesting going into what happens
later in the Rose ceremony with that whole couch situation
where Jen was like, there's just so much sexual tension
and she was like, be careful because I picked mine and.
Speaker 6 (28:16):
It didn't end up well.
Speaker 2 (28:18):
I think it's nice.
Speaker 5 (28:20):
Yeah, is there foreshadowing here, like what's going on? I
thought that was really interesting.
Speaker 3 (28:26):
The date itself. I will say, the guys on this day,
they showed up for it, and I have to respect
him for that. I appreciate it and I respect him
because they gave it their all and they didn't make
it awkward.
Speaker 2 (28:40):
I think if you're.
Speaker 3 (28:41):
Going to be in this situation, you just got to
leave it on the dance floor, like go for it
and see and let it happen. I think the guys
did the one though. Obviously the storyline of this episode
is Sam in what we referred to him as the
love Virgin, because that's what he said he was. He's
very nervous, and you know what, I don't want to
shame him for that. I don't want to shame him
for not wanting to do you know this, If you
don't want to, I think you have every right to
just say, hey, not my thing. If you want my
personality to shine, well, this is one way that you're
going to see it doesn't in this environment. I think
he could have said that and maybe pulled her aside
and just been like, hey, I'm uncomfortable doing this on
national television in front of my grandma and my parents
and my sisters and everybody else.
Speaker 2 (29:28):
And it was a lead.
Speaker 3 (29:29):
I think you and I both could agree typically if
that would happen to be like I get it, like,
don't do it then absolutely totally cool, like I not
my like I'm not going to force you to do this.
Speaker 2 (29:38):
I think that was that would have been the good route.
Speaker 3 (29:42):
I think the route he took was super awkward, super awkward,
and I think he even felt awkward about it afterwards.
I don't know how or who told him that was
a good idea.
Speaker 5 (29:55):
I wrote this same thing down, I wrote who told
him to throw that hail Mary? Because, like you said,
it's not about actually getting out there and stripping. Jen
just wants to see like their personality and see him
have fun. I think he could have taken it so
many different ways, or even just said hey, like he
ran out there and pulled her backstage for a minute
and they had like a little something set up backstage,
Like there's so many things that you could.
Speaker 6 (30:20):
Do, and it just felt very forced.
Speaker 5 (30:24):
Even if that is how he feels, and of course
I respect that if it is the way he did it,
I just think made everyone really uncomfortable and therefore it
wasn't the right way to go about it.
Speaker 6 (30:37):
Speaker 3 (30:37):
I don't think Jen was sitting there being like, Wow,
look how sweet this is. More this is you know,
kind of the unspoken rule I think is those moments,
especially when you first tell your girlfriend that you're falling
in love with her, probably should be done one on one,
like you should probably not do it in a public
setting where you're one hundred feet from them over a microphone.
You could probably just say, hey, I'm having these feelings
towards you. Also, I do think there are some options
for sam In to participate and maybe not take off
a single piece of clothing. He could have made that
really funny. He could have made, you know, a little
dance while he keeps on his whole astronaut suit and
nobody knows what's underneath and it's hilarious.
Speaker 2 (31:19):
He could have done a couple of different things. I
think his route did uh.
Speaker 3 (31:23):
It did highlight I think that he has maybe a
little bit of that golden retriever energy as well.
Speaker 2 (31:31):
Just a little bit unexperienced.
Speaker 3 (31:34):
He's just not experienced obviously when it comes to dating. Well,
some of the guys, you know, take a fence to it.
I don't know how you take a fence to Sam.
And it feels like at this point, like if somebody
does that in front of everybody, you're like, hey, this
this poor guy, like just like let him kind of
like blow this thing up on his own. He's not
he's not going to crush it here, and that's totally
cool with me. But some guys do get.
Speaker 6 (32:00):
Upset going into the nighttime portion though.
Speaker 2 (32:04):
M hm.
Speaker 5 (32:05):
We see Thomas and Sam m literally bullying him. Yeah,
just so openly right by the bar where everyone's like
going up to get drinks.
Speaker 6 (32:15):
I do not understand this, Like what is their issue?
Speaker 4 (32:21):
Like first it's Devin.
Speaker 6 (32:21):
Now they're having an issue with Sam, And.
Speaker 3 (32:24):
You're kind of picking on on the weakest person right now,
Like it's very obvious that that dude did not think
what he did was awesome. It's not like he's exuded
confidence from any moment of stepping within this show, so
why pick on him? Like it does feel like bully
like behavior where you say weakest length, I'll go after him.
Speaker 5 (32:45):
Yeah, I agree, And that's where I wrote, Devin actually
really did come across from me way better in this
situation because he really was standing up for him, and like,
I love that. I thought that was so and I
thought Jen handled it really well when she did talk
to him. But this whole Thomas and sam n situation, it's.
Speaker 3 (33:08):
It's weird, it's weird, it's weird. But Devin did step up.
I do think Devon did something courageous there. Now, I
don't think he's handling this whole situation well. I think
he's definitely not not at fault for the chaos and
the frustrations that others have towards him. But I do
like that he stepped up for sam In when sam
In really maybe wasn't aware, or wasn't in the place,
or wasn't he was lacking the confidence at the time
to step up for himself. It's not fun on this
show to see somebody just kind of get beat down
by the bros. And it felt like a moment where
he was going to get beat down by the bros.
And I don't like that ever. On the show, it's
not fun to watch it's and it's not a good look,
you know, for the two of them. Well, that's when
we find out that well, Sam m and Thomas definitely
don't like Devin. That's fine, that clears that up. I
hope we don't have to watch this three of them
bicker for the next two weeks. I hope some of
them start going home here very soon.
Speaker 4 (34:11):
Yeah, please, God, we.
Speaker 3 (34:23):
Do have somebody going home kind of shockingly on his own,
and that's Aaron. Aaron is Noah's brother. Aaron was gonna
be He was a big storyline going into the show
because he is Noah's brother, and Noah made such a
name for himself during this show and obviously is in
a relationship. From the show, Aaron gets a phone call
and I get it. I think we saw the same
thing with Joan, who's now our Golden Bachelorette last season.
When life calls and you have a dream in place,
I think you have to take it, especially at this
point in the experience. I don't know anybody anybody can
get that upset with him for doing what he did.
Speaker 5 (35:00):
Greed completely, Like I'm a pilot, I would have a
thousand percent done the same thing. I agree The only
thing I really just didn't like a little bit was well,
I guess we could talk about it after like their
group date, but he was kind of like, well, if
she doesn't give me this rose, then.
Speaker 6 (35:20):
I'm leaving, But if she gives me this rose, then
I'm staying.
Speaker 5 (35:22):
And it just kind of felt like a little weird
that he was basing his decision on this rose.
Speaker 3 (35:29):
I don't think he actually was. It's a very early
rose to be giving so much up for agreed, I
think any good advisement, and I do believe the producers
would probably actually have given him good advice here, because
for as much as they love to see the drama
play out, they also are like, hey, yeah, but like
I'm not, you know, and I'm still a normal human.
You should go home, like go go fly a plane
and learn this and finish this dream of years and
then who knows, maybe you can come back again on
the beach. You're in a different season. Jin was also
supportive of it the group date with him, and you
just had mentioned it. There isn't a lot for me.
I mean, I don't know if you have many notes
from that other than they you know, they raced.
Speaker 5 (36:17):
Jeremy did that cute stop the car and kiss her thing?
I think Austin wins and then that's it. That's really
all I had. Yeah, it was tiny, small, short, So.
Speaker 2 (36:29):
Aaron goes home.
Speaker 3 (36:30):
He did leave Jin in a weird place here, and
we're getting closer and closer to the end of this
episode and it feels like it feels almost unhealthy. Unhelpful,
is what I should say for how he left it. Hey,
there's some great guys here, but there's also some really
bad guys here, So just be careful. You don't need
to say that. She knows all of that already. Don't
get in her head about this. And he wasn't willing.
If you're gonna say that, I always think on this
show you have to also be willing to give the details.
You can't just say, hey, by the way, like, do
some investigation. Good luck with that. You have twenty dudes
here to try to figure out. But some of them
aren't here really and they're not really great guys, So
best of luck.
Speaker 2 (37:10):
Gen see you later. Felt frustrating.
Speaker 3 (37:13):
I think it frustrated Gin, and I do like that
Jin did step up for in this moment and not
try to maybe even figure out who he was talking about,
but just tell the whole group this is what I heard,
this is what I know, and if any of you
are not here for the right reasons, you can go home.
Like that's really cool. I like, I enjoyed this moment
from Gin. I think it definitely solidified her as the
lead of this group.
Speaker 4 (37:42):
I agree.
Speaker 5 (37:42):
I loved seeing that side because we've seen fun Gen,
sweet Gen, but this is the first time she was
like kind of feisty and serious and really letting the
guys know that, like, yeah, we're having fun and this
is like a great time and we're all here, but
I'm here, this is my real life, and you guys
need to be serious.
Speaker 4 (38:02):
And then I loved how she was like Marcus, can
we go talk?
Speaker 5 (38:04):
And I was like, WHOA, but no, I loved I
loved that moment from Jen.
Speaker 6 (38:08):
I think we needed to see that.
Speaker 4 (38:10):
She needed it.
Speaker 6 (38:12):
Get those guys in line.
Speaker 3 (38:13):
They're not gonna they're not gonna mess with Jen. She's
they know that she has a force behind her and
she can't put her foot down. Well, we are closing
up this episode. We do have to summarize everything here.
When it comes to the final row ceremony, but before
we do that, kind of last thing I want to
talk to you about is any notes that you had
that you're really passionate about that we didn't you know,
talk about. And in the same breath, I do want
to hear from your perspective about the couch scene with
Sam m and what your overall thoughts were on that
whole interaction.
Speaker 4 (38:50):
That was kind of just the last note I had.
Speaker 5 (38:53):
I was actually like covering my eyes watching that scene.
It felt like something you're not supposed to watch coming
from me.
Speaker 4 (39:00):
I used to do this.
Speaker 5 (39:01):
I feel like I was the same way on the show,
so I have no legs to stand on with this.
But he was like full on straddling her. He was
straddling her and then she's like, are we dating? It
felt like, what's happening in this situation? I think maybe
from my perspective, she was just being like flirty and
they're all technically your boyfriends, right, so she's probably like,
are you going to ask me to be your girlfriend?
Speaker 4 (39:27):
Just being flirty?
Speaker 5 (39:28):
But I'm not seeing any substance out of this man
at all. It feels like he'll say words until he
doesn't have anything else to say, and then he's just
making out with her, Yeah, which is rich coming from me,
but I don't know it is.
Speaker 3 (39:44):
It does seem to be a strategy on the show.
You can get away with that for a long time, right,
you can have that physical connection, you can make out,
you can say all the right things in those ten
minutes that you have and and it works for a
long time. I do think most seasons there is that
moment though, where you go, hey, maybe this isn't my
long term partner. It felt like very much to me
like a middle school make session.
Speaker 4 (40:10):
Middle school.
Speaker 2 (40:11):
Yeah, like where you're.
Speaker 3 (40:12):
Like, I gotta like, I can't keep my hands off
of you, and we're fully clothed and we're gonna lay
on top of each other on a couch like.
Speaker 2 (40:20):
It felt like that to me.
Speaker 3 (40:21):
It did not feel at all like to adults functioning
in a like in a in this environment, it did.
It felt like something you would see from like teenagers.
Speaker 5 (40:33):
I can't say anything because I feel like sometimes you
just forget those cameras are there. That's fair again, you know,
worse things have happened, not worse, just other things have happened.
Speaker 6 (40:45):
I think the.
Speaker 5 (40:46):
Straddling was a little strange. Her asking about are we dating? Yeah, again,
just maybe being flirty.
Speaker 2 (40:54):
I think it's flirty. I think it's flirty.
Speaker 3 (40:56):
I also think they're very into each other, and so
I think they wanted to say a lot of things
that were not like they weren't going to say because
they did. Remember, hey, we're miked when we have cameras around.
Speaker 5 (41:04):
I think they just need to get to the fantasy
suite and that like, see where it goes from there.
Speaker 2 (41:11):
Speaker 3 (41:11):
I actually think they just need to have a real
conversation and see where that happens.
Speaker 2 (41:15):
Because at this point I have seen it, it looks
like they.
Speaker 4 (41:18):
Get a one on one next week.
Speaker 2 (41:19):
It's good.
Speaker 6 (41:20):
Speaker 3 (41:20):
I think we're gonna learn a lot and I hope
we do well. We do have a few people going
home this week, just a few, just two. So the
two people going home, if you have him up in
front of you, please just say names.
Speaker 5 (41:35):
Hakem and Thomas A who I had to look up
his name because I don't think he's spoken this season.
Speaker 2 (41:41):
You see the one with the abs like that was
the only thing I remember, frown.
Speaker 4 (41:44):
Hair, it was kind of longer.
Speaker 3 (41:45):
Yeah, he walked out and I think one of the
Australian bachelorettes go said, oh, look at his abs, and
that was like the only thing we've ever heard in
reference till we.
Speaker 6 (41:53):
Know about him.
Speaker 5 (41:54):
I did like Hakeem though, his whole Spider Australian.
Speaker 2 (41:59):
It was so I wish he was around longer.
Speaker 3 (42:01):
And his eyes are so expressive, like he's a fun watch.
And I do think I am surprised he went home
this early, because I do think he was a had
a main character kind of vibe about him in confidence.
But Keem goes home, Thomas In goes home, and we
move on. Now I think I'll start to know all
these guys' names. It takes me a couple weeks.
Speaker 2 (42:22):
I never know their name.
Speaker 6 (42:22):
Yeah, me too, Hakeem.
Speaker 4 (42:24):
We'll see you on the beach.
Speaker 2 (42:25):
Speaker 3 (42:26):
To close up this episode, Rachel, we always do it,
but we haven't done with you yet.
Speaker 2 (42:30):
Your top Let's do top.
Speaker 3 (42:33):
Four in order from number four to number one, Okay.
Speaker 6 (42:39):
I'll do. Can I go number one down because I
forget their names?
Speaker 2 (42:43):
Okay, that's fair.
Speaker 5 (42:44):
Number one Jonathan, Okay, I really like him. Number two Marcus,
and then I like Dylan, yeah, and then I really
like Spencer.
Speaker 6 (42:58):
So we're going to go there that.
Speaker 2 (43:00):
Those four I actually if I disagree with any of those,
I think Dylan.
Speaker 3 (43:08):
For me is like this, like he's been so quiet,
but yet he has such a strong presence that it's
like that guy kind of feels like one that's going
to be there a while because they're kind of not
hiding him more than just not showing him. So I
do like Dylan. I really like Jonathan. I think Marcus
would be my number three and number four. I probably
put Spencer in there as well. Yeah that makes sense
right now. I can't think of anybody I'm missing. But
it's interesting that Grant didn't make either our of our
top list or samm two people who definitely at last
week had a very high kind of presence on the show.
Speaker 5 (43:51):
Yeah, Sam is not going to make my list. I
don't think Okay, I don't think he's it.
Speaker 2 (43:56):
You don't think he's it?
Speaker 3 (43:57):
Well that is the word for this week. Rachel doesn't
think sam m is it, and I'll agree with her.
Speaker 2 (44:02):
I don't think so either.
Speaker 3 (44:04):
This has been another episode of the Almost Famous podcast.
We were breaking down the third week of this season
of the Bachelorette. We'll be back next week, breaking down
another episode of the Bachelorette. Stay tuned because we have
a lot of content coming your way. Rachel will be
here as our co host along the way, doing some
really fun stuff with us. I cannot wait to continue
to talk to her, continue to hear her thoughts on
this season and all the things happening in Bachelor Nations.
So until next time, I've been been.
Speaker 6 (44:30):
And I'm Rachel.
Speaker 2 (44:31):
Here you go.
Speaker 1 (44:33):
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