Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Welcome back to Unplugged.
Speaker 2 (00:11):
A wise man once said a violence is never the answer,
but sometimes it is. That wise man was me, and
that shit cost me about thirty thousand dollars. Obviously, the
hot topic right now is Joel Embiid and Marcus Hayes's
incident in Philly where the reporter mentioned his dead brother
and newborn son, and obviously and B took offense to it.
There was an altercation. I guess some pushing happened. The
NBA just suspended embid for three days, and I think
the Sixers actually issued an apology on I guess Joelle's behalf.
Criticism is something all athletes have to deal with, particularly
star athletes, MVPs, leaders of teams, guys that are making
max and I think players are fine with the criticism
because I think it comes with the territory. Where they
cross the line is when you start bringing people's families
into it and think that that shit is going to
be okay. He's lucky it wasn't more. I've been saying
for a while that the line has been blurred or
erased with the disrespect that the media has towards the players.
It's less journalism these days and more, just hot takes,
what can go viral? What can I say, We're going
to be the loudest and most disrespectful thing I can
say to a player, and people hit the like button.
This is not just with medium players. It's also been
with fans and players the last couple of years. Fans
across the line by throwing things, thinking they can say whatever,
getting in people's faces and acting like because we make
money or because we're professional athletes, we're not supposed to
react or have feelings. And I think the NBA needs
to do a better job. I think that they do
a great job in a lot of other areas, but
I think this is one area that they're struggling. And
they protect everybody but the product. You look at all
the incidents with the fans and what's going on, and
it's always the players that are being suspended or fined.
I mean, obviously there's some repercussions for the fans, but
I feel like the NBA goes out of its way
to protect the fans and protect the media, but not
protect the players. Why is Marcus Hayes not suspended?
Speaker 1 (02:30):
Why is.
Speaker 2 (02:32):
Why is he not fined? And this is not his
first trip down this lane. He's been known for doing
a lot of coonery in this space for a while.
Someone who personally hasn't been debta against Joel Embiid, someone
who comes around practices and the players try to avoid
him as much as possible. He's always trying to do
or say something to bring attention to him because he's
just not very good at what he does. I think
at the end of the day, it's not okay to
disrespect players. It's not definitely not okay to disrespect their families.
I think we all sign up knowing that a lot
of criticism is going to come with this job. And
you can criticize us for our poor play, our leadership,
how bad our teams are, whatever you feel like you
need to criticize over, that's okay. But you cross the
line when you talk about someone's family. And I'll say this, thankfully,
it was just a push, But who knows what the
next time. What's going to happen next time when something
like this happens. So I feel like something needs to
be done. So this is just my point of view. Obviously,
as a former player that's transitioned into the media space,
I'm always going to have a player's back, but I'm
also going to tell them when they're wrong. Critiquing is
a tough part of.
Speaker 1 (03:45):
The job, you know what I mean.
Speaker 2 (03:46):
We are as media members now our job is to
critique what we see. And again, like I said, I
think critiquing is fine when we're talking about the game,
but anything outside, particularly pertaining with family, is not okay.
So the further this discussion, I'm gonna bring in my brother,
the one and only Van Lathan to talk a little
media and some other stuff. This embiid thing is cooking up.
I think the lines have been blurred between media and players,
fans and players. What are your thoughts about what you're
kind of seeing in this situation, in particular where he's
talking about a dead brother and a son.
Speaker 3 (04:28):
So it's good that Joelle and Bid did what he did.
It's not a good It's not ever good to like,
we don't ever want to encourage, particularly black men to
use violence as a meed as a means of conflict resolution.
But I'm telling you why it's good. It's good because
it starts a conversation, or it furthers the conversations or
deepens the conversation, and the conversation is about whether or
not someone is a person or a thing. If Joel
Embiid is a person, then you know that what you
said and how you went to make your point about
his basketball play is completely out of bounds.
Speaker 1 (05:08):
Speaker 3 (05:10):
I talked about I lost my father in twenty twenty one,
and you know, you can make any point that you
need to make to me. You can say anything that
you need to say to me without invoking one of
the most painful moments of my life to make that point.
Speaker 1 (05:27):
Speaker 3 (05:28):
And so whereas we don't want to give anybody carte
blanche to say, hey, you said something that I hurt
my feelings, so now I'm gonna put hands on you,
what I think is important to say is that long
before he was a basketball player, Joel Embiid was a brother,
someone who loved his brother, someone who has memories and
a deep affection and connection to his brother. And bringing
that up so you can make a point about whether
or not somebody is available for a Tuesday night game
against Milwaukee's just wild.
Speaker 2 (05:56):
This is obviously an interesting topic because it's been debated
and dwelled on over the last two and a half
three weeks. I think since he mentioned he wasn't playing
in back to backs, and you know, whether he was
gonna play, it wasn't gonna play. I personally thought that's
where he kind of opened the floodgates. When you come
out and say, hey, I'm not playing in back to backs,
you're opening yourself up for more criticism and critique. At
the same time, it shouldn't open you up for personal attacks.
Speaker 3 (06:27):
I mean, yeah, Look, let's say that Joel and be
the soft. Let's say that any basketball player is soft.
I'm not calling him soft, Let's say that he is.
Let's say that somebody is soft on the basketball court.
They don't play the game hard, they don't close out,
they don't fake the ball and people face. Let's say that.
Let's say that. Let's say that somebody is soft, Okay,
on the basketball court. Is that same person not going
to defend their family if somebody runs into their house?
Speaker 1 (06:55):
No, it's different.
Speaker 3 (06:57):
Is that same person gonna let you rap his girl's
ass on the street? So when you say soft, what
are you talking about? Context matters? Soft basketball player, that
leader on the basketball court. When you say this person
is not a leader, does this mean that this person
cannot lead their family. Does this mean this person isn't
a leader in their community. When you use these terms
that are all encompassing to describe somebody's basketball game, you're
saying a lot more about them than what you might
even think that you're saying. So when you're talking to
him and writing that little piece, you're saying he's disrespecting
his dead brother by missing a basketball game, you out
your fucking mind.
Speaker 4 (07:44):
Speaker 3 (07:45):
You gotta have at that if you gonna if you're
gonna drop your nuts to that degree, you can't be
mad when somebody get you know what I'm saying, So
and so to me, what I'm saying is it's all gravy.
I get it. The game lends itself to criticism. We
pore over this stuff, But man, bruh, have a little
cool think about what you're talking about it and who
you talking to.
Speaker 2 (08:07):
I mean, I think I'll close it up with saying
I mean, I think obviously there needs to be a
deeper conversation about lines and boundaries in sports. Media is
kind of shifted over the last handful of years. But
DeMarcus Hayes, I mean, you have a track record of bullshit.
This was another bullshit move.
Speaker 1 (08:24):
You pulled.
Speaker 5 (08:25):
Hopefully it stops here.
Speaker 2 (08:26):
Hopefully you're not running to do no kind of lawsuit
or any kind of funny business. And I also think
the league really needs to take a look into protecting
its players. Absolutely protect the asset, because there wouldn't be
no other bullshit if it wasn't for the asset. There
wouldn't be no fans, there wouldn't be no media if
it wasn't for the asset.
Speaker 5 (08:46):
So protect the asset. Then the day after.
Speaker 2 (08:53):
Oh wow, November sixth, twenty twenty four, by the way,
congratulate or happy birthday to my sons as Theay and Carter.
Speaker 5 (09:02):
They're sixteen today. I can't believe I have sixteen year olds.
Speaker 2 (09:05):
Man, Yes, I love you, But you know, we just
witnessed probably the craziest presidential run.
Speaker 5 (09:14):
Hopefully we'll ever see.
Speaker 2 (09:15):
I hope we don't have to see no more bullshit
like this type of just how it's taken over everything.
You posed a great question yesterday and we really didn't
debate it. Excuse me, might have been this morning. What
do we learn from this?
Speaker 3 (09:29):
Yeah, yes, much more thing.
Speaker 1 (09:30):
What do we learn from this?
Speaker 3 (09:31):
Oh we don't know yet. Well that's not true.
Speaker 1 (09:35):
We do know.
Speaker 3 (09:36):
This is what we learned, and it's a tough pill
to swallow. America is magan, America is maggan. It's a
clear mandate that was given. The question now is why
what messages didn't land, What attempts, what speeches, what policy
didn't resonate? Like why why did people vote to deport
their cousins. Why did women vote to subjugate their daughters,
Why did people vote to suppress their neighbors. Why did
people vote for the legacy of their slavers? Why why
did they do that? Because as much as we can
be angry about it, we have to figure out the
calculus that allows us to stem the tide. I'll tell
you what won't get there, well, won't get us there?
Speaker 5 (10:30):
Tears you cry, man, cry, get it out, cry now.
Speaker 3 (10:37):
I wrote, Yeah, I wrote something earlier. Just real quick,
I tell you about once again. My dad. I had
like the little tenspeed bike. Ten speed bike had the
sometimes the fucking the break break comes off the bike.
The break was dangling, hit the front spokes. I flipped
over the front of the bike. Bust my shit. My
dad saw me. He comes over and I'm about to
get up, and he's like nah, nah, stay there like breathe,
living it for a second to catch your breath. Now
I'm freaking out because I'm seeing blood. I'm cut. It's
blood's everywhere, and I'm like, oh my god, don't worry
about the blood. He's like, blood is a blessing unless
you know that you're hurt. Sometimes you don't know your hurt. Heart, disease, diabetes,
all these things. You don't know that you're hurt. But
you can see yourself bleeding. Now it's your responsibility to heal.
It's your responsibility to get better. It's your responsibility to
do the thing. It's also your responsibility to fix your
fucking bike. So all of that stuff, so you don't
flip over the handlebars again, get up, get to it,
take your time. I'm not going to dehumanize you. Do
your whole thing. But you went to bed, dry your sheets,
wash them. Let's get the fuck back to work. Midterms
in two years, and you have to be a force
to change the electorate in a way that reflects your values.
If we can't do that, if we spend too much
time crying, we're going to spend more time dying. So
let's get to.
Speaker 2 (12:04):
I think gender and race played a huge role obviously
in this situation. You know, to think that that Latino
men came out in the waves, they did, and his
main thing is mass importation. How white women came out
in the wave and he's taking rights away and flipping
back and forth on that. I think he did a
he ran on fear and attack the issues rather to
me than policy. Actually he still doesn't really have no pot,
Like what are we looking for now?
Speaker 1 (12:32):
What's the plan?
Speaker 6 (12:33):
Speaker 1 (12:34):
You know what I mean?
Speaker 2 (12:34):
I think he ran on obviously the economy, things were
better when Trump was president, not knowing that Trump was
riding Obama's wave and still ended up crashing that wave.
He ran on the fear of crazy rapist drug dealer
coming into this country and taking jobs and we need
to build you know. He ran on our insecurities and
our fears and people bought into it.
Speaker 5 (12:57):
So what do we do now moving forward?
Speaker 2 (13:00):
Are we fuck Trump and fuck the people that voted
for him, or are we like, okay, here we're going
to hear now, you know, could you hear a lot
of people that lost friendships and over this running? You know,
where do we go now? Moving forward? As far as
do we hope he fails. I don't hope he fails,
because I want to see this country do well. Do
we cut that we're doing, do we not fuck with
the people who voted for Like, what is your thought?
There's so much stuff going on with your thought.
Speaker 3 (13:27):
That's a fantastic question. So with me, I don't tend
to take things that personally right. So there are going
to be people out there that supported Trump and have
supported Trump. It is what it is. It depends on
why you support them right now. If you support them,
let's be clear. Let's be clear. If you support Trump,
then you support somebody who wants my inclusion, marginalized, wants
my history. You're raised and to me, gives voice to
the most reprehensible people in America on my existence. And
that's what you're supporting. It doesn't matter if you're a black, white, red,
green man woman. That's what you're supporting. So you support that,
and you will wear that, and I will judge you
through that, lens, I have to. For some reason, you
decided that your economic status or your status as a
man is more important than my history, my inclusion, the
sovereignty of the body of the women, the bodies of
the women's that I share my community with all of
that stuff. So you made that calculous and you'll live
with that, and I'll judge you based on that. Don't
mean bring it up every time I see you. Don't
mean I'm a waste my breath trying to fight with
you every single time. Don't have time for that. But
everyone can deal with that on their own. What I
will say is this about the election itself. Whether or
not I want Trump to fail or succeed, I don't
think of things in those terms. I want American people
to succeed. I want American people to be okay. I
want American people to be safe. I want the people
of south Bound Ruge, Louisiana to be safe. I want
the black people, the black women, to be safe. And
it's not Trump's job to make them safe. It's my
job to make them safe. And another part of this
is just the way we view our country. This election
was essentially about people who believe that America is safer
when it's in the hands of unrepentant and aggressive whiteness.
We have to confront that idea because the reality is
the people that walking onto planes and feel better when
the pilot is white. The people that hire lawyers and
feel better when the lawyers are white, the people that
feel better with white judges, the people that feel better
when they see the white police, the people that feel
better when a white man has his hands around American society.
Those people did not invent that idea. It was incepted
into them. It was given to them. What we're trying
to say is everybody else can do this too. We
have built before, and we can build. And what America
continuously tells us is no, we are one for three
against Trump, and the only guy that could beat them
was somebody who is older and wider.
Speaker 5 (16:25):
He said older and wider. Okay, I mean she was.
Speaker 1 (16:29):
She was.
Speaker 2 (16:29):
You got to think ten former president, you know, ten
years in the making and in this whole of you know,
creating this image and taking on a characteristic and being
this guy that represents people who fear change. You know,
we don't want the shit to go that way. We
don't want you know, we don't want this, We don't
want that. But I will say I want to congratulate
Kamala within one hundred days of trying to sell yourself
and make people understand you, that that's not enough time
to genuinely address demographics, particularly the demographics she missed it.
But to raise a billion dollars in one hundred days,
the way she carried herself, the way she destroyed him
in the debate, the policy plans she planned to try
to implement. She did a lot of stuff in just
over one hundred days.
Speaker 3 (17:14):
And by the way, we need her and we need
everyone now not to go into hibernation. Look, man, two years,
two years, a lot of y'all. There's no need to
name call or to call people out. There will be
time for that when we're not looking our wounds. These
people need to see y'all. Remember I said that we
don't care about how Joel Embiide is playing against Milwaukee
on a random Tuesday night. You know who does care
about where you are on a random Tuesday night. The
black voter in the hood. They need to see you
on that random Tuesday night and on the Tuesday when
it's time for the election. We need to see and
feel the impact of people in our communities, in other
community these we need to wholly re educate ourselves politically.
When you're talking to somebody about politics, step back and
just ask them. What kind of world do you want?
What kind of society makes sense to you? Right? What
do you think? What tax rates should you be playing? Right?
Who should be paying for your kids schooling? What kind
of schools should your kids have? What kind of rights
should your women have? What kind of rights should be
codified into law, what kind of rights or social contracts?
What are the things? And then get the calculus of
that and talk to that people person about what they are.
Because if we make these issues about sex change operations,
or culture war issues, or any of these things that
we care so deeply about in us trying to protect people,
if we make these things about single issues that connect
people to some sort of moral imperative, we're going to
continue to lose people. But if we make it about
them and the way that they see the world, what
you'll see is they agree with you more than they disagree.
And we just haven't done that. We haven't raised the
political iq of the people that we're trying to reach.
Speaker 1 (19:10):
Messaging. Messaging is crucial.
Speaker 5 (19:15):
Band before we get get you out of here. Yeah,
little Wayne Wheezy fest Uh spoke to his hometown about
how much it hurt him to have the Super Bowl
opportunity taken from him. What it would it meant to
have his mom in the crowd as he performs in
the Super Bowl.
Speaker 1 (19:39):
Speaker 2 (19:39):
I mean, this is your home too from bat Rouge.
Talk talk to me about this, so can you?
Speaker 1 (19:49):
Speaker 3 (19:49):
Will So? Wayne is a goat, no question. Like I
said this on the podcast, and people get mad at
me when I think of Louisiana Musical leg cause I
put Wayne up there with Louis Armstrong with the grades.
Like literally right, it's up there with them. Nobody took
nothing from Wayne.
Speaker 5 (20:06):
Speaker 3 (20:07):
Was not given to Wayne to be taken away from Wayne? Okay,
all my rapper friends out there, I love you guys.
We gotta talk about what the rapper thinks of themselves.
I've never met anyone who looked at the world quite
like my brother's in hip hop, Like Wayne taken away
from you. Nobody took shit from you. Dog. It's a
concert thrown by these white people and they picked the
other black guy. That's what happened. Like it's like, nobody
took nothing from you. You ain't at no lunch, countess
like you gotta you say you saying this in front
of a whole group of people going crazy for you, Wayne,
you up, you made it. Maybe you're not entitled to
do the super Bowl right, You're not. And by the way,
bad time to ask me about them, because the fuck
with you, Wayne, but you took some picture. Never mind,
But anyway, love the Hot Boys. Was so excited to
see the Hot Boys reunion. I hope they go on tour.
New Orleans will be okay, Louisiana'll be okay, and more
than anything, Lil Wayne will be okay.
Speaker 2 (21:09):
Let me push back a little obviously, first and foremost,
because I love Kendrick. I'm West Coast till I die,
and I think he's gonna have a great show. So
by no means is this damn why is it? But
I think, like you said, a legend, his body of work,
the opportunity for him, to me to look at.
Speaker 5 (21:27):
It, to righte off into the sunset, Yeah you know what,
I mean, to.
Speaker 2 (21:30):
Kind of put him up in that stratosphere where I've
done everything and now I played the super Bowl, super
Bowl in front of my hometown. To me, I think
it could have been a perfect Swan song type situation
to a legend, legendary career. And again, that takes nothing
away from dot and how he's about to fuck this
Super Bowl up. I'm excited about what he's bringing to
the table. There's nobody hotter in the business right now.
But I thought this could have been a perfect like,
kind of a perfect bow on an incredible career.
Speaker 3 (21:58):
Look sad and I don't disagree. If it was me
doing it, it had been all Louisiana, I'd have had
partners in crime, young bleed mc nero. You don't even
know these people, you know. I would have had all
of these motherfuckers. I'd have had it had been going crazy,
pump to pump, the party, the whole fucking thing. However,
nobody took shit from him. Maybe it should have been him,
Maybe it would have been awesome for it to be him.
But I'm just to a point in my life right now,
as a forty four year old man where if you
get to complaining and getting the woe was Me situation out,
it gotta be real. I don't have time for the
for the for the crocodile t is Wayne is gonna
be Wayne. Wayne is a giant, the littlest giant in
hip hop history. But the reality is a concert didn't
get the concert.
Speaker 1 (22:52):
We love you, We always gonna love you.
Speaker 3 (22:54):
Let's move on and let's do something else. Bro, last thing,
last thing, Let's do something else. Can we stop bending
the knee for everything? Can we stop begging for everything?
Can we stop getting emotional when we don't get a
halftime show at the super Bowl? You're in front of
your people. They love you. Take the NAACP Image Award.
Love that love it as much as the Oscar Love
what people love about you. Yeah, man, God damn it.
I don't fuck with it. That's how I feel about
the whole way thing. I didn't like it, all right, man.
Speaker 1 (23:40):
I appreciate your time.
Speaker 2 (23:41):
Man, make sure you come back with check in with you, man,
and we'll talk to you later, no problem. Brod so
back by popular demands, the one and only neighborhood hater.
Speaker 1 (23:52):
How you feeling, bro? Dodgers are world champions? Yes?
Speaker 6 (23:57):
And you know what we went through to get that.
You've been down with for a minute. We've been had
our heart broken a long time, baby, like a decade, so.
Speaker 1 (24:07):
Speaker 2 (24:07):
This decade is not that long compared to what some
other teams have gone through.
Speaker 1 (24:10):
You guys just wanted the World Series. A couple of
years ago, right.
Speaker 6 (24:13):
But it was kind of a world series, sort of
kind of like the Lakers. Yeah, as yes, absolutely in
this county is still a ring though, right it is.
Speaker 1 (24:21):
But we didn't get a parade. We didn't even get
a check e cheese party for it. You know what
I'm saying.
Speaker 5 (24:26):
Nothing y'all deserve more.
Speaker 1 (24:27):
Absolutely so.
Speaker 2 (24:29):
They they people were falling, falling off of three story
buildings and blowing their hands off. They y'all celebrated absolutely
and burned the bus down.
Speaker 1 (24:38):
Speaker 6 (24:39):
We tore up a way more car, you know, the
self driving car. Did they graffiti on it? We wrote it,
surfed it and everything. Yes, you know how to go
West Coast? Yes, indeed ship was real. Yes, so so.
Speaker 2 (24:50):
Dave Roberts just recently said in an interview that he
felt like the Padres was like that was that was
y'all's world series. And you got San Diego and they
they they really kicked their ass all year, all year.
Speaker 5 (25:01):
So what were you How were you feeling about.
Speaker 4 (25:03):
It from your I felt from my perspective, that was
the world Series. I felt that at that moment in
time when we started the postseason, they were one through
twenty six, the best team.
Speaker 6 (25:18):
Yes, it is, and we have to see them moving
forward a lot.
Speaker 1 (25:22):
They're young.
Speaker 6 (25:22):
Absolutely, did we get lucky against them? No, we just
had their number.
Speaker 5 (25:27):
Going into the situation. You sare y'all was going to lose.
Speaker 1 (25:30):
Absolutely? Should you do though, well, front.
Speaker 2 (25:32):
Run yourself sabotaged because you know what's going to be
the outcome.
Speaker 6 (25:36):
Well, yeah, because you've seen what happened to us over
the years, you know, and the Padres are a team
we've been kind of chasing.
Speaker 1 (25:41):
For a minute.
Speaker 6 (25:43):
We had one of their players, Manny Machado, who became
a trader, moved to their team. Could you like a kidding?
And he was talking big cash he was against us.
So I'm happy, bro, I'm looking forward to next season.
You know, La fans, we think we're the general managers.
Speaker 1 (26:02):
There may not be as many Dodger fans next season though,
I'm gonna leave that one alone. I'm let you guys
make what you want of that, you know what I mean?
Speaker 6 (26:10):
But true story. But uh, yeah, man, we think we're
general managers. You know, we have to look forward.
Speaker 1 (26:18):
To what years?
Speaker 2 (26:18):
I mean, So, doo, you saw the Yankee just offered
thirteen to five seventy five If so do some of
you think you guys can.
Speaker 6 (26:24):
Grab Absolutely, we have money to spend lots, so six
hundred millions over like ten years. Yeah, and I believe
he's coming. I believe he loves Los Angeles, so who doesn't.
And look how the Yankees did him too dirty the
fifth inning?
Speaker 1 (26:37):
Speaker 6 (26:38):
Come on, man, he's go ahead. I was gonna say,
he's our number one priority in the off season.
Speaker 1 (26:43):
Get him.
Speaker 5 (26:43):
Will we see you tiny on the mound next year?
Speaker 6 (26:45):
Absolutely? Thank god he didn't hurt his throwing shoulder. You know,
he hurt the other shoulder, and he was already clocking up,
you know, the high nineties, already coming back.
Speaker 1 (26:55):
Do we need him to pitch? Yes? Next year? Absolutely,
we needed them in the World Series. Could he use them?
Speaker 6 (27:00):
Absolutely, could have used him, but uh, he just had surgery.
Hopefully he's ready for the off season and you know,
hopefully next year.
Speaker 1 (27:06):
Is our year again. Y'all grew on me. I'm not
gonna lie.
Speaker 2 (27:09):
Movie has been a Barris Dodger excuse me, Giants and
A's fan. That's where I'm from. But you know, the Dodgers.
I like the team. We gotta get Mookie on the show.
We went and talked to him at that game.
Speaker 1 (27:19):
So he said to bring him on the show Pod Pod.
We need you, baby.
Speaker 2 (27:23):
Congratulated to the whole Dodger organization and fan base, l
A representing moving on, It's basketball season, bross falls starting
to get cold out here. Indeed, Lakers have lost three
out of four. Is it time to fire JJ?
Speaker 6 (27:38):
I mean, just the last time we talked, I was
supposed to apologize to this.
Speaker 5 (27:42):
You still should apologize. Yeah, how are you feeling right now?
Speaker 1 (27:46):
In three?
Speaker 5 (27:46):
How are you feeling right now?
Speaker 6 (27:47):
I don't know, man, It's weird. We're just coming off
the World Series. So I'm just starting to get my
eyes back on the Lakers. Like most you know, LA fans, what,
we don't know what to think at the moment. Do
we like do we like?
Speaker 1 (27:58):
JJ? Yes? But once we start getting in.
Speaker 2 (28:01):
That lost column kind of like doesn't.
Speaker 6 (28:05):
Yeah, Yeah, we're getting that lost column and we're starting
to look elsewhere.
Speaker 1 (28:09):
We want to look elsewhere? Have you seen?
Speaker 2 (28:11):
I mean, we're I mean, you guys are want to say,
in the bottom of the league in defense, Yes, you know,
obviously a little bit of older team guys that are
more offensive oriented than defense. Obviously you got the Vanderbilt
coming back. It's a strong Western conference with a lot
of scorers. I mean the Bookers, the d Rants, the Lucas.
There's a lot of people that put the ball in
the basket. Do you who do you feel on that
team can and hopefully will step up on the defensive end.
Speaker 6 (28:42):
I'm sorry he said, did he say Brownie? Good Lord?
I pray man anyway. Don't get me hating on Brownie
right now. We'll say that for another time. But who
who do we depend on it? What's the question again? Who?
Speaker 5 (28:54):
Speaker 2 (28:55):
Who can step up and kind of ignite that defensive side?
Because I love JJ, but j J was an offensive player. Yeah,
but he tried on defense.
Speaker 6 (29:03):
Yes he did. Who's gonna play defense? Who's going to
cover their best player on our team? Because it can't
be a forty year old, right, they can't. So and
Ad is where he.
Speaker 5 (29:11):
Is gonna go, Biggs, He's going to protect the best.
Speaker 6 (29:14):
So maybe we need to look elsewhere. Go out there,
you got some assets, absolutely would be perfect.
Speaker 5 (29:19):
Get ther Dlo out of here, good lord, It.
Speaker 1 (29:23):
Will save our city. I like you d Loo, but
I like the Lakers more so.
Speaker 2 (29:27):
Come on, now, what would you look for? With the DLO, Like,
what would you want in exchange?
Speaker 5 (29:31):
What type of player?
Speaker 6 (29:33):
For example, I would like a young, active player obviously
who can score and rebound and you know, do the
intangibles because we don't have any of those kind of
guys on our team.
Speaker 1 (29:41):
Do we know?
Speaker 6 (29:42):
They're on the bench hurt right now, Vanderbilt, Like you said,
what kind of guy would we want coming here? I
don't want to start any rumors.
Speaker 2 (29:52):
Okay, go ahead and start something, but I would love
to get like I would love to have like Julie,
it is random back now, Yeah, I think we lost
a lot of our players, you know what I mean
from back in it from you think him and a
d could play on the same Absolutely, what's ad gonna change?
Speaker 1 (30:12):
Like, what is he gonna change from a player coming
back playing for us? Nothing? It's gonna put him at
the five? Is he a five? Though? No? Right right?
Does he? Does he? Ever? Has he ever played five
and been successful with the five?
Speaker 6 (30:24):
Speaker 1 (30:24):
He has not.
Speaker 2 (30:25):
I don't think it's any time. The panic is still
early in the season. Don't panic gets organic Laker fans.
Speaker 1 (30:29):
You know what I mean? Let that ship marinate.
Speaker 2 (30:31):
It's gonna be all right, Like I said, I like,
he's giving you guys an identity. I don't do't quite
know what that identity is yet, but he's giving you something.
You're starting to sweat over here, so I know it's
getting serious. But we're gonna play a new game with
you new.
Speaker 5 (30:46):
Faces in new places.
Speaker 2 (30:48):
I'm gonna give you about how mean how many guys
we got on the board, eight guys.
Speaker 1 (30:53):
We're both gonna pick three, So.
Speaker 2 (30:55):
Giddy Tys Jones, Klay Thompson, Buddy Healed, uh Cat, Michel Bridges,
Julius Randall, DeMar DeRozan, Chris Paul, all guys new places
and putting up numbers.
Speaker 5 (31:07):
I'm gonna give you the first pick. Who would you
take as top new face in the new place? It
has to be Clay, right like who is a cat?
Speaker 1 (31:20):
Like? For me? I never really was the biggest cat fan.
Speaker 5 (31:23):
We can say our piece. But so your first pick
is Clay Klay just.
Speaker 1 (31:26):
Because of his how he's helping them on perimeter shooting.
Speaker 2 (31:29):
I'm gonna go with DeMar DeRozan although they're three, he'said
twenty five, four and four, so it takes a lot
of pressure off Dearen to have to do everything to
close the games.
Speaker 1 (31:38):
Right right, I'm not sure, Chris Paul.
Speaker 2 (31:42):
Don't start a double double twelve twelve in your twenty
twelve points ten rebounds or excuse me, tennisists or n
excuse me, Chris Paul, you're twenty twelve points nine assists,
And really I think it's gonna be very instrumental for
young fellow Wimby.
Speaker 1 (31:58):
Yes, who just like pick go back. It's definitely Buddy.
Oh good call. That was gonna be my second.
Speaker 6 (32:05):
Yeah, he's over there taking the pressure off of everybody.
Speaker 2 (32:10):
Yeah, he's an elite shooter, very elite shooter. I'll tell
you one time, a quick story about my playing days.
When DeMarcus Cousins got traded to New Orleans, Lottie Debots
said that he was taking Buddy was pretty much mean.
There's other players in the trade, but those are the
two mains on each side. That Buddy Hill was a
next STEPH Curtin. Obviously he's not Steph. But if you
look at by the numbers, he's a fucking monster.
Speaker 1 (32:33):
From behind that three point line, isn't He shot.
Speaker 2 (32:37):
On ten attempts and averaging twenty two a game, Like
he said, to lose someone like Clay, which was tough
for everybody. I love Clay as a person and obviously
what he's done as a player is well documented. But
Buddy Healed has stepped up. Obviously he doesn't give you
what Clay used to give you on the defensive end,
but he's definitely someone.
Speaker 1 (32:53):
So that's my second pick too. I believe they are
six and one two Golden State?
Speaker 5 (32:58):
What are there? What's the record to say?
Speaker 1 (33:00):
Six one? Yeah?
Speaker 5 (33:02):
And Steph Yeah.
Speaker 2 (33:02):
I mean, obviously record hasn't been super tough, but just
to be able to get that chemistry down. They look
like they're having fun. Their younger players are coming along.
It's gonna be interesting to see. So we both got
Buddy Heels as our second pick. Last, but not least,
who's your last guy?
Speaker 6 (33:19):
Mckel Bridges' man hooping good call, Yeah, I think even
though his jump shots kind of.
Speaker 5 (33:24):
He's still shooting thirty nine from.
Speaker 6 (33:26):
The three though, absolutely, but he's likely pulled it together.
Do I depend on him to keep that going for
the whole year?
Speaker 1 (33:32):
Yeah? Maybe? Yeah? Maybe? I like Cat. I like Cat.
Speaker 2 (33:37):
I mean, obviously, I think, you know, he needs to
continue to keep his foot on the guest. But twenty
two and thirteen is right on average of his career averages,
and he's going to be instrumental if this Knicks team
is going to make a run along with Bridges.
Speaker 6 (33:48):
So it's just really quick, damar. I think he's got
something to fight for now. Right after the little Drake tobacco,
Oh yeah, he wants to show him. That was crazy?
Speaker 1 (33:56):
What was what was Drake doing make some music? Was
that too light skin of him to be doing that?
I don't know. You tell me better than I don't
move that way.
Speaker 5 (34:04):
Like if I'm gonna talk shit to you, I'm gonna
try to fight you.
Speaker 6 (34:06):
That's true now, I'm not gonna know that that that
is all facts. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I wouldn't be I
don't think I would fight you though.
Speaker 2 (34:12):
I wouldn't want to fight you because I know if
I punch you that that beer dye with my hands
all over my knuckles.
Speaker 5 (34:18):
So gin know where about what you said two or
three weeks.
Speaker 2 (34:22):
About two and a half weeks in the season, Yes, sir,
about two and a half weeks in the season, and
and and and some teams. I don't know if it's
maybe too early to panic, but there's some teams that
just ain't really doing it right now. I think the
Bucks one and six don't control their first round pick
for the next six years. You know, who knows what
Middleton is is is going to be able to do
when he comes back. You know, you got Damon Giannis
and and and not much around it. Uh, you know,
obviously Bobby Port is out there doing this thing so
very interesting. And and Doc Rivers again we're having we're
on the dock? Is it is this doc's last doc?
Speaker 6 (35:00):
Well, first, I'd like to say it's really showing how
Drew Holliday, Oh man, how important yea.
Speaker 1 (35:06):
Man getting it. I think when Drew left, that whole
shit just went to.
Speaker 2 (35:10):
Which is crazy because announced looking at you, you know,
Damian Willard Lillard one of the best players this game
has ever seen, most cloning, the most clutch guys. But
it really speaks to how talented Drew was on both
sides of the ball.
Speaker 6 (35:24):
Absolutely, is this doc the in for Doc? It should
have been the end last time for that. It should
have been Sorry, Doc, but you know you kind of.
Speaker 1 (35:34):
Come on, Doc.
Speaker 2 (35:35):
Nuggets what are they three and four? I mean I
think it's still earl Fornceke's nugget A four and three,
Aaron Gordon goes down, Hobe gets back strong, Murray sixteen
points a game. We talked about this early, only shooting
thirty seven percent, He struggled.
Speaker 5 (35:51):
Do they have a chance?
Speaker 1 (35:52):
They absolutely do.
Speaker 6 (35:53):
I mean the core of their team is still together,
Like their core is better than a lot of cores
on a lot of basketball teams.
Speaker 1 (35:58):
And they're not the only team that's doing bad around
there's a lot of we're going Yes, it's.
Speaker 6 (36:02):
Five total teams in the league that are playing well
right now, so everybody else kind of has defend for it.
Speaker 2 (36:08):
Clippers, Yeah, three and four. Uh, Intendance isn't what it
they thought it would be. Kawhim not sure when he's
coming back.
Speaker 5 (36:18):
They don't have control their first round pick for the
next five years.
Speaker 1 (36:22):
Speaker 5 (36:23):
I know you don't mind this.
Speaker 1 (36:25):
No, because they got that nasty stench out of the crypto.
What you want it?
Speaker 6 (36:28):
Yes, get out, But you know it is they gotta
make They got to make it up for themselves.
Speaker 1 (36:34):
They got to make it for themselves.
Speaker 6 (36:35):
You know that their owners spent billions of dollars open
the arena and trying to get away from the Lakers legacy,
which which I respect, but you know they are the Clippers.
Who is their best player right now? Because their best
player is not even playing right now?
Speaker 5 (36:51):
James is their best players playing well? Yeah?
Speaker 1 (36:53):
Absolutely, and why is their best player set Their.
Speaker 2 (36:55):
Best players are playing, So Kawhi is the best player, Yes,
the best player playing his James and then Zoobox having
a big year.
Speaker 1 (37:01):
I like what he big Fellow's been able to do.
Speaker 2 (37:03):
Moving on the Miami Heat, Butler didn't a sign an extension.
He's thirty five three and three on the season. Don't
have much cap flexibility. Do you see Jimmy finishing the
season in Miami?
Speaker 6 (37:16):
No, because the owner and him are kind of button
heads enough. Losing makes it all worse, you know what
I mean. Jimmy's trying to say that. You know, they're
not playing any defense right now, so you know, I'm
expecting Spoilster to pull all that together if he can,
and if not, they'll be back into the draft next year.
Speaker 5 (37:36):
Cooper Flag my guy.
Speaker 2 (37:40):
Nice debut. Looks like he might be hitting the Utah.
I mean it's still early, but Utah is at the
bottom of the barrel. I think they kind of saw
this coming. You know, they had another great white player
Gordon Haywood.
Speaker 5 (37:56):
I think he just did he just retire? Was it
last year?
Speaker 1 (37:58):
This year? This year?
Speaker 2 (38:00):
Salute Gordon Hayward was cold, Bro, I don't think people
know how good prime Gordon Haywood was.
Speaker 1 (38:05):
He was a month before his injury.
Speaker 5 (38:07):
And I think Cooper Flag can be better than that.
Speaker 1 (38:09):
Absolutely, just because he got a little bit more fire
in his battle thing. Yeah.
Speaker 6 (38:12):
Yeah, six ten shoot off the dribble going to Donk.
I just saw yesterday, like yesterday, Jesus do I think
he's great. I think he's gonna be there. I'm one
pick hands down. Yeah, somebody's gonna win.
Speaker 2 (38:24):
Agreed, before we get out of here. Next Monday is
the day you mean ninety mile an hour pitch? You
mean when I'm going to hit the ninety ringing cameras?
Speaker 1 (38:37):
Yeah, you don't have your money ready.
Speaker 2 (38:39):
Van just talked to told you about his little war baseball. Yeah,
but how he said he was nice as Pop's playing
in the minor league.
Speaker 5 (38:46):
You don't have no DNA or lineage of baseball.
Speaker 1 (38:48):
That's how you're gonna do me on.
Speaker 2 (38:50):
I'm just saying, Bro, ninety miles an hour pitch. You
said you only need five pitches and you're gonna hit
it fair.
Speaker 1 (38:55):
I have to do squid back to the picture. That's
all you got to do.
Speaker 2 (38:58):
And you also said I'm gonna throwing the thousand on
there because you said you can hit left handed eighty
miles an hour.
Speaker 6 (39:03):
That's for my guy Nate right there, and that's that's
a done deal.
Speaker 1 (39:06):
That's easy. Absolutely, are you going to be there? We're
gonna film this ship. Everyone's going to be there.
Speaker 6 (39:12):
You know, I've been working with my batting coach. You
got a bet absolutely new equipment.
Speaker 1 (39:16):
Are you a madding glove kind of guy? Absolutely batting glove?
Speaker 6 (39:20):
Okay, I'm betting glove baby, Okay, yeah, I use my
hands for the other thing.
Speaker 1 (39:23):
Speaker 2 (39:24):
So so when you lose, it's one hundred cush ups
on call. You saw last week we had Ray doing
push ups during the episode. Yeah, but you're older too.
I hate to have to embarrass you. Also have a
bet with Jack too. What's Jack thousand? And he's gonna
make me do the cush ups on on the spot
on call? Yes, Yeah, I'm goddy. You guys have your
money ready though.
Speaker 5 (39:44):
My money's already here. I'm just gonna keep it's going
to sleep here.
Speaker 6 (39:46):
This is a done deal. You guys a gonna I'm
shock the world. I appreciate you.
Speaker 1 (39:50):
I appreciate it, and lock this road deal up. Okay,
we're going to lock you. We go, lock you in.
Lock you.
Speaker 5 (39:54):
Yeah, you're gonna be walking around with a stiff neck.
Speaker 1 (39:56):
Speaker 2 (39:59):
So before we get out of here, I want to
leave you guys with some picks.
Speaker 5 (40:04):
I went four and oh last week.
Speaker 2 (40:06):
I don't know what you guys expected, but head on
over to DraftKings right now to lock your picks in
for this week's football action. I got a couple of
picks here that I'm rolling with. No real shocker. I
don't think Steelers at Commanders Commanders and minus two. I'm
gonna go ahead and take the Commanders. I like what
they've been able to do this year. I don't know
if there's still a top tier contender, but I think
getting in the playoffs is a great start for them.
So I'm gonna keep that bandwagon rolling. Forty nine Ers
minus five at the Bucks. You know, I gotta take
my squad. They just came Bucks just came off a
tough loss versus Pat Mahomes and then Chief Boys, so
they're gonna be back at home hungry, but I'm taking
the Niners minus five, and last, but not least, the
Lions are rolling into Texas. I like what CJ's doing
out there, but the Lions could be if not. You know,
I'm playing the best football in in the uh what division?
I'm forgetting the NFC. The Lions if could be, if not,
the best team or or playing the best football right
now in the NFC. So I'm gonna stick with the
Lions minus three at the Texans. Got some hoop for
you NBA Friday Suns at MAVs and Warriors at Calves.
I got the Suns going into Dallas and snagging that one,
and I got the Warriors going into Cleveland and getting
that one. That's gonna be a tough one. Cleveland and
eight and oh right now playing really well. Uh but
I got Golden State playing really well as well. Steph
is getting his flow back, and they're gonna go in
Cleveland and knock them boys off. So again, make sure
you guys have over draft games right now to like
your picks in We'll see you.
Speaker 1 (41:49):
Got a text week