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January 3, 2025 14 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are now angela warmer what I call her yee.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Yeah, what's good.

Speaker 3 (00:12):
Everybody is way up with Angela yee and Happy Friday,
Happy holidays.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
Who's ready to go back to work? I'm just kidding.
I know we're not, but gotta do what we gotta do.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
Hopefully you guys are all well rested if you did
have time off.

Speaker 2 (00:26):
If you didn't, it's just another day for you.

Speaker 4 (00:28):
All right.

Speaker 3 (00:28):
Well today, Kaylanie is going to be joining us and
over the holidays, Glorilla and Klannie's Christmas Time was something.

Speaker 2 (00:35):
That people loved. That's how they did.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
Like a whole poll on Billboard and fans picked that
as their favorite of the holiday music, so shout out
to them for that. Glorilla was also named the best
rapper of the year, so shout out to Glorilla and Kaylannie.
Loves seeing the two of them working together. But Kaylannie
is going to be joining us today. In the meantime,
let's spread that love and let's spread that positivity, and

let's shine a light eight hundred two ninety Call us up.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
Let us know who you want to shine a light on.
It's way up. Turn your lights on, y'all.

Speaker 5 (01:07):
Spreading love to those who are doing greatness.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
Shine a light on, Shine a light on.

Speaker 6 (01:14):
It's time to shine a light on them.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
What's up?

Speaker 3 (01:16):
It's way up with Angela Yee. I'm Angela Gee. And
this is the first segment I ever came up with
this show. This is shine of Light. This is where
you guys get to call in and spread some love.
Maybe talk about somebody in your family, maybe your significant other,
maybe a complete stranger or a co worker, anybody who is
doing something positive who you want to spread some love,
show some love to, and just shout them out on

the air.

Speaker 2 (01:39):
Chris, who do you want to shine a light on?

Speaker 5 (01:41):
I want to shine a light on my mom. She
is battling cancer. She has three different type of cancers.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
Oh my goodness.

Speaker 5 (01:48):
Yeah, and she's taking it like a troopers. She's speaking
with her face and she's just the strongest woman that
I know.

Speaker 2 (01:55):
Oh wow, that is really really tough.

Speaker 3 (01:57):
But I'm glad that she has you there for her
and that she said she's taking it like a trooper.

Speaker 2 (02:01):
What are they saying, Well.

Speaker 5 (02:03):
She has branch cancer, overian cancer and liver cancer, and
like I said, she's just going through a treatment. So
it was rough in the beginning, but she's on a
field for six treatment right now and they saying she's
doing well. Okay, energy, And just before I get off
the phone, I just want to say, Helen bojis my mama.
I love you. You are my hero and I'm proud

of you, and you make me make me feel the
greatest as your son. And thank you so much.

Speaker 2 (02:31):
Oh my gosh, I love that.

Speaker 3 (02:32):
I am praying for your mom, for her strength and
for your whole family.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
But thank you so much for calling. That was beautiful.
Thank you all right, Well, that would shine a light
on them.

Speaker 3 (02:41):
And if you couldn't get through, that number is eight
hundred two ninety.

Speaker 2 (02:44):
Two fifty one fifty. It's all day long.

Speaker 3 (02:47):
Anytime you want to shine a light, we are here
for it, okay, dad, And we got a lot of
fun things for you on the show, a lot of
great music to make sure you keep it locked as
way up with Angela.

Speaker 2 (02:55):
Yeah, this is a judgment freezone.

Speaker 6 (02:59):
Tell us to.

Speaker 2 (02:59):
See what's up.

Speaker 3 (03:03):
It's way up at Angela yee, and it is a
no judgment zone time. I know you guys love this
and you'll be calling up here with some wild secrets
but guess what, I am nosy and I love to
hear it, and I want you guys to be able
to share anything with me and know this is a
place where you can just be free. We've all made mistakes,
we've all done some crazy things, and we're not going

to judge you. And you are anonymous, so no matter what,
unless you committed a crime, we are in your corner. Okay,
all right, Anonymous carlor, what's your secret?

Speaker 6 (03:32):
Two years ago, my baby mom her sister.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
You know, we were in the same hotel room. Man,
long story short, her kid is mine and we've both
been high in it.

Speaker 3 (03:42):
Whoa wait, your baby mom's sisters So that's your kid?

Speaker 6 (03:46):
Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah is it?

Speaker 2 (03:49):
How old is this child?

Speaker 3 (03:50):

Speaker 6 (03:51):
He's three?

Speaker 2 (03:51):
Now are you in his life?

Speaker 6 (03:53):
On the loaft? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (03:55):
So what's the plan moving forward? Because you know this
ain't going to be a secret forever.

Speaker 6 (03:59):
Yeah. We actually been discussing on telling her, but I
just don't know how.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
Well, how is your relationship with your other baby mom?

Speaker 6 (04:06):
It's great?

Speaker 2 (04:07):
Well, it was great.

Speaker 6 (04:08):
Let's gonna mess everything up.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
It definitely is. And those kids you're gonna have to
explain that later in life too.

Speaker 6 (04:15):
That's gonna be awkward at the reunion. Yeah. Now for
show for shuow. You know I'm gonna climb that mountain
when I get.

Speaker 3 (04:21):
There, though, when are you gonna get there? I think
you got to plan it out a little bit.

Speaker 5 (04:25):
Yeah, no, so.

Speaker 2 (04:28):
Pretend i'm your first baby, mom. What are you gonna say?

Speaker 7 (04:32):

Speaker 1 (04:32):
So, look, you remember a few years ago when we
weren't really with each other and it is beefing mm hm.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
I remember he was a fun.

Speaker 6 (04:40):
I kind of had her. I kind of had a
run in with your sister.

Speaker 2 (04:43):
Man, what what do you explain her running? What do
you mean?

Speaker 6 (04:48):
I had got a room and I had posted it
on my story and she had slid and I was
with it.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
I hate you. I hate you so much.

Speaker 4 (05:01):
That's good.

Speaker 3 (05:02):
Yeah, we'll get ready for all of that for show,
for show us and let us know what happens. But listen,
you got to pull that band aid off.

Speaker 6 (05:10):
Yeah I know, man, if it's real sticky.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
It's for the kids. It's for the kids who who
are cousins and siblings. All right, thank you for calling.

Speaker 3 (05:19):
Okay, all right, Well that was tell us a secret
eight hundred two ninety two fifty one fifty. I told
you we don't judge, and if you couldn't get through,
you could leave a message. You can play your secret
and last word. And maybe you didn't want to have
a back and forth. You just want to put it
out there and disappear into the darkness of the night.
That's fine too, all right. That's eight hundred two ninety
two fifty one fifty. That was tell us a secret.

It's way you put Angela yee kay.

Speaker 5 (05:42):
Everybody since, whether it's relationship for career advice, Angela's dropping facts,
you should know.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
This is Askee. What's up his way?

Speaker 3 (05:50):
I put Angela yee I'm here, the award winning advice
giver Mano is here winning and Ken the man is here,
and we have Teresa on the line for ask ye hey, Taysa.

Speaker 4 (06:00):
My boyfriend has a homie and he is about to
propose to my best friend.

Speaker 3 (06:07):
Okay, but he just found out that he has a child.

Speaker 6 (06:12):
I'm trying to see you should I tell my best
friend that he has a child.

Speaker 2 (06:17):
So she has no idea?

Speaker 4 (06:19):
You absolutely have no idea.

Speaker 7 (06:21):
That news couldn't have left my mouth fast enough. I
would have been calling after my boyfriend was telling me
to tell you would have said, we did, Colin, Colin Felicia.

Speaker 1 (06:30):
No, no, no, no, your boyfriend told you that in confidence.

Speaker 6 (06:33):
You keep that to yourself.

Speaker 7 (06:35):
You gotta tell your girl because she ain't gonna be
friends with you, but their boyfriend ain't going owhere because
guys don't care, like how we care.

Speaker 8 (06:41):
Yeah, we do care you girlfriend first or friend first?

Speaker 3 (06:45):
They send an anonymous note. No, I think you should
call let me call it.

Speaker 2 (06:49):
I think you should mind your business.

Speaker 3 (06:51):
Let's get to the proof of this child number or something.

Speaker 7 (06:55):
The child is ten years old.

Speaker 2 (06:57):
Oh yeah, definitely, manya business.

Speaker 7 (06:59):
Oh okay, I thought it was an baby. Just say
sorry baby, you know I'm a little messy.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
All right, Well, let's call her right now, give her.

Speaker 7 (07:08):
Give us her number, and then we will anonymously announce
it to her so she could just we'd be like
where She'd be like where you got this from?

Speaker 4 (07:15):
They would be like, I don't know, girl, just.

Speaker 6 (07:18):
Come from ma'am, ma'am.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
Y'all up his.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
Engagement party because we are all sample this weekend is
going to the post.

Speaker 7 (07:26):
He is a snake.

Speaker 2 (07:27):
We're not worried about a party.

Speaker 5 (07:28):
Oh yeah, she's messy.

Speaker 6 (07:30):
You're messy, ma'am.

Speaker 2 (07:31):
That is what you need to do. That's how you started.
You should started up like this. This is what I
would do.

Speaker 3 (07:36):
I'd be like, hey, did you ever ask him if
he has any kids? Because I feel like I overheard
something about Now you get him, you get her to
ask him and then.

Speaker 7 (07:47):
Give you just say, hey, my man, Gerald told me
this morning that your man's about about the post.

Speaker 2 (07:55):
You and I'm just hearing say that you need.

Speaker 4 (07:56):
To worry about what Gerald got going on. That's what
you over here.

Speaker 6 (08:03):
The baby was there before she.

Speaker 2 (08:04):
Was, so what you don't think she should know about it?

Speaker 6 (08:08):
Let him tell her?

Speaker 2 (08:09):
Tell him if you don't tell her, I'm going.

Speaker 7 (08:11):
To yeah, is that?

Speaker 4 (08:14):
Just tell her?

Speaker 2 (08:15):
I would tell her. What if somebody told your business?

Speaker 4 (08:17):
You know you got business.

Speaker 3 (08:18):
That's a big business though, you know what I'm saying.
But the main thing is that she don't want to
get her. She don't want her.

Speaker 2 (08:24):
Man mad at her. That's they don't get over your girl.

Speaker 6 (08:27):
I don't want her man, and I don't want my girl.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
Man and me, if you was my girl, you did that,
you got to get.

Speaker 6 (08:32):
Out the house.

Speaker 4 (08:34):
He'll be don't be scared, he'll be valiating my trust.

Speaker 2 (08:38):
He'll be bad.

Speaker 7 (08:39):
Tell her, Teylor you wanted the board winning advice and
it's not from him, it's from me.

Speaker 2 (08:44):
I'm telling tell trust me.

Speaker 1 (08:45):
It's the greatest advice that you could possibly listen to
him ste stealth.

Speaker 8 (08:49):
The way manya business and tell her, Hey, worry about
your business because we know you got business.

Speaker 4 (08:59):
I know what you wanta got business?

Speaker 3 (09:02):
All right, well listen, I'm telling you right now, Teresa,
that's your best friend.

Speaker 2 (09:07):
Imagine if it was the other way around, would you
want to know?

Speaker 7 (09:09):
You will want to know.

Speaker 2 (09:12):
I want Teresa good luck. She's so much more confused
now because no, like why did I call?

Speaker 7 (09:23):
No? I would definitely tell my best friend.

Speaker 3 (09:27):
That was ask ye eight hundred two ninety two fifty
one fifty. If you couldn't get through, you could leave
a message and we will ask your question that way,
or you can click that microphone on your app and
leave a message asking your question and we will get
to you.

Speaker 2 (09:39):
It's way up with Angela Yee, Up with.

Speaker 5 (09:41):
Angela, let's go.

Speaker 2 (09:43):
You are a media maven, right, you.

Speaker 8 (09:45):
Never know what Ange's gonna say.

Speaker 2 (09:47):
What's up?

Speaker 3 (09:48):
It's way up with Angela Yee and you know, I'm
excited because Kailani is here with me today, a fresh
off putting out a brand new album that everybody's talking about.

Speaker 2 (09:57):
So first of all, congratulations, thank you.

Speaker 4 (10:00):
Yeah, I appreciate it.

Speaker 3 (10:00):
And it's called Crash, and I know there has to
be a reason for it because it feels like a
lot of things at.

Speaker 2 (10:07):
Let's talk about it.

Speaker 9 (10:08):
It's just who I am emotionally, It's who I am
as a person. I am all over the place, I
am chaotic. I do have a bunch of different emotions
going on. I have highs and lows and ups and downs,
and it was important for me to just stand in
that and embrace that. And also, to me, this was
my pivotal moment where I got to show like you
couldn't put me in a box musically. And I feel
like I just kept getting people wanting me to make

two albums ago again or my first mixtape again and
just be stuck in this like same sonic you know situation.
But if I wanted to be able to grow as
an artist, I had to make something that was polarizing
and some people really hate it and some people really
love it, and I think that's exactly what I wanted

Speaker 2 (10:47):
And some people would say I like certain songs on here.

Speaker 9 (10:50):
Yeah yeah, and they may not like everything, but I'm
excited to see how tour is gonna go.

Speaker 3 (10:54):
And then you have your daughter on the album. So
she's five now yeah, oh my god.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
I know it's crazy.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
And she's been on the road with you, but it
sounds like she really could hold a note.

Speaker 4 (11:03):
Oh she can really sing. I wasn't like playing to
put her on the album.

Speaker 9 (11:07):
She was at the studio and she was singing and
she sounded amazing, and I was like, if you want,
because I don't force her to do anything. I'm not
like trying to be a stage mom, like I don't
you know. I want her to do what she wants
to do. And she was singing, and I was like,
you know, if you want to go singing, you can
sing in At first she was shy, and then she
went in there and.

Speaker 4 (11:24):
She smacked it and that was the first take. Like
she only did one take and sings better than me.

Speaker 2 (11:28):
I'll tell you that she might sing.

Speaker 4 (11:29):
Better than me. I'm not going to hold you like
it's crazy.

Speaker 2 (11:32):
And your daughter's executive producer on the album.

Speaker 9 (11:34):
She executive produced every album since she since she's been born.
She gonna be paid for life, absolutely hope.

Speaker 2 (11:40):
So does she know that? Like did you do? You
tell her?

Speaker 7 (11:43):

Speaker 9 (11:43):
Nah, you know, I really try to keep my daughter
in her world of like regular.

Speaker 2 (11:49):
Kid until she's on tour and she's like yeah, and.

Speaker 4 (11:52):
Even then she can't really connect it.

Speaker 9 (11:53):
Like we went to the aquarium the other day and
we walked past people and they were like, oh my god, Kaylanie,
and she was like, I thought, you don't talk to strangers.
She was like, why do those people know your name?
Like I was like, they like my music, and she
was like, then why didn't you talk back? If I
can't talk to strangers. And sometimes that is really hard
to navigate because you're like, it's a great question.

Speaker 4 (12:11):
What do I say?

Speaker 9 (12:12):
Because I also have to tell her people know your
name and people might say hi to you, and people
might say, hey, Ida, come here, can I get a hug,
and like, you know, separate the boundaries between that.

Speaker 3 (12:21):
So that's always like, you know, I remember you said
you've always known that you wanted to be a mom.

Speaker 4 (12:27):
Yeah, she is.

Speaker 9 (12:28):
More than I could have ever expected in any kind
of way. And I got exactly what I dreamed about
and more. But as far as like being open and
honest about the journey with motherhood, it is just I
think people need to understand that motherhood looks different first
in so many ways for so many different people, and
we're breaking so many molds of like hundreds of years
of like what motherhood is supposed to be. And it's

just been cool to see like young moms come up
to me with their kids at like meet and greets
or signings and be like, you know, this made me
feel like I could still go to work.

Speaker 4 (12:57):
I could, I could pursue my dreams. I could do music.
I can be an artist, and I could be a
kick ass mom, so.

Speaker 3 (13:02):
Right, and have a six pack okay, and a six
pag yeah, and going to the gym. I do definitely
want to thank you for coming through. I know you
guys a lot of that you have going on, and
I'm glad you can because I honestly I know you
before you were like interviews, you were kind.

Speaker 2 (13:17):
Of off of it. But I'm glad that in a
good place. Okay, good, I'm glad you know.

Speaker 3 (13:22):
I just love who you are as a person, so
I appreciate it Thank you. You could watch the full
interview on my YouTube channel Way Up with ye And
when we come back, you guys have the last word.

Speaker 6 (13:32):
We pick up the.

Speaker 1 (13:33):
Phone tapping to get your voice heard.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
What the word he is? The last word on Way
Up with Angela Yee? What's up?

Speaker 3 (13:41):
Its Way Up with Angela Yee and what a great
day today. Listen, this is the time, whether you're going away,
you're on a staycation, you're with the family, whatever it
is that you're doing, just have fun. Maybe you're still
having to work, and just appreciate the fact that there's
way less traffic than there normally is. But this is
your show, so you have the last word. There was
a secret that I wanted to share, and that secret

is my cousins in love with.

Speaker 6 (14:05):
Me by marriage and we fit siting for over twelve years.

Speaker 5 (14:11):
My name was Deshaun.

Speaker 8 (14:12):
I just want to shine the light on my wife.
We've been together going on nine year now. And you
know when I got with her, I was in a
drug game. You know, I thought I had something because
I had a couple of dollars, and she really opened
my eyes, you know what I'm saying. And within a
matter of me being with her for a year. Obtained
my security license, I got my dropping license, a lot
of things, and we wind up having a baby.

Speaker 6 (14:31):
In twenty eighteen.

Speaker 8 (14:32):
She's having my second child. And you know, I'm now
with CDL truck driver, she's the LPN. She's just school
to become a Horran and you know, we rocking and
things is going well. I want to marry this woman
and I just really love her death.

Speaker 3 (14:45):
Yeah, listen you babbing way up with Angela Yee
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