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December 26, 2024 11 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You are now Angelo what I call her yee?

Speaker 2 (00:13):
Yeah, what's good. It's way up with Angela yee. That's right,
you guys, Happy holidays. It's that season. And today we
have a special guest joining us. Country Wayne is gonna
be here, and congratulations to Country Wayne. He just wrapped
on his new romantic comedy called That's Her featuring Coco
Jones and Loretta Devine, so that's gonna be a big deal. Also,

Miss pat is in there and Tabitha Brown all right,
so that's gonna be really, really dope.

Speaker 3 (00:38):
So he's always making moves. We love to see it.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
And of course we have to start the show off
with some love and some positivity. I felt like that
was a lot of love and positivity. Let us know
who you want to shine a light on. Eight hundred two,
nineteen fifty one to fifty. Let's shine a light when
we come back.

Speaker 3 (00:50):
It's way up.

Speaker 4 (00:54):
Turn your lights on, y'all, spreading love to those who
are doing greatness, shine light in. It's time to shine
a light on.

Speaker 3 (01:05):
What's up. Its way up with Angela yee.

Speaker 2 (01:07):
And you know it's the holiday season, but we do
this every single day. We shine a light, We spread
love all the time. I always say things like this
can really change the trajectory of a person's day. Imagine
you hear someone calling up the radio on your favorite show,
Way Up with Angela Yee, and you hear yourself getting
a shout out, and somebody saying, you know what, I
want to shout out my producer Dan. He's doing such

an amazing job, and I know he works really hard,
and it's nice to have somebody there who works just
as hard as you do and cares about your show
just as much as you do. Look at him, he's
over here smiling. So imagine what that could do for
a person. That's what shine a light is all about.
Eight hundred two ninety two fifty one fifty Samantha, who
do you want to shine a light on?

Speaker 5 (01:47):
Yeah, so I want to shine a light on an
organization called black It's called Blacks in Law Enforcement Servicing
the Community. They are a group of first reefonders, correctional officers,
and actual police officers in the community that serves to
bridge the gap between the community and law enforcement. Okay,
all right, we like that, we need that, Yes, we

absolutely do. I want to give us special shout out
to Vice President John Boma. He is fearheading a lot
of community efforts within the organization. Just yesterday they partnered
with Goya and gave out over two hundred bags of
food and Kansas to residents of the Hoboken Housing Authority.
They really take care of our underrepresented folks in our

communities and they just do this out of the kindness
of their hearts, out of their pockets. They don't get
a lot of recognition, so it's really important for me
to shine a light on them. Also, the president Anthony Smith,
a fantastic man. DJ Chauncey Be. When they come out
to the community, they not only bring knowledge, but they
bring fun, they bring music. They do a lot. So

from one sister to another, I appreciate you for doing
this and I just absolutely want to shine a light
on Fusstrong.

Speaker 2 (02:57):
All right, well, thank you so much for calling, and
I sign a light on you to thank you.

Speaker 5 (03:01):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
All right.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
Well that was Shina Light eight hundred and two nine
fifty one fifty. Remember if you couldn't get through, you
can leave a message. I make sure our phone lines
are always open and available for you guys. You can
also click that microphone on the app and leave a
message that way and we can get you a shine
a light.

Speaker 3 (03:16):
For last word, it's all about you. It's way up.

Speaker 4 (03:18):
Okay everybody since with it's relationship for career advice, Angela's
dropping facts.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
This is SD what's up? His way up at Angela?

Speaker 2 (03:28):
Yee, I'm here. My girl Koya is here with me.
Hey girl, he Mato is here and we have Carter
on the line for Assie.

Speaker 3 (03:34):
What's up? Carter?

Speaker 2 (03:36):

Speaker 6 (03:36):
Angela? How's it going?

Speaker 3 (03:37):
I'm good? How you doing?

Speaker 1 (03:39):

Speaker 6 (03:39):
Momm al right, I'm a right.

Speaker 3 (03:41):
What's your question for us?

Speaker 2 (03:43):

Speaker 6 (03:43):
Long story short. My girlfriend has a twin sister, and
when I say twin, I mean identical. Okay, So, not
too long ago, I was in bed with my girlfriend.
I cat saying her name. All of a sudden, she
just laughs and she goes, can you see my name?
I'm like wait what? So turns out to the past

year and a half, my girlfriend and her sister have
been swinging boyfriends.

Speaker 3 (04:10):
What they've been swapping? They swapping it out. You didn't
know at all.

Speaker 6 (04:16):
I had no idea.

Speaker 5 (04:17):
Would I say that?

Speaker 6 (04:18):
They've worked their best to be entirely identical, I mean
down to their body weights and proportions.

Speaker 3 (04:23):
So now, what's the question.

Speaker 6 (04:25):
I got two sides here. It's either should I be
excited that I'm getting to sleep with my girlfriend's sister
or should I be pissed off that my girlfriend's sister's
boyfriend is sleeping with my girlfriends?

Speaker 7 (04:35):
You shouldn't be.

Speaker 8 (04:37):
The only thing you should be mad at is the
fact that you're not sleeping with them together.

Speaker 6 (04:41):
You know what I'm thinking about broaching the subject, but
I yes, man, Like they's freaky, then there's freaky freaky.

Speaker 7 (04:47):
No, listen, sleeping with twins is really good.

Speaker 6 (04:50):
Trust that that's everybody's dream.

Speaker 7 (04:52):
Oh trust me, I know.

Speaker 3 (04:53):
I ask you a couple of questions, Now, how do
you feel?

Speaker 2 (04:56):
Because you're asking us how you should feel, But the
question is how do you feel?

Speaker 3 (05:00):
Here's the big thing?

Speaker 6 (05:01):
You know. My main thing is like, do I bring
this up to my unintentional eskimo brother? His girlfriend begged
me not to tell him, and I'm just like, hmm, No,
don't say nothing to him, bro, don't say nothing to him.

Speaker 8 (05:13):
Until you lay down with both with both of us
at the same time.

Speaker 1 (05:17):
No, you know what I do.

Speaker 6 (05:19):
I think I'm gonna have to do it.

Speaker 2 (05:20):
Man, you did you think that one day you guys
would be like married or was that the goal?

Speaker 6 (05:26):
I mean I've been with her for over three years,
so I mean that's like that's been the intended goal.

Speaker 7 (05:31):
But all of a sudden, I'm like, you can't take it. Seriously,
you can't take it. That's serious because check this out.

Speaker 8 (05:37):
If she over here swapping boyfriends and doing whatever, you
don't know what she what else's capable of doing, so
you might as well like you know, can't house.

Speaker 7 (05:45):
Yeah, right, so get your get your win now.

Speaker 6 (05:48):
I'm playing on securing of that bag and uh yeah, yeah,
is going to be a win for me.

Speaker 3 (05:55):
Right, all right, well, Carter, good luck to you.

Speaker 6 (05:58):
I thank a lot of Angela's ready to talk to y'all.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
Already, take care.

Speaker 7 (06:02):
That was great advice I gave that man.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
That was ask ye eight hundred two ninety two fifty
one fifty. If you couldn't get through, you could leave
a message and we will ask your question that way,
or you can click that microphone on your app and
leave a message asking your question and we will get
to you.

Speaker 3 (06:16):
It's way up at Angela Ye.

Speaker 7 (06:18):
This is way up with Angela Ye. Let's go.

Speaker 3 (06:21):
You are a media matn right.

Speaker 8 (06:22):
You never know what Angel's gonna say.

Speaker 7 (06:25):
What's up?

Speaker 2 (06:26):
Its way up with Angela ye, I'm Angela yee, and
my guy country Wan is here.

Speaker 7 (06:30):
What's up with it?

Speaker 2 (06:31):
What is the balance as a father of wanting to
make sure that your kids get what they want but
not be spoiled and know what they have to work for.

Speaker 8 (06:38):
I just give them a check every month and I
let them blow their money. I let them feel the
wreaths of the stress. Because every my daughter Malia, she'd
be stressed out. So in the first of the month
she has shaves on. You know what I'm saying, m'lil
fifteen now, so about round a twenty second, she'd be
sold depressed and she'd be stuck.

Speaker 3 (06:55):
In the room.

Speaker 7 (06:55):
Her mam would be like, I don't know what's wrong
with liil, but I watch them. It's because that money load.
So I'll let them go through this money like adults.
And I say, Tamo, I say, Tamo, how how you
be feeling?

Speaker 8 (07:05):
All real bank konk get loads and I get a headache, man,
So I talked to them. So I give them money
and I'm letting them go through these emotions. Oh, their budget,
they budget their money. They don't really ask me for
nothing outside of they check too much.

Speaker 2 (07:17):
Do you talk to them about investing or like things
like that, because it is important for kids to also
as they're getting some money, understand finances and maybe like
there's apps that they could invest like little amounts of
money in, just so they can learn that starting at
an early age.

Speaker 7 (07:31):
I really don't. I talk about it, and I put it.

Speaker 8 (07:33):
We play monopoly, and I explained to Tony them trying
to teach them about land, but because.

Speaker 2 (07:38):
That would be nice to put money into, like some
investments for them to.

Speaker 8 (07:42):
I told them that that's them, but they got to
go through it. The one thing I learned by money.
If you touch a lot of money at a young age,
they see a lot of money, it's gonna be hard
for you to be broken.

Speaker 3 (07:50):
I'm talking to comedian Country Wayne.

Speaker 2 (07:52):
Now, do you think that you could be that person
that wouldn't break a woman's heart, that could.

Speaker 3 (07:57):
Be faithful, that could be.

Speaker 7 (08:01):

Speaker 3 (08:03):
Why has this been like stand up?

Speaker 7 (08:05):
I can't, but I know you don't believe it. That's
why I'm laughing because you don't believe me. I'm in
your friend. Man, you don't believe me. Would you would
you go one of your friends with me?

Speaker 3 (08:14):
It would have to be somebody who can handle it.

Speaker 8 (08:16):
I can't see myself chief if I get somebody, Man,
I'm gonna be afraid for husband.

Speaker 7 (08:20):
Okay, I'm gonna be the best husband in the world.
I'm so petty.

Speaker 8 (08:22):
I'm gonna show the world the man that had so
many go come around to be the best man.

Speaker 7 (08:27):
Do you know?

Speaker 8 (08:28):
Okay, I'm your friend. Do you know a friend of
yours that's ready to be my wife?

Speaker 1 (08:33):

Speaker 7 (08:34):
Can they cook?

Speaker 3 (08:34):
You know what I don't know about in particular because
I feel like she's smart.

Speaker 7 (08:40):
I can't eat no makeup.

Speaker 3 (08:41):
We have door Dash and uber eas that stuff. Key,
you can make some.

Speaker 8 (08:44):
Solad Every woman I was with, the biggest problem was
the cookie.

Speaker 3 (08:49):
Okay, tell me what she needed.

Speaker 7 (08:50):
Man, we're gonna see if I check them.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
I think she wants somebody to be loyal and honestly,
she's been through something.

Speaker 7 (08:55):
Who's been who you know more lawyer than way? I'm
a lawyer person.

Speaker 3 (08:58):
You're right about it.

Speaker 7 (08:59):
Agree with some of the two things.

Speaker 1 (09:00):

Speaker 2 (09:01):
I think the last guy she dated, I remember she
was telling me that she wasn't that physically attracted to him?

Speaker 3 (09:09):
And then I think the last thing she said was
that he didn't eat.

Speaker 7 (09:14):

Speaker 2 (09:22):
And three from not being yeah, he's ready, the country ain't.

Speaker 3 (09:28):
Honestly, thank you so much as you are.

Speaker 7 (09:31):
Funny, God did not know you was coming. She's serious.

Speaker 3 (09:34):
No, I'm just kidding you. Completing you were like, no,
wait a minute.

Speaker 1 (09:39):
A minute.

Speaker 2 (09:39):
But honestly, I do appreciate that every time you hear
you do, take the time to come and spend some
time with you.

Speaker 8 (09:45):
Every time, man, you're gonna bring out the real cautions.
You know what people want to know.

Speaker 7 (09:48):
See, men will tell you about a woman like her.

Speaker 8 (09:51):
She's so smart and she plays games even her interview
because she all women already know the answer. She is
the example of a woman.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
All right, well, thank you so much. Cuts you way
and make sure y'all go check him out on tour.
Right now, you could watch that full interview on my
YouTube channel Way Up with ye And when we come back,
you guys have the last word?

Speaker 8 (10:10):
Got the phone tapying to get your voice heard?

Speaker 4 (10:13):
What the word?

Speaker 3 (10:14):
Bit is the last word on Way Up with Angela?

Speaker 7 (10:17):

Speaker 3 (10:18):
What's up?

Speaker 6 (10:18):

Speaker 2 (10:18):
Way Up with Angela yee, and what a great day today. Listen,
this is the time, whether you're going away, you're on
a staycation, you're with the family, whatever it is that
you're doing, just have fun. Maybe you're still having to work,
and just appreciate the fact that there's way less traffic
than it normally is. But this is your show, so
you have the last word.

Speaker 5 (10:37):
My name is Carisa from Detroit. I just want to
shine a light on myself. For one, I just got
a job as a case manager for a local organization.
I'm so excited. It's helping I've always wanted to do
helping people in my community. And I also want to
shine light on my baby's sister, Trish. She's doing big things.
She's got our certifications for a lot of me and she's
going on to some other things as well. She's doing

her I'm so proud.

Speaker 7 (11:00):
Of your baby sister.

Speaker 5 (11:01):
Keep doing your thing. I'm proud of us.

Speaker 7 (11:03):
Be doing great.

Speaker 5 (11:04):
Comma, let's go, let's get it.
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