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December 25, 2024 9 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You are now Angela what I call her? Yeea?

Speaker 2 (00:13):
Yeah, what's up everybody? You know what today is?

Speaker 3 (00:17):
It is Betty's Navida. Merry Christmas you guys. Hopefully y'all
are having a good time chilling with family, with friends,
or whatever it is that you need to do, chilling
by yourself. And today I'm Wealth Wednesday with my co
host Stacy Tisdale. We are going to have a special guest,
Ebani Akara joining us. She is the CEO of newbau Bar.
She's also a philanthropist, or restaurant tour, a real estate investor.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
She literally does.

Speaker 3 (00:40):
It all and you are going to love to hear
her story about how she gets it done.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
It's way up with Angela.

Speaker 4 (00:45):

Speaker 3 (00:45):
Let's shine a light eight hundred two nine two fifty
one fifty call us up. Let us know who you
want to shine a light on.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
It's way up.

Speaker 5 (00:52):
I'm turn your lights on y'all spreading love to those
who are doing greatness.

Speaker 1 (01:01):
Shine a light on him. It's time to shine a
light on him.

Speaker 3 (01:05):
What's up his way up at Angela Ye, and it's
time to shine a light on him. That's when you
guys get to call in and let us know who
you want to show some love, to express some positivity,
somebody doing something amazing, whether it's a friend, family member,
a complete stranger, someone you saw in the news. Let's
spress some love. Eight hundred and two ninet two fifty one fifty.
Hey Sean, how are you?

Speaker 4 (01:25):
I'm doing good?

Speaker 6 (01:25):
How you doing good?

Speaker 2 (01:26):
Thank you? Do you want to shine a light on today?

Speaker 4 (01:29):
So my girl, I just want to let her know
that she's loved and that.

Speaker 6 (01:32):
I appreciate her so much for always doing everything she
can and be in my rock day in and day out.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
What's her name?

Speaker 4 (01:39):
Her name's Alexis.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
All right, shout out to how long y'all been together?

Speaker 4 (01:43):
We've been together ten years, just in this past September.

Speaker 2 (01:47):

Speaker 3 (01:47):
I'm glad you said that there's somebody in this room
who does not believe in love in longevity, and so
he's got a little hope right now.

Speaker 7 (01:55):
Love is uh is hard to explain. What it's harder
to find, and when you find that, you know what's
real and genuine.

Speaker 3 (02:02):
All right, Well, thank you so much. We appreciate you.
Shout out to you, Alexis.

Speaker 2 (02:06):
Son, thank you for taking my call. All right, no problem,
have a great day.

Speaker 4 (02:10):
You do the same.

Speaker 2 (02:11):
Thank you all right?

Speaker 3 (02:12):
Well that was Shining Light eight hundred two ninety two
fifty one fifty. Remember if you couldn't get through, you
can leave a message. I make sure our phone lines
are always open and available for you guys. You can
also click that microphone on the app and leave a
message that way and we can get you a shine
a light for last word, it's all about you.

Speaker 2 (02:28):
It's way up, all right.

Speaker 5 (02:29):
Everybody sence, whether it's relationship or career advice.

Speaker 1 (02:32):
Angela's dropping facts. You should know.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
This is ask Kee what's up? His way up? For
Angela Yee.

Speaker 3 (02:38):
I'm Angela Yee and my guy Beata is here with
me today. I'm here and it's time to ask ye
eight hundred two ninety two fifty one fifty any question
you have.

Speaker 2 (02:45):
We're here to help you out. We got Coco on
the line.

Speaker 7 (02:48):
Hey, andreew Hey, I'm.

Speaker 2 (02:50):
Here beat out here to give you some advice.

Speaker 7 (02:53):
So we're a new upcoming podcast from Marisville, Tennessee. We're
called Today and Tomorrow. So we're trying to build our brands.
We have a sponsor, so I just want some advice
on what we to do and what was your aim?

Speaker 2 (03:08):
So who is we?

Speaker 7 (03:09):
Me, my boyfriend, my brother, Shelby and my brother's joke.

Speaker 2 (03:14):
All right, and what's it about.

Speaker 7 (03:17):
We're just gonna be basically about different topics about today's news.

Speaker 3 (03:22):
First and foremost, y'all need to come up with a
one line about what this podcast is about, so that
you guys are focused, so that you understand what's the
name of.

Speaker 7 (03:29):
The podcast today and tomorrow?

Speaker 3 (03:32):
Okay, today and tomorrow, and what makes your podcast unique
for people who want to know?

Speaker 2 (03:36):
Okay, why should I be tuning in just.

Speaker 7 (03:39):
About Nasville News? Because Nashville we are growing city news.
We're going faster and faster, so we're just trying to
put Nashville on the map.

Speaker 2 (03:49):
I just want to say a few things.

Speaker 3 (03:50):
Number One, be patient with yourselves because what you started
off as isn't what it's going to end up being.
So allow the podcast to be able to evolve, right,
so that you guys are open to having conversations about
what you think works, what doesn't work, because that's always
going to happen. There's going to be things that you
start off with that doesn't work, things that you feel
like you need to add. I think it would be
great for you guys to have an outline so you

know what you're talking about for each episode. You need
to figure out what day is it coming out, how
long is it going to be? You need to be consistent.
I think segments are really helpful so people know what
they're going to be looking for when they come to
your podcast. People will have a favorite segment that they
want to make sure that they tune in for. You
also should figure out, because there's four people on this podcast,
what each person's role is going to be, and make

sure that you sit down and figure out, Okay, I'm
going to be the person that is navigating the show
that introduces a topic. Okay, well I'm going to be
the person that's always playing the devil's advocate. Well, so
you guys have specific roles that people know what to
expect from you when they're listening to the show.

Speaker 1 (04:50):
Wow, Angel, who should he send an invoice to?

Speaker 4 (04:55):
Why goodness? Thank you said?

Speaker 3 (04:58):
Lastly, and make sure your sound is right, because there's
nothing worse than when you're listening to somebody's podcast and
the sound is so bad you can't even listen to it.

Speaker 7 (05:06):
So you got to be everything.

Speaker 3 (05:11):
Yeah, because I would to write out if I'm like, oh,
I can't listen to this.

Speaker 2 (05:14):
It sounds awful.

Speaker 3 (05:15):
This person's low, this person's you know, really loud. It
don't sound good. It sounds like they in a bathroom.
You know, all of those things do matter.

Speaker 1 (05:24):
Right, Thank you guys, all right.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
No problem, good luck, Thank y'all.

Speaker 3 (05:28):
That was ask ye eight hundred and two ninety two
fifty one fifty. If you couldn't get through, you could
leave a message and we will ask your question that way,
or you can click that microphone on your app and
leave a message asking your question and we will get
to you.

Speaker 2 (05:40):
It's way up at Angela yee.

Speaker 1 (05:42):
Kind a dream of wealthy.

Speaker 5 (05:44):
And I don't mind sharing my wealth dog getting you
straight financially, mentally, and physically.

Speaker 1 (05:49):
This is Wealth Wednesday on way up with Angela. Yee.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
What's up? It's way up at Angela. Ye.

Speaker 3 (05:54):
I'm here for Wealth Wednesday. My girl Stacy Tizzl of course,
is in the building. Happy Wealth Wednesday, and we are
going to make you very wealthy today.

Speaker 2 (06:02):
We are so.

Speaker 3 (06:03):
Excited to have serial entrepreneur E Bennie Austin here.

Speaker 6 (06:07):
Thank you for having me. I'm excited.

Speaker 3 (06:09):
Let's talk about your background because I think this is fascinating.
You've worked at companies that I've definitely done business with
before starting your own Godiva.

Speaker 8 (06:17):
Yes, so I worked for Godva for twelve years and
then from there I went to one eight hundred Flowers.
So I was a business development manager, so I helped
build and make stores profit. So I came into some
stores that were doing two hundred thousand and made those
stores two or three million within one year. Once I
learned how to perfect my craft and building the brand,
I kind of just took it and ran with it.

So initially started at one store at a time, and
then somewhere in between, I ended up doing over one
hundred and some stores within that time.

Speaker 4 (06:45):
That's all.

Speaker 3 (06:45):
You were in corporate America for twelve years. Yes, what
are some of those strategies? I mean, I know you
want to give away all your sucks? What did you do
in a general sense, Like, when you come into a
store and it's making two hundred thousand, how do you
get it to like scale to the point where it's
making you know, ten times what it was making?

Speaker 8 (07:02):
Absolutely, So the first thing is you have to really
sit back and analyze the store.

Speaker 6 (07:06):
What we need to do what can we do different?

Speaker 8 (07:08):
And so what we learned is most of the times
people we always went off of experience.

Speaker 6 (07:12):
How many years of experience do you have? How many
degrees do you have?

Speaker 8 (07:15):
But what I learned was finding people with passion made
it way much easier for me to train versus somebody
who's been in a game ten years, fifteen years and
they're setting their ways. So I usually take people that
are passionate about what they're doing, train them on the
systems that are in place.

Speaker 6 (07:31):
And that was one of the key things that worked
for me.

Speaker 3 (07:33):
Right now with my Wealth Wednesday partner Stacey Tysdale and
we are talking to Ebony Austin, the founder of Nuva
Bar and Grill and also Grits that give Back, you had.

Speaker 2 (07:42):
That financial security blanket.

Speaker 6 (07:44):
Yes, I'm really big on discipline.

Speaker 8 (07:46):
I think that that's always going to be the bridge
between your dream and your accomplishments is discipline. And so
because I'm big on it, I discipline how I spend
my money and what it looks like. So for me,
I would work three jobs before I even I worked
at Godversak, at the Hilton Guardian, all at the same time.
One check went to my savings account, one check went
into my real estate account, and then one check was

just for you know.

Speaker 6 (08:08):
My day to day my bills, my car notes.

Speaker 8 (08:10):
So I'm one of those people that when I know
that I got a goal by any means necessary and
for me, you know, I was able to get my
first property all cash at an auction for thirty thousand,
turned around, flipped it, sold it for three hundred and
some thousand, invested into some more properties and then where
how many properties down the line now? So I'm at
ebony Akira on Instagram and my restaurant is.

Speaker 6 (08:31):
New vaux Bar ATL. So proud of you.

Speaker 8 (08:34):
Yeah, everything, and thank you. This is amazing having me.
I'm so excited.

Speaker 3 (08:38):
You can watch that for interview on my YouTube channel
Way Up with Ye. And when we come back, you
guys have the last word, pack up.

Speaker 1 (08:45):
The phone, tapping to get your voice heard. What the
word bit? Here's the last word on Way Up with
Angela Ye?

Speaker 2 (08:53):
What's up this way up at angela Ye?

Speaker 3 (08:55):
Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, getting ready for Kwanza.
Whatever it is that you celebrate, or maybe you just
celebrate family and life, enjoy yourself this is your show,
so you have the last words.

Speaker 4 (09:07):
First and foremost, let's give a shout out and sign
the light on the love for giving us the opportunity
to be able to shine the light on someone special.
So let's sign the light on everybody today. Man, everybody
waking up this morning. Man, know that you aren't special

and you are somebody. This is twenty one band straight
out as Jackson tenas Day. Let's sign the light on
somebody's specially y'all.

Speaker 7 (09:38):
Hey, my name is Lynette. I just want to sign
the light on my aunt Felicia.

Speaker 1 (09:43):

Speaker 7 (09:44):
She is my absolute role model and I love her
so much. She doesn't really like attention, but this is
going to be one of my Christmas presents to her.

Speaker 1 (09:51):
So shout out to my aunt.

Speaker 7 (09:53):
Love her. Yeah,
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