All Episodes

January 7, 2025 34 mins

Callers weigh in and tell us about the time their ex stole from them. We also have an Ask Yee where a father can't see his kids. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You are now Angelo what I call ye?

Speaker 2 (00:13):
It's way up with Angela.

Speaker 1 (00:15):

Speaker 2 (00:16):
Dan, my producer is in the building with me tomorrow.

Speaker 3 (00:20):
We're gonna let you get some shine because in a
in a couple of months, you're getting ready for your
wedding and I know you're going to be taking some
time off from work. How much time do you get
off from work like to get married?

Speaker 4 (00:30):
I don't know, that's a good question. So my honeymoon's
two weeks.

Speaker 2 (00:33):
So a two week honeymoon?

Speaker 5 (00:35):
Is that?

Speaker 2 (00:35):
How long honeymoons normally are?

Speaker 3 (00:37):
Well, it's twelve days, okay, but I'm saying, like, let
me let me google this the average average length.

Speaker 4 (00:43):
We're going to so we don't want to just make
it a couple of days. That's a long twenty four
hours just to get there.

Speaker 3 (00:48):
Average length of honeymoon. All right, Well, last night was
an amazing night. I hosted the screening for one of
them Days Awesome. That's the Eastern Ray produced movie starring Sizza,
her first ever time starring.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
In a movie, and Kiki Palmer.

Speaker 3 (01:03):
Who is amazing, And they were at your screen and
they were at the screening. All right, So we're gonna
talk about that today, I'm gonna give y'all. I'm not
gonna give you any spoilersts other than what you already
know about the movie from the trailer.

Speaker 2 (01:13):
But when I tell you what a great night last
night was.

Speaker 3 (01:17):
All right, Well, let's start the show off with some
love and some positivity. Eight hundred and two ninety two
fifty one fifty call us up. Let's shine a light
its way up, Shine.

Speaker 1 (01:25):
I'm a shine.

Speaker 6 (01:26):
Turn your lights on, y'all, light spreading love to those
who are doing greatness.

Speaker 1 (01:31):
Hinna light on them, Shine a light on.

Speaker 3 (01:35):
It's time to shine a light on all right, his
way up at Angela yee, And it's time for me
to shine a light and then for you to shine
a lights But some love. Today I went to shine
a light on Mattie Z. She's the ten year old Zoe.
She's starting her very own lip loss and her business
is called Maddie Z. She's been working really long hours

making sure that she perfected these glosses and lip oils
for her customers. And they're all vegan, non GMO, with
no animal cruelty. Her mom actually reached out to me.
Her mom is a traveling license massage therapist, practitioner, and
she was so excited that her daughter is starting her
own business and is an entrepreneur at the age of
ten that she was like, look, I want to send

you some of these and I want to make sure
that we have your support. So again, that is Maddie
Underscore z Underscore Gloss.

Speaker 2 (02:26):
So shout out to them. I love the fact that
the mom is an.

Speaker 3 (02:28):
Entrepreneur and she's already starting her daughter on the path
of having her own business, but also knowing the importance
of having ingredients that have no animal cruelty, that are vegan,
that are non GMO. That's some things that you need
to teach your kids early, so you pay attention to
the ingredients, but also learning the skills that it takes
to actually have a line of products. And who knows
how this is going to affect her in the future.

So we love that all right now, who do you
want to shine a light on? Eight hundred and two
nine fifty Nicole, Who do you want to shine a
light on?

Speaker 7 (02:57):
I want to stand a light on you because I
had to last week and have but I still got
up to work and you were not there for me.
I'm spending light on you I'm happy you're back.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
Oh me too.

Speaker 3 (03:06):
It feels good to be bad. Well, thank you so much.
You know, like I said, a lot of people had
to work this whole time. This is the one time
of the year that we're like off for a period
of time. But that's dope.

Speaker 7 (03:16):
Yes, I was go up too, but I had an
internal audit, so I have to still work.

Speaker 2 (03:20):
Okay, all right, I needed to do every day.

Speaker 7 (03:23):
And you know, I like full the updates you give.
I like everything you talk about. You know, I missed you.

Speaker 5 (03:28):
I missed you.

Speaker 3 (03:30):
Well, get ready for this yet, because it's piping out
every day, always something going on.

Speaker 7 (03:35):
All right, bag, I'm listening, all right, all right, thank you,
you're welcome.

Speaker 2 (03:40):
All right.

Speaker 3 (03:40):
Well, that was shining light eight hundred and two nine
two fifty one fifty. You can still call us up
and shine a light for last word. And when we
come back, we have your yea te Shaq and Dwight Howard,
who knew this feud was escalating the way that it was.
But apparently Shaq is not going to speak Dwight Howard's
name at all anymore.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
So let's see how truth that is. But we got
your ye Next, it's way up.

Speaker 7 (04:01):
They say in the rooms.

Speaker 6 (04:04):
From industry shade to all the gods that out Angela's
feeling that eye.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
It's way up at Angela.

Speaker 8 (04:11):

Speaker 2 (04:12):
Time for that yet.

Speaker 3 (04:13):
Now let's get into this feud between Shaq and Dwight Howard.
Man So, Dwight Howard went on Ray Daniels Show, The
God Show podcast and had some things to say about
how Shaq is behind the scenes blocking him from getting opportunities.
I guess they've had this bee for, you know, over
a decade now. And here's what he had to say

about Shaq.

Speaker 9 (04:35):
Never disrespecting him, but He's always had something to say.
And you know there's times where I got an upset
and I'm like, yo, Shak just gotta stop.

Speaker 1 (04:43):

Speaker 4 (04:43):
Oh, so you actually talked to about it.

Speaker 9 (04:44):
I try to, and at this point I'm like, do
we need to throw hands?

Speaker 1 (04:49):

Speaker 10 (04:50):
Do be personal?

Speaker 9 (04:50):
He does says stuff, and he keeps saying stuff and
then certain things that I don't get on. It's because
he has behind closed doors made sure that.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
I'm not on it.

Speaker 3 (05:01):
Ooh, Dan, I got to ask you, is that true?
You think like do you think Shaq be hated and
Dwight Howard and talking about him all the time.

Speaker 4 (05:07):
I really haven't seen much of it. I don't know,
but he said a lot of it's happening behind the.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
Scenes, right right.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
But you know, I think he's also saying that he
makes jokes about him and says.

Speaker 4 (05:19):
Yeah, I also know that Dwight Howard called himself Superman
and Shack was the original Superman.

Speaker 3 (05:23):
They were saying that's why the bee started. I don't know,
but it's interesting that that Dwight Howard has an issue
with this because this is the same thing that Royce,
his ex, accused him of, right, yeah, Royce Reid is
blocking her from things and opportunities, and so she even
started to go fund me and said that she's suffering
from depression and self harm attempts, and she said, for

over seventeen years, I've dealt with harassment, threats, defamation, career loss.
Remember he had a restraining order against her where she
wasn't allowed to even say his name, a season desist,
and so when she did basketball wives, she wasn't allowed
to even talk about him, and so that prevented her
from other opportunities too.

Speaker 4 (06:04):
But Shaq responded to Dwight right, right, No, he did I.

Speaker 3 (06:06):
Was just saying that it's interesting that he's saying behind
the scenes that Shaq has been blocking him, and it's
kind of the same thing that Royce Reed accused him of. Now,
they had some back and forth on social media. Shaq said,
Dwight Howard, the fact you think I care about you
is funny, but I won't ever bring your name up again, sensitive,
big man, a jokester that can't take a joke. Won't
ever say your name again ever again, I mean ever,

have a great day. And now you have been deleted,
have a great day. And then he put a bunch
of hashtags. Well, Dwight Howard then said, I know you
care because your insecure ass been hating and talking ish
for twenty years.

Speaker 2 (06:40):
You too big to be this insecure.

Speaker 3 (06:41):
I hope you don't bring my name up again, fifty
two years old, tweeting me and still hating. Now, all
this time you was joking. You always been jealous, jealous
of Kobe, Penny, Dweight, d Wade. You're jealous to Charles too.
Go move around, big lazy, insecure ass. And he went
on and on, and here's what else he had to say.
He went live after this whole exchange and said this
two people.

Speaker 4 (07:05):
I'll let me stop.

Speaker 1 (07:05):
Y'all take that too far.

Speaker 3 (07:08):
And Pelinka is a GM for the Lakers, Okay, but
you know, we'll see what happens. Maybe he will never
say his name again. Maybe that's the best move, but
that is your yee t. When we come back, we
have about last night. And I told you guys, I
had an amazing time yesterday hosting the screening from One
of Them Days featuring starring Sissy and Kiki Palmer. When

I tell you that movie was so good, I am
not even exaggerating.

Speaker 2 (07:32):
The movie was amazing. So we'll talk about it. It's
way up.

Speaker 1 (07:37):
So about last night, Yessa went down.

Speaker 3 (07:44):
It's way up at Angela yee and it's time for
about last night.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
Now. Normally Dan, I will let you talk.

Speaker 3 (07:49):
But Nick Navy, who's running the boards, he was actually
at the screening last night as well, and Julie who's
in there.

Speaker 2 (07:55):
We were all there.

Speaker 3 (07:56):
When I tell you One of Them Days, that's the
movie that Terray produced that is starring Sissa and Keicky Palmer.
Everybody wanted to go see this movie. At the last minute,
people were like, do you have an extracy? Do you
have this, do you have that? So it was not
easy to get in there. And Sissy and Keiky Palmer
actually were there, which was unexpected.

Speaker 10 (08:13):
She's a beautiful in person, more beautiful in person.

Speaker 3 (08:15):
Who Sissor and Kekey Palmer, the both of them looked
amazing in person and in the movie when I tell you,
they look so good on the screen.

Speaker 2 (08:22):
So I was able to introduce them.

Speaker 3 (08:25):
The two of them didn't even need me because the
chemistry that they have with each other, the way that
they joke around, you could tell Kicki Palmer is definitely
a veteran when it comes to acting. But for Sissy,
this was her debut acting role and she killed it.

Speaker 2 (08:38):
And it was.

Speaker 3 (08:38):
Interesting because before we actually showed the movie, she was like,
you guys, give me grapes. This is my first movie,
and so I'm like, is she gonna be really bad
in this?

Speaker 2 (08:46):
But she was amazing.

Speaker 3 (08:48):
And So what did you think maybe about Sissy in
her first ever role?

Speaker 11 (08:51):
I honestly couldn't tell. For a long time. I thought
they were playing themselves.

Speaker 3 (08:55):
Yeah, it seemed like they were really comfortable around each other.
And I also have to credit Keki Palmer for that
because she is an expert and she's a proe and
Sissy even said that's what made her more comfortable when
I asked her how did she manage to prepare for this?
But this was actually written by Sarita Singleton, so shout
out to her because the writing was also phenomenal for
this movie. Definitely, you know, the jokes really were all landing.

There was not a joke that didn't land. I am
so happy the movie was as good as it was
because Ray producer, and these are all people who I
absolutely adore, and I would have hated to have to
be honest and say I didn't like it if.

Speaker 2 (09:30):
It wasn't good, but it was.

Speaker 3 (09:33):
This is gonna be I think a classic that kind
of like Bridesmaids was a classic, Hangover as a classic,
Friday's a classic.

Speaker 2 (09:41):
It gives that type of vibe.

Speaker 3 (09:43):
And so I'm just telling y'all when it to come
about January seventeenth, is that the date that's y'all definitely
need to go and see that. I'm shout out to
Lawrence Lemon who also directed this. He's from Detroit and
one of the premises of this movie though, is that
and this is not as biler because if you look
up what this movie's about. This is what it's about.
They have to pay their rent. It's one of them

days and everything is going wrong.

Speaker 2 (10:06):
Right. So Scissors character has.

Speaker 3 (10:08):
A boyfriend and he basically steals their rent money to
start a t shirt line.

Speaker 2 (10:13):
It's in the trailer.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
And so I want to ask you, guys who are listening,
have you ever dated somebody and they stole from you?
Imagine you think this is my significant other, This person
loved me, and now they don't stole my money or
my purse or whatever it is from my house. I
want to ask you, guys, is this something that's ever happened?

Speaker 2 (10:32):
Maybe? Have you ever been stolen from her?

Speaker 10 (10:33):
A couple of times?

Speaker 2 (10:34):
Wow? So this is like a chronic situation for you.

Speaker 10 (10:37):
Oh it was all the same person.

Speaker 2 (10:39):
And would they steal money?

Speaker 5 (10:40):

Speaker 10 (10:40):
Definitely yeah like one.

Speaker 2 (10:43):
Oh and did you continue to date?

Speaker 10 (10:46):

Speaker 2 (10:47):
Okay, so you really gave me this, I got it bad.

Speaker 3 (10:50):
But eight hundred fifty one fifty call us up. Has
your partner ever stolen money from you? That's eight hundred
nine two fifty one fifty call us up.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
Let us know.

Speaker 8 (11:01):
What you want to know.

Speaker 1 (11:02):
My name way up with Angela.

Speaker 3 (11:04):
Yes, it's way up with Angela yee, and we are
talking about if somebody's ever.

Speaker 2 (11:11):
Stolen money from you that you were dating.

Speaker 5 (11:14):

Speaker 2 (11:14):
This all comes from the movie One of Them Days.

Speaker 3 (11:16):
This movie is starring Kicky Palmer and starring Sizza and
directed by Lawrence Lamont, produced by Issa Ray and the
whole premise of the movie is Sciss's boyfriend steals their
rent money and they have to figure out how to get.

Speaker 2 (11:29):
This money within one day.

Speaker 3 (11:30):
By that night, they have to pay their rent or
they're going to get kicked out onto the street. Has
something like this ever happened to you, where maybe it
might not have to be rent money, but maybe you
were dating somebody and they stole from you. Now our
board up Nick said that he did date somebody who
stole from him a couple of times.

Speaker 10 (11:47):
Right. Yeah.

Speaker 11 (11:48):
When I was in college, I dated the girl who
had my debit card on her thought ash account, and
she would buy all her friend's food and roommate's food.

Speaker 10 (11:56):
I used to be driving around a trick.

Speaker 11 (11:58):
Yeah, well whoa, whoa, whoa, Oh that to me, so, yeah,
I'll get notifications some chase, like hey, you just spent
one hundred and twenty dollars or sixty dollars a year
to cut it off. I did, but at first I
didn't know, like what was happening.

Speaker 10 (12:10):
I don't know. I thought my sisters had my card
or something, Okay, come to.

Speaker 3 (12:14):
Find out, No, I'm trying to think if anybody's dated
has ever stolen from me?

Speaker 2 (12:19):
I don't think so.

Speaker 3 (12:20):
But I will say I've lent somebody money and they
never paid me back. So I don't think that's technically stealing,
but maybe it is what we want to hear from
you guys eight hundred and two nine two fifty one
fifty ten and has a partner ever stolen money from you?

Speaker 12 (12:34):
They didn't steal money, but what they did steal was
a five thousand dollars ring that I had purchased.

Speaker 5 (12:38):
For Yeah, they did.

Speaker 12 (12:41):
And I mean, we have been dating for like about
three years.

Speaker 2 (12:44):
And what did you do with your ring?

Speaker 5 (12:46):
Gave it to a whole other chick?

Speaker 2 (12:47):
How did you find out?

Speaker 12 (12:49):
Just you know, you know, Whoman's intuition and you creeping
and you know, you just looking through stuff and just
being nosy, you know, And I just happened to find
this other chick's number and then She's like, oh, yeah,
that's my fiance. I'm like your fiance.

Speaker 2 (13:02):
He proposed with your ran.

Speaker 7 (13:04):
Yes, ma'am.

Speaker 2 (13:05):
She should have gad that bad.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
I wouldn't even want no stolen ring from somebody who
was to you know, me with.

Speaker 7 (13:10):
You know what.

Speaker 12 (13:11):
But you know some women, they try to get it
however they can get it, so it is what it is.

Speaker 2 (13:15):
Oh my god, Well, thank you for calling and Sharon,
that's wild.

Speaker 7 (13:19):
It is, isn't it?

Speaker 1 (13:21):
All right?

Speaker 8 (13:21):
And I love you?

Speaker 12 (13:22):
Yeah, I love you. You are so good on the radio.

Speaker 2 (13:25):
Be good, all right, you too?

Speaker 8 (13:27):
Hey Carrie, Hey, how are you?

Speaker 2 (13:29):
I'm good? How are you?

Speaker 4 (13:31):
I'm doing great and joining the beautiful weather.

Speaker 2 (13:34):
Have you ever had somebody you were dating steal from you?

Speaker 12 (13:37):
I did, well, not for me, but for my nine
and my ten year old?

Speaker 2 (13:40):
What what did they steal? The Piggy inc.

Speaker 12 (13:43):
Thirty dollars from my nine year old and I think
it was like forty five for my ten year old?

Speaker 2 (13:47):
What and how did you find out?

Speaker 12 (13:50):
The kids ended up telling me and they never steal
money from each other because they always have money, you know.
So I asked the I'm like my guy.

Speaker 5 (13:57):
You literally sole.

Speaker 12 (13:58):
From a nine and ten year old. He denied it
knew it.

Speaker 3 (14:01):
Was Oh my gosh, and so that was it for him. Wow,
that's crazy, that was oh god.

Speaker 12 (14:07):
Yeah, cut him up so.

Speaker 3 (14:08):
Quick, all right, thank you? What an idiot. He's got
a problem. Thanks Corrie, thank you.

Speaker 2 (14:17):
Remo was good.

Speaker 1 (14:19):
What's going on?

Speaker 7 (14:19):
I'm so excited your Stu.

Speaker 6 (14:22):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (14:23):
Now have you ever had somebody you were dating steal
money from you?

Speaker 7 (14:26):
Actually, I've stolen the money from somebody else dating Remo.

Speaker 2 (14:30):
What the what happened?

Speaker 1 (14:32):

Speaker 5 (14:32):
He was sick.

Speaker 4 (14:33):
I had to run back and forth to the store
and stuff take care of him.

Speaker 7 (14:37):
He told me to go downstairs and get a hundred
of the cart out of the four hundred and gave
him three.

Speaker 2 (14:41):
He took four.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
Wow. And did he say anything to you after he
was while he was sick in the hospital.

Speaker 5 (14:46):
No, after he got out, he's like, you stole from me.
I want my money back.

Speaker 2 (14:50):
Okay, he's not Romo. And you continue to deal with
this person?

Speaker 1 (14:55):
Of course?

Speaker 2 (14:56):
Wow, I can't. But I would never trust you to
take my card again. What made you think that was? Okay?

Speaker 4 (15:02):

Speaker 5 (15:03):
I was. I had a run errands and everything. It
was COVID.

Speaker 7 (15:06):
I wasn't working, so I needed to be paid.

Speaker 3 (15:11):
All right, Remo, I don't know how to feel about that,
but thank you for calling.

Speaker 5 (15:14):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 2 (15:15):
Going okay, you little thief.

Speaker 3 (15:17):
Now what I got from this is that men steal,
because all these women have men steal from them, and
then Remo is the person who actually stole. All right, well,
thank you guys for calling. Eight hundred two nine fifty
one fifty. You can still call us up and leave
a message for last word and when we come back,
we have your yee t.

Speaker 2 (15:33):
And let's talk about Meta aka Facebook.

Speaker 3 (15:36):
Mark Zuckerberg has announced that he's going to get rid
of fact checkers and reduce censorship.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
Will tell you what he had to say. Oh my goodness,
it's way.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
Up, shure, she's about to blow the lid ab off
this spot. Let's get it.

Speaker 6 (15:48):
Oh yeah, Angela's feeling that yee te Come.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
And get the tea.

Speaker 3 (15:52):
It's way up with Angela, yee And it's time for
your yee t. Now let's talk about what's going on
with Meta and you know that's basically Facebook and Instagram.
Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO, has announced today that he is
going to reduce censorship and get rid of fact checkers.

Speaker 2 (16:09):
Here's what he had to say.

Speaker 13 (16:10):
We're going to get rid of fact checkers and replace
them with community notes similar to X. After Trump first
got elected in twenty sixteen, the legacy media wrote NonStop
about how misinformation was a threat to democracy. We tried,
in good faith to address those concerns without becoming the
arbiters of truth. But the fact checkers have just been
too politically biased and have destroyed more trust than they've created.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
So over the next.

Speaker 13 (16:33):
Couple of months, we're going to phase in a more
comprehensive community notes system.

Speaker 3 (16:38):
Okay, well, this should be interesting because what he's saying
is that now taking away these restrictions also means that
a lot of the bad stuff won't get cut, So
that is the tradeoff for that. Now, here's what else
he had to say about taking down posts and people's
pages that are spreading misinformation or our abusive.

Speaker 13 (16:55):
We're changing how we enforce our policies to reduce the
mistakes that account for the vast majority of censorship on
our platforms. We used to have filters that scanned for
any policy violation. Now we're going to focus those filters
on tackling illegal and high severity violations, and for lower
severity violations, we're going to rely on someone reporting an
issue before we take action. The reality is that this

is a trade off. It means we're going to catch
less bad stuff, will also reduce the number of innocent
people's posts and accounts that we accidentally take down.

Speaker 3 (17:26):
This is all interesting, and obviously this is all happened
because Donald Trump has been re elected and he definitely
wants to make sure that he is in good with
Donald Trump. So it feels like and remember he was
banned from the platform when.

Speaker 2 (17:40):
Back what was it eight years ago?

Speaker 3 (17:42):
And so now to see that he's like, okay, we're
gonna do everything that Donald Trump wants us to do.
This is pretty interesting. Dan, my producer, I got to
ask you, what do you think this is going to mean?
Because it's interesting to me also how people talk about
concerns for safety, concerns for abusive things on social media,
and also concerns for truth, but then to get rid

of fact checkers.

Speaker 4 (18:04):
Yeah, I'm really curious how this is going to play
out because also like what then deems like what becomes dangerous?
Where's that gray area of like what deserves to be
taken down automatically versus what needs to be reported. I
feel like that gray area is just going to grow
larger and larger, and no one's going to really.

Speaker 3 (18:20):
Know because I feel like it's been such a conversation
about kids and how social media is affecting the next generation,
and this is now a step backwards from trying to
protect children.

Speaker 8 (18:31):

Speaker 4 (18:32):
Yes, but at the same time, you do have to
understand that, like social media did have to do something
about like posts just getting taken like people would say
like nothing and then the AI would scan it and
it would get taken there. So I understand the need
to figure out something, but I'm really curious to see
what's deemed like dangerous and wrong and how things get
pulled down.

Speaker 2 (18:51):
You know.

Speaker 3 (18:52):
Last week Instagram also did something different. They actually had
accounts that were created by Facebook and they were actually
sharing real photos and commentary, but they were having conversations
that were generated by AI and engaging with other accounts
using an AI conversational engine.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
So there was some backlash.

Speaker 3 (19:15):
So that's going to be interesting to see how AI
is going to play a role in all of this
too moving forward, because it's meta, you know, But we'll
keep our eye on it and keep you guys updated
on what's going on. I think one of the main
things though, is that we saw from this election that
X has a lot of power. We saw previously Facebook
has a lot of power and where people.

Speaker 2 (19:34):
Go to get their information.

Speaker 3 (19:36):
We need more things, yeah, you know, we need more
options and we need things that feel more safe.

Speaker 5 (19:43):

Speaker 4 (19:43):
And Zuckerberg just brought in Dana White, the founder of UFC,
to be on the board. Now that's a third Republican hire,
so it is.

Speaker 3 (19:50):
Ja Caplin is the newly appointed chief of Global Affairs.

Speaker 4 (19:53):
Yes, to see how politically driven this as we come from,
this is.

Speaker 3 (19:55):
All them being allies for Donald Trump and doing what
he wants them to do. Right, Well, that is your Yet,
when we come back under the radar, the stories that
are not necessarily in the headlines, they're flying under the
radar right now, here's some k cutty day nights.

Speaker 6 (20:09):
Yeah news, this in the news that relates to you.
These stories are flying under the radar.

Speaker 2 (20:14):
It's way yeah.

Speaker 3 (20:14):
But Angela yee, and we are going under the radar
now these stories that we definitely think you need to
know about.

Speaker 2 (20:21):
This is good news.

Speaker 3 (20:21):
There's a new rule on medical debt that could affect
millions of Americans credit scores. They will remove medical debt
from credit reports. That's a new rule. So that would
have raised an estimated forty nine billion dollars in unpaid
medical bills from the credit reports of roughly fifteen million Americans.
That can help people be able to borrow money and
get mortgages because or any type of loan, because it

does help boost their scores by an average of about
twenty points. They said no one should be denied economic
opportunity because they got sick or experienced a medical emergency,
and this will be life changing for millions of families.
I agree with that because it is hard and those
medical bills are out of control sometimes and that is

something that can devastate you financially. So that rule is
set to take effect in March, but they are saying
that timeline could be delayed by legal challenges. There's debt
collection industry groups that have opposed that change. Also think
about the type of stress you go through from having
collectors call you NonStop, like every time your phone rings.

Sometimes it's embarrassing because it rings and somebody's next to
you and they see that there's a debt collector calling,
or you answered by accident and then you're like, who
is this?

Speaker 2 (21:35):
What is this? And then you just hang up.

Speaker 4 (21:37):
Yes, Dan, you want to see I was going to say,
Or the people that don't go to the doctors because
they don't want to have to do.

Speaker 3 (21:42):
They don't want to Actually not to bring up this
movie one of them Days again, but there's a scene
where they're in an ambulance and they get out and they're.

Speaker 2 (21:49):
Like, this is two thousand dollars.

Speaker 3 (21:50):
You got to get out of here, because just calling
an ambulance and getting in one is not a game.
Like you could get hit by a car and you're like,
I'm not calling an ambulance because I don't want to
have to pay that medical bill.

Speaker 4 (22:00):
I've been skipping specialists because of my back because I
don't want to pay those bills. But does haven't you
The bills are crazy? Yeah, I have a high deductible.
So it's like, yeah.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
All right.

Speaker 3 (22:10):
Now, the former owner of Model's wants to save Party
City and Big Lots. I'm not gonna lie was very
sad when Party City was going out of business and
Big Glass. It's like nostalgic for me. My grandfather used
to love for me to take them. So he said
that he was actually at an event at Mara a
Lago resort and he got the idea to buy these
and put his sons Matthew twenty three and Maxwell twenty

two in charge as co presidents. Not anybody qualified, no, nevermind,
I'm not even gonna say it, but put his sons
in charge of it. And so he does have a
line of veteran team, veteran team of executives to evaluate
a possible deal.

Speaker 2 (22:44):
That's interesting because didn't models.

Speaker 4 (22:46):
Go out of business, Yeah, a couple of years ago.

Speaker 2 (22:48):
All right, all right, well that is you're under the radar.

Speaker 3 (22:50):
You know, we have the way up mixed at the
top of the hour plus, yet is on the way
We have asked yee, and of course I want to
ask you guys.

Speaker 2 (22:58):
I saw this article about key in your home clean.

Speaker 3 (23:01):
People are saying that's harder than your job making sure
that you keep your house clean.

Speaker 2 (23:04):
That is very challenging. We'll talk about all of those things.
It's way up.

Speaker 1 (23:09):
Just like to talk like.

Speaker 2 (23:10):
They am Jealie Jean, like they am Jealie Jean.

Speaker 6 (23:12):
And she's spilling it all this is yet way up.

Speaker 2 (23:18):
It's way up with Angela.

Speaker 8 (23:20):

Speaker 3 (23:20):
Let's get into this ye t. First of all, let's
shout out to our friend Carlos King. He posted Baby
My podcast is on TV. Y'all Reality with the King
special episode starts airing this Friday, January tenth at eight
seven Central on own until Must see every Friday night.
Congratulations Carlos King be putting in that work and he
knows all the tea and it gets people to open up.

Speaker 2 (23:41):
So we love that for you, Carlos King.

Speaker 3 (23:44):
All right, Now, Fox has released a statement after this lawsuit. Now,
this lawsuit is from ms Faraji, who's a from former
hair stylist for Fox Sports one. She has a lawsuit
where she alleges that Joy Taylor used sexual relationships with
Emmanuel Acho was a co host, and Charlie Dixon, Fox
Sports Executive vice president in charge of talent, to further

her career, also accusing her of scheming to protect her
job at the network by lying about being sexually assaulted
by Dixon if there was ever any issues. She also
has accused Fox Sports employees of sexual misconduct, retaliation, and more.

Speaker 2 (24:19):
She says that Skip.

Speaker 3 (24:20):
Bayless also had alleged hostile workplace issues with her, and
that he offered one point five million dollars to her
in exchange for sex, and also that Charlie Dickton groped
her buttocks. All right, well, Fox Sports has released a
statement and they said we take these allegations seriously and
will allow the legal process to run its course. We

have no further comment at this time. I don't know
what else we expected them to say, right, what else
can you say?

Speaker 2 (24:48):
They do?

Speaker 3 (24:49):
They better take it seriously and you can't say more
until the legal.

Speaker 2 (24:54):
Process takes place. All right, Speaking of legal processes, Ti.

Speaker 3 (24:57):
And Tiny, we know this whole lawsuit victory that they
got right with the with the dolls that look like
the OMG girls. They sued MGA Entertainment for trademark infringement
and if you guys recall, they got a huge seventy
one million dollars in this in this lawsuit for punitive damages.

Speaker 2 (25:16):
Fifty three million was for punitive damages.

Speaker 3 (25:18):
Well, the judge has now lowered that to seventeen million dollars,
and that is because they said the company will not
be on the hook for that fifty three million impunitive damages.
So that's a huge hit to what the amount was
supposed to be. And lastly, Dwight Howard has invited Shack
on the podcast to hash out their issues. He said,
I don't want people to get entertained by two black
men going back and forth over petty staff. I don't

want to bicker. I just want to settle this. Like
the too successful Hall of Fame Black Men, we are.
You are the most dominant center of all time. Come
onto the podcast and let's hash this out. That's right,
Dwight Howard. Get them numbers, because why wouldn't you? All right, well,
that is your yet when we come back, we have
asked Yee eight hundred two nine two fifty one fifty
a question you have, We're here to help you out.

It's way up, Oh Drake and Rihanna take care. We'll
never probably see this duo again. It's way up, whether.

Speaker 6 (26:07):
It's relationship or career advice. Angela's dropping facts.

Speaker 3 (26:10):
So this is ast what's up his way up with
Angela Yee? And it is time for ask yee. Eight
hundred two nine two fifty one fifty is the number?
Any question you have? I'm here to help. Now we
have somebody who called in and left a voicemail. Here
is that voicemail.

Speaker 5 (26:26):
I want some advice. Do I get my kids? But
I ain't seeing my kids for three kids? Paid out
before she slay with my best man on the wednight.
So that's why the board happened. She's better because I
found out that she slept with the best fan and
the therd. Better do tell me how can I give

my kids back?

Speaker 8 (26:50):

Speaker 1 (26:51):

Speaker 2 (26:52):
All right?

Speaker 3 (26:53):
You know what, this is a really common problem that
I've been hearing where the mother will not let the
father see their child or their children, and it is
a really.

Speaker 2 (27:02):
Difficult and long process.

Speaker 3 (27:04):
I know so many people that have gone through this personally,
and the only way that you can do this is
to actually go to court and establish visitation. It is
actually illegal for a mother to keep your kids from you.
They can try to say that you're like harmful to
the kids or to them, and try to do things
in that way to make sure that it can happen.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
But if that's not the situation, then you do have
to go to court.

Speaker 3 (27:29):
You have to consult with the family law attorney to
understand what your options are. I would say a few
different things too. Number one. Any communication that you have
with her, just be aware that that could be used
in court. So if you're sending messages or leaving voicemails
or doing whatever, and those things are hostile or something
that in court a judge of black, oh my god,

you should not be around these people.

Speaker 2 (27:51):
That could be a danger as well.

Speaker 3 (27:53):
But document everything, try to reach an agreement through mediation
if you can do that, and establish visitation. But if
she won't do that, then you are going to have
to go to court. Unfortunately, for people, this can be
something that's extremely time consuming. Sometimes it's months even a
year before you can even get a court date. But
once you do, and once you're able to get a
court order vegetation, then you can go ahead. If she

doesn't let you see your kids, then she'll be held
in contempt of court and she could even potentially be arrested.
A lot of times, you don't want to have to
go through that, right, nobody wants to ever have to
go to court. But if you want to see your kids,
the earlier you do this the better. I just suggest
talking to a family attorney and figuring out what the
best process is going to be. I know that they

do have nonprofits that can help with that, because, like
I said, it's an expensive and long process, but you
have to get it started. So I wish you the
best of luck. I hope you have a chance to
see your kids. The fact that you're paying child support
and still can't see your kids, that feels to me
like it's absolutely ridiculous. So any parents should not keep
their kids away from the other parent because that does
more harm to the kids than anything but a lot

of times revenge or whatever it is. So I wish
you luck, and if anybody else has any advice, we
definitely will take that.

Speaker 2 (29:06):
As a matter of fact, why don't you.

Speaker 3 (29:08):
Guys call us up eight hundred two ninety two fifty
one fifty anybody out there who's had issues being able
to see their kids and have no idea what to do,
because people will be like, just show up, just do this.

Speaker 2 (29:18):
You can get arrested.

Speaker 3 (29:19):
You can't just pop up at somebody's house and it
turns into a house out situation and then she calls
a police. That could be even worse for you. But
eight hundred two nine two fifty one to fifty. If
you've been through this, We've loved to hear from you,
it's way up.

Speaker 1 (29:33):
Turn me up here, we go up there. This is
way up with Angela Ye.

Speaker 2 (29:37):
What's up? Its way up with Angela Yee.

Speaker 3 (29:39):
And today just off of our ask A Yee call,
we are talking about relationships between co parents when the
mother will not let the father see the kid. What
are the options? I know sometimes people feel like it's helpless.
Sometimes people feel like I don't want to have to
go to court. People feel like it's expensive. But I'm
telling you, the longer you wait, the worst it's going

to be. Taylor mar how are you?

Speaker 5 (30:02):
What's going on? Andrew?

Speaker 2 (30:04):
I'm good, thank you? So what do you think?

Speaker 3 (30:06):
What's some advice if the mom won't let the father
see the kids?

Speaker 5 (30:09):
So what you said at the beginning is correct. You
have to start early. Now it's difficult to start early
because all the emotions is fresh. And as the father,
you don't want to rock the boat because you're going
straight to court. It's going to rock the boat right now.
You have to go find yourself a lawyer, but you
have to be aware that all these lawyers don't really
care as much. If you could find a lawyer that's

like you know, for fathers who advocate for fathers, it
would be the best thing.

Speaker 3 (30:37):
What are some questions people should ask to find a
good lawyer.

Speaker 5 (30:40):
You know, I'll be honest with you. I realized I
needed a good lawyer after the second one, okay, because
there was questions that I like. For example, I asked
my first lawyer, my baby mother is not letting me
take my daughter to Disney World. And he never He
never mentioned it to the courts, he never mentioned to
the to the referee.

Speaker 1 (31:00):

Speaker 5 (31:00):
My third lawyer, who's an advocate for fathers, she sees, like, what,
that's crazy, and she guaranteed me that she was going
to give me that trip, which she did right.

Speaker 3 (31:11):
Well, the fact that you had three lawyers that you
had to go through is wild.

Speaker 2 (31:14):
And I'm sure it was expensive.

Speaker 5 (31:16):
Oh it was highly expensive. But another thing that's important
is that the process you go through a mediator, then
you go through a referee, and then you see the judge.
The referee in between can make the decision on the visitation.
They don't really want you to go to the judge.
I will go straight to the judge. I will ask
for a judge, not the referee. The referee doesn't really

care as much because she has so many cases. She
just wants to resolve it as fast as possible. I'm
trying to tell the referee what I'm going through. She
didn't want to hear it. Okay, So and then for
me to get the trip to Disney World, I had
to talk to a judge to make that happen, and
the judge made that decision for me to go to
Disney World. This is all so that's why it's it's

a lot.

Speaker 3 (32:02):
But listen, I hear the passion in your voice, and
I'm grateful that you know.

Speaker 2 (32:06):
I'm happy for you that you.

Speaker 3 (32:07):
Were able to at least get what you needed to get,
and that you started the process and went through it,
and that you're sharing with other people because this is important,
valuable information.

Speaker 5 (32:16):
Yes, it is all right.

Speaker 2 (32:17):
Thank you for calling.

Speaker 5 (32:18):
Thank you, Angie, appreciate you well.

Speaker 2 (32:20):
Thank you guys so much for calling in.

Speaker 3 (32:22):
And I feel like this is something that we got
to get an expert up here or somebody that can
help guide people. But that was great advice for when
the mother won't let the father see the kids, and
I know what happens vice versa as well. Eight hundred
two nine fifty one fifty and when we come back,
you guys have the last word, got.

Speaker 6 (32:38):
The phone tappying to get your voice heard.

Speaker 1 (32:41):
What the word is? Is the last word? On Way
Up with Angela, Ye.

Speaker 2 (32:46):
Yo, It's way up at Angela Yee. Happy Tuesday.

Speaker 3 (32:49):
I'm gonna miss you guys until tomorrow. But in the meantime,
I had a great time today about last night was
a fun topic because I hosted that movie screening starring
Sisa and Kiki Palm or one of them days, and
out of that, you guys called us up and really
talked about whether or not you've dated somebody who stole
from you, So I know a lot of you called

for last Word to discuss that. And then out of
ask ye, we talked about what do you do when
you are dad and the mom is not allowing.

Speaker 2 (33:17):
You to see your kids? What are the things?

Speaker 3 (33:20):
What are the rights that you have, and how can
you make sure that you rectify that situation, especially at
a time when emotions are high and maybe you guys
aren't getting along as parents. How do you make sure
that the kids don't suffer in that situation? All right, Well,
of course I'll be back tomorrow. But in the meantime,
we want to hear from you. This is your show.
It's all about you. Eight hundred two ninety two, fifty

one to fifty. You guys have the last word.

Speaker 1 (33:46):
Well, I'm one of them fathers.

Speaker 12 (33:47):
I haven't seen my daughter in six years. I've been
had child's before six years, never missed the payment.

Speaker 7 (33:53):
The mom is literally batten on me.

Speaker 8 (33:56):
I had someone living with me that I ended up,
my ex actually my child father. He sole a lot
of stuff I've caught on very late in the game,
Like he stole Louis from me. He sole an iPhone
before I went to Jamaica. He stolen women up boots
for me. He even put the money off to zam

Speaker 1 (34:14):
Bank going way out out with Angela Yee
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