Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Here at the Black Information Network, we know how important
it is for you to start your week off energized, engaged,
and enlightened. There are always major stories that break over
the weekend, and we feel you should know about the
ones we are talking about today, So stay tuned for
our weekend recap featuring Black Information Network news anchor Mike Moore.
Speaker 2 (00:18):
This is the Black Information Network Daily Podcast. I'm your
host ramses Jah and I'm your host q Ward.
Speaker 1 (00:26):
All right, mister Mike Moore, Welcome back to the show man.
What's the latest in your world?
Speaker 2 (00:31):
Speaker 3 (00:31):
Everything is all good? What about you, sir ah Man?
Speaker 2 (00:34):
You know what? Everything is good for me personally?
Speaker 3 (00:36):
Okay, I love it, love it.
Speaker 1 (00:38):
Love it speak for us collectively though, So we'll let
you get started on that. Let's get to the news.
First up from NBC. Secretary of State Marco Rubio directed
the State Department on Wednesday to suspend all passport applications
seeking to change a sex marker and all applications requesting
an ex sex marker, according to a memo received by
NBC News. The memo references an executive order exit issued
by President Trump hours after his inauguration, declaring that the
US government will recognize only two sexes, male and female,
and that these sexes are not changeable and are grounded
in fundamental and incontrivable reality. The memo applies to all
applications currently in progress in any future applications, the memo states,
adding that guidance on existing passports containing an X sex.
Speaker 2 (01:28):
Marker will come via other channels.
Speaker 1 (01:31):
So you know people are falling in line, what say ye,
mister Mike Moore.
Speaker 3 (01:36):
They are falling in line, But you know that there's
going to be a great deal of backlash is this
as this continues to progress. And if you think about
the LGBTQ community, it is a very very vocal community.
It has a great deal of support. And when you're
talking about and then there are Christians who will get
we'll get into that and and and the biblical implications
that it that may apply as well. But when you
think about transgenders who want to be considered a particular pronoun,
they feel as though there are certain rights that need
to be adhere to. And even on a government issued
a piece of a government issued I d I do
thank you, thank you there because I was thinking, what
what is the word that I'm looking for here a
government issued I d that you know this, this is
going to be necessary in the eyes of those and
especially the new administration that is the Trump administration. So
I think there's going to be a great deal of backlash.
I don't think this is just going to be flow evenly.
I mean, it's it's the trajectory is already there. I mean,
you know, it's it's in and Trump he made a
lot of changes in a short period of time and
things that he had actually said that he was going
to do. Quite frankly, he's following along like it or not.
He's falling along along those lines. But I think this
is going to get a great deal of backlash no
matter you know, how it moves, how quickly or how slowly,
there are going to be interruptions in terms of dialogue
along with this.
Speaker 2 (03:33):
Cute So yeah.
Speaker 4 (03:36):
I mean, guys, everything that they've done since resuming power
has been bully minded, right, Like, he at least made
some promises to his base to do something that would
help someone, right, Except everything he's done has been to
take something away from someone, or to impede someone, or
stagnate someone's progress, or bully or make uncomfortable or scare
or you know what I mean, Like it's it's been.
Speaker 5 (04:20):
How much of a bully can I be?
Speaker 4 (04:22):
Let me show you, let me count the ways you know,
and his Shakespearean voice. So this is just another thing
that it does nothing to help anyone, because even he
could even have some quote unquote bullied ideas that helped someone, right,
some of his stuff is helping billionaires while hurting all
the rest of us. Stuff like this isn't helping anybody.
It's just let me do something mean to a group
that I don't like, or to a group that I
know my base doesn't like. And sometimes, even though he's
an awful person, I don't know how much much of
his hate is performative because he knows the people that
support him like it, or how awful.
Speaker 1 (05:08):
A human being he is just on his own all right.
Next up from the hill, a Mississippi district attorney proposed
new legislation on Wednesday to pay bounty hunters a reward
for helping deport undocumented immigrants. DeSoto County District Attorney Matthew
Barton announced his support for House Bill fourteen eighty four,
authored by state Representative Justin Keene, which would create the
Illegal Alien Certified Bounty Hunter Program.
Speaker 2 (05:33):
Speaker 1 (05:34):
President Trump's administration has made it clear that deporting illegal
immigrants is a priority, and we are proud to do
our part here in Mississippi to help support his agenda
and protect our citizens. Quote Keenan Barton suggested offering a
thousand dollars reward to registered bounty hunters for each successful
deportation they helped facilitate, which would be funded by the
General Assembly and administered by the state Treasurer, according to
a press release from his office.
Speaker 2 (06:00):
So I think more of the same. Yeah, it's it's
people falling in line.
Speaker 3 (06:04):
Uh your thoughts here, Mike, They're falling in love. But
let me tell you something. Is this not reminiscent of
of a of a time gone by if you really
really think about it. I think about Africans in this
country during a time of slavery. Member, those bounty hunters
who go and uh and and pick up the field
hands who had escaped.
Speaker 2 (06:33):
This is all.
Speaker 3 (06:36):
This I'm laughing, but it's a nervous kind of laughter
that that I'm exemplifying right now. I think this is
this is horrible to put to put forth a force
to get people maybe illegally in this country, but I
think that there shouldn't be bounty hunters and place a
bounty on an individual to go and get them. And
at what cost. I'm not just talking about intrinsically from
a standpoint of you know how much, but also at
what cost do you do this for barging in in
somebody's school, barging into somebody's house? How do you facilitate this?
I mean, there are a lot of unknowns here as
you think about it.
Speaker 1 (07:22):
Yeah, yeah, I know, Q and I you we were
having a conversation about this very thing before we started today.
Speaker 5 (07:33):
Your thoughts here, good old Mississippi, see Ramses.
Speaker 4 (07:40):
Yeah, you see why I didn't want to pull over
at the rest up. You see why I didn't want
to let you get your photo.
Speaker 2 (07:50):
I needed that picture in Mississippi.
Speaker 4 (07:51):
And I have to say this though, to your credit,
at least we don't have to go back. Yes, indeed,
and I think that was your point real time, like, hey,
we're already here, so if we can get this real
quick right now.
Speaker 5 (08:09):
Our work here is done.
Speaker 4 (08:13):
We try to keep it light when we can. Yeah,
because most of these things read like a scary movie
from one hundred years ago, or like a suspense thriller
of you know, government espionage, where you know, there's the
bad guys trying to do all the worst things and
the mission impossible force has to stop him. Except we
don't have a mission impossible force, so we just have
to watch this dude tear the Constitution into pieces and
break laws with impunity, and his base won't call him
out for anything. His colleagues and constituents know that being
aligned with him helps them make money and get elected, so.
Speaker 5 (08:59):
They won't question him.
Speaker 4 (09:02):
The Democrats are playing politics, playing polite politics with awful people.
I saw some things past recently that some Democrats even
voted in favor of, and like this, let's try to
be by partisan thing that they're still trying to do.
And it's like, you know, ramsas you talked about the
foundation of law enforcement in this country, do you remember
why that started or what the roots of policing are
in the United States of America?
Speaker 2 (09:31):
You mean slave patrols.
Speaker 5 (09:33):
Doesn't this sound a lot like that?
Speaker 2 (09:35):
Oh? Yeah, you know.
Speaker 4 (09:38):
So once we've displaced all the immigrants, who do you
think moves back to the top of the rights target list?
Speaker 2 (09:48):
Well, I would think that would be black vote. Yeah.
Speaker 4 (09:53):
I wish some black people would remember that there are
times where there needs to be some solid and it's
looking both ways and pretending we don't see what's happening
because we're not in the cross hairs right now is
a very foolish position to take. Yeah, because it's this
far or this long before all of it means the
same thing. Immigrant means, criminal means black means, Cuban means
Hasti means Mexican means everything that's not Christian, straight white male.
Speaker 2 (10:28):
We will all be grouped.
Speaker 4 (10:29):
As the bad people that they can just tell are
bad by looking at us. The words of our new president.
Speaker 1 (10:38):
This is your weekend recap with today's guest, Black Information
Network News anchor Mike Moore. All Right, Next up, this
from Newsweek. A House Republican has introduced a joint resolution
in Congress designed to allow President Donald Trump to serve
a third term while including a caveat that would prevent
Barack Obama from running again for the White House. The
proposal was introduced on Thursday by Representative Andy Ogles from Tennessee,
who said, quote, this amendment would allow President Trump to
serve three terms ensuring that we can sustain the bold
leadership our nation so desperately needs.
Speaker 2 (11:15):
Speaker 1 (11:15):
The twenty second Amendment imposed a two term limit per
person on the presidency. Ogles's resolution would alter the Constitution's
twenty second Amendment to read no person shall be elected
to the office of the President more than three times,
nor be elected to any additional term after being elected
to two consecutive terms. And no person who has held
the office of President or acted as president for more
than two years of a term to which some other
person was elected president shall be elected to the office
of the President more than twice. So yeah, that's pretty
pretty exclusively for one person only. Yeah, so yeah, where
were your thoughts when you first came across the story?
Speaker 3 (12:00):
Can it get any worse in terms of just how
you truly feel about this man? And it also brings
up the point how fearful of you are this man
I'm talking about former president of Barack Obama? How fearful
are you of it? You want something that is so
so much in an exclusion that it is directly geared
towards him, to make sure that you're not coming You're
not coming back, but the door may be open there
may be a revolving door, there may be some leeway,
some sort of swing where I can do it.
Speaker 2 (12:41):
That's horrible.
Speaker 3 (12:42):
Yeah, and we've used that word a lot in our
conversations today. But these are horrible things.
Speaker 1 (12:49):
Oh yeah, yeah, And you know, at least for me,
and I want to get your thoughts, your cue, but
at least for me, you know, the I think the
thing that is becoming more and more apparent here is that,
you know, for me, I'm not accustomed to seeing people
in positions of power like congress people and senators and
so forth. These are people that typically I associate with leadership.
These are accomplished people that have had to mobilize communities,
and they've themselves had to mobilize other powerful people in
order to gain the power that they have. You know,
I'm not accustomed to seeing those people just worship at
the throne of another living, breathing human being the way
that these people do so with Donald Trump, this man
is suggesting that Donald Trump's leadership is the bold leadership
we need, and he needs a third term. And that
would be all well and good if he himself lacked
vision and was only born to be a follower, right,
but this man has power, and so it's like to say, Okay,
he's got the leadership of what this country needs to be,
and let me make it to where he can continue
to do that, as opposed to saying, well, I should
get in line because I can continue his vision into
the future. He's like, let me fundamentally change the nature
of the country so that he can lead more rather
than I agree with him and I think I can
carry that vision into the future. It just shows how
cult like this Maga movement really is, you know, and
it is devoid of personal ambition, it's devoid of morals,
and clearly it's there's these these caveats to where only
Donald Trump can exist in their universe, and not even
a man who has served a presidency twice was still
a capable leadership is even worthy of running again because
of that explicit carve out, which has no.
Speaker 2 (15:01):
There's no reason for it. It's not like a person.
Speaker 1 (15:04):
If a person doesn't serve two consecutive terms, somehow they're
they're no longer qualified or whatever the whatever the carve.
Speaker 2 (15:11):
Out here was was for.
Speaker 1 (15:13):
It's just specifically so that Donald Trump and Bill Clinton
and you know, any of the other living presidents can't
run again, and so I've never seen you know, boot
licking the way that I've seen it here. I know
that was a lot, but but Q your thoughts here.
Speaker 4 (15:29):
So, Mike, how many? How many you think they'll cap
it at for four terms? Until you think they'll set
it up so that once he's too old, he'll get
re elected and then while president will just replace himself
with Baron? Like just just your opinion, do you do
you ramses?
Speaker 5 (15:57):
Do you do? You do you think it will? You
think it will just stop at three?
Speaker 4 (16:01):
Or introduce another bill that makes it where you know what,
no more term limits. The people have spoken, they picked
the guy they wanted. Why would we even vote again?
We fixed it.
Speaker 2 (16:13):
You don't.
Speaker 5 (16:13):
You don't have to vote anymore.
Speaker 2 (16:15):
Exactly, That's what he said.
Speaker 5 (16:18):
And then.
Speaker 2 (16:20):
To twist the knife a little bit. He can run again.
Speaker 5 (16:25):
But that Obama.
Speaker 4 (16:26):
Guy, he had his He had his turn. You know,
he had his turn. I'm a far better president than him.
I'm more popular, I have larger crowds. I have larger
crowds than Barack Obama and Martin Luther King Junior combined.
Speaker 2 (16:45):
Even though that's not true.
Speaker 5 (16:47):
You understand what I'm saying, so.
Speaker 4 (16:50):
The worst part about all of it, and you and
I said this to each other, you know, off air,
this isn't and I told you so moment, because it's
it's so much worse you say I told you so.
When you say, cue, don't make this left. Its traffic
down there, and I make the left anyway, and then
we get stuck in traffic. That's when you say told
you so. When we say, hey, that Project twenty twenty
five thing is real. The dude's going to try to
be the president forever. They're going to take us back
eighty years at least when that comes true.
Speaker 5 (17:24):
It's just not the right time to say I told
you so.
Speaker 2 (17:27):
And who you say to people that are right in
the same boat with you? Right right?
Speaker 4 (17:33):
The find out part that everybody kind of makes fun
of online, we're the ones that have to find out.
His base won't feel bad about any of this. They'll
find a way to trick themselves out of the real consequences,
even those that negatively impact them and their mind. It
won't be Trump's fault, so they won't have this reckoning
moment where they're like, man, I made a mistake. Nope,
they'll find something or someone else to blame it on,
and he'll never have to be held accountable for any
of it is. It is scary watching his master plan
play out exactly how we all, well, not us all,
but how we tried to tell everybody that it would all.
Speaker 1 (18:14):
Right for our final story. This from Face to Face Africa.
Rapper Sexy Red has apologized to Martin Luther King Junior's
daughter for sharing an AI generated photo of herself with
the popular civil rights icon. The now deleted ex post,
which was posted on Martin Luther king Junior Day, featured
the twenty six year old rapper holding hands with King
in a busy nightclub. King's youngest child, doctor Bernice King,
took offense at the post and responded by requesting that
the rapper remove it. Quote this is intentionally distasteful, dishonoring, plorable,
and disrespectful to my family and my father, who is
not here to respond himself because it was assassinated for
working for your civil and human rights. King wrote, Red posted,
you ain't wrong. I never meant to disrespect your family.
My apologies, just reposted something I saw that I thought
was innocent.
Speaker 2 (19:02):
So talk to us a little bit more about this one, Mike.
Speaker 3 (19:07):
It maybe have been innocent in thought, but at the
end of the day, common sense has got to kick
in at some some juncture. And not to give us
young this young black woman pass or anything, but at
twenty six years old, sometimes you have to look from
whence you come? You know, I don't, I don't, I don't.
I don't know how this young woman was brought up.
But someone around her could have easily have told her,
forgive how I'm going to say this. That ain't right, darling.
You know that that's not that's not how you act.
And so eloquently did doctor Bernice King put her response
to her so that she could hopefully understand that. And
I don't know if someone wrote something for this twenty
six year old woman, but I'm so glad that that
message came back to disrupt something that was terribly just
digusting and so so disrespectful and so distasteful.
Speaker 4 (20:05):
Que You know, guys, I've never really understood the sexy
red thing. But to her credit, I was actually really
proud because I saw the tweet before I saw the
full story, and that she had the mental readiness and
emotional intelligence to realize doctor King's family should be respected. Yeah,
sister Bernice, doctor Bernice is my elder. She should be respected.
Speaker 5 (20:46):
Like. She didn't give her no pushback.
Speaker 4 (20:48):
She didn't give her no you know, because this generation
sometimes you know, they they don't like being questioned, they
don't like being you know, called to the front to
say I'm sorry. She didn't give her any any of that.
She was just like, you know what, you are not lying? Yeah,
I should have handled this with better care. I'm sorry,
my bad. Like she she responded the way that we
should when our elders speak to us. And I was
I have to say proud of her for that, because
this is a moment where she's she's you know, she's
popping right now, she's a star, she's you know, she
could have tried to like not just stand her ground,
but like flex a little bit. And because we've kind
of removed shame and accountability from culture at large, she
unfortunately probably could have got that off. And I'm just
glad that she was like, no, you know, doctor, doctor Bernice,
you're right, I'm wrong. I'm sorry. And and and doctor
King was graceful with her, she was kind with her.
Speaker 5 (21:55):
She didn't she wasn't trying to attack her.
Speaker 4 (21:58):
She was just letting her know that you know, oh
baby girl, this this ain't it.
Speaker 5 (22:02):
This is not the move.
Speaker 4 (22:05):
My father is not here and my father and his
children would not have and don't.
Speaker 5 (22:13):
Approve of that. Could you could you take that down
or could you not share that?
Speaker 2 (22:17):
And I love that.
Speaker 4 (22:18):
It wasn't a contentious moment. It was a learning moment
and she allowed it to be that. I was again,
I was proud of her when I when.
Speaker 2 (22:27):
I saw that, Yeah, true told.
Speaker 1 (22:32):
It could have been a lot worse, especially because you know,
Sexy Read was one of those you know, those those
early Trump supporters, and you know her kind of taking
doctor King's image just you know, you could see her
making it make sense because that's what Trump's on. You know,
doctor King wasn't important. He's kind of attacking civil rights.
As you mentioned in the past, he's tried to compare
crowd size to doctor King. It doesn't hold him with
the same in the same like, uh, with the same reverence.
He doesn't regard him with the same reverence as the
rest of the world. And so very easily you could
see Sexy Red trying to do something similar. But you
know she's going to be black forever and doctor and
Donald Trump's going to be president, you know, for the
next handful of years until he dies, and so her
siding with the black folks, particularly you know, doctor Bernice
King was the right move. And plus, you know, to
the people that are looking up to her, you know,
there is still apparently a line that she will not cross.
You know, I could vote for Donald Trump, I could,
you know, be you know, real hood or the Hood, woman's.
Speaker 2 (23:42):
Hero or whatever she calls herself.
Speaker 1 (23:44):
But you know, for her to draw the line in
disrespecting doctor King, at least there is a line that
can be drawn with her. And I say, you know,
that's that's not nothing. So we'll leave it right there.
As always, I'd like to thank you very much, Mike
for your time and your sight and que you as well.
Don't forget These and more stories can be found up
at vinnews dot com. This has been a production of
the Black Information Network. Today's show was produced by Chris Thompson.
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Speaker 2 (24:18):
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Speaker 1 (24:19):
While you're there, be sure to hit subscribe and download
all of our episodes. I'm your host Ramsey's Job on
all social media.
Speaker 5 (24:27):
I am Qward on all social media as
Speaker 1 (24:29):
Well, and join us tomorrow as we share our news
with our voice from our perspective right here on the
Black Information Network Daily Podcast