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September 30, 2022 21 mins

Media mogul Jason Lee, comedian Yamaneika Saunders, and journalist Kara Swisher debate the week’s top stories with Charlamagne Tha God. Plus, Chico Bean gets to the bottom of climate change.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You're listening to Comedy Central. Hey, thank you, travel you
magnificent Baskett. We're back, folks. Is only Thursday, and this
week's already messing at the near long d ms. Okay, man,
the floor to Hurricane so bad, Ron de Santis is
gonna send in the whole damn state the office vineon right,

Joe Biden tried to start a conversation with a dead congresswoman,
though at his age maybe he does see dead people,
you know what I mean, going back and forth. Meanwhile,
the British economy is so bad they're going to dig
up the queen and put her back to work. And
the US stock market, the US stock market lost total
nine trillion dollars of people's money, nine trillion, to quote

the weather girls. It's about to start raining. Men, y'all
know what that meant. Okay, we'll be talking about all
that more my guests Karas Switcher, Jason Lee, and Yaminigga
Queen Dolla. Let's get it. Oh, that's the one man,

all right, it's been a hell of a week in
here to talk about. It is the baddest panel in
late night journalists and the host of On with Karros Swisher,
Carros Swisher's hair, right, the creator of Hollywood Unlocked, He
needs no introduction. Jason Lake and a comedian who stars

in Life and Beth on Hulu, Right, and Ken you
the creative barrass is dropping by the chat with us
later on. But here's what I want to talk about tonight.
Topic one Celtics head coach emy Udoka. I just learned
how to pronounce his name. Uh. He received the one
year suspension for allegedly long stroking a married staffer when

the only long he should have been concerned with is
the one he had at home named Neil. Okay, Now
this is bigger than email and should serve as another
teachable moment from men everywhere to stop self sabotaging. All Right,
it's the reason we are his creamium Black men don't cheat,
But we really have to all lives matter, the situation,
and extend that daily affirmation to say all men don't

cheat because the self sabotage is at an all time high. Okay,
the brother had it all all right. You had a
good diamond chocolate goddess and nil a long. You had
a great job with a white Dennis salary, and you
risked it. Off for the most basic Becky in Boston.
First off, man, what kind of food cheats on? Nia Long?

That's just not bad taste, that's bad karma. What do
you think, Jason, Well, you know the person I blame
for it, right you? Why because you're constantly saying black men,
black men don't cheat when you know, damn well, that's
a lie. I don't know what you're talking about. Listen, cheat,
Ain't he a black man? Say nothing? But seriously, I mean,
he followed the playbook that Jay Z laid out for

everybody that you can cheat on somebody who's rich, successful, beautiful,
who probably smells better than a lot of people that
they've been around, and still get away with it. And
so I don't know, I don't I think he's proving
you wrong. We black men don't cheat is not just
a statement like I'm saying, Hey, black men don't cheat.
I've never heard you saying, but I do. So many

men do this, like they feel like as soon as
they get to a certain level of success, they go
straight to theself sabotage. What is it? I don't know
why I'm having men do what they do, but I
know women better get out here. Start cheating too. See,
that's why we ain't going away because your beIN's got
quiet and somebody cheating on you. I'm cheating on you.
Everybody cheating, And we'll meet up on Thursday and get together.

Thursday will be our relationship basis. You can't stop cheating,
and neither can I. But at least when y'all cheat,
y'all cheat smart. This man was literally sleeping with the
schedulers so all the time. This is why we have
to we have to stop sex shaming. I think ultimately,
grown people are just doing what grown people do. You
still gotta have some type, but asipline no. I guess
it's power and self control, right, yeah? But they there,

let's get this lap and they how many of y'all
got stuff in fro? Listen, I'm a big bitch. I
ain't got it now. I'm telling you right now, listen,
if somebody gonna cheat, you have to be committed. If
you're gonna be committed. If you're not gonna be committed,
don't be committed. I'm a lesbian, so I don't know
what right he right, Hey, lesbians don't cheat, that's not true. Okay, okay, okay,

vindicine with a lot more drama. Um, we don't know
the circumstances this first of all reporter, so we don't
know exactly what happens. It's consensual, no consensu or whatever
power this and that. But I think some of us
do rush to judgment and then there's a Twitter like storm.
There's some very clear predatory behavior, there's some confused stuff
at work. There's all kinds of things. So some of
the things we have to think about is do we

get pleasure the shut freud from like the try guys
or um the guy from Room five. You know, people
get into a meme and everyone justin you don't know
black people to cheat. I just saw that about the
try guys I have. It's not limited. When she said
the try guys, I was like, LG listen man. The

moral of the story is, brothers have to go to
therapy and start healing whatever trauma is causing you. The
self advantage, especially when you're the coach of a historic
franchise in a city that's even more historic for their
racism topic to We've gotten so far down the list
of things from the nineties to be nostalgic about that
we've made it to Cannibals. Monster, the Jeffrey Dahmers story

about the original Munch, is one of the most popular
shows on Netflix. Okay, the creators say they made it
to center on the victims, which conveniently ignores objections from
survivors and the victims families who say they prefer not
to log into Netflix. Here the dumb noise and see
the guy who ain't there husband's ass and not in
the point way. Now that's like like serial Killer, I

didn't say a joke, you said to Actually, yeah, Okay,
when we're telling these true stories, like the TV creators
have a responsibility to the people they're depicting, or stories
just belong to the world. Now, I think it's somebody
who has lost a family member, who's seen his brother die.
I would think there would have to be some crazy
because I would have wrote down on the motherfucker about us.
Saw Netflix commercial come out with my brother being you know,

killed over again. And now there's there's an interview with
one of the sisters of one of the victims, who
was really emotionally like broken at the at the trial.
She said she didn't want her mother to have to
live through it again and now she's living through it,
if she still alive through this documentary. So well, that's
a great point because he was out here eating motherfucker's. Yeah,
you know, as a big bitch, I'm really concerned about

who trying to eat you. Got to stop because I'm concerned.
I'm concerned if somebody's not to eat me. But I'm
glad that now they've removed the b t q's talk
about it, yeah, off of the off the document of
the hashtag, because that's where they were categorizing this, and
I mean, it was I don't know. I just really
feel like how they tried to conflate a lot of
the different topics that we're talking about between cannibalism, the

gay commune, all that. It's just to me, it was
really distasteful. But shouldn't shouldn't we include the bad representation
with good representation because he wasn't a murderer because he
was gay, But he wasn't gay murderer. Yeah, but it was,
but that's not representation. And he was chilling a lot
of gay men, black man black he was killing the
wait I gotta make this point. He was killing black men.

And so this is another point that we have to
talk about when it is talking about black people and
the ship we got to go through, and all of
a sudden, people want to turn into a television show.
This was a black person doing something like that, they
would not make it so sweet and so find him
and where he is and all this. I saw, I
saw him. I think he would The police said that
it wasn't the fact that they were gay and black

that they couldn't catch him. They said he was just
good at what he was doing. Well know, if you
look at it, I mean I did watch the first
episode to see if I got digested that the police
brought one of the victims back to the house and
just left out because he was uncomfortable that they were gay.
So it's really hard because a lot of these stories,
I mean people, The thing is, consumers like these stories.
Audiences watch them, listen. These numbers are crazy for Netflix.

So is it our fault for liking to look at
these things? Is it their fault for making them? That's true.
I mean with a lot of the true crime shows
that it brings awareness the cases that may not have
been solved. Those I understand, but this it just seems
like it's entertainment. Yeah, but it's it's not digestible. I
mean I can watch most things, I haven't been able
to watch it. I don't want to see a white
man eating fourteen year old Asian boys or black man

that I mean, it's just to me. Is this taste
fall the way around? But it's still gonna liign Netflix
bottom line, and they're gonna keep getting money and they're
gonna keep praying on our community because that's what they do.
Or don't you word like digestible what you're talking about? Personally,
I think the problem is a murderer is a getting
too colorful, Like it's hard not to have a morbid
fascination with a dude who made his sloppy joes out
of actual jove's. Like monsters are interesting the people in

America and maybe Domas especially interesting because he's the worst
case scenario of getting angry. You're horrible, trying to have
a sensitive, serious conversation. Angry come back. Chico Being goes
to the beach and me and Kenyan Barrens talks some

Blackish by Hell of a Week In just a minute, Hey,
welcome back to Hell of a Week. I'm blessed to
still be joined by Karas Switcher, Jason Lee, and Yamanika.
That's right. Now, climate change affects us all, but it

doesn't affect all of us the same weight. Having your
house get washed away by rising tides doesn't hurt so
bad if it's only your weekend cottage. Okay, which summer
ending TV spicy is being Chico being took one last
trip to two very from beaches the Hampton's in Brooklyn
to see how the weather feels on both sides of
the economic divide. Watch this. Where are you from? Minute? Brooklyn?

Where you from? Brooklyn, New York? Who do I have
the pleasure of speaking with? Brooklyn? Brooklyn, Brooklyn? His name
is Brooklyn. What is climate change? You gotta believe it's
out there the glaciers melting is so I believe believe
the star of Wormwood is going to be hitting the
bunnet on the Pacific Ocean and that's why the climate

is changing. Okay, Now, are you from this area or
you're from the Happens you grew up in the Happen. Yes,
I'm from the city originally, but I've been living out
here for thirty years. If I do believe in climate change.
I believe it's a good thing. I feel at the
end of the day, it's all bullshit, okay, Going by

the science, it seems like the ocean will come in
and people have to move. Obviously, the environments changed when
I travel in Europe as opposed to hear you could
tell the sun is different. I don't think clim change
that bigger. And they shoot the point where fifty years
here know what's gonna happen in fifty years getting pretty
well though, there's a roma that there's a secret space

art that they are gonna take white people up out
of the earth if the world comes to a hand. Yes,
I've heard about you heard about this was going up
to the moon. You heard about that come along just
coming along hands called all the money in the words. No,
that's how you get into anywhere. You hold the hand
of a lovely white lady and they will let you

in anywhere. So which one you think it's more dangerous?
Climate change or a police officer with a police with
a pistol? Why is that You've never been poured over
by the wind. And I come to the hand, just
this is who I'm coming to hang with, because if
we get poured over. He's gonna eat all the drugs.
What would you be willing to give up to health?
The environment? Um? Using plastic? Using plastic, all right, so

no more protected sex. You're good on that, certain plastics,
certain plastics. What I would really like to give up
first is driving. Don't like turn the shower on while
you're like using the bathroom and like then start texting.
In like ten minutes goes by. What'd you give up?
Strong I have? I'll give up vegan hamburgers because I

never had them, so who care? Really? Yeah? Yeah, Actually
saw a video of a dude drinking bed through a
hot dog. That's kind of other alternatives. Come in, YouTube,
just come in. We don't even need that because that
is the reason this is all messed up, Like it's
his fault. If you could say anything to the old
people that are responsible for messing up the environment, what

would it be, Take up your garbage, guys, kind of
mess stuff, you know, and they like mess up the
world and then they're like, okay, the kids problems. You
just gotta be respectful to everyone's land. We all live
on this earth and it's gotta be for everyone. So
what would you say to the old people who messed
up the world that made it hard for you. What
would you tell him, lean um panel, anything you'd like

to say to those kids, like I'm sorry, maybe, yeah,
I'm sorry, Okay, I have four kids. I think about
this a lot. Like the stuff we face is really massive.
I know everyone was sort of like whatever, but it's
really seriously gonna come down hard, and we have to
start finding solutions all over the place because poor people
will get affected much more. Rich people can go to
that Elon Musk thing in the sky. It'll affect everybody,

but definitely poor people more. But I agree with that
brother that the cops are still more dangerous to climate change,
but also wanted to say that the cops can also
change your climate because when they kill you as cold
in their ground. I'd like to thank Jason and Dominica
for being hell thanks too for us off for Kenyon Bear,
that's gonna get black and when do you come back? Hey,

he wasn't back the hell of a week. My next
guest is one of the most successful television creators on
planet Earth. He's a creative force behind all the is
stuff Blackish Mixed just Grownish. The co writer a Girl's
Trip and his latest work as a television event he
made with Kid Cutty called Intergalactic with Drops on Netflix
September thirty. Please welcome? Can you embarrass? Are you doing?

My brother? You know it's interesting, right because everybody sees
all the success now, but before Blackish, you had a
long career of the TV writer like the Truth. He
wrote and pitched eighteen pilots. I think it was maybe
a nineteen but yeah, yeah, And which one was the
one that hit? It was Blackish. I mean I shot
a few. I'm saying I sow I sold them all.
I shot a few, A couple came close, with Blackish

was the one, and it was the first time. The
reason I think, I was like, I'm tired what people think.
I used to write right shows and I would write
about with black families and then I would change the
names to white family to be like here you go.
Because I was trying to like, you know, right, and
they were a start. Find was like, you know, I'm
just gonna do my story. That's what that's like. People
who like people who lie about being white when they're

trying to get an apartment or you gotta do that.
What do we have to do to get a girlfriend's
movie a mini series because you were a writer on Girlfriends.
You know, Tracy Ellis Ross is going on to have
super success, Like, why can't y'all make that happen? Well,
it's not mine, that's my smart bracket. I'm sure she
would love to connect with you to make that happen.
I would love to see that happen. I'm doing the

closure bro during the Martin pilot, I'm in the Martin
documentary and I looked at the Martin, Um, you know, welcome,
you know what's it? When they come back to reunion? Yeah?
I was like, I literally still watched Martin a knight
and laugh, know what I'm saying, And I'm like, I
would love to see that come back, even if it's
just a one off, you know what I'm saying. So
I think there's there's room to that. Okay, now girls

trip to is that happening? I hope so my deal
happened because I heard that it can't get done because
the women don't feel like they're getting paid what they're
were at this point. I don't know about that, you
know what I'm saying. I feel like they definitely deserved
a check. It was a massive I think it was
the biggest female comedy definitely of the year. Maybe, uh,

talk to us about the Wizard of Oz too. Man,
you recently said that the Wizard of Os tool is
coming out and you want to have more L G
B t Q representation. What does that mean, like, other
than the cowardly line who we know was gay, what
did that mean? I mean, like we talked about, I
think that one was a clickbait moment, you know what
I'm saying. What I really said was I want everybody
I wanted to the Wizard of Lies when it came out,

represent was a mirror turned on the Great Depression and
they lived in the dust ball. It was a mirror
turn to the world. The world got said, I would
love to have the same sort of thing. Not doing
the words, but I would love to turn This is
a great time to turn the mirror on the world.
So I felt like I want to say that, and
it became like I was just gonna make you know,
queer eye version of it. Was it arose That's not
what I'm saying. I feel like I want to make

sure everyone has represented it. When we say representation, like
it always feels like it's about racist sexuality, but like,
why not like black Muslims. Maybe I would love to
why can't all the all munch because be black Muslis fit?
Maybe I'm not I'm open to I'm saying I'm not
even joking like that's a good idea, So I'm not.

I took it with the boats. You got a lot
of hit, right. What do you think your misses have been?
If any? What about coming to America too, Kings, So
let's talk about coming to America troops. Yes, let's talk
about coming I wrote coming to America Troops. I wish

that that there were some things that were done different
than coming to America shoop and I would have loved
to have gotten seen some of the things that we
cut out back. I would have loved to going to Africa.
You know we shot it was it was shot in
Rick Cross's yard, Rick Ross's yard in Atlanta. You know
I wrote there was original character I wrote for Dave Chappelle.
You know that I would have loved that. You know,

I love to have had him, had him and I
think he would have murdered it. And he thought about
doing it, him saying to talk to us about the
animated project you've got with Kid cut him man, it's
the galact It's the sort of the funnest and most
sort of interesting thing I've worked on animation and music.
If you do it right at last, forever, first time
it's ever happened an album. Every track on the album
goes along with with the episode. Um and he held

that music for three years and just for the this
just for a show. And that's the kind of passion
and like it. These are hits. I'm really, really really
proud of it, and I feel like I usually my
name of my production company is gonna be we'll see,
because I never want to say something's great and good
or not. I don't know. I don't want to. We'll see,
We'll see. Give it up with Kenya Barents. Everybody show

to check out Intact on Netflix de Tember thirty when
we come back for a hell of a Week. Hey,
welcome back to Hell of a Week. Now, before we go,

I'd like to take a moment to talk about the
Woman King. No, not that woman King, the original Woman King.
O G. Gail King. Okay, her office, that's right, Her
office is right down the hallway from mine. A god
and a King shared office space only in America. But
what we don't share is breakfast. And when my staff
left a stack of breakfast who flays in the break room,

we did not expect Gail King to take one, nor
did we expect to get a note confessing to the crime. Yes,
it reads, dear Team Charlemagne, I took an artichokes to flay.
I was very hungry. I hope it's okay. If not,
I will pay, And it signed L. King. Oh Gail,

if you're out there, I would like to say you
are a class act. This note proves it. I am
honored you chose to eat one of our artichokes who flays?
And you are giving a master class in kouf by
leaving this note. And also hell yeah, we want to
get paid now. The soup flay itself wasn't too costly,
but with shipping and handling, overhead, security, deposit, interest, inflation,

emotional damages and funitive conversation, my accountants said, you owe
me exactly twenty two dollars in eighteen sins. We take Venmo,
we take PayPal, we take cash, and don't tell me
you ain't got it. Your salary from CBS News is
on Google and we all know your friends with the
original Black Oprah Love you guys, I love you Gail.

I go by the name of Charlottagne the God and
it's been a hell of a week. We'll see you
next Thursday. He to be sure to listen The Hell
of a Week with Charlemagne and God wherever you get
your podcast. This has been a Comedy Central podcast.
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