Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You're listening to Comedy Central. Hello, I go by the
name of Charlemagne Gard and welcome to Hell of a Week.
How y'all feel out there are? Now? I'm gonna try
to get through this show without mentioning one name, and
that name is Kanye West. Okay, So if I do
mention him, just boom me. All right, I'm serious. If
I mentioned Kanye West, boo the hell out of me.
All right. All right, y'all learned fast. Let's get right
to it with a segment we like to call this
Week in Hell Now. Liz Trust resigned as Prime Minister
of England after only forty four days, making her the
shortest serving PM in history. England threw her ass out
faster than Kanye to bar mits for god damnit luxury
fashion brand. But Lynx Yaga is releasing handbags that look
like lads potato chips for eighteen hundred dollars. I bet
you can't afford just one. Correct and circle K assigned
to deal with Green Thumb Industries to sell licensed Mary
Wanta at its Florida gas stations. That's right, you can
now buy gas while buying gas, all right? Um, A
new OpEd came out to day in the Huffeting post
with the headline this rapper is more politically dangerous than
Kanye West. That's right, good, alright, they're calling my good
brother killer Mike worst than Yeah. I want you to
know this headline is some clickbait bullshit. Alright. Calling a
man who may or may not have different politics than
you more dangerous than someone with one of the biggest
voices in the world running around speling hate speech is
beyond the false equivalency. Okay, yeah, yeah, Mike met with
the Republican governor Georgia who's suppressing the black vote. You
may not agree with it, but it's certainly not something
that could lead to a hate crime. All right. Look,
if you haven't noticed, people are tired of both ex screams,
and we're gonna have to start doing business with people
we probably wouldn't have dinner with, alright, because staying in
our own little bubbles is what God is in this
mess in the first place. All Right, Do we really
want to live in a world where a person is
permanently politically and ideologically attached to someone they simply took
a photo with. I don't think so. All Right, We've
got a lot more things to talk about, like two
people to Comedy Central audience loves Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
Queen Isla, let's get it. It's been a hell of
a week in here to talk about it is the
most hupable panel in late night. He's a stand up
comedian and the host of Jim and Sam on Sterous XM.
We have the very funny Jim Norton Right. Uh. He's
Donald Trump's former personal attorney and New York Times bestselling
author of Revenge, How Donald Trump weaponized the U. S.
Department of Justice against his critics. Michael Cohen is here,
and she's a political strategist and author and the host
of This Great Shot, No Chase, a podcast on the
Black Effect Podcast Network. I like to call the Hood
Whisperer TESI, And later in the show, my guy Stephen A.
Smith will be here. Time for topic one. You've got jail.
Donald Trump was finally served by New York Attorney General
Letitia James after allegedly having the location of his classified
documents leaked by his on call diet coat guy but
forty five is also facing a series of criminal investigations,
including tax fraud, stealing classified documents attempting to overthrow the
government and the deal. J says they have enough evidence
to arrest him. Basically, Trump has incriminated himself more than
a Brooklyn drill rappers singing his hit song, I killed
Dad Nigger and he's buried over there. But here's what
I want to know, Michael, you and his man's lawyer,
do you think that he's actually going to jail. I
don't know whether or not he's gonna physically end up
in jail. I do believe he'll be indicted. I'm a
little disappointed that Merrick Garland has not indicted so far
that now they're going to wait for after the mid terms,
somewhere before December. But I do believe he will be indicted. Uh,
And I do believe that there will be a trial.
Do you think America can even hold somebody that powerful,
that privilege in that white accountable and even know how
to point somebody like Trump? No. Absolutely, Again, let's look
at this justice system. This so called justice system has
yet to do anything for the descendants of those who
actually built the capital that they were trying to tear down.
Number one. Secondly, when we look at America, there's two
justice systems, one for white America, one for black America.
Let's just take an example of Tulsa, Black Wall Street
that was burned down to the ground, not just a
few windows that were broken out through an insurrection, but
actually people who were murdered and people that literally tour
the town up. There are three living survivors that are
still alive and well well into their one hundreds that
are waiting on this government to be able to give
them reparations for their claim. So if this same government
ignores that, why would I expect them to now hold
Donald Trump or any other white man in America accountable.
There are more sleigh eats, more men in prison than
those who are enslaved in eighteen fifty. So we say,
reparations now for those that built the capitol and built
the White House. Reparations now for those that are still
the descendants of Tulsa, Oklahoma. And once they do that,
then I can I can get on board with this insurrection. Okay,
you know, nothing nothing for nothing, but nothing for nothing.
But I was in car sway because another guy got
his pecker pulled by a porn star. So at the
end of the day, you know, sometimes white people go
to jail two. Yeah, well, you know what, I apologize
for that. As a person who has also had his
pecker pulled by a porn star, I'm sorry he had.
I wasn't even the one that got screwed, actually I did. Yeah,
speaking of his pecker. Um, somebody who's named I can't
pronounced Michael igor whatever. Uh. He's a Russian source for
the steel Doliya. He was acquitted earlier this week after
being accused of lyne to the FBI. So tell us,
is there a Trump p tape? Okay? So I know,
you know it dependent exist. It does not. And one
of the things when I was testifying before the House
Oversight Committee, one of the things that they had asked
me is exactly that question. And obviously it could have
been easy for me to just turn around and say, well,
you know, I'm not sure. Maybe yes. The answer is
it is not. And one of the ways I can
assure you that it's not is, first of all, when
he had these prostitutes allegedly urinate on the bed because
former President Obama had stayed in that room, clearly what
ended up happening, Well, that's why, that's why supposedly that
was the allegation why he did it, um why he
had them come in? Why wouldn't be on the bed
himself if you don't like he's wearing a diaper. But
more important than that, It's more important than that, there
was nothing. There was no scenario that took place. And
we know that because clearly if there was, there would
have been wet bed sheets, and I guarantee you that
that would have ended up in somebody's They're very detailed
alleged story. It does not exist. Who cared? If you
want to see a Pete tape in me, I'll send
it to you from my phone. Who cares? Is there
any possible way to prosecute Trump without making him a
martyca I think two days can happen, right If they
indict him and don't prosecute him, then his base can say, oh,
it was just a witch hunt. He can role is
based up and they see they keep trying to get
me for nothing. And if they do indict them and
send him to jail and he becomes a martyr, There
any way to there any win in this scenario. No,
because we have to completely separate countries. Right now, we
are so divisive. Republicans and Democrats have never been more
divisive than what's going on right now. The people who
are his supporters are his supporters to the end, and
the people who are his detractors are detractors to the end.
He belongs in prison or at least in some sort
of very strict home confinement. That's that's my opinion. I
don't think any ex president is ever gonna go to jail.
We can't keep a guy in jail if he brings
an axe into a McDonald's or someone pushes a lady
in front of a train, and we can't put the
son of the current president in jail. No ex presidents
are ever going to jail. We need to stop pretending
that's gonna happen. It's never gonna happen to any ex president. Damn,
damn you all. You said, Michael that you don't think
he'll run in No, I don't really why. First of all,
he is a baby ego, he's a fragile ego, and
he cannot stand to be a two time loser, and
he knows that he will lose because statistically he cannot win.
In fact, there was a poll that came out that
says that if he ran against um de Santis in
the primary. He would lose to De Santis, so he
knows where he's going on. Top of that, the great
griff that he is going on. Now he's pulled down
two hundred million dollars plus from these unsuspecting maggots that
are just stoling out their money like it doesn't mean
any you said, right, yes, just want to be clear. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay.
Reminded me of my nickname in high school. Ted. What
do you think you think he'll running again? I don't think. Oh.
I think that one of the things is is better
to be the puppet master than the puppet So even
though he is not running, he's still running. So being
able to have other folks who will be his mouthpiece,
like herschel Walker, other folks who are running for Senate,
other folks that are running for Congress, people that are
even running on the state and local level. That's still
running and that's still winning. So there's I've always been
about who's behind the scenes, not on the scene. So
he's still running. He's running now every single weekend there's
something going on about Trump. Meanwhile, Democrats on the other
side saying, well, let's just take them off Twitter and
that solves the problem. No, it doesn't. They are still organizing.
There's still plot and plan of strategizing, like our brother
Killer Mike says, and they're more focused on what Killer
Mike is saying instead of looking at what people are
not doing, which is organizing and getting people to the post. Michael,
you don't ever just said you don't. You don't ever
get scared about what just in speaking out against Trump,
being that you used to be in an inner circle.
I'm sure you get threats and stuff like I get
threats every single day, But the answer is no. My
My concern right now is for democracy in America and
it's for equal justice, which is why I am so
hard right now on the Department of Justice, because it
needs to be completely reformed. Yeah, I don't think democracy.
I don't think democracy, you know, can truly get saved
if Donald Trump doesn't go to jail. I think that's
part of savings. I agree with you completely. However, it's
going to be very difficult to put a former president
in prison, and the reason is because it wouldn't be
if he was black. It still would it still would be.
And I'm gonna tell you The reason why because for
four years he was briefed on a daily basis for
top secret information. And I promise you that this that
this man would sell those secrets for a book of
stamps or a tuna. So so you think he was
taking classified docts from the White House and stellt a
foreign government. Absolutely, I've been very vocal about that, including
on my own Twitter acount going back to August. They
need to write, now go and not just check Mara
Lago that they've done. They need to check his Fifth
Avenue place. They need to check his golf courses, anywhere
that this man has been. I guarantee you that there
are documents in those places. Herschel Walker. I don't like
his politics, and I don't care. I like the fact
that he's such a ship liar. I think it's fun
to watch a guy who lies the way I do
and I get caught cheating. I never had an abortion,
Yes you did, all right. Maybe. I just like the
fact that he also the Cowboys were built on the
herschel Walker trade. Let's not that is true. I'm a
Cowboy fan, Yeah, so I do. I'm always grateful to
herschel Walker for the Dallas Cowboys of the nineties. Okay, listen,
I don't think Donald Trump is gonna see the inside
of a prison cell. I agree that man is scratched
out more loopholes than the ones he has in his belt.
All right. If if there is one thing that America
knows how to do, it's not hold president's accountable for
criminal behavior, former or otherwise. Look at George W. Bush. Alright,
he fabricated an entire war, and now he's somewhere painting
trees like he's Bob Ross. All right, and I'd love
to have a conversation with him. My panel will be
here hanging out with me after the break, and later
the good brother Stephen A. Smith would be stopping by
for a hell of a week. In just a minute,
Welcome back to hell of a Week. I'm here of
my panel. We got Jim Norton's, Michael Cohen and teslig
Roll and Stephen A. Smith will be joining us later on.
Al Right, but right now it's time for topic too.
That's right. White lives matter. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, No
matter how bad your week has been, I guarantee you
Alex Jones week has been worse I'd say Alex Jones
really shot himself in the foot where he probably just
denied the shooting ever happened. Okay, you got Trump, you
got Kanye and others have also been debunked, d platformed,
and defunded due to that social media rhetoric, which leads
me to ask the panel Tesla, We're gonna start with you.
Everyone is free to say what they want, but we
know freedom of speech comes with a cost, and does
the Jones verdict set a dangerous precedent for what can
be said. I'm a veteran, so I definitely believe in
freedom of speech. I'm not a big fan of cancel culture.
But I also believe that every action has a reaction.
So when you haven't, when you put an action out
there that can cause possibly emotional distress like what happened
this week with Kanye and calls an emotional distress to Gianni,
who was actually George Ford's daughter. When you have that,
there is going to be a reaction and the consequence
you know for your words. Um, So if you put
it out there, you gotta be able to back it up.
Want to back it up with the truth. If you
can't back it up, with the truth that you had
to pay up to pay out a pocket and walk
it like you're talking. Well you think, Michael Well, I
was incarcerated because I've refused to waive my First Amendment
constitutional right and they reminded me back to Otisville. So
I have a real I have a real problem with
the entire thing. First of all, I think Alex Jones
is a horrible human being. Donald Trump is a horrible
human being. Kanye is just I'm not even sure where
he is anymore because he's just saying stuff simply for reaction,
and it is dangerous. What they're doing is dangerous. But
this sets a very interesting present because it's kind of
like what's going on in the UK where if you
defame someone, the plaintiff, if he wins, the defendant pays
the legal feast. But if the defendant wins, then the
plaintiff has to pay the legal feast. So it's a
good idea so that you don't have all of this
um nonsensical litigation that's going on there. But words do matter, Jim,
you're a comedian. Alex Jones is different because he is
legally he defamed somebody, So that's always been on the table.
I don't believe in canceling. People were blaming people because
other people are stupid and they react Andrew Tate. Everybody's
so angry at Andrew Tate. Why. I mean, you're a
dope if you listen to a guy who can says
I'm a success coach. If you go to a guy
and go you're a success coach, I'm gonna listen to you.
You're stupid, insult do what I do, look in the
mirror and realize your life is going to be filled
with masturbation. I had to accept that. You have to
accept that, But I don't like seeing people silence. Make
people use their real names on Twitter, then yeah, eight
percent of all that crap will go away. I think
that people forget just because you have freedom of speech
doesn't mean that you're free of the consequences of that speech. Sometimes,
if you defame somebody, allowing somebody, you might get sued,
but you also might get punched in the mouth. What's
the remedy, though, Michael, for someone who just goes on
social media and lies Because people fact checked your old boss,
Donald Trump all the time and it never made a difference.
Not for him. Again, he has a core group of
people that do not care. When he said that he
could walk down Fifth Aven you and kill someone, he
wasn't joking. And that's the thing, you know. So what
ends up happening He gets thrown off of Twitter and
other forms of social What they just did to you
the same exact thing. Is that enough? I don't think? So? Yeah,
you know, it gives me to Mike. It's like, yo, man,
you you rode with Trump for so long, but then
now that you're not in the circle nor more, you
got so much negative thing to say about it. Remember though,
Remember when I rolled with him, I was working at
the Trump organization. It's a mom and pop real estate company.
None of this mattered. So we had arguments and litigation
against contractors. All of a sudden, the American people care
about the contractor that Trump had a fight with. This
is all new. Donald Trump became the worst version of
himself when he sat behind the Lincoln desk in the
Oval Office. That power went to his head because he
doesn't want to be the president of the United States.
He wants to be the dictator, the monarch, the autocrat.
That's what he wants to be, and that's what we
have to stop. So you're telling me at one point
he was a good person, like I said in my
very first book, he has he does things that are kind,
but he's not a kind man. He does things that
are generous, but he's not a generous man. There were
times that we had great times together when we went
to Miss Universe, when we would you know, travel to
look at real estate deals inside and outside of the country.
So no, every single second of every single day was
not filled with what we're living with right now, which
is chaos. It's hard to have a bad time at
Miss Universe. I think Donald Trump was full of seed
and always has been full of seed and buildings saying
he will continue to be full of seed. Mopinion. Then again,
aren't we I think most people are full of ship.
Like I'm we're all kind of liars on one How
many men have ever cheated? Exactly? Black men don't cheat,
are you talking about? Okay? Now, now, the family of
George Floyd is launching a tent in a fifty million
dollar defamation shoot against Kanye And it's one thing to
take away someone's social media is another thing to take
away their money. Okay, Well, more defamation lawsuits become the
thing that regulates slander. Absolutely, But by the way, it's
always been that way, right defamation, slander or alabel written
or um or spoken. We're going to see more of
this litigation because now with the Alex Jones case, there's
a very significant precedent that exists and people will use it.
But let me let me chime in on that, because
this was not just about slander. As you know, I
work with the George Floyd family, this was emotional distress.
You can't slander George Floyd because he's passed away. This
was emotional distress calls to Gianni, that little girl that
has to relive that trauma over and over and over.
And so if Kanye is concerned about children, like he
says his children, he's concerned about his child and the
emotional stress of his child has to go through with TikTok,
then he should damn well be concerned about the emotional
distress that has called upon Gianni, that little girl that
was that was told this week through that Trash documentary
with Candice Owen saying that he died of fentyl when
it has been proven in the court of law that
he was murdered in front of us all and so
for her to be able to do a documentary that
was all based upon trying to get back a Meaty P. D. Yes,
I gave him a new name. Met Meaty PD is
the guy that that took him away from Kanye. I
called him over P because they said that, they said
he's working with something. So I gave him a new name.
That's a new name. I've been waiting to get that off.
They said he was working with something, so that's how
he got him. So that's what this was about. This
wasn't about, you know, finding the truth. This wasn't about
finding the truth. And to do that to this family,
to do that to this family just for the sake
of your own personal issues Canadas. And I'm gonna say this,
and she can send a season to sit all she
wants to. She intentionally used Kanye to boost that documentary period,
end of discussion. He needed somebody to go against him.
She put out the videos all summer long about Kim
Kardashian to go after Kim for ray J and Kanye,
and that was what was the queer pro cro Trump
style to support that documentary. It's a damn shame and
it's it's wrong. And for her to do an entire
movie that really talks about white tears, some of them.
But and again I encourage people to watch it to
see her. The entire documentary was about how white people
were affected with the protests. They literally had one partner.
They said, oh my god, they made a pin YadA
about you getting beat Oh my god, how could that happen?
The nerve of you to put their pain of a
damn pinyada being beat over George Floyd getting murdered in
the streets. She should be sued and anybody that rock
with us should be sued. And she deserves to get
what we call in the hood a fade. Okay, okay,
a d P. That's one way to look at what
is it? Fade? It's called it's calmonly called DP. I
think it's time to start regulating the internet, all right,
the same way we do TV and radio. You can't
just be out hisp and hate eyes in bigotry with
our fear of any consequences. Okay, do I give my
standards and practice his team multiple heart proppeltations for the
ship that I want to say on air? Yes, all right,
but they also keep me from being sued in d platform.
Plus I always remind them that it could be worse.
They could be working for Kanye our Trump. I want
to thank my panel, Michael Cohen, Tesla Figaro and Jim Norton.
When we come back, I'll be talking with Stephen A. Smith,
boy hell of a Week and just a minute. Welcome
back to Hell of a Week. You know. My next
guest is to host the ESPN is first taking the
brand new No Mercy podcast because Memoirs Great Shoot is
out in January but available for pre order right now.
Please welcome stephen A. Smith. Stup y'all. How are you,
my brother, Na se as. I'm good to see you. Man,
Tell the truth, you're happy. Uh it's basketball season now,
not just because you love basketball. You don't really like
football like that. I love football like that. My Sundays
ain't the same without football. But I ain't gonna lie.
I'm a basketball guy, and damn it. You know what,
football is nice, But that's on Sunday because Thursday night
football sucks, So it's it's on on on Sundays. Just good.
What about Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I
need something. That's why basketball is boy, the only thing
I think you really like about football slandering my Cowboys.
That's it. I think that's what you enjoy about the NFL.
But it does touch my heart to know that Cowboys
fans are miserable. Anytime y'all are miserable. I'm good with
the kids. And Cowboys fans they make me sick. They
really do. They really do. Hey, man, it's one of
the most loyal fan bases and loyal but you know delusion,
know you know, one of fifteen, season three and thirty whatever, right,
I mean, you just get tired of it. It's like
y'all ain't one of twenty seven years and y'all won't
shut up. It really bothers me, man, It just does.
It just does. Now. I know that you said you
weren't gonna be hard on Mr Kyrie Irving this season,
but he recently forward he really he recently said that
Joe Biden President Joe Biden needed to do his job
and regarded the bringing Brittany grinding home, he said, somebody
need to do the job. Those are his words I heard.
I didn't see the pregame speech. To me, what blew
me away was that he told the fans we need
y'all participation. I'm like, really, that's not participation, that's the
whole point. But I'm trying to look at the future.
I'm trying to I'm I'm trying to focus on the past.
And then after you give the speech three minutes later,
day down twenty four and get blown out, I'm gonna
let it go down because I'm in a good move. Okay, Okay,
Now you got the book coming out of Grade Shooter,
your memoir coming out in January. What will readers What
will readers love most about that book? Well, everybody loves
somebody that's real and and you know, you're not gonna
throw You're not gonna be on, You're gonna be dishonest,
You're not gonna sugarcoat what's happened from my childhood, my
relationship with my father, to growing up and dealing with
what I had to deal with through my trials and tribulations,
leaving the ESPN, ultimately coming back, you know, being let
go by them before I left, obviously being you are
something like that. But all of that is gonna be
in the book, and I'm just gonna a lot of
things that people speculated about. It's all gonna be in
there straight from me. Now. I know this book is
probably gonna be turned into a movie one day. I think, so, okay,
who would you have playing you? Because it has to
be different versions, right, has to be young stephen A,
you know, fIF teenage Stephen, stephen A becoming to Stephen
and we know now, damn it, it would have been
Will Smith before the slap. It would have been here
before the slap. I can't go with him now, I
can't go with it. If you don't laugh, he'll be back.
I think he don't listen. He's Will Smith. We know
he's gonna be back, and you know we got love
for him. But you just don't do something like that,
you know, saying and out Stephen. They would do something like, okay,
so mag Smith, Michael b Jordan, Amary Hardwick. You know
he looked. They both look a hell of a lot
better than me. But damn it, I'm stealing from them.
So what do you want me to do? I'm gonna
go with those names. I wouldn't say Jamie Foxx because
he already trying to do Tyson. You know, an impersonation
to you too, Jamie. He does Tyson exceptionally what he
does me. I but he does Tyson really really good,
you know, I say so, I'm not gonna give it
too much credit for that. Now. You know, the other
day you came into the breakfast club. They always coming
ways always don't know that, And it's been on my
mind ever since because you said something before the interview
started that I wanted to ask you about an interview,
but you was rushing out and you said, I don't
even know why you said it, but you said, it's
time to let it go, and you were talking about this. Yeah,
I'm talking about the head. I'll talk about the head.
You're talking about that. Look, look, look see it's easy
for you because you got this big head. So it works.
I got this, I got this nag, I got this
peanut head, knocking snows on the front, nogging in the back.
I don't think that. I mean, I'm struggling to look good.
Why do you think I dressed as far as I look.
I got to have something to speak highly about myself
up and dance trained my looks. But I'm just saying
I'm I'm struggling with it. But but but like every
time see it's the line is here, that's my watch
on TV. It feels like it's head, you know. So
I do look at myself sometimes ago like this. Damn.
I might need to let it go, you know, but
it's still hard. If I had a bigger head like
you or square, big square head, I would do it.
But I'm gonna get there. I'm just not brave enough yet.
Let's see, we we We decided to put together some
pictures you could probably see how you would look. Oh,
I like that? Really? Hell no, hell no, that's no. No,
my head is not that big. I'm trying to tell
you that's the problem. My head is too small. What
about this style? This is a good one. What about
this one? See? Look that's jay Z right there. But
he could get away with it. He's a billionaire and
you can get the phone ones. Jimmy Butler got him
right now. I don't know what's wrong with my roster
Fari brother. I love Jimmy brother. That's my dog, that's
my man. I mean, you know I have west End mine.
You know, I didn't know that my families from the
Atlas oly I was the one born in New York
everybody else St Thomas and Korean Tiga. So you know
I got I mean, I got West India route, so
I don't mind it. But you in Miami, No, that
don't work in Miami tropical in yea whatever. No, you
can't do that. I don't agree with that. Right there,
you can do the acon. You see how acons look
bomb bang or some would say, hell, I'm right there
right now, but that's whack. No, that wouldn't do that.
And by the way, I think my face looks a
little better than that. I've been going to the dermatologist.
I think I think I'm doing not right. So I'm right.
I thought about it for myself too, though. No, you
you're not listen man, you know hell no, stay balls stayed.
You know you look like you look like a black
spot right there. Something I don't know. I don't know
if that works. I don't know if that works. I
wouldn't do that, bro, I wouldn't do that. Now, you listen.
You know we love your takes, ye okay, And I
want to get get something in right now. You don't
have a lot of time. Letts. I want you to
give us these takes and five words and left. I'm
just gonna say a name, five words of left right,
Uh to a tongue, oh be lower a tongue of
a lower concussed dizzy And if he returns, damn, they're disabled. Damn.
I'm praying for him though. Uh, just sell Piste off fairly,
you know, broken problems. You can't be a man promising
a wife. I'm just speculating. I don't know. I ain't
any wrong, but you cannot be a man and promise
your woman numerousications you're gonna be home moore and the
don't be home more not damn it. I ain't never
been married and I know that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh.
The job that Coach Prime is doing at Jackson State phenomenal, phenomenal, inspirational,
trend setting HBCUs on the map because they have That's right,
That's right. Hey, listen, make sure you check out stephen
A's podcast No Mercy. I'm gonna be a guest on
their stud and it's upcoming memoir, Straight Shooter is available
for free order right now. It's a legendary stephen A. Smith. Everybody,
thank you for coming. My brothers. When we come back
for Hell of a Week, Welcome back to hell of
a week now before we go, I want to talk
about protests and protesters. Okay, Protests used to be when
people felt strongly about something, they stayed just sitting or
stand in the front of a tank, you know, get
arrested and make their voices heard. You know, people like
Until Freedom are carrying on that tradition today. But then
you have of others. All right. They're throwing tomato soup
on van goals, gluing themselves the great works of art,
and spilling milk in grocery house. We have protesters literally
crying over spilled milk. All right. Protesters used to be
someone you could respect, and now it's a badger being
a dork. All right. I'm ready to protest the protesters
because these goofy bastards. I've lost it, all right. The
causes may be strong, but the protests are weaker than
the Rico case against Ganna. Alright. We've even got people
tworking on cop cars. Hey, dumb, dumb, you can't moon
walk your way into social progress. You're trying to appeal
to a racist government, not Chris Brown. I'll go by
the name of Charlomane the God. And this has been
a hell of a week. See you're that Thursday, so
be sure to listen to Hell of a Week with
Charlemagne the God. Whoever you get your podcast, this has
been a Comedy Central podcast