Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Gambling was something that I did.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
This is Dan Patrick takes a gamble.
Speaker 1 (00:07):
One of my bookies died at the Kitchen Table, a
podcast vehicle for Dan to talk about his love of gambling.
One bet, another bet, another bet.
Speaker 2 (00:16):
Without doing the actual gambling.
Speaker 3 (00:18):
You're a coward.
Speaker 1 (00:20):
It's easy to have a scapegoat And now joined by
bad Larring, Shay and Irving and Dylan the graphics got
I have friends.
Speaker 2 (00:27):
Here's Dan Patrick.
Speaker 1 (00:30):
All right? Uh, Shay is here in case that's your
first question. Dylan is here. Picture Deray Marvin is here
running the controls. I don't know how well he's doing this.
Feels like you might screw this whole thing up.
Speaker 3 (00:43):
Hopefully not on brand for the show though.
Speaker 1 (00:46):
Okay, So anything you need to recap from your life
after last week? Shay, uh no a therapy tomorrow. That
was Thanksgiving? I survived. I did fine. I did I
didn't drink or do any drugs. There was definitely a
politics discussion at the table that I stayed out of
because it's all moot at this point. Anybody that believes
in democracy really doesn't hold a candle to me.
Speaker 3 (01:16):
They're getting it.
Speaker 1 (01:17):
Do you have a dip in Yeah? It's okay. We're
just spilling that. You almost spilled your white claw on me.
This is my Christmas miracle, Danny, What are you doing Copenhagen. No,
it's fake. It's a cancer freeze.
Speaker 3 (01:30):
It's non tobacco.
Speaker 1 (01:31):
It looks just like Copenhagen. It tastes like Copenhagen. No
free ads, but fully loaded, y'all, full nicotine's strength. Bingo bengo. Okay,
but it sounds like you got to dip in. It
sounds like it. Yeah, it does. I don't know how
professional we want to know.
Speaker 3 (01:46):
I noticed no difference, to be honest.
Speaker 1 (01:48):
Yeah, no, you're kind of sure like that. That's from
the booze.
Speaker 3 (01:52):
That's a stroke.
Speaker 1 (01:53):
Yeah, you didn't get slapped over Thanksgiving? They got close
really yeah. Yeah. They start talking about politics, Danny and
the roommates kicking me under the table, like, don't you
say anything. It's pretty fun. Okice, So therapy tomorrow. This
will be the first time you'll see your therapist since
your apology. Yes, since my apology. The first time I'll
be seeing to whom it made concern, to whom it
may concern. Hopefully she soaked that up.
Speaker 3 (02:17):
I'm sure she's subscribed for concern.
Speaker 1 (02:19):
She probably bought a couple of shirts already. To Danny,
I think she's a fan.
Speaker 3 (02:22):
Fan for life. She's into it.
Speaker 1 (02:26):
If you'd like to get some merchandise from Dan Patrick
takes a gamble.
Speaker 3 (02:30):
Yeah, we've got we're rocking the uh uh I take
it in the can coozies where Larry?
Speaker 1 (02:36):
Where can you get this merchandise?
Speaker 3 (02:38):
You can get at the link in the Instagram bio.
Speaker 1 (02:41):
This is link.
Speaker 3 (02:41):
We're working on getting a formal domain name. Dan Facebook
was taken. Okay, Dan patrick dot com was taken.
Speaker 1 (02:47):
Oh weird. Yeah, somebody's bowguarden that name.
Speaker 3 (02:51):
Yeah, but I looked it up. We can get dp
takes a gamble dot com for eleven dollars a year.
Speaker 1 (02:56):
Okay, it's like a bargain, so right off, that is
nine Uh let me. Uh everybody lost this weekend. I'm
a big winner.
Speaker 4 (03:06):
We were all four and five. I lost two units.
Speaker 1 (03:09):
So yes, yes, I got Dylan losing one and a half,
all right, and Shay you lost one. I'm not counting
the jam you lost. No, no, that was it doesn't
work that way doing it. They were up seventeen to
nothing and a half. Give up. Seventeen and the fourth quarter.
I'm not counting it. That's the one.
Speaker 3 (03:23):
It does count. I had Marshall money line, Bitch.
Speaker 1 (03:26):
Larry, you get the Diego Pavia Award. You put two
units on all your NFL games and uh you fell flat.
Speaker 3 (03:33):
So Larry's making a very late push for the Pavia
Award season winner.
Speaker 1 (03:39):
No, no, no, You've got it like six six weeks.
Speaker 3 (03:42):
Larry's at four two.
Speaker 4 (03:45):
This is my second. That's not true that for a chance,
it's my fourth.
Speaker 5 (03:51):
Yes, r I believe last episode we skipped the Pavia
by accident. But you got it last week too, Larry.
Speaker 3 (03:58):
Okay, secret, Hilarry, you have seven now.
Speaker 1 (04:03):
By the way, the Ohio State Michigan situation postgame awesome,
I love it. No terrible, Oh no, it's so cool.
This is there's nothing wrong with being entertained by violence.
This is America. We enjoy violence, and the fact that
there were cops spraying players with fucking irritant is awesome.
This is only an America, Danny. Okay, awesome, Okay, I
loved that. Let me just kind of put it in
a different perspective. Let's say your daughter's going to the
Ohio State. She ain't playing there, she's on the field,
it's over. She went to No, she's a Michigan fan
and she traveled to see Michigan beat Ohio State. So
she was at the game and she's on the field
and she gets pepper sprayed. You okay with it? Yeah?
I would be asking her a lot of questions about
her decision making process. What are you doing on you
would be at Yeah about okay?
Speaker 3 (04:50):
Okay? So who's she friends with on the team.
Speaker 1 (04:53):
That's exactly she's football players, miss owned. Okay. Have you
been pepper sprayed before?
Speaker 6 (04:59):
Speaker 1 (05:00):
Okay. I got pepper sprayed at Wet and Wild and
Are in Kon, Texas when I was fourteen. That was
the first time I ever got pepper spray. Which one
wet Wild It's like, uh six flags but water.
Speaker 3 (05:12):
Okay? Have you ever been pepper sprayed in like a riot?
Speaker 2 (05:14):
Is this?
Speaker 1 (05:15):
That was the right situation And I got pepper sprayed.
Speaker 3 (05:17):
At the Capitol at January sixth.
Speaker 1 (05:22):
January seventh is the worst day about at the RNC
Saint Paul, Minnesota, where McCain and Palin were the nominees.
I got pepper sprayed there after a rage against Machine
concert on Capitol Hill. It was bananas. I got pepper
sprayed there. Antifa was everywhere. Danny Larry, have you been
pepper sprayed?
Speaker 4 (05:42):
Speaker 1 (05:43):
I have not, don Okay, it's early Dylan, how about you?
Speaker 3 (05:47):
I have not. Actually, surprisingly, I'm not as big of
a rioter as.
Speaker 1 (05:53):
The breathing part is the most surprising. The fact that
you can't breathe it.
Speaker 3 (05:58):
Do they use like bear mace?
Speaker 1 (06:00):
Are like?
Speaker 3 (06:00):
Because I know there's like did they sell like the
little pink ones that like check's carry in their purse.
That's like, I think a lot more mild than.
Speaker 1 (06:07):
Probably what, Yeah, that's just an appetizer. Those don't hurt. Yeah,
from what I hear, uh Ray has since Ray produces this,
Ray says a new segment, great debate. What's better military
flyover at a game or a Creed halftime show?
Speaker 3 (06:22):
What's more patriotic than both of those two things?
Speaker 1 (06:24):
What if? Well, Creed is more spiritual than patriotic.
Speaker 3 (06:28):
But if you ask Shay, those are one and the same.
Speaker 1 (06:30):
Really, what if he was actually flying the plane, Scott Staff, Yeah,
he could do it. You could do it blind for yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3 (06:37):
He could do anything. I think it flew across a
fucking Cowboys stadium.
Speaker 1 (06:41):
No, he didn't do that. Some lacky did. He didn't
actually get in the rope and swing.
Speaker 3 (06:46):
I think he did.
Speaker 1 (06:47):
No, he didn't know he did not. Anyway, the flyover
I think is amazing thing. It's also solely American, and
I think it's badass. If we're gonna waste as many
tax dollars as we waste, we might as well get
how much does that cost? It's got to be a shit.
Speaker 3 (07:00):
That's probably so much money.
Speaker 1 (07:01):
What do you think a million dollars gotta be dumping?
Speaker 3 (07:04):
What do you do the cost to take off and
land one of those fighter jets? It's probably astronomical. Anyways,
I we think, right, yeah it does. That is you'll
never paying for it.
Speaker 1 (07:14):
Yeah, I might as well see some cool ship.
Speaker 3 (07:16):
You'll never feel more.
Speaker 1 (07:17):
Wouldn't you be more willing to pay for something if
you've got a bill that specifically said your tax dollars
are going for a flyover at Texas and like this
pothole and yeah, like you got an actual receipt, right,
that would have been funny. During like the Iraq War,
that could have centered like all the kills you killed yourself.
We killed a thousand insurance based off of your SOID
security tax as well. I mean congratulation.
Speaker 3 (07:42):
Way to go.
Speaker 5 (07:43):
Yes, right, so three bombers over super Bowl costs around
one hundred and fifty five thousand dollars per per plant.
Speaker 3 (07:51):
That's a deal, Purple, Well that's around It probably ends
up being about a mill right. Well, it's those three.
Speaker 1 (07:56):
So you think could I get them for my Christmas party?
Speaker 3 (07:59):
They want a fly one?
Speaker 1 (08:01):
Yeah? Can I get a like a biplane?
Speaker 3 (08:05):
Being economical, you get get a biplane with a banner
behind it?
Speaker 1 (08:08):
I like that?
Speaker 3 (08:09):
Yeah, yeah that you.
Speaker 1 (08:10):
Can probably probably know who the biplane voted for. Tell
you that.
Speaker 3 (08:16):
They voted for Shay.
Speaker 7 (08:18):
Yes, yes, Speaking of your Christmas party, what's on the menu?
Speaker 1 (08:25):
We have Alan's thives. Add we have alligator, don't we're
cooking on the trigger. You're smoking the gate, it's the tail.
It's up to Chad.
Speaker 3 (08:41):
Chad's cooking.
Speaker 1 (08:43):
I'm not gonna be there. On being Vienna Yeah and
then pulled pork. I think we're doing. Is she cooking anything?
Who is she? Super bird? Super Bird? Yeah? Like who's
Sue Bird? Your wife? Oh? I tell you're talking about
super Bird? The basketball? Yes, I'm talking about basketball player.
My wife is Sue Bird. Okay, I'll let her know.
I'll have to explain.
Speaker 3 (09:05):
I don't know a lot of other famous sues.
Speaker 5 (09:08):
Speaker 1 (09:08):
Anyway, my wife cooks a lot of things. If she
cooking for the party, though, I don't know if it's
just Trager thing or what Tragger's doing the grilling stuff,
but yeah, my wife will be cooking. Uh her, She's
got chili that she makes, so she does some nice things.
Speaker 7 (09:22):
Okay, just let yes. I was also saying that because
my wife offered to make oriole balls?
Speaker 1 (09:26):
What what's that?
Speaker 6 (09:29):
Those things went what it sounds like relatively fast?
Speaker 5 (09:32):
What they were in the back room for maybe five minutes,
and there were thirty of them and they were all gone.
Speaker 2 (09:37):
They're that good.
Speaker 1 (09:39):
Okay, if your wife would like to bring some oreo balls,
I'd be more than happy to let me tell me
what an oreo ball is.
Speaker 7 (09:45):
All right, So my wife crunches up all the oriole
balls in this mixer and then she puts them up
into balls.
Speaker 1 (09:55):
Cookies she crunches.
Speaker 7 (09:56):
She crunches up the cookies and then makes them into ball,
makes them into balls, and then puts them in like this.
Speaker 6 (10:02):
Like this batter like this meltz it.
Speaker 7 (10:05):
Yeah, this meltic cake batter basically and base it and
then puts them in the freezer, takes them out.
Speaker 6 (10:13):
They're good to go.
Speaker 1 (10:15):
I don't get it. Okay, well you won't be there.
Speaker 3 (10:19):
Yeah, you're beating Vienna sausage.
Speaker 1 (10:21):
Oh yeah, do you have sausage in Vienna? Oh yeah,
it's like oh I eat okay, pork.
Speaker 3 (10:29):
You could go to art school there too.
Speaker 1 (10:31):
Okay, all right, let me recap here. A bigger disappointment
this year the forty nine ers of the Cowboys niners
for surety okay, okay, everyone except Cowboys are pretty disappointing. Yeah,
oh yeah, I mean but part of me saw this coming.
I wanted to denounced it and said, maybe I'm stupid,
but you lose what five starters, eight contributors and get
nobody in free agency. Part of me was like, we're fucked,
but they were all all in. All right, I'm just
going to ruin Christmas too, Okay, So recamping here anything that. Yeah, Dylan,
you got roughed up in college.
Speaker 3 (11:09):
College was College was brutal. Marshall Moneyline though pulled it
out at the end.
Speaker 1 (11:13):
Congratulates that JM. You yeah, ry bad Larry. Yeah, kind
of hit or miss here, yeah ye yelling.
Speaker 4 (11:25):
No, I'm totally hit or miss. I'm definitely and I
bet I didn't put on a show, but I bet
JM you I was up seven were half shy, and
he come back and went to money line for brutal,
kidding me brutal.
Speaker 1 (11:40):
That might be the first time in the history of
this show that Larry's admitted that he made a bet
that was losing show.
Speaker 3 (11:46):
And you can talk about using bets that you made
off the show.
Speaker 1 (11:49):
No, you only talk about, oh, you know I had
that one right, but I bet that off the show
Max bet.
Speaker 3 (11:55):
Speaker 1 (11:55):
Yeah, you never ever say oh I lost to bet.
That's first time I applaud y, I plug lay, I'm
gonna go lair.
Speaker 4 (12:03):
I'm more than I'm more than willing to share my
losing best. You know I sent these pics in last night.
You think we're gonna I'm gonna bet these with the
bookie on Sunday.
Speaker 1 (12:14):
Because you got already bet them. Now, well you're not
betting these now, you're just telling us you're betting these, right,
I know?
Speaker 4 (12:21):
And and whatever lines you guys get me in.
Speaker 1 (12:24):
I made my bets today, figured out shake shape shape
What is money town today? Because it's the show and
I'm betting for the show. This is what I do.
I'll get weird on Saturday if I'm being stupid.
Speaker 3 (12:37):
Spend money.
Speaker 1 (12:40):
And I think I'm ahead of the line on a
few of these. Honestly, Okay, let's sell, let's get ready, Shay,
you can lead us off with your college football things.
Speaker 3 (12:49):
Wait, Dan, actually, really quick, I have one bad beat
from the previous week. Okay, that Browns game brown Oh yeah,
I had the money line, but I did actual take
the spread as well. Obviously that also lost. But minute
and a half left down too.
Speaker 1 (13:06):
Speaker 3 (13:06):
Every scenario almost except for that one, guarantees that you
cover the spread. And it's just jamis and just true fashion.
He really is just the best. I love that.
Speaker 1 (13:20):
Yeah. Are you checking your phone for a reason? Yeah,
I'm just thinking but my bets. Oh no, nothing else
going on, Danny. Don't worry? Well, no, I do worry.
I swear to God. I almost text you just to
say how you doing for Thanksgiving? Yes? I made it.
This is my best Thanksgiving. However, last year was bad. Okay,
but this is this is you and the room Mader. Yeah,
her Oole family was over the entire family. And do
they side with you on any of this? No? Nothing, No,
I mean they appreciate me now, but they don't trust me, okay,
and they're very you know, I don't know how the
word I'm looking for liberal. So there are some disagreements,
and I you know, I promised that I wouldn't speak
up about anything. Oh, we're not talking about it anymore. No, no,
we are. I didn't speak up about politics. I didn't.
Oh you mean to speak up there? You can speak
up here. I can speak up here.
Speaker 3 (14:15):
Speaker 1 (14:15):
They don't. They're not shows way beneath them. They would
never listen. We're not. We're not saying anything about therapist anymore. No.
And until she rules against me. The tennis wives, Uh,
they're going to drink and they're all going to hell.
Speaker 3 (14:28):
Well, once the show's on NPR, your fuck, they're going
to all listen.
Speaker 1 (14:31):
To it, exactly, Larry. How was your Thanksgiving?
Speaker 4 (14:35):
By the way, I'm fine, No, stress know nothing. It
was at my sister in law camp, the other sister
in law that lives over in Brielle Dan where my
fiftieth birthday party was.
Speaker 1 (14:47):
Oh, Okay, Yeah, I did run into a guy that
it might be the best drinker that I've ever been
around at the wedding reception at Larry's daughter's wedding reception. No, no, no,
this is a guy who was and Larry ranked me.
Was I third on the list of greatest drinkers that
You've ever been around?
Speaker 4 (15:08):
You were third? Dan number one is gone.
Speaker 1 (15:11):
So the guy you bet, yeah one, I knocked off
year two. That's not fair. I'm out. I'm in retirement
right now.
Speaker 3 (15:21):
You're in. You're more like in uh what remission?
Speaker 1 (15:24):
Remission? Yeah? Yeah, but this guy drank what a case
of Heineken in two hours, under.
Speaker 4 (15:31):
Two hours and the bet and our bookies, our bookie
was offering the bet at under four hours and you
can't drink light beer, and he would do it with anybody.
And my boy pulls the box, go goes make it
heine and make it two hours and you got a
bet at twenty four twenty fours and.
Speaker 1 (15:48):
Just co holy shit. So I meet this guy.
Speaker 4 (15:51):
And he was number two with my fiftieth Thursday.
Speaker 1 (15:53):
By the way, Yeah, yeah, the other guy, the first
guy knocked off. So I got this guy in front
of me, and then I met him, talked to him
a little bit, and uh, he's a big guy, big guy.
Did you drink with him?
Speaker 3 (16:05):
Speaker 1 (16:05):
No, he seemed like he was just having a nice
little time with him and he.
Speaker 4 (16:09):
Was drinking sipping whiskey that night. Yeah, you should have
gone whiskey with him, Dan, I guess I don't want
to do that with I don't want to do bourbon
with with Dan. No, I'll go budwise with Dan. I
don't want to go bourbon with Dan.
Speaker 3 (16:23):
Yeah, we know what happened last time.
Speaker 1 (16:25):
Yeah, Larry threw up.
Speaker 3 (16:30):
He did not pants?
Speaker 2 (16:35):
What was that?
Speaker 1 (16:36):
Did you ship your pants when you No?
Speaker 4 (16:39):
No, no, no, Okay, I'm not at that age yet.
Speaker 1 (16:44):
Okay, Shay, I'll start with you with your college football bets.
He had, Danny, I got America plus four and a
half against the Green Wave. Then I got the over
in Western Kentucky Jacksonville State. It's fifty eight now, huh
all right? Uh Clemson I got, dude, I don't know
how the fuck Clemson plus two and a half against Uh, well,
why are you.
Speaker 2 (17:05):
Going against SMU?
Speaker 1 (17:08):
First off? Are you a dabo guy? The cocaine trust funds? No,
I hate Dabo. I think Dabbo's a liar and a cheat.
And I think the fact that he said he would
retire if they ever had to pay that, I mean,
I hate that so much, this Southern Baptist bullshit. I
think he's a fraud. But I still think they're going
to win the game. I got the Battle of Northern
Alabama under forty five UNLV Boise State under fifty eight.
Keno Bengo, Can we not talk about Miami? I know
you talked about it today, but am I allowed to
mention Miami? Am I allowed to? You can? Okay? The
fact that Duke is not ranked as an sec conspiracy.
Bama should not have lost to a six and six
OU team got boat raced by him and they wouldn't
be on you know, talked about being on the bubble.
Miami should be in over Bama. Period. Yeah. Yeah, it's
just Duke not being ranked as bullshit. It's complete bullshit. Wait,
did you have Ohio and Miami of on? Huh? Yeah,
the Northern Alabama. Ohio is just Alabama with shittier weather.
Have you been Ohio? I don't. I lived there, I was,
I was there for Thanksgiving.
Speaker 3 (18:12):
I don't but you don't live there now, Dan Ohio sucks?
Speaker 1 (18:16):
Why is that suck?
Speaker 3 (18:18):
It's Alabama with if you're a state and you have
to if you have to make.
Speaker 1 (18:22):
Got running water in Ohio.
Speaker 3 (18:24):
It's awful. Seen discussed the commercials for people to move
to Ohio. It's like it's like de Vrai University if
you're seeing a bunch of ads for it on TV
over and over again.
Speaker 1 (18:36):
Since it, I've got questions since night. Columbus and Cleveland
are better than any city in Alabama. Oh God, by
the lake, the fuck I haven't. I went to the
Guardians game and I got a foul ball from Jose Ramirez.
I have been okay, and they revitalized it and it
still looks like a shithole. No, Cleveland is Cleveland's great.
Cleveland's a dump. I stayed in the nicest hotel in
downtown Cleveland. It was one hundred and eighty nine dollars
a night.
Speaker 6 (19:02):
That was you wait, is it the enormous like is
that cameriat.
Speaker 1 (19:08):
I don't know. They're all kinds of buildings they redid
and there was a rooftop bar at it and it
was a dump as far as I could see what.
Speaker 3 (19:14):
Are you talking about with Alabama.
Speaker 1 (19:16):
Is such so much better than Ohio. But Alabama doesn't
try and lie who they are. Alabama sucks. Everybody knows
that they got really good food in hot weather Ohio.
I got ship, Orio's got spaghetti chili. Oh yeah, that's
how about a ham sandwich? Like, you know what they
got Midwest charms? What they gone?
Speaker 3 (19:31):
The Midwest charm things kind of bullshit.
Speaker 1 (19:34):
You know it's real, but it's not in Ohio. That's
like might as well be Appalachia. It's in like Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin,
the Dakotas. That's where you find Midwest charm. Ohio is
just an angry step son who got kicked out of
the house. Wait talking about dump rather being the Midwest charm. Yeah,
and your wife falling in love with me? No, that
was just a snake oil sales. Yeah charm, that was
I went in there and charmed her. Well listen, I
charmed her, yeah, because she's never experienced charm. Correct exactly
that good look. Then you could charm me with a
pocket of pills too. Okay, I just spike your drink.
Jingle jingle. Okay, Dylan, you're up next. College football all right,
unlike Shay I got too against America, although he did
have Memphis.
Speaker 3 (20:26):
Uh went outright by what ten?
Speaker 1 (20:30):
Yeah, something like that.
Speaker 3 (20:31):
It was a fluke game.
Speaker 1 (20:33):
Okay, so two.
Speaker 3 (20:34):
Minus four and a half Jojia plus two and a
half against Texas. Dude, I don't that in that Clemson
game boths.
Speaker 1 (20:41):
I understand the Georgia bet. I do I get it?
Speaker 3 (20:43):
Yeah, I don't know. I can't. I can't abide. All right,
I'm running it back with Marshall money line against Louisiana, right,
plus one seventy and then I got Oregon minus three
and a half against Penn State. I already feel like
I'm going to regret this because this seems ratty to me.
All those games they're tough in Penn State. I mean,
Penn State should get blown out by Oregon. But at
this point, who.
Speaker 1 (21:10):
Knows, No, No, I don't know. It's in Indianapolis, right,
that's another dump state. Indianapolis is a city in the
dump state. Okay, what what other state is a dump state?
Oklahoma sucks ass? Okay, Missoo is not really a state.
It's kind of fake. Same with Kansas.
Speaker 3 (21:32):
Kansas actually is totally fake.
Speaker 1 (21:34):
And the entire Pacific Northwest doesn't exist. It's not real.
Speaker 3 (21:39):
It's like Seattle, Portland, Vancouver.
Speaker 1 (21:42):
You mean Vancouver, Greater Vancouver. Nobody ever goes there.
Speaker 6 (21:46):
What states do you like?
Speaker 1 (21:47):
Texas? You gotta like Texas. I like Texas, Like Connecticut,
I like Rhode Island. I like Maine, Vermont, New all
of New England. I like New York, upstate. New York
is cool. The city sucks. Jersey sucks. Georgia's all right,
Florida sucks ass, North Carolina sucks. South Carolina's cool.
Speaker 3 (22:08):
South Carolina.
Speaker 1 (22:08):
Pennsylvania's cool, especially the western half where the actual Americans live.
Speaker 3 (22:14):
Not a big silly guy.
Speaker 1 (22:15):
I like Michigan. Michigan's got some good casinos. I like Michigan.
I love Illinois. That state's a shit show.
Speaker 6 (22:21):
What about Nevada?
Speaker 1 (22:22):
Love Nevada, Give me a break. Reno's the best city. Nevada.
Don't letnybody tell you different. California sucks, Arizona, No, it sucks.
New Mexico. Love New Mexico, the enchanted state. Go to
Santa Fe. Do some shrooms. Go to Georgia. O'keef museum,
check got the flowers? To Mississippi is awesome. Georgia O'Keefe
with the flowers. By the way, it's vagina was not
very well hid.
Speaker 3 (22:48):
It's a pussy dressed as a flower.
Speaker 1 (22:50):
If you wanted to jump in that, lad, she did.
Speaker 4 (22:54):
Okay, Larry to observais from staff say, Western Pennsylvania is
just like Ohio. Man, you can't like Western.
Speaker 1 (23:05):
Better accent way, better way, better accent way, more culture's way,
more fracking, good, good, keep it up. We didn't even
get to Idaho and Utah. Those should be sold back
to the Indians. I like Utah the entire night off
the map.
Speaker 3 (23:19):
Minus like the overarming religious theme fanatics.
Speaker 1 (23:24):
Salt Salt Lake is a sneaky.
Speaker 3 (23:27):
Really nature wise, Utah is probably.
Speaker 1 (23:28):
There's a lot going on in Salt Lake. Yeah, a
lot of rules and regulation. No, there's notine, no, No,
everybody has fairy tales.
Speaker 3 (23:37):
Told ht midnight you don't want to truck drugs over
from Colorado and get popped in Utah.
Speaker 1 (23:42):
And then you had these two golden tablets that only
he could read. When anybody tried to read him, he said, no,
only I could read him. And the second rule was
I get more than one wife.
Speaker 3 (23:50):
You don't say in nineteen seventy four.
Speaker 1 (23:54):
I'm sure no physical evident way back in nineteen seventy four. Yeah,
and Jesus was an Indian. We all know. I'm sure
your religion has a few skeptical moments. Surefy, but it's
thousands and thousands of years old. This shit didn't happen
in the eighties, and nobody can fuck.
Speaker 3 (24:08):
Why did you like better the fight between Michigan Ohio State,
or like the four Ohigo State players who were praying
off to the side while it was going on harder?
Speaker 1 (24:17):
Okay, Larry, what else do you have?
Speaker 4 (24:20):
I haven't given you anything yet.
Speaker 1 (24:24):
It feels like we should be wrapping this up.
Speaker 4 (24:26):
I have Oregon minus the three and a half against
Penn State. I'm as a whole year. I haven't been
a believer in Penn State, so I'm with you Argon
minus three and a half and my coll Again, I
don't have written down here. My college games are one units.
My pro games are going to be two units. So
one unit on Oregon minus three and a half and
just one unit on the under in the Clemson SMU
game at fifty six and a half. They might only
two college bets. I'm afraid of Georgia. There's nothing else
that jumps out at me. I wouldn't bet Louisiana Marshall
with your money down.
Speaker 1 (24:58):
Okay, back to you with the NFL. All right, Danny,
I got the fighting Baker. Mayfield is going back to
the well. I don't care.
Speaker 3 (25:08):
He loved the box.
Speaker 1 (25:08):
I love Baker this year. I love Baker. It's a
great Baker, good Baker. Niners laying four against the Bears,
Bill's rams over forty nine and the fighting Kirk Cousins
five and a half now plus five and a half against.
Speaker 3 (25:23):
Skull returning home. It was six.
Speaker 1 (25:25):
Yeah, revenge game. It was a bounce back game because
last week was fucking bad.
Speaker 3 (25:30):
Kirk Cousins is totally flipped. He used to kill it
in the one o'clock slate and be a total sieve
in primetime and then I feel like it's the complete opposite.
Now Primetime, Kirk, Primetime, Kirk, you can't stop Dylan. Yeah.
I'm going with the Lions minus three against the Packers.
On Thursday night, Dolphins minus six against the Jets. I
was between this or Jets money line because I'm like,
this seems like it's such a Jets game to win.
Speaker 1 (25:56):
But it seems like a big dumber Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 3 (25:59):
I can't bet on the Jets though, until proven otherwise.
Rocking with the Browns plus six and a half against
the Steelers because they're they're kryptonite, and the Chargers plus
four against the Chiefs. I'm calling it right now. Chiefs
win by three late field goal.
Speaker 1 (26:15):
But you're not taking the Chargers money line.
Speaker 3 (26:18):
No, I'm going to take the four points squeeze right
in there.
Speaker 1 (26:21):
Okay, bad Larry? Whoa O Damn Larry? What you got
a lot of You're about to lose thirty units and
you've got a lot of bets.
Speaker 4 (26:31):
You three six, seven, eight Pro games all two units
Saints Monaster five against the Giants. I hear the Dolphins
are only given six out of the.
Speaker 1 (26:41):
Jets six and a half.
Speaker 4 (26:43):
You just gave six, a Dylan.
Speaker 1 (26:45):
Is it six or six and a half? Right? It's six? Now? Okay,
just move thet stop.
Speaker 2 (26:54):
I'm looking.
Speaker 4 (26:54):
I'm looking at what I say in the line. My
line was six and a half when I sent it in.
I don't care the doll blow them out, sick. You
just gave Villing, you just.
Speaker 1 (27:02):
Gave Okay, we just Larry. It's sick, got it, It's
it's six, you.
Speaker 3 (27:09):
Know, Larry want such a good boy. We'll give you five.
Speaker 4 (27:14):
Titans minus the three and a half against the Jags,
Panthers plus twelve and a half against the Eagles, the
Browns get plus six and a half against the Steelers,
the Buccaneers minus seven against the Raiders, the Bears getting
four from the forty nine Ers and the Chargers getting
four from the Chiefs, all two units.
Speaker 3 (27:34):
I actually have to root for Larry this week because
if he does well, I think that basically means I
do well too.
Speaker 4 (27:40):
I think Ray showed you my picks.
Speaker 3 (27:43):
I couldn't read them anyways.
Speaker 4 (27:46):
They're all just circled up in the postry.
Speaker 3 (27:48):
Maybe we're just both brilliant geniuses.
Speaker 4 (27:52):
We're trying to figure out what's going on in the NFL.
I can't figure out College out. I can't wait till
the next week though, when the twelve team start playing,
because we're gonna have a lot.
Speaker 1 (28:00):
Then Okay, I think that's it. Are you doing the
podcast this week? Yeah? I think Friday Danny talk about
the upcoming trip to When are we taken off for
this show? When does this stop? I have no idea.
Speaker 3 (28:14):
It would be the week of Christmas. Christmas week will
be off.
Speaker 1 (28:19):
Will I be calling in from Vienna? This is a question.
When are you going to Vienna twenty first, No, we'll
probably be off. Yeah, then okay, because college football playoff
it starts on the twenty. Well, I got to figure
that out. I gotta like at some point, you know,
we have to have a little bit of a break here.
I can't do this every week. Yep. We have to
get there, I know, but this just is tiring. You
love it. I hate it, you do. I do. I
hate it because I come in and I go. I
gotta entertain. I gotta get the energy up. I got
to make something out of bad Larry. I gotta navigate
you keep Dylan sober ish. I mean, there's a lot
going on here on your shoulders, Danny. I know I
just had shoulder surgery. Yeah. Why do you think I
had shoulder surgery? Carrying these schmucks around.
Speaker 3 (29:07):
The other shoulders? Not long?
Speaker 1 (29:10):
Yeah, I know it's already been cut on. That was
where I carried Sports Center for Oh yeah, okay, yeah,
all right, I might have shoulder surgery coming up on
my own anyway, for carrying your family. Yeah, and all
the fucking weight and decisions of mistakes that I've made,
carrying your your your roommate, carrying my sins with me
everywhere I go.
Speaker 3 (29:31):
Jesus died for them, now, ye I.
Speaker 1 (29:32):
Got three daughters for a reason.
Speaker 3 (29:34):
Yeah, okay.
Speaker 1 (29:35):
Uh So the the podcast uh Shan Irving wherever you
get your podcasts, perhaps coming out on Friday. I still
think you and the roommate would be a good podcast. Crazy.
Don't let her hear that she's going to fucking force it.
You know what? Maybe I I do doctor Phil Oh okay,
you guys, I would navigate that with you too. Yeah,
I would do that on a show. Would she do
it for a podcast? Yeah? I I mean, I don't know.
I think there's an actress still in her that she
wants to. I don't know if she. I don't know
if she would because she would get found out. Like
if if I had a fair therapist, one that no,
I wouldn't everist. Actually, if you're gonna a therapist know
how to keep a secret.
Speaker 3 (30:20):
That, I'm not sure the Menendez guys therapist coward.
Speaker 1 (30:26):
Uh. But if I had a one that was fair,
I think it would be way easier for me. I've
got this. You know, these preloaded pre judge therapists, they
see me coming a mile away, and they're super feminists,
so they just think I'm a piece of shit.
Speaker 3 (30:40):
They that you are.
Speaker 1 (30:42):
No, I'm not. In their eyes, I am. I represent
all that are evil in their life and things that
went wrong in a relationship with their dad and all
this shit. Because I'm not some fucking lay down punk.
They think I'm a prick. That's it. I'm just a
normal motherfucker. Danny. Well, normal, you're not normal. I am
the average man. No you're not. I am the median,
average American man. No, you're an absolutely, yes, Marvin.
Speaker 6 (31:08):
That tattoo on the side of your head says different.
Speaker 1 (31:10):
I'm an artistic person. I love art, and I just
figured I put a painting on the side of my head. No,
the one across to your belly, just to let people
know where I'm from, Danny, so they can identify the body.
You're not normal. Normal, you are not.
Speaker 3 (31:25):
If they just recover your torso you're good.
Speaker 1 (31:29):
Yeah, yeah, got him. Yeah, his wife cut off the top.
This therapist teamed up to murder.
Speaker 3 (31:39):
All the appendages are gone.
Speaker 1 (31:40):
Yeah, they both have held the other end of the
chainsaw there.
Speaker 3 (31:45):
Maybe she'll just do a beheading video.
Speaker 1 (31:48):
She doesn't hostage video. Damn uh On second thought, I
probably shouldn't, doctor Phil. Between you two could make a
real difference in my life. I could. If you think
I could make a difference than I would do it,
I'll bring it up to the roommate. Okay, Well, because
this lady don't take insurance, I might as well give
you an enpartment.
Speaker 7 (32:09):
Is this going to be like a crossover where this
episode would be on both platforms?
Speaker 1 (32:14):
Well, you guys could gamble on what's going to happen again,
we could probably mock up some lines with the points
the roommate's gonna be over under on tiers. You'd have
to do that, oh, like bive minute. We would have
to get like a decibel. There'd have to be something
in there to read the decibels and see how high
her voice would go.
Speaker 3 (32:32):
Okay, beverage is consumed.
Speaker 1 (32:34):
How how deep do we go in before there's tears? Right? Yeah,
before there's screaming? Like I think we could come up
with some lines there and the people could bet on it.
Speaker 3 (32:43):
But then you're gonna have to be fully impartial, because
we don't want you to dive right in with a
fucking killer right.
Speaker 1 (32:47):
Off the bat. Good questions. Uh so that's my that's
my problem. But the problem is that she I mean,
this could be great for me honestly, because she does
like you and trust you for some reason. Yeah, so
why shouldn't she trust me? First off, she doesn't know you,
Danny a B. She just got charmed, that's it. So
like it's like any fucking stales, Like she would buy
life insurance if the guy fucking smiled at her.
Speaker 3 (33:12):
The point remains, and you're an actor. You are an actor,
a trained liar.
Speaker 1 (33:17):
But you would be on my side obviously, ish, and
that would help me in my life because she would
trust your advice, like leave Shay alone.
Speaker 3 (33:27):
I don't know if that's how that would shake out
at all. What do you mean do you think he's
on your side?
Speaker 1 (33:32):
I don't think one hundred percent? What the fuck I
means a couple zeros, it might be fifty one percent
on your side, No shit. As a man, man to man,
I mean, I gotta be fair if I'm going to
judge this, I can't be one hundred percent on your side.
But you will be once you hear the facts. Danny.
If I hear the facts, then I would react accordingly.
Speaker 3 (33:52):
You have to go in blank slate, Yes, I have.
Speaker 1 (33:56):
To go in unbiased. And nobody loves love like I
love life. So on, I'm going to try to bring
out the best in both of you.
Speaker 3 (34:03):
Once you're going a jack of that therapist rate. Maybe
ahead of time you can probably
Speaker 1 (34:07):
Well, that'll do it for this week's edition of Dan
Patrick Takes a Gamble and for Bad Larry, for Shay
and Irving Dylan the graphics Guy, Picture Day, Ray, Marvin
and yours truly have a wonderful weekend and we'll talk
to you next week.