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November 23, 2023 23 mins

Amara has some serious thoughts on how folks should act when visiting someone’s home during the holidays. Do you agree on her rules? Is she being too harsh? What are some of your rules for your holiday guests or rules you live by when hosting family and friends? Leave us your comments by heading over to our My Cultura Podcast Network YouTube channel and clicking on Exactly Amara.

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Welcome, guys, welcome, Welcome to your show, my show. It's
your girl, Amada Lagra and you're listening to Exactly Amada
upproduction of iHeart. Thank you so much for tuning in.
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on Exactly Amada. So with that brings said. We are
in the holiday seasons, Kehiko, let me know what's your
favorite holiday and to gas, how would you okay celebrate
because that's another thing in the Latino a community. There's
a lot of things we don't necessarily celebrate or we
do it just trying to follow the American trends. I

wanted to talk about holiday behavior today. I want to
explore the latest tips and tricks on how to make
the most effective, the most welcoming, the most respectful, you know,
ways of coming over to somebody's house for the holidays.
What are the does and don'ts? What are the things

you can and can do? How should you treat your
you know, your your guests as a host? What are
things you can and can't do? Should and shouldn't do?
All those things are important. If you like to, you know,
have people come over for the holidays, if you like
to be all up in somebody's house for the holidays,
there's some rules and regulations we must follow as the host.

As a host, you know, you also have rules and
relations and things that you should do as well. I
think that that part of the Latino community is that
we love to make other people feel good. We love
to host people. We love the family at the house,
you know, just the welcoming energy of having people over.
We love that. But with those things, either they can

turn out to be really really good or they can
turn out to be a hot mess and you end
up kicking everybody out. You never want to make anybody
you know that comes over to your house feel awkward
or uncomfortable or unwelcomed. So there's things that you have
to do as well. There's rules and etiquettes as well
for hosts and guests and things that need to be followed.
So between one thing and the other, let me start

by saying, I personally am doing a small Thanksgiving get
together here at my house, but then I'm also doing
a friends giving. I've never done a friends giving. I
thought it would be super nice, super sweet, since you know,
my mother immigrated to this country by herself. We really
don't have our family here, and our friends have become
our family throughout the years, and I really love those

because sometimes even your real family aren't as close to
you as a friends that you make along the way.
I was like, say, hey, well, some friends getting better.
I'm a little bit nervous because I am an only
child and I'm accustomed to being by myself. I'm not
a fan of having too many people over the house.
Meeting too many people over the house is like more

than five people over the house, five people. I feel
like I can control more than five people when it's
like twenty thirty people in your house is like get out.
It's good in the beginning, but afterwards, just seeing all
the movement of people in and out, like you're going
to the bathroom, now you're walking out. Now you're over here.
Now you're asking words the toilet paper, where's this, whe's
the napkins? Where's the floor? Is? Well? Let me where's

the water? Can I have some eyes? Can I have this? Mean?
Like the thing? Don't bombay I have? Oh my god,
I can't deal with it. Is that a bad thing?
I'm sorry. I don't mean to be that way anyways.
So here you go. Rule number one, Guest your goals.
The rule number one for your guests. When you're coming

over to someone's house, please be respectful of their rules
and regulations. Please be respectful of their home, their of
their space. This is not a hotel. Their home is
not your personal Airbnb. It is not a hotel. Do
not be annoying your hosts for things that you can

try to figure out on your own. Before you go
to someone's house, ask permission if you want to bring
more guests. If they have invited you, that doesn't mean
that you can come with five, six, ten other of
your friends that you want them to accompany you. They
invited you, you understand me. So if you want to

bring your cousin, your PRIMI, your boyfriend, your boyfriend's mother,
and them, and yes, say papa. Never you say, oh
my god, thank you so much for inviting to the holidays,
you know, party at your house. Do you mind? If
I have a guest over, They may ask you sure,
or they may say how many. When they say how many,

here goes another one. How many doesn't mean bring your
whole entourage. For the most part, it means plus one
plus two and the children isn't automatic. If you have children,
we know that they come with you. And that's you know,
you know, we get that part. So it's oh, me
and andico, that's it. Don't be like, oh, it is

an open invitation. That's important. Oh. I have so many
rules for y'all. Y'all better pay attention. Now that I
spoke about kids, and I was in rule number zero
to one. That's rule number one. Now I'm gonna go
to rule number two. If you have children and your
children are coming over to someone else's home, you must

have you It's important for you to have months of
preparation and training. What does that mean? That means you
teach them the laser eye. If you don't know the
laser eye, is that that latina mom thing we've all
been through that they just look at you and fire
flame just comes out of their eyeballs and you automatically
know not to do it. Teach them that before you

take them to anybody's house. It doesn't mean that you
have to be spanking them all over, you know, the
la fieta. That is slightly embarrassing. And if you feel
that you need to do some mommy daddy tune up,
you do that privately. You take them to the bathroom
like my mom used to do. You take them to
a bathild in the yard somewhere, you know what. Excuse me,
we need to have a moment. Don't be in the

middle of the party trying to spank your kid and
discipline them and do all that extra stuff. Now everybody's
looking at you crazy, like you didn't train her, you
know what I'm saying, Like you're not a good parent,
and now it's a hot mess. Now we're thinking that
you're being abusive to your kid. And now the whole
family has something to say about the way that you're
raising your kids, and then now you became the topic
of conversation. Don't do that, you say, I company mean

so no, you know Menanita and my son, and that
we didn't have a little conversation. You pull them through
an arm, you take them through the bathroom, and you
do what you have to do, or you do it outside.
You understand. Tell your kids as well. Children have rules
and regulations as well. Unless you are under two years old.
If you're under two years old, a lot of things.

You know, we're gonna cutch you some slack because you
don't know no better. But after two, don't touch anything.
Don't ask for anything. Come on, we're Latinos. We know
this stuff. Our parents taught us. Don't ask for nothing,
don't touch nothing. Don't eat nobody's food unless I've given
you permission. Don't look at them like you've been starving
for the past three years, like nobody's speeding you at home.

Don't do none of those things. Don't touch nothing. Don't
be hitting other kids in this party. Don't be doing
none of those things. Wait, if you have to take
a little iPad to do, if you have to do
those little things. Whatever it is that you know that

your kids like to be entertained, please provide those things.
I personally know that my girls is missus Rachel, Miss Rachel,
and you know cocomelon baby shark. I know how to
keep my children entertained and focused. Please be prepared with
your baby snacks, your kids snacks. Unasawa, I need that.
It's important if you have kids over. You know that
in all the Latino parties, your kid is gonna fall

asleep at some point. Make sure that in your car
you have wunasa. I need that, a little blanket, a
little pillo, a little boom boom boom. You already know
how this goes. So you could put two chairs together
and they can sleep. Come on, now, you know what
I'm talking about. Been there, done that. Also, just in
case if your kid is a wild eater, make sure
you have a little tooment and the extra clothes in

the bat and in the you know, in the baggage,
little extra clothes because you know sometimes kids in these
parties they want to eat like they've never had food
in their life. And if they're gonna get their clothes dirty,
all those things you want to make sure that as
a parent, you look like you got this together. Okay,
we've been training in the in the Mommy Daddy military.
We are prepared for whatever situation. So movie right on

after that. It is important people, guest, if you go
to someone house, this is not your personal buffet. This
is not mean that you're gonna bring all the containers
from your house so that when the everybody's done eating,
and even before people are done eating, the people haven't
even had an opportunity to eat, and you're already taking
I ate the pamaiana. I'm gonna take a little bit

of rice. I'm gonna take a little bit of boy
got solid. Don't be that person. Don't be that person
that goes to somebody else's house unless everybody has already eaten,
and everybody's already full, and everybody's already had the realms one, two, three,
four and five, Because you know that's another point, you know,
unless everybody's already eating, when everything is done, then you

can ask you know, your you can ask your host,
whoever may be, my love mama, if hey cousin yo,
you think I can take a little bit of you know,
is anybody can you take a little bit home. Is
that Okay? You ask for permission. Stop acting like you
bought this food. Stop acting like you cook this food.
Stop acting like you gave tip to the chef for cooking.

Don't be that person. Okay, but yes, make sure to
always take a little plastic continues. You can buy them
on the Amazon, you can go to the daughter store,
buy little containers, put it in your car, and then
if they give you permission out of respect. Don't be
taking people's containers from their home. They gay, oh, do
you have someone for me to take this? No, you
know where you were going. You knew there was gonna

be food, and you knew you were your hungry ass
was gonna want more. Bring some containers in the car
and some surround wrapper and be prepared to take your
food for the next five days to your house. But faith,
here goes another situation. If you go to some guests,
if you go to somebody else's house for holidays, you
know where, wherever it may be, please make sure that

everybody you know has eaten. Don't be over here. Okay,
you've never had food in your life, having around one, two, three, four, five, six.
Your plate is the plate is about to fall out
of your hand because you and the potatoes. Don't be
that person. You can serve your silver a little bit.

After you finish that, you go up, and then you
serve your silk a little bit more, and then you
continue til you're done. No regen plato, so you know
you can't eat it and then you end up throwing
it away. Don't be that person, are you guys? Keeping up?
I love it if you're gonna go to somebody's house
and you're gonna have a little bit of to drink, enjoy.

We're having social activities. Let's dance, let's sing, let's do karaoke,
let's talk about once upon a time. You know, our
cousin knows to tell all the family stories. And while
you're doing it, zip sip. The alcohol in the party
is not water. Do not chug it. Like you're at
the club and it's an open bar. You're more than

welcome to have one or two drinks. You know, when
you're feeling a little saucy, that means spota stop, don't
do it. Don't be that drunk family member, our friend. Okay,
especially if you're a friend, if you're not even they
get blood family and you're here as the friend and
now you're being the drunk one. Please do not do that, man, sir. Listen,

there's a lot of rules in regulation. If you guys
are playing domino at these family domino, if you're singing karaoke,
if you guys are playing any family you know games,
I don't know, board games, go fish whatever. Don't be
that competitive family member who don't know how to act.

It's just a game. It's not serious. You ain't nobody
winning no money. And if you aren't gonna win some money,
don't be a crazy to many end. Come on, we're
trying to have a family moment. I think it's important. Guys.
Please make sure to share this episode with whatever you know,
whatever family member, whatever friends it is you might be

wanting to invite over to your home bed. Make sure
you send this to them so they don't think it's
you saying it. Let them know that it's me saying it,
ma'am sir, don't do it. Okay, Now, as much as
I'm talking about the guests, because the list for the
guests can go on and on, let's move on to
the host. If you're hosting an event at your home,

please make sure to be welcoming. Don't invite people over
like you sick of them, like oh yeah, comment no, no, no,
Remember this is the holidays, being benied welcome, I fool,
I need the hugs and kisses, positive energy field in
the spirit, you know what I mean. Don't invite people
over if you're gonna have a stink attitude, if you're

sick of them, if you're like, oh, why did I
even do this at my house? Don't have that energy
because do you want people to feel welcomed in your home?
Rule number one thousand. Also, make sure to have enough
toilet paper, napkins, all the things that you know your
holes are going to I mean, your guests are going
to be needing at one point because remember that, for
the most part, they're not going to come by themselves.

You're gonna have to need, you know, have extra things.
Another thing, if you don't want people over at your
house for these you know, family functions, then don't do
it at your Nobody forced you to do this at
your house. Don't be like no that, don't sit here,
don't touch this, whey is this this? Don't have an
attitude because you have the whole house and the whole

neighborhood in your house. You decided to do this and
invite them over. Please, ma'am sir, don't be having no
attitude because the ain't nobody wasting all their gas online okay,
and dressing nice and getting their haircut and getting their
nails done and all that stuff to bring their family
over to your house for them to feel unwelcomed. Don't
do that, ma'am sir. As well, if you have boundaries

which are respected, you know at your home, please let
them know in the most courteous way, whether it is
before they come to your home or in that space
you can pull them to a side and be like, metam,
I don't I said, foh, can you please not do that?
Not for nothing? Please don't feel bad better, I personally
don't like it. Don't be talking to people like they're

your children with no attitude because you don't want them
touching anything in your house or because you don't like
the way that they're behaving. Please don't do that. No
eye rows, no no attitude. You know that chimosa talking
to the rest of the family members about what are
doing at your house. Don't do that. If you don't
like something that someone is doing. Please feel free to,

you know, communicate with them privately. Don't be talking loud
to your guests in the middle of the family function,
embarrassing them because of whatever it is they need to.
Please learn to pull people to a side to have
those conversations and so and now everybody is talking about it.
Communication is very important, and communication in the most respectful

way is important. Don't be targeting people like they're your children.
Do you understand great? Perfect though. Also, if they're gonna
be sleeping over, make sure that them sheets is clean.
Don't be like, you know, do it the input and
then your sheetsmell like ass. Don't do that. Okay. If
you know that you're having a function in your home,
be prepared, okay to receive people over and then only

that people be taking naps. If people want to take
a nap, make sure that you have a space where
they can, you know, lay down and sleep, whether it
is that you have an extra bedroom or someone eat
that in in the couch with a little pillows somewhere.
Especially if you're gonna be having children over sheets, towels,
you know, like I said before, toilet paper, you know, toothpaste,

little mini brushes that you can get at the dollar store.
Dumb little kids. They're very bourgeois, very cute. One dollar nine.
Sometimes're gonna be a little expensive. Come on now, if
you're gonna have gets over and you're gonna do something,
make sure to do it nice, make sure to do
it with quality. Don't be sheep out here in these
streets inviting the people to your house looking crazy, because
you know your house is gonna be the topic of

conversation on all the WhatsApp chats and everybody's gonna be
talking about anyamo. When I went to foo undeath this house,
but it was trash. The sheet smell like crap. The
toilet paper they're gonna go, don't be buying them, sheep.
You know toilet papers. If you're gonna have people over
that the sheets get stuck to their butt because you
don't want to spend the you know what I'm saying,

the extra two dollars. Come on, let's be tasteful. Let's
do things with quality and class. If you have guests
over and your guests want to hear you know, hip
hop or they I want to hear bat bunny, don't

want to hear about chat that. You know, your uncle
likes to hear his side stuff from you know what
I'm saying, nineteen eighties, whatever it may be, Be open minded,
Be open minded. Remember that you want to make people
feel woke. You don't want to be like, oh, I
don't want to hear that. Change that. No, it is
your home, but it is not necessarily your party. Even
though it is you. You invited people over. You want
to make sure that they feel good, and that means

being open minded musically, food wise, and everything else. Are
you guys following I'm telling you, please subscribe and share.
I know somebody out here in these streets know exactly
what I'm talking about. I know also rules and regulations.
It is so easy to just print out a little
piece of paper if you want to put it on
top of the toilet. Please do not flush any toilet

paper because now you have like fifty people over your
house and everybody forgot. You know what I'm saying. There's
ways of doing things. Please keep these bathrooms. This goes
for the guests. This is not a public restroom. Do
not go out here racing all the toilet and just
throwing it everywhere. And just please let's keep it tasteful
for the next person that's going to come into this
home and to this bathroom. All those things are important.

You may not think about it, but they are important.
Let's be listen. There are so many rules and regulations.
If you have any rules and regulations for people coming
over to your house, can you please hit me up
on the YouTube channel and in the common area let
me know, hit me up with that review. I know
you've been through. Have you ever been through a situation

like this with friends, families, or anything like that. If oh,
my god, if you go to somebody's house and you
break something, don't be acting like it was in you
if you did it, be a responsible dolt and be like, yo,
my bad, it was me. How can I repair this?
What may I do? Don't be out here trying to
act like you, like you, you know five years old
decay I threw Oh it wasn't me, it was you.

We got cameras. Now, don't maybe go into this camera
system and see you drop it. Don't make me go
over here and see you break it. Please be sensitive
of breaking people's things in their home. If you're going
to somebody's house and the host is there and you
know that they're handling a lot of people and they're
taking care of everybody else. Don't be all up in
their face trying to tell them stories. They don't want
to hear, no damn story. They're caught up with everybody

else and making sure that everybody else is comfortable. Everybody
is having a moment because when you're hosting events, you
barely have time for yourself. You're making time for everybody else.
Come on, now, can I get a Hellelujah? You know
I am speaking the truth. Okay, I hate to host
events and everybody's out in my face, ma'am sir, can
you please? You've known me for the past one hundred years.
Why do you want to talk to me at this moment.

I'm trying to do something nice for everybody else. Enjoy
each other's company. I want you to interact with other
you know, other people. Another thing. When you're down here
talking about memory Lane, don't be talking about the bad
stories that you know is gonna make everybody hot and
everybody start arguing. Don't tell no bad stories of like,
oh remember when my cousin cheated on you with forget

Don't be that person. We're here to have positive conversations
and nice interactions. Don't be talking about no negativity. Don't
be trying to solve no family issues in this moment.
You solve that out of the party, don't do you
get what I'm saying. Come on, now, I know you
know where I'm coming from. Another thing, it is important
that you come to you know, whoever's house it may

be with something. Don't come empty handed, ready to eat
everybody's stuff. It could be a bag of chips, it
could be a little sola, it could be it could
be anything. Don't walk up into people's house just ready
to eat up all their stuff and drink out all
their alcohola and not bring out of courtesy. You have

to have a little men not amazon something, a little
bit of wine, a little of chocolate, a little something.
Don't walk up in these people's houses with nothing. They
can just with a plane container ready to take all
their stuff. Okay, don't be that person. There's many things people.
I think is important that we learn how to do

better with one another. Okay, I would love for you
guys to have the best holiday experiences, and I would
love for you guys to share all those things with me.
Let me know how has it been for you? Are you, guys?
You know any family activities you guys, did anything, any
experiences you've gone through, whatever it may be. Oh, I

can't wait to check out all the reviews of your experiences,
because God knows, I'm gonna have a lot to say
after my home you know, holiday party and hopefully their behavior.
They I'm gonna make sure to send this to all
my friends and family before they come over. I ain't
even playing listen. Listen to my podcast before you come over.

That's the rule. As a matter of fact, I should
just give a code and be like, what was the
code at the end of the episode. The code of
the episode is don't do it. Don't do it? Okay,
if you don't know the code, you can't come in.
That lets me know you earn my podcast and you
know the rules and regulations of coming to somebody else's house. Anyways,

that's all for today's episode. I've truly enjoyed it. I
hope you guys did too. I hope you learned something.
So with that being thank you guys so much for
being part of exactly a Madam. Make sure to find
me on YouTube catch my show by sir for Microwduda
podcast on YouTube and clicking on exactly Amada. Follow me
on Instagram at Ammata and Amada al and remember that

this is a production of Iheart's Microfuda podcast network. For
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