Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hi. I'm Jenny. Hi, I'm Carrie. We're best friends and
new moms. We're also the ogs of Hallmark Christmas Movies.
That's right. We've been watching these movies since long before
they became a Christmas juggernaut. And now we're here to
talk all things Hallmark with you because we know you're
watching too. Sit back, relax, and get your Hallmark on.
Speaker 2 (00:21):
We are the Hallmark junkies.
Speaker 1 (00:40):
O MG. We have something spectacular to share with you today.
I am Carrie and I am Jenny. We're also here
with our producer Harry aka my Dog, and I am
so excited today that I'm going to be all over
the place a lot of feelings. It's just gonna be
a lot. I know. I think about you every time
I think about this movie. Yeah, yeah, of course. It's
a holiday spectacular starring Jenna Claire Mason and Derek Kleina. Yeah.
And I'm a big rock Cat fan, but I's not
in the league that you're in. I call this movie
Carrie's Lost Dream subtitle the Amazing Rocket Movie. I. For
those who don't know me, I thing love the Rockets.
I've loved them since I was about three years old.
Much like the movie. I think, Okay, there's one of
two places where I saw them first. It was either
in the Thanksgiving the Thanksgiving Day Parade, which is how
the movie, that's how she sees them, or it's because
they're in Annie, the movie Annie. And I didn't really
know what was going on. But in Annie, Daddy Warbuck's
rents out Radio City so they can go see this movie,
and the Rockettes are there and they're upside down and
they're a little fur en psalm, and it's just I
just love it. I just I didn't for many years,
really understand what was happening. And I don't care. I
don't care. I love the Rockeads. It is my lost
dream that I am not a rocket. I mean, I
never auditioned, but I know that if I would have auditioned,
I would have made it. Because I am not confident
about a lot of things in life. But I will
tell you there is one area where I am crazy confident.
And Jenny knows this. I know that I'm a very
good dancer. Anytime I go to a zoomba class, I
tell Jenny how amazing I am. Every time. Yeah, every
hand that she's about to go to zoomba and where
I will amazing. Yea, I will be amazing. I am
a good dancer. I can't help this, and I know
so much about the rockets. Their height requirement is five
seven to five ten and a half, which I take
issue with because I'm out of the height requirement. Well,
I'm right in it. I'm five, which means I wouldn't
be in the middle of the line, eh, in the line.
I would be in the line toward the end, but
I would be the one on TV because my rocket smile.
I'll do it for everyone and put it on our
social media at homework junkies. I just I just love
them so much and I just want to see them
every day and just kick. I really don't want them
to do anything else. I know. The kicking is the
great part. Yeah, I could never have made it because
I actually can't kick like higher than pretty much like
mid thigh level. But it does very much anger me
that I'm outside of their height requirements. I feel that
they need to just widen them a little bit, like
who cares, especially when they're doing the line. Is anyone
going to notice an extra half an inch or so? No?
I think they're exclusionary elitists, but I still love them,
love them, and I am going to force my daughter
into a life of a rocket. Just what this movie's about.
Oh my gosh, it is is full like a lost dream,
your parents forcing you into a career made for Carrie. Yeah,
I really want my daughter to be a rocket. And
I know she's gonna be like I want to be
a scientist or a doctor. I'm gonna be like gross
stem sparkles, kick those legs man. So yeah, I'm just
I'm just overjoyed about this movie. And I will tell
you that when I heard, and I think it was
in the summer when I heard that they were going
to be doing a Rocket, I think I might have
broke the news to you. I think you did. I
think it may have been a Christmas in July around that, Yeah,
and I think I told you and I just thought,
this is they're going to do this movie. It's going
to irritate me. It's not going to be what I want, right,
And I thought I really thought we were going to
get a Christmas in Dollywood scenario where it's like you're
so excited because of Dolly Pardon and she's on it
for maybe two seconds. Yeah, yeah, I was really nervous
about that, but we got the opposite. Oh yeah, yeah,
let's get into it. All right, let's dive into our
first segment, Picture It. Are you ready? I don't know.
I'm like, I just oh my gosh. I wish you
guys could see carry right now, it looks like she
wants to start like fanning herself in and hyperventilating. Well,
I should have worn like a rocket outfit. Another last dream, Well,
we can re record I don't wanted to ruin your life.
I don't want to send to therapy. We can rerecord
a few my daughter, Yeah, all right, here we go
Picture It, New York City, twenty twenty two. Young Lucy
runs out of her audition, too nervous to try out
for the part of Clara and the Nutcracker. Her grandma,
Maggie said she's gonna help her see that some of
the best things in life come when you're scared, but
you push through it. She decides to tell her a
personal story about her journey to become a rocket and
her own woman, and that story goes like this. Picture It, Philadelphia,
nineteen fifty eight. Margaret is an heiress and social light
in high society Philadelphia, engaged to Maxwell. Her future set,
and that future has nothing to do with what brings
her the most joy in the world, and that is dancing.
I feel you, Margaret. She and Maxwell are not a match.
You know how we know this. She doesn't know Maxwell's
middle name, she doesn't know Maxwell's favorite color, favorite food,
and she doesn't know what brings him true joy in life.
You know what brings me true joy. The Rocket. Margaret
is also the star pupil in her local Philly tap
dancing classes, and after class one day, her destructor tells
her that there's a last minute audition that afternoon for
the Rockets. Margaret decides to try out on a whim.
Can you imagine last spot? She tries out and she's
wearing a turtleneck, which I think was pretty normal at
that time. I didn't dancing in a turtleneck. No, of course,
she had like a turtleneck and just like underwear on
I know, I got that would be bad. That would
be a bad look for me, Another reason why I
can't be a Rocket. Margaret gets the last spot on
the Rocket's dance team, meaning she's supposed to go to
New York on November first and stay there for two months. Now,
she's supposed to stay in Willie Philly in her big wedding,
but she decides she's going to secretly follow her dreams.
So she recruits her family friend Kitty, to agree to
lie to her parents with her and say she's going
to say that she's going to stay with Kitty on
the Upper East Side and get a wedding dress. Do
you know that my nickname in college was Kitty? No?
Yeah it was. And that's just another reason why I
should have been a roquet. Well, Kitty was not a rocket,
to be clear, I know, but she's She's in the
Rocket movie, so you should have been a rocket. Also,
we need to go back to this one dress that
she was wearing, Margaret was wearing at her house and
Phil the green one, the blue one. Oh, I loved it.
There was a lot of stuff in this movie where
I was like, Carrie's gonna I have a lot of
notes about Carrie will love this. Oh my god. It
was just just amazing. So the lie work and Margaret no,
let's start calling her. Maggie makes it to New York
City and makes her way to her Rockets Women's boarding home.
It's a little bit of a root awakening for Maggie.
There's not even a doorman there to carry her on
a ful luggage upstairs. That luggage was fabulous. Before she
goes in with the fab luggage, she physically runs into
a Navy man taking pictures of a lamppost with tinsel
on it. Yes, he's a Navy photographer. Back to the
boarding house, not only is there no door, but she
has to share a room with someone. Gasp, Sofia, her
roommate from Brooklyn. Maggie and Sofia are fast friends and
they meet the other rookie, Janet. She kind of seems
like abroad they're not friends with her yet. But what
else did you like Janet? No? Oh, I thought you
were gonna like her, because Janet was kind of like, look,
I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to dance.
And I feel like if you went on Survivor you
would feel like, yeah, I'm not here to make friends.
That's true, that's true. I didn't even think about that. Like,
this is a competition. I'm here to get my name
in the lights, gets a Broadway out, do you people?
For anyone who doesn't know me, my long lost dream
is to be on Survivor, and to date that has
not occurred, not for lack of trying. But maybe I
think I was so enamored with Maggie and Sophia and
just like the Rockets in the Sisterhood. Maybe that's why.
I don't know, Because they also had Alis the Ra
who was super nice. Like Jane, it was really the
only person there who wasn't very nice. You know. I
like to one Kitty like she shows up a kitties
penthouse and kitties like, oh wait, You're not staying here.
She's like, no, I'm going to go stay in the
boarding house and wherever that was, and Kitty's like, like
bad neighborhood. Then they show the boarding house, it's like adorable, ye,
beautiful street fivers, friendly people. But those were a different times. Yeah,
the gals make it to rehearsal Radio City. They're going
to be doing six hours a day, six days a week,
and then they do two shows a day for a
month straight. All these Rocket gals are super welcoming and nice,
except for Janet. Their wardrobe is amazing. Their first practice,
they do a lot of kicks and I am mesmerized
by their kicks. Like I said, my leg doesn't really
get over like two feet off the ground. I could
totally do the roquet kick. Maybe not like right now,
but I used to be able to. You'll get back there.
Don't worry this movie. Maybe this movie won't inspire you.
And don't you know, I still can push my daughter.
I'm gonna And when I was pregnant, every time she kicked,
I was like rocket they I also thought of you
in the scene because they put on their costumes, the
gold glitter ones. I loved that they practice, like putting
on their costumes and stuff like that, Like how long
is it going to take? Yeah, they had thirty second
because I always think about that when I go to
see a show, which I do love going to see shows,
like they change so quick. Yeah, always think about them.
It stresses me out sometimes. Yeah. Yeah, Well, post rehearsal,
you know, six hours the goals go get a bite
to eat at the local deli and guess who works there,
John the Navy photographer. His parents actually own this deli.
John is clearly enamored with Maggie from the start. He
get trips over his words. It's really cute and Maggie's
really just not two into him. Un tell John mentions
that his plan is to go to NYU and get
a visual arts degree so that he can be a photojournalist.
Maggie's like, oh, oh, maybe you have a little more
to offer John. Do you want to know a fun fact? Yes?
Do you know who's in this movie? Who? Jam Brady?
Who is e've plum? Yeah? I saw it somewhere and
then I was like, where where's jam Brady? Jam Brady
is playing John's mom? Oh, Harriet? I think like, isn't
that crazy? It's so funny because you don't notice it
at all, but then once you know, then it's total.
Oh I wish I had known. Yeah. Oh well, Well,
the girls go to work day in, day out, rehearse,
rehearse for hers, and one day Maggie comes home and
she decides that she's going to call her parents from
a pay phone nearby, which I loved. Yes, I loved
that scene. But she calls home and she tells her
parents that she's decided to stay for two more weeks
because it's going so well, and her intuitive rock at
friends show up right behind her and are like, m
there's something more you need to tell us. So they
all go out for dessert and she tells the girls
that she comes from money and I don't even think
it's new money. Oh no, no, like she she's Kelly
socialite money happening here and I love it when she
said that, Sofia is like, well, then can I borrow
your red coat? Because it's designer. They make get back
to the room that night and we find Sophia crying
and Maggie walks in and it turns out Sophia's sister
died a few years per twin. Yeah, and their dream
was to be rockettes together. That was really sad, but
you know, the Roquettes are a sisterhood. I always wanted
to be a twin till I'd rather be a roquette
than a twin. You might have to give up on
the twin dream, but not the rocket. I will never
give up on the rocket dream. Sophia and Maggie next
go out for a bit of shopping together because they
got their first paycheck, and guess what, they run into
John again, and Maggie also breaks it to John that
there is someone waiting for her back home. John's like, well,
I'm about to leave too, because you know, I'm a
navy man. But he's also just not sure he can
follow his dream of being a photojournalist because his parents
want him to take over the deli. Back to rehearsal
for Maggie and the girls four days until the Christmas
Spectacular starts. But before that, some of them are going
to dance in the Mazi's Parade and guess who makes it. Maggie, Sophia, Janet,
and Alice. They all make it into the break. This
isn't a big deal because maggie parents will not notice
her in the parade, which turns out to be true.
They didn't even notice that she was in Her Mom
even looks at the TV and it's kind that looks
a little like, nah, can you I would die if
I was a Rocket in the Macy's parade. Oh my gosh,
My mom would be beside herself. She would be there. Yeah,
I could see her running out and being like gotta
get a picture. Everybody pos get together. Post parade, Maggie
decides to bail on the exclusive Rocket Women's boarding house
after party, and she just takes a little city walk
and guess who she bumps into again? Oh my gosh,
John and the only Yeah, John and his parents and
they're buying a Christmas tree. It's starting to feel a
little bit like hey, John decides to escort her for
safety on the rest of the walk. It's a perfect night,
and you know what, the only thing missing is snow.
And guess what happens? Snow magical. They have a little
dance also to Noel, which is played by a street performer,
but Maggie makes it home past her curfew ten o'clock. Yeah,
we have made it now to opening night spectacular. That
night was amazing. I loved their outfits and did you notice,
like the the number of people clapping. Usually, like if
you go to a play or something in a Hallmark,
maybe it's like twelve, it's supposed to be a huge crowd.
This was actually a huge crowd. Yeah, it was amazing.
And I love those gold glitter outfits. I know you
must like just as you wear them to work. Yeah,
I wear around the house. We gotta get you one,
but no sparkle bray. That night, post spectacular, the girls
are heading home and guess who's there? John and his
brother Ben, because they brought a Christmas tree to decorate
the woman's boarding house, Ben and what is a cha
Sofia they have a little thing. Yeah, yeah, this is
the first time we find that. And Rose, the house manager,
lets the boys in, which is against the rules because
they brought some corn beef. And she's like, I don't
dec right, I'm Jewish, but you brought corn beef, Like,
come in, I like it. That to me seemed very
New Yorky. This night, Maggie and John spend some time
together and guess what. She finds out his middle name,
she finds out his favorite color, and she finds out
what brings him the most joy. And when she asked
him that, he breaks out pictures of her that he
just developed, which somehow didn't come across as creepy. But
I thought that very creepy. Here's some pictures. I took
a few with your eyes closed. Yeah. Maggie really starts
pushing John, being like, you got to tell your parents
about your dream. You can't just give up on this.
You got to tell them. But she's done the same thing,
like hidden from her parents, and she's hiding this right,
So Maggie writes some letters home to her parents. This
is another scene where I thought about you Carrie because
she's like, I'm having a dres I'm having a great time,
and I'm dressing and glitter. And I felt like that
was your summer camp letter home parents. Well, I never
went to summer camp, but if I had, yes, I
would be like, I'm having a great time at camp
and I'm wearing glitter. Don't worry. So Maggie, you know,
she has a few of these spectacular shows every day.
One day, Kitty decides to come to one of the shows.
She surprises her and she loves it. But Kitty's having
a change of a heart and she's like, you know what,
you need to tell your parents everything, And Maggie kind
of agrees with her, but she's just not quite ready. Also,
every person that sees Maggie in this show is like,
You're like, like, holy smokes, you're amazing. But I feel
like I would say that if I saw some like
someone that I knew casually be a professional, I mean
I would be amazing. If I were to see you,
I would be exiled, obviously, because I'm too tall. Another day,
another show, another surprise visitor. This time John and his
parents come to see the show. She he still hasn't
told his parents that he wants to be a photojournalist,
and she lectures him again about this. Meanwhile, Maggie still
hasn't told her parents anything. John and Maggie go to
see the Rockefeller Christmas Tree together that night. They both
realize that this is pretty complicated and they know they
can't be together, but they also realize they don't want
to be a part and just have to remember being together.
And Maggie has a pretty big decision to make this time,
and John tells her that. So she gets home and
she takes out that engagement ring that Maxwell gave her,
and Sofia walks in and she's like, wait, you're engaged
to Maxwell. And it turns out Maggie's never told anyone
she was engaged, which I didn't really realize until that
moment me either, because she'd mention Maxwell a lot. So
she decides then and there, you know what, it's time
to tell the rents. I also like that. Sophia's like,
so can I try on the ring? Because I would
do that too. So she's going to tell her parents tomorrow,
and tomorrow comes, but the plans get a little messed
up because the parents just so happened to also make
us everybody surprises. Maggie has a note that everyone wants
to surprise her, and she never knows people are coming
to see her. I'm me nuts, so they show up
unannounced at Kitty's house. Maggie has to try to kind
of walk the line, so she has to go see
the parents but also make it back for her performances
that day, and it really doesn't work out all that well.
She shows up late and mister Matthews, who is like
the dance, the head dance, I don't know that's what
you call him. Yeah, he can tell something is off,
so he asks Maggie, like, what's going on. She kind
of gives him a little rundown and he's like, you
know what, at some point you have to let go
of what other people expect you to be and just
be who you are. Yeah, he's like, you know what,
just take the rest of the day off. And she
goes and she meets her parents at a restaurant and
she's about to break the news to him, but guess what,
another surprise guest, Maxwell's at the restaurant. So she does
what I think anyone would do, and she downs a
double old fashioned, easy on the water, she gets some
liquid courage. She's about to break the news and Maxwell's like, oh,
you can tell us in a second. But I've got
you a gift and guess what it is? Rockets tickets.
Mm hmm. This is the opening she really needed. And
she's like, guess what. I came over the rocket. I'll
be there already because I am a rocket. And this
does not go over well. No. Her dad's like, well,
either you come home with us or you know, don't
bother coming home at all. Yeah, you're cut off. Yeah,
Maxwell's kind of just like OK. And then she tells Maxwell.
He's like, oh, people like us don't love each other.
Nobody gets married for love. And he actually is like,
you know what, I'm just happy that you're happy stay
in New York. Yeah. I mean I feel like he
would have been a little mad like that, yeah type,
But he really doesn't care. He didn't care. He was
an odd character, I thought. Meanwhile, John has also decided
to tell his parents about his application to NYU and
that he doesn't want to take over the family business,
and that does not go over well with the parents either.
We have a lot of angry parents, sure do Maggie
then goes over to John. So they go on a
walk that's their thing, yep, and she's like, oh, well,
I broke off my engagement and he's like, wait what
you were engaged? Like you never told me this, and
he is super angry. Things are not looking good for them.
Maggie goes home back to the diner with the girls.
She tells him that what happened. She tells them everything
you know I felt in that moment in the diner,
which I liked, uh huh, but she Maggie was a
little too like smiley for me, Like after this breakup
with John and you know, getting cut off. I know
they're having a sister's moment, but it's still yeah, and
I thought they'd tried to make it like well I
didn't get all these things, but I found myself, so
it's okay. But that's something you would get to that
point later. Yeah. So back to John. Parents still aren't
really understanding this decision that he's made, but he shows
them his portfolio of pictures, his portfolio that he keeps
in his dad's desk, which I'm like, hmm, I feel
like your dad would have seen that. I thought it
was funny that they're like, like, great, you took a
picture of us kissing. Go be a photojournalist. So that night,
Maggie again, she's performing at the Christmas Spectacle I'm sorry,
the Holiday Spectacular, and Maggie's mom and John's mom actually
run into each other trying to come to talk to Maggie.
I did not see that coming. And so John's mom
actually convinces Maggie's mom that, you know, this is where
this girl is meant to be. Maybe you should kind
of see her dance in this show and see how
she glows. She actually changes Maggie's mom's mind. It's the
last show the season. It's Christmas Eve, and Maggie's mom comes,
John's mom comes, and John comes and he's killing it
in a white tux. Do you know I didn't recognize him. Yeah,
he looked so different. And the girls kill it in
the last show obviously, and Maggie's mom comes back and
she's crying if she's telling her how amazing it was,
and she calls her Maggie and not Margaret, and she
apologizes and she's like, don't worry, I will convince your
dad about this. Next John shows up with his mom,
and then Maggie and John have time together. They make
it to center stage and we have a kiss and
they say I love you. Then we cut back to
present day where it's Grandma Maggie with granddaughter Lucy and
the story has convinced Lucy to go audition for the
part of Clara. We also get old Man John coming
out and again a kiss between Grandma Maggie and old
Man John or I guess Grandpa John. At the end
of the movie, it was our stage, it was center stage.
It was amazing. Oh gosh, Oh my gosh. I think
I need a break after this. Yeah, gotta go find
my sparkles. The Hallmark Junkies podcast will be back after
this short break. All right, we are back, Carrie. I
don't know that I even need to ask this, but
one to five CCBSI Abby, this is a five with glitter.
Oh yeah. The whole movie is a glitter toss moment.
It is just tossing glitter left and right. I really
really loved it. Yeah, and it reminded me of a
League of their Own a little bit, but with glitter.
Oh yeah, yeah, I could see that. I yeah, I
normally have a lot more notes when I watch these movies,
and I have very few, because I actually just really
enjoyed watching it, and beyond my obsession with the rockheads,
I mean, I just thought it was a really fun movie. Yeah,
it was really good. And I liked that they said
it in the fifties rather than having it now agreed,
and I loved I mean, like we talked, we got
like actual rock cat performances, not just a cameo. It
was so good. It was just so good. I'm also
with you, five CCBs. This is a great movie. Yeah,
all right, do you want to get into Free for All?
I do? Okay, do you want to go first? I
think I will. Okay. There was a moment where Maggie's
doing laundry. She but she walks into her room and
she has a laundry basket with her laundry, but she
actually hasn't done her laundry yet, because at the end
of the scene she's talking to her roommate and then
she's like, all right, I gotta go help you do
this laundry. So what she comes in with her laundry
basket implying that she just did her launch. Maybe there
was a line, because you know, they all had to
share all the amenities, right, Maybe I just thought that
was funny. Yeah, okay, now let's go to your laundry.
All right. I have a lot of notes on one
thing I got to discuss with you, and that is
the wardrobe. Okay. It was so good. It was everything.
Everything was good. I loved Maggie's outfits. I loved the
Rockets costumes. I love everybody's clothes, even like you said,
the rehearsal clothes where I was like, I could never
wear underwear an eternal next sweat right to rehearse much
less like anywhere. But maybe we should try it. I
don't know, but oh my gosh. There was only one
scene where I didn't like the costume. This was in
the diner and Janet with her dark hair. She had
on a blue dress and she, I swear to you,
she looked like Betty Rebel.
Speaker 3 (26:21):
I mean.
Speaker 1 (26:23):
It was it was like that was her doppelganger. That
was really the only time I didn't like it. I
also I loved the white tucks and I loved that
in every Hallmark movie we get the heroines walking in
in their party dress moment, and this kind of flipped
it and they were like, no, John's going to walk
it in this white tux and look amazing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, No.
I did have a few other notes. Oh, a few
other specific comments on the wardrobe. One the dress at
the end where she had the pin on and it
was like a glitter dress. I was like, oh, Carrie
must love this dress. It was like white with glitter
on it, but it was strapless, which I know you
don't like. And also I loved the red coat and
the hat that Sofia ask to borrow and she figured
out what was designer. Yeah. Yeah, Now along these lines,
I know Maggie showed up with a lot of luggage,
but there was still no way. Yeah that was enough
the amount of clothes and hats and wind shoes and
shoes they had. And my other note on this that
I had is whenever I watch a movie set in
this general period, so I would put like, even though
they're a little earlier, maybe it's a Wonderful Life or
White Christmas, I'm always like, how did they do it?
They always look good? They always were dressed. Huh. If
they went anywhere, they are always done their makeup was.
I mean, you go to the grocery store, you're wearing
a dress with your hair done and makeup, and I
literally don't know how they did. Like I go to
the grocery store and I hope not to see people
because I look so bad, And I just like, where
did they have the time to do this? Yeah? And
their nails are always done and they're perfect, which you
know they're obviously painting their nails themselves, not getting gelmanni's
like we do now, Like how and like when they
travel they dressed up like it was such a different
type of bank. They like where it's I. I simultaneously
wish I was like that, and then I'm like, I
would never have survived. I would have been like it
was this crazy woman, you know, showing how they yoga pants. Yeah,
it just it boggles my mind. And I wish I
could have the time management skills to be able to
always have my hair done. I mean their hair done
was done when they were rehearsing, Yes, and then after rehearsal,
they didn't look sweaty and disgusting, which is how I
look after a danced last Yeah, they looked amazing. And
they would go to the diner. And I have actually
I've thought this about all these movies that in this
time period, and I've asked the question, like, what is
this accurately portrayed, because I know it's the movies, and
I've the general response I've got is like, yes, you
got dressed up to go anywhere. You always you always did,
and I the fifties were so much classier. Yeah. And
the other thing I noticed is, and I don't know
if this is true. I haven't asked this question, but
they walked. She walked a lot in New York, and generally,
if you're living in a big city, you're gonna walk
a lot in heels, yep in he'll. I thought that too,
and I'm embarrassed. But if I'm walking more than let's say,
two hundred yards, I'm putting on different shoes. I'm bringing
the flopsy, That's right. So I mean, just always in
awe of this time period. Yes, I love everything you said.
And my favorite out there was this blue dress that
she wore towards the beginning of the movie that was
like all chaffon. Maybe I just thought it was green
because I didn't it was definitely cheffon. The one I'm
thinking about, you would. I'm surprised that the goo litter
one at the end, you didn't love I liked that
other one better. Maybe it's because it was strapless. I
know you don't like those. I don't like strapless. Yeah,
but sort of along the lines of this kind of
but well, okay, so this movie is in nineteen fifty eight,
airing in twenty twenty two. The costumes or costumes that
they are wearing for the rocket numbers and the numbers
that they're doing are the actual numbers they do today?
Oh was it not the same? I'm guessing it's not
the same. I mean it was interesting too, because they
were like, you know, you're going to be working and
doing the holiday spectacular through Christmas Eve, which now there's
no way they're working Christmas Day. They are working the
week after Christmas. And they also have different rockets doing,
you know, like they have the traveling rockets, they have
the one of them that they pick for TV appearances
like lighting the Rockefeller Tree and that kind of stuff.
But I know that the Toy Soldiers they do that one.
All of those costumes are recent Like if you have
watched the Macy's Parade recently, you've seen them. So I'm
wondering if like in agreement to be able to use
all the Rockhead names and everything if they were like
please sort of promote Yeah, we're doing sure, I'm sure.
But yeah, all the gold Fringy ones, all of those
are current and I'm gonna guess that they were not
the same. Interesting. Yeah, I mean, I don't care. It
didn't take away from the movie, but just like a
fun fact. Yeah, yeah, which I do have another fun
fact about Rockheads and years ago, like over a decade ago,
I wrote a freelance article about the Rockheads where I
did all this research on them, and one of the
things is when they do their kick line, they do
not and they mentioned it in the movie. They don't
touch each other. They have their hands. Yeah yeah, because
if you did, you'd throw someone's balance off. So you
just get as close as you can. You just look
like you just look like it. I was wondering till
if the Rockheads back then and now are like did
they really live in a boarding house? Oh? I was
wondering that too, and like are they really like a sisterhood,
like like almost like a sorority is what they were? Like? Yeah,
But I'm just wondering because typically things can get pretty
catty and competitive. Yeah, yeah, it wasn't. I would guess
it's probably more competitive in this way, but I wish
it was like that. This was Hallmark racket. Yeah, God,
I loved it so much. Do you have any other
any other? I do have a couple things. Every time
John took a picture, he took it basically from his waist.
Oh yeah, I noticed that too, But the upward angle,
nobody wants a picture it will take us look like giants.
It's a bad angle. Like every time I asked my
husband to take a picture, he basically goes to where
John was in the movie. And maybe he should have
been a photographer back then, but I'm like, no, hold
the phone higher. And so I don't know. Was it
a thing with the way that cameras were. I was
trying to remember, like, have I seen other movies where
they do that? Or is that just his artistic interpretation.
Speaker 3 (32:51):
Of making old people always look big in movie or pictures?
But it just drove me nuts that he was always
taking pictures from his waist when he took them. Another
thing I had, So I don't know if you know
this or if I've mentioned this before, but I not
just in Hallmark movies. But in shows and movies, I
don't like flashback scenes. I just don't, and so in
this movie it was different because the entire movie was
a flashback, and I found that I didn't like the
present scenes, like I wish it had just been a
period piece without the addition of let me tell you
my story, because I didn't think it was necessary. I
did like the older version of Maggie and am Margaret
of their kiss, but other than that, I didn't see
then the reason why they would have needed a present day.
Speaker 1 (33:42):
Yeah, they could have just had the whole movie. It's
just been a period piece. Well, my lasting question was
does she get the part of Clara? She got it.
She she's got dancing in her gene. Yeah. I had
a couple more thoughts. Did you have any others? I
think I got all my big ones out, I mean,
because just you know, my general thought of just this
is fast, amazing. Yeah. I liked a couple more things.
I really liked that they spent a good amount of
time in this movie on that whole sisterhood side of it,
which I don't think is very typical. And I liked
that we kind of found a little bit of closure
for all of the girls. Yeah, Like Alice got the
dance captain position, Janet made her first friends ever, and
Sophia got her new sisters. Yeah. I really liked that.
And I also loved that this movie had no small
town vibe, like it was all big city elly in
New York. There was no small town handyman to win
Maggie away from her dreams of being a rocket. So
I really liked that about this movie too. Yeah, I
really I particularly liked Alice's story because I wasn't sure
where it was going to go. That could be a
really sad thing like you've done, you know, this dancing
thing you've aged out now? Yeah, that typically I don't
think ends well no, yeah, but this ended up perfectly Yes,
And she even would get to be dancing at times
like she wasn't to fill in. Yeah, well should we
move to our final segment? Sure? All right, Carrie. This
movie really didn't have much like in common with most
romance novels. Right. It was so physical, And I've learned
from you that physical physical physicality doesn't really translate well
to books, right, I mean it can, It sort of depends,
I think, because you couldn't write those dances, you would
just focus kind of less on it in your writing,
but that would make you not love it. You personally
would not then like it as much because you love
the dancing the Rockets I mean as did I Yeah,
I mean I yeah, I just don't know what a
book about rockets do well? Well? What a book about dancing?
You could have a book about dancing do well? Because
I've read several but the Rockets. I remember reading a
book about but that's rockets. Use the history of the Rockets. Well.
I read a romance once, but it really they did
not focus very much on the Rockets. It was just
kind of like I got back from my performance because
I mean we got to see a lot of performance.
Yeah yeah, yeah, the romance was great. And I think
coming from money and you know he doesn't come from money.
And also the I want to do something different than
my parents want me to do. That's all great for
mosing out on your dreams. I know that hips for you.
I mean, I just cannot believe I never tried out
for the Rockets. How do you even get to try out?
I don't know, I wouldn't know. I can't I've heard
that though, like for the Rockets. They try out like
six or seven times before they get accepted. Oh wow,
it's really hard. I obviously would make it the first time,
and you'd be front and center at the Macy's parade totally.
Oh my gosh, everybody out there, have you ever seen
the Rockets live? I did see them once in Pittsburgh
they were coming through. Go to our social media on
Facebook and Instagram at Hallmark Junkies and let us know
if you ever saw the Rocket Show, especially if you
saw it in New York ooh at Christmas? Yes, yeah,
all right, Kerrie. Final question, does this couple, John and
Maggie make it? But I think we actually know the answer.
So the question is do they make it the next
like two years because they're now in their eighties, but
they make it. Their granddaughter Lucy gets the part of Clara.
Eventually she ages up to the sugar plum Faerry. I
think that Sophia and Ben they make it. I think
everybody in this movie has a happy end. I agree,
and I mean, yes, of course Maggie and John make it,
because they kind of telegraphed that one, right, But I agree.
I think Ben and Sophia definitely make it and they're
still besties. Yeah, and Alice is probably still dance captain,
maybe choreographer, maybe choreographer. At this point, she's probably not
really historian or something. She's still involved Indias. Yeah, and
Janet probably has friends. I hope she does. So life
it's good. Yeah. Yeah, Well that was our podcast on
Holiday Spectacular. Spectacular right, Holiday Spectacular aka Carries Lost dream
the Amazing. We're talking about your lost dreams. I will
always be happy talking about the rockheads because you still
have a dream that your daughter will be a rock cat.
That's right, still alive. Don't disappoint me, honey, No pressure,
no pressure, And we'll see Carrie soon on Dance Bombs.
All right, Well, if you like our podcast, we'd love
it if you could subscribe and or give us a rating.
This is Jenny sing cheers, and this is Carrie saying
we'll see Yin's next time with Sparkles on Merry Christmas.
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