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May 27, 2021 26 mins

With more and more interview opportunities flowing in, Ruben’s latest mission is to go to a recording studio in Manhattan by himself for a sit-down interview. But he finds all his progress endangered when he gets home and his parents have figured out he’s been lying to them about his activities.

Featuring Def Jam artist Stephen Moses & his new song, “Confessions of a Hot Boy.”

Executive Producer: Asante Blackk

Producer: Daniella Perkins

Starring: Asante Blackk and Daniella Perkins

Co-Starring: Bobby Cius, Rayme Cornell, Christopher V. Edwards and Taylor Bettinson

Written by: Taylor Bettinson and Nakia Hill

Directed By: Christopher V. Edwards

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:06):
My anxiety is back in action for the first time
in weeks. It's mostly moved to the background in my
mind while the podcast has been taken off, but tonight's
back in full force. I feel flush and sweaty, my
my nerves jangling, all the usual symptoms. Why does this
keep happening even with my meds. It has something to

do with my parents. Keeping this wall up with them
is mentally exhausting. The fact is I'm still seventeen. At
some point I'm gonna need them on board to move
up to the next level. The time to tell them
what's going on is coming makes for a new kind
of anxiety, a slow burn that just keeps growing and

growing the longer I put it off. Making another attempt
in meditation helps. It helps me see the conflict with
my parents clearly from a distance, and my confused feelings
for Janelle, the worry that Marco is gonna make a
move and kill the vibe that we have going on

as a production crew. It all feels for a moment
manageable part. Of course, I'm interrupted before I can even
meet my personal best Amasily five minutes. I checked my
phone out of the corner of one night and see

that it's from Marker in our group chat with Janelle.
All right, Ben, this one took some legwork on Janelle's
in my part. But one of the artists we've been
emailing with is in town, so we booked you an
interview with Stephen Moses at a recording studio in the city.
Are you free this Thursday? I can make it. Send
me the address. Are you both coming? No, you're flying
solo this time. I've got a date in Marco studying

for a test. A date. Janelle has a date? What
does that mean? Does she have a boyfriend and she
not single? Oh? Forget it. Won't worry about that another time.
At least I don't have to worry about Marco making
it weird. Wait, Marco's studying, since when does he started
doing that? That makes me feel way behind on my
school work? And I have to go into the city alone.

That's just one more lie. I have to tell my parents,
which will only make coming clean harder. Huh, Okay, I'll
figure out a cover from my parents. Honest question, do
you guys think I should tell them about? Here comes
to break immediately both of them show the floating dots
of typing responses, Yes, they should be so proud of you.
You can't keep it from them forever. I don't know.

You know, you don't know Ben's parents. They're nice, but
they could be strict. They have big plans for our
boy that don't involve him becoming a podcast. That's all
the more reason to have the conversation now rather than later.
I hear what you know is saying. But Marco's right too.
She doesn't know my parents. I don't know how to
navigate this, and my hands are for to claim me again,

I type out of response. I'll tell them soon, but
I'm gonna wait till after this interview. I don't want
to give them a chance to say no to me
going into the city alone. Better to ask for forgiveness
than permission. I tossed my phone on the bed and
take my before sleep meds. Try and call my nerves
one last time for the night. It doesn't work. The

pit in my stomach only grows heavier. The only way
out of this it's through. I spend most of my

downtime during the week preparing for the interview. Stephen Moses
blew up on SoundCloud. Hometown in Pennsylvania, like Marco said
a few hours from the city. He's definitely be a
different vibe than my other interview so far. I'm not
gonna lie. Conducting this interview without my team got me shook.
I'm used to having Mark over Janelle around for back up,

and because it's gonna be crossing the line with my
parents if they find out, I'm gonna have to find
a way to break the news about the podcast to
convince them to accept my new passion. But I just
get so shook around them. I don't trust myself to
be confident. I am not mask going around them. I
can just see their faces now, just judging me. Are

you sure this is an impact in your schoolwork? We
just transferred you to this school so you can focus
on academics and not a hobby. Do you want to
live your life selling CDs out of the trunk of
your car? There's only one master p You can be
an engineering, an owner of a tech company, and this
is what you're gonna do with selling c d s

out of my car? What is my dad talking about
c d s? They don't even make seat easy anymore.
This guy here, I am getting piste off about an
imaginary conversation with him. Okay, let me chilly ship almost

missed my transfer. I squeezed through the closing doors and
rushed across the station to catch the F train running
through the human station with musty sense pass street performers
in newspaper stands. The rush of another interview comes back
to me. My adrenaline is pumping like me. Up. Have
reached the F platform and see an express train freshly

loaded with uptown passengers. We're all about the partner. I
make one more mad dash to the doors and I
managed the board. Huh. Just a couple of stops later
and we get to my I'm still panting for my
sprint through west Forth, but I make my way out

of the station and up onto the street. Oh, the
crisp fall wind hits my face and I feel energized
and fresh blood pumping. Interview ahead of me alone in
the city, now's my time. After a few blocks walk,
I arrived at the studio entrance, a heavy steel door

flanked by glass walls with the name Electric Ladies Studios.
I hit the buzzer and in a minute, this big
guy in a black T shirt and black jeans answers
help you I'm Ruben Robinson mask On from the Here
Comes to Break podcast. I'm here from my interview with
Stephen Moses, m nice dride Kid. You're the interviewer. Yeah,

he sizes me up and lets out another gruff laugh.
I'm getting pretty sick of dealing with dormant and after
what happened at the l A The Ghost Show last week,
I am determined not to let this one give me
a hard time when I'm definitely scheduled to be here.
Check the list? What did you say? Your name was again? Reuben? It?
Maybe under here? Comes to Rake or mask On? Mask On?

What's that like? Your MC name? Sort of? No wonder
you go by a handle? You're a little dude. Can
I get in now? I'm running late. I like to
be early for my interviews. There's something else, Yeah, follow me,
I'll take care of the back. The Big Guy leads
me to a lounge area covered an album art from
all the artists who have recorded here, J Diller and
mad Lib, Young Thug and Tiler the Creator. The Big

Guy instructs me to sit and wait. Stephen is laying
down the track and wrapping up another meeting, apparently, so
I sit and I wait review on my notes, but
my eye keeps wandering to the walls. I'm struck, dumb
by the history of the place. I can't wait to
tell Marco about all of this. He'll be so jealous.

As if to prove my point. The door to the
studio opens and holy ship, outsteps Dave East, he played
method Man in the wood Tang series. I own his
album Survival and listen to his paranoia a true story mistake.
All the time. I'm rooted to the lounge couch, starstruck.
Just being in the room with someone like this feels
like I've made it success. He pauses in the lounge

and make side contact with you. Hey kid, you an artist.
I'm still stuck to my spot, knowing this is going
to blow Barcos's mind. I gotta play it cool, don't
blow it, at least spit out of normal sentence. Ruben,
Come on, I'm a journalist. I'm here to enter you.
Stephen Are you're pretty young? How long you've been at it? Oh?

You know, just getting started? Really? Uh? A huge fan
of your work, By the way, we'll keep it up.
I was grinding at it for years before I got signed.
Maybe one day man, you will meet up, you know,
for interviewers. Son With that, he passes out of the
lounge and I collect myself. I think I pulled that
off pretty well. It's only a passing interaction, but to

have someone I admire so much see my potential, it's
incredibly validated. I step to the room he just left.
It's the production suite. I see the board all laid out,
knobs and dials and row after row. The engineer hunched
down over them like he's piloting a spaceship. Yeah, that's
me Here in the studio. The walls are full of

shelves lined with tapes and demo tracks. There are musical
instruments scattered to each corner around the couch that I
plopped down on, and I take out my notes. The
engineer keeps playing back bits of the track that he
and Stephen are working on, tweaking the reverb on the
vocal here, tightening the beat there. It makes me self
conscious about recording this interview on my phone. It feels

like amateur hour. But despite all the putdowns by the doorman,
I feel at home, like I finally arrived. Mask on.
It's ready for the mass to come off. Stephen Moses
turns around in the swivel chair away from facing at
the board. He sizes me up, sees my phone on
the couch beside me, and ready to record the interview.

He smarks a little bit and gives me a look
like well, and then I dive in. And an industry
is constantly trying to define artists. Can you tell our
listeners in your own words? Who is Stephen Moses? I'm

just like this soon as everyone else, just like kind
of different a little bit. I guess I don't really
like to define myself like that. How do you spread
your music to your fans, your followers? I know SoundCloud
played a huge rolling building a fan base. Yeah, it's
really just the word of mouth, you know, ab least
such such gameship like that played the big role in it,

Like it all kind of came when I dropped that
loving video, you know, spread on that song. I don't
really have to necessarily really try to promote it like that.
When did you first know you have found success as
an artist? I mean the way I look at music,
the way I made music, like my recording and writing process,
and that hasn't really changed. But I would say that

ship say, changing in a video came out really so
how do you connect with fans? Can you describe your
fans to us? I just lost? I think in this
this shit, they give this sit and feels they're not
lost them maybe they have a guide or even if
they don't, maybe even if they still feel lost, they
could feel okay in that abyss that they might find

themselves in, but they might feel comfortable with themselves. And
I think I give people that feeling. It's not music.
And why do you think that truth to feeling lost
resonates with the audience because they always has just before everyone,
I don't know, everyone's just kind of figure out what
the funk they're doing. It feels like this just therapy

feel out of these kids. That's what music was for
me growing out, And mean it still is okay. What
what was that song in your life where you were like,
I see myself for my life in this track or
or in this artist? Have you ever heard the song
there is a that never goes out the smith because
I felt like someone was someone seeing like exactly what
I was screaming. And like I said about how my

music makes people feel okay with how they're feeling I
think it gave me that affirmation. That's the stuff. So
these days you move from Pennsylvania to l A with
so much civil arrest going on, how are you feeling
with all the protest things. Honestly, I see more unity
in this country unit I've probably seen in the past

twenty years. It sucks that it has said happened like this,
and then some of this ship has to be going
on to make that happen. I don't really want to
connect like to too much on it, but just a
lot of unity, a lot of ship like that. I
don't know. The only time I ever felt unity like that,
honestly was you know, Whaii. There was this mountain called

Mounticare that they're China build a stip telescope on. So
people are all ended together blocking off this road. It's
like a thousand people from different parts of the world
gathered up for this is one cause, and they were
all doing their different ceremonies and people would dancing for
all perfect games. Think and that was the last time

I ever felt anything like when I'm feeling right now
in the end, what do you want your legacy to be?
I want my legacy to be and want I want
to show people there's a way out, whether you have
to make music or paint or not make art at all.
I just want people to know there's like a way out.

Do you have any advice for kids or how to
seek help and man and stress and anxiety? Really, I
guess it would depend on the person. But you know,
in most cases more people care than than you think.
And if you are looking for help, actually it's usually
there and not always, I guess, but if you're looking
for it long enough, if you find it. And for parents,

parents need to chill the funk out. They need to
chill out and stop trying to make their kids. We're
fucking uniforms go to school. I didn't go to school.
We'll go Good support from parents or other mentors look
like to you guys that aren't, like I said, when
you're overbearing with it and just push these people in

the other draction, he usually gets hard to listen to
some of me that's trying to tell you exactly what
to do. We'll be right back and now back to
the show on the right, back out to Queens. I'm

wrangling with the results of the interview. It was a
challenge Stephen Moses had me walking around the studio building,
following them out of the production suite to the kitchen.
It's a tougher interview that I'm kind of used to.
I felt like I didn't get him to open up
until he started talking about his fans and activism. But
when he did, the stuff he said about parents resonated

with me. By the time I get back to the house,
I've missed family dinner. I told my parents I was
hanging out of Marco's after school. They don't usually check
up on stories like that, but as soon as I
come through the door, I could tell something's off. They're
waiting for me at the dining room table, looks of
concern on their faces. Hey Mom, Hey Dad, what's up?

I pretend like nothing weirdest going on, but the vibe
in the room is cold. Reuben, where were you tonight?
What do you mean? Don't lie to us, young man.
I called Marco's house to let y'all know Marco left
his sunglasses here last week. I meant to remind you
to take him with you. They said you weren't there,
damn it, this is the worst case scenario. Instead of

breaking things to them gently, I've been caught exactly what
I've been hoping to avoid. My stomach drops like a
brick in my gut. Marco's parents must have asked him
if he was in on the alibi, but I'm sure
he denied it. And I have to find a way
to have this conversation without getting grounded, or it's gonna
make producing the podcast twice as complicated. I dropped my

bag by my feet and decided to level with him. Okay,
I was out interviewing a new hip hop artist, Stephen Moses.
He's just blowing up, and I met him at a
recording studio to ask him a few questions for this podcast.
Stop started. It's called Here Comes the Break. It's a hit.
I see it on their stunt faces, just like I

imagined earlier. They have no idea how to respond. This
is not the explanation they were expected. But in the
courtroom by it picks up. When did you start doing this?
About a month back, Marco took me with him to
a show he got invited to for his follower account.
That was our first interview, but and we posted it

got a lot of traction, and we've been trying to
feed the beast every week since why didn't you tell
us I was going to Eventually it started out just
as an idea between Marco and me, but it's it's
growing so fast it got out of control, and I
couldn't risk you shutting it down like you shut down
my Vine account when that blew up. If they look
stunned by my reveal of the podcast, they seem even

more confused by my raising the subject of my Vine account.
It's suddenly so clear that this has been on my mind,
but it hasn't crossed theirs and ears. I feel a
flushed in the past your Vine account. Seriously, Ruben, you
were too young. I scanned all the comments on that
viral post. Do you even know what kind of threats
and insults those trolls were thrown at you? Being an

Internet celebrity is not sustainable for children. It can make
you crazy, and you have to be careful. We are
being careful. It's just you and Marco doing this podcast,
Marco and me and my new friends. And so when
the three of you went out to a show the
other week, we were handing out merchant book and future
guests for the show. They're still trying to wrap their

heads around it. I don't know what they were worried
about what I might be into, but podcasting wasn't on
the list that are off balanced. I feel like I've
scored an opening to get them to realize this is
a good thing. But Marco was at his house today
when you went to this recording studio. Were you alone?
This one might be tough. I'm calling the one Lie.

I knew they'd be pissed about going into the city alone,
especially with the heightened news about police brutality. Mom, I'm
almost eighteen. I don't need a damn chaperone. So that's
a yes. Well, this isn't about a chaperon, Reuben. Come on, now,
we have talked about this. When you're going out to

strange places, you should have friends with you. Your cell
phones should be charged. Do you know what it's like
having a black son in America? Hell no, my son
will not be another hashtag. Not on my day. I'm watched.
I pray God, I pray down to the heavens every

time you leave this house. I don't sleep comfortably at
night until you are home, safe and sound. Ruben. I
need for you to hear me. You should not be
in the city alone. And if you are, you tell
your parents you're a whereabouts. It's for your safety and
my peace of mind. Damn it, Ruben, honey, it's okay.

He's here, He's safe, Ruben is safe. I can't live
in constant fear ma. I want to put myself out there,
and this, this podcast is my chance. I can't just
keep my head down and and go to Howard and
put on a suit and tie somewhere. This is about
my future. I know you two are trying to help
me go down a good path, but you gotta give

me fucking womb to live my own life. I don't
think you're hearing your mother ship. I'm needed. I take
a second to catch my breath. I'm the one who
has all the baggage here. I just started spewing it
at him with my mom asked me a simple question.

I feel half balanced on edge. I need to get
out of this conversation alive. Okay, listen here. You do
not talk back to your parents like that. Express yourself
with some self control. If you have other issues you
want to talk about, that's one thing. But the matter
at hand, as you have been lying to us, sneaking

around to God, knows where sometimes alone, you are so grounded. Fuck,
I'm not getting out of this conversation alive. I played
right into this two weeks. No going out after school
or on weekends. We're not saying you can't do your
podcast project, but we can't just roll over on this

sneaking around. Do you understand? Do you understand this isn't
just a little project. This could be a legit business
for me. Watch your mouth and tone, young man. Where
I come from, we don't do that. Sorry, your dad said,
you can record the damn podcast. Talk back to us again,

and we'll pull the plug on it. It will be
a wrap on all of it. Please know? Can I
at least throw out for production meetings with Marco and Janelle?
I gotta be able to pull my weight. Do them
on your laptop. Shit, I screwed up. I hate being
a minor. This conversation is over. You can go to
your room. Son. We'll discuss the parameters of this at

another time. My head upstairs and I immediately get to work,
figure and out how to work around this ground and
in my head, Janelle, I'll still see a school. We
got a couple of extra interviews bank, Now where I
later go to st body so we don't have to
get another one for a high second. Gives us time
to regroup. It might be time to invest in some
legit podcast and Mike's set up my home studio for real.

I'll get out from under this. Here comes my jail
break and now an exclusive track from Stephen Moses huh
boy to Coco Prime. Oh, coh Prime. Oh. I think

I've been buried down on came but I cying, Oh boy,
call crying, Oh oh, I've got burring down. Better bring
down bear. I still don't give a fund yet. Realistically,

I don't think I'm ever gonna I go down there.
I want to smoke. I never asked for this ship.
I hope you know that, and I hope you know
that every fucking thing you gave me a cat. How
about I'm out side at your steps. I'm far hanging
on my chest. I'm sorry for all the stress, and
I'm on my life and to mess up. And I said,

how come I gonna wake up? Would it be dead?
Let it just then? No, I'm just gonna keep on
getting more painted lately. Ever thinking about changing then I
realized only one thing ain't change it if I said
I love you, oh, it's just playing. Honestly, I think
I'm crazy and I don't know how to make conversation.
But I hope that you know that I'm sorry. You
can pull my son on your playlist or something. I

hope you're fine, whatever the fucking is that you're looking for.
I know you never claimed to be an easy curson,
but I just wish you would have told me it
could be that hard. He Loving you is like this
perfect radets, never ending, all connate reality where we can
just get hack like nothing's really happening. And every day

I missed you when I hate it when you're mad
at me. If loving you the war, I guess my
heart is just the guys will being what her heart's more?
While they ever do it break? And I just which did?
I can sleep up to be awake and with the
ending to this story and you wa a boy my face?
And will I ever be done? Will I always say

l A? I don't know. I just told we will
learn better ways to quote with the pain. Every denner
better right, every dealer better right. I think be right.

Here comes to Break. That is produced by Double Elvis
and partnership with I Heart Radio Executive produced by Deaf
Jam Recordings. Executive produced by and starring Asanti Black Is Ruben,
Produced by Danielle Perkins who plays Janelle, Bobby Cuss Marco,
Christopher V. Edwards as Dad, Raymie Cornell is Mom, and
Taylor Bettinson. Written by Taylor Bettinson and the Kid Hill

Artist Interviews conducted by Nikia Hill, directed by Christopher V. Edwards,
mixed and edited by Matt Ta Hainey. Sound recording by
Colin Fleming Music Elements and production by Ryan Spreaker. Additional
production support by Jamie Dimons. Executive produced by Jake Brennan
and Brady Sadler for Double Elvis Special Thanks to Orin Rosenbaum,

Shelby Shankman, Sarah Kane and Jordan garrellic A United Talent Agency,
Becky Median Marketing, Barack Moffatt at Universal Music Group, Rich Isaacson,
Lind Gonzalez, Charlene Thomas, Merissa Pizarro, Gabriel to Serrierio, Jessica
Manarino and Nya Fleming at Deaf Jam Recordings and Conald Burne,
Carrie Lieberman, Will Pearson, Noel Brown and the entire I

Heeart Media team to hear bonus content, meet the cast,
and go behind the scenes of Here It Comes to Break.
Follow with double Elvis on Instagram or visit double elvis
dot com. Special thanks to Davis for the cameo in
today's episode to an
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