Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Hey, it's Delilah. Thank you for stopping by. I have
put together some of my favorite radio moments here to
share with you on our daily podcast, from Cinderella moments
to becoming grandparents for the first time, to experiencing heartache
and healing from above. It's the variety of callers and
stories that make this such a special place to share
with you each day. Welcome to Hey it's Delilah. Hi,
good evening. Thank you for your patients. Who is this Hi?
Speaker 2 (00:47):
This is Olivia?
Speaker 1 (00:48):
What can I do for you?
Speaker 2 (00:51):
I wanted to dedicate a song to my sister because
we obviously like grew up together, and now she lives
in a different city and I just miss her, like
all the time so much, and we always listened to Delilah,
So I just wanted to dedicate a song to her.
Speaker 1 (01:06):
How dare she grow up and move away? I know
what is she thinking? Being misindependent?
Speaker 2 (01:13):
I know it's not fair.
Speaker 1 (01:15):
How old are you and how old is your sister?
What's her name?
Speaker 2 (01:18):
I'm twenty and my sister's twenty three. Her name is Hannah.
Speaker 1 (01:22):
And do you have deep roots where you're at or
are you gonna join Hannah soon?
Speaker 2 (01:28):
I'll probably end up joining her at some point because
I just can't stay away from her for that long
because she's just my best friend.
Speaker 1 (01:36):
I was talking to my little brother today. He has
four daughters and they are so close, and one of
them lives halfway across the country, and now the second
one is moving to the same area, and he was
just like crying. It's breaking his heart because he's such
a good papa and such a good granddad to his grandkids.
And he's like, oh s, And I said, I hate
to tell you this, but I think the other two
are probably gonna follow them because these girls have such
a sweet bond.
Speaker 2 (02:08):
Oh that's so sweet.
Speaker 1 (02:09):
So what do you want to tell me about Hannah
so I can find a sweet song for you girls?
Speaker 2 (02:16):
JUSTCTT. She's my best friend. She loves eighties music, so
just like anything eighties would be perfect for her. So
just anything that just would show that I love her
and that I miss her.
Speaker 1 (02:30):
Okay, first off, who doesn't love eighties music? And secondly,
I will pick out a great song for you girls.
Thank you for listening, Thank you for calling.
Speaker 2 (02:42):
Thank you so much.
Speaker 1 (02:49):
Hi been welcome to the Delilah Show. What can I
do to make your night Special.
Speaker 3 (02:55):
Well, you know what I was just thinking, Doughila, I
was driving in my car. Steading improved with my wife
and my wife and I are expecting our first child
in August, and we're both very excited about it.
Speaker 1 (03:09):
Boy or girl.
Speaker 3 (03:10):
It's a girl.
Speaker 1 (03:12):
And have you picked out names yet?
Speaker 3 (03:15):
We absolutely have. Yes, We're very happy with the name
that we chose.
Speaker 1 (03:19):
And when is little Delilah due? Oh wait, I.
Speaker 3 (03:25):
Look, I love your name, but we had to go
with a name that was traditional.
Speaker 1 (03:32):
So how long have you and your wife been together?
Speaker 3 (03:35):
It'll be six years in October.
Speaker 1 (03:37):
And this is your first.
Speaker 3 (03:38):
Baby, my first baby. Yep.
Speaker 1 (03:41):
How excited is your wife?
Speaker 3 (03:43):
She's very, very, very excited. And her mother is just
as excited, if not more excited.
Speaker 1 (03:50):
Yes she is, Oh yes she is. Grandma is So
how about your mom?
Speaker 3 (03:57):
My mom is also very excited. She's got two grand
babies already, and my wife's mother this is the first
grand baby for her, so I think she might be
she might be at a level eleven and my mom's
probably at the level ten.
Speaker 1 (04:11):
And they're gonna say silly things like I can't wait
for my baby to get here, and you're gonna say no, no, no, no, no,
it's it's it's our baby mom, and they're just gonna laugh,
that's what you think.
Speaker 3 (04:23):
Yeah, we've definitely got a lot of people looking after
our little girl. So we're very happy to have a
loving family. So, you know, with all those tales, you
always got your family, isn't amen?
Speaker 1 (04:35):
Amen? Let me find a song for your family. Thank
you for calling and celebrating your good news.
Speaker 3 (04:42):
Thank you so much, Delilah, it was so cool talking
to you.
Speaker 1 (04:45):
Good night, Hi, good evening. You've called, Delilah. Who is
this Hi?
Speaker 4 (05:00):
Hey, this is Marie and Athina.
Speaker 1 (05:03):
Hi, Marie and Athena. Hi, Athena. What can I do
for you? Ladies?
Speaker 5 (05:08):
Well, Athena is my eight year old daughter and she's
my only child, and we listen to you all the
time and we love.
Speaker 4 (05:15):
Listening to you, and we just wanted you to play
a song for us. She's gone through a very difficult
time recently.
Speaker 6 (05:22):
But she's been a really brave girl and she's really
really strong and I'm so proud of her, and we
just wanted you to play something special for us.
Speaker 3 (05:31):
Speaker 1 (05:32):
So are you finishing up second grade Athena and getting
ready for third.
Speaker 4 (05:36):
I'm already in third. I get second.
Speaker 1 (05:40):
Oh wow, that tells me you're a good reader and
a very smart girl.
Speaker 6 (05:45):
She's smiling.
Speaker 1 (05:48):
And what do you and mom got planned for the summer.
Speaker 4 (05:51):
My Grandma's going to dyes when she comes down.
Speaker 1 (05:57):
Some that'll be fun. And when grandma comes to visit,
do she cook you all sorts of great food.
Speaker 3 (06:03):
She's gonna cook us chocolate cake.
Speaker 1 (06:07):
She going to baky your favorite cake. Yes, you sound
so adorable. I'm sorry you're going through stressful stuff, but
I hope you come out on the other side and
you have a great summer. Let me play a song
for you and Mama.
Speaker 5 (06:21):
Thank you, Lah, thank you so much, Thank you, Bye bye, Hello,
good evening.
Speaker 1 (06:34):
Welcome to the Delilah Show. Who is this? This is Schondra, Hi, Schondra.
What can I do to make your night a little brighter,
a little more special?
Speaker 4 (06:44):
I want to dedicate a song to my girlfriend.
Speaker 1 (06:49):
What's her name and what song do you want to hear?
Speaker 4 (06:52):
Her name's Sara, and I would like you to take
a song for us, please.
Speaker 1 (06:57):
A song that says what, A song that says I'm
here year through thick and thin. A song that says
there's nobody else I want to be doing life with.
Speaker 4 (07:05):
Use everything to me in my life. We met in
nineteen ninety one and our first day of senior high school.
Speaker 1 (07:12):
And how many years ago was that?
Speaker 4 (07:14):
Thirty three years ago?
Speaker 1 (07:16):
Wow, that is a long time to love somebody. My
bestie Janie and I have also been friends since ninety one,
and I don't ever want to imagine doing life without her.
Speaker 4 (07:31):
I had moved away from where she's at twenty one
years ago.
Speaker 1 (07:35):
Well, let me play a song to keep your hearts
close together.
Speaker 4 (07:39):
Thank you, Delilah, Thank you.
Speaker 1 (07:41):
You have a good night. Hello you've called Delilah? Who
is this? This is Casey, Hi, Casey. What can I
do for you tonight?
Speaker 6 (07:56):
I can't believe I got thirty. So I grew up
listening to you, and now I'm a mom and I
have a seven month old and we're sitting rocking on
my front porch and I just wanted you to pick
a song for I don't know, like the Circle of
Life or something like that. You know, I listened to
you and now I get to share you with him,
and it's a wonderful moment.
Speaker 1 (08:20):
And what is your baby's name?
Speaker 6 (08:22):
His name is LB for Little Bob. His dad is
named Bob as well.
Speaker 5 (08:28):
L B.
Speaker 1 (08:29):
I'm writing down Elby but LB little Bob because he
is a junior.
Speaker 6 (08:35):
He's actually a third but yeah.
Speaker 1 (08:38):
So how does it feel to have your entire heart
outside of your body now in a small person?
Speaker 6 (08:46):
It's hard to describe. I never thought I wanted to
be a mom, and then I became a mom and
I can't imagine doing anything else now.
Speaker 1 (08:54):
So when you were a teenager, when you were a kid,
you never never imagined yourself with a baby to your breast,
pushing a stroller, looking up recipes for homemade baby food
so you don't have to buy the can junk that
That wasn't your vision?
Speaker 6 (09:11):
Please? No, not really. And I never really liked kids
a ton. My husband has always really wanted kids, and
I was kind of indifferent, and so we decided to
have one. And I was like, all right, here we go,
Like I'm either gonna it's gonna work or it's not,
and I am madly in love. It is so worth it.
Speaker 1 (09:30):
It's gonna work or it's not. In which case, honey,
here's your kid? Is that was that the plan? You
get to be mister mom because you know what, this
is highly overrated and so here you go.
Speaker 6 (09:43):
Luckily it didn't work out like that all right.
Speaker 1 (09:45):
Now, just keep falling in love with little LB, and
I will play a song to celebrate this circle of life.
Speaker 6 (09:52):
Thank you so much. Have a good night, Delilahs.
Speaker 1 (09:56):
I so hope you have enjoyed these radio moments as
much as I enjoy bringing them to you. I'll share
more with you each weekday on Hey It's Delilah.
Speaker 4 (10:07):