All Episodes

March 1, 2021 57 mins

Paris and her sister Nicky Hilton Rothschild sitdown for a candid conversation like you've never heard them before.

Nicky and Paris talk sisterhood stories, engagements, bachelorette parties and marriage. Then, things get feisty as they discuss Letterman, Britney, good times, bad times and… their mom as a housewife!

They aren't holding back their thoughts on any of it. They reveal their similarities and differences and why Nicky is the gatekeeper of the sister pair.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Paris. Here in Paris to they we're talking to, uh,
your sister who I've seen in the documentary. Obviously you
know here. You guys are pretty close, So tell me
about the relationship. Are you guys close? There's no one

I'm closer with in my life, and no one who
knows me better than Nikki, And I feel so lucky
just to have a sister that I'm so close with.
She's even though she's my little sister, I've always looked
up to her like a big sister because she's always
been the one that's like way more responsible and just
like always watching out for me, and it's so protective

and just like I don't know when I have people
in my life, she's always like, oh they're bad, they're
using you. She just she's very intuitive and very strong
and just her mind. I don't know, she's just for me,
like I I'm sometimes shy or like don't know how
to stick up for myself or I hate confrontation, and

Nikki's just doesn't care, like she just is who she
is and she's just like the strong woman. And I
just really love and respect her so much and lucky
to have her in my life. It sounds like we
could all use a little Nikki in our lives, but
for right now, let's bring her into our lives. Everybody
welcome Nicki Rothschild. Hi, guys, Hi, I miss you. I

miss you. That was so much fun. That was a
lot of fun. It is a true awakening to be
back in New York City in the snow, far cry
from the Islands. I know, what did you think of everything?
Because Hunter and I talked about it on the episode
a couple of days ago, and I just wanted to

get your take on it. I watched, I didn't watch.
I listened to your first episode the other day when
I was doing my infrared mask, and I really like it.
You two are quite the duo. I'm very I'm very
into it. It's only going to get better. I think,

you know, I know, you know what you guys need.
You guys need like I mean, I guess it's a
little hard now, but you two need like a fun
night out. We were just talking about how me and
Paris have very different like fun nights out, Like I
just was not a partier at all growing up, And

and I heard that the room that I'm in has
hosted I mean, what would you say, hundreds or thousands
of parties? Thousands, thousands, Yes, legendary. I can't even imagine.
I had a birthday party in middle school that nobody
showed up too. So that's the difference between Paris's life
and mine. Do you remember when Snoop Dogg literally did
like an impromptu concert in that room? Yes, those insane

and Little Wayne and Little Way. It's crazy, so much fun.
Oh my god, like the memories in this room. I'm
actually so happy. It was Hunter's idea to move the
podcast from my recording studio room to this room to
Club Paris, which I now turned into a movie theater,
and I have never sat in here until right now.
It's comfortable. It's really comfortable. I love it. I love this. Yeah,

it's more relaxed. Ye. Speaking of these parties, Nikki, you
seem to have kind of escaped without all the as
much of the paparazzi. But were you there for all
the party years or were you not there? I was?
I was there. I was. I was in and out
though I would be in New York a little bit.

And I was also a little smarter and behind the scenes,
and I knew when to jump out of the shot
or hide or go in a separate car. But yes,
I had a front row seat to all all of
the all of it. Were you like a protector for
Paris back then? Um? I think I still am. I

think some of her friends nicknamed me the gatekeeper? Do
you like that? Because I think a lot of people
like I have a what was your age difference? One year?
Two and a half years, two and a half years.
I have a brother who's one and a half year
younger than me, and we were not close growing up,
and now we're really close. Did you have that same dynamic,

because when you're so close in age, usually it's pretty
tense for a while. We've always been just so close
our whole lives. Our whole lives have been so so
close and can and continue to be. And that always
makes me sad when I hear about siblings that aren't
so close, because I don't know anything else And it's

like you, as cliche as it sounds, you really have
a built in best friend for life. Yeah, somebody need
to tell my brother that, because he did not get
that message early on. Now we're close, but so so.
You were there the whole time, You were there for
the engagement. We were talking about that for a second.
Did Carter talk to you before it happened? Do you

like Carter? What's your thoughts on this guy? Um? I
think Carter is great. And what I love about him
is how much he loves his family from because our
family that is super important to us. We are all
so tight. Um. You know, my aunt's uncles, cousins, siblings

were so tight. And he definitely has that with his
family and his siblings, and I really like that. I
think that's really cool. Yeah, he does have amazing family values.
That's like one of the reasons I fell in love
with him, just seeing how cute he is with his mom.

He's just the best son. I mean, family is the
family is everything to me and to you know, be
with someone who has the same values is really important.
So I was telling Hunter how you guys were hiding
in the bushes basically during the engagement. How when did
he tell you? Like, how did you guys know to

do that? Because when we were talking at lunch, you
didn't say anything to me, which because you're good at
hiding secret. So we were at lunch and you got
up from the table to use the bathroom and he
came down and sat next to me, said, I had
to quick questions. Number one, I'm will you give me

your blessing to marry Paris. Number two, if you say yes,
I'm going to do it tonight on the beach, And
will you and James and your brother and Tessa be
there and to surprise her. So I quickly said yes
to both, and you know, we got dressed and we

were down hiding in the beach and it was so
funny because Paris is so late, and I'm sure Carter's
like sweating bullets, so nervous, like trying to get us.
He's like, yeah, being in uh the bushes at five pano.
I was like, I am not sitting in the bushes
boiling at five pm because there's no way she's going

to come down. I was like, you know what, text
me when you're going down, and then I'll get start
heading over because I know her. Even James was like,
I'm not sitting in a suit sweating waiting for Paris
and the bushes um like forty five minutes. So my
plan was perfect. Yes, that's I feel like that's still

pretty good for Paris to get somewhere forty five minutes
after the thing. If it's like a dress up, get
glammed up, you know. Event Yeah, forty five minutes was
not bad for her. I'm getting better learning growing up.
I mean, I'm I'm forty five minutes early to something,
So this is just like crazy town for me. What

are the other big differences between you guys, Because I
feel like a lot of similarities but some drastically different
things with time and time definitely. I mean, I think
I even borderline like being a bit anal. I'm just
so early, and I have a real respect for time,

which Paris does not. Um what else? I love food.
I love delicious food and restaurants. Paris is happy to
make sandwiches at home and have live on toast And

how how long did you have McDonald's and taco about
a lot. Harris has the food palette of a kindergartener.
She just does not care about food. Crazy because you
you could have tried all of the best food in
a world at this point, and you would take McDonald's
and talk about over that all day. No. I like

nice food as well, and I've had it all around
the world. But I just I love fast food. I
love like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and cereal and
French fries and pizza, And I don't know, I just
I'm not like the healthiest eater. NICKI was the last
time you had McDonald's. Um, not in a while, but
not by choice. I actually when I landed back from

your trip, it was so tempted. There was a McDonald's open,
but there was a really long line, and all I
wanted was an egg McMuffin. Nothing beats McDonald's breakfast. I
know it's so good. They used to only like serve
it to ten thirty, but I feel like they serve
it like all day. Yeah, I think it is an
all day situation. Is that new that might have been

made for the only time she went there is after
one of the parties. That's the only time she got
there in time for breakfast was at nine am when
she was about to go to bed. Yeah, you don't
care about food, even like she goes to the most
incredible cities for work and she's just happy to order

a sandwich from room service. Also because I'm don't even
like going to incredible restaurant. There's no time my schedule
is so insane that there's literally no time for dinner,
so I just have to quickly eat in the room
or when I get back at night. Um, it's beyond.
But Paris also likes to stay up really really late,

and I like to go to bed early. I wake
up early. But you have actually been waking up a
bit earlier now because the carter. Yes, I literally wake
up at like six and seven in the morning now,
which is crazy. Yes, like today I was supposed to
wake up at nine, I woke up at seven thirty.
This weekend, I was waking up at seven thirty Saturday

and Sunday. Like it's crazy. Um, What's what are other differences?
She loves dogs, I love cats. She loves pink. I
love blue. Do you see I wore pink for you today? Yes?
I love it. I never wear pink. I feel like
a lot of people do that for me, like if
they're coming over we're doing an interview, like they always

are wearing pink or a guy or like a pink
tie where your pink I will work on my whole skins.
I'm pink in general, so that that counts. Um, what
was your guys biggest fight growing up? Like, do you
remember like a fight you'd often have about something or
I mean, it's the typical girl sister thing. Percent of

the time it was about clothes and paris borrowing things
without asking and taking things and ruining them and losing them. Yeah, sorry,
a lot of outfits. I just like her style. That's
a nice compliment. She would go shopping in my closet

and just take my stuff. It would get me so
pissed off, Sorry about that. And then my friends would
like come to my closet and shop in my closet
and steal all our things. Yeah, and never returned them.
And then I'm too shy to ask for them back always,
And then I would start spotting her, And to this day,

by the way, in my clothes and paparazzi pictures, I
sometimes see stuff on Instagram where I'm like, that is mine.
I can't even believe it. She just takes all my stuff.
I don't even know about it. That's a good sister
fight to have, though, especially when I'm sure both of
you guys have pretty impressive closets. So you know, missing

a sweater here, there's I think probably goes on notice
until it ends up on TMZ. Yeah, yeah, this is Paris.
This is Paris. So what did you do this weekend
when you got back um the birthday trip? Um, I

had to quarantine for a little bit, and so I
was just at home. Watched a bunch of TVs and movies. Um,
James and I watched the Britney Spears documentary Framing Britney Spears.
Did you see that, guys? Yeah, I just watched it
last night. What did you think? I was just I

was heartbroken. It made me just very emotional. I was
crying a lot watching it, just from knowing her. She
was just such a sweet, like down to earth kind,
just gentle, just amazing woman. And just to like watch
that whole story and just see just what the media
did and just how cruel and mean and I don't know,

just so many people using her and it just also
just relating to her in so many ways with that,
and it was very hard to watch. Made me really sad.
I saw that you were in it for a second,
did you. How did that come about? They contacted me
to be in it and do an interview, and I
always say no to those type of things. I feel
when something's unauthorized. I don't really want to be a

part of it. But obviously they didn't get her permission
or anyone else's. I think if something's public property, they
could use whatever they want in a documentary. So I
think they just they actually pulled something from some interview
I did, and then they pulled Yeah, they pulled clips
and just use them. So you didn't do that interview
for the documentary. No, definitely not. I feel like that's

part of the problem a little bit, is that, you know,
celebrities are just kind of used, like you know, there's
a lot of like broadcasting rules that do not go
in the favor of an individual and instead go towards
like whatever media rules there are. Does that piss you off?
Or is it okay? Because it was, you know, in
favor of Brittany obviously you were nice. Yeah, that didn't

piss me off because you know, I think what I
said was you know, the truth and how I feel.
But it is annoying sometimes when they'll just pull something
and you know, use it without my parision. But you know,
being in this industry for so long, you just get
used to it. Yeah, Well, in the documentary, it kind
of sparked this whole new Likes YouTube search for interviews

with young celebs, especially young females. And one thing that
kind of came up and is getting here right now
is David Letterman in the interview that he did with you,
and he asked you basically about prison for six minutes
out of the eight minute interview. What was that? Was
that a shock to you? Completely? Yes? So at this
point I hadn't done an interview in months and months

because I just didn't want to talk about it. So
Letterman's team kept calling my PR team to have me
be on the show, and we kept saying no. And
then months later, um, I had a fragrance coming out,
and his team called again, and basically my PR team

made an agreement with him that that was off limits
and he would not discuss it and we would only
be there to promote the perfume and my other business ventures.
And um, you know, I felt like it was a
safe place because I've been going on Letterman for so
many years and he'd always have you know, fun with
me and joke around. But you know, I thought he

would keep his word on this, and I was wrong.
So there was not supposed to be one question, and
then he just kept pushing me and pushing me, and
I was just getting so uncomfortable and I was so upset.
And Nikki, you were backstage. I remember talking to you
after and um, just being up there and just it

was like he was just purposely trying to humiliate me.
And during commercial breaks, I would look at him, like,
please stop doing this, like you promised me you wouldn't
talk about this and that's the only reason I agreed
to come on the show, Like please don't bring it
up again. He's like okay, and then again and it's
just like the whole audience he's getting people to laugh,
and it was just it was just very cruel and

very mean. And then after it ended, I just looked
at him and I said, I am never coming on
the show again. Like that, You've crossed the line, don't ever,
you know. I just I don't know. I just I
didn't tell him off because I'm not that type of person,
but I got angry. Um, and then he was apologizing
and like sent like a case of like Chateau Lafite

roth Child wined to like our house and like, I
don't know, so he knew he was wrong, but I'm
just I'm just pulling up this article that actually came
out a few days ago. It's from Glamour magazine. It
says this two thousand seven Paris Hilton David Letterman interview

is making people really mad by Elizabeth Logan. Was Paris
Hilton treated unfairly by the media, Absolutely, and people are
finally realized in it. In the wake of the horrific
early aughts interviews featured in Framing Britney Spears, people have
been resurfacing and reevaluating past conversations with other female celebrities.

During their two thousand seven chat, Letterman repeatedly asked Hilton
about her recent stint in jail. She violated her probation
after a reckless driving incident, and it's clear she doesn't
want to talk about it. At first, Hilton is polite,
if reserved. She says the experience made her stronger and
she's ready to move past it. When Letterman asks how

her friend Nicole Ritchie managed to only serve forty five
minutes in m clink, Hilton answers, Honestly, I don't know.
She tries again to move past the scandal and onto
the projects she's trying to promote, mostly her perfume you did.
When I watched the thing, I was like, that's not
an ease. And David Letterman is not a forgiving gentleman. Like,

if you're doing an interview with David Letterman, he's going
to ask what he wants and how he wants to
do it. And to know that they kind of you
know that the team lied and said that he wouldn't
and then he did. When you came off stage and
you went to Nikki, what were you like? What what
kind of just in tears and crying and shaking and
just like I just felt, just what, Nikki, what do

you remember? I mean, I think it's it's fair game
for him to ask you about it, um, but I
think how he pushed it and pushed it. I mean,
it even says in the article that he pushed her
to the point where she got uncomfortable and he crossed
the line. And just to have a young girl up

there and ask her questions designed to humiliate her is
is cruel. Mhm. And I don't think that that would
happen today. There's no way that would happen today. It's
like such a different world now. There's a lot that
wouldn't happen today. You know what would not happen today

is Sarah Silverman going on stage at the MTV Awards
and making disgusting, vile, perverted statements about top stars, about
people sitting in the audience. I mean, can you imagine
a comedian today going on stage and started going into

detail describing someone's private parts, insulting their children. Imagine if
that happened today. It wouldn't because and that's why there's
been so much amazing progress with these social justice movements.
You know, time's up me too, where people don't put

up with that behavior because it's not right. Sick. Yeah,
what Sarah Silverman did was so disgusting and so cruel
and mean. And I was so shocked and surprised because
I had actually met her a few years before, um
when I was at an event, and she was couldn't

be nicer, so sweet, and then to see her again,
you know, I was obviously very nervous. I went to
the MTV Awards. I knew I was about to check
myself into jail in a couple of hours, and you know,
just getting all dressed up going there, I had, you know,
made this try trying to be brave and then just
to sit in the audience with her just literally just

publicly humiliating me, being so mean, so cruel. I was
sitting there wanting to die. I was trying to hold
back my tears so hard. I like had tears rolling
up in my eyes. I literally wanted to run out
of the entire room, but I just was trying to
be strong and just like set there are like the
whole audience is laughing, and she's just she would have stopped,

would not stop. It was so painful, especially what I
was going through in my life, Like to then have
someone just being so mean about it was really hard. Yeah,
my mom has always taught us. I mean, you don't
judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes.

And she had no idea what you were going on.
What a vulnerable state you were about to turn yourself
into jail, surrender all of your freedom, and you have,
you know, the last few hours of freedom, and you
have this woman just saying the most disgusting, vile, awful,

hurtful things. I mean, I understand she's a comedian and
she's there to be funny and make people laugh, but
to me, that's not funny. You have to put people
down and insult people. Um to get a laugh. That's
not funny. Um. I don't think it was funny then,

and it's certainly not funny now. I mean, look at
the true comedians like Larry David Will Ferrell. There funny
as hell, but they're not being cruel and mean and
hurtful to people. That's not comedy. That's not funny. There's
a line, and it's becoming a little bit more clear

what that line is. People still need to figure it out.
But I think the problem with someone like David Letterman
doing it is he was not only an icon to
the public, but he was an icon to other comedians,
and so when someone like him does something like that,
the whole world thinks, oh, it's fair game. Let's all
make these jokes that the water cooler on Monday. Yeah. Allegedly,
Craig Ferguson was one of the first people to realize, like, oh,
I'm being this is mean. We shouldn't be. She's dealing

with something. And then once he started doing that, other
people started doing it, and you just realize the responsibility
these and retainers have to set a precedent for how
to treat people. Yeah, I felt just just going through
so much of that. There were certain people they targeted.
I would see that with myself, with Brittany Um, Jessica Simpson.

There was just a certain type of girl where they
would target them in ways that they would never do
to a man and never do desert it. I don't know,
it's just it was really really took the gloves off. Yeah.
I think I think in their mind they probably were like, well,
they don't have to worry about success or money ever,
so it's not punching down. But we don't realize is

people are still people. Take away all everything that they have.
It's still a human who's dealing with all these emotions,
and it's not I think they use that as like
their escape. They're like, well, it's okay, because they're going
to be fine before I do this and after I
do this, And that's just not true when you take
into account that it's a person's emotions that you're kind
of playing with and playing on. It sucks. Thank God

we're also educated today and mental health and um paris. Aunt.
Kyle and I were texting about the David Letterman article
because she saw a meme online um, talking about they
were showing the clip of you on Letterman and just
what bawlingness is. Let me find a text she wrote
me where this gives me rage. I always say, I

don't know how these young girls like Paris, Brittany Jessica
handled this type of It is so horrible. It is
psychologically and emotionally abusive, And it's true, Paris, have you
talked to David Letterman or Sarah Silverman or anybody else
who kind of gave you that flak back then? I
never talked to Sarah after that, and with Letterman a

while later. Um, he just kept apologizing, sending letters, calling
my team, and finally I said, okay, I'll come back
on your show because I forgot. I was promoting I
think my like twenty something fragrance and I said okay,
and I forgave him. What was the next interview? Like better,

so much better. He knew not to do that again.
I think he felt bad because I heard that. He
was Just a lot of people we're getting angry at
that they saw that even back then, which is a
good sign. Yeah, geez, I'm so happy that it's different today,
like just for you know, people who are coming up

in the industry who are new to this. You know,
I wouldn't wish you know, what happened to me upon anyone,
not even my worst enemy. So I'm really happy just
to see so many changes, you know, with the way
people are talking about mental health now and the too
movement and just how women are being finally just respected.
So it's just like a whole new world. It's exciting that,

you know, people are finally doing the right thing. How
how did you not like break down? How did you
make it through all that? I never like ink like
now that I've actually like really you know, dove into
my life and realized so much about myself. I think
the only reason I was able to go through all

that and be so strong is because I had went
through hell and back as a teenager being you know, verbally, physically,
emotionally and psychologically abused on a daily basis for you know,
almost two years of my life. So that was before
I was famous, as before I was you know anything.

It was when I was developing as you know, a
young girl. So I think going through something like that,
it just it made me very strong and almost like
I was used to it, which is sad. To think.
But I think if I hadn't went through that, I
don't I don't know where I would be at this point,
because that type of abuse is, you know, on anyone,

it's literally And I read that Sarah Selverman recently apologized
so Britney Spheres, she owes you an apology. I mean
what she said was so disgusting. I don't mean to
harp on it, but the fact that MTV didn't even
issue an apology, just the sexual disgusting remarks were so horrific,

very very very disappointing, and in that whole situation that
should never have happened to a young girl sitting in
the audience or anyone, not even a young girl, any
anyone that should not. You don't let your guests and
people be humiliated on your watch. It's it's just cruel.

There's no other word for it, really cruel. Yeah, I
think you know the person who's done it like lately
is a Ricky Gervais. But he targets like organizations and
people who have like really fucked up, you know, people
who have done things to hurt other people. I just
the things with Brittany and the things with you. I
mean especially after meeting you. But before I started doing
this podcast, everybody I talked to you said Paris is

the nicest person. I said, we'll see about that. It
turns out you are the sweetest person. And I think
everyone says the same thing about Brittany. And you just
wonder if if it's if they're not bad people, is
it just because it's an easy, cheap, cheap, cheap laugh
And at the time, it was, and that's all it is,
you know, I mean, listen, they were no angels. They

definitely made silly, questionable decisions, but you know, they were young,
and that happens. They weren't doing anything malicious. They weren't
hurting people. Yeah, And I think, yeah, when you're young
and you're going through life, like a lot of people,
everyone goes out, they have fun, they rebel but they

don't have the entire world watching them and judging. And
I don't know, just the things that have been said
about me in life, I've I don't know, I've I've learned,
I've lived and learned, and uh now I'm a very
strong woman and I'm very responsible and well behaving as

she sits with perfect posture. I do think that like
a lot of people, you know, they hear this question,
they go, I wouldn't change anything about my past, but
would you change anything, like any of the decisions you made,
like what's sent you to jail, what happened on you
know some of these things. Would you change those decisions? Um? Yeah, definitely.
I think a lot of people do say like, oh,

I would never change, but yeah, I wish I didn't
meet certain people in my life, and you know, certain
things would have happened to me. And with the jail thing,
I never really got to explain that to people. Um,
but I literally got sent for driving on a suspended license,
which when you know, I wasn't allowed to drive for
ninety days because I left my music video shoot. We

went to have the rat party and I literally had
one margarita, not even the full thing, didn't eat. Then
as I'm pulling in maybe a few like three blocks
away to the in and out. As I'm driving into
the driveway to get a burger, that's when I got
pulled over and I had a point oh eight, which
is the lowest legal limit that you can have like nothing,

and um then from there that's when I wasn't allowed
to drive and my lawyer said I could drive. So
I drove from my house to Tower Records, which was
a couple of blocks away on sunset, and I didn't
have my lights on. And then they said, you're driving
on a suspended license. I said, no, I haven't driven
in ninety days. And um, yeah, in my opinion, I'm

not sure that would have happened to someone else. No,
you were definitely made an example of. It was crazy.
I think he said like forty five days or ninety
days or something for driving on a suspended lights. No
one would get that for like, it was ridiculous. Well
that's a that is an intense uh upbringing. But it's

really good that you had Nikki with you the entire time,
and uh, Nicky appreciate you coming on with us. I
think when we're going to take a break right now,
but when we come back, we're gonna have some sliving
questions for you. This is Paris. This is Paris, all right, everyone,

we are back here with my sister NICKI. So, Nikki,
we just start talking about wedding planning soon, I know,
So what are you thinking, fall, Yes, we have to
get on the dress to Paris. Dresses take like six months.
You've got to start making some decisions. I know we've

discussed we'll keep that private. Um who you're thinking for
a designer, um. But you know, these things take they
don't happen overnight, so we really should get on that.
You need to get sketches soon. Oh, you need to
help me with all this because you've done it before
and it's gonna be hard, like to live up to
your wedding. Your wedding was so incredible and your dress

was so epic, Like it's a lot. Also, her wedding
was pre pandemic, So just be aware that there might
be some big You don't want to wait until like
potentially one year from now, because I want to start
getting ready to have kids, so I can't. I don't
want to wait forever. If you talk to my family,
you can have kids long before marriage. You know, that's
are not even really an important part of it. Carter

and I are very old fashioned, just like I don't know,
I feel like that's how we just are. Yeah, that's
a good point. I mean, you can always do a
courtroom wedding and then have the big event, you know,
court wedding. A courtroom wedding like no, I can't. There's
one unreceipta boulevard. You guys can go today and get

it done. Um. Okay, well you've been married for how
long now, Nikki, I've been married for six years? What
is your advice for a happy marriage? And I'm going
to be listening just as intently to this. Um. One
piece of advice my dad gave James and I which
we've always really listened to, is never go to bed

angry and even if you're having an argument, just talk
it out. I think that's communication is so key. And yes,
don't ever ever go to bed angry. I like that
piece of advice. I feel like you're very analytical from
like like, I feel like you're like me in a
way where you do want to talk it out. You're like, well,

this is the problem and here are three solutions which
would you like to go with. Are you like that
parents like Niki? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, like Nikki. Or are
you more emotional just like in the moment, Yeah, definitely.
I'm always just in the moment unconfrontational person in the world. Yeah, So,

how do you deal with confrontation, like when you don't
want When Carter made the massive mistake of forgetting your
seventh month anniversary. How did you like, because that's probably,
I mean, from what I've heard, that's one of the
only times where you were upset with him. How did
you deal with I wasn't that upset. I just kind
of joked and I was like, here's your card, where's

my flowers, where's my card, where's my present? Um? But
I was kind of just joking with him because most people,
this is the first relationship I've had where I celebrate
every month. I've never done this before. I've never been
like the romantic type at all because before just traveling
two or fifty days out of the year, I was
just never there, so I didn't have time to do

any that. And now I'm just like so in love
that I do that. That's cute, Nikki. Do you you
didn't do that with your husband? Did you? Month month anniversaries? No?
I don't think so. I think it's a rare thing. Yeah,
I think it's you and people in seventh grade. The

more you get to know Paris, you'll realize she is
like a big kid, which I think is the best.
I think like as we get older, everybody realizes you
read these like self help books and everyone's like just
be present, enjoy your like inner child, like live your
life care free. And I feel like Paris was there
long before Eckardt told I was, you know he was.

He was a big fan of paris Is. And then
he was like, I should write a book called Power
of Now Yes on the show too. I love that book.
My mom would lose her if we had on the show, definitely.
I'll ask him, Okay, let's do it. Why not? So
that's good advice? Uh, is there anything else you want
to know from your sister before we hop? Oh, your
mom's gonna be on Real Housewives Beverly Hill supposedly. What

do you think about this? Nikki um? First of all,
my mom was so shady about the whole thing. So
just to give you like a little background, pretty much
every year this rumor surfaces Kathy Hilton's joining the Real
House I s that by really Hills, We're like, no,

she's not. So this year was no different. The starts
surfacing again. So my friends are like, oh my god,
is your mom on Real House is going to be
on the show. I'm just like, no, that's total bullshit.
So then I asked her mom, are you going to
be on the show? She's like no, It's like okay,
but then it starts being in like more stuff and

like the New York Post and whatever. So I'm like, Mom,
why are they saying this? Are you going to be
on the show? And she goes, well, they've asked me,
and I'm thinking about it, but I'm probably not gonna
do it, okay. Um. Cut to Harris and I in

Soho walking down the street and our friend Facetime's us
being like, hu, s your mom's on the Real Housewives.
Were like, no, that's a rumor. They're like, actually, People
Magazine just confirmed it. So we don't speak to her
for a few days. We just don't even hear from

her because she's just doesn't want to hear it from us. Um.
And by the way, I'm not knocking the show. I
love the show. I am a huge fan. I find
it highly entertaining. I love all the girls, the SaRenna, Erica, Jane.
I think they're great. But if someone were to ask me,

do you want your mother being on it? No? And
the funny thing is, believe it or not, my mom's
never even seen the show. Okay, she doesn't even know
what she's getting into. My mom doesn't watch at all.
But do you watched the show? I watched? I watched
the show. Paris has watched a little bit, but my mom,

maybe when Kim was on it, I'm not kidding, has
watched five or ten minutes here and there, so she
doesn't even know what she's getting into. And I didn't
even tell you Paris. Barron told me they were filming
a few weeks ago at the house some dinner and
he could hear the shouting from his bedroom. Great, who Mom, No,

not Mom, just I don't know you just heard all
the shouting. But having said that, my mother is one
of the funniest people in the entire world, and so
is my aunt Kyle, So I mean they will definitely
be entertaining. What do you think they're Yeah, they're both

so hilarious. Um. Obviously everyone knows from watching Kyle how
funny she is, and my mom has that same sense
of humor as well. Like, they both are just one
of the funniest people ever. I think that's where I
get my kind of like. Um. But just like Nikki said,
my mom lied to us, pretended she wasn't doing it.

Wouldn't admit it. And there's no way that she would
ever do this if there was not a pandemic happening
and she wasn't so bored at home for the last year.
There's no way she would have said yes, because they've
asked her every year for the past, Like however long
it's been on the air, it's not a coincidence. There's
a global pandemic and she's been in lockdown at home,

and now she's doing it. She's bored, and she looks
better than ever. So I feel like she's like why not.
Even James was like, what do you care? Leave her alone.
She's a grown woman. Let her do what she wants it,
He said him, you're so bond, leave her alone. Let

her do what she wants. I was like, yeah, I
guess you're right. But it's hard when it's your parents.
Like if my mom said she was going to join Hunter,
would you like it? You know? I think my mom
would never do it in the first place, Like it's
just it would be so foreign to to us. But

if she did it, I would be very much like, Mom,
are you sure you want to do this? Like you could,
you could do anything. You can start a new business.
You don't have to do this. But also, you know,
I think it's hard for us sometimes to to separate
the parent child relationship. And like you look back, at
least for my mom, I'm sure your your guys, mom
too is very supportive of almost everything we wanted to

do career wise, even if it was a little cookie.
My mom was very supportive. So I think it's only
fair if she wants to go. If if Real House
Lives of Beverly Hills reaches out to my mom who's
living in an RV traveling the country right now, the
opposite of Beverly Hills and once around the show, I
support her decision. Yeah, I'm just remembering when they asked

I'm just remembering now when they asked me to this
Simple Life, when Fox was calling me offering me the show.
They actually wanted my sister and I to do it together.
Nikki said no right away, and my mom was like,
do not do this, and like like literally just not
to do it, remember right, not do it. You can't
do this reality show. Reality show was like a vulgar

thing back then, and then The Simple Life came out
and classed it all up. Well, then when it came out.
When she watched it and just saw what a huge
success it was, she was like, actually, you know what
I was wrong. I'm happy you did the show. It's
so hilarious. It's so amazing. I'm so proud of you.
It's also cool because your mom and Nikki and everybody
who knew you probably saw The Simple Life and went, oh,

Paris is being hilarious with Nikki right now, like this
is with Nicole right now. This is so funny. But
to the rest of the world, they were learning who
you are as that person, and I gotta imagine that
must have just been the weirdest thing for you to think, Oh,
I'm the funniest person in the world. I just said,
do Walmart sell wall things? And then the whole world

goes she has no Walmart is. I knew exactly what
Walmart is. I actually love Walmart. It's so much fun
to shop there because there's always a mcdonald'son there. Yeah,
there is, Niki, So Nikki, how to James proposed to you?

Um are engagement stories a lot quieter than yours. There
was no go pros, there was no hitting cameras and videos.
The only reason he did that is because he knew
that I would want to see the moment. That's like
so not something he would do like naturally. I think

he listened to Hunter and I talking and one of
the first episodes episodes when we first started talking about
this show, and I was talking about the good lighting
and a beautiful place and that I want to capture
it and see it. So look just interrupt there for
a second. That was something he knew I would love,
or else I probably would made him redo the whole thing.

Carter had to google where the best buy was and
I was like, all right, they're getting twenty go pros.
Well we had Kevin there, my ninja always killing it. Yes,
um so I was in We were in Italy on
vacation and he took me out on a little um

boat and we were cruising around. We picked up lunch,
and then he stopped in the middle of the sea
and next thing I know what, I turned around. He's
on his knee and it was very very shocking, surprising, exciting.
I was I have pictures and me like doing a

little selfie right after. It was very very sweet and romantic.
And after we got engaged, we took a little road
trip um down to Rome where we met, and he's
so romantic that he called the hotel he dropped me

off at the first night we ever met and got
my same hotel room and everything, and we actually we
visited the exact spot where we met. Um he's yes,
he's very very sweet and romantic. Story gave me goose bumps.

I don't know because it's freezing here. Harris were standing
right next to me when I met him. I know.
I remember David Ghetto was deejaying and were up on stage.
I was wondering how this was going to turn into
a Paris Hilton story. And as soon as David get
A was on stage, You're like, yeah, Harris is there.

It was sick. We were at a wedding and they
had David Ghetta performing, and then Fergie was on stage
of the Black Eyed Peas singing and we're all dancing.
Um Or Nicky and I were dancing, and then I
remember this group of guys walked up and one of
them was James and he was with his friends and
I was just like talking to them, and then Nicky

Shire when it comes to boys, so I like it
was like Nicky came here. And I'm like, this is
my sister Nicky, and I saw like James eyes like
light up and he's like helloam James and James it
was like lovec got it? Got it? Well. He sounds
like a very romantic man. I mean, any if a
man takes you out into the middle of the sea alone,

it's either to propose or to dump the body. So
you definitely got the better of the two options. You
were in the middle of the sea like where like, oh,
it's like, come up, beautiful. I've never been there before.
It's very beautiful. Isn't that where George Clooney he has
like a house there that he went out. Yeah. Yeah,

he's like he's like the poster child of like Como. Yeah. Wow,
let's get him on the podcast on shoot it at
his house is Italian Lake Como house. That's great. Okay,
well this is good advice. This is all. And that
was a really beautiful engagement. Feels like you do you
have younger siblings, two brothers. Oh, they've got to step

it up. Their engagements have to be amazing. Now one's
married and just had a baby, well his second marriage
then yes, um, but yeah, I need to learn more
about like romantic spots with you, Like I feel like
I've been to all these places around the world, but
it's like they, I mean, like nowhere romantic. I want

to talk about the bachelorette party. Yes, we're going to
do a joint bachelorette and bachelor party because we're like
addicted to each other and can't standing away from each
other more than an hour. Is that okay with you, Nikki? Yeah,
I don't mind not. I like that. That's fun. That'll
be fun because then all the husbands and boyfriends can

come like of the country like that. Paris did my
bachelorette party in Miami and we had so much fun. Yeah. Well,
I'm excited to see I'm excited to hear about everything
the wedding, all the plans. We're sure we'll be talking
about it on the podcast as this kind of happens. Yeah,

but until then, I think we get to my favorite
part of the entire show, which is some sliving questions
with Paris Hilter Seven living questions. Are you ready for
my seven sliving questions? Yes, I must say. The words
living is growing on me like a teeny bit it.
I used to really not like it. And it's becoming tolerable. Well,

it's my favorite word. You mean, what does living mean?
By the way? I made it up um on Halloween
in two thousand nineteen. And it's actually in the dictionary,
the Urban Dictionary not yes, it is Google Urban Dictionary
everything Urban dictionaries like the Wikipedia, in the Webster's Dictionary

and the Webster's Urban Dictionary. I'm literally going to read
you the did you put it into Urban didn't? It?
Just it's just like one day was in there and
I was like, what someone like sent it to me
and they're like, oh my god. It's literally I'm gonna
read it. I have it right here. Okay. Did you
trade market? Yeah? I trade market obviously of course you did. Okay, Yeah,

this is good for a to be doing the seven
living questions. We might as well hear the Urban Dictionary
definition for it here. It is sliving, invented by our
queen at Paris Hilton. It's slang mixed with living my
best life and killing it. So you can say like
I'm sliving sliving it, living my best life. Yeah. Um, yeah,

you're out of your mind. I know. All right. Well,
now that we know the definition of living, let's get
into some sliving questions. Let's live, Let's live a little huh,
let's live, you live, Okay. What is your spirit animal?

Probably a cat? I love I love cats because they're quiet,
but they're very observant like me. That sounds maniacal, mysterious.
I can next, first kiss, you have one minute to
tell us everything. It was in high school. I was

like I was a late bloomer. I feel like I
was maybe fifteen. It was so slabbery, disgusting, like, oh
just I remember having saliva all over my face after
it was not good at all. Say his name and embarrassing. Yeah,

he's probably listening to this, and it was like once, like,
I don't even think he knew it was my first kiss.
I think I try and forget it. That's that's become
the better type of kiss. You get a little older
and you're like, it should be all gross and slabby,
right nasty? Oh my god? All right, first celebrity crush,

First celebrity crush. Um. I think it would be a
tie between right or strong. From boy meat swirled. I
was obsessed with him. I had every fold out Tiger
Beat poster on my wall, and then brother from Hanson
Taylor loved him. Oh my god, do you remember when

we were little we would literally like write letters to
write or strong like there was that address like in
like teenbeat or like y M or like all those
we had, like the posters I had, like all like
the nine otoon No, like Luke Perry and like Jason
Priestley like on my wall? Did it become weird when
you guys got to a point, especially like in terms

of fame, where you could date your celebrity crush? Um?
Did that ever happen? Um? No? No, Yeah, you guys
are really blowing it with all these weddings. You could
have really just gone down the list of childhood celebrity crushes.
I feel like I was. I didn't really like them

anymore changed. Um, all right, what are you most grateful
for when you wake up each morning? Um? My family?
I love waking up every morning. I get up very

early and I try and get up before my kids
before the school rush and have coffee and just just
waking up that everyone's there and healthy and happy. Um,
I'm very very grateful. And don't take that for granted. Sweet,
that's nice. And what's the relationship deal breaker? For you

bad manners mm hmmm, like table manners or like manners
in terms of table manners, being rude to a waiter,
just just being impolite. It's just I find it. That's
a big one. I can't look past that. Yeah, no, woman.

I also don't think men want to see someone be
mean to a waiter. No, And I hate when people
are like that. That makes me so mad. Big turn off.
Huge al Right, the last one. What is your definition
of success? Mm hmm. Balance. I think a few are

able to balance your personal life and your professional life
and focus on both of those. Um, you'll be You'll
be happy, beautiful like it. What's your best live music
experience ever? Jay Z? At Tow? Do you remember that

night in Vegas? In Vegas? It was he was promoting
Maybe it was the Throne record. I don't know where.
He did seven concerts in twenty four hours. Anyways, that
was lit. We were at Tow. We were like three
feet away from him. It was You've never been so close.
We were practically on stage with him. It was so

epic and it's like the best concert I've ever been to.
That was so sick. I love jay Z. I miss
saw that going out. I missed concerts. When are we
going to go to concerts again? I don't know they're
having like these like outdoor concerts. My friend Pasqual is

like he was just doing this thing where you like,
it's literally like a rave, like a d C and
all of that. It's called like, what was it called
a mile something. I don't know what it's called, but
it looks sick. I want to do it. Yes, a rave,
A rave in a pod. Yeah, you're like in a car. Well,
I think you handled those living questions pretty well. Thank

you killed it? And now do you like sliving even more?
That you've been asked these living questions? Is a growing
on you in the past five minutes? No, okay, well
we're gonna get her. We're gonna get her to really
appreciate sliving. Um, But this is awesome. It's really nice
meeting you, Nikki, you too, Yes, I miss you, miss you.

I love you. Bye guys, Bye bye. Paris. Your sister
was incredible. Everything was awesome about this episode. You happy,
so happy, She's so awesome. That was so much fun
and I loved that. I didn't realize we get so deep,
but it was awesome. I think We're gonna have a
lot of that over the next however, however long we go,

maybe forever. All right here, you guys are listening. Thanks guys,
This is Paris. Thanks for listening to This is Paris.
We love hearing from you, so leave us a review.
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