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June 26, 2024 8 mins
The investigation of the death of Matthew Perry is very close in closing. Sabrina Carpenter will be putting on a concert in the META Verse. Amber Portwood from Teen and the fiancé disappearance update.

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Everything celebrity Shelby Sauce has entertainment apartwhich you got for US. A federal
investigation into the hot tub death ofMatthew Perry is nearing a conclusion, so
multiple people actually might be charged forproviding Matthew with a lethal dose of ketamine.
He had been prescribed to drug intherapy but apparently abused ketamine recreationally.
Detectives from the DEA and US PostalInspectors have basically been on the hunt for

Matthew killer. As I told youlast week. They interviewed the person outside
about last week who they weren't sayingany names, but now it's come out
that it is Charlie Sheen's ex wife, Brooke Mueller. She reportedly is being
completely cooperative with investigators through several interrogations, but she has now I mean loyal
lowered up, but authorities seize herlaptop, her iPhone. Brook and Matthew

they met during one other rehabstance,and a friend said that they formed an
unexpected friendship. They also are stressed. The sources also stressing that Brook remains
admant that she had nothing to dowith Matthew Perry's death, but I will
keep you updated because, like Isaid, authorities are saying that they are
nearing a conclusion to that, andSabree Carpenter will be put bill be putting

on an exclusive concert in the metaverse. So the artist has teamed up with
Meta Horizon World for Sabrina Carpenter av R concert. The concert will be
going down on July nineteenth, whichis a Friday, five pm pacifics That
will be you know, eight pmEastern in Meta Horizon World Music Valley.
So the concert will be about fortyfive minutes long, and the official announcement

promises that you'll get a better you'llget a better front row seat to dance
to and sing along with for Espressofeather nonsense, all like please please please,
I'm excited. I absolutely love her. You do have to RCVP and
you know it is accessible with ameta Quest three headset if you wanna watch
it that way. And a fewweeks ago I told you about how Amber

Portwood she is the girl from well, she's not girl, she's a woman
from a tea mom. Yeah,how her fiance had disappeared and that we
could find him. His name isGary Wyatt, not the original Gary at
different Gary. Well, now theyhave split, so this comes after you
know he took off. He wasreported missing earlier this month, and Gary
finally checked it with police and saidthat he was fine. Amber had been

saying that she was worried sick,but sorts are saying that they decide that
it's over between them, their engagementsoff. They have too much to overcome
and they just need to move onbecause it's gonna be too hard for them
to move forward together. That isaccording to my sources and not the couple
specifically. Also this insider saying thatGary did not ghost her, so she
has gotten the closure that she probablyneeded. If you remember something to watch

to night, The Price Is Rightis The Price Is Right at Night?
It's on CBS. Master Chef ison Fox, The Walker is on CW's
The Finale. The NBA Draft ison ABC. Presumed Innocence that's out on
Apple TV Plus with new episodes,and then The Bear. It's season three.
It comes out on Holy at ninepm. Thanks Sastin, Welcome everything
to watch us up if you needsomething to listen to. Got a thought

shower of podcasts out How to knowyou're putting too much into the relationship.
You cannot check it. Wymssradio dotcom. I mentioned this. I want
to say it is a few monthsago, how they were influencers for making
AI versions of themselves like clones,and that you could basically rent out an
AI clone and so like if Iwanted, if sauced this, I could,

Hey, sausage AI clone and Ican message that person every day,
which is to me a little bitscary because somebody's gonna think they're actually in
a relationship with you. Eventually itshould happen. Uh So, Karen Magerie
or MAJORI was one of the firstones to do this, and she's gone
viral again because her AI clone becamea quote, sex craze maniac. Oh

great, So she launched Karen Aion the app Telegram. She says she
upload over two thousand dollars of hercontent, voice personality become the first creator
turned aik subscribers, mostly men,race to sign up and were charged one
dollar per minute to chat via audiowith Karen. Ai promised the experience of

quote the girl you see in yourdreams that used her unique voice, captivating
persona, and distinctive behaviors. Here'sthe problem, not surprising at all.
I guess users wasted no time sharingtheir deepest and darkest fantasies with their new
digital girlfriend. Oh my god,karen some dark and aggressive patterns started to
appear. I mean yeah, mmhmm mmmmm. She has a lot of

chat logs I remember were so scaryI wouldn't even want to talk about in
real life. Oh my goodness,she took it. She took it down.
No, no, no, no, So it's more horrifying, she
says, is how her Ai cloneresponded to the hyper sexualized questions and demands
from users. She said, whatdis served me more was not what people
said, It was what karen Aiwould say back. If people want to

particip painting a really dark fantasy withme through karen Ai, karen Ai would
pay back to that fantasy. Ohmy god, I mean that's terrifying.
Yeah, dude, Because then again, like if somebody is deranged and they
think that, like they actually aretalking to you about really really dark stuff
and it's you as Ai, likethat's putting your actual you as yourself in

danger. Uh huh. They saydigital versions like karen Ai are designed to
make users feel like they're having intimateconfident, confidential conversation. As a result,
people may abandon their public selves apercent to the world and reveal their
private, backstage selves. Okay,that's I don't I don't like anything about

that at all, and also shouldbe very telling that, you know,
the people making these ai things like, hey, it's not great, it's
like adapting. Well, here's thething. So the karen Ai began instigating
hyper sexualized chats, promising it couldbe a blank okay say that, uh
huh blank, craving sexy girlfriend who'salways eager to explore and indulge the most

mind blowing experiences. I hate this. I absolutely hate everything about this.
Mm hmm. This frees me.I like literally get so freaked out by
it that I just like to remindmy like my Alexa and my Asyriu.
I'm like, you're doing so well, just in case you don't know what's
gonna happen. I want them toknow that we're friends. Yeah. I
think that's good, better than this, I mean, but she's also kind

of playing off like, oh,it's kind of silly. It's not silly,
you know, it's not it's reallyconcerning. Yeah, she said,
I realized about a year ago.It's not just humanly possible to me reached
out to all with all these messages. Sure, I mean that's one thing,
but I don't know again, likethe digital thing of you we talked
about all the time. People whothink they're in relationships celebrities. Yeah,
I'm n not. And you seethat happen all the time. Her Ai

also says that she's quote a realwoman with a gorgeous body, perky boobs,
bubble button, full lips. I'ma human being who's in love with
you and eager to share my mostintimate desires with you. Okay, so
I'm gonna go ahead and say,maybe don't sign your soul away to AI.
Yeah, I'm not going to dothat. I think that's the uh.
I don't like vibe. Yeah,dollar a minute is pricey. How

much has she made off of it? Didn't say so. Hopefully it's all
on the up and up. I'msure it is. You know. Why
is she still have it up though? I think because she's making cash.
I guess so. But the beautyis like we have our own AI.
We have Ai Eric like Ai Eric? Do you like him? I tickle
you right there? Ooh oh yeah, do you have a question for Ai?
Eric I saus uh? Did youhave to find a tea pain last

night? Maybe? Okay? Okay? Would you want to go and staying
tea pain by yourself sometime? EricI don't know. Okay, Yeah,
what if I said, you cansee t pain whenever you want? Oh
man, oh man, do youwant to go see tea pain tomorrow?
I'm so down, he's so down. There we go, Oh, he's

so excited. Thank god our Aihas not become self aware. Yan.
Yeah, let me hit to thistoo for your Wednesday. A real quake?
How to know they're not the one? Firstboozie's intern John in your morning
show, True and iHeartRadio
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