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June 24, 2024 12 mins
Melanie and Brock have been dating each other for a little over eleven months after first matching on Tinder last year. Melanie tells us that for the most part things have been great even with Brock working late at night at the clubs he manages, but she is starting to notice that Brock is staying even later at work. At the same time, Brock hasn’t posted any more photos of her on social media in the past few weeks and he won’t even let Melanie come to the clubs he manages any more.

We call Brock pretending to send him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him who he wants to send them to, Brock asks if we can send them to someone named Amelia. Find out what’s really going on in this week’s War Of The Roses! 
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Episode Transcript

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Wore the Roses on Interns John yourMorning show. You think the person you're
with this stepping out. You thinkthey're doing something they shouldn't. We try
to figure out exactly what's going on. Melanie, good morning. Hey,
how are you? I'm doing well, thank you. So let's let's get
to this. You and Brock firstmet where we met on Tinder? Okay,

and how long ago is that?It was eleven months ago. We're
almost about to hit our year anniversary. Okay, so how long from mashing
to officially we're boyfriend and girlfriend.It was like a couple of months.
We started off just like hanging outand friends and then it just you know,
progressed in tomorrow gotcha, And nowhere we are some months later,

whying do war the Roses? What'sgoing on? Well, it's just like
I don't know. There's a coupleof things that are just like kind of
like my red flags are going up. So, like he works in nightlife
downtown. He actually manages like acouple clubs. You've probably been to them,
You've probably seen him, I've seenI got the email and yeah,

we definitely have been there before forsure. Yeah, And like I don't
know like at first, you know, it was so much fun, Like
he would always invite me out,he would tell me me and my girls
to come out, and like Iwould see him all the time. And
then just like I don't know,the past couple of weeks, like he's
just working more and more and morenights are getting later and later, and

I don't know, it's just notmaking sense. Like he used to never
work, like Mondays and Tuesdays andWednesdays. Now all of a sudden,
he's like gone those days. Solike he says it's for work, but
something is just not adding up there. I a want to cut you off.
I've heard from people in night lifethat in similar spots where it's like
if your person comes out while you'reworking, it is almost like not like

a date believes you get to seehim and be around them, so it
makes it not as bad. Buthe is all of a sudden stopped inviting
you out. That's that's kind ofbig. Yeah, well that's not even
that's not even it. Like obviouslylike we're dating, and like he used
to post pictures of like him andI on his Instagram page and you know,
like Facebook page, and like he'sdeleted all the photos of me,

okay, and he stopped following me. He changed his Instagram page where he's
only following the nightclubs and the bottlegirls. Okay, so he doesn't even
follow me anymore. Did you askhim why? And took my pictures down?
So I'm like, okay, likethat, did you ask him why?

My feelings? He said, it'slike because he's just like getting pressure
from like his bosses that he shouldonly be following the nightclubs and like he
needs to put this image work.And okay, interesting, that's okay.
Let's let's do this, Melanie.Yeah a lot here. Let's have sauce
pall from the Flower Company, offfrom the roses clearly should go to you.

If they go as somebody else,we'll get some answers for you.
Okay, yeah, okay, Warthe roses on Intern John in your Morning
show? War the Roses on InternJohn and your Morning Show, Melanie is
gonna recap this quick. You andBrock mashed on Tinder a little under a
year ago, started dating a shorttime after that. Things went well.
He works nightlife downtown a couple prettybig spots, and he used to invite

you and your friends at all time, he'd do like a girl's night there
or whatever. That kind of stopped. Meanwhile, he's working more days,
so he's out more. And maybethe biggest red flag is he deleted you
basically from his social media. He'sonly following girls that work at the clubs
because he says his bosses want himto. Yeah, which sidod question.

Does he have a big enough followingon social media where that makes sense?
Does he have over one thousand followers? Oh? Yeah, definitely. Okay,
okay. Have you met any ofhis coworkers. Yeah, I mean
I've like done shots with them,We've fung out. Yeah, what's the

vibe there? Is? Everybody cool? Do you think somebody would tip you
off if something was wrong? Imean, like I hang out with them
when I go to the club,I don't really hang out with them outside
of that, So I don't know. Let's just say, hypothetically speaking,
you were just to show up atthe club without telling him. Do you
think he'd be happy to see youor do you think with the way things

are going recently, he'd be moreI don't know, annoyed or whatever.
Oh geez, I mean I wouldhope he's happy. I don't know.
Okay, that's curious. Let's saythis love sauce call rock off. The
flowers clearly shed go to you.If they go somebody else, we'll get
some answers for you. Okay,got it. One second? That is

interesting, it's catchy. Hi?Is this brock? Hi? I'm Alexandria.
I'm just calling you from a newlocal flower shop. We're called y

MS Flowers and we're trying out somenew marketing where we're offering a free bouquet
roses to people just and hope thatyou come back for future occasions. Is
that something you'd be interested in?Oh? Is there a catch of some
sword or No. We're just newand we're just trying to get our flowers
out there in person so that you'llsee them. Maybe you come back for
future occasions. We're not getting asmuch foot traffic, so we can send

them anywhere in the country. Idon't need your credit card info. Is
that something? Yeah? It soundslike a good deal. Okay, cool,
Okay, I'm gonna be totally honestwith you. I did like because
I saw your it's girl of marketing, so we have a list, so
I did look you up do youmanage a bunch of Boston DuPont Like I
found your Instagram? Actually, yesthey do. Yeah, oh cool,

Yeah I actually lived near there.Oh yeah, wow, that's really cool.
I've been like some of your clubsbefore, I think, I mean
I think there's oh nice I aboardthe flower Shop. I'm so I'm such
a creep, Like I'm just sayingthat we've probably have seen each other before.
Yeah, you're welcome to come downany time. I mean, you

know, you can always bring yourfriends down. I'd be awesome. How
many friends could I bring? Ihave a lot of girlfriends. Oh,
I mean yeah, you could bringas man as you want. Really,
I mean you can always just sendme some photos, okay to your Instagram.
Yeah, if there, if they'rehot, I mean there's not gonna
be probably you could bring them alldown. My friends are hot? Yeah,

well yeah, send me some texts. Okay, I'll do that when
we get the phone though, becauseI my mom's probably listening. So yeah,
so I'll just I can just seeit DM them to you, like
just their profiles or like streen shots. Yeah that'd be great. Okay,
because it's my friend's birthday this Saturday, so like I was thinking that maybe
like we'd head up one of theclubs. Oh god, yeah, you

should definitely come down, come downto the place and bring some shi.
Yeah, you can bring all yourfriends here. That'd be great. Okay,
oh yeah, I'll send them.They are hot, though you don't
believe me. I like want tomake sure, like like this like a
verbal agreement I'm making. I haveto. I just have to check it
over. I have to make sure. Okay, that's fine, all right.

So who you want to send theseflowers too? Oh well the flowers,
well, you can send them toAmelia. Amelia like Amelia Earhart is
a M E L I A coolAnd then I'm just gonna keep what did
you say, Yeah, the samefirst name. I said, they have

the same birthday. I was like, that's wild, all right, So
what is she to you? We'rejust like I'm going to keep this all
filed in case you do end upcoming back and like getting her flowers.
That we are you now? Okay? So like what is she like your
girlfriend, wife, sister? Ohyeah, just just just amilias what you
don't need to mean? Okay,So like girlfriend, don't worry about that

friend that is a girl, okay, bottle service questions. Yeah, because
I don't want to like her tocome back and it's your sister and then
we give her like romantic flowers andwhen she's your sister, that would be
really embarrassing for me. But it'sfine. What do you want the card
to say? Yeah, that's funnysaying I want Uh. I was thinking

about that, But on the cardthis is called being romantic. This is
called being romantic. Free flowers.That's what's up? All right? Cool?
She's always saying I'm not romantic enough. So yeah, okay, I
mean I think that's cute. Reallya question, we can't say that word.

Hold on, Brock, my nameis intern John. That is Shelby
Sauce. We're doing War of theRoses here on the show. That is
your girlfriend Melanie, Melanie. Wecan't say about what are you doing?
You're embarrassing yourself, Brock. Sowhy would you be sending flowers? But

first of all, who is aMilia? Question? Who's Amelia? Yeah?
So it's I told you this isfor my career. I have to
do stuff like this. Your romanticI work for your career. Yeah,
yeah, but who is who isand why would she be joking with you

by not being romantic? Exactly,it's a joke that makes no sense.
I have to do fun so it'sto keep the illusion alive. I have
to let people say taking us tothe next lovel This is out of control.
The illusion as also stupid, Brock. Why would a coworker need to

keep up the illusion that you're saying, I'm losing your single? Why would
it coworking? Thank you? Whyyou about this? Why? I don't
understand when you're so worried about don'teven know you tell me you love me?
I mean, who is this one? After years? I love you?
This is this is just work stuff. You don't understand how it works.

God, I don't know if youdo flowers and like say the romantic
You know, I told you it'sall this is all my career. It
has nothing to do with I don'tbelieve any of this stuff. Is there
like a little book for owning likeclubs that you have to do that?
Yeah? Oh yeah, just this. Yeah, I have to keep this
illusion. I have to like I'mthe single brought over your I mean,

like this is so stupid. You'renot wrong, Molly, but Brock for
the sake argument, let's say itcorrect, so that you keep the illusion
alive. Where is the line?How far will you go to keep the
illusion alive? That's what I'd liketo know. Yeah, yeah, I
mean, I'll just say stuff.It's just words. So people not doing
anything, It's just it's just words. What's going too far? Brock will

be going too far? Like whatwould you not? Don you never do
anything? I'm just these just thingsthat you say, saying stuff. Okay,
I'm not acting acting on any ofit. Okay, all right,
all right, it seems like youare. You're up on the words that
you're here. Can we yeah,for sure? For sure, Brock.
Can we still stop by this weekendfor sausage birthday? Oh? Come on,

you guys, ridiculous Now, it'sjust a big joke. One of
the Rosses cretic that possibly edited broadcastswith permission granted from all participants. We
love your thoughts, War the Roseson Internsjohn in Your Morning Show nine ninety
three three eight to text in Gainesville, Gina, good morning, good morning.

You heard War of the Roses.What you want to say? This
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