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October 12, 2024 • 48 mins
What were some of our favorite segments from this past week? Join Hoody as he goes through some of the best things from the past five days of the show, including: Second Date Update, Intern John's Little Secrets, What Did You Find Out From Their Location?, and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Three, two one, Start it up, Waking Up, This is
out DC and the Moore Wake.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Up Ready to start the show with Intern Johnny Your
More Show.

Speaker 3 (00:13):
Yo, it's Hoodie back again with another I See Why
am I? In case you miss it, or recap the
best bits, the best segments, the best everything from this
past week of Intern john Your Morning Show.

Speaker 4 (00:26):
Put in one little podcast for you to enjoy it.

Speaker 3 (00:28):
That way, come Monday morning, you know exactly what's going on.

Speaker 5 (00:31):
Could be part of the.

Speaker 3 (00:32):
Conversation and friendly reminder get your Halloween goshme. You know
we're mid October, so now you should probably at least
have an idea what you're gonna do for hallow weekend plans.
Maybe you're just trigger treading. That's totally okay to maybe
stock up on canny the next time and go grocery shopping.
But just doing my dual service of reminding you that, hey,
Halloween is upon us, spooky season. Go watch any spooky

movie you want to. You have my justification go watch it.
But anyway, let's kick off this week's I See Why
am I? With the millennials waste money on would be
like a Halloween costume.

Speaker 5 (01:04):
Sauce has sent me.

Speaker 4 (01:05):
This the two things millennials spend way too much money on,
according a Financial planners. Did you get triggered when you
read this sauce.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
A little bit? Yeah, just at old times a little bit.

Speaker 4 (01:17):
I know you've already seen it. Rose if you had
a guess, what's one thing you think made the list?
Makeup and or coffee? Okay, that's good, that's a oh yeah,
coffee especially there's I saw what said Kevin, Oh my god,
mister wonderful Kevin O'Leary. He had a quote that if
you're buying coffee at work hours and like buying lunch,
you're paying to work. And it's something like people could
spend like thousands of dollars a year working. I was like,

when you put it that way, wow, instead of bringing
it from home. He's like, why would you pay to work?
And I was like, oh, well that's wild. Just gonna
even though we got trick ful yesterday.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
I just don't know anything about coffee. So I'm like,
when we have a coffee maker here, can we just
can you just drink that off the I'm like, I
know that people aren't like that.

Speaker 4 (01:57):
The number one thing is we spend on convenience. So
this financial planner says millennials have gotten used to the
culture of instant graphication.

Speaker 5 (02:04):
Okay, first of all.

Speaker 2 (02:05):
It's true.

Speaker 5 (02:06):
Everybody has.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
Everybody has, that's true.

Speaker 4 (02:08):
The result is a tendency to spend on services that
make things quick and easy.

Speaker 2 (02:13):
I don't yeah Uber Eats or Dazon, yeah Amazon for
food delivery apps that bring a meal right to your
door and fast.

Speaker 4 (02:21):
These services can be much more costly than cooking at
home or even picking up the food yourself. Can I
say in defense, though, uh, it's not that much cheaper.
I think to make stuff at home. Like there's been
like with how expensive groceries are. Yeah, like maybe like
with like the delivery fees, sure, but like it's not
like I don't think like you're saving millions of dollars.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
Because I used to do like I try like different
like meal delivery plans in Atlanta and before I moved there,
but it just started getting really expensive. Actually, so I
did realize, like at least with the last like food
delivery service I used in Atlanta, it ended up being
a little bit cheaper just if I made it myself.
But now, like I mean, there are different plans I'm
like I kind of would even know, but then with

like delivery and stuff, and I'm like, it's only one
meal where I feel like I can get a little
bit more out of if I meal press fair.

Speaker 5 (03:05):
That's fair.

Speaker 4 (03:06):
True financial planner state it's okay spending money on these things,
but it becomes a problem when it doesn't fit into
your budget or if you're not meeting your financial goals.
Having the emergency fund in place. Contribute to your four
to one K should be prioritized before.

Speaker 2 (03:19):
Yes, that was like my problem is I'm like all
about that, Like even when I went to San Diego
to see my friend stuff, She's like, why wouldn't we
just walk to the store. Why do you want to
order it? And I'm like that's a problem. So I deleted,
like last week all my my Uber eats and my
door dash for you. So I'm like, I can't keep
spending all this money on convenience you're.

Speaker 4 (03:36):
For They say you should aim to see anywhere between
six and twelve months of expenses, like so in case
like worse comes the worst illness, you lose your job, yeah,
you can float. They also say can contribute to your
four one K up to or above the employees. Employers
match take advantage of that free money.

Speaker 2 (03:53):
Yea, which is true.

Speaker 5 (03:54):
Yeah, I have that. That makes sense.

Speaker 4 (03:57):
The next one is we waste money I spending on
big ticket items.

Speaker 5 (04:03):
So he's the one thing.

Speaker 4 (04:06):
He says that it's bills that are reoccurring that aren't flexible,
like a mortgage payment or a lease on new car.
That's a bill that, like, realistically, if you're struggling, it's
not gonna get cheaper.

Speaker 5 (04:16):
Yeah, it's like consistent.

Speaker 2 (04:18):
I mean yeah, unless you like finance or something.

Speaker 4 (04:20):
But still, yeah, he says, after years of working almost
exclusive millennials, we know it's The big theme is that
millennials tend to spend a lot more on experiences rather
than material items compared to prior generations. However, let me
just say this in defense of millennials. Yes, we were
told growing up, you go to college, you get a degree,
you start at the bottom of a company, and you

work your way up and by the time, like your
mid twenties, just like your parents, you have enough money
to buy a house and start a family.

Speaker 5 (04:47):
Yes, that was all a lie.

Speaker 4 (04:49):
Yeah, it didn't happen for anybody, and so like most
of us, I feel like now, like, yeah, I want
to enjoy stuff because I didn't get to have like
the buy the house for sixty k. That's not especially here. Yeah,
might be able to get like I don't even know.
There's that wall that they sold in DC for like
fifty fifty grand last year.

Speaker 2 (05:06):
Yeah, it's just crazy.

Speaker 5 (05:07):
Just a wall, Brya, just a wall. They say.

Speaker 4 (05:10):
The idea is though to shift your mindset, say, don't
think you're being restricted by a budget.

Speaker 5 (05:15):
Yeah, so yeah that makes sense.

Speaker 6 (05:17):

Speaker 5 (05:18):
Uber is so tempting, you know it is.

Speaker 2 (05:20):
That's why I deleted it.

Speaker 4 (05:21):
Mine will send me messages earlier day like John, you're
probably hungry. I'm like, that's offensive.

Speaker 5 (05:24):

Speaker 2 (05:25):
It's like, hey, you just bought from here. Now it's
buy one, get one. I'm like, shut up.

Speaker 5 (05:28):
Yeah, I was like, hey, are you sad self? Do
you want to order a donut or like ice cream?

Speaker 2 (05:32):
Mike again, Shoeters, We're coming for you.

Speaker 1 (05:36):
It's War of the Roses on intern John in your
morning shows in case you missed it, Hi, I'm calling.

Speaker 2 (05:42):
For Logan.

Speaker 7 (05:45):
Uh speaking.

Speaker 2 (05:46):
Hi, I'm Daphanie. I'm actually calling you from a new
local flower shop. So we're called Yams. Flowers. We're just
doing some new marketing, trying to get our product out
in the community. So I was just calling to see
if you wanted a free bouquet of a dozen red roses,
totally free. We just want our products out there, so
you would We wouldn't need like your credit card or
anything like that.

Speaker 7 (06:07):
A free bouquet of roses.

Speaker 6 (06:09):

Speaker 2 (06:10):
So we just want our like product out there in
the community, like in you know, homes, offices wherever. So
that hoping you know, people will come back, get more
foot traffic. We just you know, we're new the area.
We just want our product and homes and you know,
you can put it on Instagram tag us kind of thing.
I need your credit card foe. Yeah, I don't know,

no credit card. Infod can some them anywhere the United States. Uh,
We're just like a small family business. I'm trying to
go to college and you know, not be calling strangers.
Get you get my drift right.

Speaker 7 (06:41):
Well this kind of sounds a little scammy.

Speaker 2 (06:44):
Oh well, I mean I'm not very good at this.
You know, I'm just trying to help out my grandparents,
my mom. So I'm just you know, we're getting when
I wrote down there's on the list of like people
we get from the internet, and I just want to
send you free flowers so that you will come to
my family's store.

Speaker 7 (07:00):
You found my name on the internet.

Speaker 2 (07:02):
I mean, we just get a list. I don't know
how they found your name on the internet. But great name.
I do like it, Logan. It's a nice, nice strong
name like Wolverine.

Speaker 7 (07:13):
Yeah, I mean it can go.

Speaker 2 (07:18):
Anywhere in the country. It's romantic red roses. You could
surprise someone, make their day.

Speaker 6 (07:23):
You make my day of the company.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
Again, why amss flowers for your mom shop? So like
it's just you know, just my mom shop. Though not
your mom. It could be your mom if you, you know,
send the flower somewhere. She would love you more than
she loves me at this point.

Speaker 7 (07:46):
And you don't need anything from me.

Speaker 2 (07:47):
No, just you know, put them somewhere and then you know,
be like, wow, those are really pretty flowers, and then
tag us on Instagram or something. Uh, you don't have
the tagson Instagram. I'm not supposed to say that. Okay,
I see a name for where you're sending of who
you're sending them to.

Speaker 7 (08:05):
Uh, all right, Gabby, how about Gabby?

Speaker 2 (08:13):
Is that Gabby with a Y or an I or
an I e.

Speaker 8 (08:16):
Uh so with a y?

Speaker 2 (08:18):
Okay, Gabby nice? And then we just like like to
keep records, you know, for our files and hoping that
you'll come back and like send more flowers to Gabby.
Is she your wife, girlfriend, fiance, other friend? They are
red roses though, so they are romantic, so like maybe
not your grandma.

Speaker 7 (08:37):
She's a friend, but she's she's she's my secretary.

Speaker 2 (08:42):
So uh, secretary. They are romantic. They would look lovely
on the desk though if if you get a lot
put traffic where you work. I'm not sure, but that
they are romantic.

Speaker 7 (08:54):
Yeah, that's all right. She she likes I think she'll
like red roses.

Speaker 2 (08:59):
Okay, cool? I mean who doesn't. And then what do
you want the card to say?

Speaker 7 (09:05):
How about you make me feel happy?

Speaker 2 (09:11):
Okay? I wish my secretary made me feel happy actually
in my own secretary. But okay, cool, you make me
feel happy, that's all you want.

Speaker 7 (09:19):
Yeah, she'll she'll understand.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
Okay, are you terry that what's happening?

Speaker 5 (09:25):
Sounds like that?

Speaker 1 (09:26):

Speaker 5 (09:27):
Knows? All right, Well, logan, let me.

Speaker 8 (09:30):

Speaker 4 (09:31):
My name is intern John, I got sauce and rose
here as well. We're doing a war of the roses.
To Cat's question, are you in the secretary doing things
outside of marriage? No, of course no, absolutely, So why
are you sending romantic roses?

Speaker 8 (09:47):

Speaker 4 (09:47):
Why are you send romantic roses to your secretary saying
that she makes you happy?

Speaker 7 (09:50):

Speaker 5 (09:51):
Why to your girlfriend?

Speaker 9 (09:53):
Because we've been we've been working on special projects together.

Speaker 7 (09:56):
She's been putting in a lot of extra time.

Speaker 6 (09:58):
She's been we're.

Speaker 7 (10:01):
We're getting a lot of extra stuff done.

Speaker 8 (10:04):
It's like.

Speaker 9 (10:06):
Successful at work.

Speaker 7 (10:07):
That makes me happy.

Speaker 6 (10:08):
But why?

Speaker 4 (10:10):
But you understand how it looks weird though, to send
romantic red roses to your secretary saying that when you
have a girlfriend.

Speaker 7 (10:16):
Yeah, she likes the color red. That's what I said.

Speaker 6 (10:19):
That's what that's fair.

Speaker 4 (10:23):
Does she know you have a girlfriend, Yeah, of course?
Really does she know you live with the girlfriend? I
feel like I'm talking to correspondent and there's this delay.

Speaker 7 (10:41):
No, no, no, it's yeah. I mean she knows I
live with somebody. She doesn't know.

Speaker 4 (10:48):
I mean to send flowers to work and put romantic
flowers dead. That's a ballsy move, dude. I think people
be asking her where they came from.

Speaker 7 (10:57):
Isn't it nice for a boss to do something for
his secretary.

Speaker 2 (11:01):
That's kind of an odd thing to do.

Speaker 4 (11:03):
Eric flowers all the time, as Yea is not Cat obviously, Yes,
you work there, you know, Gaddy, I'm assuming at least
or wherever.

Speaker 5 (11:13):
What are your thoughts?

Speaker 10 (11:16):
I mean, she's like super young, she's cute.

Speaker 2 (11:21):
I don't know, she's the secretary, Like.

Speaker 5 (11:25):
Yeah, okay, well look, and so how many of the
women are there?

Speaker 9 (11:31):
There's nobody, there's I just have the one Cat is my.

Speaker 4 (11:35):
Only just the one has a very long answer, really
one one the names.

Speaker 2 (11:46):

Speaker 7 (11:47):
I mean, you guys have clearly caught me off guard.

Speaker 9 (11:49):
I have no idea what's going on here.

Speaker 7 (11:50):
I thought I was getting called about sending flowers to somebody,
doing something nice for my secretary.

Speaker 2 (11:54):
Now, but that doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 5 (12:00):
I help you have a blessed day at work today, okay.

Speaker 7 (12:04):
Whatever. One of the roses is cretacked and possibly edited
to broadcasts with permission granted from all participants. Want more roses,
go to YMS radio dot com.

Speaker 5 (12:14):
Good news.

Speaker 4 (12:14):
According to experts, you need friends at work, so we'll
cross it off. Absolutely, they're staying, especially with the people
who were doing in the work from home stuff. How Like,
there's a huge need to have actual friends in work
because we need people we can trust, who we can
turn for for advice and feedback, especially with people in
the office. Yeah, they say work friends are essential because

they can be real time soundboards.

Speaker 5 (12:39):
I think that's Yeah.

Speaker 4 (12:40):
They get practical advice, not just theoretical, because they've been
the same meetings and know the same people, which is
huge because like you can tell your spouse about work.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
But they're not in the actual Yeah, they don't know
what it's like get Yeah, they don't get.

Speaker 5 (12:52):
The heat if you will.

Speaker 4 (12:54):
So work friends may also be connected to others in
industry and thus helps with networking.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
Yeah awesome.

Speaker 4 (12:59):
Yeah, I think that that's fair. They brought up ways
to have work friends too. So if there's a club
like an online social group or interest club at work,
I don't think we have that here. There's a culture
club club A big fan of that, whether it's a
book club or other interests. Being active in these groups
helped me colleagues similar interests.

Speaker 2 (13:19):
I don't want to have a book club with my coworkers.
I'm sorry, No, I know.

Speaker 5 (13:23):
Our friend found in the Minneapolis.

Speaker 8 (13:27):

Speaker 5 (13:27):
Yeah, helping out however you can. Makes sense.

Speaker 4 (13:31):
They say it's lending helping hand to colleagues is an
often overlooked fastback to friendship. Offering help to coworkers when
you can, whether it's project assistants, helpful resources, lending, listening
here and create a strong foundation for friendship. Yeah, that
makes sense because any like you have an ally have
a buddy of work doing a virtual coffee date which out.

Speaker 2 (13:51):
Yeah, like during the pandemic when everyone was stuck inside
for the first month, maybe that was I would be
okay with that.

Speaker 5 (14:00):
We did virtual happy hours. That was kind of fun
if you were with certain friends. But I wouldn't.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
No, not a virtual coffee base.

Speaker 4 (14:07):
Yeah, they say, send a cash I'll message to someone
you want to know better, suggest a quick video call,
talk about work, but also share personal interest to build
her port. Please don't No, I don't want to do that.
But for me, are They say in person coffee that's
a little better.

Speaker 2 (14:25):
Is different.

Speaker 5 (14:26):
They can step out and work, Yeah, but don't face
sign me.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
Like I liked when I first came back here and
we have a new social girl and she like scheduled
a meeting with me, and so I asked her what
was about, like, I just want to get to know you,
and I was like, that is the nicest thing. Like
I was thinking about it the other day, I was like, yeah,
Haley's just.

Speaker 5 (14:41):
She's just amazing.

Speaker 2 (14:43):
She's so sweet. She's like I mean just like sat
there and just talked and I was like, this is
so nice.

Speaker 4 (14:47):
A couple months back, we were out and capskin. Haley
was like, Hey, why aren't we friends? I was like,
excuse me. She's like, we're coworkers. Why are we like friends?
Like I felt bad, Like, okay, as me friends.

Speaker 8 (15:02):

Speaker 5 (15:02):
She's also just like really freaking.

Speaker 2 (15:04):
It's like, well, slap my ketchup on my burger and
I'm like what Yeah. Yeah, Like she really says stuff
like I understand. One of the last things they say
is to be kind always. Yeah, I mean that's kind
of makes sense. Have an effort to no people, be friendly,
open your demeanor. And Eric does all this. Eric is
friends with everyone in this office. Soh m hm, is

that maybe one person?

Speaker 4 (15:26):
They say ask questions that show genuine interest. Yeah, then
asked fall of questions. You want to ask questions because
you don't ask No, you asked questions to ask questions.
This is like question that shows you were listening my
file about you, guys.

Speaker 5 (15:40):
I have oh, like I'm afraid he but your fake file.

Speaker 2 (15:45):
Other day I thought you were a claustrophobic. I was like,
I don't think he is.

Speaker 8 (15:48):
Wait what.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
I remember why? It was like Saturday, I was like,
in John's claustrophobic. I was like, wait, no, he's not.

Speaker 9 (15:56):
Wait no, I'm not.

Speaker 5 (15:59):
Do you just you can make these up in your
you guys wanted.

Speaker 2 (16:02):
John to be weak in my mind? Okay, my mind,
little man.

Speaker 4 (16:12):
Have your therapist about you know, what's your therapist say about.

Speaker 2 (16:16):
That said about you?

Speaker 5 (16:18):
Okay, I'm not going to repeat it, all right?

Speaker 8 (16:20):
Wait what.

Speaker 4 (16:24):
And this is why we're not friends in the Eric,
you said last week because you were mad about people
joined the friend group.

Speaker 5 (16:31):
Whose words that that was yours?

Speaker 8 (16:33):

Speaker 5 (16:34):
That's a different that's a different thing.

Speaker 11 (16:36):
We're very concerned about about the because it's a group
of friends. No, because you let anybody in and it's annoying, and.

Speaker 2 (16:42):
Then we have to take care of it.

Speaker 4 (16:43):
And then we go and then we got who's the
last person in the friend group? First of all, who's
in the friend group? That's a good question.

Speaker 11 (16:51):
It's just you and Sauce. Okay, last person. No, Sauce,
it wasn't hoodie, wasn't you you you?

Speaker 2 (16:59):
Yeah, you always bring a random and then I remember
that time. We were aund decades and we No, I'm
not gonna actually.

Speaker 5 (17:04):
Say that I remember that time.

Speaker 8 (17:06):

Speaker 2 (17:07):
Okay, that was not a decade. I'm not even talking
about that person.

Speaker 5 (17:10):
Okay, Yeah, anyway, we're friends, we're family.

Speaker 4 (17:14):
Come on, don't don't act like a tough guy here now,
but like, hey, family, familia, that's.

Speaker 8 (17:22):
What you say.

Speaker 2 (17:23):
I feel lucky to have you guys in my family.

Speaker 5 (17:25):
Yeah, we got daddy over here.

Speaker 2 (17:26):
Yeah, all right, Eric, we should have a joint birthday
party next year.

Speaker 5 (17:30):
No, all right, that's now right now, even close to
me on track.

Speaker 2 (17:34):
Because her friends and family, Your mom has the same birthday,
so we can have a huge party.

Speaker 6 (17:39):
Me and my mom.

Speaker 2 (17:41):
Four days later, it's still about the same time.

Speaker 4 (17:44):
Here's the funny thing. Even if Sauce wan do a
joint birthday, she's still on around birthday. You don't have
multiple birthday parties, and one of them would be like
becob birthday. If this segment has some weird edits blame Eric.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
Intern John In your morning show is in case you listed.

Speaker 5 (18:04):
Let me go fake named Abby, Good morning.

Speaker 8 (18:07):
Good morning.

Speaker 9 (18:07):
So I found out because a location that my partner
at the time was living a whole separate life. He
had a wife's kids, the hole nine yards. He was
a road truck driver, so over the road sometimes you're
in country location can't be accessible.

Speaker 8 (18:22):
Whatever. Turns out he was turning it off when he
was with his wife at the time.

Speaker 5 (18:27):
So fake and Abbie, how long were you with this person?

Speaker 8 (18:31):
About two years?

Speaker 5 (18:32):
Okay? And how long was he married?

Speaker 12 (18:33):

Speaker 8 (18:35):
Five years?

Speaker 6 (18:36):

Speaker 4 (18:36):

Speaker 5 (18:37):
So did you ever tell the wife?

Speaker 7 (18:39):

Speaker 9 (18:39):
Yeah, I confront her.

Speaker 8 (18:41):
And I was like, hey, I am.

Speaker 5 (18:46):
Yeah, so yeah, I had no idea.

Speaker 8 (18:52):
We had a good laugh about it after crying.

Speaker 4 (18:55):
Sure, I be all right, Fake and Abby, you're in
the Uh yeah, I mean again, I have a hard
time balancing my one life.

Speaker 2 (19:05):
Yeah you know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (19:06):
Uh, to balance a whole other life that just seems
like a lot of stress and work.

Speaker 2 (19:11):
Yeah, like that's a lot.

Speaker 4 (19:13):
Also to you to the folks who have multiple sab relationships,
you know, don't you like being alone?

Speaker 5 (19:17):

Speaker 10 (19:18):

Speaker 8 (19:19):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (19:20):
Isn't this nice to I feel like people get so
wrapped up in it they don't even know who they
are anymore because they're getting like so much attention and
like all these different people and then they just don't.

Speaker 5 (19:29):
But also, real quick though, how can you afford multiple relationships?

Speaker 2 (19:34):
Are you worried about like disease?

Speaker 5 (19:36):
Yeah, there's that. Yeah, I guess.

Speaker 2 (19:43):
Oh you want me prove it you care about my health?

Speaker 4 (19:46):
Oh I guess there's some downsides. Is that what you're
saying to Yeah a little bit. Yeah, let me go
fake named Lucy, good.

Speaker 8 (19:53):
Morning, Good morning guys.

Speaker 4 (19:56):
Do well, thank you you found out what because you
had somebody's location? Fake Lucy, So he.

Speaker 8 (20:04):
Asked, this is how dummy was? He had asked?

Speaker 9 (20:10):
His phone was broken, so he asked to borrow my
phone to go out with his friends that.

Speaker 8 (20:15):
Night for like a birthday party.

Speaker 9 (20:16):
That's weird, Like, okay, no problem, so he could use
my GPS or whatever on my phone, Like okay, fine.

Speaker 8 (20:21):
Well I woke up the.

Speaker 9 (20:22):
Next morning and he wasn't home. So I start panicking,
like thinking something happened. So I used the laptop to
do like the find my iPhone app? Yeah, and he
my phone was my seriously at a freaking Red Roof Inn.

Speaker 4 (20:41):
Was it Red roof in plus though, because that's how
you know it's classy.

Speaker 2 (20:45):

Speaker 7 (20:46):
Yeah, I ended up.

Speaker 8 (20:48):
At the hotel with I guess a stripper that they
had met out that night.

Speaker 6 (20:53):
Nice, so that was fun.

Speaker 9 (20:55):
Yeah, went to the hotel, showed up like crazy, Like, oh.

Speaker 8 (20:59):
My god, I'm crazy.

Speaker 5 (21:01):
Yeah, crazy at all?

Speaker 2 (21:03):
Seen a lot.

Speaker 9 (21:03):
Okay, Yeah, took my phone back and said, have a
nice life with Cinnamon.

Speaker 5 (21:08):
Wait was her name actually Cinnamon?

Speaker 8 (21:11):

Speaker 4 (21:11):
That aod that I don't hate that little that sugar
for sure, fake named Lucy went in the running of Toast.

Speaker 2 (21:21):
I'm thinking about Simon Toast because Rose was talking about it.

Speaker 5 (21:24):
For sure.

Speaker 4 (21:25):
Absolutely yeah, uh you can vote for your fever. Text
nine ninety three three eight real quick, let me go
in Bethesda, Melissa, good morning. See this isn't another downside
having location. You found out what Melissa.

Speaker 13 (21:40):
That my then boyfriend was at the jewelry store and
he was going to buy me an engagement ring.

Speaker 4 (21:47):
Oh that had to be Like, so were you just
checking because you couldn't get hold of him for a
while or what was the reason he checked?

Speaker 13 (21:53):
In the beginning, he was like acting kind of weird
and so He's like, I've got this disappointment tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (22:00):
I'm like, he never goes to the doctor.

Speaker 5 (22:01):
What's going on with him?

Speaker 13 (22:02):
So okay, I mean he was he wasn't super like
slick about it. Yeah, but he couldna Yeah. So he
uh he ended up getting the ring and then proposing
that weekend. I know, we are married with two kids.

Speaker 4 (22:17):
Okay, so it had to be kind of a relief
that he proposed that weekend, right, Melissa is having to
keep that for like weeks or months, I'll go crazy.

Speaker 2 (22:26):
Oh he still doesn't know that. I know.

Speaker 5 (22:27):
Oh, okay, I worked out.

Speaker 13 (22:31):
We've been married for seven years.

Speaker 4 (22:32):
Okay, Okay, there we go. All right, Melissa White, second,
you are in the running. It's funny because we had
a show lunch for Hoodie's birthday on Tuesday. Yeah, and
then Hoodie's wife Maura surprised him, and Hoodie's like, I
kind of figured you were coming, and she's like why,
He's like, because your location was turned off? Yeah, yeah,
kind does it that kind of there's that part of

the equation as well.

Speaker 5 (22:54):
I told the story. We were in Orlando.

Speaker 4 (22:57):
I was walking to the shuttle to get to the
video studio down there, I was seeing my brother made
his flight, and it showed that he was still at
the airport, which was false. And then it showed that
Shelby was in the bushes in the pool. Yeah, And
I was like, well, I don't think the airport one
is real, but there is a there's a jimling of
possibility that either Shelby or her phone is in the

bushes by the pool.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
I mean, especially I was that was Maggie. Magg and
I have fallen asleep at a pool before.

Speaker 5 (23:23):
I called your name when I got to the location.
Here nothing.

Speaker 1 (23:26):
So here's another moment of broadcast brilliance on intern Johnny,
your morning show is in case.

Speaker 7 (23:35):
You missed it.

Speaker 4 (23:36):
So experts are selling the alarm by toxic work behavior
called glossing, referring to a leader's failure to address workplace
issues and hardships, which prompts employees to coast at work
and suppress negative emotions. So kind of like they're going
to gloss over the bad stuff, which is a way
is gaslighting you to make it seem like whatever issue

you have isn't really an issue.

Speaker 6 (23:58):

Speaker 4 (23:59):
I think the one hundred percent of the workforce is
probably delveaus at some point or another. Uh, they say, well,
gloss it could be a natural response to anxiety or fear.
They also warned the habit could be impacting workplace morale.
No way, yeah, dude, yeah.

Speaker 14 (24:14):
No way.

Speaker 2 (24:15):
Yes, maybe you shouldn't be a leader then if you're glossing.

Speaker 4 (24:18):
Yeah, I mean I think, well, it's also yeah, I
think sometimes two bosses have to deliver poop sandwiches that
they don't necessarily order or give.

Speaker 5 (24:27):
It's from somebody else.

Speaker 2 (24:29):
How to fire people I didn't want to fire Tanning Salon.

Speaker 4 (24:32):
Listen, I've had delivered news on this show to people
that I don't want to deliver.

Speaker 5 (24:36):
That's not fun.

Speaker 4 (24:37):
I try to like spin as a positive because I
got stuck with a turd burger, so to speak.

Speaker 5 (24:42):
I try my best not to say what I want
to say. Yes, well, the kind of sandwich I'm referring to.

Speaker 2 (24:46):
Yeah, yeah, I mean we get it, we understand, we
got it.

Speaker 8 (24:50):

Speaker 4 (24:50):
When employees don't feel senior heard by leaders who routinely
ignore glaring issues or struggles, it creates a perfect storm
for people to show up very carefully. They say, the
feeling of insecurity might make high reps less willing to
evaluate the problem or better solutions or take risks.

Speaker 5 (25:04):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, get a one hundred percent yeah, because.

Speaker 2 (25:06):
Then you're internalizing everything and then you're driving into work
every day like I literally don't feel valued or respected here,
So you just hold it in and then one day
you're just gonna blow your top off.

Speaker 7 (25:16):

Speaker 4 (25:16):
I think the bigger problem too, is that eventually to
stop going to your superior problems because you're like, it's
not even worth going to them because nothing's gonna happen.
Oh yeah, It's like it's like, why would I go
to you with the problem if you're gonna tell me
it's not a problem.

Speaker 5 (25:31):
But then I just want to.

Speaker 8 (25:32):
Talk to you.

Speaker 2 (25:32):
Yes, they need to still have a relationship with your
boss at all, so it yeah kind of Yeah.

Speaker 5 (25:36):
It's not great.

Speaker 4 (25:37):
Other signs of gloss in the workplace include refusing to
talk about hard times at work. Here we go, Employees
complain behind leaders backs okay, yeah, leaving cameras off for meetings.

Speaker 2 (25:47):
Yeah yeah, because you don't give a dam I mean,
like I don't need to be Yeah, like I do.
This should be an email.

Speaker 5 (25:52):
Uh yeah, you know.

Speaker 4 (25:53):
That's ninety eight percent of the meetings we're in and
a workforce that is stress burned out and more likely
to call in sick.

Speaker 6 (26:00):

Speaker 2 (26:01):
Yeah, yeah, I just don't think that you can't be
a productive team if you don't actually address the issues
and then people are internalizing everything, especially if it's like
a workplace that has a lot of trauma from the
past and like you're not actually like dealing with it,
then you're never going to be able to be forward.
You're just gonna be stagnant forever.

Speaker 5 (26:16):
Yeah, if you pretending like the passing happened.

Speaker 2 (26:18):
Yeah, so that everyone's just kind of stuck and it's like,
what are we reaching these goals because we're not a team.
We don't care.

Speaker 4 (26:22):
Yeah, that's like, well that was Monday. Okay, well well
it's still Thursday. Yeah, it's still happened. We're still here. Yeah,
we're still doing it.

Speaker 5 (26:31):

Speaker 4 (26:32):
So a recent poll found that more than say fifteen
percent of workers believe their employers work handed about workplace
and business challenges. Only twenty three percent of those surveys
said their boss responded constructively when employees voice concerns.

Speaker 2 (26:46):
Okay, that's wild, that's a very low number.

Speaker 5 (26:48):
Yeah, I'll say I think like our boss hearn one
of the coolest dude's the planet.

Speaker 8 (26:53):

Speaker 5 (26:53):
Anytime I bring something up to him, I feel like
he actually cares.

Speaker 2 (26:56):
Also, I just feel like he's very like honest, and
it's like a rare quality in a boss. Like my
boss in Atlanta. I felt like he was my second dad.

Speaker 5 (27:03):
And I loved that Dan.

Speaker 2 (27:05):
I love Dan.

Speaker 6 (27:05):

Speaker 8 (27:06):

Speaker 4 (27:06):
So Aaron, who's our general manager, starried off. I think
he has a sales manager. And so him and I
started around the same time. And to your point, sas,
I always liked him because he was honest.

Speaker 2 (27:16):
Yeah, and like you take it at face value what
he says, Like you don't think he's messing with you.

Speaker 5 (27:20):
Yeah, sometimes I feel like he's messing with me.

Speaker 2 (27:22):
No, but like he does it, but he does it
like as a joke and I know that.

Speaker 5 (27:25):

Speaker 4 (27:26):
And then when he got the big job, I was like, oh,
this is awesome. Actually, like he's never once Maybe I
could trust him. Yeah yeah, because I have been my
mother in that sense where I won't forget that.

Speaker 2 (27:35):
Yeah. Yeah, I mean I forget anything.

Speaker 8 (27:37):
Oh I know.

Speaker 5 (27:38):
Yeah to Dan, Uh yeah, I did.

Speaker 4 (27:41):
And I told listen, every job you've gone to, I've
called your direct superior and said, just give her the
bad news because if you try to lie, she won't forget,
and not just like the day she finds out you're lying,
she won't forget forever. Did the same thing in Baltimore.
I called Mike Miller. I was like, hey, just tell
her the truth.

Speaker 2 (27:58):
Just just always be upfront with me if you're If
you lie to my face, I'll never forget.

Speaker 8 (28:02):

Speaker 12 (28:02):

Speaker 4 (28:03):
Then a survey in June reveal that sixty eight percent
people experienced toxic positivity in the workplace.

Speaker 5 (28:08):
Uh the previous week.

Speaker 4 (28:09):
That's where it's like everything's positive, nothing's bad, there's never
an issue, everything's great.

Speaker 2 (28:14):
I want to say the word that, like, I want
to call it because it's like you know, footing around
you know what I'm talking about, Like oh yeah, oh
yeah yeah. And I feel like that's what like people
do like and like workplaces and it's just like this
is not productive.

Speaker 4 (28:27):
Yeah, they say the managers need to do a bart
job addressing the fact a team is in a period
of disruption. We know it's hard, and we're so grateful
you're on this ride with us. There's no one would
rather have than you at that kind of stuff. I'd
rather have you straight, yeah for sure thing yeah than
gloss over stuff.

Speaker 2 (28:43):
Like I was listening to this podcast yesterday about this
team that went through something really tragic and they all
had to rebuild together, and every single person that they
interviewed when they were rebuilding, so it's like five employees,
they talked about how their boss they made them feel
like they could like count on them and like that
made them cakey showing up to work, and that's like
the kind of workplace I want to be at. It's

like someone that like I can rely on. And it
was just so I was like listening to it when
I was coming in to work actually this morning, and
I was like crying my eyes. I was like, this
is just so like it's just nice, Like I can't imagine.

Speaker 5 (29:14):
Yeah, I like to think we have that in the
show I rely on you idiots.

Speaker 2 (29:16):
Well I realized, yeah, we have that.

Speaker 4 (29:19):
Yeah, idiot, I say idiot. It's a term of endearment though,
you guys know that totally love.

Speaker 2 (29:25):
Yeah, if I called you an idiot, you do. I
don't don't call you it on air, only to your
face yet, people, I'm just like stopping stupid. I don't
even I don't usually use the term idiot of someone's
acting dumb. I'm like stopping it a dumbass.

Speaker 5 (29:41):
That's better. I didn't call you. I didn't call you
that that would be like that is.

Speaker 2 (29:46):
Like less offensive to me for some reason.

Speaker 4 (29:49):
I don't know why, because that sounds our playful.

Speaker 2 (29:51):
Yeah, dumb idiots, sounds like that's just stupid.

Speaker 5 (29:55):
All right, Well YouTube dumbasses.

Speaker 6 (29:56):
It's like a.

Speaker 2 (29:57):
Podcast for people that don't listen to podcasts.

Speaker 1 (30:00):
Intern John in your Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (30:01):
Yeah, I appre Jason missed it.

Speaker 5 (30:03):
S Interns John in your Morning Show.

Speaker 4 (30:05):
We do a second date update because the dating world
is not good, and there's nothing worse than when you
think you found somebody with a real connection and then
they stop talking to you. We try to figure out
exactly what is going on.

Speaker 7 (30:18):
Emily, good morning, Good morning, how's it going good?

Speaker 8 (30:23):
Thank you?

Speaker 5 (30:23):
So let's walk through this. You and Joe first met where.

Speaker 10 (30:28):
So we matched on bumble about a month ago.

Speaker 4 (30:31):
Okay, and the one thing I wanted to point out
is you, according to your email, prefer take things slow,
which I think is fantastic. So you guys actually talked
pretty regularly, like on the phone for about two weeks
before seeing each other in person, right, yeah exactly.

Speaker 10 (30:49):
I don't know. I think it's really nice to just
be able to chat and get to know someone before
meeting in person. Yeah, and we did some video chats,
we did some phone calls, do a text periodically. We
did that for about two weeks.

Speaker 5 (31:02):
Yeah, and he was all for that.

Speaker 4 (31:04):
He didn't, you know, try to pressure you otherwise. He
was very understanding.

Speaker 10 (31:09):
Absolutely, Yeah, he seemed really really cool with it.

Speaker 4 (31:12):
Okay, so two weeks of chatting, video chatting, we do
a coffee date, we do a dinner date. We did yeah,
okay and everything everything coffee got you. And then meeting
in person, the chemistry was still there. It wasn't like
the awkwardness of oh now you're right in front of me.

Speaker 10 (31:32):
No, No, it wasn't awkward at all. I mean, like
our first coffee date. Obviously you have a little bit
of the like sigitors because you haven't actually seen each
other in person, but you know, there's definitely chemistry and
I think because we've been talking for so long, it
worked really well.

Speaker 6 (31:48):
He was super cute.

Speaker 4 (31:51):
Yeah, what a game, by the way, that was That
was Sunday and you stayed over his place Sunday, correct,
I did. Yeah, And so we have not heard fromhim
those since I guess Monday morning.

Speaker 6 (32:06):
Is that fair?

Speaker 7 (32:07):

Speaker 10 (32:08):
I left, I stayed over there. I left Monday morning.
I texted him Monday night and he didn't respond, and
then I texted him yesterday and I just haven't heard
from him, which I just found a little strange because
I feel like, you know, coffee, dinner and then the game. Yeah,
and I feel like we had a lot of fun,
and then, you know, I don't think there was anything
weird in the sleepover part of things. I feel like

that was all really good too.

Speaker 4 (32:29):
So yeah, I guess I would say that the fact
that we're here on you know, now, forty eight hours
later and there's been nothing that to me is a
little odd. Yeah, So let's do this, and there's nothing
else you can think of, Emily, there's nothing, there's no
weird vibe. But you guys left it on a We're
going to see each other again, no.

Speaker 10 (32:49):
Right, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 4 (32:50):
Okay, So we'll call Joe, we'll track him out with
us and get his side. Okay, Okay, so good, Hey,
real quick though, how good are the seats for the game?
Pretty sick question.

Speaker 10 (33:02):
They were pretty solid.

Speaker 5 (33:03):
Yeah, hell yeah, dude, that's awesome. What a second.

Speaker 8 (33:22):

Speaker 6 (33:23):

Speaker 4 (33:23):
Calling for Joe please, Hey man, it's an intern John.
I got Sauce and Rose here as well. Can we
talked to you on the show real quick about something
nothing bad, Just need like sixty seconds to your time.

Speaker 8 (33:38):
I'm sure, beautiful.

Speaker 4 (33:39):
We're doing a a second date up, dude, I have
somebody on the hold here, Emily, if you want to
say hello, Hi. Nailed it, and so Joe Emily reached
out to us. She mentioned you guys mash on bumble,
did a little talkie talkie for two weeks, had some
coffee coffee I'm gonna stop right there, dinner, and went
to the Ravens game this past weekend. But that she

has not hurt from you since Monday. So we're just
try and check in, man and see where your head's at,
because it sounds like you guys really hit it off.

Speaker 12 (34:10):
Yeah, it was kind of a little awkward for me,
to be honest, that.

Speaker 5 (34:14):
What was because that's a lot of yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 12 (34:19):
Well, she had used the word summoned in describing.

Speaker 7 (34:23):
How we came to meet.

Speaker 5 (34:26):
Wait, what do you summoned?

Speaker 12 (34:30):
Well, she had said that I guess she I don't know,
she read some tarot cards or something or had tarot
cards read to her and that it was written in
the cards that I was could be summoned to her
and all this, and I was just she just freaked
me out due to be completely scary.

Speaker 5 (34:53):

Speaker 10 (34:55):
So about two months ago, I did a tarot card
reading and it said that I was going to meet
the great guy, and you know, Joe matched the description,
and so I wanted to make sure I took things
slow and did everything right. And when we had this
really fun time at the game and I went home
with him, just felt like it was a nice thing
to do to let him know that, like, we had

found each other in this way. I don't really see
what the big deal is. I didn't mean someone like
you were, you know, brought to me necessarily, but well,
reading said who I would meet and how would meet,
and I just thought it was important for you to
be part of that experience with me.

Speaker 5 (35:34):
Okay, your thoughts.

Speaker 12 (35:38):
I don't know, Maybe we have different dictionaries, because that's
not what someone means to me.

Speaker 4 (35:43):
Okay, yeah, let me ask you Emily real quick, if
you mind me asking in your mind. I'm not judging,
was asking if you had not gotten your tarot cars read,
would you have met Joe?

Speaker 10 (35:57):
No, I don't think I would have.

Speaker 4 (36:00):
So again, just for clarification, because of the tarot card
meeting or reading. We're all here today, fair and you're
in yours. Okay, okay, you can go here, you can.

Speaker 1 (36:10):
Go get caught up with intern Johnny your morning shows.

Speaker 3 (36:13):
In case you.

Speaker 4 (36:14):
Missed it, Hoody, we're playing I watch everyone's favorite version.

Speaker 5 (36:19):
It's name that actor.

Speaker 4 (36:24):
All right, So Hoodie's gonna play a voice of a
famous person. We need to guess the name of voice correctly.

Speaker 5 (36:31):
You know, Hoodey? Where we start? Number one?

Speaker 8 (36:32):

Speaker 5 (36:32):
For one?

Speaker 3 (36:33):
Yeah, growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, I followed his footsteps
and a lot of Jada areas sports being one of
them in football, definitely being one of them.

Speaker 4 (36:40):
Uh and you always imagine who has been absolute asks
for fancy ye?

Speaker 2 (36:48):
How an actor could be just really anyone person?

Speaker 3 (36:51):
Well, he is an actor now commercials. He's in the
show coming up by Ryan Murphy. There we go next
one number ten, number ten on we offered it and
forwards almost did like a joke. Let's wate this week?

Speaker 11 (37:06):
Well, we try to get Arison Ford and he says no,
and then we'll realistic this is a real voice.

Speaker 5 (37:11):
Yeah, And when he said yeah, that is Roy.

Speaker 6 (37:17):

Speaker 2 (37:18):
Yeah, his voice.

Speaker 5 (37:22):
A little bit like Hermit the Frog, not even he
does Roy. Next one, number six, number six, Here we go.
When I got a call and was asked to look
at these scripts and I like them. The writer Craig

Mason was like a child with you, who is John?

Speaker 4 (37:50):
I'll pass herun okay, Pedro Pascal correct? Then we go
do one more? Does soun'd playing with you on the phone,
sau Next one is for you, number eight number.

Speaker 8 (38:01):
You know.

Speaker 15 (38:01):
Ryan Murphy has an incredible way of doing satire, so
much so to the point that I don't think that.

Speaker 2 (38:07):
It's like a high level of of humor in that way.
It knows what it is so interesting.

Speaker 15 (38:13):
I just remember people saw me as a child entertainer.
I think I was just figuring out what my new
voice was for the next chapter of my career, and
I was like, I want to I want to comedy.

Speaker 2 (38:23):
So I started like doing.

Speaker 4 (38:29):
Damn, I never would have gotten that game. I'll let
me go in fairfaxt tay, good morning, good morning. Here's
how it works. Hoodie's gonna play you the voice, tell
me who it is?

Speaker 10 (38:43):
Okay, okay, sound good?

Speaker 5 (38:45):
Number two.

Speaker 14 (38:46):
Number two I had a Rodney Dangerfield album No Respect,
and my dad used a car key to scrape out
any dirty words. I used to listen to Rodney Dangerfield
and totally missed the punchline, and I thought that was funny.
I was like, so I'll tell you my wife, and
then people are clapping.

Speaker 7 (39:04):
You know.

Speaker 5 (39:05):
Yeah, that's good. Hey, any idea who that voice is?

Speaker 10 (39:10):
No, nothing's coming to why.

Speaker 4 (39:12):
He has his own ice cream with Ben and Jerry's.
He has a late night television show, not today.

Speaker 6 (39:19):
Oh Jimmy, Jimmy, Yeah, say.

Speaker 4 (39:24):
Plus qualified to go to Orlando.

Speaker 8 (39:26):
Okay, thank you so much.

Speaker 5 (39:28):
Hold on one second, get your info. We can get
a couple more with us. Number three. Number three, Here
we go.

Speaker 2 (39:34):
I don't know how to describe it, but like when
we're in the room with each other and we made nonsense,
so a lot of.

Speaker 5 (39:38):
This is adding up.

Speaker 2 (39:42):
I was gonna say it three Carpenter, but I was like, wait, actors.
I was like, no, Chravis Kelsey three an actor?

Speaker 5 (39:49):
Yeah, fis for a second.

Speaker 2 (39:51):
That's how that's my brain did.

Speaker 16 (39:52):
All that number nine, number nine, and I think that
that like made me create a persona and.

Speaker 5 (40:01):
Uh, you know photos.

Speaker 16 (40:04):
Just say that to answer your question really honestly and
actually really informed, lady.

Speaker 5 (40:12):
Yeah, maybe one more of that number four. Number four.

Speaker 10 (40:17):
I remember listening to it as I first started writing
songs and.

Speaker 8 (40:25):
Just about.

Speaker 5 (40:29):
Remember hearing my life.

Speaker 1 (40:33):
Yeah, like.

Speaker 17 (40:37):
Number five, hold on, we can all go in the
studio and make some vibes, you know, like make a vibe,
but we're trying to make something that lasts to test
the time.

Speaker 2 (40:49):
Yeah, that's what I want to be a part of.

Speaker 7 (40:51):
And that's just you know.

Speaker 17 (40:52):
Sometimes listen, sometimes you get John to the studio on
the right night, it's.

Speaker 5 (40:56):
The right time.

Speaker 2 (41:00):
Okay, I never have got it.

Speaker 4 (41:01):
It did kind of sound like him, but I was like,
that's not a full Bruno Like I don't know why.

Speaker 5 (41:06):
I was like, this sounds like him, but it's not.
How about I'll give you guys one Harry. How about
this one sounds spicy?

Speaker 1 (41:15):
Just the good stuff.

Speaker 5 (41:17):
This is intern John and your.

Speaker 2 (41:18):
Morning Shows in case you missed it.

Speaker 4 (41:21):
Beautiful Alexandria, fake name Maggie, good morning, Hey, hey girl,
your confession?

Speaker 5 (41:28):
What you got for us?

Speaker 8 (41:30):
Oh my god, this is so we were going to
start my friend to as I can't Maryland.

Speaker 6 (41:35):
It's like a little beach can't be placed. Sure, And
so he spilled up when I was talking myself could
get ready to go, and I replaced it.

Speaker 5 (41:43):
With from a fireplace.

Speaker 8 (41:51):
I told everybody that I spilled it.

Speaker 5 (41:53):
But what what ash did you plan that?

Speaker 7 (41:54):

Speaker 8 (41:56):
Oh he loved he loved flowers, so.

Speaker 5 (42:02):
Sure his real ashes? Did you vacuum them up? Or
what did you do with them?

Speaker 6 (42:11):
I tried to assure absolutely, and hopefully he's not Hopefully
he's not gluten intolerant, because the flower would really react poorly,
you know what I mean, doesn't look Yeah, there's okay.

Speaker 4 (42:26):
Second you're in the running. I will say, like that
is a responsibility. When you get somebody's ashes, they were
like sealed.

Speaker 5 (42:32):
Up in a bag.

Speaker 2 (42:33):
They all what they're gonna spread them?

Speaker 7 (42:35):

Speaker 5 (42:35):
Like the bags open like I know that.

Speaker 2 (42:37):
Like with my grandfather's, like my aunt. I think put
them into Mason jars. Oh really, because I was going
to go to Montana and spread them at the lake.
He loved a fishing. Okay, but yes, usually they come
sealed so you can't at least like with animals I've seen.

Speaker 5 (42:56):
Yeah, well let me go fake name Ashley.

Speaker 7 (43:00):
Morning from Learning.

Speaker 8 (43:02):
How are you good?

Speaker 4 (43:03):
I'm doing good girl. Your conversion's what?

Speaker 16 (43:08):

Speaker 8 (43:11):
So my confession is I was working at my job
at the time, and me and my boss ended up
having a really really good relationship.

Speaker 18 (43:19):
So we started dating and everything seeing some other outsiding
the work, but we kept seeing very.

Speaker 8 (43:23):
Professional at the job. So about a year after, I
ended up pregnant, so I completely left the job and
handling a hundred percent. I've got a little balls baby now,
I kid you not, And like I still go up.

Speaker 9 (43:38):
There sometimes to take him, like to take him munch
and everything. And I literally had to hide around the
building and everything because if they see me, they're definitely
gonna see something to me.

Speaker 8 (43:47):
And it is funny.

Speaker 5 (43:50):
Why would they care?

Speaker 8 (43:51):

Speaker 5 (43:51):
Is he married or No?

Speaker 8 (43:53):
No, he's not.

Speaker 9 (43:54):
He's not married at all. We're together and everything, but
he's a hundred percent like he's the play operator there.

Speaker 8 (44:01):
So I would have fully jeopardized his career with having.

Speaker 9 (44:04):
A relationship with somebody who worked there.

Speaker 8 (44:07):
And then I at the time.

Speaker 9 (44:11):
Was really excelling, let's just say that, and I have
really good relationships with people there, and if they found
out that we had relationship is this would have jeopardized
his position.

Speaker 8 (44:20):
That worked so hard for and everything.

Speaker 5 (44:25):
How many times you guys have got that work?

Speaker 6 (44:27):
Yeah, we were at What do you mean.

Speaker 4 (44:37):
How many times in the four walls that you guys
worked with? Did you did he plant his seed so
to speak?

Speaker 6 (44:45):
Oh? No, no, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 8 (44:47):
We weren't getting any one at the job, but we were.
We started gating outside of the job.

Speaker 9 (44:53):
We didn't we didn't have the baby.

Speaker 8 (44:56):
I didn't come and see you got the job?

Speaker 5 (44:58):
No, So where did we conceive.

Speaker 8 (45:02):
Maybe on breakdown the street girl work hours?

Speaker 5 (45:08):
There's something in myself like in a car.

Speaker 2 (45:14):
Girl for you?

Speaker 18 (45:16):
I mean, oh my god, I shouldn't be saying this
because if the good ladies in the part, they're going
to be like, but he has a really nice dodge
of the long corner. Sure has a really big back seat.

Speaker 8 (45:30):
You know what I mean? I got you say, I
literally have a boss baby?

Speaker 7 (45:36):

Speaker 5 (45:38):
Yeah, all right.

Speaker 4 (45:40):
Actually, second girl, you were in the running, I knew.

Speaker 2 (45:43):
Something was off, said on break.

Speaker 5 (45:48):
Listen even get paid.

Speaker 2 (45:49):
He wasn't paid for her to be.

Speaker 5 (45:52):
But what what a flex though?

Speaker 4 (45:54):
Let me go by both of your favorite text nine
nine three three eight you go fake name Sarah.

Speaker 5 (45:59):
Good morning martyr. Your con fashion is about coworker. What's
going on?

Speaker 10 (46:05):

Speaker 18 (46:05):
So I know about two coworkers having an affair. One
is much much younger, one is clearly married.

Speaker 9 (46:13):
And I found out later on that the husband or
the guy that she was sleeping with was actually one
of her wife or coaches in.

Speaker 8 (46:23):
The high school that she went to school in.

Speaker 4 (46:25):
Okay, So let's start from from the top of your
faith named Sarah. So roughly speaking, we's the age gap.

Speaker 9 (46:33):
I think like eight fifteen years okay.

Speaker 5 (46:36):
And so how do you know for a fact this
is going down?

Speaker 8 (46:41):
Oh so much?

Speaker 9 (46:42):
If I say too much, I feel like somebody would.

Speaker 8 (46:45):
Figure it out.

Speaker 9 (46:46):
So one was actually let go, and rumors started in
the our workplace and that friend of from there.

Speaker 5 (46:54):
And it's been gone for how long you said?

Speaker 8 (46:57):
I think six months to a year?

Speaker 5 (46:59):

Speaker 4 (47:00):
And then yeah, the full circle moments, so that the
older coworker's wife used to teach the other coworker cheerleading
in high school.

Speaker 8 (47:09):
Correct, Yeah, that is.

Speaker 6 (47:13):

Speaker 5 (47:13):
That's a full circle moment, for sure. That's for sure. Now,
if we saw this.

Speaker 4 (47:19):
No, for sure, if we saw those two together, we
think that they're hooking up or we'd be like, no,
they're not in each other's wheelhouse.

Speaker 9 (47:26):
When I thought about it, about out about it, I
was actually super surprised.

Speaker 6 (47:30):
So I don't think so I really.

Speaker 9 (47:32):
Don't and I just like don't hang out as much.

Speaker 8 (47:35):
But sure it was. It was really hard and it
was a shock. But now that I look back on it,
I'm sure that's a few things.

Speaker 5 (47:42):
I'm sure.

Speaker 4 (47:42):
Okay, all right, fake Dame Sarah. One second, you were
in the running both for your favorite text nine three
eights just the good stuff injere John in your morning.

Speaker 5 (47:52):
Show, and that does it.

Speaker 3 (47:55):
For another I see why am I? In case you
miss it, my name is Hoodie. You can follow me
on all the social media's at Andrew Hoodie. In case
you didn't know, Intern John actually just announced his first
comedy album. You can pre order it just go to
Internjohncomedy dot com. See all the socials at YMS Radio.
We got you cover there too, But there is bonus

songs and bonus I guess jokes from the professor, So
if you want to get in on that. The album
comes out next month. Pre order it now, you know,
do yourself favor It's only six bucks and get some
laughs out of it too. But I hope you have
a great weekend. Reminder again, get a Halloween costume. Get
the good candy. Don't be that person that has Tootsie
Pops because they're great. Do you want to be the
person that has like feastables or the recis or the

king sized bars of candy? Go to Costco get your candy.
A great weekend. I'll talk to you next time.

Speaker 1 (48:42):
Want to Sneak began Monday's show, Oh Intern, John and
your Morning Show on their socials at Hynass Radio.
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