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May 16, 2024 12 mins
Michelle and David have been dating for eleven months and while they don’t currently live with one another, they pretty much spend every night with one another. Michelle said this past weekend that David went out drinking with friends near her place so she said they could spend the night; however, David never updated her so she decided to check his location and saw that he was staying at someone’s apartment. David later told Michelle that he crashed at his friend’s house, but Michelle isn’t convinced that’s exactly what happened and asks for our help.

We call David pretending to send him a free bouquet of flowers and when we ask him who he wants them sent to, David asks if we can send them to someone named Rachel. Find out what’s really going on in this week’s War Of The Roses! 
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Episode Transcript

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Four of the Roses. Intern Johnin your morning show. You're dating somebody.
You think everything's going well, butthen something start to not add up.
We try to see what exactly isgoing on. Let's bring her on
Michelle, good morning, Hi,good morning. So walk us through this.
You and David have been dating forhow long? Just under a year?

Okay? And so eleven months?And how long was the cording process
before that? Like? Do havewe been romantic for over a year?
Or was it a quick from meetingto dating situation? It was honestly pretty
quick. We clicked and we justhaven't spent to night apart, gotcha?

And that's I wanted to get to. So you guys, you don't live
together? No, okay, butyou send your email the last couple of
weeks, especially almost every day youat least see each other the weather,
it's coffee, drinks, work out, whatever it is. Yeah, exactly,
or we'll know we'll spend the nightat each other's apartment, okay,

which any guys don't get tired ofeach other. Not mean that in a
bad way, but that's that's alot. No. I mean, yeah,
I hear you, but no,we don't. We don't get tired
of each other at all. Wejust we always miss each miss each other,
gotcha. And so this past weekendhe was going out for a friend's
birthday and explain kind of where we'reat right now. Yeah, So this

past weekend, his buddy's in himwent out in Arlington, and you know
I live closer there, so Isaid, you know, okay, stay
at mine makes more sun. Yeah, okay, okay, So I get
this. They were out in Arlingtonfor a party whatever bars, and You're
like, hey, why don't youjust crash you afterwards? Yeah, totally
okay, got it? Okay,Sorry, But then as time goes on,

like one am and I haven't heardfrom him, and I assumed he
would have been back a little bitearlier. He didn't like to go to
bed that late, so I waitedup for him, and I couldn't get
a hold of him. I kepttrying to text him, call him.
I even texted some of his friendstoo. Nothing that's weird. But we
showed each other's locations. So Isaw his location and he was at an

apartment complex. Oh, okay thatI'm not familiar with. Okay. I
was very sketched out about that.Yeah, really made was the apartment complex
also in the Arlington area or ageneral neighborhood. Yeah, ok that's weird.
Okays, like, why didn't hejust go to your house if you're

right there too, so obviously okay. We confronted him the next day and
what was his kind of response.The reason was that he just got wasted
and that he just crashed at afriend. I don't know his story just
kind of he didn't really have manydetails and really seem to want to talk
about it, which made me say, cute mind interesting Okay, and then
here we are almost a weeker move, so let's do this. Let's have

a sauce call from the Flower companyand offer a free book a dozen rod
roses. Clearly she go to you, if they go to somebody else,
we'll get some answers for you.Okay, perfect, you so much.
I'm problem War of the Roses atintern John your Marni show, War of
the Roses Intern, John your MorningShow. Michelle. Let me recap this.
You and David been dating for almosta year, just a little bit

under. You see each other allthe time, don't live with each other,
but for the last couple of weeksalmost every single day, hanging out
at least coffee, drinks, youknow, dinner whatever. His past weekend,
him and his buddies went out fora birthday party in Arlington. You
happen to live in the area,told him, Hey, why don't you
crash my place after the party?It makes more sense. He stopped talking
around one am, his friends stoppedreplying. You tracked his location to an

apartment complex nearby that wasn't yours.When you confront him about it, he
was like, he got drunk andwent home to a buddy's house. That's
kind of where we're at, right, Yeah, that's it. The one
thing I wanted to ask, andsomebody texted this in did his friends ever
respond to you? Like when youask his friends where, do they ever
respond to your text? Or havethey left you on red? No?

None of them responded. Okay,And are his friends the type of fellows
who usually make poor decisions or arethey upstanding citizens? That's a good question.
I want to say. It's kindof in the middle. Okay,
you would trust more than others.Yeah, And because that wasn't mean my

thought was like, if the friendswere bad, they probably wouldn't help do
the friends or do you know ifthere's the friend that you texted, does
that friend have a girlfriend as well? Or no? No, definite,
that goes away that est thing.Maybe asked her what was going on,
and you have no idea who Isuppose. It can't be one of the

friends, you know, because he'dbe like, oh, Chris lives here
in the area, we'd go there. So it's not it's not one of
his buddies that you at least areaware of. Yeah, I don't.
I don't think. Okay, solet's do this. Sauce will call from
the flower company from a free boucave. A dozen ride roses clearly should go
to you, your girlfriend descender ayear. If they go to you,
we'll put them on hold, seewhat you want to do. If they

go somewhere else, we'll get someanswers for you. Okay, Okay,
thank you so much. One second, that's odd. Yeah, that is
odd, especially if apartments right there. Yeah, because even like if you
could just called her or like Huddersonlike an uber if he was too drunk,
Arlington's not that big. Yeah.Hello, Hi, I'm calling for

David. Hi David. My nameis May. I'm actually just calling you
from this new local flower shop.We're called wy Mass Flowers. We're trying
out some new marketing where we're offeringpeople a free bouquet of roses just in
hopes that they come back to usfor future occasion occasions. Is that something
you'd be interested in? Why areyou calling? We just get this list,

and so I like broke it downlocally, and I'm just trying to
help my mom, you know,fulfill her dream with you know, a
new local flower shop. And overthe holiday season and even Valentine's Day,
we just weren't as busy as Ithought we'd be. So I'm just trying
out a new technique that you know, my my professor said to try by

dude, No, I just geta list, Yeah, no, I
just get a list, and likethere's a ton of names. But yeah,
I mean men are usually the onesthat send flowers, not really women,
unless it's like, you know,someone dying, and we can send
it to someone that might be dyingas well. But these are red roses,
so they are more romantic. Butif you have a sad situation,

uh, I guess we could fulfillthat as well for free. Well,
fortunately, I don't have anything terribly. It's like said flowers right now.
That's good to hear. I'm glad. That would be really awkward because I
hate talking on the phone, sothis is really weird for me. But
is it something you'd be interested in? It is a free bouquet of a

dozen red roses. I promise youthey're gorgeous, and you know, my
mom puts so much love into buildingthe bouquets. Even though they're free.
We're just trying to get you knowthis like off the ground. I'm not
giving you my credit card information.No, nos, totally free. They
can even go anywhere in the UnitedStates. We do have an online store

as well. I mean, okay, yeah, sure, awesome, thank
you. Okay, so just canI get a name for who you're sending
them to? Yeah, send theflowers to Rachel, all right? Is
that r A C H E lA E L A E L Okay?
Cool? Got that eight A holderdown, you know, So what is

she to you? We're just likekeeping everything on file just in case you
do come back. So like wife, girlfriend, friend, other, We'll
say friend, okay, friend,Sure, these are read and romantic.
I would say that they're romantic atleast a good friend. A good friend?

Cool? And then what do youwant the car to say? How
about I know what the food?I know what this is? Okay,
what is it? What does thatmean? This is some prank? Or

I don't even know. I thinkit's a prank. This kind of stuff
does not happen. Let me justI'm just gonna put you on whole while
I get the bouquet together and everything, so that can prove to you that
it's not a prank. But letme just put you on hold real quick.
Because that okay, Okay, allright, Michelle, here's what I

think we should. We can hangout if you want, or we can
get answers. I think that maybei'll I'll talk to and come clean and
see why he thinks he's getting pranked? Is that okayer? Hey David,
Hello, hey man, I comeclean. My name's intern John. Uh
you're talking to Sauce our show.We're talking on the radio right now.

You did sniff it out. Butlet me ask you, why do you
think someone's trying to pull something onyou? What do you think is happening
right now? Uh? I don'tknow. My my buddies are pranksterious and
as you know, why would theyWhat would be the goal of the pranked
for you to send flowers to somebodyI don't know, embarrassment or something,

you know. Okay, well flowersto my mom or something? You know?
How that? Hew? Okay,how would that be embarrassing? I
have your girlfriend Michelle and the lineMichelle, if you want to say hello?
Yeah, Hi, So David,I'm gonna be honest, man,
you've kind of put yourself in abit of a pickle here. Who is
Rachel? Where'd you stay last weekend? And what's going on? Good questions?

Yeah? Uh huh yeah, Michelle. Yeah, Like I said,
Rachel's a friend. Don't even worryabout it. Last weekend, I went
to a friend's apartment. Like whatfriend? Don't worry about it? Like,
okay, just a friend I metthat night. Wait wait wait wait

wait wait wait wait Davis. Youyeah, you met somebody out in Arlington
and you went to their place.Male or female? I'm male? What's
his name? Uh? I honestlydon't remember. We got a little drunk
that night. Yeah, so youwere out in Arlington getting drinks to their

homies. You meet another guy inthe side one to what not gonna sleep
my girlfriend's place. I'll go toa stranger's place and dime know this guy's
name. Yeah, you're gonna go, yeah, smoking weed, crash this
couch whatever. You know, whatdo you understand how stupid that sounds?
Why wouldn't you tell you, likeyour girlfriend, like, Hey, I'm

gonna crash at this random man's housetonight. Then we've all been there totally.
I don't know, it didn't evencross my mind. I think we're
just having a good time and yeah, I was just assumed my thing.
Oh my god. Okay, okay, so you'd be fine then if this
was flipped. And then Michelle saidat random stranger's house, so she just

met instead going to your place andthen just didn't tell you. That's a
good question. Yeah, well Imight have a conversation about it, but
I don't think I'm freaking ready.Who's Who's Rachel? Yeah? I have
said this twice now. Rachel isa friend of mine. Yeah. So
you so you thought your buddies arepranking you, and you decided I'm gonna

prove I'm dumb by feeding in theprank. And sand Flower somebody who's not
my girlfriend. Ye, just Iunderstand. Yeah, why does your girlfriend
know who she is? No?Perfect, that's it, I understand.
One of the roseses creticed and possiblyedited to broadcasts. It's permission granted from
all participants. Want more roses,go to ymsradio dot com. Well love

your thoughts. War of the Roseson Intern John in your Morning show.
You can text me nine nine threethree eight. Let's go in Pasadena,
Mendy, good morning. Hi,good Marny. You heard War of the
Roses. What you want to say? I just I just want to say,
like, please, don't ever stopdoing more of the roses? They

like make my day. Just keepthem coming. Oh I promise, Girling.
Well, thank you for listening,have a great day, Thank you
and everything. Celebrity Shelby Sauce hasher entertainment apart coming what you got for
us. This love couple is saidto be head towards the wores. I'll
tell you who do it next?An intern John in your morning show,
Intern John in your Morning shows.True on iHeartRadio
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