Episode Transcript
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Score the Roses on intern John andYour Morning Show. You think the person
you're with is up to no good. Something's not adding up. You try
to see what's going on. Wehelp out with War of the Roses.
Hannah, Good morning, Good morning. I was intrigued about your email because
we do roses where it's been likeyears together, It's been months together.
This might be one of the shortestamounts of time together. You and Ben
have been dating for how long?Okay, so it's only been about two
weeks? Okay, I know,yes, and you guys met how or
where'd you meet? You know?Surprisingly in the grocery store? Look at
that? Yeah, okay, okay, who approached you first? Well,
you know, you know, youlook at someone and you can come at
they like you. It was aquick thing, and I can tell that
he liked me, and then wehappened to be in the same aisle,
and it's just kind of like,what's really organic? He just said hello,
I said hello. You know,we started talking. It was just
really easy. I'll say, howlong? How long for I'm meeting in
the grocery store to have him likea date? Surprisedly, the next day,
it was so quick everything happening reallyquickly. I know, I mean,
yeah, I know, I'm justyou know, just to put it
out there is what it is.I like his energy. You know,
he's a good guy, detractive.You know, we just clicked and let's
fast forwards. Now we've been officialfor two weeks. This past weekend,
he stayed at his place for thefirst time. And that's kind of why
you want to do, roses,tell us what happened. Yes, that's
exactly why So stayed over at hisplace at a great night, great dates.
Here's my thing, Like, I'mvery intuitive, and I just kind
of felt something was off. Like, for example, right, you know,
okay, there's two beds, ins, night dands. Everyone has that,
Okay, cool, but it justfelt like it was suthing by someone
else, you know, like littlethings like the chargers and you know,
I mean like water bottles. Okay, okay, okay, yeah, so
just just like a painted picture.So if he sleeps on the right side
of the bed, you're saying,things on the left side were set up
in a way where a heres,somebody was there, like having a like
having a charger, which necessarily ifhe sleeps on one side, he probably
because I don't have charges on bothsides. Yeah, okay, that makes
sense. Okay, And they explainedthe guest bathroom too, if you don't
mind. Okay, So you knowI used the guest bathroom of course,
as a woman or anyone else whoswoop right, he find tampons? Why
would you have tampons? Do youhave all these friends that come over?
I need tampons from you? Likethat's weird to me, Like man has
tampons and draw up and you know, of course it's like okay, toothpaste,
you know, you know every recordingthe five pack of two brushes,
they were like, you know,two missing, okay, all right whatever,
maybe maybe maybe. But then Iwent through the medicine cabinet, of
course, and I need extensions.Why would you need extensions? Oh yeah,
I'm on a big snooper. Butthe bad thing just tow me off,
and then it just made me likemy intendents go up even more.
Yeah, I agree, get that. I get that. So let's let's
do this, Hannah. We'll haveSauce call Ben off from the flowers.
Clearly should go to you if theydeal with put them on hold and see
what you want to do. Ifthey go as somebody else. We'll figure
out what's going on. Okay,Yeah, we're going to roses and interns
on your morning show. More ofthe Roses interns, youn in your morning
show, hand let me recap this. You and Ben met in a wild
grocery store, which is insane.Been dating for about two weeks. Things
have been going good. However,this past weekend you stayed at his place
for the first time, and thatis where things started to kind of go
U. For example, he sleepson the right side of the bed,
but you mentioned on the left sideof the bed where there's still another night
stand. There's a phone charger,there's a water bottle, as if somebody
is living there. Then we gofast forward to you using the guest bathroom.
Uh, there's a box of tampons. I'm open. There's a toothbrushes,
toothpaste. Probably the most incriminating thingis the extensions in the medicine cabinet,
and uh, judging by these photos, that tape looks cheap. If
I'm saying somebody, did you askme about the extensions or no? I
did not. Unfortunately, I justkind of went ahead with the day,
you know, I just was inmy head and I just couldn't let it
go Andy because I just yeah,I got you. And then you know
how or what he told you hislast relationship was like how long has he
been single prior to you? Hesays like maybe two years or so he's
been single. He's just been likedaning and everything. I know. I
just I just have a weird doingabout this. Yeah, that's that's fair.
So let's do this. We'll havesauce call from the flower company.
Send the roses obviously should go toyou. If they don't, we'll get
some answers for you. Okay,okay, one second. Yeah, the
Sensis thing, I feel like it'salso not good. Up keep believe in
the not that I've more extensions recently. You should leave the room. Got
the clipping ones. Hello, Hi, I'm calling from Ben. Yeah,
Hi, this is Cassie. I'mjust calling you from a new local flower
shop where YMS Flowers. We're tryingout some new marketing where we're sending flowers
out into the community, just hopingthat we get some more foot traffic.
It's totally free. They can goanywhere in the United States. Yeah,
you got you're calling from who again. So we're just a new local flower
shop. We're called YMS Flowers.We're just trying out some new marketing.
We're offering a bouquet of a dozenroses just to send out to anyone,
hoping that you'll just come back tous when you know, birthdays, holidays,
whatever, so we can you know, start thriving a little bit more
than we did, you know,with our new business. Wait a minute,
Wait a minute, wait a minute. Wait, so you're calling from
some forest shop. Yes, you'regiving me flowers. And I don't have
to do anything. I don't haveto fill out a survey. I don't
have to do uh scratch off someof that stuff. No, we just
you know, we want our youknow, it's my family's business. We
just want to succeed. So we'retrying out like a new thing where we
have our flowers out there in person, not just influencer marketing, so that
you see them. You can come, you know, to the actual store,
you can order online, whatever youwant to do. But it's called
gorilla marketing. We just we wantyou to have a free bouquet of a
dozen red roses. They are gorgeous. My mom puts it all together,
and then you make someone's day great, and then my mom loves me a
little bit more and I get togo to college. So I feel like
it's a win win. Personally,I don't love calling strangers, but I
think that you know, you probablyhave someone in your life that wants flowers.
Yeah, and you know you're doingit with your mom. That's pretty
cool. Thank you? What doI need? What do I need to
be next? So I just needto know who you're sending them to,
all right, send them to Feliciaand I can put a card on stthing
on it too, right. Yeah, we're just trying to keep records of
everything in case you come back tous, just so that I know who
she is to you. Uh,so we have like you know, wife
friend. They are romantic red roses, just so you know. Okay,
all send them to my girl,Felicia thirty days for wells, so she
like girlfriend, uh fiance wife?You said there, okay, I was
the girlfriend. Sure, And yousaid, what do you say, thirty
days to forever or whatever? Thirtydays to forever and it's going to Felicia.
Okay, So it's going to Felicia. So this whole time you've been
in a relationship. Ben still beBen? My name is intern John.
I got some rose here before wecould go And Ben, who do you
think that is? Ben? Whodo you think that is? Ben?
Who do you think that is?So? I still are on the same
page? Who do you think that? That voice isn't too hard? What?
Who do you think that is?Ben? LEXI my try again?
God? Okay, Ben, listen, we're doing War of the Roses man.
That is Hannah. Yeah, sonow we know there's at least three
women. Also, you're getting marriedin thirty days, but you're sleeping with
other people? Yeah, I knewit. Really this morning? You really
want to do this this morning?Right? Yes? Yeah? Yeah,
yeah, ideally Yeah, I can'ttomorrow. I got plans. This is
awesome. It is so how manywomen are you sleeping at the same time?
And why is it our fault?Why do you even what is this
all about? What do you guysget out of this? Well, that's
the question you shouldn't be asked,that's the question you should how about that?
And you guys blowing up, yourblowing to what your beyonce? Is
that? What it is? Areyou kidding me? Is your assume that,
Ben, Ben, I'm going toassume your fiance does know you're sleeping
at least two other women? Isthat fair? I can't. I believe
you guys are doing this? Thatis that? Does she does believe?
You? Know? Yes? IfI'm being quite honest, it's one of
my most favorite things do. Butdoes your was your plan then? Just
to like, once you're married,you're gonna stop sleeping around? Or what
radio station? Is this again?Because I'm coming down, please please do,
please do? This is so ridiculous. So what wait? Wait wait
wait? So how can you justifysending flowers your fiance if you're sleeping with
other women? Yeah? Are youdoctor? Doctor? Is that question?
But you don't see how like thisis a bad look for you? Is
this? And I'm getting punked?It's not. Here's a dumbass. Yeah,
you're a dumbass. Yeah. Howmany women are there? Seventeen?
Shut up? Shot? Okay?This unbelievable. Yeah, I'm really sorry
for waste your time to that man. Yeah? Can we can we still
be friends? Have a nice day? Guys? Oh no, don't go
word the roses is creticed and possiblyedited to broadcast. It's permission granted from
all participants. Want more roses,go to yams radio dot com. We'll
let your thoughts. War of theRoses. Intern John in Your Morning Show
nine ninety three three eight de textLet's go Entyson's Amy, good morning,
Good morning. You heard one ofthe roses. What do you want to
say? I just want to say. This is always why you have to
do a check of the guy's houseat the beginning, when you first start
dating. Make sure there's no signof any other girl there. Okay,
the sweep, all right, Amy, the thank you for listening. Have
a great day. You too,got your Usher tickets. Next it's interns
John and your Morning intern John andYour Morning's Show true an iHeartRadio