All Episodes

October 13, 2024 41 mins

The Black Effect Presents... Laugh & Learn!

In this week's episode of Laugh and Learn, Flame Monroe and Bobbi Clifford discuss the Diddy scandal, presidential politics, the need for more preparedness in the face of natural disasters, the upcoming elections, the potential impact of strikes on the economy and much more. Tune in and comment in the socials below.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:28):

Speaker 2 (00:42):
If you watch your coffee time the baby you know
the name Flame, my bro also known as my row Flame.
Come in with last and come.

Speaker 3 (00:49):
In with your love loundes.

Speaker 2 (00:50):
Baby, you better catch it when you can drop a
knowledge from fatherhood to politics, shouting now, comics, just paying homage.

Speaker 3 (00:56):
What's up? Tips?

Speaker 2 (00:57):

Speaker 3 (00:58):
You know?

Speaker 2 (00:58):
She raised shot towns on speaking to the grown a second.
We're gonna last, come in to kick in, and at
the end we leave it with just a list of spirits.

Speaker 3 (01:06):
Think you want to revisit so your.

Speaker 2 (01:07):
First second listen, you'll folks say you slip.

Speaker 3 (01:10):
Oh folking, we did it good. No this, do what
you do and do what you do? No kids, do
what I do?

Speaker 2 (01:19):
No fish.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
Hey, hey, hey, this is comedian Flame, my role and welcome. Welcome,
Welcome to this week's episode of Laugh and Learn. I
am here. I know y'all missed us last week, but
I was on the word road making money so that
I can record the episode today, and I want to
thank you all for coming to see me. I was
encouraged to almost sitting about my co host by herself.
Hi you Bobby h Chuds?

Speaker 3 (02:02):
Has it gone?

Speaker 1 (02:04):
I can't call it? Lady them that's my co host,
Bobby Clifford here with us every week, and I produced
mister Aaron Howard. Bobby, I shouldn't let you take black
and Learned boy yourself last week because I was on
the roads.

Speaker 3 (02:13):
I would have I don't know if they would have
been bored with me, but I would do it in
a harping absolutely.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
Now they might not got to see but one subject,
but they wouldn't have been bored. Which good God.

Speaker 3 (02:23):
Rambling all by myself for hat hollur, that's like heaven.

Speaker 1 (02:28):
You all have no idea. I'm gon unleash Bobby on y'all.
Just Bobby by herself one week, y'all gonna see what
me and Aaron experience every week. I miss you, though, Bobby.
I'm glad we're back. And I lost my cell phone. So,
first of all, before we go any further, the reason
we are able to do this podcast this week is
because of the beautiful people down in Yakoma, Washington. I

left my phone at the airport and the employees from
an Alaska Airlines. Now I don't want to fly to
the airline no more, but I do like that those
employees send me my phone back, and so the lady
who booked us for the show, Timney Haddis and myself
in Yakama at the casino at Legends Casino. Danielle actually
went to the airport, picked up my phone and mailed
the Timbey. So I got my phone back unscathed. I'm

by the look at God. Good comma. So thank you, Yakama.
I owe you. Not a free show, but I owe
you because it ain't no free, ain't no free nowhere.
But yeah, so we had to see each other, so
thank you. And this past weekend I was at Dres
after hours in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dres is a very
famous club. They got plenty clubs all over the country
and now they're doing comedy and so I was able

to host this weekend along with Isa McGraw and Eric Schwartz,
and we had an amazing time. They're actually looking at
me and possibly doing a residency. So let's see how
that goes that brand. Right, it was only a second week,
but they're gonna build, so they're going to see what
they want to do. So I'll let you guys know
as I know. Outside of that, we are here. And

then this Friday, the twenty seventh, I will be with
Tiffany headish. I am on tour with Tiffany. If you
want details, go to Tiffany Hattie dot com. Because I'm
touring with Tiffany has my name ain't on nothing, but
know that I'm on every show and you can find
out where we will be in where we will be.
We will be in Ben Salem, Pennsylvania on Friday twenty

seventh at some casino, So get your tickets and see what.
This one is sold out so you can't come to
this one. But yeah, but thank you guys for joining
us today. Bobby, how is your week? It was good?

Speaker 3 (04:27):
My week is never as exciting as yours. So is
it the Parks Casino p A R Although get a ticket.

Speaker 1 (04:37):
Yeah, that's that's where it is sold.

Speaker 3 (04:40):
Those those glamorous for weeks. It's been sold up for weeks,
been Salem, so they are there, they are waiting for
you to come.

Speaker 1 (04:47):
And I got addressed for y'all. Ass Ben Salem. You're
gonna think you into Salem with chos after you see me.
Good god, oh my god. We'll have a great time.
So yeah, Bobby and we got to get right into
this because because we owe y'all from last week. But
before we go any further, I want to talk about it,
before we get into the politics, because you know they

ain't never going away. Can we get into the Diddy
of it all? Can we just get into the Diddy
of it all? Oh? I would love to know Bobby.
I would love to know what a Irish Catholic, a
Caucasian single mother of one thinks about the whole Diddy scandal.
That would be good.

Speaker 3 (05:25):
Well, let me tell you what I think. Last night.
You know I love me some Chris Cuomo. I'm watching
Cuomo shoot night is on calling from jail. In fact,
they're talking. They're talking through the jail. You've got ten minutes,
you're being recorded, the whole deal. And at the end
of it, he gave a whole lot of mess, probably
vital information that anybody that didn't look like me would

have actually understood. And I felt like I needed a
hip hop translator. At the end, he said something about
having a hard boiled egg up your ass, and if
you have a hard boiled egg up you're if it
doesn't fit, then you're not ready. And I'm like, what
is he talking about? And some of it I did

get what he was saying. He said, there's a lot
of sexual abuse with it all throughout hip hop, not
necessarily just with with Diddy. He mentioned Russell Simmons, Clive Davis,
and then he said, you know then obviously Diddy, and
then Diddy had Bieber and Usher and it kind of
went down from there. So I'm curious to see what

these Diddy after Dark parties are all about. And were
they underage? Like I want to see the proof. Were
they underage? Were people hurt? Were they Yeah, it's it's
way over my head.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
I'm usually so if you're just joining us, Bobby is
only repeating a conversation that should Knight say is and
all these allegations are of age because he's in jail
trying to tell somebody. You're telling a little too late. Player,
you should have told before you went to jail. Maybe
you would do within the jail. But so I don't
want you to think that these other views of laugh

A Learn or iHeart or the Last Network, we only
repeating what child Knight seeing from the county jail. Now
we hear it, but the institution heard it because they
kept saying you have one minya.

Speaker 3 (07:17):
And that they hung up and they hung up on him,
and Dusty the producer had to call the jail back
and get him back. But no, Chris Cuomo kept saying
that too, these are his opinions, and he wasn't quite
sure he understood everything that was actually going on. But
I will say should did make a comment at one point.
I don't know if they were friends, they were not friends,
if they're arch enemies. He wasn't trying to put a

news around like Diddy's nack. He said, this is just
the unfortunately, the culture of hip hop from the top,
the big wigs, not the regular schlubs.

Speaker 1 (07:48):
So well, now we know Bobby's opinion. Let me give
you man. Yeah, I don't know nothing about nothing. I
must just say this, and I'm gonna say this publicly.
When tape number seventeen drop, that is a I It
is not me. It just looks and laughs like me.
It is definitely not You know what. Bobby was so

horrific about all of this. I hate all the abuse
to the women and the fact if any of this
is true because these only are listen if any of
this is true, because I wasn't there, but had I
been famous back in the day, and invited to a
Diddy party, My dumb ass for damn Shore had been
on the tape.

Speaker 3 (08:28):
And you wouldn't have probably known what was going on.
And that's sort of what Shug was saying. He was
saying that it's I mean, it was on both sides.
The abuse went throughout. It was they.

Speaker 1 (08:37):
Wanted to no, no, no, no no. I would have
known what was going on.

Speaker 3 (08:42):

Speaker 1 (08:43):
I don't drink, so it was gonna be real hard
to drug me unless it was in some Coca Cola
or Leisedly from what they've been saying that it was
in the ice. Now I will all try so that
might be. And this is only a trump We just
I just thought this that it's Leisulie. It was in
the ice. So it's a lot to this story that's

going to unfob But I'm gonna tell you what is
very very ugly. Karma is the son of a bitch.
So if the things that he's accused of, if is
coming back to boy him in his ass, that could
be the case. But when I tell you, when you
get indicted, because I was in prison before it, that indictment,
and an indictment means oh we got you, Oh, we
got you. So whatever they have they have because he

has a hundred million dollar legal team and they would
not take a fifty million dollar bond from him. That
speaks volume soup. Yeah, not only do we get you,
we want to know where you're at at all times.

Speaker 3 (09:40):
I'll tell you so. Mark Garragos is a regular contributor
to News Nation, especially the Cuomo Show. He's on all
of them, but he's especially he's not on his team.
He has represented Diddy in the past, his daughter, and
there's another attorney that are doing it. They're very confident, though,
I have to tell you, I mean, I guess my
whole opinion of the whole thing is, I don't feel

like we've been shown any proof of anything. It's all
a lot of you know, hearsay and allegations, and you know,
I want to see the meat. What's where's the beef?
That's what I want to say.

Speaker 1 (10:11):
Let me ask you a question. Is it confidence or
is that we got paid so well that we will
say whatever we need to say.

Speaker 3 (10:18):
You could be right, yeah, yeah, you could be right.
But he does seem confident. He keeps what he kept.
They all keep repeating, is there is only one person.
There are fifty different witnesses, but there's only one person
coming across. So whether that's true not true, again, we'll
have to see it. All we have now, all we
know is that Diddy's actually in jail, and I'm curious

to see what he actually did other than the Loube.
I'd love to say, why so much, like what do
you need? He must have had some sort of stocks
in some company.

Speaker 1 (10:50):
Well, we're going to see what all that Loube and
baby Oel was about. Because I'm with you, you're a
man over fifty. You ain't even your soldiers ain't even
shooting like that no more. They mosey and all, but
they ain't even shoot out like that no more. But
we will find out at the end of the day
what this is all about. Because when that FBI get
to peak it through your blinds, good God, they got

binocular Lord.

Speaker 3 (11:13):
Jesus, isn't that the truth? They'll find anything.

Speaker 1 (11:16):
Prayers to all the victims. I wasn't no huge Diddy
fan like I went up and down crazy for him.
I thought back to his day he was popular. I
like this wag. When I believe that he was doing
for people. I liked all that, But the bad boys
looked like he has been a bad boy and the
bad fans is not gonna play with this bad boy.
Just hang, y'all know what in front? What's what's next? Body?

Oh the pawsings. We lost Tito Jackson, nobody we lost.
So we lost the legend in Chicago, Chili Pepper. But
we lost Frankie Beverley, James, Jo Jones, Tito Jackson, and
Chili Pepper all in same seven within seven same seven days.

Speaker 3 (11:56):
Yeah, yeah, it's crazy. It seems like that you get
a big you get a big mob of them. He
was only seventy and I only say only seventy because
you know, the life expectancy is so much longer. They
hadn't released it at the beginning. The cause of death,
I don't know. I don't know if he had cancer
or a heart attack. I haven't heard anything. I don't
know if you have. But yeah, God, bless.

Speaker 1 (12:19):
God, Yeah, God bless God, bless Catherine. That mama knows.
She's still She didn't been through a lot and then
maybe about seven years.

Speaker 3 (12:27):
Old, and to lose multiple kids, you know they go
before you is you know, that's that's going to be
absolutely miserable. And you know what else is miserable? Parkinson's.
And did you see Brett farre just announced that he
has Parkinson's.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
Well, of course he does. The only reason he's announcing
that he has parkins is because he got busted.

Speaker 3 (12:49):
Oh really sad. He was very big into the concussions
he had. He had come forward right from the beginning
about the concussions and being careful and special helmets and bah.
So it's really funny that are coincidental, I should say,
not funny that that he got Parkinson's. But I feel badly.
I hope that somehow they can control it. Whatever you

feel about somebody that's a miserable disease.

Speaker 1 (13:13):
Yeah, his hand might be shaken now, and I'm not
making I'm not making light of because I don't know
what's going to happen to me. But it wasn't shaken
when he was saying those chicks and as opposed to
sending into the warfare people who needed that money down there,
he was sitting signing the chicks to get a sports
a center bill for his daughter. Yeah. No, uh, it's
not that I don't have sympathy, but yeah, okay, next story, please.

Speaker 3 (13:38):
So last week, woo for me. I'm hoping because I
have to buy a new car. The sid dropped the
interest rate by zero point five, which is a really
big you know, it's the biggest that they've done in
a long time. So hopefully that will trickle down to
the auto loans. It will help us buying homes, borrowing money,
like maybe my credit cards will actually go down a
little bit and I might see me moving needle on

the principle and everybody else. So that was sort of
good news. Something else sets out that I think it's
super important to mention because you know, we're all about
the politics here is we've got early voting is out
people and something that I received this is Massachusetts Book
information book you should have been getting over the past

two weeks since there is early voting, your information for
voters books, which has everything that's on the ballot for
your state, what it means. The two different sides speak up,
so they kind of make it a little easier for you.
And since they're all they're literally putting it in your mailbox.
I think it's worth a read. I mean, take five
minutes before you go to vote, and please vote and

get your get your early votes in in your early
balance and blah blah blah. If you think it's going
to be too much on the day.

Speaker 1 (14:51):
Yeah, you don't want to accidentally check the wrong box
because the name sounds democratic. It might not be democratic.
It might sound democratic. Oh that name sound Republican. Not
judge your book, bass cover. So make sure you do
your research so you vote for the right person, because
I'm telling you right now we cannot afford to lose
one and that is down the ticket. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (15:14):
No, absolutely. My father if you used to get confused,
this is really sad to say, God rest his soul,
he would go like all Irish. He didn't know. They
could be they could be Italian and they married to Harrison.
They could be An O'Brien that was black. He didn't care.
He just picked all the Irish names and that's how
we used to vote if he couldn't figure it out.

So don't do that.

Speaker 1 (15:36):
I can guarantee you that your dad was out alone
in there. I guarantee you that.

Speaker 3 (15:41):
We all do what's close to us, right, like, oh,
who do I think of the people that are most
like me? So yeah, but you do your dear diligence.

Speaker 1 (15:49):
Well wait, a minute. Now, let's let's all to follow
those words of Bobby because all the one that you
think is most like you look at Mark Robinson in
North Carolina, the guy who's running for governor and the
black man who's running for governor and Carolina comes and
saying that he's a black Nazi. Then came out and
came against trans people and LGBT, just just going bombarding it.

And now come to found out he was researching a
black point site called black Africa, a nude Africa, looking
up transgender women. Yeah, the same thing you again. Yeah,
don't judge your book bass cover because a lot of
cover them books like one thing with the page like
something else.

Speaker 3 (16:30):
He's not. But he denies that. He says CNN because
that's who's who was reporting at first. He said that
they're wrong. He also described at alf Hitler's I'm not
going to say it. I think it's main camps. It's
you know, the big like like his project twenty twenty
twenty two is book on how to book. He said
that was a good read. This I will say, in
fairness to him, this was all information that was done.

He did this prior to running for any office. This
is way before he got in.

Speaker 1 (16:57):
I'm going to say this. I'm going to say this,
and I'm gonna say this again. All skin folk and
ken folk and who gives them? And he's losing. And
he kids praised and kissed Trump behind. And when Trump
was just there in his state during the press conference,
he never mentioned his name, not one time.

Speaker 3 (17:15):
Right, it was like he was apy a herpy sore
on his lip. Everybody is, they're deleting posts, they're deleting pictures, tweets,
anything that was connecting them before all all of a sudden,
he is he is, you know, the ugly stepsister.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
Well, let me tell you what he made mistake. Well,
let me tell you where he made his biginessness. It's
one thing to go against your own race, black man.
It's another thing to go against your own race to
kiss the boot of a white man. But it's another
thing to go against the trans community that you seem
to have a face for. But it's a whole nother
ballgame messing with that Jewish community. When that black Nazi

statement right there, if nothing else is going to be
the nail in his coffin, that will be it. Because
Jewish people do not take kind of the the Nazis
about the whole Holocaust situation and how they were treated
their answers, so right there, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (18:09):
I forget even the nine. It is just a regular
white person. I don't want to hear that, especially in
the weird climate political climate that we're in now with
different leaders throughout the world that are looking to be dictators.
I can't believe, you know, I can't believe he would
say something so stupid. It'll be interesting to see, though,

I mean, we're going to have to kind of step
back and take a little peek and see what this
actually means on election day? You know, is it going
to hurt the GOP? The same things have been done
and not those words. But Trump was caught into a
political scandal. He was held liable for rape, and he's running,
you know, when people are up his his rear ends.

So I find it a little hypocritical that Trump is
backing away from this guy instead of maybe supporting or
were doubling down. But he's fine.

Speaker 1 (18:59):
Hold on Trump's defense. Trump is an orange man that
identifies is white. So there's a very big it's true.
It's true.

Speaker 3 (19:07):
Did you see CNN reported that Millennia for U for
a fundraiser she showed up for in April. They can't
figure out who cut the check, but it was like
her husband's fundraiser. She was paid two hundred and thirty
eight thousand dollars. Trump had to had to disclose that,
you know how they have to do financials. He actually

disclosed that she charges her husband too, or she's charged
in his group to pay her to actually show up.
I found it a little interesting.

Speaker 1 (19:40):
Can I just say this, Allegedly if he paid her
two hundred and thirty eight thousand, she got double? What
saw me? Gad? Okay, let's go next. Please, what's it
that happens?

Speaker 3 (19:52):
Honest and true? I do want to say everybody please
be careful. We know that this is hurricane season. We've
got weather coming, and I believe that Helene is going
to hit the Panhandle in Florida and it is it's
a full blown they say it's a full blown hurricane.
So it's coming off of Mexico heading there, So everybody

please speak care.

Speaker 1 (20:13):
And today's September twenty fifth, she's hitting tonight, yeah, so.

Speaker 3 (20:20):
Be careful, get your generator, get your everything going, and
you have to.

Speaker 1 (20:26):
Evacuate. Please take those evacuation warning now, you're right, seriously,
because that's the that's the last result. They don't tell
you that just because they want to keep the houses safe.
They want to keep you alive. So take those evacuation
wanting seriously and please, And I know a lot of
us are financially challenged. You can't get with somebody, make

friends with somebody and ride with them. You know, they
have clubs and stuff.

Speaker 3 (20:51):
Yeah, they have schools and they have shuttles. I know,
I know that some people are just drops in it
and they don't want to leave the houses. But you
just made a very good point. You said, you know,
they want to keep us alive. But the other people
is it's the first responders. We kind of have twenty
first responders having to go and rescue you when they
could be doing something else, you know, helping out other people,
you know, more more people. It's not responsible to do it.

So so yes, but for the people that are sick,
I always get nervous that they don't have their defibrillators
and all that nonsense. And there they don't have their
insolent on ice. So take those precautions. Did you see
Joe Biden on the View today. I did.

Speaker 1 (21:34):
I did. He's the contact. I did see President Joe
Biden on the View today. Yeah, you know what. You
know what I took away by it, It was, oh,
I love my president, but it was very slow listening
to him speaking. So when they would show the old
clips of him years ago, you could see the actual change,
not just the physical change absolutely, but the way that

he spoke is he was so much slower and we
will will And so when I did the comparison like that,
I was like, oh, wow, now I see because I
was like, whoopee, I was rather that with Joe todeen
you but he ain't driving. Yeah, but I see that.
I see that. So he still.

Speaker 3 (22:15):
Believed he would have beat Trump, which I find because
he said the worst he said, which I thought was classy,
is he was a loser. And then he made a
comment about not having any redeem anything redeemable socially, and
I thought he could have. If that was Trump, he
would have doubled down, he would have made making big insults.
I loved that Whoopee said, what a lot of people
because I am one of them. She just didn't like

how it was all handled. She didn't think that all
of us should have seen, you know, been so privy
to a lot of public information when it should have
been kept private. And I agree with that. He said
he was at peace with his decision. I liked his explanation.
He said he got so much done, way more than
anybody would have anticipated in that first term, that he

wanted to try to keep the momentum and try to
get the rest of what he had promised everybody done
within the second term. I truly believe he wouldn't have
finished the second term. I think he would have done
a year or two to complete what he wanted, and
then he would have handed the reins over to Kamala.
That's really what I thought. He was positive about her.
She's smart, she's capable, she's able, she you know, he's

a class act. I'm very sad to see him go.
I really am, or not have some part that we're
not going to see him on a day to day Well.

Speaker 1 (23:27):
I enjoyed him on the view as well, Bobby, but
I did see the difference. But absolutely, again, he is
still our president and we appreciate him for fifty years
service and four days I think four or six days
there is going to be a Vice President to debate

between Jade Vans and Tim Walls. And I think I'm
more excited to see this one than i wanted to
see Harry. I mean to see Trump and Harris.

Speaker 3 (23:58):
I am dying to see. Well that's if that's if
Vance isn't in jail, it's never going to happen. It's
sort of a waste of time. But the Haitians who
live in Springfield are asking for their arrest, they're bringing
a case for it. It's not really going to go anywhere,
so it's kind of silly, although they're making a point,

but they are calling for the arrest of the two
of them. So we'll see. I mean, you can't say
that a group of people eat something when it's I mean,
it's such a lie and then they kind of get
away with it. So anyway, I'd like to see that
debate too. That that'll be that'll be interesting.

Speaker 1 (24:36):
I believe that Trump made the biggest mistake when he
was talking about he was going to go to Springfield.
There's no need him for him to go to to
do any kind of reality Springfield because of all of
the drama that he has caused. And to me, that
is almost putting your hand in the lion's mouth that
you've had, and now Iran has come out with death threats.

You've already had two failed the assassination, but you keep
baiting the damn bear. You keep poking the bear. It's
almost like you're doing it on purpose.

Speaker 3 (25:09):
So because it keeps, it keeps, let me finish.

Speaker 1 (25:15):
I don't want anybody to hurt this man, but I
don't want you to keep poking the bear and to
to give people leaving breadcrumbs for them to follow. The
league get to you. It's kind of like, why are
you provoking these people? But after the insult that he
did to a beautiful place in Springfield, because I'm telling
you I was there with Dave Chappelle, I don't end

with Dnaille Rollins. I don't like the fact that he
keeps doing that and they keep allowing him to do this.
This is partially the media's fault because you just have
let a madman run them up and say what the
hell he want to say, and then being with and
these Iranian uh death threats are scary because you know
the whole Allegedly, Jerry Kushner and Trump was supposed to

get two billion dollars from the saudeast, you know, and
so we don't you know, we don't know, Bobby, we
don't know.

Speaker 3 (26:03):
Yeah, will say you know what we'll see.

Speaker 1 (26:06):
Yeah, Well they want their money back, supposedly because whatever
we were supposed to transpire. I don't know that. That
was what the news in SNBC was reporting, and I
saw it on there. So this is not from us.
We're just reporting what we saw, just our wing. But
if they want the two billion dollars back, girl, that's

a lot of luck.

Speaker 3 (26:30):
Gosh, it's a gazillion times more than I have. I'm
roland Quarters trying to figure out how I'm going to
make a car payment again. I'm not I'm so used
to not having a car payment. I think he likes
the assassination attempts. He doesn't want the attempts, but he
likes what he keeps things moving. You know, we're still
talking about him. I mean, they did find out The
investigators just looked at that and said that they there

were alsos of mistakes made, which we know the communications
and all that. We talked about it last time, but
they had that new one that what's it is it?
Ryan Roof? Is that how you say his name. He
did the second one. God bless that the eyes on
whoever that Secret Service man was. That I saw a
gun stock sicking out of a strubbery. I would have
been thinking, oh, what is that? But yeah, that makes

you wonder. It makes you wonder, though, Bobby. So you
could see a gun through the rice floor to sun
speaking to a fence in the open daylight at five
hundred yards, but you couldn't see this other guy crawling
up the roof that was only like six feet away
and being and bold. It just makes you wonder. I
think they saw him. I think they thought, I mean

they were communication problem. They thought that the the Pennsylvania
local cops were getting go. It went vice versa. There
was no they should have had walkie talkies and stuff
that was sinked, but they didn't. But anyway, it's coming
out that the Secret Service has got egg on its
face with that. But they did. They did pass a
bill unanimously that both Harris and Trump will get active

President's status as far as as many Secret servicemen. So
hopefully this stuff will never happen again, and hopefully they
have the best of the best instead of the B team.

Speaker 1 (28:12):
Well, I hope Kamala Harris gets the ones from the
seventies because they would take a bullet for their leader.
These newes, my step the hell out the way, be
like I let you head out one.

Speaker 3 (28:23):
I know she's got she has her own. I don't
know how many you get as the vice president. So
I hope she gets to have her the people she's
comfortable with and then just have some people that are
that are sort of added on. Did you see there
was I think it's called full measure the show. Trump
was asked if he doesn't win, would he run again?

He actually said no. I thought he would for sure
say yes, There's no way he would let that go.
He would have been eighty two running again. But but
I went, well, good, if he doesn't win this time,
at least we would have shut it down.

Speaker 1 (29:00):
Uh well, well, clearly he well we see he couldn't
possibly running in uh America. Y'all see the same thing
that we see all of that poolitions that he did
with Joe Biden, Sleepy Joe. He needs a cognizance test.
Everything has come back to Trump is biting the bullet.
He really is just biting the bullet on this because
We're watching him babble and go off topic and forget

what the topic was. I'm like, has he been in
my animals? I used to tell that joke about Biden,
but I think Trump that had two of them.

Speaker 3 (29:32):
Oh my god, I'm with you. And he talks like
a two year old, like he's on the second grade playground.
He's His big insult for Kamala was she's dumb? I mean,
who since that? I haven't said that since I was
probably five. Get a better insult, something a little more
put together.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
In the words of Vice President Harris, just turn the
plage is the same old plage.

Speaker 3 (29:57):
It's not even the page.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
It's the same old playbook.

Speaker 3 (30:01):
So it looks like we also kicked can for a
government shutdown, at least now for in September. They passed
the bill, the spending bill, but it's going to be
in December. It's going to be kicked down till December,
just before poor Biden gets out of office, like he
needs to deal with that. But Johnson got it, got
it passed. The one thing that they ended up removing

was Zelensky in Ukraine needs more more help, and they
pulled that out of it. But I actually think that, uh,
the Senate and or President Biden will do an executive
order and get them what they need, just so we
could get the spending passed.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
Well, I'm speaking of Ukraine and that war in Zolenski.
I hear that, Bobby, And again, you know, I try
to stay away from those wars. Prayers to them, and
I know that Ukraine needs to help, and they have
been so so diligent and fighting back. But there was
just a missile strike yesterday that kill help.

Speaker 3 (31:00):
Yeah, four hundred and seventy two thirty five children. It
was Hesbela, but in Lebanon, I believe thirty five kids.
I don't like seeing thirty five children. And then last
week when we weren't here, we would have reported on
they also, the Israelis somehow infiltrated I don't know how

they did it. They either sold uh beepers and cell
phones that were already had something in them there somehow
somehow infiltrated them and they blew up and there were
a whole bunch of people that were killed that way
and maimed in some children. I just don't like what
the kids, what innocent there.

Speaker 1 (31:41):
And that happened simultaneously. So do you know if something
like that happened in the United States and the cell
phones away because we all keep our cell phones in
our podcast person some people carry them in a back
pocket and a titty, you know, or always close to
your faith good and simultaneously, we don't even have enough
medical directors to handle the severity of something like that.

This is what I'm talking about, This terrorism and these
wars are this is just out of control. It really
is out of control, and we need a cease fire.
We need all the hostages returned and everybody go to
their neutral corner. This is almost kind of like, we
can't blame this on Trump, but all this division is

the US that's happening across the world, not just across America.
I know.

Speaker 3 (32:30):
The one thing I liked that President Biden was talking
about was somebody had asked if the if the hostages
that Hamas has would be part of their ceasefire, and
he said that is that it's a it's a two
prong thing, and that is the that ceasefire. They have
to return them. I believe they're close to some sort

of ceasefire. I was reading CNN had an alert up
a little a little bit ago for Lebanon, and they're hoping,
hoping because that's for Hezbollah, that's that is that now
lives to Lebanon, and they're hoping that that will trickle
down to something for Israel and Gaza. Again. President Biden

is very optimistic that something before he leaves, something will
get done. He has also said that as much as
he supports Israel, he does not believe in what BB
Netanyahu is actually doing. He's told him he needs this
two state solution and he's sticking to that as well
and pushing with that. And hopefully Vice President Harris if

she gets in. When she gets in, I'm going to
say that I'm going to put that out there that
she'll be the same way because enough these people, i mean,
the whole region enough and it does affect us everybody,
don't They don't think it's over there. We're helping them
to keep it over there so we don't have it
here on our side.

Speaker 1 (33:52):
Absolutely, Yeah, it is. It is and and and your
vote does count. And Bobby is right. When you get
your playbook, because that is what you are getting in
the mail, your voting playbook, go down the line, take
the time to read it so you'll pick the right candidate.
And it's not just about the president and the vice president.
We cannot let not the enemy, but we cannot let

Americans that think so differently from us get in such
a place of control to where we are back in
this situation again in the next four to eight years.
This is preposorous for us, for our children, for our grandchildren.
So make sure that you understand who you're voting for,
and research why you're voting for the candidates that you're
voting for. Because they look because because they look like
you don't mean that they think like you.

Speaker 3 (34:38):
No, And that's that's absolutely And it has it has
stuff about your taxes being raised and different There's all
sorts of different stuff in it. So give it a look.
And I love that idea of a playbook. I think
that sounds terrific. So give that a peek. I'm trying
to look and see if we have anything extra here
that I missed. Kamila Harris is is supposed to be
going down to the border, I think gets Friday fingers

crossed and see if she can get anything done there.
The Boeing strikes, they are still out. They've come up.

Speaker 1 (35:12):
Hold on, Bobby, speaking of strikes. Speaking of strikes, let's
have a commercial. Let's take a commercial break. Absolutely, okay,
so we're back. So speaking of strikes, Bobby, the long
shoremen are talking about going on strikes that will cause
food shortages and so many shortages everywhere that are coming

from the piers. I need you guys to pay very
close attention to that, especially if you live in a
place where a lot of your industry comes in through shipping.
Do the shipping entertainment, because if the long shoremen decide
to going to strike, it's going to priced out everything,
and at the price of everything is going to skyrocket.

So if you can and it's starting to little getting
serious about that, suck up. Can goods meet whatever you
need to do to survive water because we will have
a shortage nationwide. If these are shoremen, I need them
to pay these on suremen their work and treat them accordingly.
Because y'all don't understand it. Y'all think that that stuff

show up in the middle of the night. My mother
used to always say that paper town don't come in
this house, my aos. Toilet, paper don't come at Aos.
Somebody delivers all of that stuff, and if we get
along short and strike around the country, that will be
detrimental to the economy and to our pockets. We already
food is already has heal.

Speaker 3 (36:32):
It's the truth, and that's an air and Jane in
my heart. My grandfather was long shorman and it's a
tough gig too. It's a really tough gig and they're
not well paid. They need better benefits, they need everything,
and we rely on them all these service positions. We
rely on these people. They deserve to be paid a
good wage so they could support their families.

Speaker 1 (36:51):
Because AI is about to take over.

Speaker 3 (36:54):

Speaker 1 (36:55):
I know.

Speaker 3 (36:55):
In some ways, as I said, it's it's a great thing.
As far as medical records. It'll do to dictation for
the physicians so they can see patients. You know, since
we already are down on nurse practitioners and physicians, we
need more of them. To take something off of their
their plates. Is terrific. But in other ways it's a

little scary. And in some ways they take jobs that
nobody else wants, but not that we you know, we
need people actually handling the stuff and seeing that there's
no there's no people in the shipping containers and drugs
and everything else. So let's be good to the longshoremen.
And I don't have much else flame other than that
unless you want. Do you have another thought on that?

Speaker 1 (37:38):
I have this thought. I mean everybody to make sure
that you are registered to vote, make sure that all
your ducks are in a row, because you know that
the cheat is on. In fact, the cheat is so
gon that in Montana today when they went to do
early voting, they have removed Kamalas Harris's name off of
the ballots. Pay attention name was removed off the ballot,

So that is where we are.

Speaker 3 (38:04):
So they would have to what would we I'll research that.
So if you get you to your voting area and
that happens to you and your person is not on there,
I am assuming that we just write them in. But
let's be because we can't have Yeah, you can't.

Speaker 1 (38:20):
Have writing on your things, so the cheat is on.
You have to understand you're going to have to do
some homework this election. This election is not just about
casting your vallet. You are going to have to do
some homework as an American in order to save the
country that you love. We thank you here at laugh alone.
We appreciate you. I hope to see you guys. Please
go to Tiffany Hattage dot com to see her tour

and my tour days will be up on one of
my social media platforms. I am banned from Instagram, on
Monroe Flame for another month October twenty second, I will
be on TikTok Flame, Monroe One Too Fast, and my
YouTube Coffee Time. I'm back, so thank you guys for
joining us here. I will be in Philadelphia this weekend,
but you can't come see me because it's already sold out.

It is sold out. Follow me on Monroe Flame on
Instagram and on Monroe Do's Flame for the next thirty
days is I'll probably be over there. Probably be over there,
And you can follow Bobby Clifford at Clifford Bobby on
Instagram and Bobby Clifford on Facebook. Also, if you have
subjects titles at Questions whatever, you go to at Laugh
and Learn podcast on Instagram because that's where you can

get hold of us at We love you, We appreciate you.
Thank you for the downloads and the follow Please tell
a friend I want to say to Yakamunt Washington, I'm
kissing all ass right now. Because you were some wonderful people.
Thank you guys so much. I appreciate you guys. I'm
coming to leave my staying in Ben Salem, Pennsylvania this Friday,
but you don't want to see this thing. I'm about
to leave in Tulsa, Oklahoma next month. Okay, thank you

guys for joining yeap.

Speaker 3 (39:50):
Can I say I just want to say it's because
it's the end of September. September a suicide prevention month.
If you have any issues that you need to speak
with somebody the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You just styal
nine nine eight. It's just three letters, nine ninety eight
and it's staffed twenty four to seven.

Speaker 1 (40:09):
Oh that's my card. Note. Okay, on that note, I
know I'm getting on the phone. Thank you, Bobby Clipper,
Thank you mister Howard. We love you. Play mats and remember.
Here at Laugh and Learn, the model has not changed
and will never change. Here Laugh and Learn. We are
not trying to get you to change your mind. We
are only trying to get you to use your mind.
Because why, Bobby, is.

Speaker 3 (40:29):
A mind and a vote are a terrible thing.

Speaker 1 (40:31):
To waste, and you better not waste your vote. You
waste your man, but damn sure, don't waste your vote. Okay, y'all,
see see you next week. Peace out. Don't miss an
episode of Laugh and Learn. Listen and subscribe on the
Black Effect Podcast Network, Alight Heart Radio app or wherever
you get your podcasts. Laugh and Learned Podcast is a
production of the Black Effect Podcast Network and iHeartRadio. Our

ejective producer is Tippany Hattish. Our theme music is by
the one and only Chrissy Payne. Thank you guys, this
is slay my Row. Don't forget to laugh. Listen and
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