Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:42):
If you watch the Coffee Time the baby you know
the name Flame, my bro also known as my ro Flame.
Come in with last and come in with Jim love lambs. Baby,
you better catch it when you can drop a knowledge
from fatherhood to politics, shouting now comics, just paying homage.
Speaker 2 (00:56):
What's up? Tests? Yeah?
Speaker 1 (00:58):
You know she raised shot towns on speaking to the
grown a second. We're gonna last and cut up and
kick it and at the end we leave it with
just a listed spirits. But you want to revisit, so
your first like a listen Jim, folks say it's Lynch.
Speaker 2 (01:09):
Oh, folks that we dig it kin No fish, do
what you do? Hang no, do what you do?
Speaker 3 (01:16):
Cain no fish, you what I do? No where Holiy
was Welcome to the Left. I'm sorry, y'all. Welcome to
this week's episode of Leveler. This name Bobby is a riot.
If y'all do what she just said, which I will
not ever tell y'all it was hilarious, but oh my god,
Bobby is as Welcome to this week's episode of Leffel Her,
ladies and Jim. I'm your host, Flamer Roe, and I'm
with my beautiful calls.
Speaker 2 (02:11):
To come through and they give you.
Speaker 3 (02:13):
The I'm sorry, y'all. Bobby gave me the tackles over
here talking shit, y'all. Tell you I'll miss it.
Speaker 2 (02:23):
I want people to think I'm nice. You can't tell
people that I'm that.
Speaker 3 (02:27):
I'm sure. Oh my god, y'all think I'm the vicious one.
I am actually the very pleasant one. Bobby is like
a shark and smelling blood in the water. Good god,
I just tell them, Oh my god, that was funny
as I saw that too, but that was funny as hell. Bobby. Okay,
welcome you guys. I'm sorry, y'all. I had to tickle y'all.
Bobby tickle me. She pinched me. She tickled me through
the phone. Welcome to the episode of Laughing Lady we are.
It is Thursday, November the twenty first. We are a
week away from Thanksgiving and we hope everybody get their
turkey dressing there. I'm gonna tell you what I really
want one from America this this Thanksgiving, or for everybody
who listens to my podcast, if you celebrate Thanksgiving, I
really want you to get with loved ones that you
care about, and I want you to make this the
most loving, fun and memorable Thanksgiving that you've had in
the last thirty years. Because you know what, I don't
know what next Thanksgiving will look like, and from what
they're what they're showing us, it might not be as
too much togetherness and we might not all be together
in a loving way. So let's let's really celebrate this Thanksgiving.
Let's really get what our people put all of our
differences to the side that everybody. Let the good cooks
cook because we want good company and good food. If
you know you're not a good cook, sit your ass down.
But y'all enjoy this because we got some I think
we got some dark days ahead, not cloudy, let's say
cloudy and gray.
Speaker 2 (03:54):
Not dark, but cloudy, cloudy and gray. Kind of a
little confusing because it's not as so we'll get into
get into the cabinet picks and whatnot. But the system
still works, you know. So we'll talk about Matt Gates.
But everybody was up in arms, including myself, because of
all the issues with him. But the system works. So
let's hope the system works it continues to work down
the line, not just for the cabinet picks, but for
the power that the president has. You know, that there
are checks and balances. They might be weaker or smaller,
but there's still a little something there.
Speaker 3 (04:31):
Now, the question is which president are you referring to?
President elect Trump or President elect Musk? Right, because it's
looking very much like Must hold the keys to the palace,
even though Trump is already inside the palace. Must has
the keys to open and close the door. That's what
it looks like to me.
Speaker 2 (04:51):
Well, there's a big romance happening. I don't know if
the bromance is as much through Trump and Mosque or
if it's through uh Ramas or Musca Swammy as they're
calling them, the dynamic duo. They're wonder twin powers.
Speaker 3 (05:05):
I think, Oh, they started to actually look like I
wonder how they're secretly married. You know how they say
married people started to look alike. I wonder that they
secretly married.
Speaker 2 (05:14):
I don't know, all look like their dogs. So which
one is the wolf?
Speaker 3 (05:18):
Ooh? Which one? Look? Who is the top? And who
is the I give? I give m a swammy for
a very dirty little top. Yeah, he gives me very
dirty little top. And Eli Musk looked like he a bottom.
He does, he's just because he got so much money
and power. They like to be controlled, you know, on
the private sector. Yeah, he looks like he like he
was bothering. Okay, this is a joke, y'all. Yes, this
is laughing, are y'all? Probably is that being a move?
So that's why I'm talking. Shit. Then where are we going? By?
Where are we going? Where we're going? We're going? Oh? Yes, two?
Yesterday was President Biden's eighty second birthday.
Speaker 2 (05:56):
Yeah, God bless them. He's probably clicking his heels. Is
terrible as July must have been for him. Right now
he must be saying, who are you love? And now
I'm out of here?
Speaker 3 (06:07):
Eighty two. I wonder doctor Geo Biden give him a
little twerk for his birthday.
Speaker 2 (06:12):
Yeah. They're very touchy feeling with each other. I think
they have a very warm marriage. Let's just put it
that way. That's a nice way to put it.
Speaker 3 (06:19):
I wondered, did she put on a dark wig and
turn them ount? Oh my god, like, oh, a beautiful
Italian woman. It just long hand, a pair of high heels,
and I thought, you.
Speaker 2 (06:31):
Never she could have a little whip. You never know.
Speaker 3 (06:35):
They've been married a long time and I'm with you.
By we the love, they love things, and their affection
towards each other is extremely genuine.
Speaker 2 (06:43):
Yeah, because there, I think, which is how all of
the relationships, all relationships start. I think they're friends first,
you know, like she tells the joke or he tells
the joke of he asked her like four times to
marry her and she wouldn't because the kids were little
and she wanted them to be settled and she wanted
them to get begad and so I think they just
kept building on the relationship. So I think they truly
just like the Obamas, they truly like and respect each other,
and I think it makes for a nice, a nice relationship.
Speaker 3 (07:13):
I think they're a good team because he might start
off telling the joke, but me where he gonna forget
the joke, and then she'll finish it off for him.
Yeah yeah she could.
Speaker 2 (07:26):
But you know what's coming up with you? You just
said Thanksgiving and we got a couple of things going.
Speaker 3 (07:32):
Speaker 2 (07:33):
Spirit Airlines is filed for bankruptcy, so I don't don't
know what the traveling on the holidays is going to
look like. But you better get that that limp ready, sister,
because the American Airlines is shaming people if they tried to
board and they're not a pre border, so you better
be dragging a leg making my friends board's early.
Speaker 3 (07:56):
I had surgery.
Speaker 2 (07:58):
Yeah yeah, you better drag every one of your surgical.
Speaker 3 (08:01):
Pots with Look. The best part about it is American
Airlines is not one of my airlines a choice, so
I'm cool with American Airlines, so they could do whatever
they wanted to. I don't. I don't feel really fly
American airlines. But I get it because I'm telling I
just flew to Chicago. I'm in Chicago now and I
flew on Southwest yesterday and the pre Boy game. Everybody
is hipped to it because the pre BOYD line belonger
than the A line. You think you a one about
to get on the plane in tenth maybe you be
thirty thirty, fifth, thirty six person on the plane.
Speaker 2 (08:31):
Yeah, well exactly, so you better, you better, you better
tighten it up.
Speaker 3 (08:36):
I don't know she's talking. I don't know what you're
talking about about me, first of all. Second, second of all,
I'm in Chicago right now. They's and it's snow, and
I have not been to snow in eighteen years, and
I'm here for four Soda shows on tour with Tiffany Hattish,
So we're gonna have a great time. I will tell
you how to come. But like I said, the shows
are sold out, so thank you tip. This is the
last leg of this tour until February. But where we
going by the Clifford.
Speaker 2 (09:02):
Well, this is a super sad thing, but there's a
little justice. So I just want to mention it because
it was very political, the that poor Lake and Riley,
the little nursing student down in Georgia who was attacked.
So he has he's got life in prison. And when
the details came out, I want to say, God bless
you Lake. And she fought like an animal for the
twenty or so minutes that that and she did everything right.
So she went out at nine o'clock in the morning.
He stopped her at nine ten, and then she died
at nine twenty eight because she had a It wasn't
a fitbit, it was something. It was probably an Apple
watch or something, and it gave all of a tractor
and gave you know, gave all sorts of information. But
she she had DNA all like under her nails. I mean,
she really God bless her. So that animal is going away,
and I like.
Speaker 3 (09:56):
That speak and speaking of animals. Yeah, I'm glad they
got him. Thank you. I can't think of his name,
but the young man that Amber Geiger, the police officer
in Texas who went in the wrong apartment shot and
killed Van Crump got the family one hundred million dollars
settlement one hundred which I think is absolutely fantastic. It's
been quite a few years and I just thought that
was great that he was able to do that. Ben
Crump is the attorney for the people, especially for the
people of color when we are receiving injustices. So it's
pretty good. It's pretty great that he was able to
do that. I'm looking up the guy's name right now.
I helped you. God.
Speaker 2 (10:38):
Bosom Bossom Jane was shot to death in twenty eighteen
in his own apartment.
Speaker 3 (10:44):
Yes, Boham Gene that's his name. Badham Jane and Ambergeid
was on the phone with her ex police partner, who
also used to be her boyfriend who she wanted to
or He wasn't her boyfriend, he was her She was
his side piece because he was a full married man,
and she called him while he was in bed with
his wife trying to get some sex. Allegedly, this was
the story that they put out, and she was so
frustrated that she walked and frazzled that she had worked
the whole shift and she was upset she walked into
the wrong apartment. The man sitting there watching TV in
his own house. Hear it.
Speaker 2 (11:18):
Yeah, Now, I love to know how much. Sometimes these
settlements sound terrific, but then the insurance that covers only
pays X amount of dollars. So I hope the family
gets a decent amount of money.
Speaker 3 (11:30):
I hope they get ninety nine point billion dollars. Y'all
can have a dollar, you know.
Speaker 2 (11:37):
Sometimes though you hear these, yeah, like these class action
suits and stuff, and they it's going to be one
hundred million, but it's only a million dollar policies. So
that's all they're gonna get. But I hope they get
something regardless. It made, it made its impact. They get
what was gonna you know, what was coming down that was.
Speaker 3 (11:56):
Just indeed indeed, and the scariest part about that is
that under Trump's administration, an accident like that could happen
and nothing would happen to the perpetrator because he has
given police in America. Full autonomy. Yeah, and that's what
I'll voted for. That's what. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (12:16):
Everybody keeps thinking it's Project twenty twenty five, and it
may mention or allude to something like that, but this
was something that he said back in December of twenty
twenty three that if he ever, if he got back in,
he would give the police. So I think he was
looking for the endorsement.
Speaker 3 (12:35):
But he the endorsement too.
Speaker 2 (12:38):
He did, so we.
Speaker 3 (12:40):
Don't take care of the paternal Order of police back him.
Speaker 2 (12:44):
We have to be very careful. We remember the midterm
elections are coming up in two years. And you know
how Flame and I were saying we weren't crazy about,
you know, either candidate either. When it was Joe, I
liked Joe, but I thought Joe had aged and you
know Joe needed to retire. But this is look for
a third candidate. This is the time. If you like
independence and stuff, do this work now prior to the
election coming up. Don't wait until the eleventh dollar.
Speaker 3 (13:11):
Democrats, please get a please get a strategy. Please be
strategizing right now with some political gurus, because we had
no plan right now. And that's why that's why we're
in the situation we are because we had no game
plan and there's no scam. Let me tell you my conspiracy,
because I do believe that the scam was on. The
cheap was on because it was unprecedented that no president
in history has ever won all swing states. Then Trump
won all swing states only with the machines that Elon
must use, which he only used in the swing states.
He did not use them in the other states. They
were only used in the swing states. And he apparently,
according to him, knew his words. He knew four hours
before the election because of his election, all of bolts
hadn't even been counted. Bobby, it just smells bad.
Speaker 2 (13:59):
It just smelled I know that that the Democrats were
looking and they were getting recounts in close areas, so
I'm sure they're looking into it if there was anything unseemly,
trust me. Just like Trump demanded to have to have
everything looked at, I'm sure they're looking at it too.
But let's you know, let's pay attention, not wait until
the end. You know, what I thought was nice. I
had read earlier today that Jeff's zeis is that it's
Biden's chief of chief of staff had a dinner for
Trump's new chief of staff that was coming in and
invited other chiefs of staff you know that that have
been in the business along the way to give her advice,
tell her, you know, give her that, you know, the
skinny ways to do things. They're going to meet with
her again after she'd in in office, and then there'll
be something This was unofficial, very nice. He had it
at his home, and then they'll do something more official,
you know, at the White House, and then they're in
air for her. I think that that's great.
Speaker 3 (15:05):
I think that's amazing. Somebody, somebody with the experience can
always give you a head up on how the inner
working to go.
Speaker 2 (15:13):
So our friend, did you see our friend Mitch McConnell.
He says he's going to chair the Senate Rules Committee
as well as a few other other committees because he
wants to defend the Senate as an institution and protect
the right for political speech in our elections for the
rest of his time. So he stepped aside, as you know,
and he's still going to be he's still going to
be serving.
Speaker 3 (15:38):
Yeah, mis McConnell, girl, don't get me started. I'm I'm
happy for miss McConnell. I'm not happy to hear that,
because we watched him frozen in time two or three
times in real time.
Speaker 2 (15:55):
Oh, that's why he stepped. Yeah, that's why he stepped.
Speaker 3 (15:58):
Needs to retire and just he had many, many years
of service. Thank you so much for all your years
of service. But you need to bow out gracefully. There
comes a time and a place and you have reached
your just like Biden bowed out, bow out.
Speaker 2 (16:14):
Well, this is his last term, so he's just doing
this until the end of his last term. I think
that in two years, with the midterm elections, I think
he's out. In the Senate, Democratic Bob Casey today conceded
to Republican Dave McCormick in a super tight, razor thin race.
So that was that's one last seat that we have
in the Senate. So the numbers are Democrats forty seven
GOP fifty three, so they have six more seats than
us right now as of January. And then oh so
we could talk about the cabinet picks if you want.
Speaker 3 (16:57):
Well, we're going to get there, because first of all,
I want to recognize that, Yeah, yesterday, November the twentieth
was trans day of Remembrance, Transgender Day of Remembers, because
I am transgender. I know a lot of y'all don't
like to acknowledge that, but I am transgender, and you know,
I want to acknowledge that. We've lost We had a
lot of fallen soldiers, We've lost a lot of transgender people,
especially females and males to so many different things. Y'all
always want to think it's violent, but it's not. Concidents,
you know, other partners, so cancer, so many different things.
But it was trans Awareness Day, So I just want
to recognize that, and I want to acknowledge and congratulate
Sarah McBride for becoming the first transgendered woman elected in
the Senate office. She's a senator, she's the very first
one from Delaware. We're very proud of her. It's just
unfortunate right now that her accomplishment of becoming the first
transgender senator is being overshadowed by a goddamn bathroom. Was
shadowed by a bathroom. They're going back and forth about
which bethroom. She presents female, she looks female, she carries
herself as a dignified female. Let's let's let's remember you
have took that first. She carries herself as a very
dignified woman, so she should be allowed to use the
female bathroom. But all these issues surrounding them be coming
from some other some of her constituents and her coworkers,
and I get what they're I get their side because
the young wol culture pushed a crazy narrative about bathroom
and allow anybody who has said that they were trans,
because trans is not on you, it is in you.
But if you want to say you trans when you
look like Mike Tyson and you put a wig on.
And so I'm a trends, I'm using a woman's bathroom,
I am trans, and I'm also a parent, and I'm
also a dad. If I see you looking like that
and you come to the bathroom while my daughter is
in the bathroom, we're going to have an issue. Now,
you can't take that accept that coming from me who
is identifies as trans. But I'm also a hearing you know,
they go hand in hand. But my parents, my parental guidelines,
my cover, and my children keep saying along before me.
So I get what I get to side. But I
like I like a gender I like a gender neutube
bathroom for the privacy I like. I love the privacy
of just one stall, one toilet, and you can lock
the door.
Speaker 2 (19:23):
The problem that I have with all of this, though,
is that is who it's coming from. It's coming from
that bitch, that that bleak butch body or whatever the
hell her name is.
Speaker 3 (19:34):
Well, no, it's not only her, it's another one too.
Speaker 2 (19:36):
It's Nancy Mace. And nance Mace is just looking for
the clicks. She's trying to be relevant because nobody's paying
attention the other one. I gotta tell you, Uh, Taylor whatever,
Oh my god, I'm so long. If she walked into
the bathroom with me, I'd have to give her a
side eye because she looks like a she what she
got a wig that she bleached the but Jesus, but
they're doing it just for the clicks. They're not doing
it for And what they're doing is they're humiliating her.
They're not saying very nicely, flames actually comfortable.
Speaker 3 (20:11):
I think Bobby that they wanted to humiliate her, But
she's so classy that she was like, I'm a Delawarean
and I'm here to represent the Delawareans. It's not about
which bathroom I youth because she don't even have an
issue with it. She's winning because she ain't made a
big deal about it. She ain't stumping and jumping, and
you're disrespecting me. And now she is like, I got
this job. I'm here to help my citizens of my state,
my union. So hats off to this woman, because this
woman is carrying herself like a professional, dignified Cinian delawarean woman, Yes,
grown woman.
Speaker 2 (20:50):
She said she's not here to fight about bathrooms. She's
here just to fight for her Delawarean. I can't believe
you got that out. I was tripping on that. And
to bring down costs facing face families, that's her whole
point of being there. And that's But it's the other
ones that I'm bothered by it because they are trying
to humiliate her. They keep calling her a man. It's
like I want to poke him in the nose or something.
I don't want to sound violent, but you know, I'm
not happy about it. But she seems to be she's
a big girl. She's holding her head up high, and
I think that she's actually going to do the work.
I'd like to see somebody actually come in and do
the workflame for their constituents. That'll be nice to see and.
Speaker 3 (21:29):
It is a greater And Bobby speaks volumes to where
America was headed with us electing the very first transgender
female senator, but now with the new administration company, I
think it's going to set us back fifty years.
Speaker 2 (21:47):
Yeah, it's not going to be well, I can tell
you what it's going to do for sure. I don't
know if it'll set us back fifty years, but it'll
certainly put everything on hold for four You know, you're
not going to get anything for four years. He took
down the website, and he took away all protections and
for service members, the benefit that he went in last time.
I think he's going to do the same because he's
pandering to the evangelicals. I don't know why. I am
so tongue tied right now. So we're gonna have to
wait and see with anything. I don't want everybody to
get up in arms, and we have to see what
he can get away with again. The gates, he thought
he was going to push him through and there wasn't
gonna be a problem, But no, that's not how it works.
Speaker 3 (22:26):
Well, I love that some of these republics I mean,
I'm telling you, I've always said there are some great Republicans.
I think the Republicans that have stonewalled the whole Gates
appointment are the ones that we are going to have
to really lean on and rely on to be good Americans,
great Americans great. If they wanted to make Great America
great again, then put some great American American Republicans in
positions to say absolutely not. Some things we can go with,
we're gonna roll with, and it's just some things we're
just not gonna have. And I love that they and
I love that he had quit his though he stepped
down from his other position before they before they blew
the whistle on them, and now he lost this position.
So now he's back in a position to where they
can blow it with on him and leaks that happening
every every twenty thirty minutes people, they're leaking out all
the information that.
Speaker 2 (23:13):
Because that was a big thing that I kept reading
over and over. People wanted to know he could go back,
and ten or twelve people said, really, he actually could.
But if he goes back, then that that FX Committee
report's going to come out and he could be held
accountable for it. So does he want that. I don't
think so we'll see some of these people are so
crazy for power. He seems a little off to me,
and we're not gonna.
Speaker 3 (23:37):
You've really been on that off kick.
Speaker 2 (23:39):
I just yeah, I just he does. He seems he
seems a little with his they're saying, they say that
he's got cheek im plants and all this nonsensical. It's
probably not true, but he just he seems a little
off to me.
Speaker 3 (23:52):
Some reporter on MSNBC stare it doesn't matter. He'll just
go and cry on all his daddy's money and he'll
be okay, because, you know, overreached.
Speaker 2 (24:02):
So he'll be disappointed that he doesn't have the power
they like. They like the power. What we're gonna what
we can't do, though, is so I'm hearing a lot
of Democrats coming out and they're crying in there, you know, boo,
and they don't like anybody. It doesn't work like that.
We're a democracy and the president that comes in gets
to choose his cabinet. Now he's chose some ceed or
unsavory people. The other two people is Telsey Gabbard and
the Department of Defense. It begins with an h I
can't say his name either. They're gonna have to pay attention.
He has the sexual impropriety, and now that Gates is
out of the way, I think that I think that
he's going to be right in the in the line
of fire. But we're gonna is Peter haig seth is it?
Is it hag seth Am I saying Krik. But they're
gonna have to pay attention to him because the the
police report came out. Although it seems a little crazy.
He said, she said she was the girl that was
involved in it. What with him? The people around the
pool area said they were loud, they were noisy, she
seemed sober. He seemed, you know, out of his mind.
I don't know, but they're gonna do you want someone
in the Department of Defense who paid somebody off for
sexual mishap. He says he paid him off because of
he wanted the Fox job and if that came out,
he wouldn't have got the Fox job. But you're admitting
something when you pay somebody off, or at least that
you know something could have happened. Yeah, you know, Trump
doesn't want the FBI background checks on any of his people.
I don't know Donald.
Speaker 3 (25:43):
So wait a minute, So hold on, wait a minute,
bout it. So you can even tell me that if
I wanted a job at City Bank, which does a
thorough background check and a creative check. Yeah, and I
protested that I don't want to get the background check,
which means I'm not going to get the job. But
you're going to put somebody who in control of billions
of people in America. Yeah, with no background.
Speaker 2 (26:06):
Because it's mister citibank Trump who's the head that doesn't
want it. But let's say, because he's going to start
looking like he's got egg on his face if he
keeps telling taking people with backgrounds, he might have been
smarter to have the background checks and then announce his nominations.
Speaker 3 (26:20):
Right, Well, you remember who we're talking about. Body stopped,
don't don't stop pushing envelopes. Don't start giving people brains
that don't have brains.
Speaker 2 (26:29):
I jot, but I mean he already announced his age.
It's Pam Bondy. She's a nineteen sixty five, you know,
a lum like some people on this phone. She is
from Florida. She was one of his attorneys. I believe
it was the first impeachment trial, so he knows her
from there. I also remember, but please don't anybody on
this quote me. I think she had something to do
with either squelching or remember the whole Trump University thing
and when all the hubbub came out.
Speaker 3 (27:07):
I don't know she helped him on that.
Speaker 2 (27:09):
Yeah, she had her finger in it somehow. I'm going
to have to research it for next time so that
we can kind of report back. But I feel because
she was the attorney general from twenty eleven until twenty nineteen,
she has the chops for the job. She at least
will know. Yates only practice law two years and it
was at a very low level. You know, we've probably
ran the copy machine. So I don't know. You know,
I don't think he would have been He wouldn't have
been the best person for the job. At least she's
got some sort of background, which a lot of them do.
I might not like them, but you know a lot
of them, a lot of them actually they have the qualifications.
Mamet oz right, he's going to do medicare and medicaid.
He's a physician. He knows exactly how it works. So
I think he'll be okay. Even though he's not my
favorite anymore either. I used to love him, and no,
I'm sad.
Speaker 3 (28:00):
I never you know what, Bob, I never let me
tell you something. This is so crazy. I never cared
for him, he was It was something about his mouth
that turned me off.
Speaker 2 (28:12):
The wout.
Speaker 3 (28:13):
I looked at the shape of the mouth. It just
I was like, Oh, it looked like he just eat
things that I wouldn't eat. I know that sounds disgusting,
but I'm telling you, I don't know. My judgment of
character is real crazy.
Speaker 2 (28:25):
Speaker 3 (28:25):
You were just talking about, Oh, I want to just
give a great big shout out to two because you know,
Trump was talking about that taking the black jobs, and
I looked like he took the black jobs because two
of his biggest boot liquors that are black, Tim Scott governors. Uh,
Tim Scout the governor.
Speaker 2 (28:44):
That's Ricksrick Scott. You got me confused.
Speaker 3 (28:49):
Tim Scott and Byron Donald's who were just the biggest
champions for Trump running two black men who were Republicans
and were Team Trump. But Trump forgot to be teamed
them and gave away all them black jobs to wipe
men and women and forget to give y'all one good, goodie, goodie.
Speaker 2 (29:09):
Jim Scott. I think it was on Fox News. I
heard him. He wants he wants Biden to clear the
slate for Trump, give him a clean slate. I think Joe.
If Joe's not going to do that for his own child,
I don't think he's gonna do it. But I don't
think he's He's got too much integrity. He's not gonna
do it for for Trump.
Speaker 3 (29:29):
Well, I wish he would step down and put make
Comelin president now and let her do it. Then technically
he wouldn't be doing this.
Speaker 2 (29:37):
He wouldn't, but if she ever wants to run again,
it would remember you only get to have you only
get to be in twice, and even if you only
have two days, that's one term. I don't know if
she's gonna she's gonna want to do that. I don't know.
I haven't heard her. I can tell you this, and
I was a little surprised. She said, Hawaii, she's on vacation,
and what did I say?
Speaker 3 (29:55):
Two episodes ago? When this is all over, I hope
her and her husband goes to right now.
Speaker 2 (30:02):
Because the Biden's well, I'll tell you why Biden is
putting through all sorts of judges and he's trying to
push them right through, and so far we haven't. We
haven't come close because guess who else isn't shown up
for work vance I think McCarthy missed some time. There's
another one that I'm blanket on that that that hasn't been,
that hasn't been at work. So Biden has been able
to get these judges. If it was a fifty to
fifty her tide break, we wouldn't have it.
Speaker 3 (30:32):
Well, I think she'll get to that, but bybe if
you looked at her the day before the election, Kamala
Harris looked, Oh, she was exhausted. He looked not defeated, exhausted,
worn out. She had been on a campaign trail for
one hundred days. Hard. She deserves this vacation big time.
And I hope she is not taking emails. I hope
she only takes the president's calls and it's telling him
I'll be there, give me a few day. Because she
just looked worn out by me. She needed some time
to regather herself, to recollect all the doubts.
Speaker 2 (31:08):
So I know what, I know what you're saying. I
just it's just it's it's a bad time.
Speaker 3 (31:12):
I just don't know. The time is all shent what
lady drop dead? She's only human, she's sixty years old.
Speaker 2 (31:19):
I want you to know, you know, y'all.
Speaker 3 (31:21):
You know, y'all sixty y'all got to slow down.
Speaker 2 (31:25):
You bet I be talking to me. I get right
through that phone, you know. But I just say, it's
just it's I don't want to say it's poor it's
poor timing. She had to have known, or he had
to should have reached out and said, listen, these four
days it was Monday, Tuesday, I don't know if it
was again today. We've got forty judges that we need
to put in across the country, and we've got to
push them through, especially knowing that the people went to
the starship cruise. He was another one that was out
and somebody else, it'll come to me while they're out,
and that we've got the numbers. Let's let's push push, push,
push push. So somebody said that they wouldn't get confirmed
and the and they say they will. You know, we
had the pundits. We had a couple of of attorneys,
Neil kattl k A t y A L Katy Kark
hasimono all the time. He said, no, they'll go through
the you know, if there's no issue. He nominated them
and they put a push them through. It'll happen before Trump,
and he's giving them lifetime appointments.
Speaker 3 (32:30):
Okay, great, Well, I I hear what you're saying, and
I understand exactly what you're saying, but I'm telling you
as a human, as just a person, you know, she
needs She needed some time for herself. She was on
the go and on the move, three four cities in
a day.
Speaker 2 (32:48):
N she was doing it. Yeah, no, awful, awful, awful, awful,
But I just wish I thought you did it right after.
Speaker 3 (32:54):
She's not like one of these Elon robots. She has
to recharge and that would have she has to resting
or her body will turn on her. So yeah, take
your time and come on back. So come on back,
Vice President Harris.
Speaker 2 (33:08):
I hope that he's got a whole bunch of other stuff,
because the other thing he did was he puts somebody
in charge of the of ethics in and I went,
I love it for a five year term, so it
will be through Trump's And it's not that I'm not
liking Trump, like I'm not going to us and them.
I'm not looking for that. I'd be saying if it
was a President Biden, or we'll say, if it was
President Harris and it was all a Democrat Congress and
a Democrat said it, I feel the same way. There
has to be checks and balances, you know, because the
whole world would have been given away. You know, we
could be paying taxes through the nose because you get
Bernie Sanders crowd, and he'd want he'd want to give
it all away. We don't want that either. There's gonna
be there's gotta be a little here and a little there.
So so anyway, I'm happy to see that that Joe is.
He's pushing and he's moving. So we'll see what else
he kind of comes up with in the next month
and a half. You saw that the district attorney. It
actually has to do with our constitution. He's not going
to be able to say much for right now until
December has put Trump sentencing on hold. Our constitution actually
says that a state cannot interfere with the workings of
the federal government. So sing sentencing as sitting president, you
just can't do it. So they can have the sentence,
and then the day he gets out he can be
sent you know, he'll he'll be responsible for whatever that
sentence is. It's not going to go away. But he's
just not going to have it. He's not going to
have it right now. He's also saying things like he
keeps talking about using military assets for the immigration stuff.
I don't know what, and even maybe local police, like
they don't have enough on their hands. I think, to god,
he stops that.
Speaker 3 (35:08):
My personal prediction, Trump will never do one day in jail.
Speaker 2 (35:15):
I don't think he's going to do time in jail.
But you know, there are other slaps on the hand
that he could that he could get, and it might
be that what else? What else?
Speaker 3 (35:27):
What else?
Speaker 2 (35:29):
Oh yeah, he's gonna the other thing. I was just
looking at the immigration to see if I missed anything.
He's he's ready on day one to declare a national
emergency because that's how he's going to get the military
to come in, right.
Speaker 3 (35:44):
I'm telling you, well, I tell you what, Bob. I
think that, uh. I think that with the whole immigration thing,
the deportation, I think that there's some things that are
going to happen. I do believe that because he has
so many people involved in it with him and government.
But I think a lot of it is that he
is trying to scare a lot of people into leaving
without even having to do anything. And a lot of
people are leaving the country, people who not even wouldn't
be deported, like Ellen announced that her and her wife
Porsche de Rossi have already moved to England, and Whoopi
Goldberg has a place in Italy. I think a lot
and these are not people that will be deported because
they are actual Americans. But I think a lot of
people are going to jump ship to say, hey, I
don't want to deal with this. But sometimes, as you
would always say, the grass is not always greener. You
said that America really is like everything comes from the top,
which we are at the top. So they might get bored,
or they might not like the laws or the ways
over there after a year or six months, eight months,
and they'll want to come back. So it'll be interesting
to see. But I'm gonna lie. If I have four
hundred thousand cash dollars in my hand tangible right now,
I will probably need to Oh, you're.
Speaker 2 (37:02):
Full of shit, because your kids will go through that
in four months.
Speaker 3 (37:06):
Well there go with me. We just had the downsairs.
We'd be living in a one bedroom.
Speaker 2 (37:10):
Flat in they would they would be able to handle it.
Speaker 3 (37:13):
But that we live in a one bedroom flat in
West London sharing to be Oh my god, eating porridge,
any any tea and crumpets next to the palace.
Speaker 2 (37:27):
I hope to God so with a lot of So.
You know we've discussed before. Trump is a disruptor. He
wants to disrupt the status quo. And sometimes that's not
so bad. That's what our people came over. Maybe not
your people, but we'll say our people, meaning the English,
when they come over. They were disrupting, right. They didn't
want to listen to the status quo. They weren't satisfied
with it, so they came. I'm hoping that Tom Holman
he worked under Obama, and I hope that he has
the same formula this time around for the border where
he goes after you know, like the guy who killed
Lake and Riley. He goes after the criminals that are
in the country first and getting them out because we
all they all have to have a hearing. They can't
just be put out. He can put them in an area,
but that will be a very bad look. Remember the
camps they used to keep the Japanese during World War Two,
and that was a very big black guy.
Speaker 3 (38:17):
Who are you talking about, Tom Holman?
Speaker 2 (38:19):
The borders are Have you seen him?
Speaker 3 (38:23):
Have you heard his rhetoric?
Speaker 2 (38:24):
I do, because I think he's justice. I think he's
just as crazy. I think he's pandering for the boss.
Speaker 3 (38:30):
I was about to say by it, because who are
you talking about? Because he has already pretty much showed
you the monster that he's going to be.
Speaker 2 (38:38):
I know, but let's see what you can actually get
away again, Let's see what the system, what can he
actually get away with? Because they have to have our
in there are constitution the way that everything is written up,
but they have to have a hearing. So unless we're
gonna blink our eyes and get a million judges that
are gonna sit at the border and give everybody hearings.
I don't mind if the criminals go. I mean, they
don't belong here to begin with, but we do need
I'm hoping. I don't want to just deal with the border.
I want to deal with immigration that can that's been
kicked for the past sixty years, that nobody wants to
fix let's fix it.
Speaker 3 (39:11):
I want to acknowledge that they had a bunch of
a group of young I want to say, young Caucasian boys,
young white boys, a few days ago and comes Ohio
publicly marching down the street with not with with with
signs swasaka's on them. And they were completely covered up
like they were in militia gear. Their only thing that
was shown with their eyes, and they were screaming ballad
yeah and as if the Germans would have even received
them back in during the Hitler's times, and they screamed
and go back to where you came from, when your
grandparents are damn immigrants that you just haven't taken the
time to understand. And if you're a bold you are,
take the mask off, show your face. You're that bold,
you're that angry, you're that strong, and you're conviction about
how you feel about other people in this country just
like you or other in this country, then show yourself.
That's the cowardice to me. And my problem was that
whole march was I heard they bear mads. Allegedly they
bear made somebody, but there were no police. Now, if
it's a peaceful protest march of Palestinians or Iranians, or
black people, black lives matter, even Jewish people, that police
are always in the vicinity to make sure that things
stay peaceful. These guys were actually blatantly walking down the
street with a bullhorn screaming bow down, nigger, bowed down
r and no police showed up nothing. This is it
in my mind and my my theory here on lack
and Learn. Some of them were probably police's children.
Speaker 2 (40:50):
It could be. I don't know. I know that I
said Trump rhetoric. They were flexing because they could. I
know that some of the other groups, I'm not making
any excuses for them. They call in and get their
permits and they do what they're supposed to. These people
just started and I know that the governor came out
immediately denouncing it, like was he's got an investigation going,
I mean immediately, Uh not a good look. That was Ohio, right, Yes, yeah,
that was Ohio. But we're yeah, no, we've got no,
we've got no no place for that. Something else I
saw that it was super disappointed. Was and I hated.
What I hated is because I guess it turns out
to be true. Do you remember Trump saying that his
people who were voting for him weren't getting any help
down in Florida and North Carolina from FEMA. I guess
that's that actually happened. So FEMA's kind of under being
looked at, and there's one woman that they're actually going
after because she was more blatant with it.
Speaker 3 (41:57):
Please don't tell me that name. That you that that's
a private job. But you know who I'm talking about.
Speaker 2 (42:05):
No, no, no, no, no no. This was Martie Washington.
It was her name. She said she was following orders,
but she must have been a little bit more obvious.
But I'm you know what, when where you're in a
crisis like that, No, no, there's no parties, there's no
just American We all pay into the system and everybody
should be able to get the help that they actually need.
I found that disgraceful. I was so disappointed. I thought
for sure that that was a bunch of boloney, you know,
like that that that so when I actually saw that
that it came out and the other thing I was
disappointed on is the FBI. They said that there is
a whole new fresh boodle of offensive text. First, remember
they had I think black school age kids were getting
something go back to the plantation or some nonsense like that,
and that these ones are aimed at Hispanics and lg
BTQ stuff about deportation and blah blah blah blah blah
and having re education camps and all this nonsense. So
they are they're trying to get to the bottom of it.
What I would love to see is if they when
they find out who did the first ones, are these
is this the same group just well and the first
was they found it was outside the country.
Speaker 3 (43:23):
Sadly, a lot of us will be collateral damage because
people who voted against their own best interests. It would
just right a lot of us. Unfortunately. I hate to
see that. Bobby, and I told my kid my kids,
if they ever get those to let me know because
I still have a daughter. I have a daughter in
high school. I don't know how all of that information
was leaked, but that just goes to show you who's
in power. Because again, we have two billionaires, both pretty
much in the same situation, same kind of charges. One
is a prisoner and one is about to be the president.
Speaker 2 (43:58):
Yeah, the prison prisoner's got big problems though, have you
seen him this week?
Speaker 3 (44:03):
Both of them got big problems. But one is on
one is in the Big House, and one is on
his way to the White House. What is the difference
between these two billionaires in these same charges? Color and
they ain't green.
Speaker 2 (44:15):
Color green, and I think numbers. Honey, Poor Puffy, he can't.
They're coming out of the woodwork.
Speaker 3 (44:24):
For him.
Speaker 2 (44:25):
He's got, but he's still looking for bail. He's still
trying to figure out how we can get out.
Speaker 3 (44:31):
I believe that he I believe that he thought he
was going to get bail when he turned himself in.
I believe that dollars and the lawyer told him and
they was like, absolutely not and wow, wow, that's that is.
Speaker 2 (44:45):
It is something A couple of things that you you
were talking about next year. Now, these are things I
believe could be an issue. We're seeing that they were
looking for a hostage deal for a ceasefire and the
US actually said no, they vetoed it what they had
on the table because they said, we still have seven
seven Americans that are over there being held and there
was no protection for those to get those hostages back
if we have a ceasefire and you know, give Gaza
back to Hamas. So there has to be stronger language
or a guarantee that those that those people will be
returned to us. The other thing is Ukraine. Joe Biden
gave permission for longer arranged missiles which he's been holding
for two years. Uh, and they used them. And now
Putin's mad and say he's talking nuclear which I've seen
from a few shows, have been saying that even a
career is telling them to shut up, like, don't have
you used that? It's a different kind of n word,
but just as evil. Yeah, So that's the stuff that
that's that's the stuff I kind of worry about with
Trump because I don't think he has a lot of
He thinks he's tough, but I don't think he's got
a lot of savvy. You need a statesman for stuff
like that. I mean, and we had Joe Biden's there
wasn't a bigger statesman and he didn't get anywhere. So
so I don't know, I don't We'll see what happens. Yeah,
we'll see what happens.
Speaker 3 (46:17):
Well, Bobby, you know what, We're all stay in tune
to see what's going to happen. But until in time
and uh, in the meantime and in between time, Let's
go on and let's move forward. We feel we have to.
We have to live through this. Not in this because
we're gonna have to live in it, but we got
to live through this. So buckle up, strap down, in
the words of T. TJ. And keep your head on swivel.
And please be cautious of the police. I don't care
what color you are, but especially if you're black or brown.
But you know, y'all got some irate white people out
here too that go back and forth with the police,
knowing that the police might give them a pass because
we've seen and I'm not being racist, I'm being honest.
Even with you being white right now, with the police
knowing that they could get it with anything, that makes
me afraid too, because you could just get a bad
officer that don't give a damn about you being a
woman or white or nothing else. They just or your
kid in the car. So try to be as calm
after January to twenty first with the police as you can.
You know, sometimes you can't de escalate the situation. You
just can't. But if you can, I'm telling you please try,
because that is probably my biggest fear that the police
will be able to do whatever they want to do.
And we have seen their history for the bad ones
that can do what they want to do and sometimes
on film and go to court but still get away
with it. Now they won't even have to go to court.
Now they can just do it and just write up
the paperwork and it's a done deal.
Speaker 2 (47:46):
Yeah, it's scary, it's scary stuff.
Speaker 3 (47:49):
Work on your anger, definitely, work on your road rage.
But we'll be here with you each and every week
right here at laugh Aline, myself and my co host
Byby Clifford and Boby Clifford. Why can we hit you
at my darling.
Speaker 2 (48:02):
You can catch me at Clifford Bobby on Instagram, I'm
Bobby Clifford on Facebook and TikTok.
Speaker 3 (48:10):
Laughing, and we can catch you at the Laugh and
Learn podcast page.
Speaker 2 (48:14):
Don't get that absolutely absolutely. If you have questions, you
have any suggestions, you want to know information, stick it
in there and I'll see if I can get it
to you. And you already talked, you talked about the
City Winery already.
Speaker 3 (48:29):
Has completely sold out all four shows. Good job, Tiffany Hattie.
So we have those two shows tomorrow, two shows on
Saturday and Barbara Carla is also on the show with us.
I will be in New Orleans, Louisiana, on December the
fourteenth at the Civic Center for the Queen and King Pageant.
I'm the host. Go to the Queen and King page
page on Instagram or Facebook. Follow me on all social
media platforms at slam Monroe on Instagram at Monroe Flame,
and we will see you guys next week. Please have
a safe week, Please have a good week, and don't
watch the news if it's going to enrage you or
the anxiety, it's going to make your anxiety hagh. What
is done is already done, and we still have to list.
Speaker 2 (49:08):
Yes exactly, you're exactly right, and there's no point of
getting nervous before we have to. I say, go up
on that addict, break out those those elastic waste pants
for next week, and let's enjoy it while we can
know and know.
Speaker 3 (49:24):
That you're gonna have to live about a two family
home and two or three family homes for the next
four years. Because Elon Musk, who looks like he's the
president from the outside looking in, said that it's going
to get really, it's going to get a struggle for
a little while for a few minutes, as if he
would know anything about a damn struggle. But I want
you to read between the lines on that, because he's
pretty much pre warning y'all that it might get a
little tight. So in order to beat that, we got
to stand on our toes and know that we're gonna
be right here with you, and we're gonna be in
it with you, and you keep sharing your ideas and
information with us, because here at Lack and Learn, we
are not trying to get you to change mind. We
are only trying to get you to use your mind, because.
Speaker 2 (50:03):
Why, Bobby, Because a mind and a vote are a
terrible thing to waste.
Speaker 3 (50:08):
Well too late on that vote, some of them wastes
day vote. Did you see how many one people want
to take that? You see how many people want to
take their vote back? Your dumb an.
Speaker 2 (50:14):
Let's hold, I'm talking about midterms now, everybody. We got
to research your people. We can take the House and
Congress back if we if we help and support our people.
Speaker 3 (50:25):
Okay, well, let's do that. Thank you guys for joining us.
We appreciate you. Thank you for producing us to Aaron Howard,
and we will see you guys on next week for
Laugh and Learn the week the day before Thanksgiving, Gobble Gobble,
don't miss an episode of Laugh and Learn. Listen and
subscribe on the Black Effect Podcast Network, Alight Heart Radio
app or wherever you get your podcasts. Laugh and Learned
Podcast is a production of the Black Effect Podcast Network
and iHeartRadio. Our ejective producer is Tiffany Hattish. Our theme
music is by the one and only Chrissy Payne. Thank
you guys, this is slay My Row. Don't forget to laugh.
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