Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Misspelling with Tory Spelling and iHeartRadio podcast. This is very exciting.
I love our episodes of the Manner. And here we are,
Amy and I are here doing a very special edition
called Holidays at the Manner.
Speaker 2 (00:30):
Yes, this is a very special episode because I get
to ask all my many, many holiday Manner questions. Shall
I begin?
Speaker 1 (00:46):
You shall where? I feel like it should go back
before the Manner though, because my parents still did epic
stuff even when it wasn't bad. But the other house, Yeah.
Speaker 2 (00:58):
You're throwing me a curveball. I was not prepared for.
Speaker 1 (01:00):
Okay, well, I'm gonna jump in with one.
Speaker 2 (01:02):
All right.
Speaker 1 (01:03):
It's my memory as far back as I can go
thinking of spelling memories around Christmas. It is the year
I was five years old that my dad had snow
made in the backyard.
Speaker 2 (01:19):
Oh okay, this is worth the worth the pivot.
Speaker 1 (01:23):
Oh yeah. And before there was Kardashian, there was spelling.
And I'm like, I think nineteen seventy eight, nineteen seventy nine,
I was five six and it wasn't done then. Now
you can find companies that come to your house in
close snow, and no one did it then. And my
dad found someone who had worked on one of his
sets for a movie where they had to have snow
and had them come to the house. And it wasn't
a big area, but it was a little area and
we made a snowman and my dad. There's a great
photo I'll show you guys, my dad holding me and
I'm dressed in my you know, winter sweater and snow boots.
And it was probably like eighty degrees out and okay.
Speaker 2 (02:04):
The party or just snow for you?
Speaker 1 (02:06):
It was just for me.
Speaker 2 (02:07):
Was Randy Bourne? No, if you were.
Speaker 1 (02:10):
Five, Randy must I'm thinking he might have just been born,
But no, that wouldn't make sense because they would have
come out with a little holding bright born. He was
born in October, so maybe it was nineteen seventy seven.
Speaker 2 (02:22):
Then was there a sky slope or just snope?
Speaker 1 (02:24):
Not this one, Okay, that's later. This was recreated years later.
Randy would be involved. This one was just like a
little tiny area with a snowman, my dad smoking his
pipe holding me. Yeah, and that house snow mittens. Where
was that house on Mapleton where the manor is the
manner but on the north side it's still there. It's
almost so.
Speaker 2 (02:50):
It's really close. Yeah, how about was that house ten thousand?
Speaker 1 (02:54):
He said, Boulevard twelve thousand?
Speaker 2 (02:56):
Oh my god, so that's really where you grew up.
It really is, And snow came back there later. Did
snow ever go to the manor No? I know, so
snow only came What was the Mapleton house called?
Speaker 1 (03:11):
She didn't name it?
Speaker 2 (03:12):
Ooh, it didn't own candy. Come on, speaking of the
holidays and your mom being named Candy, Like, does she
love the holidays?
Speaker 1 (03:24):
My mom loves the holidays? Oh my gosh, specifically wintertime,
like Christmas. Okay, that was that was her big one.
Speaker 2 (03:33):
So Halloween was sort of a big.
Speaker 1 (03:36):
We decorated, but not no, no, no, no Christmas. She went
all epically out.
Speaker 2 (03:41):
Now she went.
Speaker 1 (03:43):
Back to the snow. Okay, when we did come back back,
when Rampy was like five, we moved it down to
the tennis court and there was a slope, wow, climb
in the back a bit, but it was a sledding hill.
Speaker 2 (04:00):
This is pretty iconic.
Speaker 3 (04:03):
Did your mom break the rule that I break, which
is decorating for Christmas before Thanksgiving?
Speaker 2 (04:09):
Or did she wait and then did a team of
people come out with like like it was just like
here comes trucks. That's what I envision and just like
tons of people making it happen all in one day.
Speaker 1 (04:24):
Well, when he was alive, her best friend back in
the day, Nolan Miller, who was also the costume designer
Dynasty and Epic, like, he would always help her. They
would do it together. It would be my mom and
uncle Nolan always. But it would and this is like
at the first house, but it would be a day.
They would spend a day the two of them, and
he would bring some people over to help for the day.
But once it went to the manor, it was a
team because I believe it was like I'm going to
get this wrong. I have to ask my mom, like
a twenty five foot to tree?
Speaker 2 (05:01):
Speaker 1 (05:02):
Does that sound right? A twenty five foot tree?
Speaker 2 (05:04):
Yeah, I mean that sounds reasonable. Lo, most people would
have like a six foot tree.
Speaker 1 (05:08):
Yeah, So Brahm, was she like super involved, like that
goes there and those boats there.
Speaker 2 (05:15):
And that nutcracker there, or was she like, hey, just
have at it, Nolan Miller and team.
Speaker 1 (05:20):
No, my mom is a virgo, a double virgo, and
she's a perfectionist, but in a good way. She has
great style. So she yeah, everything. She had to watch
everything where it was going and.
Speaker 2 (05:34):
Was all this stuff stored.
Speaker 3 (05:36):
Let's go to the Manor. Now we'll leave Mapleton for
a minute. Was everything stored there or was it like
in warehouses?
Speaker 2 (05:42):
And it would come in trucks.
Speaker 1 (05:45):
So at the Manor, specifically, there was one floor of
the Manor, the very top floor. One would consider it
an attic, okay, but it was not because it.
Speaker 2 (05:57):
Was almost like a storage facility.
Speaker 1 (06:00):
It was the same length as each mean the second yeah,
So it would be like, okay, if let's say you
had a fifty thousand square foot act Okay, So it
was that, and she had it designed in different areas.
So she had storage up there, but she had holiday storage,
she had Christmas storage. Everything like it would be as
if you went to a storage unit. But it was
all beautifuf gun and labeled. And she has books like literally,
I guess we can't say bibles anymore.
Speaker 2 (06:32):
Wait, books of what's in it?
Speaker 1 (06:35):
Speaker 2 (06:36):
Speaker 3 (06:37):
So like you take the Christmas book and it would
be like, here's all the nutcrackers, here's all the bows,
here's all the ribbons, here's all the boxes, here's the
wrapping paper. Well, that would probably be in the wrapping room.
Here's the santas, here's the trees, here's the garden keeper.
Speaker 2 (06:50):
But for rapper keeper, crapper keep it.
Speaker 1 (06:54):
Yeah, now you everything, and you could like it was
a catalog basically, now the Christmas wrapping room, because you
know there was in my wrapping room downstairs, Christmas wrapping room.
Stop us up in the attic.
Speaker 2 (07:05):
Stop it. It was a separate wrapping room for Christmas,
just for Christmas. Now, why did she not want to
use the regular wrapping room for Christmas?
Speaker 1 (07:16):
This is a question I've never asked her, But I
would write these things because Christmas was such a beloved
holiday for my family, Like I think she had so
much stuff for Christmas or that she put up there.
And also she needed the space, I think because my
mom would always like she shopped all of my dad's
gifts for all of his cast and crews. So she
did all that personally, yeah she ds oh yeah, like
that time of year, I feel like, but she never
seemed stressed.
Speaker 2 (07:49):
Could she just go into a store like Julia Roberts
like and they would just like bow down, like she's here,
she's coming.
Speaker 1 (07:56):
Oh, I'm sure Eurie's or whatever. I bet she loves Geary.
I could see her mom about curious Definitely, definitely that.
Speaker 2 (08:04):
Feels like her. Maybe Neiman Marcus.
Speaker 1 (08:08):
Yeah, all this sounds right. But she wouldn't let them
wrap it. She wrapped it herself.
Speaker 3 (08:12):
Yeah, Oh my gosh, I would never if I it
was of means of the spellings, I would never cook
or wrap a gift ever.
Speaker 2 (08:23):
Again, somebody would do love all my wrapping.
Speaker 1 (08:28):
Now, I'm not going to say that. As the years
went on, she didn't start to have people there.
Speaker 2 (08:33):
Helping her helping, but she.
Speaker 1 (08:35):
She would oh everything, and it would be like a
lineup of her. And like if someone would come to
wrap gifts so that she could tell them exactly how
she wanted it, she would make the sample one and
then they would whoa.
Speaker 2 (08:47):
And can she do all kinds of bows?
Speaker 1 (08:49):
Oh god, her bow game is off the charts, like it's.
Her bow game is so good. I've never seen anything
like it. She can make little ones or big ones,
and she has the technique that she does.
Speaker 2 (09:01):
Speaker 1 (09:01):
You tried to teach me and I actually wasn't good
at it so much so that I've gone the opposite
way and I do stick on bos.
Speaker 2 (09:08):
But yeah, You're lucky if you're getting that for me,
because really, for me, that's going to ruin the chance
that I can reuse the box and the gift bag.
So it's like you're probably not.
Speaker 3 (09:18):
Getting a bow, and you're definitely not getting like, you know,
the little gift tag that comes on the bag. I'm
not going to write on that because then I can't
reuse that. I could just write it and cut it,
cut it off.
Speaker 2 (09:29):
I do not like wrapping at all. Now.
Speaker 3 (09:31):
I used to do gift bags, but then I started
to not like those. So now at home Goods you
can buy the box wrapped, meaning it's like TV style,
you know, on TV they just nicked up the lid.
Speaker 2 (09:44):
They sell those at home. It's probably more than the
gift Home Goods and they're like twelve dollars, which is
probably more than half the gifts I'm giving. But whatever.
So yeah, my niece is getting like a five dollars
toy and a twelve dollars box, but whatever, Okay, who
cares about me? Back to this.
Speaker 1 (10:03):
I'm with you because I saw so much wrapping growing up.
I think it like, put me on the other end
of it, and I can wrap if I really tried to,
but I choose not to. So yeah, I'm fucking scotch
tape like not folded edges and she just looks like
a hot mess. Some one would suspect. And also up
in that attict, my mom had it like a barber.
Speaker 2 (10:25):
Shop, no yeah, for people to get their hair cut.
Speaker 1 (10:29):
So it was a beauty salon slash barber shop.
Speaker 2 (10:33):
With a professional would come in.
Speaker 1 (10:36):
Well, like my mom and dad would get their hair
done at home, like you know when you have a
hair stylist, like make a house call or something. Yeah,
blow out. So she put in like the proper washing
bowl that you win it slans. But also she put
in a barber chair and everything because my dad he
had this barber named Little Joe for years and my
dad up until his dath had the best head of hair.
He had to have his hair cut like every two weeks.
So much hair.
Speaker 2 (11:02):
So yeah, so she put that up there, wow in
the attic. But wasn't it not a creepy attic. This
is a full done attic.
Speaker 1 (11:12):
It's fully done. Yeah wow, but like done.
Speaker 2 (11:15):
Okay, okay, let's go to the tree. Let's start with
the tree. Where did the tree go?
Speaker 1 (11:23):
It went in the formal living room. Well is it formal? H?
I think there was a hidden TV, which makes it
not formal. You know what? There were way too I
don't know the terminal room. There were too many living
rooms in that house, so I don't even know what
to call them all.
Speaker 2 (11:40):
Okay, so let's room and just give it a name.
Speaker 1 (11:45):
Let's call it the living room.
Speaker 2 (11:46):
Was it where you came in the front door?
Speaker 1 (11:48):
Would you in the front door, like in the foyer,
you would see right into this little living room that
nobody ever really used. But it is right the backyard.
You could see a whole view of it. She probably
put a tree in there. I don't really remember. But
then you would make a rate and go down the hallway.
My dad's office would be on the left, and then
you would come to the living room that we had
Christmas eve at and Christmas every year, and then through
that door would be the projection room.
Speaker 2 (12:14):
Oh gosh, so many doors. Real tree or fake tree?
Speaker 1 (12:17):
Real tree? So I never grew up with fake trees.
I didn't understand them till my friends like taught me.
Speaker 3 (12:23):
Like, so, somebody cut down a twenty five foot tree
and brought that thing in, dropping the pine needles all
over the beautiful floor and set that puppy up.
Speaker 2 (12:34):
And was there some sort of a tree skirt? I
would imagine your mom would never see the watering thing.
Speaker 1 (12:40):
She would not, No, it must have been covered. I
was there a.
Speaker 2 (12:44):
Presence all around it?
Speaker 3 (12:46):
Were these show trees or like you could actually put
presents under it, and like on Christmas morning you would
actually sit by this tree.
Speaker 1 (12:55):
We would sit by this tree and there would be
presents all around it, and we would always delineate like
everybody's area, so like it'd be like my mom had
a section, my dad, my brother Randy, me like.
Speaker 2 (13:10):
My goodness, And it was kind of.
Speaker 1 (13:13):
Cool because the bigger the house we moved to, the
bigger the tree we went moved to, like it had
to look the part, so like our present area got
bigger and bigger, So that was good.
Speaker 2 (13:24):
So did Okay? I just don't even know where to begin.
So on Christmas morning?
Speaker 3 (13:29):
Was their staff that worked on Christmas making bacon and eggs?
And was it just the four of you or did
you ever have like grandparents and cousins and uncles and
ants join in?
Speaker 1 (13:41):
Okay, are we skipping Christmas Eve? We'll go back.
Speaker 2 (13:43):
Oh, no, we're going back.
Speaker 1 (13:44):
No no, no, no, no, We're going all over because I'm not
even nearly done. Okay, okay, So Christmas morning, my family
really believes in tradition and the tradition, however, it is
different to everybody. So breakfast, we always had Natenles ordered,
which is a very famous deli in la in Beverly Hills.
My mom would order Nate Nows and we would have
like a fish plotter, what do you call it? It
would have sturgeon And are you Jewish? Yes? Half or
full full?
Speaker 2 (14:21):
Oh my gosh, but this is all about Christmas.
Speaker 1 (14:24):
We had a little Hanukah. We'll get to that, but
is Christmas.
Speaker 2 (14:27):
Christmas was the one more because of like less religion
to it, but more because of because my.
Speaker 1 (14:34):
Brother and I would say it, you know at times,
like kids at school are saying to us, like how
can you celebrate Christmas? And you guys are Jewish, like
what you know? And we would bully us, and my
mom was like, you know, let them know that it's
about a holiday and being with the family and about
tradition and it's not about religion to us.
Speaker 3 (14:52):
What was your high school if you went if you
went to high school? Was it Beverly Hills High.
Speaker 1 (14:56):
I went to Barborough. I went to.
Speaker 2 (15:00):
So you went to private Okay.
Speaker 1 (15:01):
Got it? And then JT D before I D did
Randy go. Randy went to Brutland and then he transferred
to Montclair, which is in the valley which no longer exists.
But a lot of my friends went to.
Speaker 2 (15:13):
Okay, back to Okay, Okay.
Speaker 3 (15:17):
Bread, fish, plantter, bacon, pancakes, the basic stuff.
Speaker 1 (15:22):
No, no bagels, fish, flatter, the spreads, you know, like
the cream, cheese.
Speaker 2 (15:29):
The lock spread, all that we're not getting like a Cinna.
Speaker 1 (15:33):
Slice, tomatoes slice. So this is not it's a little
bit of a Jewish Christmas Okay, here we go. Yeah.
And my mom always had this loose sight or acrylic bagel.
It looked like you know, a paper towel holder, yep,
but it was a smaller one and it was this
beautiful like acrylic loose site one and the bagels cutting
off would go on it and stack and pull them off,
and she would have one for the tops one for
the bottoms, because she always believed people either like the
top of a bagel or the bottom bagels were very important.
Speaker 2 (16:10):
I'm sorry, stop. Yeah, Number one not toasted. I'm just
so toasty I can't My head starts to explode during
these conversations. Okay, so there was two paper towel holders,
so you didn't take the whole bagel. You'd take your
top or your bottom, but you could have more than one.
Speaker 1 (16:29):
Of course, I'm not sure I know the.
Speaker 2 (16:31):
Difference between a top and a bottom bagel. I'm kind
of like they're interesting.
Speaker 1 (16:37):
Cut it off the bottom one. It's a little bit slusiers,
a little curvier.
Speaker 3 (16:43):
Now, what if Homegirl wants like an English muffin? Is
that happening or no?
Speaker 1 (16:48):
Well, I guess you could take what if I wanted
one of the hundred drawers?
Speaker 2 (16:52):
Is there somebody that I could say I want pancakes?
Or no, that's not happening.
Speaker 1 (16:58):
I mean, technically yes, but we didn't operate that way,
like I never felt you know me, I'm not going
to ask anyone one for anything. But if I had
a friend sleepover and we wanted something, we would just
go into the kitchen.
Speaker 3 (17:09):
This isn't a white house, I understand. This is spelling
man or not the white House where you can just
get whatever you want.
Speaker 1 (17:14):
But of course, if someone really like wanted it. There's
people there, yes.
Speaker 2 (17:27):
Okay, So now was anyone sleeping over just the four
of you? Were there ever? Relatives?
Speaker 1 (17:32):
What about your dad's brother, going way way back, Yes,
there were times when Uncle Danny would come out, my
dad's brother. I think Uncle Sam had come out.
Speaker 2 (17:43):
Uncle Sam, that's pretty good.
Speaker 1 (17:47):
My cousins who were Uncle Sam's kids and then their kids,
so it would be like our second cousins. They would
come buy sometimes but usually later in the day and like.
Speaker 2 (18:00):
Okay, so not for the morning, for the morning.
Speaker 1 (18:02):
It was just family. And going way back before he passed,
it was my mom's father who we call. He would
always come over.
Speaker 2 (18:12):
Now are we are we Christmas Eve people, Christmas Eve
dinner people? Or are we Christmas Day people? Or we
all the above?
Speaker 1 (18:20):
What are we the above? Because my parents would grow
like the most epic Christmas Eve party that was known
all over town on Christmas Eve like wavy.
Speaker 2 (18:29):
Like yeah, but it was celebrities got to come.
Speaker 1 (18:32):
They would, but it was on a smaller level like.
Speaker 2 (18:35):
You, John Forsyth, what are we talking? Oh? Yeah?
Speaker 1 (18:39):
It depended on the year. And I always wondered later
on in life, like I wish I could go back
and ask my dad. I guess I could ask my mom, like,
does depend on like a good standing with your like
you have your shows on if one of your stars
is not behaving as well and then they don't get
that invite that your day.
Speaker 2 (18:58):
Era awset not to come after she left Charlie's Angels.
Speaker 1 (19:04):
I'm sure not. It was very like in the but
it was more about Heathercklayer. I feel like Heather. I
wonder if she ever came. He loved her, but maybe
she had plans. Also, most people had plans right right
rights call and they have an epic party at the
manner you should cancel him.
Speaker 2 (19:20):
But you know, I'm Rocado Mantelbon.
Speaker 1 (19:23):
Oh, I'm sure they were very close. They were, Oh
my god, I'm very close. And all of the executives
from ABC and then Fox when nine.
Speaker 2 (19:32):
Times, oh wow, okay on.
Speaker 1 (19:34):
What network he was with, and then family friends would
always come. As my brother and I got older, we
were allowed to bring all of our friends. If we're dating,
there would be So.
Speaker 2 (19:45):
This is Christmas Eve dinner, a catered.
Speaker 1 (19:48):
Christ not dinner. It's a party, a party Christmas.
Speaker 2 (19:53):
Appetizer's not a sit down buffet.
Speaker 1 (19:56):
Correct past there would be a buffet, but the buffet
was only like a seafood mega seafood tower and paviar.
I'm not talking anything like any little thing of caviar.
And if you know caviar, it's a fortune. And a
tiny tin that you have like four bites and can
feed one person is like two hundred dollars. My mom
would have the biggest can. It had to have been,
and she had multiple ones that they were replaced on
the It would be a big caviar holder and it
was either in silver or crystal, and there would be
like crushed ice and then the caviar tin placed, and
then all the condiments for the caviar, and then bleanies
and toast points and the cat. My mouth's watering. I
love gosh, see this is all food.
Speaker 2 (20:47):
I don't want any of it, but very fancy bear.
Speaker 1 (20:52):
It would have been pissed, like I would have liked this.
Speaker 2 (20:55):
I would have been like, where's the like, oh, she
fresh turkey in a like a Hawaiian roll with some mayonnaise,
like I want that, ask me that or maybe damn yeah,
you know those yummy turkey mini turkey sandwiches, but with
the good turkey, not like Deli turkey.
Speaker 1 (21:12):
It's your mouth water you right now for the turkey,
not for the caviar. No, I know, I know, I
know your basic stuff like oh, the shrimp cocktail.
Speaker 2 (21:23):
I mean, I'm fine with shrimp cocktail.
Speaker 1 (21:24):
But she did have past like pigs in a blanket.
I was gonna say, little like old school, like very
not Jewish pigs in a blanket. Doubled eggs, what.
Speaker 4 (21:36):
Hellse like the little Philo double legs, double legs, devil
leggs are real?
Speaker 2 (21:41):
Like people really love those, but I really do?
Speaker 1 (21:46):
Do you not? Like you don't like it?
Speaker 2 (21:48):
It's not something I would ever think of, but like okay,
I'm okay to eat it. But it's like great eggy.
I get I get that I can't get eggs for
Christmas morning, but I can get eggs in the afternoon
on Christmas Eve at the spelling Man. Oh garlands? Are
there is every fireplace having a garland over it? Are
there are there lights on the trees outside?
Speaker 3 (22:10):
Like what's I'm sure we've never had a blow up
Santa in the yard?
Speaker 2 (22:15):
What kind of outdoor?
Speaker 1 (22:17):
I like moved into my apartment. I got all the
like the fun like yeah, like I don't know, blow
up stuff, plastic stuff, like I got all of that
to make not to make fun of it, but to
be like we're doing a different type of Christmas.
Speaker 2 (22:31):
Yeah, but.
Speaker 1 (22:34):
The nutcrackers and the nutcrackers, oh gosh, like full on,
I don't I think like a forklift had to bring
them in. I'm not like they were taller than us.
Speaker 2 (22:47):
Speaker 1 (22:48):
And they would go up the front steps from the
course the wheeler driveway so as you walked into the
part party. So as you would walk into the party,
there would be nutcrackers on every step. There had to be.
Speaker 2 (23:03):
I don't know what's happening with our outdoor lighting situation?
Are we doing that?
Speaker 1 (23:08):
I feel like that wasn't a big issue.
Speaker 3 (23:10):
Not like I don't know, you know Caruso, you know
the like, so Caruso owns them all and his house
in Brentwood is lit up like you would not believe.
But the spellings were not doing that. So was there
any that was a thing back then? Like I don't
think it was like it is now, Like those people
in the Palisades that are paying ten thousands right to
light their houses, right.
Speaker 1 (23:31):
But imagine at the time a fifty six thousand square
foot house to light it on the outside. How much
would that have been?
Speaker 2 (23:40):
Probably a lot, I mean okay, So what about like
your room? Did you have a tree in your room
or was there only was this in the downstairs? Is
this the common rooms?
Speaker 1 (23:48):
We always grew up having like a little many. I
guess we did have a little any fake tree that
we would pull out of storage every in your rooms. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (23:57):
Now, what about the candy bowls? Are they immediately being
switched to holiday candies, holiday kisses, candy canes? What are
we doing?
Speaker 1 (24:07):
Super good question? Duh? Of course she did. She swapped
them out for red, you know, silver, gold, and green. Okay,
of course, so the candy kisses, the little many like hershees, yeah, everything,
And I even believe she was. I think I've told
you this before. The silver almonds were a big deal,
always there a year long in big candy dishes. She
would swap those out and there would be red, white,
and green ones.
Speaker 2 (24:35):
I think, oh wow, Yeah.
Speaker 3 (24:37):
What about a dessert spread, like is there homemade fudge
and brownies and a.
Speaker 2 (24:42):
Log roll a mule? What is the things called? You
know what I'm talking about?
Speaker 3 (24:45):
Those cakes that are like a log, Those are great
was there some baker doing all the baking.
Speaker 1 (24:54):
Later on. I mean I'm talking a party. That's gosh,
because the part would change and grow and they would
start in that living room where there would oh my gosh. Okay,
so there was a Okay, I'll talk about deserts. Okay, Wait,
I have so much to tell you. So I remember Stella,
who is now sixteen. I think she was like a
year old. We went to one and Liam was two.
We went to a party at the manor and she
had a dessert room. So remember the room, Remember the
breakfast room we've talked about, Yeah, where there's a huge
rown table and it's not like everybody else's breakfast room
is still a buzzer under the table to tell them
when to come in and out to take stuff. She
turned that entire room into the sweet room, like the
candy room, and she had desserts everywhere. And I think
there was a train going through that was filled with
like these amazing it looked like something.
Speaker 2 (25:57):
I mean, I didn't think of trains.
Speaker 1 (26:00):
Whoa green that was like filled. It was like on
a chocolate mountain. It was beautiful.
Speaker 2 (26:05):
Oh my gosh, it was. This is in the dessert room.
And now was this going on a month long or
just for the Christmas party?
Speaker 1 (26:13):
It was just for that would have been cool, just
for the Christmas Eve party, just Eve, not Christmas gone
by Christmas. Yeah, and then bolt like you know, there
was candy jars everywhere and the guests could you know
taste Oh but there were.
Speaker 2 (26:29):
Going about to go backs to go could we take?
Speaker 1 (26:33):
Yeah? And I think they were stamped the Manor a
Christmas at the Manor or something like that.
Speaker 2 (26:37):
Oh yeah, it was gosh, okay.
Speaker 1 (26:41):
There were always chirllers, even like back in the day when.
Speaker 2 (26:44):
It was squirllers, I didn't even think of this. So
so carollers would show up at the party and it's
you know, oh yeah, god rest you marry gentlemen.
Speaker 1 (26:53):
Oh yeah, oh I can't. And my mom, who is
a really good singer, would always join in towards the
end with them. That was always we were excited, like
and as we got older teens were like, okay, wait
for and my mom's going to join in, And then
she eventually did and we're like, yeah, yeah, there was that,
oh my gosh. And we would always everyone would kind
of deck out for the Christmas Eve part with like
their outfits. Oh yeah, and there was someone passing champagne
in beautiful Crystal, oh the past champagne. Because you would
start talking and everything. And this obviously didn't affect me
when I was younger, but once I was twenty one
and there with my friends, oh my gosh, we she
and she would just come by and you'd be talking
to everyone and she would just slip around next you
and just fill it up, so you never really knew,
and then all of a sudden, you're like, whoa wasted? Yeah,
and my nanny like, did you okay?
Speaker 2 (27:50):
Keep going? Keep goingep going.
Speaker 4 (27:51):
Speaker 1 (27:52):
And my nanny would always either be there for our
whole lives, during Christmas or when we were older, she
would always come for Chris. She would stay for Christmas,
said Christmas Eve, and she always wore like a Christmas
sweater and jingle ball like ear rings, and we would
She'd always bring her own stuff, and she wanted to
bloody Mary and she'd bring her bloody Mary mix and
she would hand it to the bartender there and be like,
can you put this behind? This is mine? Yeah, And
I just remember she was like eighty two at the time, No, eighty.
Speaker 2 (28:24):
Two, eighty two oh my gosh, like.
Speaker 1 (28:26):
Eighty two, and I remember her being there and we
were like, oh my gosh, in her twenties and my
brother and me and all of our friends and we're
like Nanny, Nanny, and she was like drinking with us
and getting drunk with us. And then oh my gosh,
we're like Nanny, you gotta smoke weed.
Speaker 2 (28:44):
With oh my thank god.
Speaker 1 (28:47):
In her eighties and she was like okay. And it
was like such a fun thing, like I was her
daughter truly and like right of course to have that
full circle. And my friends had grown up with Nanny
since we were young, and they were like, oh my god,
we're now adults and were partake and and he's like
smoking with us. It was like crazy, gosh. There was
an infamous fight that happened at one of the Christmas Eve,
probably between when I had the bad boyfriend.
Speaker 2 (29:15):
Okay, this is.
Speaker 1 (29:18):
It is and he.
Speaker 2 (29:21):
Who did he fight? Luke?
Speaker 1 (29:25):
Luke fought him?
Speaker 2 (29:27):
Yeah, and Jason, I'm like, get out of here, man,
fight Jason broke it up. What caused it?
Speaker 1 (29:36):
It was the way he treated me. It was just
like it was like everyone had had enough. And Luke
was truly like a big brother to me when I
was young, and he was like he and I started
we had a period and we used to talk about
it that on set, like we started like not talking
for a while because he was like, I couldn't watch
you go through this and it's like your family to me,
and like seeing this guy the way he tweated you
just wasn't okay. And I couldn't stand by anymore. And
this happened after the Christmas thing because I would say, like, please,
don't say anything to him. They tried to have like
an intervention on set, like to get me out of
this relationship, and you know, when you're young, you don't
listen to people, and it was bad. So anyway, I
brought Nick to this guy to who's fine. Now we're
on speaking terms. He's been sober for like over twenty years.
Speaker 2 (30:29):
Okay. So this is Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
Speaker 1 (30:31):
This is Christmas Eve, and this is.
Speaker 2 (30:33):
The Christmas Eve party, and this is early nineties.
Speaker 1 (30:35):
In the nineties, and Luke and Jason were there and
I came in with Nick. And I'm sure my parents
didn't like none of my friends liked him. Some people
would tolerate him just because it was out of respect
to me, but Jason, you know, you could probably like
Jason was more like neutral even though he didn't like him,
and which sh and high and very Jason, you know,
yeah kind of you know, I'm gonna do.
Speaker 2 (31:00):
This, just like he did to Colin in the episode
we talked about recently.
Speaker 1 (31:04):
Yeah, but Luke couldn't hide it, and if Nick would
say hi to him, he would just look away and
walk away, like and at the times that you know,
a teen girl, I was like, oh my god, like please,
I'm going to get in trouble when I get home
and I if my friends aren't nice to him. It
was that stupid mentality. And I don't know what exactly happened,
but I think Nick approached Luke to be like, you know,
what's up, Like like he didn't get like, why don't
your friends like me? What are you telling them? He
would say, right, right, of course they see it. I'm
coming to work in tears, like there's so many it's
they see it. Anyway. I don't know what happened next,
but there was literally like a brawl and Jason had
to break it up and they went outside, and it
was awful because Nick was like I'm leaving. I'm out
of here, and I was crying. I'm like, please don't leave,
Please don't leave. I'm sorry. My friends are made and
it was not a good situation. And then Luke and
I s yeah Christmas Eve and Luke and I didn't.
I mean, in all fairness, like Nick instigated it, but
Luke was like, loved me so much. He was like,
I can't take this anymore. I can't watch you treat
her this way.
Speaker 2 (32:21):
Oh my, did your dad and mom know this was happening?
Speaker 1 (32:26):
They had to have There was only like forty people
at this party, Like it was crazy. It was really embarrassing,
and I, yeah, as my family does that. We went
back and celebrated Christmas and was like okay, everyone just okay,
let's move on. But Luke and I didn't talk for
months on set and yeah, because he I was pissed.
I was upset. Yeah, and then of course he was
right and he was just trying to protect me and
save me from this. And yeah, I'm young, but that's
the infamous fight that went down on Christmas Eve one year. Wow,
star sudd It fight.
Speaker 2 (33:21):
Does Santa come to these parties?
Speaker 1 (33:23):
I mean he came from me one year and I'm
just saying, no, I'm just kidding. But like a year
or two after that, when I was single, my dad
would always like court. I would say, like new talent
that he was trying to show, so they would come,
this is before Sex and the City. But John Corbett
keep oh good one, and he and I totally hit
it off, and I remember having kiss with him Christmas Eve.
Speaker 2 (33:48):
Yeah this is before Bo Derek.
Speaker 3 (33:51):
Okay, yeah, you kissed John Corbett before he was Aiden? Correct,
But he was John corbetty.
Speaker 1 (33:58):
I mean he had been on what was it North Exposure?
Speaker 2 (34:01):
Northern Exposure?
Speaker 1 (34:02):
Was Northern Exposed?
Speaker 2 (34:04):
Yeah, so he was a big star already, and my
dad like big TV star.
Speaker 1 (34:08):
Yeah. My dad wanted to use him in something, and
I think he never did because I think.
Speaker 2 (34:12):
Sex and sex something.
Speaker 1 (34:14):
Yeah, But I was like, I never could tell anyone you.
Speaker 2 (34:17):
Had a kiss with John Corbett. What kind of kiss?
Speaker 1 (34:20):
A kind feel so foolish because I was kind of
dating but not dating Noah who was Vince Young?
Speaker 2 (34:28):
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.
Speaker 1 (34:30):
And because of that, like John would call me and
we were SOPs to go on a date, and I
didn't reciprocate because I was like.
Speaker 2 (34:37):
Oh, it's not with this kiss. What kind of kiss?
Speaker 1 (34:43):
It was a full kiss where it wasn't a long kiss.
Speaker 2 (34:46):
It was like it's okay. Where it was.
Speaker 4 (34:48):
I believe it took place like outside at the man Yeah,
like he was leaving the party and I walked him
out because we've been hanging out all night and getting
to know each each other, and yeah.
Speaker 1 (35:03):
Whoa was there valet?
Speaker 2 (35:07):
No, there's just parking.
Speaker 1 (35:09):
Well here's the thing. It was so massive that they
could just park. Yeah, in the beginning, maybe her last
few ones before she like sold it, she might have
had valet, But no, you know, anywhere you can get
and ring.
Speaker 2 (35:23):
The doorbell, or would there be a person like welcome,
mister Corbett, come on in so you don't feel like
a weirdo ringing the doorbell.
Speaker 1 (35:29):
I feel like the door was just open. There'd be
people standing there with trays, you know when you arrive
at a resort.
Speaker 2 (35:37):
Yeah, it was like that if you got.
Speaker 1 (35:38):
To like a fancy resort and they're like standing there
with a tray, and as soon as you walk in,
they're like champagne.
Speaker 2 (35:45):
Speaker 1 (35:46):
Oh, you know, pigs and a blanket. Great, meatball, swish, meatball.
Speaker 2 (35:50):
Great, wo, meatball is a nice appetizer.
Speaker 1 (35:53):
Friend stick maybe yeah?
Speaker 2 (35:57):
Yeah, MANI four. It started.
Speaker 1 (36:00):
It started with the little toothpicks that had the little
Frillian ends.
Speaker 2 (36:04):
They would be like oh Sam as lambs almost kind.
Speaker 1 (36:06):
Of basically yeah yeah, like tinsel wow.
Speaker 2 (36:11):
And was there ever like a toast or was it
just like a party like it?
Speaker 1 (36:14):
Did your dad ever.
Speaker 2 (36:14):
Say welcome everybody? He was, you're here because you're one
of our close friends.
Speaker 1 (36:23):
There's always a magic Every year there was always a
magician that came.
Speaker 2 (36:27):
A magician unexpected.
Speaker 1 (36:30):
Same, it still feels random, like I did that.
Speaker 2 (36:35):
You know, fancy adults love magicians.
Speaker 3 (36:38):
I was at a fancy fancy adults like the generation
before us or one before that. I was at a
fancy party and there was a magician and it was like,
it's not like he's like pulling a corner out of
your ear, but kind of but a lot of like
pick a card, I have your card.
Speaker 2 (36:56):
Over here behind this tree like that kind of stuff.
Speaker 1 (36:59):
But he did. I mean in the when she made
the party like epic huge Yeah, after my.
Speaker 3 (37:07):
Dad had passed, like it, yeah, so your mom still
had parties for a couple more years after just a
couple I believe.
Speaker 2 (37:14):
Was your dad allowed to smoke his cigars in the house?
Speaker 1 (37:16):
Mm? Hm his pipe?
Speaker 2 (37:18):
It was a pipe. He wasn't a cigar. Sorry, his
pipe he was.
Speaker 1 (37:22):
Speaker 2 (37:23):
Are they not so stinky?
Speaker 1 (37:26):
Maybe because I grew up with it. But like I
told you, my mom also till I was a certain
age's cigarettes and it would be in the house. So
I grew up not to.
Speaker 2 (37:34):
Do that in her bathroom, just doing it.
Speaker 1 (37:38):
And by the time we got to the Manor, she
no longer smoked. And although she did have one relapse
of smoking when I was with a bad boyfriend.
Speaker 2 (37:47):
No, your mom had a boyfriend.
Speaker 1 (37:49):
Oh no, no, no, no, when I was with that bad boyfriend.
O my god, one relapse. She had stopped smoking four
years and she had boyfriend. I know.
Speaker 2 (37:59):
I felt, Oh, oh my god.
Speaker 3 (38:02):
By the way, I was gonna do New Year's in this,
but we're gonna have to do a whole different New
Year's episode because I can't even do New Year's I
don't have time.
Speaker 1 (38:08):
Oh yeah, we should totally chow another episode for now.
We'll do a separate because the New Year's we had
would probably surprise everyone. Oh and that's where I can
tell the story about the chef I dated because it
involves New.
Speaker 2 (38:21):
Year's Let's let's not do that now. Let's finish Christmas first.
So Santa shows up at this party or not usually
like a so ho ho.
Speaker 1 (38:29):
At my old house, Santa Maple came every in Mapleton
one eleven Mapleton, North Mapleton, Santa came every year. It
was the same Santa. Oh wow, and yeah he was
the same Santa. My brother and I was sitting on
his lap and tell him like our wishes and yeah,
was there.
Speaker 2 (38:49):
Any kind of basic stuff like were you writing a list?
I read it twice.
Speaker 1 (38:54):
Oh yeah, it was like Barbie dream House.
Speaker 2 (38:58):
Oh Barbie dream House. Of course did you get usually
everything you wanted?
Speaker 1 (39:03):
Speaker 2 (39:03):
Was there like bikes under the tree and like no bikes? Wow,
I'm on candy. There's the bikes.
Speaker 1 (39:13):
But keep in mind, like there was something like what
would it be that was like the big ticket item?
Well then Madame Alexander or.
Speaker 3 (39:19):
Maybe in an Atari or a Nintendo or something, Oh yeah,
or yeah, I.
Speaker 2 (39:26):
Just can't see you. You know those cars like did
you ever have those like ride on cars or you
could like ride around on the you know what I mean.
Speaker 1 (39:33):
To Europe which should be an entire episode. We have
to do that, like a.
Speaker 2 (39:38):
Trip to wait what what were the.
Speaker 1 (39:42):
Oh my god in vacation? What is their names? The
Chris Like, there's several episodes, so we have to do
a whole episode, which took a week to get there.
But I have epic stories. But when we we saw
it in Europe in London, and when we came back,
what I got it? I'm gonna tell you. But it
was like a driving like an electric car, but not electric.
It had gas. I feel like, let's liken it to
the one an ATV. Let's let's like, what are the
ones that kids get. They have a little doors.
Speaker 2 (40:14):
It's probably like like a range Rover.
Speaker 1 (40:16):
They have like real real seas. Now Bo said to me, Mom,
all I want this year is a Lamborghini one.
Speaker 2 (40:23):
Yeah, get him.
Speaker 1 (40:23):
They run between one hundred and three hundred dollars.
Speaker 2 (40:26):
Yeah, they're not terrible. They're surprisingly not terrible.
Speaker 1 (40:30):
You charge them and they go yeah, yeah. So I
got a Mini Ferrari.
Speaker 2 (40:40):
They were battery. I don't think they had gas. I
think you'd lug it in.
Speaker 1 (40:44):
This one was not whoa So I got this one.
I was like twelve, I don't know what happened.
Speaker 2 (40:49):
Oh you're older, okay, so this was not This was
like more of a golf cart type of deal.
Speaker 1 (40:54):
It was a fray, but a little small one only
like a two seater like me and my brother could
go in it. And I feel like it went up to.
Speaker 2 (41:01):
I don't think you were and it feels like you
were really old.
Speaker 1 (41:04):
Thirteen kids have now.
Speaker 2 (41:06):
Well I guess, yeah, this is the.
Speaker 1 (41:08):
Golf carse they drive like on properties.
Speaker 2 (41:11):
Do you have any like spelling traditions? Like we write
it wrote our list and then you put him in
the fireplace and Santa can read the smoke signals like
any weird quirky things, and we would always read twas
the night before Christmas.
Speaker 1 (41:24):
I'm trying to think, like, yeah, we always did like
and Santa always called Usta called the actor that played
Santa that came who I didn't know till years later
was an actor. After he had passed away, his wife
got in contact with me and said, wow, like photos
in a letter, like it was really cute. Oh, but
it was an actor that I guess my dad had
used several times and he was like, hey, for Christmas
one year, we dress up and then it became a tradition.
He was like, she knows your face, it has to
be the same thing I say. So he ended up
coming till I was like, oh my god, like sixteen
like and then yeah, and then he would call us
on Christmas Eve and be like, hope you're going to
bed like good, and they would like ring the bells
in the background, like there could be years.
Speaker 2 (42:11):
So what's your happiest Holiday memory at the Manor?
Speaker 1 (42:20):
HM at the Manner It would probably be one of
my last memories at the Manor for Christmas. It wasn't
the very last party that I was at with Stella
and Liam once they were born, which was an epic party,
but it was when my dad was alive and Nanny
was alive, so that year was really special and all
my friends were there, all my friends I've grown up with,
and yeah, that's the night we smoked weed with Nanny,
whoa still your favorite.
Speaker 2 (42:55):
Was not expecting that. Well, wow, I don't even know
what to say. It seems somewhat normal and somewhat not,
is what I'll say.
Speaker 1 (43:08):
We did try an, I know, I know it's the
lock Christmas Day.
Speaker 2 (43:14):
So then yeah, so halfway.
Speaker 1 (43:18):
Through the day, like around we slept in so my
family loved. My whole family.
Speaker 2 (43:25):
Sleeps, so like till ten or like t.
Speaker 1 (43:28):
Like ten, my dad would be in his robe and
go down like and probably around one o'clock, I would say,
the lock station was cleaned up and a deli station
came out and it was all those you know, pre
meat sandwiches.
Speaker 2 (43:45):
Okay, now now you're talking. Now you're talking.
Speaker 1 (43:48):
Yeah, like roast beef sandwiches, turkey sandwich, all of that.
We would have all those, like from Nate Nell's again.
So then there's yeah, like the ones with like the
Thousand Islands and coal slaw and potato salad on the
side and all of that. So we had that for
hours and then we had a proper Christmas dinner service.
It was turkey stuffing.
Speaker 2 (44:14):
Sweet Thanksgiving okay Thanksgiving.
Speaker 1 (44:17):
Luffy marshmallow. Yeah, Thanksgiving. And there's always like the things
that my mom did. So she would chill navel oranges,
the big ones, slice them and put a slice of
cold jellied cranberry on it, having on a huge silver
clatter and everyone wow. So I know it sounds funky
like like cranberry sauce. I grew up thinking that's cranberry sauce.
It was like the jelly from a can. No idea.
But there's certain things like she would do that. I
still do that. I've introduced night kids to that. We
make every year for Thanksgiving. It else she would like
things like there were great things like homemade stuffing and
like that, the fixings, but things like the frozen green
frozen green peas, the small green peas in a bag.
She would make those with sliced black olives or diced.
It must have been like an old fashioned thing and
you would make it with like salt and butter. It's
really good. Whoa. And then my mom's a big baker,
so yeah, she would really get into the baking. So
apple pie, pon pie for my dad. She always made
which kind of pie for your dad? Con con okay
or pecan pumpkin pie. We would always have sweet potato
pie as well. Sweet potato pie a.
Speaker 2 (45:45):
Dessert or like a dish. I've never had that.
Speaker 1 (45:48):
It's good, it's like but not as bitter.
Speaker 2 (45:51):
Oh sweet, okay, so it's like a dessert. Okay. Yeah.
Speaker 1 (45:55):
But we made sweep to casserole with the big marshmallows
like porched on top of it and gosh, I don't know.
We always had the Christmas poppers so what they call them.
Speaker 2 (46:07):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, with a little prize or something in there.
Speaker 1 (46:09):
Stick each twist them or you pull it out and
everyone gets a crown and you get a little fried
and a fortune. I learned that from my parents. Always
had that, even though they were like, you know, cheap ones,
Like they would have this elegant, beautiful like candelabras and
like the most gorgeous like long table, like twenty foot
table that she would like do all the flowers. And
my mom loved floral arranging, so she would do all
the flowers and like and beautiful like dark colors and
burgundies and orange and green and anyway.
Speaker 2 (46:41):
Yeah, is it a happy time? Those memories.
Speaker 1 (46:46):
Yeah, Holidays always really great because we celebrated it was
my dad worked a lot. We weren't all always together,
you know. Once I was sixteen, I started working a lot.
It was just and Thanksgiving and Christmas always brought us together.
And while it grew in size, I still remember it
when it was on the smaller side with just our
family and like, I have those memories. So as it grew,
it wasn't weird for me, it was enjoyable to see
my mom be able to celebrate everything we had on
another level and have fun. And it was always a
fun time. Yeah, Like my friends would come and drink
with my mom and my mom like, my mom's not
a big drinker at all, but on holidays she will
have some drinks. And I love when my mom drinks
because she totally loosens up and we had a similar
sense of humor when she allows herself to be like that.
And we would just be cracking jokes with my mom
and she'd be funny and dirty, and we loved it
and it was so cool. And one year, my mom
had this amazing dress. It was a blue tartan dress,
which is like green and I love Tartan. Half at
a huge long gown and the top part was like
a half of a white blouse, but it was all
one thing, and she was moving gracefully and were laughing
with her because we'd had some drinks, and I kept
going up to her and whispering in her ear, Mom,
I'm gonna fart on your dress, and she'd be like,
don't you dare, don't you far on my dress, and
like laughing, I know this is so random, but picture
her in this amazing, huge game. But she was getting
silly at that point too, and I was like, what
can I do? This is gonna like freak her out
and like just shock value. So id. And then there's
one point where my friend Maron would be like, oh
my god, and you were literally like chasing your mom
around like in this big, huge party, be like fuck
and she'd be like, don't my dress and she was
like sashing her like half down everywhere. And I'm like,
it's memories like that that I would see my parents
in a different lights. I'd see them relaxed in having
and they really like my mom loved entertaining, but my
dad was a total home but yeah, yeah, yeah, it
was like her one time a year Christmas Eve that
she did like really entertain and do her thing that
meant so much to her, and he enjoyed himself too,
and it was a safe place.
Speaker 2 (49:17):
Yeah, because he would get to be at home too.
Speaker 1 (49:20):
So I'm telling the stories today.
Speaker 2 (49:22):
But yeah, it's okay. They could say, I think you're good.
He didn't really tell any tales too bad. Well, okay,
I mean I think we got to continue the manner
series because I have a lot more. We didn't even
touch on Thanksgiving. We didn't even touch on the ears.
Got more to do, years with the chef. Yeah oh yeah.
We will to be continued