All Episodes

August 17, 2020 60 mins

We take a night call about Evangelion and neurotic artificial intelligence from a listener that gives Emily a great excuse to explain Eva to Molly and Tess. Then it’s the saga of Jordan and Mikalya Peterson, the Canadian father daughter grifter team. All meat diets, gothic intrigue, Russian doctors inducing comas for benzo withdrawal, the Numa Numa song and maybe even...murder? For the second half of the show we are joined by writer and comedian Joan Ford to talk about her new Twitch show Fall Talk, cosplaying as girlboss Michael Myers, and why Halloween starts in August this year (hint: it’s a lot like the fireworks surplus). Get cozy with a pumpkin spice latte and your favorite Halloween candy for an all new Night Call!


Evangelion wiki on the Magi supercomputers

Out of This World

Peterson and pronouns

Peterson family meat diet

Jordan Peterson explainer thread

Cider of doom

Herman Cain "boo!"

Joan Haley Ford

Joan on Twitch

Early Halloween candy

Fall Talk premiere link

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's to fifteen am at a Serbian nightclub and you're
listening to Night Call. Hello, and welcome to Night Call,
a call in show about our dystopian reality. My name
is Emily Ashida. I am on the line with Molly

Lambert and Tess Lynch. Later on we're gonna be joined
by Joan Ford to talk about Halloween Fall and uh
why fall starts on July five, so stay tuned for that.
We had a night call we want to kick things
off with. We have been talking actually now for the
past few weeks about AI about their consciousness slash lack

of consciousness and the possibility of it ever existing. So
we got a fun little call about that high night call. Uh,
first time caller from Kentucky. Um. I just wanted to
throw in with that when you were talking about AI

and h the idea of making it self conscious, um,
and then somebody's bringing up making the AI is like
democratic or whatever or have to come to consensus, and
it just made me think of um Evan Gillian and
if I remember correctly, the supercomputers and that show, they

have three of them and they have to come to
like a consensus before they act or follow orders. Or whatever.
And I think there are times throughout the show that
the computers actually like don't necessarily do what they want
because the decision the computers come to might be like

you know, differently aligned are intended than like the initial
order that the people operating like put in or whatever.
But anyway, left the part test, have a great day.
Thanks by thank you for the call, Thanks for bringing
Eva into it. Uh yeah, do you guys want to

hear about the Maggi system. Let's let's default to evan
Galian expert um. So it's such a it's such a
wild idea, and I think maybe subconsciously I was thinking
of this when I talked about like the AI coming
to a consensus, because in the show there's the system

is called the Maggi system, and so they have it
for this the the center, the main base that most
of the stuff in the show takes place. And like
you would think, okay, so they made like three supercomputers
and they like you know, they're basically like setting up
for like a fail safe in case one of the
supercomputers goes wonky or whatever. So you have to have

this consensus between the three of them about any decisions
that I mean it's basically this thing that replaces like
a congress for this, um, this sort of militarized sub community. Uh.
But the this is the thing that's like silly about
it is that the computers are have been uploaded with
the personality of one woman, just three different facets of

her personality. Um, it's like one of the character's moms
and um one is her as a scientist, one is
her as a mother, and one is her as a woman.
And so all of the decisions from this like military
organization are made by the scientists, the mother and the
woman of Dr Naoko Akagi. Uh. And it's yeah, I

gets tacked at one point. It's a pretty good episode. Um,
it's just very it's it's sort of funny. It's like
it's one of these things that like you're you're with
it as like a sci fi like a just pure
like hard sci fi concept until you're like wait, what
why would they let anybody do that? And also like
it's again and like the reason this doesn't exist in

real life is like it depends on this technology that
we don't have and that I don't think we'll ever
have where you can like sync with the machine and
like imprint your personality on it. Um. So wait, the
in the in the wiki that you sent us for this,
there are also there are different branches that also have
the trios of Maggie computers too. Yeah, so every every

all these different bases have their their system, their trio
of computer. So it's the same principle, but they could
be imprinted with different personalities. We don't know necessarily. Um,
this has become the podcast for Emily just explains up
in Gillian, No, that is a different podcast that I

need to get paid money for. But yeah, I yeah,
it's like a funny it's a funny AI idea. I'm
I'm like a I like to just be a connoisseur
of AI ideas in science fiction, even if they're completely
not like practical or um feasible at all. Did you

guys ever watch the show Out of This World? Oh? Yeah,
it was a sitcom from the eighties where a girl's
dead father I believe, was in like a crystal Yeah,
it was it her father. It was that show was
crazy Town, it was the Advice Yeah, you know, there

were just like a lot of weird, high concept sitcoms. Yeah,
the cocaine era um, but she was an alien in
that one. She was an alien, but she communicated with
her father through like a crystal. Wow. Yeah, it was
like it was I'm looking it up right now. It

was the NBC Prime Time. There were a lot of
sitcoms that have plot lines that sound like anime. There's
also Small Wonder, which is like small Under a total animal. Yeah,
just to just to be the clarifier on Out of
This World, it was a girl named Evie who discovers

on her thirteenth birthday that her father Troy, is an alien.
I'm reading this from Wikipedia. From the planet on Tara's
Prime in the Scorpio galaxy. Her half alien heritage gives
her superhuman abilities. Blah blah blah. Anyway, Yeah, her name
is Evie, Evie, I know Evan Gillian. The cover rut

on the IMDb page looks so Jan kiet I watched
the Ship Out of That shows a good show. Well
for Reynolds is on it way, speaking of um parental conflicts, yes, um,
I really wanted to bring to the night called Table

to the Red Table talk the story of Jordan's Peterson
and his daughter Thatchayla Peterson. MICHAELA. Peterson, which has been
an ongoing saga for the last year, but new new
stuff has happened. Um. Jordan Peterson is a Canadian evo

psych dark web intellectual guys on like the faculty at
the University of Toronto. I'm not sure he don't think
leave now that he's in a coma or whatever. We'll
get to that. So Jordan Peterson, Um, he sucks. He

sucks as an author, but he got kind of popular
because along with a bunch of these other kind of
you know, hyper masculine grifter men who were just like,
here's how you conquer society by becoming powerful. He's like
this guy who really has like clung to this idea

of the masculine is being order and the feminine is
being ka like inherently chaotic, which is just like a
really really rickety road to go down. Uh. And yeah,
he trips over lots of stupid ideas on his way
down that road. But a lot of people like just
listening to somebody who's like, I know everything, here's everything. Um,

because he doesn't come off as crazy. That's the thing
about him. Well, that's the intellectual dark web thing. It's
like you're saying fucked up ship, but you're saying it
in a suit. So he's like he sounds like a professor. Yeah,
but he's like a transpobe. He is just like a misogynist.
He generally just kind of sucks. He he got in
big trouble, Like I remember, I first became aware of

him because he was really insistently refusing to use people's
correct pronouns and there was a big kind of dust
up over that. That's when I first heard of him.
But yeah, he's like a contrarian. Uh and and now
he is trapped in a really very strange situation. So
let's a woman no less So, So last fall, I

think the last time he did like a public event
was last fall, he did like a town hall with
Zizek Slabek in Um, Canada. After that, he had some
kind of an injury that he got put on benzos
for the injury. Then he got addicted to benzos, and

then he was in a treatment center for the benzos
that it turned out was in Russia, um and that
his daughter had taken him there. So let's talk about
his daughter. Let's talk about MICHAELA. Peterson. So MICHAELA. Peterson
was apparently the first of them to get on this

all meat diet thing. Is that correct? Like she was
the initiator of this. Yeah, I think the all meat
diet is her thing. She claims that she had been
plagued by a lot of different health problems, starting in
child to rheumatoid arthritis, and that her unorthodox approach to
fixing those things was to only eat meat, salt, and water.

I think at one point, I think there's some leeway,
like people have made allusions to a vegetable here or there.
But she claimed that when she started the all meat diet,
all of her problems miraculously disappeared, all of her health issues. Sure,
and then she put out a book with her dad
where she's wearing a bikini on the front and he's

like looks much smaller than hers, like half the size,
and it's like this very it looks like a shitty
phone pick that was taken without him knowing and maybe
like with the zoom on, so it's really blurry, and
he just looks sad and he's in a towel and
he's like half her size. Um, it's pretty incredible. Some
people in the comments on this thread that was done
by at Rational disc Rational Disconnect on on Twitter. They

were like, that's a fake cover, right, like that's a groof,
But no, that's apparently the actual design. That's a real cover.
And then I looked a little bit at some of
her photos because people would be like, you must have
scurvy from not eating any vegetables, and she'll be like,
oh yeah, check it out. My body's falling apart from scurvy,

and it'll just be like a hot So this thread
by rational discs Um alerted us to some new developments
in the Jordan Peterson saga, which are that apparently the
cold Turkey Benzo withdrawal thing that Jordan Peterson went to

Russia to do was suggested by his daughter's boyfriend, who
is a Russian guy that I think he's a Russian
guy that she met who is a Stalinist and believes
he's been possessed by a demon also named Igor. Yeah. Important,

So that guy apparently said, you know, we have to
go to Russia to do this treatment that they won't
do in America because it's too state of the art.
Turns out that treatment was our favorite thing from Valley
of the Dolls, the medically medically induced coma, which was
like medically induced. Wait, the benzos didn't have anything to

do with the coma. The coma was to get you
off the benzos, and they put you in a coma
and then you withdraw. But you're in a coma while
you withdraw, so you don't like feel the effects. Yeah.
Then when he came out of the coma, there was
a rumor that maybe he had some brain damage from
being put into a coma. Yeah, being put into a

coma at a Russian clinic that's doing a procedure that
apparently they're not allowed to do in the US. I
can see how you could come out of that with
a little bit of brain damage. Um. So now the
Peterson's are in Serbia where the Michaela is living it
up clubs. She's like, she has a new man in

her life. Yeah, so Michaela had a baby with the
guy possessed by Igor, but now she's dating a different guy.
I think a Serbian guy who I'm not sure if
it was this guy or the Russian guy that people
were like, I think he's a human trafficker. Yeah, he
seems like a legitimate sociopath. Um, what's his name? Andrew
Tate the it's on the thread. It describes him as

a misogynist, pickup artist and webcamp pimp who runs a
scam website and thinks that quote depression doesn't exist. So
these are people that are all kind of like, you know,
it follows logic that they all ended up in the
same time. Yeah, I can see what they're sitting around
talking about for sure. Who scams the scammers? Is the
question that this answers. Um So, Michaela posted that her father,

Jordan Peterson, now has COVID and that she had had
it before and so she probably gave it to him
because that's been going out clubbing with this, but also
didn't didn't she imply that her daughter got it from
a playground because there were videos of Michaela like at
the club with no mass, being like, there's no mass
at this club. Just how I like it. I'm not

scared of COVID, and then she was like oops, but
I think at one point she mentioned that she thought
her daughter picked it up at a playground after being like,
We've been careful, which was clearly not true. Uh, and
then pass it on to Jordan's Yeah, and you know
has been really making a point of like I was
a little stuffed up, like here's a selfie of me
when I had corona. I look fine, like this is

only killing unhealthy people. Oops? Did I say that? Uh?
That kind of attitude in her post so um yeah,
super super as I said before we started recording Super
Team No One here. Yeah. The post that got everybody
sort of like what about this is that she was like, Okay,
my dad's in a Serbian hospital. He's got coronavi iris.

Now nobody's seen him in a year. Also, and then
she was like here I am at the club, and
then just a video of her clubbing in Serbia at
a club where they're playing the Manuma song. Yeah, um,
which just it's it would be like perfect if it
wasn't so horrible. Here's a footnote to this story that

I enjoyed for it being very bizarre, which is, um.
Jordan Peterson was on a podcast, may have been Joe Rogan,
I'm not sure, but he was. He said that he
had been on the all meat diet and uh that
it was doing really tremendous things for him, and then
he he went off the diet like he actually he
had a glass of um apple cider was what he had,

and he said, you know, apparently I have a sensitivity
to sell fights, and that's one of the things I've
learned by doing this diet. So I had a glass
of apple cider and then he said it sent him
into the worst panic of his life, like he was
completely like paralyzed by it. And he said he had
never felt such a sense of impending doom as after

he had had the cup of apple cider. And I
was like, that's one of those things from a story
that like, I know, no matter what I forget in
my life, I will carry that with me until I die.
It sounds like he probably just had a panic attack
because he hadn't had apple cider in so long. I mean,
I don't know. It could be like I I have

a self fite allergy, um, but it doesn't show up
like that. But I could also some stuff, yeah, like
migraines and things like that. But um, I also think
that if you are on a very very restricted diet
for an extended period of time, it will really give
you like a psychological condition where it's fear of food,
you know, fear of like toxins and stuff. Yeah, it

seems like an all meat diet. It's like I think
we talked maybe we've had a cannibalism discussion on this
podcast before, but like the um, what's the organism that
can infect your brain from pons? Like I feel like
there's there has to be some kind of version, like
some kind of version of that that happens from just

adopting carnivorous diet, Like we're not carnivores, like and couse
playing as a carnivore will not make it. So a
lot of this stuff too seems like also like marketing
eating disorders to men. Yeah, under a different name. You know,
a lot of the Joe Rogan stuff too, that's just

about like maxing out your capacities for health, but it's
really like take all these supplements and don't eat real meals. Well.
She also was like totally scamming on her own too,
because she was promoting this diet and then like had
a website where it was the website for the diet
and you had to pay a membership fee for it,

but apparently there wasn't anything that you were actually paying for.
You were just paying to like have access to a
message board where you could talk to other people who
are probably melting down from only eating meat group. It
was like six dollars a year or something. It was
something like that. So everybody's scamming everybody here. Yeah, So
the conspiracy about this is that Jordan Peterson himself has

not really been communicating except through michaela Um. All of
his missives for the past year or so have come
through her, and she's like, here's what my dad's up to.
And for Jordan Peterson, who obviously it was a talkative
dude before people thought that seemed a little off. She
released a podcast pretty recently in June that was her

talking to her dad, where they are shot in a
way that they're never in frame together. So there's video
of him. But people are like, you can't tell when
this video is from. It could really be from any time.
It could be from twenty nineteen because he doesn't say
anything specific to the circumstances of now. He talks about

how he got like sick. But people think maybe that
she like spliced together old footage with new footage of
herself to make this podcast to make it seem like
her father is doing fine. But some people think that
she's running kind of Somebody said it was like phantom
thread with um supplements, or it's some kind of like

um like Munchausen's thing or something. Somebody in the somebody
in the comments commented about how like this is just
like a twenty one century Gothic novel, Like it's appointing,
totally very very goth. Well, somebody also it's like either
her baby daddy or her boyfriend is in charge of

the Jordan Peterson Company in some way, like helping to
run the company. Now, so oh yeah, there's a conspiracy
that Jordan Peterson is either dead or still in some
kind of a incapacitated state from being put into a
medically induced coma and then having COVID. It's pretty interesting.

Do you believe it? I mean, I don't know. I
think these people are all such scammers. I can't tell
if anyone's telling the truth. So these people are like
living on the fringes of how you should treat your body,
like both in terms of like like corona and diet

and everything. Like. I just feel like I have no
way of knowing whether Jordan Peterson is alive or not,
because he's like he does is not dealing with a
set of factors that I have any um experience with
a relation to him. Um, Like it's it's so out
of space. I don't know. Um. Here's another question. Do

you think that Michaela actually only eats meat or do
you think that she cooked up this idea to sell
to people, but that that's not something she would even do.
I think that's very possible because a lot of the
really strict diet people on YouTube get caught like eating
like there's a you know, the vegans always get caught

eating like a cheeseburger. Um, the banana diet lady who's like,
all you have to eat is bananas? Is she drinking alcohol? Like?
Was she seen with a drink in her hand? Looked
like she was drinking alcohol at them? Like smoking cigars?
Like I I think that the whole thing, the whole
marketing aspect of the all meat diet is that it

allows for drinking and smoking cigars because it's like an
alpha man. It's a power diet. You know, there's those
carcinogens and whatnot, right, and if you become an alpha male,
then like you're impervious to things that would affect regular people.
According to the logic of that, you become like a

Keith Richard's of meat. Um. Speaking of all this, I
want I'm curious if any of our listeners have done
any super super crazy diets like this, and if you have,
will you please let us know at two, four oh
four or six night. It also reminds me of when
people were doing the Atkins diet. Yeah, exactly, well, yeah,
people got the interpretation of what was Atkins diet is

so easy, like when when you're like, oh, all meat
is fine, so have as much meat as possible. Like
that's not even the same, Like it's so easily uh
turned into something super super unhealthy, even if the principle
itself starts off being somewhat sound. Because that's the thing is,
like people were like, oh, I'm on the Atkins diet,
so here's my cobb salad with like a pound of

bacon on it, and like for extent um, no carbs.
I also think that if you're a contrarian um like
Jordan Peterson's daughter who has who takes after her father,
seemingly in that way, it's a it's like a political
thing to recommend that people only eat meat when that's

clearly terrible for the environment and contentious and anything that
they're like, oh, they're telling you this is bad for you.
I'm going to tell you the truth. It's actually they
don't want you to have it because it makes you superhuman. Yeah. Yeah,
And when you are hallucinating or like unable to sleep
for twenty five days or whatever and triggered by a

cup of apple cider, it's like, that's because you're on
a new plane, and that's the way all humans will
be eventually, something like that's our that's our peak performance level.
I will say weirdly enough that this story does seem
to demonstrate some truth to the women are are the
element of chaos theory? Well, like maybe she just spent

her life like she grew up having that idea, the ideology,
if not like directly fed to her, like definitely in
the air. So it's sort of like if your dad
has been saying the entire time, you're growing up like
you are an agent of chaos. Us you got to
grow up to become an agent of chaos, fulfill it. Yeah.

I mean, it's kind of amazing that this guy who
like promoted himself as the you know, the intellectual alpha male,
has been like outgamed by his daughter, which is very
like Game of Thrones or something. It's very Shakespearean that
she's in charge, she's the alpha. Clearly, I think there's

this unsettling part of this story that's just like we
don't we have no idea what happened to him, And
I feel like that's the way a lot of stories
are right now in the news, Like this is just
on a more personal level, but there's so much stuff
where it's like that just went away and we have
no idea where it was, Like everything happening with the
with the post Office, it's like there's no longer an

expectation that will ever know what happened to Jordan Peterson,
Like this could just be the end he got dissolved
in something. Are you saying that they're putting the mailboxes
and a medically induced coma? Essentially, yes, I think we
all know what's going on here. It's also, yeah, there's
a lot of people right now where it they'll have

some kind of a social media presence, or they'll tweet
something every once in a while, like the Herman Kine
thing this week where Herman Kane tweeted from beyond the Grave.
Um that even if people are like communicating, You're like,
I don't actually have any idea. Yeah, that turned out
to be his his daughter, and yeah, the next day

it was like the Herman Kane Foundation and it was
like this is Herman Kane's family and will be like
taking over this account from now on. But they clearly
did it to be like, you know, they got attention
to be like boo. Yeah, well we're going to take
a quick break and when we come back, we're gonna
have a little boo for you because it's Halloween, you guys,

Halloween United, Spooky Time. Welcome back, Tonight Call. We are
joined today by a very exciting special guest, Joan Ford.

Joan Ford is a writer and performer. She has written
for shows like DC superhero Girls, ThunderCats, Roar, and Yabadabad Dinosaurs.
She's also half of the comedy duo Red and Yellow
with Kate Raft and the host of Fall Talk, a
talk show on Twitch about Fall. Welcome Joan Tonight Call, HIV.

It's nice, thank you, welcome, Welcome, Happy to be here, Yeah,
and happy Fall, happy Fall. Yes, it's finally here. Yeah,
it's always here. It's always with us and one another,
so happy like happy Fall. Well, there was a fire
that started like what like up north of l A recently,
so that means it's fall now, right, Oh, fires there's

an All shapes and sizes are definitely fall. It's like
a toasty bonfire. Yeah, you know, like a bonfire or
like a wildfire, both very both have very fall vibes,
just brown, the color brown. In general, My feeling is
that there are two summers. There's summer one, which lasts

until September, and then there's summer too, which should be fall.
But here it is summer too. So that's the time
that I start fully dissociating, uh and pretending it's fault.
But this year things have been so crazy, why not
just start fall now? That's what I mean. That's kind

of what I've been I've been saying. That's kind of
a lot of the show that I've been uh kind
of doing on Twitch called Fall Talk with Kate raft
Um now um has kind of all revolved around the
idea of, yeah, you know, it's it's it could at
this point, it could. We could be existing in any
time in any place right now. You can't really tell,

So like, why not just make it the best season
of the year all year round, so it's so like
it's fall right now. Why not I just have like
I take a kind of um, maybe not aesthetic but
more just sort of like sensual issue with the Fall
the early Fall team, because I want to be with

you guys, but like fall just sounds so dry to
me right now. Emilie and I are the resident Fall contrarians. Like, yeah,
but I you know, Kate, when we had Kate on
the show a while ago, she she made me reconsider
fall and hearing your excitement, I'm also like I want
to I want to love fall. Yeah, I I I understand.

I understand there are like dry, dry elements of fall,
but I think they're all like so lovely, like like
when you especially, like you know, I understand that it
can be had to get in the fall mindset where
we are, but like I don't know if if any
of you are East Coasters but or ever were, but
thinking back to those like, like, is there any like

I can't think of anything more lovely than like, you know,
walking through like like you know, a a field of
like freshly fallen like leaves like crunchy under your feet,
Like that's just like the best sound and the best
seiling feeling on like a like nice crisp autumn day
or crisp autumn afternoon. I just think it's so heavily contextual.
Like I grew up in Iowa, which has about the

most classic fall you could ask for, and it was beautiful.
I loved it so much. But I even even knowing
that that is like a positive. It was my favorite
season at the time. Also my birthdays and fall, so
I had positive feelings about fall. But I think in California,
especially when it's like September in California usually the hottest

season of the year, the hottest month of the year.
Even knowing and remembering having that sense memory of fall
in Iowa, it's still like I can't put the two together.
I can't. They're like two ends that have like opposite connectors.
There there are places you can go, there are things
you can do. Maybe a little harder this year, but

they're definitely yes, just like you know, on a hole
on a hole, it may be hard to get to
like hit that fall mode in um in l A,
but like, I think they're definitely like l A places
you can hit up that like will really put you
in that fall. Yeah, like maybe like like really getting
to that hardcore fall mode like takes a little more
work where we are, but I think it's worth it.

Where do you think we should go to get in
fall mode? John? Okay? Well, first, like I think like
the most easiest and most obvious, it's just go to
go to Target. Go to any Target they have. They
always have such a like wonderful array of of fall
items whatever whatever your price budget is, Like you can
like anything is like small scale as like a like

ten dollar T shirt with a little ghost on it
that says like I'm just here for the booze to
like there and the ghosts is holding like a little
glass wine by the way, and or like you know,
you can you can invest in like full fall decor
for from for your house like so like Target so easy,
there's probably one near you for like Target is like

like like start of full headquarters. Um, then you can
go to what the there's them? You can do this
like also you can do this twenty four like seven
five days a year. Hit up the what I call
the Halloween strip in Burbank. There is a strip of
like just Halloween or like poor related stores in Burbank,

which is like my favorite place on Earth. I like
I see I honestly go to hang out there all
the time. There's like a strip of like three like
halloween stores that are owned by the same company. They
have it's like the Costume Store, the just like Memorabilia
and decore store, and then there's also like the just
like four Kids Store. Um. So like honestly like just

the decor just the Halloween a core store. I think
they're all called Halloween Town. Go there if you want
to get it. Like it's it's like it's like your
dream of what like in a move in a like
in a Halloween movie or like in the Halloween episode
of Buffy when it's like we're going to like the
costume store and it's like very magical and big and
like they have anything you could want. That's what it

feels like. And then there's also like, um, what is
it um mystic um, Oh gosh, what's I'm drawing a
blank on the name of the store, Mistic Museum, Missic Museum,
which is also very like witchy and Halloween e. There's
a bunch of other like horror theme stores, so go
to hit up the It's I think it's on Magnolia,
hit Up the hit Up, the hit Up the Halloween
strip in Burbank. Yeah, Burbank is the Halloween capital year

round of l A. I went to that Halloween store
that you're talking about for the first time last year,
and I think I went on a really hot day
when I was just like I wanted to be fall
But it's a hundred degrees and when you go in
that door, it's like the windows are blacked out so
that when you go in, it's like dark and cool,

and they're playing Halloween music and there's like horror fog
and there's a whole fake little graveyard with ghosts hanging
all over. It was just like the most delightful experience.
You know. It's where you're gonna go in and start
your like Halloween adventure. You're gonna get like a book
or something. You're gonna get a book or a spell
or something. It's gonna start you on your adventure to

like I like, you know, savell You're gonna save Halloween.
That's like where you're the start of your like save
Halloween from like the Evil Mayor adventure. Well, speaking of
saving Halloween, this is my concern is that Halloween will
probably be like canceled. I mean, we we can't even
I don't even know if we can go to the
Halloween stores. And I do love Halloween. So how are

we gonna make How is COVID Halloween gonna go? How
are we going to make it good? Um? Well, here's
like something I think something I love about Halloween and
I think, um actually makes it a very like adaptable
holiday for the circumstances we're in right now. Is that
I feel that like Halloween, I feel Halloween is the
most like adaptable holiday. There is no like wrong way

to do Halloween. It's not like I feel like every
other holiday like has these like kind of like requirements,
these like requirements that are thrust upon you, whether it's
like you have to be with family for like the
winter holidays or Thanksgiving, or or you have to travel
or whatever. Um, I feel like Halloween can really be
whatever your heart wants it to be, whether and like

like your Halloween, which is like, hey, I'm gonna go,
like you know, I'm gonna have like a like a
cider party in my backyard. We're gonna like drink side,
We're gonna drink hot cider. And just like like you
know and like bond around a bond around a bonfire
or like if if you want haveing like a really
like grizzly gnarly like you know, gore Field horror. Halloween

going to like the universal parks like like or or
not scary farm or whatever they're all that. It's like,
are you adaptable? Halloween can be whatever you wanted to be,
So I I trust and have faith that you know
what we will as Halloweens always adaptable. Halloween can be
whatever you're the Halloween your heart is. And that's and
that's why Halloween is going to be like the perfect
COVID holiday. It will adapt, It will survive and thrive

and will like find new like awesome Halloween traditions. Yeah.
I mean I think that because Halloween is the scary holiday,
but it's also escapism and the world is so scary
right now that people do need that escapism more than ever, um,
just to stay sane. I feel like Halloween is very
adaptable and that the thing people like the most about

Halloween actually is just like sitting at home and watching
horror movies, which you can really do starting now. Also costumes,
but costumes like um, that you can kind of get
away with more, maybe with a costume that people are
only going to see on zoom. It's like, you know,
you don't have to have the back part done well.

I wanted to ask you, Joan, actually, because you are
also an amazing cos player, um A casual cost player. Yeah.
Casual yes, like not like that you do it casually,
but that your outfits are often like casual interpretations. Yes,
I love the casual label. And then to this, I
think this is my fashion philosophy in general, but I

want to hear like how you approach it. Yeah, I
have seen you do. I believe you did a Freddy
Krueger last year, like a cutie Freddy Krueger outfit. Yeah yeah,
I just like I just kind of like combined like
hot topic, had like a like a Freddy Krueger um
like skater dress that I just like combined with like
you know, I got like the gloves and I got
and I found like a like a like a it's

not like the exact like Freddy Fedora, but it was
like a black one that a cute black one that
matched the dress. So like I just put that so
like I put all those things together. It was very
cute and very fun. Yeah, yes, that's that's brilliant. I
love it. I was wondering if there's any cosplaying you're
planning to do for this hell we oh I okay. So,

I like, I do have this idea that I've had
kind of had for a year that I didn't pull
the sugar in last year, but I considered it this
year is UM, I have a UM. I have like
a like a jumpsuit, like a navy jumpsuit women's jumpsuit
that I bought from UM like H and M a
year ago, and it like it's a very it looks

like a very like kind of like feminized version of
like the Michael Myers like jump jumpsuit. So I was
thinking about doing like almost like I mean, thinking of
her as like kind of like power like business like
business lady Michael Myers, where like I'm gonna have like
the jumpsuit and like maybe like you know, briefcase and

um and like knife exactly Michael Myers leaning in frum
the jumpsuit era like jumpsuit feminist exactly jumpson. I love
that jumpsuit feminist my liars um and do but do
UM as opposed to doing the mask like kind of
like suggest the masks through like makeup like with probably

like you know a dark um like a dark eye
that kind of like fades into like a like a
white like a whiter ring around them. Oh I love this, Yeah,
I because I am also a year round Halloween person.
I think also in California, those of us who are
into fall, it doesn't come with like the actual dread
of winter that real fall comes with other places. Um,

we just like to do it year round. I think
the biggest I mean it also doesn't have I think
the positive aspects of fall, which is actually cools down.
Which is the greatest thing about fall on the East
Coast or in the Midwest is that you're like, oh
I don't have to like use the a C anymore
or whatever. That's a very big um. That's like a

wonderful body feeling like that's like that's where the fall
guy comes from. I think when we had Kate raft
On last year to talk about fall um, which we
now this is our new yearly tradition, is how Joan,
Joan and Kate on for Fall pod, I realized, like
how many of the fall people I know are from
places that don't really have fall, and that how much

of it is sort of disassociating your way through fire season. Yeah,
it is probably a little bit of like a like
a you know, brain worms being like I'm going to
like like, I'm going to make it this thing. I'm
going to force it to be this thing that it's
not that I like, I used to love and have
very positive associations with. But you know what a reality.
Our reality is what it's what we make at. So

if my reality's fall, I'm going to force it to
be fall staring at a burning hillside being like so cozy.
So sometimes I'll be in Griffith Park and I'll be like, oh,
look all the leaves are brown because it's fall. Yes, Well,
I got a tree I got like for my birthday,
I think a couple of years ago. I got one

of the only tree that changes color that can grow
in Los Angeles. I got like a teeny tiny one
for cheap and it's a sweet gum And they have
the same shape leaves as maples, and they turned the
same color, so they get like the like deep red
and the orange um and they drop little like pokey
little seed pods that look kind of creepy a Halloween tree.

I did. Oh wait, I wanted to Um, this came
up because this was in the news, like Molly posted
this link in our either in our chat or on
our dock. But that the Halloween, because Halloween basically isn't
happening this year, that the candy is all going on
sale extra early, um, which just reminds it's just like

the Fourth of July thing with the fireworks all over again,
except this time it's just sugar instead of explosives. But
we're going to be dealing with this like glut of
Halloween candy for like months before and months after the
actual holiday. Um. So I feel like this is a
little more manageable than the fireworks thing. But too, it's
nicer dogs as long as I guess you don't, like,

you know, give your dog the candy, but but much night,
much nicer for dogs. Well, I think for a lot
of people, including me, much of the fun of the

Halloween stuff is the anticipation. By the time it's actually
like almost October thirty one, I'm off in a little
bit like I've had enough. Um, But it's just fun
to start like anticipating something and when they start rolling
the stuff out early. I get very excited me too,
also because I feel like, um, I wouldn't I don't

necessarily have this. I I don't know that I ever
get sick of fall or Halloween. But what I'll say,
like I feel like there is such like a sharp
cut off for Halloween and like the fall and kind
of like the fall holidays in general, like once holl
like like once Hallidan is over, like November one, it
feels like sometimes even before it's like we're hauling in

the hall the winter holiday stuff. It feels like, you know,
even Thanksgiving, which should which should acsolutely be like a
fall holiday, has been absorbed by like the winter holidays.
Like it's just like it's just kind of like you know,
it feels like like honestly the day has become yes,
more of like this is like the official like this

is the official start of Christmas. It's like you have
saying like like the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade is all
build up to like Santa and like you know, it's
like all build up to Black Friday and just like
you get and like I and I feel like you know,
they've like the we don't get that like like Christmas
or the winter holidays gets a nice little like kind
of like after the fact, like after December twenty or whatever,

you still you get a little like grace period. You're like,
I can still be in the holiday mood, but it's
like like the worst week of the year. I mate, Joe,
I think it's like if that's I agree, I agree.
And also like if we're going to, like you know,
if if Christmas is gonna like start or the winter holiday,
you're gonna start encroaching on like fall, then like I

think it's totally within falls, right, start encroaching on summer. Yes,
I think I like that everything's getting pushed back a
little bit. Um, I totally agree with Kate that um
fall starts the day after July four. I agree with that, Yes,
I agree. Yeah, it should just be a sharp the
same way that like that, the same way that like

winter holidays are like a sharp It's like a sharp
cut off like Halloween then we're into the winter stuff,
Like July four should be a super sharp cut off.
Like we just like we we go all we go
all in on fall because people get excited for summer
leading up to summer. But like after July four, nobody
really likes summer that much anymore, and then it becomes August.

I think it should start on August fifteen. That's my
hot take, because kids will in l A. Kids are
already back to school with the quotes because it's zoom,
so they started, Like I think some school started this week,
So I guess you could say, like the first day
of their school could start it. But August fifteen, I
think sounds reasonable to me. I can't except July five quite,

but I can accept July five as the date when
you start anticipating August fifteen, the official start of fall.
I think in general, like, I think it's healthy for Americans,
especially to broaden their definition of what fall can be,
in the same way you were talking about broadening our
definition of what Halloween can be. Because I would like
to say, I think we talked about this a bit
with Kate. I would like to see an actual map

of the world where people get fall in the classic
sense that has been sold to us by Big fall Um,
because I think we're talking about all fall here like,
but Big fall is is a real concern, and that
is really defined what fall looks like and what fall
should be. And I think that fall takes all you know,
all forms. Yes, falls, Fall is a mindset. Yes. Can

I just ask what Halloween candy is everyone looking forward
to buying this year early, starting in August when it'll melt.
I'm a big okay like I am. I am like
weirdly like a big fan of any like any candy
that has like like characters or shapes like pressed upon it.

So like I know this year, like like her Che's
is doing like a line of their little minibars with
like the with like d C characters like um like
pressed into them. Um. That's like just the like dumb
gimmicky thing that I really get into for Halloween. And
I've already liked, I've already gotten and like consumed a
bag of those. I have to say, like, yeah, the

I think gimmicky stuff like I've been going this past week.
I've been going through just piles and piles of junk
and stuff from my childhood all through college everything, and
I'm realizing the thing I liked a lot and then
I continually run into our um like gimmicky whatever. The
pop culture thing of the moment is Valentine's cards. I

always have a ton of those. I have a bunch
of like um, Herbie fully loaded Valentine's cards, Like I
always pick up whatever the stupidest thing is of the year.
And I feel a similar way about Halloween candy. Um yeah,
like if there's like Minions Halloween candy, I would get that. Yes,
I would be all over Minions Halloween candy and millions Valentines. Yeah.

I love when they put a Resa's cup into a
different shape and call it something else, So I like
the recent shape yeah yeah, and then I like the
Reesa's ghosts. I'm I'm allergic to peanuts, so sadly I've
never had a resas, but I do like and I
can admire those from Afar do you have? I would
imagine peanuts and traces of peanuts are in a ton

of Halloween candy. It's I just like been I've I've
like dealt with it like as a kid since I
was like very little, so I definitely know what to
like avoid, Like they're like they will put like may
have traces of peanuts on like everything, just to like
cover their ass just in case. But like now I
know like which ones are like serious, like Eminem's like

Eminem's I will have a very like bad reaction to
even the plane ones, even the plane ones, even the
plane ones like actually get like that, get that in there, um,
whereas like Milky Ways and not well not Snickers stickers obviously,
but Milky Ways and three Musketeers will like say that,
but like they're fine. So like I know, I I

know what to what to avoid and what I can
I can enjoy. So this is why you like Halloween
because it's like a dangerous game. Yes, like you know
every like our parents always warned us about like you know,
there might be razors in those candies, which was like
kind of like both like you know, a bullshit thing,
but I really have I really had that like danger
like and one of you, like one of these pieces

of candy could be like a time bomb for me.
Oh my god, did you have to Like were you
forbidden from eating anything until you got home and and
then you could go through your parents could go through everything?
Or uh yeah, I actually was. And actually the I
found out I was, I mean I didn't find out.
I was too little but my to remember this, but
my parents found out I was allergic to peanuts on

a on a Halloween. I would like to go. Like
when I was like one, my my my grandmother fed
me a like a peanut butter Halloween cookie and like
that night my parents had to like take me to
the emergency around. Oh my god, I'll like pass that,

oh no, onto my my mom because I can't remember.
I don't remember it, but she remembers it very well.
That's fully your Halloween origin story. Yeah, it's like your
Harry Potter getting like struck on the forehead or whatever
by Halloween survived. I survive. I can truly say like
I survived Halloween, and I'm That is the origin state

for businesswoman Michael Myers. Oh my god, perfect, she knows
this right now. It's just incredible. Yeah, she knows every
Halloween could be her last Halloween. Like you know, that's
the fun. That's the thrill of Halloween. It's it's fun,
but it's a little bit dangerous and like you gotta yeah,
you've got to embrace that. And big businesswoman Michael Myers

is like she's an attorney and she does like um
allergy damage like damages suits and stuff like like she'll
take your case if your kid has a battery action
to yes, One of my favorite yarly Halloween traditions that
you can do because it doesn't involve going indoors, is
going to the Michael Myers House in South Pasadena, which

you can just like stand in front of and take
a picture. And every year there are families that go
to take pictures in front of it. And I found
that really amazing when I first started seeing it, because
I was like, Wow, these are cool like horror parents
who let their young kids see Halloween, and then the
kids also love the movie Halloween. So last year I

saw there was like a dad dressed as Michael Myers
with his son who was also addressed as Michael Myers,
like a little Michael Myers, and anytime somebody wanted to
take a photo, they would both like hold their knives
up at the same time. The dad would be like,
hold your knife up, son, put your knife up for
the photo. I wonder if there is going to be

like kind of a bunch of innovation around Halloween activities
that can be enjoyed from a car, especially in l
A because there's so many there's always some many good
haunts and like Halloween attractions in l A. I was
kind of known for it. But if somebody, if somebody
can figure out the drive through haunted house, that's incredible.
That is such a good idea. I believe that's actually

already happening. Are a news article about. I don't think
it's in l A. I think it's like a little
more east, but like someone is doing a like um,
like a drive through like zombie Apocalypse, So it's like
you drive through, it's like you are, like it's I
think it's like a it's a great combination of like
concept and like the right aesthetic for it. It's like

you're you're like trying to escape, like your zombie infestival,
and like what could be more appropriate right now? Yeah?
I say, like, I know some people might think, like
things are so scary, like why would we need to
do things that are also you know, fake scary, But
I do think it could be really cathartic to just
like scream it out a little bit this year. You

know what they should do. They should remake drive through
car washes into drive through haunted houses. Because there's one
at like Fletcher and Riverside Um just a little bit
east of Hollywood. And if they slowed it down and
then instead of the SuDS. It was blood. Really, it's
a good id de right, work on this. Keep the like,

keep the keep the car wash ang like just make
it like like a haunt like you know, call it
like I don't know, like scar scar wash. It sounds
like a doctor cleaning your scar. Yeah, just die the
soap bread. It would still probably work as soap, and
it would look like you're getting like a that like squeegee.
You could be dressed up and they could just like

hit your things could go wrong. I'm saying the potential
for things, you know what I mean. The brilliant thing
about the drive through hunt would be that you could
do like full contact or whatever. But you're in your
car so it doesn't matter. So you can have like
the zombie guy get on your windshield so long as
he doesn't like do damage to your car or whatever,

which should be Yeah, it would be very thrilling without
the whole thing of like oh God, somebody's touching me.
You could even like you could like get like a
sticker for your windshield at the start to be like
this is the level of contact I want my car
you have and you can honk phrasier safe word like
Hong Kong. I think the cars like with a drive
through car wash. As I'm thinking, as I'm creating my

business plan right now, I think one of the things
that scares me about a drive through haunted house is
like the autonomy of the driver being scared and then
potentially injuring someone with the car. So I think it's
really important that the cars are on that track in
neutral neutral agreed. Yeah, then if you get terrified, there's
nothing can go wrong. And I think that the stick.
I'm so into this, like I'm not even joking. This

is finally like this happened sharks like you just I
think like this is I think this is like good
like you you like embraced the you embraced fall and
like you came to a plate you found your fall,
which I'm very happy for you. Thank you, Joan, you
did it. Thank you businessman Michael Myers. Also, yeah, because

I had been thinking like all they would have to,
you know, to the scariest thing would just be to
like open knots Bury Farm this year. You know. Yeah,
as much as I love those places and as sad
as I am because I've started doing the thing where
I I like do I do like the the Haunts
like on and off, like I'll do a year of
going to the Haunts in the year of not going

And this was supposed to me my year agoing And
I'm so sad that it's that it's off. But I mean, yes,
they are just like that is just like you being
like crammed into like a very tight hallway with like
hundreds of people. Yeah, and they already were such a
probably a disease factor anyway, It's just like, yeah, doubly
so not this time. Um. Well, before we wrap it up,

I wanted to ask, are there any like movies that
you watch every year, any like traditions that you have? Okay,
so I'll put out to that I always that I
always watch because I think they like both encompass, like
the both sides of kind of fall Um for the
more like kind of like witchy like harvest E side

of fall Um, I will always I will I will
watch um Uh, practical Magic. I think Practical Magic is
like pure is like pure like fall movie. I love it.
So I really love Practical Magic. Um. And then for
like the like more like Halloween, but it's still like
fun horror I really like. And I like I'm drawn

back to it more than any of the other like
Kevin Williamson like horror movies of that like late nineties
and early two thousand generation, even more than Scream. I'll
always watch The Faculty. I think The Fact is also
a great full fall movie, not just because it combines
like you know, horrorse like you know, the horrors side
of like Halloween, um Or or Fall, but it's also

got like a very real like going back to school
like a movie. It's a back to school movie and
Halloween movie, so you like can't do better. Um, So yeah,
those are my two. You those are my two, Like
I don't know if they're like my like you know,
top pics, but there's there's always the ones that I
come back to every fall. I watched Park last night,
which I felt like was a great summer into fall

transitional horror movie. I love that. So that movie feels
so straight up summer to me, just all the tropicalia. Yeah,
but it's the end of summer. Okay. I have one
last question for Joan too. So Joan on Fall Talk, Um,
didn't you just recently have a big chill sweater bracket? Yes,

we actually we changed it uh to. I still want
to do the big the big chill one, but we
just made it um like generic, like generic or not jenic.
But we did like sweat, like the top sweaters from
all of cinema, So I think I might we're going
to do that, and then we'll do the Big Chill
on and then those two and then like I'll have

those two sweaters face off. I feel like our listeners
will really will appreciate this as we do, so stay
tuned for the the Sweater Bracket. Yes, case you're wondering,
what what the the what did I call? It? Was
the two thousand, the two two I the Sweater sixteen
Cinematic Sweater Bracket, and the winner was uh five Wiles tunic.

Oh that's a great one. Yeah it may I'll be
the first water you think of. But it's like it's
a good sweater. It looks very cozy totally. I watched
Mrs Frisbee and the Rats of nim I guess it's
called a secretive name the movie, and she has like
a little cape cloak and I was like, Oh, that's
where this desire to have a cloak that I've had

my whole life came from. Don Bluth knew and on
a Stagia two, Don Bluth like knew how to like
give us like cozy fallwear. Yeah, I love Don Bluth. Well, Joan,
you and Kate are premiering Fall Talk um next Saturday, Yes,
at the Austin Sketch Fest, which will be online. Yes,

um and where can people find that? You can find
it at uh Twitch dot TV, slash cold Town TV.
That's spelled c O L D t O w ny TV. Um.
And yeah, we are going up Saturday August two at
eight pm Central time. Um, and it's gonna be yeah.

The and and I think the whole like festival is
free to watch on Twitch. There's like a very like
the lineup is amazing, Jamie Loftus is there, Like there's
just like a lot of very cool, wonderful people and
like we're very excited to be a part of it. Cool. Yeah.
I saw Jamie's doing a girl Boss girl whom his
Boss uh Quarantine special which seems excellent material. Very excited

I hear. And everybody can find Joan, the Queen of
Fall and her assistant Kate, who will be playing uh
Pumpkin spice Latte. Yes, Yeah, that's that. You can find
us at twitch dot tv slash Joan Hailey Ford uh
and Fall Talk is every every second and fourth Thursday

of the month at six pm. And you guys have
a comedy duo called Red and Yellow of course two
of the most Fall colors. Absolutely yes, wasn't even intentional.
We weren't think about it when we named it that,
and it was like, oh, just of course that's where
our brains went. You're like, we have to take those
colors back from Eminem's Absolutely yes that boys and Dandy Well, John,

thank you so much for joining us, and thank you
for having me. This is a lot of fun. Yeah,
what a wonderful start of fall, which starts now. Happy
happy Halloween, Happy by, and thank you so much for
listening to Night Call. You can subscribe to us on

iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. Can follow us
on social media on Twitter at Night called pod and
Instagram and Facebook at Night called Podcasts. You can also
support our Patreon if you want more bonus episodes, our
monthly newsletter, mix tapes, all sorts of fun stuff. We
are at patreon dot com slash night Call. We will
be back next week. Take care of y'all have a

good poet M.
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