All Episodes

January 31, 2025 71 mins

We bring back Blind Karaoke and the show members have to perform Public Domain songs that are at least 100 years old. Bobby goes around the room and asks everyone to share what is the most difficult thing about working with each cast member. It gets personal and people get offended. Bobby offers Lunchbox a way to make money but will involve him enduring some pain. Plus, Fun Fact Friday and Easy Trivia!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Transmitting Welcome to Friday Show Morning Studio, Morning Amy. If
I said to you what celebrities seem hard to work.

Speaker 2 (00:17):
With, well, I mean, right now, Blake Lively comes to mind,
because that's all I keep hearing terrible.

Speaker 1 (00:23):
It gets worse every day.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
I have no idea because I've never worked with her.
I just hear things.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
Yeah, it gets real bad.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
Yeah, Like, I uh, what's the Batman guy?

Speaker 1 (00:35):
He seems a little difficult. The whole gossip Girl Blake
Lively story, because that's where where we know were from
originally is gossip Girl. So a chef who worked on
Gossip Girl says Blake Lively was horrendous to work with. Quote,
she would burp and fart in the middle of the
set and act like we were lucky to be smelling
her farts. That just doesn't seem real. But okay, yeah,

I think that second part was a little hyperbole on purpose,
like we're lucky to smell our farts. But also funny
though she's like bourbon and farting. Yeah, she's like really pretty, right, yeah,
like really pretty yeah and pretty fart Obviously, yeah, they don't.
So she is the reason I bring this up, and
I have because I googled difficult celebrities. Oh, okay, here's

who comes up. Ellen DeGeneres. Oh, Amy, why do you
think that is?

Speaker 2 (01:24):
I've heard that she's kind of a nightmare at her job,
which was really hard to believe because she's very likable
on her show and stuff.

Speaker 1 (01:31):
Former employees from The Ellen de Generous Show accused her
of fostering a toxic workplace. James Corden, Oh really, Oh yeah,
I've heard that a lot.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
Really, what's up with these comedians being horrible to work with?

Speaker 1 (01:45):
Reputation? Rude and entitled? Mostly the stuff that I would
hear will be at restaurants. Wow, when he would like
dress down a waiter or waitress, I'm shocked by that.
What do you mean dress them down? That means like
talk rudely to them? Oh, like make up pheel less
than Yeah, I heard that one. I've not heard from
the nineteen twenties because I was like, wait, was he

undressing the Christian Bale? Yeah? Good for you? Oh, good
for you? And how was it? And that's him yelling
at the lighting guy. Yes, he'll never outlive that one.
That's ridiculous. Mariah Carey, Okay, maybe diva behavior that's what
it says. Known for diva behavior. Jennifer Lopez. I don't know.

I just find that hard to believe about behavior. I
believe that's the one you don't believe. Rumored to have
high maintenance demands. Mike Myers. Do you know that is? Uh? Yes,
then he's not the I don't think you know that

is from the horror movies. He's No, that's Michael Myers.
Mike Myers, the actor from one Million Dollars. Yes, Austin
Powers an SNL difficult and controlling on set. While filming
The Cat and the Hat, Myers made excessive demands, including
a personal trainer in private. Shif that's okay, I mean
that doesn't feel that bad, Like he's just amazing. That's

not like farting and being like a bit you like this,
Julia Roberts, No way, I don't believe it. A reputation
is charming on screen but difficult to work with. I
don't believe. Again, these are all just what the internet says,
just allegedly. Hearsay Catherine Heigel from.

Speaker 2 (03:28):
Well Gray's Anatomy and also suits and then tons of suits.

Speaker 1 (03:32):
I never watched suits. Difficult to work with dude to
her complaints and high demands lunchbox. You nodded about that one. Yeah,
I've read a lot about that.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
Like I think that's why she left Grey's Anatomy is
because she was difficult to work with, so you can leave,
and she thought she was going to be some big
star and she was really rude on movie sets, so
her career just dried up.

Speaker 1 (03:50):
Chevy Chase, Oh do you know who that is? Yeah? Infamous.
Everybody I have know people who work with him is
like terrible, awful. Really first fifty years, he's been really
really difficult. These are such likable people on screen. Russell
Crowe and Edward Norton.

Speaker 2 (04:08):
Heard like temper issues maybe with Russell you have didn't
he throw like a phone at somebody?

Speaker 1 (04:15):
I think it was at a hotel, right, like not
on a set, Yeah, but that counts anywhere. Okay, Okay,
IM glad you guys were here. We were talking a
bit ago about celebrities that are difficult to work with
because we googled it and it was like Ellen and
Russell Crowe, James Corden. But let's just say somebody left

this area and they had to say what the most
difficult part about each person was to work with on
this show. So all of a sudden, there are all
these tweets that Morgan is difficult to work with. What
would they say about Morgan because you have to pick
the worst part of her, we won't go you first.
But just given the example, what's the hardest part you
want to go first? Or do you want to go first?
I mean, I'll get it over with. I guess do

you want to do yourself? Yeah, and then we'll pileon you.
Do you and we'll pilon Okay.

Speaker 2 (05:05):
I think it's really difficult that I am bad at
replying to text messages and emails.

Speaker 4 (05:10):
That's what I have for her about her. Yeah, you
text her and you may never get a text back.

Speaker 1 (05:15):
Ever, so she doesn't care about people. That's that's true.
But that's what the story would say. That is true.
You're right. I would say that it is rude. You
can't keep her attention exactly. That's why I forget to reply. Yeah,
she ignores you in general. It's like we'll be in
the middle of something. I'll be on I'll be killing it.
I'm like making myself laugh. I look over and Amy's
like head deep in her computer, like diddling on a paper. Notice,

you don't notice that.

Speaker 2 (05:38):
But when I'm doodling, I'm paying attention. That is part
of me paying it.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
And also she's rude when people say that she feel
like rude. She is to me right now, I feel
very attacked. The doodling is part of me paying attention.
I swear I pay better attention when I'm doodling Google.
It sounds like somebody I study better when the TV's
that's part of my disold. Okay, let's do eddie. Oh yeah,

we all can't. Yeah, go ahead, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (06:05):
I mean when you come to work with Amy, be
ready for a five hour therapy session. Amy acts like
she's a certified therapist and knows how to solve all
the world's problems.

Speaker 1 (06:14):
No, I don't. That feels like warm and loving though
bad like I like, you have to be wrong, but
she cares exactly. I preface it with it like I'm
not an expert.

Speaker 2 (06:23):
However, I have been through some stuff and here's what
I learned, and it worked for me.

Speaker 1 (06:27):
It may not work for you. What are people asking
you for that? I don't know. No, No, got it,
got it, got it, got it, got it? Okay. So
I'll I'll calm down on that. Okay, no, no need.

Speaker 4 (06:37):
This is just the worst and we're just having fun.

Speaker 1 (06:40):
We're just kicking at old school. I can I can improve,
No need. Okay, you've going, No, I have no more.

Speaker 4 (06:46):
That's it.

Speaker 1 (06:47):
Yeah, I'll go. I'll go into the knife next. Oh, okay,
I'll go first. Mm hmmm. I want to say about me?
I got like eleven of them. Start firing them off
would be the one thing I would say. I it
seems I'm really short at times with people, especially in communication,

because I don't do any like small talk, so that
could be very short feeling, no warm talk, no small
talk unless it's time to do that. But here it's not.
We don't even really go to the bathroom, so it
could be the ship could be a little too tight
at times. Fair, fair, that's good. If you email with me,

you'll think I hate you. Not on purpose. I reply
to words, but it's like you ask me the question,
here's the answer. So I could be better. I'm not
going to be better at that, but I could be
so I would think that would be tough, like too demanding.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
Yeah, I mean, but we've gotten better about asking to
go to the bathroom.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
I'm not even talking about the bathroom. We're not scared
iron you've grown into ask to go to the bathroom
because we just we just worked through it.

Speaker 4 (08:01):
It wasn't easy.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
Then it became like a health concern because my bladder
is getting all walked.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
I remember on myself one that was awkward and I
have the bucket back here and you guys don't so
go ahead do me? I mean a recent one for me.
It's like, you don't want to be questioned. No, we
thought it was hilarious that you questioned both Mike and
I after five thousand days.

Speaker 2 (08:23):

Speaker 1 (08:23):
The filter I took it through is don't ask a question.
I genuinely was like it was only about what that
was about. Everybody thought that was funny.

Speaker 4 (08:31):
Okay, that was hilarious. Are you sure?

Speaker 5 (08:33):

Speaker 1 (08:33):
It's like the one thing that we do is check,
double check, and Scoosteed's our triple check, so getting every
line and then we finished and out of nowhere, and
goes are you sure we're done? And I'm like, wait, no,
I just feel like someone talking for foreign language. I
didn't say it that aggressively. I was like, oh, are
you sure? Are we sure? Because I still have and
what are you right? Oh? I was wrong? Okay?

Speaker 3 (08:53):
Oh Amy, see I want to piggyback off yours mine
is with Bobby. You never questioned a nerd that was
the captain of the quiz Bowl team because he's an encyclopedia.

Speaker 1 (09:01):
So if he's arguing that's true, though I'm wrong a lot.

Speaker 3 (09:04):
No, if he's arguing with you against you, your facts
are wrong, which is very annoying.

Speaker 1 (09:10):
He always has the fact times. I'll fight for facts.
If i'm borderline or it's an opinion, I'll fight harder
than I should. Yeah. I hear you say often I
may be wrong, and then what is wrong? He is
he wrong? No, it's no, that's right, really annoying. A
lot of times you're right. I think a lot of
jealous that you're right a lot.

Speaker 4 (09:29):
And then sometimes you do ask Mike, like, Mike, can
you double check it? And I think sometimes Mike just
says you're right?

Speaker 1 (09:34):
Yeah, I know you know Mike double.

Speaker 2 (09:35):
Checks no, because you want the facts. I mean, anybody
else could look it up and know that you're.

Speaker 4 (09:43):
If he's wrong, I'll pull it up that.

Speaker 1 (09:45):
I don't mind being wrong right all the time. The
last time is wrong, Eddie. I can't exactly. Do you
have anything you want to say, Morgan or Eddie about
me if word got out? Oh they have. Everybody has
to now if we said bad things, they have to say. Well,
I don't want to pressure them if they just think
everything's perfect.

Speaker 6 (10:00):
I think you are so efficient that sometimes I started.

Speaker 1 (10:04):
With a compliment.

Speaker 3 (10:05):
No hold on, Oh you're so good looking, dude, Go ahead, Morgan.

Speaker 6 (10:10):
I like, I get nervous sometimes if I don't have
all my stuff together when I talk to you about
certain things. Is I feel like you're so efficient that
if I'm not being efficient, I feel like I'm throwing
things off? So maybe like some lack of patience would be.

Speaker 1 (10:23):
Very much so not patient at all, unfair, but unpatient
with myself as well. Impatient, I should say, Mike, is
that correct? Impatient? Let me google it, Eddie.

Speaker 4 (10:34):
Yeah, my headline would say, Bobby made us work in
a torture chamber. I remember one time the studio was
fifty nine.

Speaker 1 (10:39):
Degrees fifty nine, yeah, reasing, but also it was like
five hundred and nine at another time. Yeah, but you
couldn't control that. Oh that's true. Oh, so you're saying
I forced everybody working the cold of course. Oh by that,
you're saying I forced everybody work in a temperature where
the brain.

Speaker 4 (10:54):
That's the theory.

Speaker 2 (10:55):
Really Yeah, I would counter that because I also have
read that when you're cold, your body is having to
use a lot of energy to warm itself up, so
therefore you get tired, not perky.

Speaker 1 (11:07):
Oh I never used the word perky. I don't know
that I've ever in my life. That one just felt weird.
That's like panties, like weird. You think the cold perks
us up like out of nowhere. But he just hit
me on. I will say too, if you look at
all of our sitting stations, what's the difference between mine
and you guys, is you have a heater. I have
a massive, massive lights over me. You have the beautiful

lights you're I do that, but I have massive lights.
So you're probably a little warmer, and I'm sitting underneath
more computers. Oh that's gotta be give me the jewels,
keep them warm front, you know, Yeah, you gonna do watchbox. Yeah,
I'm scared of him sometimes like rage. Wait, wait, that's good,
that's that's that's perfect right there. Like literal times, I'm

so scared, like I'm oh, you want to do your
first latch time?

Speaker 3 (11:53):
Yeah, go ahead, Sorry, be careful in my piercing blue eyes,
my stunning good looks, and my infectious personality.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
It's hard not to develop feeling for me. He's justin Baldoni, infectious,
like gets when he's that's true too, gets everybody sick.
Actually that's mine while we all got sick. Okay, ay,
go ahead. Well, based on that, it's simple. He's delusional.
Good guy, good guy, but delusion incredible hulk. Yeah, just

sometimes when he starts turning green, making go home, run away. Yeah, No,
I don't listen.

Speaker 4 (12:26):
I'm never scared of him.

Speaker 1 (12:27):
I don't like to paint him as that.

Speaker 4 (12:28):
No, really, No, is it because you think he's harmless?

Speaker 1 (12:31):
But right now, well I think you all had a
different experience than me. You're just being that therapy person
right now. No, being truthful, I am being truthful. I
would not be scared of him.

Speaker 4 (12:42):
I remember I almost killed someone with a golf club.

Speaker 1 (12:46):
Who was that different cruise.

Speaker 4 (12:49):
Bones grabbed cruise, I think, and I grab lunchbox or
vice versa.

Speaker 1 (12:52):
One of the two.

Speaker 4 (12:53):
We were like, oh, I got somebody's gonna die here.

Speaker 1 (12:55):
Like every time Lunchbox raises his hand in general life
flinch just in his room. Oh wow, come on.

Speaker 4 (13:01):
Eddie, I'll say, it's like working with a no you
oh me?

Speaker 1 (13:06):
Yeah? The third one one? Wait, I have one for
Lunchbox to run it. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (13:12):
He's horrible at technology. This man has not kept with
I have taught him.

Speaker 1 (13:15):
I'm like his personal IT department.

Speaker 6 (13:18):
So he has not taught himself anything on social media,
on technology.

Speaker 1 (13:22):
On a little bit. When Morgan does impressions of Lunchbox
using technology, it's always like the monkey in the rock,
Like she's like that.

Speaker 6 (13:31):
Yes, he'll call me sometimes on a week like night
or a weekend and say, hey, can you show me
how to do this for like the eighth time.

Speaker 1 (13:39):
Like what something based? Super basic? Oh no, nothing but you.

Speaker 6 (13:42):
Anytime he has a problem with his phone, a problem
with his computer, I am his personal it t he
calls me.

Speaker 1 (13:48):
He doesn't google. I'm like work stuff, anything wrong, anything wrong.
I'm like Lunchbox.

Speaker 6 (13:53):
You can just google and find out what's do that
and change it. That's all I'm doing And I'm just
sending you the information.

Speaker 1 (14:00):
But he calls me, Eddie, what do you now mean?
Another one for Lunchbox Squad.

Speaker 4 (14:04):
I guess ever since I started winning a lot of games,
I'm kind of annoying about it.

Speaker 1 (14:08):
I'm away, that's yours as you have you lead it
with because I have won so much. Yeah, like I win,
you annoying? Just say no, no, just say well, I
can be annoying.

Speaker 4 (14:16):
I think in general I'm not annoying, but I think
with a game thing, yes, I'm kind of annoying about it.

Speaker 2 (14:21):
Yeah, he's very annoying sometimes what games like? And then sometimes.

Speaker 1 (14:29):
Do it go? Okay?

Speaker 2 (14:30):
I guess it's just like he's just loud after he wins.
And then sometimes he laughs for.

Speaker 1 (14:36):
Like no reason after he wins.

Speaker 4 (14:38):
It's not a reason.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
No, I just feel like sometimes he just laughs for
no reason.

Speaker 4 (14:43):
What if I think something's funny and you don't.

Speaker 1 (14:45):
Think it's funny, Like you laugh you said something, You're
laughing at you right now?

Speaker 2 (14:51):
Right now, I'm picturing him laughing like and then he
calls you bones a lot, and that's weird.

Speaker 4 (14:57):
I just call them bones right now because I was
looking at I know.

Speaker 2 (15:01):
Okay, he's like, oh I get it, Okay, he has
his nicknames for you.

Speaker 1 (15:05):
What about this? Did you have one for her a nickname. No,
it's just you. Okay, Maybe you're.

Speaker 4 (15:13):
Just the one that doesn't have a nickname because Lunchbox
is LB.

Speaker 1 (15:16):
You don't call me LB on lunch sometimes I don't know,
ye lunchbox yours toward Eddie?

Speaker 3 (15:23):
This may take so, No, boy, I got a question?
Am I saying now that he's left this job? Or like,
what it's going to be like to work with him?

Speaker 1 (15:29):
No? Like, what's the worst thing about working with him? Oh?

Speaker 3 (15:32):
It's hard to get anything done with Eddie because he's
preoccupied being up Bobby's butt. What yeah, Like I mean
you get sorry, I'm up Bobby's butt. I can't get
to that right now.

Speaker 1 (15:41):
He says that that is I like that response. That's
email your auto response.

Speaker 4 (15:46):
Sorry, guys, I can't get to the phone.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
Can you help me with this?

Speaker 6 (15:48):

Speaker 1 (15:48):
Sorry, I'm too busy Bobby's butt. Does this feel like
another jealousy thing like earlier? Just the theme here? Maybe?
What do you mean jealousy? I don't want to be
up your butt. I promise you that. I don't know that.

Speaker 4 (16:01):
I don't understand his but the accusation, the accusation, the
what accusation?

Speaker 1 (16:07):
Stop the what the accusation? No is it a what
is it a weather monitor? Weather?

Speaker 4 (16:16):
What is it? Accuse? Oh, it's his acu Okay, accusation.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
Okay, Morgan. The next time he laughs at you for anything,
you say, just pointed him and say accusation. Morgan. You
work with Eddie very closely.

Speaker 4 (16:29):
Yeah, he loved me.

Speaker 6 (16:31):
I get sometimes scared to tell Eddie and I have
to like add to his workload because he yells at me.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
When I do. What's it sound like? Can you impression
the yell?

Speaker 4 (16:39):
I don't do it like it's like you mean text right.

Speaker 2 (16:41):

Speaker 1 (16:41):
He'll be like I don't have time for that. Or
he'll be like Morgan, we're not doing that, and.

Speaker 6 (16:46):
I'm just like, okay, well we kind of have to
add this on. I have to like really kind of
walk down like kind of like talking to a toddler sometimes.

Speaker 7 (16:55):
Sure, I have to kind of you between two toddlers
instead she's like toddler samul over there.

Speaker 6 (17:01):
I have, you know, I have to talk them both
through a lot of things.

Speaker 4 (17:03):
And she does like she does do that and then
she's really sweet about it and I'm not doing it.
And then next thing, you know, like ten minutes later,
I'm doing it.

Speaker 1 (17:09):
I heard her get you the other day. I forget
what it was, but we were obviously tight, and Morgan
was like, Eddie, don't forget it was just something and
that you were like, you gotta do this, and Eddie
was like, Mom, I have to. Whatever it was, it's
very much like I heard it presented very nicely. But hey,
don't forcuse you two work together very closely. Yes, we do,

with Eddie being running the cameras and editing and Morgan
being basically.

Speaker 4 (17:35):
She needs videos from me for her for her job,
and so she's like, hey, don't forget we need that.
I'm want to need that by like five o'clock today.
And I'm like, oh, fine.

Speaker 1 (17:44):
Are you gonna do one more and do ray? Oh
we're gonna do Morgan. There's nothing wrong with Morgan. Oh okay,
go ahead, Morgan. What's what's hard about working with you?

Speaker 6 (17:52):
I think I think sometimes, like I don't know if
it's because I get frustrated that I have to teach
a lot, but sometimes I'll just like I'll take things people.
I'm like, I'm not teaching you how to do it.
I'll just do it and give it back to them.

Speaker 1 (18:03):
So I'm not so how would that be written in
a negative way? Like, imagine you're somebody writing that about
you in a terrible way.

Speaker 6 (18:09):
I think sometimes I don't have patience. I get frustrated
pretty quickly when I like if I have to repeat
myself multiple times or I just will, and I can
get sassy, especially as it starts to happen if it
happens more frequently.

Speaker 1 (18:22):
Lunchbox, were we gonna say, I was gonna say.

Speaker 3 (18:24):
Morgan comes off as nice, but she also thinks hitting
post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram is as difficult as
working at NASA. So practice your eye roll for her
complaining about how hard and how much work she has.

Speaker 1 (18:36):
That's pretty funny. I don't agree with it. That's pretty funny. Oh,
I worked a lot of hours, lunchbarks, that's rude. There
we go.

Speaker 6 (18:46):
I don't think it's hard as NASA, though I do
wish I could work in that.

Speaker 4 (18:49):
But maybe Lunchbox just thinks everyone works like we say
we work harder than Lunchbox, because Lunchbox really doesn't.

Speaker 1 (18:53):
I think Lunchbox thinks we all work the same level
he does, and so if anybody complains about it, He's like, well,
they're working as hard as I am and I don't complain,
so he thinks it's probably complaining about not a lot
of work. No.

Speaker 6 (19:04):
You know, sometimes when he calls me to ask for
help on his stuff, I'm like, I'm working right now
and talk about He's like, you're working at six o'clock.

Speaker 1 (19:09):
I'm like, yes, left box, I'm working.

Speaker 4 (19:11):
We work.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
This statement couldn't becomeing more true. I mean, we're doing
it right now in real time. It's amazing. Hey, you
know what you want? Do you want to do my
job perfew days?

Speaker 4 (19:22):
No, we can't do He can't do it now. We're
in trouble to do it.

Speaker 1 (19:24):
Do you want him to go be a Mandarin interpreter?
That would be exactly exactly. See, this is what I'm saying.
You can't say that it's hard if you've never done it,
So you know, can you do my job for a
couple of days?

Speaker 6 (19:36):

Speaker 1 (19:36):
I couldn't. Okay, I would? You would? You would never
not never? Not got you? Okay? I mean you want
you do real quick and we can end it. What's
what's hard about you?

Speaker 8 (19:50):
I'm hitting myself.

Speaker 1 (19:52):
Yeah, you have to go your against yourself first.

Speaker 8 (19:56):
Hmmm, hours are different than that. You all so like
sometimes people hit me up when I'm taking a nap,
so we can't reach you at times. Yes, Ray is
unavailable for communication. Okay, I'm curious what lunchbox has written.
He's put some time into this and I enjoy it.
I appreciate the hard work he put into the hard

hard work. No, yeah, for sure, go ahead, red raise.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
Oh raise easy.

Speaker 3 (20:20):
Ray acts like he is the most relaxed person in
the world. But I've never met someone that is so
uptight and wound, like you cannot do anything because he
freaks out over everything.

Speaker 1 (20:30):
What do you think that's rooted in? I don't know.
I can't figure out what it is. It's a deep
roote because he's very stressful, like childhood trauma, possibly therapist.
Can you help emmy?

Speaker 9 (20:42):

Speaker 1 (20:42):
Would you mind?

Speaker 2 (20:42):
I do think that he likes things a particular way
and he's very orderly, and it like if you go
to his email, he doesn't have any emails, Like once
he's checked an email and is done, Like sometimes you'll
have it up and he'll have like one and he'll
be like, oh my gosh, I got to delete this
and like no, no.

Speaker 4 (20:57):
For he deletes his texts read.

Speaker 1 (21:02):
Like everything is just I've never been attracted to a
guy before buttoned up, but now I didn't know that. Ray. Yeah,
he's kind into it. He's pretty tight. You delete text
after that.

Speaker 8 (21:12):
Except for my wife's because she got so mad one
time when I did it.

Speaker 1 (21:15):
Did once you get in trouble for deleting a text,
and then she caught you and just held the story
the whole time.

Speaker 7 (21:21):

Speaker 1 (21:21):
Yeah, like that would be the thing, like like you're
dating her and she sees you deleting another girl's text,
so you're like, no, I delete everybody's text. So then
you just have to hold that story for five years orhever.

Speaker 2 (21:30):
Gosh, but what do you do if you need to
go back and find a text or something like there's
some links and pictures.

Speaker 1 (21:35):
There's deleted, so there's ways to pull it up. Thirty days?

Speaker 8 (21:39):
Yeah, I mean, so maybe I miss out on text,
I go back and have some receipts. I don't really
need that in my life, So I'm not trying to
prove anything. Oh you said this one time two months ago,
will not prove it, But like.

Speaker 1 (21:47):
Hey, where's that link that you shared with me? I
mean what I would say about ray too hard working?
Oh too lunch pail. You know, a guy shows up.
The one thing Raydon at one point was like ocean.
I remember that. I was like, hey man, I'm good,
but like I'm good. I was like, all right, buddy,

we're good to go with then, quickest meeting ever love him?

Speaker 2 (22:12):
Does that mean like he you were offering him more
responsibility or more.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
But well, one comes with the other and maybe it's
too stressful to take all. I was just like, hey,
do you want he's already wound up? That was literally
yet like you're doing a great job. Maybe he knew
his bandwidth. Oh, I'm sure it was. That's good. It
was the quickest one of those I've ever had.

Speaker 4 (22:30):
No, I'm good. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
I was like, hey man, you want to talk about
like taking on more responsibilities promotion because he's capable. I've
been thinking about I don't think so okay, I hear you.
That was it? So well, thank you off for this exercise.
Who took the worst? Maybe maybe Eddie I took the worst?

Speaker 4 (22:53):
Annoying and what is un I'm up your butter? Yeah
that's probably very bad. I guess I like that. Yeah,
because I'm off there.

Speaker 1 (23:01):
Yeah, what do they call that? A brown nosert? That's
in the eighties.

Speaker 4 (23:04):
That's racist.

Speaker 1 (23:05):
No, it's nice. Hr, it's anonymous sin Anonymous sin By.
There's a question to be Hello, Bobby Bones. My mom

has a new boyfriend, and on more than one occasion,
I've overheard him bad mouthing me and my siblings. I
don't live at home anymore, but my two younger sisters
still do. He has two kids about my age that
he will compare to us. They both attend fancy colleges,
and while I'm doing well at our local college, I'm
also taking care of myself. But he makes me feel

worthless and my mom won't defend us. Should I confront
him or talk to my mom? I think he needs
to be put in his place. Signed problem with mom's boyfriend. Yeah,
that sucks. That's a bad one. First of all, I
would make sure that what you're hearing is actually what's
being said. I'm not doubting you, but at times we
can hear things and maybe it's a version of what

we think we're hearing more than it's the truth. If
you could for sure identify that, and you're an adult,
it sounds like, I think this is something you can
first go to your mom about and then if she says, ah,
it's not true, it's not true, then I think it's
something that you can actually go and address head on.
If you were twelve, i'd tell you a different thing.
It sounds like you're maybe twenty, and I don't think

you have to go and be super confrontational. But yeah,
that's not cool that he's comparing you to his kids.
And it's also he's just your mom's boyfriend, so that
like sucks, that like hurts my heart for you a
little bit. But I think it's go to your mom
first and just ask her. I wouldn't even go and
say this is what I heard and I'm really mad

about it. I would ask her if she is heard
anything that alludes to him bad mouthing your siblings. Don't
even make it about you, because then it won't seem
that you're triggered and it's super personal towards you. And
she says, no, I haven't, And then you know for
a fact you're an adult. Do an adult thing. Have
an adult conversation with this loser and let him explain himself.

Probably not gonna be good he's probably not gonna end
up with your mom anyway. Anybody like this is toxic.
I would imagine if your mom has a decent head
on her shoulders, but I would address this. I won't
say head on mom first and then go to him second. Amy, Yeah,
I second that mom first, to boyfriend second, and then
even with your mom. You don't want you never. I

should shouldn't say never. You will almost never get a
resolution that you want if people are having to be
defensive from the get go. So if you go to
your mom and you're like this would have heard, I'm
so mad. Just generally in life, if you really want
to accomplish something with someone, never make them defensive. Do

it with your mom, but don't make her defensive. Say hey,
I kind of heard him saying this about do you
know if this is judy truth? And then go from
there and stick to your feelings.

Speaker 2 (26:13):
I mean, no, no, no, no no, but yeah, it's just
like how it makes you feel when something is.

Speaker 1 (26:18):
Said, yeah, yeah, that sucks. I'm sorry that's happening to you,
but make sure that's happening. I've also heard things wrong before,
and then when it's like, oh I heard this that
wasn't it at all? Make sure go to your mom,
go to him, then punch him in the face. If
none of that, none of that works, right everybody? No, yeah, yeah,
thank you, all right, close it up. It's Amy segment. Ami.

Do you remember how much we were into Hunger Games? Yes?
I had the books, yeah, yes, and then the movies.
He loved it. Read all the books, watch all the movies.

Speaker 2 (26:49):
Well, Fourth Wing is apparently the new Hunger Games, not
exactly content wise.

Speaker 1 (26:56):
Like Divergence was a new Hunger Game. Well, this one's
a little bit more adults. If I don't like that either,
I don't like I'm doing it. I need a fine
line of like not too kits.

Speaker 2 (27:06):
I know it's called a roman to see out, so
romance fantasy because there are dragons involved.

Speaker 1 (27:12):
Okay, I'm listening again.

Speaker 2 (27:14):
So they say it's like somewhere between Hunger Games and
Game of Thrones, Like that's the vibe if there was
a middle ground of that.

Speaker 1 (27:22):
I don't like people doing it in books, especially with dragons.

Speaker 2 (27:26):
Well, well I haven't read it yet, so I don't
know what they're doing it with dragons any but doing
it in books at all.

Speaker 1 (27:32):
It's where to read no.

Speaker 2 (27:34):
I've heard from multiple friends like everybody's just obsessed with
these books, and I'm like, okay, I think there's two
outs so far, and there's going to be five books total.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
Do we spin the wheel at some point loser has
to read the book, the first book for the first one. Yeah, okay,
how long is the book? I don't want to read
this nerd crowd. You could listen to it on audible
if you want to. You don't have to read it. Oh,
don't give them ways out. I think they have to
read it. Well, listening is reading. Yeah, man, it's just
like an Actor School special where Amy and Mitch. You
can't read right now? I can't read, well, I can read.

I read books, but I also like to listen to books.
I think we draw and the loser has to read
the book, but we put everybody on the wheel, which
makes our odds even better. Okay, it's five hundred pages,
by the way, come on, like, what are then read
it backwards? Eddie?

Speaker 2 (28:23):
We have figured out how to survive in this world
with our dyslexia.

Speaker 1 (28:26):
You can't use that as an excuse. That's going to
be hardy early next week. Okay, we will wheel up everybody, everybody, everybody,
and the loser has to read the book, even like
the side a JV team Okay, let's go okay, not
JV in her heart just behind the glass. You don't
hear them all the time.

Speaker 4 (28:41):
What's the book called?

Speaker 2 (28:44):
And if you really, like like Bobby say, you draw
it and you're really enjoyed, you have to tell us.

Speaker 1 (28:50):
You can't act like you're too good for it. I'd
be like the dragon ran his fingers down the chest
of dragons. All right, get us out of here. Hey,
all the dog hainie all the time.

Speaker 10 (29:03):
It's time for the good news.

Speaker 1 (29:09):
Nicky Freeman loves animals.

Speaker 2 (29:11):
She's been rescuing them for no money at all whatsoever.
She has a twenty twelve Nissan Ultima and she's pretty
cramped in there when she's rescuing the dogs.

Speaker 1 (29:21):
Well, fast forward.

Speaker 2 (29:22):
A couple just donated a Lincoln Navigator SUV to her,
and now she can continue her work. She thought about
even stepping back from rescuing because she had breast cancer
a couple of years ago and it just really was
taking a toll on her. So not only is she
now in recovery from breast cancer, but she's going to
continue rescuing the animals and now she has more room
to do.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
So most people that do that job, but we know
a few of them that go and rescue animals or
start shelters or assists with shelters, like they're doing it
straight out of love, because it's not like they're making
millions of dollars or any money at all.

Speaker 2 (29:55):

Speaker 1 (29:55):
No, My dog Kara came from our salesgirl Kathy. Like
that's what she does on this side.

Speaker 2 (30:00):
She does sales during the day and then she rescues
dogs during her free time.

Speaker 1 (30:04):
And that's how I got my labradoodle. And I love
her amazing story. I love it because we're big dog people.
Glad she got a car and big shout out to
her for saving all those dogs. That's what it's all about.

Speaker 2 (30:15):
Oh yes, yeah, well I want to shout out who
donated the car. It's Zach and Shauna Colbert and they
gifted the Lincoln Navigator. Like I said, so, just shout
out to them for seeing a need and stepping in
and meeting it.

Speaker 1 (30:25):
Thank you very much. That is what it's all about.
That was telling me something good. Amy, what shape was
Humpty dumpty in the nursery rhyme an egg? Okay, so
do you do the nursery rhyme out loud?

Speaker 2 (30:40):
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a
great fall, Humpty Dumpty.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
All the kings and horses, all.

Speaker 2 (30:47):
The king's horses, and all the king's men put Humpty
that they couldn't.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
That's it. She now gets sad over Humpty Dumpty. I
thought that they did put him back together again. All
the kings, horses and all the king's men couldn't put
Humpty together again.

Speaker 2 (31:03):
Oh guess what doesn't say anything about him being an egg?
The drawing season, that's exactly what it is. And the
Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme. There's never a mention of him
being an egg. It's just how he was drawn, and
so on pop culture. Humpty Dumpty sitting on a wall
as an egg. Wow, So he could have.

Speaker 1 (31:20):
Been a human, broke all his bones or fell on
some swords and they couldn't put them together again. Sorry,
you had to learn about that this morning, Amy, that's
fun fact Friday.

Speaker 2 (31:30):
Amy, You go, so our brains constantly eating themselves. It's
called iago.

Speaker 1 (31:43):
So tell me tell us more about what it actually does.
Try to pronounce.

Speaker 2 (31:46):
This process helps maintain homeostasis and clear away debreeze. What's
constantly it's weird to pick. It's constantly eating at itself. Okay,
I just thought that was.

Speaker 1 (31:59):
Kind of fun. Cleopatra lived closer to the debut of
the iPhone than the building of the Great Pyramid. The
pyramid was finished twenty five to forty BC. Cleopatra was
born over two thousand years later, and the iPhone debuted
in two thousand and seven, so she actually was closer
to the iPhone than the pyramid. WHOA, that is correct.
We just think about you know, she was there with
pyramids wait before us, so she probably had to be there.

She probably oversaw it, so we think, yeah, I thought
that so lunchbox. Ooh.

Speaker 3 (32:26):
Wind turbines kill about one hundred thousand birds a year.
But if you paint one blade black, it reduces it
by seventy percent.

Speaker 1 (32:37):
Is it because you can see it better if one
of them is black and being fast. Then if it's
so fast, well maybe you can't see it at all. Correct.
We have birds flying our glass like our back all
the time. So said, we had a big one like
a hawk. Usually they're small. There was a massive hawk
dead laying outside the window. Oh yeah, I'm getting pretty
good at the flip though. I get a big garbage

bag and I go at it and grab it and
flip it and then put it in another one put
it outside. But yeah, imagine that you don't even know.
You probably get caught. You're just red bird, fly fly,
and then life's over gone, just like that.

Speaker 6 (33:08):
Morgan, I'm laughing because I'm probably gonna mispronounce another word.
Captain Crunch's full name is Horatio Magellan.

Speaker 1 (33:16):
Crunch, you thought of which of those words? Did you
think you would mispronounce it?

Speaker 6 (33:19):
Captain Current, I feel like the Horatio might be pronounced differently.

Speaker 1 (33:23):
No, it's it Horatio. So Captain Crunch's real name is
Horatio Magellan, Magellan and Magellan. Why do you think I
don't know?

Speaker 6 (33:31):
I just I get really nervous when there's words that
I don't.

Speaker 1 (33:33):
Know and I have to say them out loud. Do this,
Google who Magellan was, and I'll come back to you.
We'll do a little learning lesson here. Uh, Eddie, Chinese Checkers,
you know the game? Yeah, what's the little balls? Where
do you think it was invented. Well, I'm gonna not
think Chinese because you're telling me this. Otherwise that would
have probably said China. But since you're asking me, probably America.

Speaker 4 (33:51):
Chinese checkers was not invented in China. It was invented
in Germany. How about that?

Speaker 1 (33:57):
If I was Chinese, I'd be pissed about that. Maybe
it was somebody from China who lived in Germany, like
it was a Chinese person, because that would it like
I was thinking my homeland. We I don't know, my
brain did not go there. Greenland can be a very
challenging place to live. In Greenland, the sun does not
set for two months from the end of May until
the end of July, so it is just up. It

never goes down from the end of May to the
end of July. That's cool. And in the winter the
sun sets in October and then never comes up at
all until February. The only natural light comes from the moon.
It is just straight up dark. That's gotta be so sad.
Think about that. So happy, so sad. Hey, what about
the crime rate? Do you think it's like bad? No?
Only mostly only like America?

Speaker 4 (34:40):
Oh okay, I would think in nighttime like all the
criminals come out and like for how for how long?

Speaker 1 (34:45):
For like that much time value. But not a lot
of people live there either. There are people who live there,
but it's not densely populated because it is so cold. Morgan,
it tell us about Magellan.

Speaker 6 (34:54):
So Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese born explorer and navigator
who played a key role in the first circumnavigation.

Speaker 1 (35:01):
Of the world boom all the way around. So he
was a captain, he was a ship Yes, yeah, he's
an explorer. So you're telling me captain Crunch was his name. Yeah.
When his parents had him, they were like, you know,
we're very motivated by Michel and we have a great
future in his captaining. The Horatio part, not sure where
that comes from. Is that is that potentially a Mexican.

Speaker 4 (35:22):
Like careful but genuinely like down like South Texas, Like
we had those guys, but they were named Aurassio.

Speaker 1 (35:30):
I know two Horatios, but they're they're literal horatios. Yeah,
the CSI Miami. The guy's name was Horatio. I don't
know him. Is he just fanning? That's the white thing. Finally,
Eleanor Roosevelt refused to let a secret Service member travel
with her when she was first lady. Now this is
back in the day, but she was like, I don't
want anybody, I just want a gun, which cared a
pistol with her where she went. So on the show,

Morgan said the lunchbox brings his dirty dishes to work
and washes them in the dishwasher. We were all blown away, like,
why not just wash them by hand at home? To
what your response was, why not?

Speaker 3 (36:06):
It's free, it saves water and it saves what the
money on the detergent pause.

Speaker 1 (36:11):
I couldn't think of the thing they're called. So it
brings his dirty dishes into work to do them, puts
them in at the beginning of the show, takes them
out when it's over. There was an email to all
of our building. Hey, all, the dishwasher is now set
to be used again after it was broken. If there
are any issues, please let us know best. Rachel receptionists.

Here we go. Somebody broke the dishwasher. What do you
mean somebody who else washed the dishes? Up? Here? Is
this you? It did stop working for a few days.
Did you know it broke and you did nothing about it?
I didn't know what was I gonna do. I wasn't
gonna get in there and fix it. But did it
break while your dishes were in it?

Speaker 9 (36:50):

Speaker 3 (36:50):
I put them in and tried to start it and
no water was coming out.

Speaker 1 (36:55):
And did you alert anyone? I didn't know who to alert, like,
I didn't know who was also for the dishwasher. So
you just pulled the dishes dirty back. You took them
back and took them back home.

Speaker 3 (37:06):
And that's why I was complaining, really, is because my
dishwasher at home wasn't working. Dishwasher here wasn't working. And
that's how Morgan, I guess, caught on to me using
this dishwashers. I was complaining about neither dishwasher working. But
it's back in service. So Amy, what do you think
about this?

Speaker 1 (37:23):
I mean, who knows if he's the one that actually
broke it, But if you're the dictator of this building,
would you.

Speaker 2 (37:28):
Tell him the odds are probably high and I would
just say, we need to do our dishes.

Speaker 3 (37:32):
Well, they just said, then why do we have a
dishwasher here? What is the dishwasher force?

Speaker 1 (37:36):
Because we have a kitchen that is used in a
professional environment. Yeah, yeah, not your dishes. When we are catering.
They're on plastic trays and plastic.

Speaker 2 (37:45):
Not late always.

Speaker 1 (37:46):
So do you think let me ask you never see okay,
glass plates served in an event at this time.

Speaker 2 (37:51):
So he just genuinely asked us, why do you think
we have a dishwasher here? Okay, we gave our answer.
Why does he think we have a dishwasher here?

Speaker 1 (37:58):
If you want to wash dishes, do you think it's
works here? It can bring stuff.

Speaker 3 (38:02):
It's a community dishwasher, sort of like that refrigerator. If
you don't have two refrigerators at home, you can store yourself.
You store your stuff. Bring two gallons of milk, put
it in there, and then when you're down to one
gallop take that home.

Speaker 1 (38:14):
You can eat eggs, put them in that fridge. I
never thought of it like that. Are you going to
continue with the dishwasher? And nobody said anything? No one
has said anything, then who are we? We'll just acknowledge
it and move on. Since one of you guys a dishwasher, police,
we've just never heard of that before.

Speaker 2 (38:30):
We have like storage closets and walkers and stuff here.
Does he brings to store?

Speaker 9 (38:34):

Speaker 1 (38:34):
Do you use your lock on a sweatshirt? And something
in there. Well, I mean, I don't even know what
my locker is, so I have one. No, you just
gotta go get a key out of the wall and
take the locker. Get your community. Yeah, oh, it's when
you go to the pool. You know it's already got
a key in there. Got it? Okay? Well, good good
luck Lifewalks.

Speaker 10 (38:48):
Thanks, it's time for the good news, Bobby.

Speaker 1 (38:55):
Last week a skier was rescued about eighty miles east
of Seattle. He fell a thousand feet and had a
really bad leg injury and probably would not have been
able to get out of where he fell. Again. He
fell a thousand feet, but there is an SOS feature
on the Apple Watch that he was able to hit
alerted authorities, which, by the way, could alert authorities with

no sell And if you can do that with no cell,
there's really sell. Right, they're not letting us have it exactly.
Like that's what I think I should probably focus on,
like the happiness part of the story. But yeah, no,
he falls again down a thousand feet down this mountain
and he's able to hit his button and they're able
to track it. So it's basically a distress signal. In
video footage from King County Air Support, A friend of

the skier can be seen waving down the rescue team
because they come, but the friend is like way above
over the fall and despite limited information from the satellite
distress call, the team successfully found the rescued skier. No
updates on the skiers condition, however, he's not dead, but
Cairo seven With that, your device is unable to connect

to your regular cellular network, so SOS can still utilize
other available networks, including satellite connectors. On newer phones, some
of the cell phone services now are they have like
a section of five G that they're slivering out that
only emergency personnel are able to use. So meaning if

all I mean, if all the signal is jammed or
there's people all over it, I don't know if it's
even slower, they can just get on actual phone and
not have to worry about I guess that my phone's
ever jammed though, that's all like you're trying to call
anybody it doesn't work, Yeah, but I mean, I guess
I'm thankful for it. If the time were to come
and they were to need the one time indicate, but
then do you have your like buddies that are in

that field, and they're like, hey, hey, you're using it
just to call each other.

Speaker 2 (40:46):
I give you or you give your family. Hey, just
all you got to do is typing this, this and this,
and you're good.

Speaker 1 (40:51):
Yeah, call me on the emergency five g all right,
there you go. Great story, that's what it's all about.
That was telling me something good. Here's good morning. I
have a morning party for Amy.

Speaker 9 (41:05):
What let us say when selary kept following him, quit
stalking me?

Speaker 1 (41:10):
That's funny, Sary. What the let us say when the
salary kept following him, quit stalking me? On it? Eddie's son,
Eddie Junior? Junior? How old he's eleven? He has a
morning Corny as well? How do you organize his face party?
You planned it? Did you know that one? Yeah? Yeah,

not original? No, No, it's good. I like that one.
And now let's get to the real one here. All right,
hit it. Amy's money the morning Corny.

Speaker 2 (41:45):
Did you hear about the foot who went to the
dance party?

Speaker 1 (41:52):
This is what guy? What you committed?

Speaker 6 (41:55):

Speaker 1 (41:55):
Yeah, it had a ball football I'm trying to football
jokes leading up to the Super Bowl, and I think
that's more the ball of your foot can you repeat
that one? Amy? I don't understand. I don't think she understood.
I think she just saw football.

Speaker 2 (42:09):
Did you hear about the foot who went to the
dance party?

Speaker 1 (42:13):
Okay? Yeah, it had the ball. Yeah, the ball of
your foot has to do with football? Football? Oh god, okay?
Can we just not no, we can't. Do you have
another one? Quick slap on? Yes? I read.

Speaker 2 (42:25):
Sometimes I have a list and I read the wrong
one and I'm.

Speaker 1 (42:27):
Like, I just have to commit, and then I couldn't.
Go ahead. I will Are you talking to yourself? Now?
This is nice? Somebody called doctor? Go ahead? I will watch.
At the end, You're like, how did you do?

Speaker 2 (42:43):

Speaker 1 (42:43):
Was pretty good? I felt. I'll be telling me go ahead? Okay,
all right? How do football players stay cool during the game?
How do football players stay cool during the game? They
stand next to the fans. I get that one. I
like it. Now say something to yourself about how you
talk about it. I like that one better. Okay, that's

better than you. That was the morning corning. Alright, blind karaoke,
you will sing these songs with no lyrics in front
of you. Eddie will go first. All these songs are
public domain, meaning we don't have to pay for them. Yes,
so we can sing you not to worry about being
being uh invoiced. So is there any favorite you have, Eddie?

You want?

Speaker 4 (43:27):
Oh, there's a lot of good ones up there, but
probably old McDonald.

Speaker 1 (43:30):
It's a classic O McDonald.

Speaker 4 (43:31):
I mean, I think I know all the words of
that one.

Speaker 1 (43:33):
Okay, let's spin that. Oh boy, that's a good one.
Let's got old McDonald left old mc got it? Whoa
old McDonald had a farm.

Speaker 4 (43:46):
I go, So that's gonna be your pace, okay, cool,
And that's my I mean, that's my key too, Oh McDonald,
maybe a little high?

Speaker 1 (43:53):
All right, here we go, Eddie is performing, Oh McDonald,
go ahead.

Speaker 5 (44:03):
Oh McDonald had a farm e yaiio. And on that
farm he had a pig e ya eio.

Speaker 4 (44:13):
And an oink oink here, and an oink pink there here,
in oink there, and oink everywhere in oink oink.

Speaker 5 (44:19):
Old McDonald had a farm ya yaioh let me go
one more time, oh McDon, Oh McDonald had a cow
e yai yao.

Speaker 4 (44:34):
And on that fine time.

Speaker 1 (44:38):
Okay, there's Eddie was trying to get that move. Wow,
jumped the gun a little on that maybe maybe I
should have started with the move. Huh, because the move's fun.
Animal is all your pig. Dang it? All right, Eddie's off,
all right up second performing will be Amy. Okay, Amy's
walking up to the microphone. Here we go, Let's spin

that wheel. Okay, is something I know? Oodle? Okay, here's
a little for you to hear. Wow. Okay, well that's
the part I know. Here we go, Raymundo hit it.

Speaker 2 (45:29):
Yanky doodle went to town riding on a pony.

Speaker 1 (45:34):
Stuck a feather in his head, and called him macaroney.

Speaker 2 (45:38):
Yanky doodle went too top doodle went the yankee doodle
went too time.

Speaker 1 (45:46):
Yes, he did.

Speaker 2 (45:47):
Yanky doodle into town riding on a pony, stuck a
feather in his head, called macarone.

Speaker 1 (45:56):
Yank you doodles. I know you know the other part?
What is it? Tell me? So it goes yanke? You
do who went to town riding on a pony, stuck
a feather in his head? It called a macaroni? Yanke,
you dude. We'll keep it up, Yankee dood dandy, Yankee,
you know, I don't know that far. I have never
made it that far. The macaroni. Wow, Amy, Thank you

very much. Appreciate that. Abby. You're coming in next here.
She is right, you don't think it was gonna it
was pretty terrible. Okay, coming in next. The only person
on the show that makes money for singing it is Abby.
All right, Abby, do you have a favorite song up here?
I think you crush amazing Grace? Oh for sure for

that one. All right, here we go. Let's amazing Grace.
She'll be coming around the mountain. Not amazing Grace. Would
you please playing mountain?

Speaker 4 (47:00):
When she goes, she'll.

Speaker 1 (47:03):
Be okay, I'm pretty good. Okay, here we go. Here
is Abby. We'll get our scores at the very end.
Go ahead, are you ready.

Speaker 9 (47:12):
She'll be coming around mountain when she comes.

Speaker 11 (47:16):
She'll be coming around mountain.

Speaker 1 (47:18):
When she comes. She'll be coming around the mountain.

Speaker 9 (47:23):
She'll be coming around the mountain. She'll be coming around
the mountain.

Speaker 1 (47:27):
When she comes.

Speaker 2 (47:29):
She'll be riding three white horses when she comes. She'll
be riding all those horses when she comes.

Speaker 11 (47:37):
Oh yeah, she'll.

Speaker 1 (47:39):
Be riding all those horses. She'll be riding all these horses.
She'll be riding all these horses. When she comes. She'll
be going I don't know any more than words.

Speaker 4 (47:51):
I cannot believe you knew that many words winning this.

Speaker 1 (47:53):
Oh, I don't know how many horses it is?

Speaker 6 (47:55):
You know that.

Speaker 1 (47:56):
First I thought it was six, but I don't know.

Speaker 2 (47:57):
I don't even know.

Speaker 1 (47:58):
I was like, oh, can you ride three horses at once?

Speaker 12 (48:00):

Speaker 1 (48:00):
Because I think it's we'll be riding six white horses. Yeah,
but I'm not sure that it's really good. Final performances
Abby and then Lunchbox are you ready? We're ready, man,
We've done three so far. Ready for the fourth? All right,
let's spin that wheel. Come on, give him amazing grace.

Lunchbox gets this little light of mine. Oh my goodness. Okay,
what's up with the jacket? Is my stage name? It
says Dirty Dan on it, Dirty Don, Oh, Dirty Don.
Where'd you get the Dirty Don jacket? My buddy Parker
gave it to me? Okay, this is a bit Parker McCollum.
You think your name is Don? Yeah? I think so?

Speaker 3 (48:45):
Set at the studio shut up and it says from
Parker McCollum, what is happening?

Speaker 1 (48:49):
And it had two Lunchbox on it. Yep, okay Don.
So I don't know. Maybe they told him that was
my name well performing a Parker McCollum, Dirty Don jacket, Yeah, right?
Would you play it? A lot of mind? Shine this
a lot of mine? I'm gonna shine this a lot

of mine? Shin. I think I got it. You've heard
this one, right, tumble one hundred years old? I think so?
Maybe so? All right?

Speaker 3 (49:18):
Go ahead, right, I did not sound on hundred years old.
Get ready, guys, This light's gonna shine on.

Speaker 11 (49:27):
You, this little lot of mind. This oh, we cut
out this little lot of min's gonna shine, gonna shine,
this little lot of mind. You're gonna shine.

Speaker 1 (49:44):
Like dive this little lot of mine.

Speaker 11 (49:49):
He's gonna shine, gonna shine, gonna shine this little lot.

Speaker 4 (50:00):
It's good shine, Dirty Don, Dirty Dunk.

Speaker 1 (50:07):
Have you never heard that song in your life? I
don't think I have. Where would you hear that? Everywhere? Nursery? Rhyme?

Speaker 9 (50:15):

Speaker 1 (50:15):
Oh? Church, yeah, church, the second verse, hide it under
a bushe'll know. I'm gonna let it shine. Oh I
don't know that.

Speaker 3 (50:22):
Stop with the second verse. You are the only person
in the world that knows the second version.

Speaker 1 (50:26):
True you Dirty Don?

Speaker 3 (50:29):
You did you think Dirty Dun taking a seat?

Speaker 1 (50:34):
Light's gonna shine? Okay? Thank you, dirty Don. This is
gonna be a quick victory here. Yeah. Easy, it's pretty simple.
It's easy it. Abby, you are the winner. You win
our first ever public domain. Do you want to come
sing amazing Grace while we get out of here? Oh sure, okay,
go back in here, so Abby will sing amazing Grace,
our winner. The total score of twelve points, all fours.

Abby Wow. In last place, it was Amy. Oh wow, good,
dirty Don. It's still alive, Dirty dirty, It's still alive. Okay,
Amy finished last nailed the words one the ones I knew, RAYMONDO.
Let's hit her up. We'll get out of here with
Abbey singing amazing Grace. Come on, Amy, get us. That's
what amazing grace is.

Speaker 7 (51:20):
I'm about Deo Peter, Sorry, Peter, Peter. She is everybody, Abbyazy.

Speaker 9 (51:34):
Grace, Hell sweet, the soon saved long.

Speaker 1 (51:49):
We're gonna go. He's gonna go into this and Abby's
just gonna keep singing to us only in the road. Okay,
we'll be back in everybody. I did my scratch off
so far. I won one hundred bucks on this ticket
only halfway through, so I'm gonna finish scratching this. My
goal is to win a thousand bucks in the scratch off.
This person here there was a lottery ticket hit in
the bible in a one on one million dollars. Wow,

who's buy it like her bible? A Virginia woman found
storing her lottery ticket in her bible to be lucky,
has realized that she won a million bucks. Jacqueline Mangus
told officials she tucked her raffle ticket away in her
bible after buying it. She was watching the news recently
and learned a ticket bought in her small town was
worth a million bucks. So she goes to it, opened
it up, read the numbers. Boom, one million bucks. That's

from UPI. Now this is a voicemail we got. This
is about scratch offs. What we're doing here?

Speaker 10 (52:38):
Hey, just wanted to draw some positivity for Lunchbox.

Speaker 9 (52:43):
Right before the New Year, I won five thousand dollars on.

Speaker 4 (52:45):
The scratch off, and then with Bobby doing the scratch offs,
I decided fuind another one today I won.

Speaker 1 (52:51):
Three thousand dollars.

Speaker 4 (52:53):
I hope and pray that Bobby wins this one thousand
dollars soon.

Speaker 1 (52:57):
Thank you very much. Lunchbox is counter praying again, though,
so I'm back to even o true because this guy's
praying for me to win a Lunchbox is praying for
me not to win. So now I'm back at even
square one.

Speaker 3 (53:06):
What was the positivity for me there, dude, Like he said,
I have positively for Lunchbox. I won three thousand and
five thousand, and I'm praying for Bobby to win.

Speaker 1 (53:14):
Nothing to do with me. There was nothing positive for me.
I think it was a positive story. Like guy played,
what if you help? Yeah, I have hope I'm gonna win.
It's gonna be awesome. I mean, win on this ticket
right here in front of me. Next one, Bobby Bones,
you will be the next one thousand dollars winner man
winning that lotto. Trust me, you will win, my brother,
because you're the luckiest man in the world, and you
will hit it big.

Speaker 6 (53:33):
Also, lunchbox, bro, you gotta start getting people sick.

Speaker 2 (53:36):

Speaker 1 (53:36):
Once you y'all hear lunchbox coughing or sneezing or scretch
throught or anything like that, put him in that isolation room.
Lock him in there so he won't get no one
else sick. Right, Let the show guys, keep up doing
what you're doing. Thank you. A lot of good a
lot of good stuff. There's a great call in there, thoughts, lunchbox,
I got no one's sick. Everybody got sick sick. I
worked from home today, Eddie State Home, Scuba, Stepa's Home,

Race feeling sick. Yeah, and guess what.

Speaker 3 (54:00):
I stayed home no days because I felt not when
we all got sick, you know, because I wasn't sick.
I had a sinus infection that is not contagious.

Speaker 1 (54:07):
Thank you. And then on the lottery thing, stop cheering
for him. I'm going back to scratching here. Come on,
baby eighty. Why do you want him to win so bad?
You you get none of it. I like to see
people win, thank You'd like to see enjoyment be awesome.
Everybody the rooted for me. I'm gonna take on a
special gets your special treat win. There's some people who
haven't read, even making notes. I'm definitely one who hasn't

been openly. So we'll see how that goes.

Speaker 12 (54:32):
Wake up, wake up in the morn, and the turning
radio and the Dodgers keeps.

Speaker 9 (54:40):
On turn.

Speaker 12 (54:43):
Ready and his lunchbox more game two Scooper Steve Bred
have it trying to put you through bog He's riding
this week's next bit, and Bobby's on the box, So
you know what this is about?

Speaker 1 (54:59):
It ball Easy Trivia. These are the easiest questions ever.
Eddie or the champ Ready Ready musical duos? What duo
is known for their hit Islands in the Stream. That's
Dolly and Kenny. Correct, Amy Kicks and Ronnie make up
what famous country duo Brookston Dunn correct, Lunchbox. What's the

name of Eddie and Bobby's comedy musical duo, The Raging Idiots? Correct?
Morgan Tyler and Brian Kelly make up what former country
duo Florida Georgia line? Rip? Correct? Rip. They're not dead,
just they are dead, just individually they're alive. If you
miss easy trivia, you will hear this sound. You've been booed.

Don't be boned, Eddie. Which president is on the one
dollar bill? George Washington? Correct? Amy, Who's known as the
father of the United States? George Washington? Correct, try to
get you there, lunchbox. What president is on the quarter?

George Washington? Correct? Now the question is do you never know?
Sometimes we made us do three out of four two
out of four us we could go four out of four?
Which president was carved first? On Mount Rushmore? George Washington
was out there.

Speaker 6 (56:27):
Dang, I went there and I looked at it, even
read the history.

Speaker 1 (56:32):
I can't remember who is first.

Speaker 3 (56:35):
You need an answer, George Correct, Good job, George Washington.

Speaker 1 (56:41):
You never know, you never know. She read the platinum Eddie.
The category is famous numbers. How many chambers are there
in a human heart?

Speaker 4 (56:51):

Speaker 1 (56:55):
Easy trivia? How many chambers are there in a human heart?
There's the there's the out. I see you counting on
your fingers. I don't know if that's a thing.

Speaker 4 (57:04):
Well, I'm just trying to keep track, Like there's the Yeah,
I don't even know what they're called.

Speaker 1 (57:11):
It's gonna be four chambers, correct.

Speaker 2 (57:14):
Quadruple bypass, that's the whole thing. And what's the highest
I never heard of a hinn.

Speaker 1 (57:22):
It's Olympics? Yeah, Amy, how many rings are there in
the Olympic logo?

Speaker 11 (57:30):

Speaker 1 (57:33):
It's either oh, okay, why is this? Okay? One?

Speaker 2 (57:38):
Two, three, and then two in the middle, so that'd
be five. But where does it go?

Speaker 1 (57:43):
Does it go one too? I don't know what you subscribe?
And the two in the middle is weird? I don't know.
You're doing one, two, three and then two rings goes
three on top, two on bottom. Okay, is that not
how y'all see it? It doesn't matter how we see it.
I'm just asking you. How many do you have it?
It has to be five? Is that your answer? One? Two, three, four, five? Five?

It is five. I see what she's saying, but I
don't see it like I see. I see it's just
all connected. Yeah, we're three on top of the two, right. Yeah,
but it doesn't matter. I just wouldn't picture it like that.
It's funny how our minds work. You got it right, though,
you nailed it, lunchbox. In the Bible, how many days
did it take God to create the world? I have
no idea. You guys always give me a Bible, and

you know I don't know Bible. We didn't you go
to church all the time? Eastern stuff? Yeah, Eastern and
ash Wednesday and he always went off for a good Friday. Yeah.
In the Bible, how many days did it take God
to create the world? I will go one. That's incorrect, Amy,
would you got this seventh? Sixth and the seventh? The seventh? Well,

you have to include the day of rest.

Speaker 4 (58:57):
That's part of him building it now.

Speaker 1 (58:59):
He rested. He didn't needed on the seventh lunchbox has
been boned? You, Morgan? How many deadly sins are there?
The seven deadly sins? That's correct? Whoa good job? What
you got that one lunchbox? Yeah? Because I've seen the
movie seven? Oh? Was that? What that is? I've never
seen the movie? Musical? Is the category three remain? Eddie?

And what musical does the character alpha Ba appear in?
What musical does the character Alphaba appear? Oh?

Speaker 4 (59:29):
My gosh, I have no idea, but everyone's talking about
Wicked and I'm assuming.

Speaker 1 (59:35):
Oh my gosh, I don't know. Could it be Wicked?
Is that your answer? I mean, that's the only think
of Alphaba? That's an answer? Is that the name Alphaba? Yeah?
Give me Wicked? Correct? Who is that? Is that? Ariana Grande? No? Okay.
What's the name of the main female character in Greece? Amy? Uh,

I don't know. Oh, I can't even think of the name.
What's the name of the main female character in Olivia Newton?
John is the actress. The name of the main female
character in Greece is.

Speaker 2 (01:00:15):
Like Johnny and Olivia? Olivia Newton John, that's who it is.
John Travolta and Olivia Newton John answer, Olivia Newton John incorrect.

Speaker 1 (01:00:29):
Dang it, stupid. Let's go baby Morgan. What musical did
Lynn Manuel Miranda write and star in Hamilton? Correct? It's
down to Eddie and Morgan. Eddie has no points this season.
He's the champ, but Morgan does. The category is US geography? Eddie?
What stay is home to the Grand Canyon? No? Boy,

there's a trick question. There's gonna be multiple states, right.
What state is home to the Grand Canyon? I got it?
When people go to Vegas, they're like, hey, why.

Speaker 4 (01:01:03):
Don't we just take the little trip, we'll go to
Hoover Dam and we'll also see the Grand Canyon.

Speaker 1 (01:01:07):
So give me Nevada in correct? No, Morgan, what two states?
Get it? Do not share a border with any other
US state?

Speaker 2 (01:01:22):

Speaker 1 (01:01:22):
My gosh? Okay.

Speaker 6 (01:01:24):
Two states that don't share a border, oh, Alaska and Hawaii.

Speaker 1 (01:01:34):
New York state trooper who claimed he was shot on
Long Island ended up surrendering himself to police because he
actually shot himself. He at one time was honored in
many ways, but he shot himself for attention and sympathy,
not even accidentally. Oh my gosh, I can pull that off,

like I can search for attention to sympathy, but I
don't think I can pull the trigger to shoot myself
for that a way. The twenty seven year old now
disgraced trooper turned himself in before six am. His dad's
a former officer. They turned themselves in. They were charged
with the criminal possession of a firearm after they say
a gun was found at the foot of their bed.

Prosecutor say that back on October thirtieth, the trooper pulled
on the shoulder of the Southern State Parkway and dumped
a handful of twenty two caliber shells. Prosecutor say then
drove himself to him said Lake State Park, shot himself
and then drove back. I couldn't do it. I'm not
even judging to this guy. I couldn't shoot myself. There's
no way. I can't even mp a band aid off
my leg. I'm like, I don't know, this is gonna

hurt it, can't get it off. I can't do it.
But he shot himself. I wonder if he was looking
for more awards and did he claim someone down. I'm
sure like any kind of attention. Yeah, for lunchbox ten
thousand dollars. To shoot yourself in the foot? Oh foot?
Oh man? What else are you gonna shoot yourself? You

would shoot myself in a caf for ten thousand calf
you choose cow. I wouldn't choose calf. No way. Is
the most important toe?

Speaker 2 (01:03:10):
It's not.

Speaker 1 (01:03:11):
It's one of them and the most important. Dude.

Speaker 3 (01:03:14):
Your middle toes are the ones that you don't need.
The pinky toe and the big toe. They keep you
up right, trust me.

Speaker 1 (01:03:21):
Would you shoot yourself in the foot for ten thousand dollars?
Oh man? Yeah, I'd take a toe off for ten thousand.
So you don't take a toe off. You shoot yourself
on the foot. You know who knows what happens? Oh man? Okay, guys.

Speaker 2 (01:03:34):
The pinky toe, also known as the little toe, is
generally considered the least important.

Speaker 1 (01:03:38):
It is, yes, correct, So you talk about this. What
if I get a pellet gun or a bb gun
lunchbox for one hundred buck? Would you shoo yourself in
the foot? Oh oh? Or would you let me shoot?
I know I don't want to do it. Would you
let Eddie shoot yourself in the foot for one hundred bucks.

Speaker 3 (01:03:54):
Oh man, I would shoot myself on the foot, for
it has to be somebody else.

Speaker 1 (01:04:00):
Hundred bucks for two hundred ye out? Oh god, how
bad with that man? That bullet lodge in my foot? Huh.
I'll be thinking about that one and then to see
two hundred bucks, you know what, I will pause the
negotiation there and go, I'm gonna look into it. I'm
gonna look into it too. Can a b be break
your foot? A New Jersey cop found a woman's address

and a police database, then drove up to her house
and hit on her. I don't know that I'd be
above that. I'll be honest with you. I don't think
I would do it so blatantly. I'd find a way
to find a way, like I'd probably find the address
and then find another way to find the address, or
say I found the address. So but again, they can
they know when you're in the database, right, Like I

feel like everybody logs in. It's the log in with
like a passwords. Yes, A New Jersey cop is in
hot water for allegedly tracking down a local mom's address
and a national public database, then driving his police cruiser
to her house to ask her out. See if she did,
doesn't think it's creepy. It's the most romantic thing. Ever.
It's a fine line between bold and psychotic. Joshua A. James,

the twenty nine year old officer, was suspected, arrested, and
charged with two counts of third degree computer related criminal
activity last week. Authority Saint James had been working on
elementary school detail when he saw a twenty eight year
old mom picking up her kid. Afterward, he went into
a pair of databases, the Spilman Flex Law Enforcement Database

and the FBI managed Criminal Justice Information System to find
her home address. Armed with that information, he drove his
police car to her house in uniform and hit on her.
The woman reported the officer's over the line behavior to
the department, and the cops later arrested him. From the police,
you have to get arrested by your own friends, and
you know, they were like, bro, what are you doing?

We don't even want to have to do this. Yeah, Joshua,
why are you getting in the database? But I think
if you would have done it a little more tacked,
and maybe I don't know, maybe she's not even single.
There had to be something about his presentation that felt
a bit off because there's a very fine line again

between somebody just being bold for romance and somebody being creepy.
Has she been single and looking for a good man
and he shows up in his uniform. I just think
you have to have a different reason to get to
the house. It's like, hey, we had a repard of
like some people breaking in cars. Like I'm just going
through a few. You have to go to a few
houses next door too, Like you have to knock on
like four houses. So you didn't just dial into that

one house, dummy, Don't do that. You're making all these
hard working cops like bad that are risking their lives
every day. Which would you probably do? Shoot yourself first,
or track down a woman getting in the illegal FBI database?

Speaker 2 (01:06:49):
Oh, probably tracked someone down. Yeah, in the name of love.

Speaker 1 (01:06:54):
What'd you find up over their lunchbox? Man? It says
it can cause serious injuries to your feet. It depends.
I'm not going to give you two hundred bucks because
it feels good.

Speaker 3 (01:07:03):
I know, but they say they can penetrate the skin
and cause injury if it is shot at close range.

Speaker 1 (01:07:12):
What if we have a bb gun or pellety gun
and your back is to me, and you get five
seconds to run, and I get five shots, and I
don't get to run after you. I don't get to
run after you. I just get to shoot five times
and you get to run. You get to do the left, right, left, right, left, right,
left right. But for one hundred bucks, I get five
shots at you. Man, let me ma, I'm kind of

interested in this. I think you could probably get away
with not getting shot at all. I think so too.
You know they say if alligators chasing you run, zigzag,
you zigzag, you're good to go. And we only put
five BB's in the gun or pellets because we can't
have somebody continue to shoot. Right. Yeah, I'm in. If
you find out you'll do that a one hundred bucks, I'm in.

We'll do it outside the building so we don't get
in trouble. I thought we're do in the hallway. No,
I wouldn't want you to do because it would it
would restrict where you could go. That's a great point.
I didn't think about that. Oh, let me let.

Speaker 3 (01:08:07):
Melly gun has a faster muzzle than BB guns can
be more accurate and good for hunting and pest control.

Speaker 1 (01:08:14):
Well, I'm neither one that you don't want to hold
the pell gun. Pelly got doing nothing and that looks
suspicious though. You guys are down the street shooting. Somebody
just go to the local park man. Somebody sees him running, hm, shooting.
Let me know tomorrow what your what your verdict is? Okay, okay,
all right, Bobby Bones show sorry up today.

Speaker 3 (01:08:37):
This story comes us from Alberta, Canada. A man was
outside the bar and he had his pants down, decided
to start running his mouth. He gets in a drunken
fight and this is where it gets bad. He gets
knocked to the ground and his privates got stuck to
the ground because it was so cold. They had they
had to call him mergency cruise.

Speaker 1 (01:08:57):
What movies that Christmas story? Yeah, that's tongue gets stuck
to the pole. I thought that was always fake. Why
does the guy have his pants down before he starts
talking crap? I think he was trying to take a pee.

Speaker 2 (01:09:09):
And then that's why it was wet, I mean the
wet methost Yeah, oh it all makes sense now.

Speaker 1 (01:09:14):
That sounds so painful. So they had to call the
medical professionals to come get it off. So may just
kind of got like a little bit of warm, not
too hot, but a little bit of slightly warm, or
if he just cut a peet a little more a
little bit. Oh that sucks. Okay, I'm lunchbox.

Speaker 3 (01:09:30):
That's your bonehead story of the day, Eddie.

Speaker 4 (01:09:34):
So I go to Starbucks and I get my drink
that I'd been getting for like years bones it's called
the vanilla skinny latte. I love it. It's my drink
of choice, but I've been trying to stay away from dairy.
So I go up there and say, hey, kind of
have the vanilla skinny latte, but I'm gonna do almond
milk instead. And the guy goes, well, that's not a
vanilla skinny latte.

Speaker 1 (01:09:51):
That's true, it's not.

Speaker 4 (01:09:52):
And I'm like, what is it, because skinny to me
means like diet.

Speaker 1 (01:09:56):
Well, what's just the attitude though?

Speaker 2 (01:09:58):
Okay, but the skinny part it is non fat milk.
And if he's not having not fat milk and he's
having almond milk, it's not a skinny latte.

Speaker 4 (01:10:05):
Dude, He's scolded me.

Speaker 1 (01:10:07):
I'm confused on all things right now. I'm tracking. So
you were getting a skinny vanilla skinny latte thinking you
were not drinking milk.

Speaker 4 (01:10:17):
I just thought it was a latte but with some
kind of diet milk because it's skinny or sugar.

Speaker 1 (01:10:21):
Free, right right, it is sugar free vanilla. So why
can't you have that now?

Speaker 4 (01:10:25):
Because he said by me putting almond milk in it,
it's no longer.

Speaker 1 (01:10:29):
Can just make you whatever you ask for. That's not
the way you need to get the ted talk.

Speaker 2 (01:10:32):
It's Starbucks, okay, So what Eddie needs to say is
I'll have an almond milk latte with sugar free vanilla.

Speaker 4 (01:10:38):
It's too much.

Speaker 1 (01:10:38):
Who is this one? I'm irritated both of them. I mean,
I guess you just have to understand the lingo. I don't.

Speaker 2 (01:10:45):
Yeah, it's I mean the barista should just be like, oh, okay,
cool dude. You want I get I get it, like
I'm smart enough to put together that you want to
an almond milk latte with sugar free syrup.

Speaker 4 (01:10:56):
But at the same time, I appreciate it because now
I'm not going to go in looking like an idiot.

Speaker 1 (01:11:00):
So now what well you order?

Speaker 4 (01:11:01):
I'll take a vanilla.

Speaker 2 (01:11:01):
Skin He's there, no, no, no, say I would like an
almond milk laute with sugar free vanilla syrup.

Speaker 4 (01:11:08):
Boom. That's too much. I got to memorize that that's
too much.

Speaker 1 (01:11:13):
Thank you guys, we'll see you on Monday. Have a
great weekend. Bye everybody. Bow. The Bobby Bones Show theme
song written, produced and sang by read Yarberry. You can
find his instagram at read Yarberry, Scuba Steve executive producer, Raymondo,
head of Production. I'm Bobby Bones. My instagram is mister

Bobby Bones. Thank you for listening to the podcast.
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Hosts And Creators

Bobby Bones

Bobby Bones

Amy Brown

Amy Brown



Eddie Garcia

Eddie Garcia

Morgan Huelsman

Morgan Huelsman



Mike D

Mike D

Abby Anderson

Abby Anderson

Scuba Steve

Scuba Steve

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