Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
What up is Huey Bris the Grace Park Legend Long
Beach on you can check me out on a Bootleg
CAV podcast.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
Before we start the episode, man, I got to remind
everybody that we are on the radio in eighty cities
every single day across the country. Man Real ninety two
to three every day Monday through Friday in Los Angeles,
Wild ninety four to one in Tampa, KKFI in Phoenix.
We're all over the place, Miami, Vegas. We can go
on and on. Want to give a shout out to
our latest affiliate. Shout out to Knoxville, Tennessee, Man Hot
one O four point five for being the latest city
to join the Bootleg CAV show network. All right, now,
I don't ever really talk about the radio show on
the podcast, keep them separate. But if you want to
listen to the radio show, you can click the link
in the bio for a list of all the cities
you can listen to at Yeah, that makes sense. Let's
get to the interview. Yo, Boutleg CAV podcast special guests
in here repping Long Beach, Hueie brist in the building.
I didn't think you'd ever come because I tweeted something
about Devin Booker, like three years ago. And I'm still
Matt and you said you're working to ever come on
my show. I said, remind me never to do this show.
And now and there you're here, Karma, you're here though.
Well this is your old album from a couple of
years ago. I just want to say thank you. Most
artists don't bring gifts, so we got some blue vinyl. Yeah. Also,
most independent artists don't have vinyl. They're broke. Well they also,
you know, don't take their business too serious at all.
But you have a new album that you're working on. Yes,
well it's done. It's coming out December sixth yea like
ten days I think Jesus is that ten days from now? Yeah? Oh?
Fuck me? Running Thanksgiving as what tomorrow? Oh shit, Well
I didn't expect that it's coming as whole. Everything's just
flown by. This year was fast as shit, for sure,
for sure. Now. I first heard of you through Rest
in Peace to Buys, one our guy Buys who passed away.
You guys were working together in what capacity? Because I
know he was pushing your ship for a long time.
Speaker 1 (02:04):
He helped me, He changed my life in every way
you could think he helped me, like aside from music,
heet me like be a better like the great guy.
He helped me be a professional yapper. He was a
good he knew how to yap. Oh my god, I
missed those convos. But he was starting app called you
sound I'm sure.
Speaker 2 (02:20):
I remember you sound sound profile too. He forced me
to do it and me too.
Speaker 1 (02:25):
He was just trying to Actually, he was trying to
get me to dissolve every like little small beef. I
had it because you know, Long Beach is hell a
small hell of weird and I had a lot of
fucking beefs because I'm hella good at rapping.
Speaker 2 (02:38):
Niggas just weren't that fire. I don't want to say
their names, but anybody you are cool with now that
you can.
Speaker 1 (02:45):
All of them, like everybody I'm cool with now, but
like a little miss like miss mishaps with little with rappers.
Speaker 2 (02:50):
And anybody who you're making music with now.
Speaker 1 (02:54):
No, but I do want to make music with them.
One dude that I'm super cool with now that I
did have a uh miscommunication with. He also has a
platform as well. His name is Desi G and the
Corner Store The Freestyles Exactly. I want to go on
there and be honored.
Speaker 3 (03:09):
Speaker 1 (03:10):
I tell him on air, like, you know, I was
a fucking young, dumb, immature, fucking insecure idiot, and I
apologize for whatever I did and said.
Speaker 2 (03:18):
He's at a long beach. He's at a longa. We
grew up together.
Speaker 1 (03:21):
I love the I love the freestyle series. Literally grew
up together. And I have nothing beloved for him. Is
I know his family Like nothing beloved for that dude.
And actually, the first time I ever was on the
radio was a Desi G song. It's called Nothing that
buys put together Byes and ar that didn't even want
to cut a percentage nothing, he didn't want anything. And
the song I actually just performed at Camp flog naw
and the song that Mike G brought me out.
Speaker 2 (03:47):
He asked me, he said, can you do that song
with desi G? Nothing?
Speaker 1 (03:50):
And I'm like, my stomach's turning. I'm like, oh my god,
I haven't heard that song in so fucking long, like
made me think about Byes. I'm like, look at Byes
pulling strings from fucking heaven right, so crazy. That's the
only I was like, Yo, I got a new song,
like a new album coming do that like we wanted
nothing song with Dezig.
Speaker 2 (04:05):
It's funny, Okay. I can't flog though. That was the
most people I've probably ever seen in one setting. Yeah,
I was. That was the one, Like I know everybody
who's in LA was like, can't flog or a complex
cong which one to go to? It was? It was
really just like whichever one you get tickets to.
Speaker 1 (04:21):
Exactly, And I had tickets to both because like shout
out to Complex, kin, I have my own booth there
two years ago. No you didn't, I had two years
ago booth there. They asked me to do it again.
Was a long beach exactly, so they kind of gave
me the sympathy booth. They weren't selling all the booths.
No disrespect to Complex gn I love you and I
appreciate the opportunity, but they weren't. They didn't sell all
the boots, so they're like, hey, Bris, like can you
do it? And that brought a lot of people through because.
Speaker 2 (04:45):
People fog nah would have been the one though, Man,
oh my god, I shit it at a flog I
was in Thailand. I left Dookie on the stage. Nasty
how I did that? And it was kind of crazy.
I'm not going to call anybody else, but a certain
person on the side of the stage was like, do
you know, like do you know the lyrics? Like do
you know the cue to which you're like, do you know?
Mike's hot? And I'm like I looked and I was like,
I'm a grown man. I'm like I'm doing I'm pro.
Speaker 1 (05:11):
I said, uh yeah, but the uh was like a
confused like, oh, she doesn't know right, and she said, oh,
doesn't look like he knows his cue, like make sure
Mike's Mike, Mike's cold.
Speaker 2 (05:21):
Until it's time to go on.
Speaker 1 (05:23):
I'm like, oh shit, Like I'm thinking it's like a
technical issue or something. Man, that crowd acted like they
know me for the whole time. I had a line
of white people on the side of the stage waiting
for me to get off the stage to take pictures.
Speaker 2 (05:34):
That's big. Never they after I took all the pictures,
they were like, oh, yeah, what's your name? They were
just like we just saw you on stage and you
were amazing. They don't even care. But that's what's about
Like I always say that about like artists who don't
take their live show serious, Like yo, that is a
real way to like gain fans because cause there's even
if you open up for somebody, like if people even
if they give you a chance, you know, and you
kill it, Like even if you convert ten people, five people,
twenty people, Like that's something that shit changed my life.
And it was Mike G two. So he has a
loyal ass fan base for sure, loyal. So they're like,
who the fuck is this guy? Right? And I see
when I seen hands go.
Speaker 1 (06:12):
Humbly speaking, I've never done a show that big ever,
and I've never made that many people put their hands up.
Speaker 2 (06:19):
And if I was like, yeah.
Speaker 1 (06:21):
This if this is the feeling that uh fucking Roddy
Rich and all those guys get to when they.
Speaker 2 (06:25):
Do, I said, yeah, I gotta make some pits. Yeah,
you so give me kind of Are Are you from
the same area as I see? You know, I see
you repped the north side of the same area as Vince.
Literally yeah, like I'm from the Grace Park area. My
dad's from Boulevard Mafia. Vince's hood is like two Winds.
Two Wins is like Artesia over here.
Speaker 1 (06:42):
They actually beef by the way, but like two Wins
is over here, and then Boulevard is like closer to Compton,
so like I'm right in the middle from Grace Park,
like I went to like Jordan High, Like I'm up
and down Atlantic Long Beach Boulevard fifty fifth Carmelitos.
Speaker 2 (06:55):
Long Beach is like such an interesting city because like
if people who aren't from LA just consider it LA
because we think of Snoop and people are like Snoop LA,
but it's Long Beach. LA does not like it if
you live here. It's like, dude, Long Beach is a
serious drive. They don't like us. It's its own thing.
It's it's it's it's got its own politics and own
county jail, its own county jail. And hell, you know,
there's Asian crips.
Speaker 1 (07:20):
There's all heavy And I didn't meet a blood in
person until I was like fourteen fifteen, Like I never
I never knew that. I kind of didn't even I
thought that was like a figment of TV.
Speaker 2 (07:32):
So there's not bloods in Long Fuck No. So they're there,
they live there and stuff, but they're like their neighborhood
isn't there. Hell no, it's so there's nothing but cryp
set So they're sets set beef with.
Speaker 1 (07:42):
Each other that are yes, all crips. Nobody in Long
Beach gets along.
Speaker 2 (07:45):
Got it, got it, got maybe like if that's your
cousin or like, but it's like heavy brown and black
beef heavy. And then the Asians fit in there somewhere.
Speaker 1 (07:55):
Asians beef with the Mexicans really bad, Like that's worse
than us, Like they like the underdogs, so they're not
given fair fades at all. Like you get caught at
a fucking liquor store and you're a you're with the Asian.
The Mexican's gonna get on the Asian first.
Speaker 2 (08:08):
Shit. I was just in Thailand with Stupid Young, which
was Stupid Young runs Long Beach, which was crazy because
he was cracking out in Thailand.
Speaker 1 (08:16):
Bro Stupid Young's hood. The Asian boys are so cracking
in Long Beach. They don't even go to liquor stores.
They have a lady that goes and comes and brings
alcohol and cups and ice to them.
Speaker 2 (08:28):
So he has a guy who uh, this dude Steve,
who I met in Bangkok and he's a stupid young
og yeah from Asian boys. Yeah, and he did a
stint in prison and got out and moved to Bangkok
and opened a dispensary that's Gangston. So I'm like out
there and I'm like like pulling up to this dude's
dispensary is called California's Finest, of course, and it's like
the most like laed out like storage just in the
middle of Bangkok in the middle. And then there's this dude, Steve,
who's like the most like hardcore crip Asian dude you've
ever met in your life. And he's just like thriving
in Thailand.
Speaker 1 (09:07):
I can see that. Yeah, Long Beach is weird. It's
like the water out there is so different. We could
travel anywhere and like adapt so crazy and like I'll
be I would never be surprised if like stupid young
opened up his own fuckings.
Speaker 2 (09:19):
No, he's doing his thing, man, and uh you know
I was. I was just trying to work with him too.
If you could hook that up, that's easy work, I
told I just told him, I'm like, bro, I see,
I see the way you're moving around in Thailand, dog, Like,
you know what's great about you being out here? You
have your guard down. He was chilling, probably because it's like,
you know, if you're in La you're moving around like
you got problems to everybody. It's like it's like, dude,
you just never know the brown is. Even if you're
in Vegas, you never know Asians brown too.
Speaker 1 (09:47):
I don't want to speak on I need to find out,
like in the comments, please let me.
Speaker 2 (09:51):
I'll say this. I did see one of Stupid Young's
friends with the tattoo the City Yellow Boys. Okay, that
makes sense, but I I it's an observation, understood, not
a death claration for me. Understood, understood, understood, understood. I'm not.
I'm not confirming nor disconfirming. Much respect to to all
the yellows. Uh talk about your your new project you
got coming. You got a new record out right now.
That's dope that you said. It's kind of like you
stepping into like a new uh you know, uh, something
that maybe could get played in the clubs, get played
in the day parties.
Speaker 1 (10:22):
Unfortunately, I had to conform. As you can see, I'm here.
I've been performing to things lately.
Speaker 2 (10:27):
Yeah, sometimes, I mean conforming is one way to put it.
Speaker 1 (10:30):
I have to, But I was basically what happened was
the I was already kind of like working on an album,
and I was like oh.
Speaker 2 (10:37):
I'm not gonna make no I'm gonna do all no hooks.
You know how to underground guys get and I get channel.
Trust is my guy. He's from Compton. She started the
genre Compton House. He hit me, Actually I hit him.
I was blowing him up for months, like, please, can
I get in a session with you? You're blowing up
right now. I know you.
Speaker 1 (10:54):
It's not like you're some fucking guy that I know you. Dude,
so like he's he never he never not said it,
but he was, you know, he was very like working
and busy. He was running sessions with DJ Quick Randomly.
He texts me an address, that's it in a time,
be here, don't be late. Like fuck, I don't have
any gas. I don't have anything. I like, hit a bitch,
can I borrow some money for your gass? And I'm
weaaring fucking wherever I am? I go way to fucking
undisclosed location. I knock on the fucking door. A lady
comes out like, who are you here for? It gives
me this weird ass look, coo youre here for? I'm like, trust,
I'm like all humbled and shit. She's like, oh, I
go to the door. Fucking DJ Quick answered the door.
Mind blown. You should have seen me. Everybody in the
room is like looking at how I'm gonna react. Mind
is blown. I'm like what the fuck. He's like, yeah,
it's me.
Speaker 2 (11:43):
It's me.
Speaker 1 (11:44):
I'm like, nah, homie, Like you're not just about to
just open the door and fuck me up like that. Bro, Like, nah,
I'm gonna try this again. I went out, open the
door again. It's still there. He's still there. I'm like, okay,
this isn't a dream. I'm fanning out. He's a Channels
in there, just being super chill, like yeah, just got
done running a fucking thirty hour session, Like we're all tired,
we're all about to go home.
Speaker 2 (12:03):
Yeah, Quick's been on it, dude, he's been working. Dude.
Speaker 1 (12:06):
I'm like, hell Na, like something got to shake. They're
playing me the new record. It was Quick and.
Speaker 2 (12:11):
Problem Trooper Coo exactly.
Speaker 1 (12:14):
So problems running through records, just letting me hear shit
and like great album.
Speaker 2 (12:19):
I'm honored. At this time, I'm like, what the fuck
is going on? Like Channel's on here, Like what the fuck?
My boy Barney's there, he's helping write with Channel.
Speaker 1 (12:25):
It's just a lot going on at one time, Buddy
walks in randomly. I guess he got the same message, right,
But he's buddy, so he can come whenever he wants.
Speaker 2 (12:35):
Quick's like, oh shit, Buddy, here, I can't leave yet,
Like nah.
Speaker 1 (12:38):
They pop up with some drinks, everybody's the party starts,
you know, Buddy come in. It's it's it's a whole
different energy. So channel's like fuck. It plays a beat,
the beat that's on my fucking album. I just write
a verse really quick, like the quickest verse I've ever wrote,
no pun and I'm writing the verse quickest. Fuck and
Buddy just like, let me go on the studio. He
goes in the studio, does the hook. We've got to
rewrite the whole verse.
Speaker 2 (13:00):
Now. I'm like, god damnit. Now not at all. It's
a dance song, now, dancer. I don't want to round man, sir.
I'm like, God damn it, I gotta write a dance song.
I'm like, uh. I start going through my notes, I
like I have nothing. I'm like, God damn it. I'm
like fuck. I write the verse like.
Speaker 1 (13:15):
That's why the first verse is so short, because I'm like, fuck,
I don't write these kind of songs for real. So
I have to write a verse about a bitch I
met in the club, which I don't meet bitches in
the club.
Speaker 2 (13:25):
So his hook kind of dictated like, okay, well now
I gotta go.
Speaker 1 (13:27):
There, which makes sense because fifty cent I saw fifty
interviews like I can't even write a verse without a hook.
Speaker 2 (13:31):
I'm like, well, I can't write it. I get the
hook from the verse. That's how I write, Like I'm tupac,
So that makes sense, buddy, killed it. I fucking.
Speaker 1 (13:42):
Write the verse. And then everybody's tired, mind you, They've
been in the studio all day. So I'm like, fun,
all right, can I take this song? And Todd is there?
Shout out to Todd. Todd is Larry Junes engineer.
Speaker 2 (13:51):
Okay, Todd didn't have to send me the session, mind you,
because that's not my session, right, I'm blowing Todd up, Yo,
can you send me that session.
Speaker 1 (14:00):
I don't even have an engineer at the time. I'm like,
how the fuck am I gonna I gotta finish this song?
Like Quick's in there. Quick saw me do my verse,
saw me do it, and just dipped. He was all right, cool,
like keep doing your thing. Baby got up out of there.
I sat on that song for like maybe like a
month or two. And then this girl I'm dating at
the time, right now, I was about to say at
the time, do not don't leave me. This girl I'm
dating was as a fucking Channel Tress fan like she
loves him. She's like, no, you need to finish this song.
It's the last thing you do. I'm like, all right,
a higher engineer with money I don't have in the studio,
I can afford finish the second verse. Then I have
to pay another session to get Barney Barney Bones who
helps Channel Right all the time, to come do his part,
and then I have to book another session to mix
it master it. So at this point I'm in the
red in my own fucking budget.
Speaker 2 (14:55):
I'm like, damn truly independent.
Speaker 1 (14:56):
I'm truly independent, and I'm like, fuck dude, like whatever. Randomly,
a song I did with Smino and Jid because of Buddy.
Buddy invited me to the session. I marked the song
that's my kind of rappers right marked it. It leaked
because you know, damn well, Jibs people and Smino aren't
going to just let some city let some shit leak out,
like I mean, let some shit clear that wouldn't have
got clear. They just got off tour. Oh yeah, they
had the dre they had the dress right, yep, yep.
Speaker 2 (15:25):
So we're trying to like maybe perform the song. You know,
it's very like high hopes, like maybe Whybeo will drop
it after the tour, very very very immature thinking. But
I mean they're both on major labels too. It's not
happening for me. It's a little bit harder. It's a
little bit harder to get those records out. It's almost like,
if you're an independent artist, it would behoove you to
work with major artists. It's like it was cool to
send around to people and.
Speaker 3 (15:48):
Yeah, like I got some shit with Jit and but
I guess one of the engineers at the studio heard
it and he mixed it and sent it to me,
and then it leaked.
Speaker 2 (15:58):
It was a form of Smino Jid leaks that came out.
The leak got to.
Speaker 1 (16:03):
Create music, create music, heard that it was creating, So
I posted it.
Speaker 2 (16:08):
Now everybody's posting.
Speaker 1 (16:09):
It like fucking we got off here, we can keep
up with Jid and Smino, duh. And then fucking that
got me a little distribution deal with Create that helped
me pay for the video for this, and helped me
get me a nice little car. And like I've invested
in my own studio. Bought the fucking Bay ten seventy three,
the distresser compressor, the Noyman ten, the Noyman, the funk.
Speaker 2 (16:32):
I mean, you got like the fucking that's that's the
vocal chain, that's all you need. Killed it and it's
right in the crib hollow.
Speaker 1 (16:38):
Put the kid to sleep. I got an SSL like
a Very. I don't think they make.
Speaker 2 (16:42):
It anymore like a Very.
Speaker 1 (16:43):
You didn't make it the small SSL, Yeah, I don't.
I got the I got like the OG one somehow
because of shout out to Vinyl, but I mean not Vinyl.
Speaker 2 (16:52):
Uh. I can't even vintage Kings. So you're recording yourself
all day's.
Speaker 1 (16:58):
I just hired an engineer from haw he's out here
and he's like working out Pulse, getting hell of money
at Pulse. So now I kind of can give it,
like y'all got two hundred dollars. Then you come through,
He's like, yeah, I'll do it.
Speaker 2 (17:09):
Come on.
Speaker 1 (17:10):
So now he helps me out a lot now, thank god,
But are you still out Long Beach. No, I'm in
Hollywood now, Smart fifteen minutes from here.
Speaker 2 (17:17):
Smart killed it. Rent control building, rent controls the move.
Oh my god, that saw, I know, God was real. Bro,
I'll tell you that story later. Yeah, my boy lives
in an apartment in North Hollywood and his rent is
so disrespectfully cheap that it like I want to like
throw him out and move into his apartment. You would
hate me. Then, two bedroom, two bathroom, two parking spots,
so my boys got the same shit and he's paying
fifteen to sixty a month. He killed me off. Yeah,
Nico Blitz said, motherfucker. He's been living there for like
six years. He's he killed it. Don't move it, lovely.
It was that three years ago. So however much it's increased,
it isn't that much because it's rent controlled. So I'm like, dude,
you're winning killed it, winning killed it. So I'm like,
no matter how, no matter what happens, never moved, sublease it.
I'm like, don't ever move bro. Like it's a two bedroom,
you don't have any kids, who cares.
Speaker 1 (18:09):
It's amazing and we switch rooms all the time. She
wants my room sometimes I want her room. She lives
with me now, so it's so gangster. I'm so, I'm blessed.
I killed that and I put the studio in the
room and I just recording there all day, this whole
pretty much the last couple songs of this project, and
all my next shit is in the fucking crib fire.
Speaker 2 (18:28):
How smart though you save money that way, I'm never
leaving that shit. What have you been able to sit
with the Kendrick album? Yet? I love it? Yeah? All
the way through Kendrick keeps sucking up my rollout. Yeah,
I mean like I was fucking up a lot of
rollouts anytime he drops. To be honest, he kind of.
Speaker 1 (18:44):
I learned a valuable lesson on patience because the video
was supposed to come out when he dropped the Surprise
Little Album. My video was supposed to come out that day,
but my video guy didn't have the titles done yet.
Speaker 2 (18:58):
Ah, So I was like getting upset because the day
before I'm like, like the font and stuff exactly, And
the day before I'm like, we need the video to
drop tomorrow because the song comes out tomorrow and then
creates like chill out. We could push the DSPs through
the weekend. Drop it on Monday today. Yes, ma'am, goodness, gracious,
there's a phone call, just hit ignore young lady. Goodness. Yeah.
I was in Thailand walking out of Rolling Loud and
my boy was like, Kendrick just dropped and I was
like what, and it was Thailand is fifteen hours ahead
of La goddamn. So it's like tomorrow at night. Damn.
It's crazy. So I'm like what and like, so we're
walking out, I'm listening to this shit in my ear
like this, like what the fuck? I couldn't get past
the first song for a minute. I was like, because
you had to like dissect it, you had to go wait, wait,
what did he say? What do you say? He came
out Snoop. Yes, that fucked me up for sure, And
I like how Snoop you know, replied like a good
sport and was like it was the Edibles. It's it's
because I I kind of felt him, because when Snoop,
when when I saw that, I felt like, I mean,
obviously it's not my position to feel any type of way,
but I did kind of feel like I would like,
why would Snoop validate then Corny Ship like you know,
but it's like Snoop, Snoop post Hell is ship on
his pitch, his pagoops damn near mean pin. I was
about to say, yeah, mean page. So it's like I
feel like with with Snoop, you really can't like Snoop's
hard is. I feel like in a good.
Speaker 1 (20:23):
Place always, especially with Kendrick. He he knighted him, He
knighted him on stage. Kendrick is knighted by the gods.
Speaker 2 (20:30):
Yeah, no, it's wild. Yeah, I thought it was joked
that he put on a bunch of young guys too.
You know.
Speaker 1 (20:34):
I listened to it the first I was in New
York when it dropped, So it was super surreal for
me because I'm like on the subway listening to it, like.
Speaker 2 (20:42):
What is going on right now? Like who is he
talking about? Why? Who's this other guy?
Speaker 1 (20:47):
All the track lists were Yeah, there was hidden I
didn't know none of those guys except I just knew.
Speaker 2 (20:52):
I knew obviously Wally Paeso and uh I never heard
of Lefty was dope, Pacs'm hip on every anybody now Yeah,
and then but I didn't. I couldn't tell it was
right away, Like I know a couple of records, But
I feel like Wally really deserved it. Though for sure
some big everybody thought, yeah with the future thing, Well
he's got some he signed us. He might have a
situation that he's gonn announce.
Speaker 1 (21:20):
The man I've seen he's with Zona man a lot.
That's my triplet. Me him and Buddy are triplets.
Speaker 2 (21:25):
While he's got some ship. He came with what was
his first song, not paranoid, uh, just trying to kill
me for some scandalous.
Speaker 1 (21:36):
Scandalus is huge in the hood. I mean we were
like okay, Like scandalss is a classic boom. Then he
drops the O three flow and like, if you've ever
dealt with a dude who's been to jail before on
any level, that is their ship.
Speaker 2 (21:50):
Yeah, you could play that. You could play that in
the club. And he's very different because he doesn't. I
don't feel like he wants to come off like he's
some super blood. He doesn't. But the other thing that's
interesting about Wally is like he is a like he
really has the real capacity and ability to like wrap
his fucking ass. Oh yeah, I've ciphered with that man. Actually,
he's come on a freestyle a couple of times on here,
and every time I'm just like, oh my god, what
one takes it?
Speaker 1 (22:18):
Oh yeah he has a classic one here? Yeah yeah,
I common it's just so good man.
Speaker 2 (22:22):
I'm like, dude, you're a fucking alien. He doesn't even try.
He's an alien, don't. I don't forget which major label
had him signed. That was it Atlantic? They fuck that
up though, Oh they know they did. Though a lot.
Speaker 1 (22:32):
I feel like a lot of labels know when they
fuck up because they can't they can't market them the
way they.
Speaker 2 (22:37):
I don't understand what the like. Uh, it feels like
there's this huge like wall of like labels that just
don't know how to market West Coast artists that aren't
already like super on.
Speaker 1 (22:49):
Even then, like even Roddy, Like they don't know how
to to his next level. Like a lot of people
don't know what to do with the West Coast.
Speaker 2 (22:55):
Yeah, the Roddy thing is interesting because I truly feel
like he's a study of like somebody who who's momentum
was truly affected by COVID. You know, wow, I didn't
even think about that because he had his whole festival
run that was coming. He had the biggest song on
the planet when COVID started. You know, the box was
the biggest song on the planet and still I mean
it was went like diamond, didn't it. Yeah? I think so.
I mean that's all time crazy single. Whoever is a
part of that song. I know it's doing fair, But
I think when when with COVID, it's like everybody was
sitting down overthinking ship. I had heard that that second
album had like four different versions. The version that ended
up coming out was like not the version a lot
of people said should have came out. But I also
thought that this shit was cool. We had some shit
on there. Line. I love Roddy man. I think Roddy's
incredible me too, and I want to work with him.
But I do think the COVID thing was just a
weird thing because there were certain like younger artists who
like didn't know what to do. Like I was like, Okay,
well if COVID's here, do we still work, Well, we
can't tour, So like he was really you gotta understand
his tour was going on when that album came out, the.
Speaker 1 (24:00):
First one or the second one, the first one, h
anti social one, Yeah, oh my god.
Speaker 2 (24:04):
So he was doing fifteen eighteen hundred cap venues, oh
my god, when he should have been doing like three
four five thousand, So he didn't even really get to
fully like crack the tour after the album hit and
like Blue the fuck he's an arena artist? No, yeah,
I mean I think I don't know. I wouldn't. I
don't know if he is now, but I think that
he's capable of being an arena golf wing.
Speaker 1 (24:28):
When Mustard brought him out, oh yeah, that was the
most respectfully, that was like the most of the crowd.
Speaker 2 (24:35):
I mean, he's got them hit. They were washing to
his songs. Riddy's got hits, and he's got He's got
this like the songs that are just so easy to
sing along too, like his melodies are un like unfukiable
for us. Was on Kendergarten Uh siete uh pay so
so who am I forgetting? It? Is one more? I
know there's a few more hit a hit, a hitted,
hitted baby love his verse. Yeah, people be hitting meet
the whoops. They love him, Yes, yes, and I think
he might be.
Speaker 1 (25:06):
Kendricks's cousin says, uh huh, Dodie Dodi's Hey, now say
now that's him he on Hay Now say.
Speaker 2 (25:13):
Now, oh that song is nast What is on Dodger Blue?
A ZI, there we go. He's on Dodger Blue. Uh
it's Wally and Roddy.
Speaker 1 (25:27):
And I feel like a Z Shike is on a
sick run. He was just on He's on a t
D run. He school boys ship, got his own song
for sure. He's on Kendrick ship. I feel like if
he gets on one more t D artist ship, they
might as well sign him.
Speaker 2 (25:40):
Yeah, hey man, him and him and Rucie had a
great album.
Speaker 1 (25:42):
That they dropped a couple of years and and Shike
like kind of like got load of great kind of
popping like between one take Jay and Shike and then
like load the Great is like insane.
Speaker 2 (25:52):
Yeah, I feel like, uh, I mean, ship man, it's up.
It's just really up to all everybody to deliver, you know.
And I think I think now it's like it's almost
like the industry has always been so like non West
Coast biased, like it's always the South or East Coast
artists get all love or fucking Canadian art. But I
do feel like Kendrick's like forcing the moment to where
if you're from LA like the labels would be doing
themselves a disservice to not look at you and be like, hey,
how do we make this happen? Like I think Lefty
Gunplay is going to get a stupid bag. Stupid bag,
Like what like this guy is a fucking He's like
he just did some shit with O j Z and
then you see how they rolled it out. I thought
he's got a song out with Jeremiah right now. Him
and oh Jeez's been working him and hit Boy got
a damn your whole album together. He's been working with
tight Ali sign. Like, I feel like that's your right
of passage if hit Boy like gives you an album.
It's like hitt Boy is free big hit by the way,
but yeah, hit Boy's been on a crazy run. But yeah,
for sure, it's something like a right passage. For sure.
Speaker 1 (27:01):
It's like, oh, hit boys fucking with you, Like, I
still got work to do. I need to get the
hit Boy and I still need to get.
Speaker 2 (27:06):
You haven't worked with hit Boy yet.
Speaker 1 (27:07):
Nah, that's the hommie, But I still need to get
like hit Boy and Alchemist, Alchemist the one. If I
could just get them too, and just like I'll be okay.
Speaker 2 (27:15):
Who do you? Do you have any other features on
your new project? Buddy's on there, Barney Bones is on there?
Who else is on there? Channels on there? I don't
think it's anybody else. I don't not off the top
of my head, I don't. I'll be wrapping way better
than niggas. So it's like there's gonna be trying to
come to the studio with me. You you have like
a pretty crazy independent catalog too, Like you've you drop
a lot, Like I think twenty twenty three years old,
you had three or four hours that you dropped. I
was hurting that year too. Is it like for you
being like an independent artist and this is like how
you pay your bills? Do you see, like the the
more music you are able to drop, does it help
with like raising all sales? The sickest part. I made
the most money this year and I didn't even.
Speaker 1 (28:00):
Drop really like how though I have no idea? Just
off music, yes, off of merch music shows. Buddy put
me on his album. We went straight to Japan.
Speaker 2 (28:12):
You went to your Japan's crazy. I hate to be
that rapper that's like, oh I'm big in Japan. No,
but that's the thing I swear to god, me and
Buddy did like five shows out there. I was just
talking to my boys and they they're part of a
group called bad Hop, which is like the only hip
hop group they ever saw to Tokyo Dome I thought
was shit. And they were just talking about how Japanese,
he said, Asian fans period. He's like they buy everything. Oh,
I sold out. He was like, Yo, if you got
a T shirt, if you got a lunchbox, if you
got a fucking pencil, they're buying it. I should have
I should have went around like if you could get
cracking in Japan, you're the man.
Speaker 1 (28:51):
That's the only thing that makes people out here fuck
with me for real, because they'd be like even like
the all the West Coast dudes like Jay Worthy others
like you go to go to Japan, like Japan, Like
Jay Worthy's really big in Japan.
Speaker 2 (29:03):
I bet he's huge out there. Yeah. And I don't
even know, Like I wonder like, is it just like
is it just that the music resonates them? Niggas wear
do rags out there for sure, And there's like the
Japanese solos, Yes, they think.
Speaker 1 (29:16):
You can't tell them that until I come around and
they're like, oh, yeah, that that's Melanie.
Speaker 2 (29:20):
I just wonder what is the what is the the
highway for the music to pop over there? Is it
the obviously it's the Internet, but is there do you
have to put work in out there for to like translate?
I think it was. I think it's like a conscious
effort of like, hey, we need to put some effort
into Japan for it to work. No. I think that's
what they don't fuck with. I think you just need
a lowrider in your video and they're like, we're in
that simple so their culture. They love jay Z so
much out there too. Jay Z so so Yankee hats
they love that.
Speaker 1 (29:52):
Yeah, if you're really from New York or really from LA,
they fuck with you interesting, They fuck with you heavy,
like they're gonna ask you to like LA. Like if
you wear that het out there, they're gonna think you're
from San Francisco.
Speaker 2 (30:04):
Oh that's fire.
Speaker 1 (30:05):
Your your representation, No representation matters out there like a motherfucker.
Like any advice from any West Coast artists, go as
west as possible.
Speaker 2 (30:15):
If you want to get that Japan money, yes, because
they're given to you. G Perico, probably go out there
and eat what g Perico goes anywhere and eats because
he's a supercrip, the super Crypt. He is super he's
got he could go anywhere.
Speaker 1 (30:32):
He's he was one of the He's the first major
West Coast artists that gave me a feature.
Speaker 2 (30:38):
He's, by the way, the fucking nicest guy ever. I
didn't even you would never know that man gang Bang
if he didn't look like a supercrypt. He does look
like a supercrypt. Though. Yes he has like a vintage
bandana collection. That's a wild sentence. I promise you, Like, Yo,
you see this. I got this from a Korean dollar
store in ninety nine.
Speaker 1 (30:57):
He's gonna he's gonna hit you in this interview. Come
out and be like he ain't lying. Lat Nigga got different.
Speaker 2 (31:02):
That one from six.
Speaker 1 (31:03):
I got that from O six like this one was
in the Chronic video. He's like, I collect bandanas, it's vintage.
Speaker 2 (31:09):
Do for this on stage.
Speaker 1 (31:10):
You get it the blues in Vegas the night he
was killed, and he don't like back pocket of either.
He put that bitch all the way on on his
head like he's such a crip that the.
Speaker 2 (31:19):
You know what I would we got to give to
that credit to him because he's one of the forefronts
of the bandana movement still, and I'm not talking about
putting one in your pocket, but I'm talking about like
the applying it to your head. Yes, in full force.
He does not play. Yeah, he's still there's a few
guys who wear bandanas, but I feel like jee Perico's like.
Speaker 1 (31:37):
The bandana whever and Gee Perico is filthy rich, don't
that's not why let's I'm away these let's not get
that fucked got rich guy taught me more about financial
literacy than.
Speaker 2 (31:51):
Anybody. He's the one that told me, maybe like a
year ago. He's like, oh yeah, if you're going like
Blue Leg Cab or Just Incredible or any of these platforms,
he's like, just just spitch who notes, Just spit your
own notes, apt like whatever you got, spit it, like,
don't play, Like, don't go up there and think like motherfuckers,
I'm gonna see that. Yeah, Like I'm gonna go up
there and like you know, don't go do a performing.
Speaker 1 (32:10):
He's like just specifically like this platform and like the
like these other ones, He's like, go up there and
like spin. Motherfuckers are watching because He's like niggas in
jail and niggas all over it.
Speaker 2 (32:19):
They watched that ship. Is one of the smartest guys
in hip hop. Man. He taught me a lot. He
got this indie rapt shit figured out.
Speaker 1 (32:26):
He that's why I move how I move. He gave
me that feature and told me, like, get away from this, dude,
stop messing with that. Dude, where's your publicist? Why aren't
you putting money towards this? Oh you got if you
get it? He's he told me, if you get a
distribution deal, spend all your money on the budget on
digital marketing. M He's like all of it, Like, don't
waste a dollar, keep all of it for digital market
I just spend You know, I got a child.
Speaker 2 (32:46):
So what would be digital marketing be for people who
are watching who don't understand like that.
Speaker 1 (32:50):
Sleeping on gems, Instagram pages, Spotify, marquees, making sure that
your ship front center ads fucking making sure that your
ship is like visit bull and they can see you,
especially if you're handsome. You know what I'm saying, Like,
make sure you put your image first, because that's what
really draws people to him. His image is like top
tier that's true. And he wears he can wear red
and people are like, are you.
Speaker 2 (33:14):
Going is that's his clothing line? You get it? Blue
T shirt, very top is blue. That's how we met
because I was I.
Speaker 1 (33:20):
I used to be partnered with the Art Gallery and
Long Beach and he wanted to shoot a video and
he wanted to do a photo shoot and he wanted
to do a campaign like he wanted to do three
and one at the Art Gallery, and I gave him
like an incredible deal.
Speaker 2 (33:32):
Yeah, and it was crazy, great guy, man, that Guparico
changed my life. Yo, what uh for you? Man? This
new album? I'm assuming are you already kind of because
you drop so often? Are you already kind of working
on the next thing? Yeah?
Speaker 1 (33:45):
Me and Channel Tress, that's who did the single. We
got the EP pretty much done, so that's what's next.
Speaker 2 (33:50):
Speaker 1 (33:50):
And then the dude Rohan, I'm going to sign him
to my My. I'm gonna start a label after this.
And then you want to sign only producers.
Speaker 2 (33:57):
Like DJ's and like fucking engineers. Drew and Buddy do
like a full, full, full thing. I'm on Buddy's next single.
I would love to do something with Buddy we just
need to sit down because he's independent. Now he's up Empire, right,
I'll let him tell it. Well, I don't know. I
know he had if he had a cup of tea
at Empire exactly. He was over there, Okay, I don't
he got some big news coming too. He's like Wally,
Jesus them guys Compton. Yeah, there's something in the water
over there. Something is in the water in Compton. I
think that is a fair state, for sure. There it is, man.
We'll look. Your new album's coming out December sixth. Yes,
people can still buy vinyl from your old albums. I'm
assuming it's all online. Bristol, miss dot com go support
uh and I appreciate you pulling up and go watch
the freestyle this guy just did too, because it is
fucking fire boom heree Brice